Sunday Open Thread

8.8 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

Experts Adrift: Solar Cycle 25 more active than expected

There’s an electromagnetic ball of fire that is 1.3 million times the size of Earth and just 8 minutes away by photon, and we really don’t know what’s going on there.

Climate models assume the solar wind and magnetic field has no effect on our climate.  But we find solar patterns everywhere from the prehistoric climate of Greenland, the North Atlantic jet stream, and even in human fertility and lifespan and jellyfish plagues.

Historians will mock us for trying to predict Earth’s climate when we are in the baby days of Space Weather knowledge. Solar Cycle 24 (the last one) was a shorter cycle, just under 10 years. Right now the big question is whether Solar Cycle 25 will be bigger and more active which seems to happen after a short cycle. But it’s too early to tell. This top graph overstates the effect.

Sunspot Activity on The Sun Is Seriously Exceeding Official Predictions

The Solar Cycle Prediction Panel predicted that the 25th cycle since record-keeping began would be similarly quiet, with a peak of 115 sunspots. By contrast, the number of sunspots for the last 18 months has been consistently higher than predictions. At time of writing, the Sun has 61 sunspots, and we’re still over three years from solar maximum.

Solar Cycle 25, bigger than expected. Graph sunspot activity.

Solar Cycle 25, bigger than expected.

Cycle 25 has been consistently higher than Cycle 24, but it is all within the margins of noise. 

It certainly doesn’t look like it will be “the highest on record”. h/t Eben.


So there are battles over predictions but they are all guessing, including the author of this press release, and the top graph, Scott McIntosh, who admits as much:

A solar cycle following a longer cycle, they noticed, was likely to be on the weaker side. But a cycle following a shorter cycle was likely to be stronger. Solar Cycle 23 was long, which is consistent with the weakness of Solar Cycle 24. But Solar Cycle 24 was also short, coming in at just under 10 years.

This, McIntosh and his colleagues predicted in 2020, meant that Solar Cycle 25 was likely to be stronger – perhaps among the strongest on record. And the climbing sunspot numbers would suggest they may have been onto something.

“Scientists have struggled to predict both the length and the strength of sunspot cycles because we lack a fundamental understanding of the mechanism that drives the cycle,” McIntosh said at the time.

Though for the solar nerds, McIntosh explained his reasons back in 2020:

If he’s right and extreme UV marks the magnetic fields moving in waves, it’s just one more factor that’s missing in the models. Climate modelers think the Sun is just a ball of light, and fill all the gaps in their understanding with the hypothetical effect of “CO2”.

In 2014, he and his colleagues published a paper describing their observations of the Sun on a 22-year cycle.

This has long been considered the full solar cycle, when the poles return to their starting positions, but McIntosh noticed something interesting. Over the course of about 20 years or so, flickers of extreme ultraviolet light called coronal bright points seem to move from the poles towards the equator, meeting in the middle.

The movement of these bright points across the mid-latitudes seems to coincide with sunspot activity.

Solar Terminators, UV

It’s really more of a 22 year cycle on the sun before the North pole gets back to where it started.

These bright points, McIntosh believes, are linked with bands of magnetic fields that wrap around the Sun, propagating from the poles to the equator every 11 years or so.

Because they have opposite polarity, when they meet in the middle, they cancel each other out – what the researchers call a “terminator”. These terminator events mark the end of a solar magnetic cycle, and the start of the next.

But they don’t always take exactly the same amount of time. Sometimes these bands slow down as they reach mid-latitudes, which means that the length of time between terminator events varies. And the team noticed that there’s a correlation between the length of time between terminators and the intensity of the following solar maximum.

“When we look back over the 270-year long observational record of terminator events, we see that the longer the time between terminators, the weaker the next cycle,” said astronomer Bob Leamon of the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

“And, conversely, the shorter the time between terminators, the stronger the next solar cycle is.”

Keep reading  →

9.5 out of 10 based on 67 ratings

Fourth dose booster honeymoon all over in just 8 weeks

Not much of a honeymoon — “Week 2 to week 6”

Coronavirus-vaccine. Photo

Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash

A new Israeli study sliced through the medical records of 1.2 million people. They compared people who had three doses with people who went on to have four. By three or four weeks after the 4th shot, people had half as many symptomatic infections. It’s “nice” but it’s only 50% efficacy, and that’s as good as it gets. So much for the glory days of “95% efficacy” — things are so unimpressive, no one talks in percentages anymore. By eight weeks after the fourth dose there was pretty much no extra protection against infection left.

On the plus side, the fourth dose did seem to prevent people getting a nasty disease, with 3.5 times as many 3-dose people getting a severe infection compared to the 4th-dosers. On the down side, those patients were only followed for six weeks. The honeymoon-from-hospitalization may fade quickly too. It lasts a few months with the 3rd dose.

So the fourth dose isn’t going to last through the winter — the meaningful honeymoon period is just a few weeks — from Week 2 to Week 6 to be precise, and that’s only 30-50% “protection”. If damage from Wuhan spikes is cumulative, the short honeymoon may be a bum deal, to say the least.

So when it comes to people getting on planes, if it’s not safe for the unvaccinated to fly because they might spread more disease, then it’s not safe for the multi-vaccinated most of the time either.

Higher dots on this graph mean more protection

Forth dose Pfizer Vaccine, dose, Israel, Graph.

8 weeks after the fourth dose there was no difference between people who had three or four doses. They probably still have some protection against Severe infection, but for how long?

Dr Bean does a detailed video for those who are interested.


Bar-On, Yinon M et al (2022) Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel, New England Journal of Medicine, April 5, 2022, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2201570

9.6 out of 10 based on 48 ratings

Weekend Unthreaded

9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

Unvaxxed Australians can’t leave the country because of a WHO treaty: “We’re protecting the world”

WHO World Health Organisation

Here’s a surprise for all you Australians trapped in Australia because you chose not to take part in a medical experiment. The reason you can’t leave is not for your own health. It’s not for the health of fellow Australians. It’s because we are “protecting the rest of the world”.  This is a world where where fully vaccinated travellers have already spread Covid to every country on Earth and at least 72 countries are happy for you to turn up on their door with your tourist dollars and without a vaccine.

As Senator Rennick says: “I cannot for the life of me see the health risks in an unvaccinated person leaving the country.”

Paul Kelly, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer explained that it was due to Australia’s International Health Obligations. That’s an international treaty we signed because we’re a member of the WHO. As far as a quick search turns up, Australia, Canada and the UAE may be the only nations still banning their own citizens from leaving. In Canada, things are so inexplicable, the vaccinated don’t even need to do a test anymore. So people infected with Covid are free to fly in or out of Canada shedding virus everywhere.  But healthy unvaccinated people “will need to be tested at the airport and again eight days after arrival, and isolate for 14 days.” Righto.

The Australian PM Scott Morrison keeps telling us he opposes mandates, yet he hasn’t said “boo” about this international treaty. Indeed, if the Australian government was set up as a subsidiary wing of Pfizer and Moderna, they could hardly have done more to lift profits

Below Senator Rennick asks Paul Kelly, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, at the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee why unvaccinated Australians can’t leave the country. It may take two repeat-viewings to get the message, there is no sunset clause on locking in the refuseniks.

The Good news is that finally the two year Pandemic Emergency Biosecurity powers are about to end.

The Bad news is the government plans to make other rules that will still stop unvaxxed Australians from leaving.

Australian citizens who wish to travel without getting injections will still need to swim, paddle, ride crocodiles, or renounce their citizenship. Perhaps Prof Kelly is hoping to use this as a “booster” bonus carrot? Will they ban the two-jabbed?

From Senator Rennicks Facebook account.

No one in their wildest mind can pretend it’s about your health anymore:  viral loads in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated reach the same levels. Vaccines double cardiovascular risk factors and don’t appear to improve our chances of staying alive overall. In fact US Military Data shows a frighteningly higher rate of vaccination injuries — a 300% to 1000% increase medical billing items related to miscarriage, cancer, neurological conditions, fertility problems and pulmonary embolisms.

The vaccine data is so bad, it’s commercial in confidence.

The WHO is a menace — They only had one job in the last 50 years, and they failed dismally, now they want more power.

Remember February 2, 2020? That’s when the WHO could have saved millions of lives and told the world to turn off the flights and keep the Wuhan Flu in Wuhan. Instead Tedros, the former belt-n-road Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, told the world ridiculous fictions and Chief Health Officers believed him.

Now the WHO wants bigger better pandemic treaties. Like the IPCC but so much worse.

Keep reading  →

9.8 out of 10 based on 82 ratings

Thursday Open Thread

9.5 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

Unvaccinated Australians can’t leave Australia — unless they escape — is that swim, paddle or dingy?

Welcome to Prison Australia where unvaccinated citizens are not able to leave.  (And Canadians thought they were the only ones). If your best friend is getting married in Madagascar, the Africans will let you fly in, but you can’t go because Australia won’t let you out.

Australians who are unvaccinated or not-jabbed-enough can apply for permission to leave. But unless you need foreign medical care, live or work overseas, or are flying in the “national interest” (meaning you’re a politician) you may not qualify. Trips need to be “longer than three months” for no good reason I can think of, except that it stops most holidayers. Which is obviously the point.

People may get an exemption if they need to work overseas. Which is fine if your boss wants to send you to conventions in the Greek Islands but you can’t take the wife and kids unless she owns the company, and the kids are your employees. Otherwise, there’s no pleasure cruises for the unjabbed peasants from Oz.

Rafting, boat, training session.

Unvaccinated Australians who want to leave pretty much have to escape

We can always drive to Broome. We might find an Indonesian fishing boat and get a lift back the other way, in a kind of reverse boat-people maneuver. With luck, Australian-boat-people might be able to apply for political asylum in Bali. But will Indonesia accept them? Otherwise it’s only 150 kilometers from the top end of Queensland to Papua New Guinea. It’s possible to swim or paddle across the Torres Strait, it’s just that the crocodiles may appreciate your trip more than you do.

The ban doesn’t apply to unvaccinated foreigners in Australia, (luckily for Novak, eh, or he might still be here?). Non-Australians are free to leave, so dual nationals could always renounce their citizenship but the rest of us just have to go stateless.

Right now, there are about 70 countries which allow unvaccinated travelers in. Places like France, Spain, Greece and the UK, as well as Norway, Israel, Denmark, and those bastions of freedom: Cuba, Russia and parts of Africa and central America.

When nations with medical systems as good as Haiti aren’t afraid to welcome the Unvaxxed, it seems a tad odd that Australia is afraid to send them.

As it is, the Australian made vaccine is not on the approved list in Australia, so unvaccinated Australians aren’t able to fly out of Australia to go to Iran where they could get an Australian vaccine. It’s almost like we’re owned by Pfizer.

Set Australia Free Scott Morrison…

If it all sounds a bit hard to believe, ponder that it’s been the law since the Human Biosecurity Emergency was announced two years ago:

“From 25 March 2020, all Australian citizens and permanent residents must not travel outside Australia unless exempt… “

Long after Covid became tame enough to let in, and evolved into omicron, the Pandemic Emergency was extended again and again, even in February this year until 17 April 2022. Will they extend it again? I’ll have more to say tomorrow…

From the Australian Government Health website — here it is in black and white:

  • Restrictions on outbound international travel for unvaccinated Australians

Unvaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents

If you do not meet Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes, you need to apply for a travel exemption to leave Australia. For more information and how to apply see Travel exemption process to leave Australia.

Who can apply for a travel exemption

You can apply for a travel exemption if you:

      • are travelling as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, including the provision of aid
      • need urgent medical treatment that is not available in Australia
      • are travelling for a compelling reason and for three months or longer
      • your travel is in the national interest
      • you are ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia.
      • are travelling for your business or employer
      • providing critical skills or working in a critical sector.

Would you like hoops to jump through?

When to apply

You need to apply for a travel exemption at least two weeks, but not more than two months, before your planned travel.

If you are travelling due to the death or critical illness of a close family member, you can apply inside this timeframe. We will prioritise your application.

At the moment, two jabs is enough, and people can do them barely two weeks apart and then fly seven days later, which doesn’t sound like anyone in the Health department is too concerned about the travellers actually being protected. If we want to know the efficacy we have to wait two or three weeks after the last injection before we even count them. But if we are only worried about them getting on planes full of viruses, who cares?

It’s not about health is it?

In February more than 400 Australians applied but were told they couldn’t fly out of the country. Some 390 people applied to leave on compassionate grounds, but 168 of those were knocked back. About half the people who said they lived overseas were not allowed to leave either. All told during the last two years the Australian Government has declared that 147,000 Australians didn’t have permission to leave the country. Who knows how many thousands more never bothered to apply in the first place.

hat tip to Sharon W. 

Image of the Indonesia boat: David Stanley

Rafting trainign photo: Bijay Chaurasia

9.7 out of 10 based on 71 ratings

Climate Change causes Frosts now: French Winegrowers lighting fires, candles to protect crops

As the grapevines bud for the season in France, a mild spring followed by a savage frost is bad news for farmers.

There have been three bad frosts in recent years. The young fashionable expert tells us that frost means it’s climate change. But people didn’t realize...” it’s a form of denial” she says with a straight face.

Thank goodness for fossil fuels:

Because global warming means you need more insurance against frost and “heating cables” to keep the plants warm:

The change in weather pattern is also pushing up his insurance coverage for loss of harvest, he added. In Yonne, two-thirds of the harvest was destroyed as a result of the frost last year, according to the farm ministry.

Winemakers were starting to join forces to invest in new tools, such as heating cables, to help mitigate the effects of such frosts, she said. However, many in the industry are still reluctant to face up to the fact that the impact of climate change could be long-lasting, Civet said.

Mass Psychosis?

Coldest night on a national scale since records began in France in 1947

Météo-France, the country’s meteorological service, said the night of April 3 was the coldest night on a national scale since the creation of the national thermal indicator in 1947, with an average temperature of 29.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees below zero Celsius). This indicator averages the temperature of weather observation sites across France.

The late winter snap also hit Germany with a new record low temperature of  minus 12.7 (9.1F) set at Bad Berleburg-Hemschlar.

hat tip to Dennis A

PS: Helicopters use less fuel apparently:


9.9 out of 10 based on 60 ratings

Tuesday Open Thread

8.8 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

Show this in schools: The CCP in 2020 banning doctors spreading illegal rumors of pneumonia

This is a pre-packed lesson in free speech:

How do we know when it’s propaganda — when all the news readers speak with one voice.

What’s the difference between the Western doctors and the CCP-docs? About a year. AHPRA are the communist party of medicine in Australia. Instead of banning doctors who talked about a new form of pneumonia, AHPRA bans doctors who talk about cheap treatments or problems with vaccines. What’s the difference?

9.7 out of 10 based on 92 ratings

Guest post by Rafe Champion. Be a wind watcher and get savvy about wind droughts

This supports Jo’s post on wind droughts. The point is that we have to strive for “wind drought literacy” in the general population. Apart from people who mess around in sailboats and people who play sports where the wind has an impact on missiles in flight, most of us take little notice of the wind unless it is blowing our hat off or turning our umbrella inside out.

It is really important for everyone to know that the wind is quite often low across the whole of SE Australia due to high pressure systems and sometimes these systems linger for a day or two. Wind droughts are more frequent in individual states.

The easiest way to get a fix on the wind situation is to glance at the NEMwatch widget. It is live and it changes every five minutes. You can read it on your phone and this is the kind of picture you will see.

The bars indicate the amount of power that is being generated and consumed in each state at the moment. WA is not connected to the Eastern electricity grid so supply matches demand while in the SE there are flows between the states

The generation bar is colour coded with wind in GREEN and the takeaway message is to see how much more green is required to replace coal (black and brown) and gas (red). Windless nights are the real killers because both the sun and the wind are off duty.


The AEMO has a continuous record of the power delivered from all the wind farms attached to the integrated electric power grid covering South Eastern Australia (the NEM). Paul Miskelly used that data for the calendar year 2010 to report that the total wind output across the entire grid fell rapidly to zero or near zero on many occasions in the year.

 During the first 6 months of the year, there are 58 intervals where the output falls below 2% of the installed capacity.
 For the entire year, there are 109 such intervals of varying length, adding up to 155.6 hours, or nearly 6.5 days.

At the time where were only 23 wind farms with a less than 2GW of installed capacity and it was anticipated that the supply would become more reliable as the number of sites increased.

Some years later John Morgan reported that the situation was much the same in the 12-month period from Sep 2014 to Sept 2015 when the capacity of the wind fleet was approaching 4GW.

He found 29 days in the year with the fleet delivering less than 10% of capacity. The lowest was 2.7%

Mike O’Ceirin, an independent analyst, has unpublished information collated from the AEMO records up to the end of 2020 showing an average of 15 episodes per year when the delivery was 6% or less of the installed capacity.

Some of those episodes last for a long time.


The system has to be designed to cater for the worst case scenarios of wind and solar input. Obviously the weakest parts are windless nights because WHEN THERE IS NEXT TO NO GENERATION, NO AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL WIND AND SOLAR CAPACITY HELP. 5, 10 or 50 times next to nothing is still next to nothing compared with the demand in the grid.

RE enthusiasts regularly report new records for the penetration of RE into the grid and the South Australia is the star performer because on sunny and windy afternoons RE can exceed the demand in the grid for short periods. They are looking at the system through the wrong end of the telescope because generating an excess of RE power for some short periods, or even substantial periods, will not prevent system collapse on windless nights unless there is 100% of conventional power available or there is massive grid-scale storage that is not feasible with current technology.

So read the reports from the Energy Realists of Australia, become a wind-watcher and tell your friends and relations about the NEMwatch widget!

9.8 out of 10 based on 54 ratings

Long lost forgotten rain bombs — the BoM yells “unprecedented” while ignoring 120 years of history

If Climate Change was a real threat, the Bureau of Meteorology might even look at their own historic records.

When Jennifer Marohasy and Chris Gillham did just that, they found that as bad as the current situation is, it’s happened before:

  • The wettest day in Lismore was in February 1954.
  • The wettest year for Lismore was 1893.
  • There was no increase in the intensity or frequency of extreme wet days at Lismore, or the towns around it.

Now if the BOM looks at this with a supercomputer, they might find an effect from CO2. But if the BOM just used a calendar, like I did, they might find the latest floods started the week after Hunga Tonga volcanic dust rolled across Australia. Maybe that matters?

No one needed a supercomputer to read a rain gauge in 1885, and we have excellent long data. Imagine how handy that might be if the BoM wanted to understand, say, Australian flood cycles?  There are 137 years of rainfall records in Lismore from 1885 to now, but the BOM said we set a new record for Lismore based on Lismore airport where records started as long ago as… 2002.


The Bureau of Meteorology is guilty of exploiting taxpayers, vandalizing Australian history, and spitting on decades of work by the earliest meteorologists in Australia. And they want us to think they care?

Here’s what big rain looks like in Lismore:

Like it happens all the time.

Australia has always had floods and rain bombs.

Well done to Chris Gillham for his help at WAClimateNet.

10 out of 10 based on 72 ratings

It’d be fine if we could put electricity in shoe boxes. (Wind power is 98% unreliable)

Australia now has  nearly 10GW of wind power installed on the National Electricity Grid, but look at the monthly minimums — the guaranteed power we can rely on.  The good news is that it’s increased by 10% over this time last year. The bad news is that it was only 216MW.

From the 10,000MW of windpower we paid to install, at one point in the last month only 2% was working, and that’s not unusual.

The true dismal story of wind power is that we need a near total second network of generators just sitting around waiting as back up. Since the back up is reliable, we could use them instead.  As a bonus, backup power won’t kill birds, bats and hypnotize crabs and it won’t destroy sleep for farmers and spotted quolls, and it doesn’t create a national security risk either. Handy, eh?

Wind power, NEM Australia, minimum montly reliable generation, graph.

Original graph:  WattClarity   |    Click to enlarge.

The monthly average generation is about 30% of capacity.  But the world doesn’t run on average electricity.

9.8 out of 10 based on 87 ratings

Japan flips on nuclear — it tried to go Green without it but now wants to reopen closed plants

Nuclear’s suddenly the answer to “Net Zero” — Japan wants to triple its nuclear power by 2030

It’s the third largest economy in the world, and a large but quiet vacuum of global fossil fuels. Right now it’s the second largest importer of gas in the world after China, and the third largest importer of coal (not that Extinction Rebellion seems to care).

Before the Fukushima disaster in 2011, nuclear power generation produced as much as 30% of Japan’s energy mix, but that’s now shrunk to just 6%. Japan has only six operating nuclear reactors left with a total capacity of six gigawatts, down from 54 before the Fukushima incident. Just a few days ago polls showed that that the fear and negativity of nuclear power in Japan has dramatically shifted in the last few months.  One little war can change everything. Russia has suddenly given everyone permission to get serious about nuclear power.

Now the Japanese government wants to grow back from 6% to 20% nuclear in just 8 years.

Japan Sees Nuclear Energy As A Vital Piece Of Its Net-Zero Plan

Prior to the Fukushima disaster, nuclear power generation accounted for almost 30% of Japan’s energy mix.

Though some plants have resumed operation since then, nuclear energy currently accounts for only around 6.2% of Japan’s energy mix. To make up for the nuclear shortfall, Japan stepped up imports of natural gas; liquified natural gas (LNG) imports jumped 12,621 thousand tonnes between 2010 and 2011.

PM Kishida’s administration …aims to leverage Japan’s nuclear infrastructure to help achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, hoping to have nuclear energy take up between 20-22% of the energy mix by 2030.

The Economist in 2020 lamented that the energy transition was not transitioning

Half of those renewables in the graph are from hydropower:


The Japanese government tried to help renewables, but nuclear power was replaced with coal and gas:

IN THE WAKE of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, enthusiasm for renewable energy in Japan swelled. Kan Naoto, the prime minister at the time, declared that the country would draw up a new energy strategy “from scratch” and “elevate” renewables. One of his government’s last acts before losing power was to pass a law to stimulate renewable energy. Dozens of small firms sprang up. Fukushima prefecture itself pledged to get all its power from renewable sources by 2040.

The hoped-for transformation, however, has been slow. Renewable generation has grown from 10% of the power supply in 2010 to 17% in 2018, almost half of which comes from old hydropower schemes. Most nuclear plants, which provided more than a quarter of the country’s power before the disaster, have been shut down, at least for the time being. But for the most part they have been replaced not by wind turbines and solar panels but by power stations that burn coal and natural gas.

They’re all returning to nuclear power –  Germany, France and the UK. When will Australia consider it? 

10 out of 10 based on 82 ratings

Weekend Unthreaded

10 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

Money-world splits into two: Is this the end of an era of US dollar as reserve currency?

The ante was upped

Just like that: The US froze Russian bank accounts. It broke all the rules. In return, Russia is freezing gas deliveries unless people pay in roubles. The US played a very big wildcard, and Joe Biden and the USA may lose in a big way. The World’s Reserve currency is the US Dollar, and it’s a powerful tool for the US. But if the dollar were weakened, by say 50 years of inflation, and the trust it is based on was blown, the bluff may be up.

US dollar image, IOU, fiat currency.

One thing leads to another. Who will blink first?

Does Russia need the money more than Europe needs the gas?

Europe Is Facing Supply Disruptions As Russia’s Gas-For-Rubles Deadline Looms


Russia’s insistence that its “unfriendly” nations pay in rubles for Russian natural gas risks disrupting European supplies as soon as this week as the deadline set by Putin for moving to ruble payments is drawing closer.

Europe, which depends on Russian natural gas for more than one-third of its demand—with some countries, including the biggest economy Germany, depending on Russia for half of its consumption—has rejected the gas-for-rubles idea, saying it would be a breach of contracts to switch the currency in payments.

Russia, for its part, says it demands only rubles for its gas and will not ship gas for free.

With too much debt there are no good choices left for the US Federal Reserve:

How the West Was Lost: A Faltering World Reserve Currency

By Matthew Piepenburg, InvestmentWatch

As I wrote then, and will repeat now: Debt destroys nations, financial systems, markets, and currencies. 

The inflationary financial system is now failing because its debt levels have rendered it impotent to grow economically, react sensibly or sustain its chronic debt addictions naturally.

The Fed has driven itself, and hence the U.S. markets and economy, into an all-too predictable corner and historically dangerous crossroads.

If it turns to the left (i.e., more money printing/liquidity) to protect a record-breaking risk asset bubble, it faces an inflationary flood; if it turns to the right (and raises rates or tapers UST purchases), it faces a market inferno. …

Once trust is broken it may never return:

Imagine, for example, if your bank accounts were frozen for any reason. Would you then trust the bank that froze your accounts down the road once the issue was resolved? Would you recommend that bank to others?

Well, the world has been watching Western powers effectively freeze Putin’s assets, and regardless of whether you agree or disagree with such measures, other countries (not all of which are “bad actors”) are thinking about switching banks — or at least dollars…

If so, the US has just shot itself in the foot while aiming for Putin.

As previously warned, the Western sanctions are simply pushing Russia and China further together and further away from US Dollars and US Treasuries.

Such shifts have massive ripple effects which Biden’s financial team appears to have ignored.

One simply cannot underestimate (nor over-state enough) the profound significance of a weakening Petrodollar world.

It would have devastating consequences for the USD and inflation, and would be an absolute boon for gold.

Already, Xi is making plans to negotiate with Saudi Arabia, which is China’s top oil supplier. Meanwhile, Aramco is reaching out to China as well. …

As of this writing, Arab states are in private discussions with China, Russia and France to stop selling oil in USD.

As David Evans points out: Many US dollars used for world trade overseas will return home to the US, where they can still buy something. That will cause major inflation inside the US as many more dollars seek the same number of goods. This is fifty years of chickens coming home to roost, so to speak. US Dollars that were used to buy something a long time ago may finally return to call in that debt.

The mighty dollar and “globalization” dreams of the West are slowly witnessing an emerging era of inflationary de-globalization as each country now does what is required and best for itself rather than Klaus Schwab’s megalomaniacal fantasies.

The cornered US, of course, will likely try to sanction gold transactions with Russia, but this would require fully choking Russia energy sales to the EU, which the EU economy (and citizens) simply can’t afford.

Michael Hudson: Clearing the Fog

h/t Snow Leopard

Dollar hegemony seems to be the position that has just ended as of this week very abruptly. Dollar hegemony was when America’s war in Vietnam and the military spending of the 1960s and 70s drove the United States off gold. The entire US balance of payments deficit was military spending, and it began to run down the gold supply. So, in 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off gold. Well, everybody thought America has been controlling the world economy since World War I by having most of the gold and by being the creditor to the world. And they thought what is going to happen now that the United States is running a deficit, instead of being a creditor.

The US was the official printer of global IOU’s:

This gave America a free ride. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and you just paid by giving them an IOU. And then the next week you want to buy more groceries and you give them another IOU. And they say, wait a minute, you have an IOU before and you say, well just use the IOU to pay the milk company that delivers, or the farmers that deliver. You can use this as your money and just — [you will] as a customer, keep writing IOU’s and you never have to pay anything because your IOU is other people’s money. Well, that’s what dollar hegemony was, and it was a free ride. And it all ended last Wednesday when the United States grabbed Russia’s reserves having grabbed Afghanistan’s foreign reserves and Venezuela’s foreign reserves and those of other countries.

And all of a sudden, this means that other countries can no longer safely hold their reserves by sending their money back, depositing them in US banks or buying US Treasury Securities, or having other US investments because they could simply be grabbed as happened to Russia. So, all of a sudden this last week, you’re seeing the world economy fracture into two parts, a dollarized part and other countries that do not follow the neoliberal policies that the United States insists that its allies follow. We’re seeing the birth of a new dual World economy.

Split the world into two currencies:

 I’ve been talking to people all over the world in the last few days and the consensus is that everybody is now deciding the only place, certainly if you’re China or Russia or Kazakhstan or you’re in the Eurasian orbit, South Asia, East Asia, you realize, wait a minute, if all we have to do is something like Allende did in Chile or all we have to do is refuse to sell off our industry to American investors and they can treat us like they’ve treated Venezuela. So you can imagine that everybody’s watching this and there’s an expectation that as a result of the war in Ukraine, that’s really America’s NATO war, that this is going to create a balance-of-payments crisis throughout the whole Global South as their energy prices go up, oil prices soar, food prices are going to soar and this is going to make it impossible for them to pay their foreign debts unless they go without food and energy. Obviously, this is a political crisis. That is, the only result can be to split the world in two.

A moral line in the sand was crossed and there may be no way back:

Nothing like this has happened in modern history, even in the 19th century wars. In the Crimean War in the mid-19th century, Russia, England and Germany, everybody kept paying the debts to the countries they were fighting against because the idea is that debts were sacrosanct. And now, all of a sudden, not only are debts are not sacrosanct, but countries can just grab foreign savings. I guess the problem began after the Shah of Iran fell and the United States grabbed Iran’s money and refused to let it pay its bond holders and started the whole war against Iran for trying to take control of its own oil resources. So, all of a sudden, the United States grabbing this has ended what everybody thought was an immutable morality.

Not necessarily a One World Order — perhaps a Multi World Order?

MH: Well, as President Putin and Lavrov have said, the fighting in Ukraine isn’t really over Ukraine at all. It’s a fight over what shape the world will take and whether the world will be unipolar or, as it now appears, multipolar.

Fiat money, based on nothing but trust, imposes little discipline. As voters vote themselves the treasury, and big players eat smaller players, easy money feeds temptation and corruption. Something based only on trust and not on tangible assets can crumble in a moment.

9.5 out of 10 based on 81 ratings

Thursday Open Thread

Oops. Late. Scheduling of Open threads is subject to change.

9.4 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

CNN lost half its audience in the last year

The Media is the problem. Magnifying Glass.

Perhaps the audience doesn’t like being told how deplorable they are?

Good to see CNN and MSNBC getting what they deserve.

Fox News Makes Gains In 1Q Cable News Ratings While CNN, MSNBC Suffer Steep Declines

Fox News Channel was the only cable news network to make year-over-year ratings gains in the first quarter of 2022, finishing the quarter in first place and marking 81 consecutive quarters as the most-watched network in all of basic cable. FNC’s competitors, CNN and MSNBC, both suffered steep ratings declines compared to the same period one year ago.

In prime time, Fox News finished the quarter with an average total audience of 2.554 million viewers, up 3% from 2021, according to ratings data compiled by Nielsen. MSNBC finished the quarter in second place with an average total audience of 1.205 million viewers—down 46%, while CNN finished third with an average total audience of less than a million viewers: 857,000 viewers, down a staggering 56% from 2021.

Thank the Federal Reserve for mostly useless media. Easy money and big loans means the little media fish were swallowed by giant corporate conglomerates and then all the incentives change. Theoretically, Big owners of media outlets could afford to throw away money on them, while using their media influence to make even more money in all their other ventures. A bit like the way Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million and ran anti-Trump-news non-stop. He’s just protecting the main asset worth $1.7 Trillion.

Hands-up who wants to persuade the punters to vote for pagan weather gods, and inefficient, unreliable generators? How about burying lost laptops and high-risk health programs? It only took CNN 532 days to report that Hunter’s Laptop was real. Or maybe owning a media megaphone is just the thing to earn points with Klaus Schwab, who can return the favor some other way? Well, don’t buy adverts on a TV station; buy the station and put your adverts in their news instead.

The only problem is lies, propaganda and lectures are boring, and they can’t make us watch it (yet).

UPDATE: Why this matters in climate science (or any science) and in Australia too.

The Media was always a central pin in the problem in the science “debate”. Skeptics could win the observational evidence war (and have for twenty years) but no one knew it, and the media are the main reason that situation exists.

Australian climate policy is set more by the outcome of US elections than it is by Australian elections. We voted for No net Zero and got it anyway. If Trump had won, arguably, we wouldn’t have Net Zero targets now.

Australian politicians and journalists need to know how irrelevant outlets like CNN and MSNBC have become. Australian media management need to know how unpopular that messaging is. There is value in raising awareness to the decline of Woke Mainstream media. Even the ABC must be a little bit afraid of losing their audience, even though it won’t cost them money. It costs them influence. People become less afraid of “bad press”.

The role of this blog:

It’s been 18 months since the Hunter Biden Laptop, and US election irregularities were outrageously suppressed, even by formerly good Australian newspapers. At that point this blog became one of the rare spaces left simply for forwarding news on. Just a cog in a rapidly disappearing network. If the mainstream media here had been covering it, I wouldn’t.

10 out of 10 based on 107 ratings

FBI didn’t want the Hunter Biden Laptop, then sat on it, then whistleblowers life is destroyed

He did all the right things but his business, his life’s work has been ruined. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to a Mac repair store and left it behind. The whistleblower who owned that store acted legally in every way, but now faces bankruptcy and lives with constant threats. He financially would have been so much better off if he has dropped the laptop in the bin. John Nolte at Breitbart has a long interview with John Paul Mac Isaac about the remarkable efforts he went to to do the right thing.  His father is a retired Air Force Colonel, and he also tried to do the right thing but was rebuffed.

The whole interview is worth reading. The scandal (above and beyond The Biden family) is the combined failure of the FBI and the media. Repeatedly, the FBI failed the nation, protected the corrupt by sitting on this laptop for months and intimidating the whistleblower. Then the media did the same, covering up for the compromised, blaming it on a Russian hack.  All the media that is, except for The New York Post, Tucker Carlson and sites like Breitbart.

People need to know what’s going on.

Nolte: Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac — The Breitbart News Interview

BNN: We’re in September 2019 now and your friend is sitting on this letter and your dad is headed to the FBI?

JM: Right, Dad went to the FBI in October and the FBI slammed the door in his face, told him to get out of his office, lawyer up, and don’t talk about any of this.

BNN: Really?

JM: My father describes it as the most embarrassing moment of his life. This is a 30-year Air Force Colonel. To give 30 years of service and have a bureaucrat slam the door in your face… So we sat in the dark for a month scratching our heads, wondering what we do now. But the fear level ratcheted up because now the FBI knows we have this and doesn’t want to do anything. They kept the paperwork we presented [the repair agreement, etc.], but refused to accept the drive.

A month later an FBI agent I’ll call ‘Agent Joshua,’ reached out to my father. He wanted to contact me. I did some research on him online. He seemed like a good guy who had focused a lot of time going after child predators. So I trusted him and arranged a meeting at my house.

BNN:  Where are we at now in the year, when this meeting was arranged?

JM: Mid-November. He showed up with another agent I’ll call ‘Agent Mike.’ I voiced my concerns about people foreign and domestic who might want to do me harm over what I’d seen. I told them I wanted a paper trail and the ability to contact them if something happens. They told me they couldn’t take the laptop due to legal concerns, but that they would get back to me. On the morning of December 9, Agent Mike called me for the serial number off the hard drive. Initially, they said they were just going to come in and make a clone of the drive. But they showed up at 10 a.m. in my shop with a subpoena for everything. Which I thought was great. I wanted them to take everything. I wanted it out of my shop.

Even the FBI were threatening him:

BNN: And at this point, still, after eight months and all this political stuff going on, you had not reached out to the media or any political operatives, like Giuliani?

JM:  No, it would have been completely inappropriate. Only the FBI. The FBI is where this had to go. So I give them everything and joke about leaving their names out of any book I write, and this is when Agent Mike says, ‘In our experience, nothing ever happens to people who don’t talk about these things.

BNN:  Whoa.

JM: I was so happy to get that stuff out of my life, it took me a couple of hours before I realized that was a thinly-veiled threat.

He kept expecting to see the laptop turn up in legal hearings, but it never did:

JM: This is mid-December [2019]. We get through the holidays. The impeachment hearings begin. I keep waiting for the laptop to be admitted into evidence. I’d seen what was on the laptop. I knew it was relevant to impeachment. At the very least it should have been given to the White House to aid in the president’s defense. So at this time, I can only assume the FBI had no intention of letting that laptop be submitted as evidence. Now I have to worry about myself, my own safety, and identity. I felt even more alone and exposed.

By August 2020 it was clear the FBI, Justice Department and Congress were not going to help:

BNN: Now you’ve been sitting on this for nine months. Why not go to the media?

JM: I wanted to do this right, through the correct channels. I tried the Justice Department. I tried congress. Now it’s August of 2020, I’ve been sitting on this for more than a year, and I decided it was time to go to the president, directly to his attorney. So I came out of the shadows and emailed Giuliani directly.

BNN: You waited until August of 2020, you waited 16 months?

JM: End of August, around the 24th.

BNN: Nine months after the FBI picked it up and did nothing with it? You gave the FBI nine months to do the right thing?

After Guiliani and The Post broke the news in Oct 2020, the punishment began:

Humans are social creatures, gregarious beings. There is almost no one who is not affected physiologically by this kind of extreme repetitive bullying:

Keep reading  →

9.7 out of 10 based on 116 ratings

Tuesday Open Thread

8.7 out of 10 based on 9 ratings