A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The title says it all. There is a link to a video but it is the comments that are most worth reading
Especially since the US ran away from Afghanistan the world dictators have believed the US is a spent force. Nothing over the last 3 years has changed their opinion. With Americas decline comes the Wests decline. Brics and China will achieve hegemony.
It seems likely there is only one person that could arrest the decline and he is a deeply flawed individual but who mostly wants to do the right thing as regards the West and those seeking to bring us down (which includes many in the West itself).
If Harris wins then America will continue to decline at an ever more precipitate rate..
” he is a deeply flawed individual ”
No one can praise Trump without saying this. Why?
Because he is a deeply flawed individual with many faults as well as virtues.
Who says? Everyone? So it’s true?
Well, not everyone.
97% .
Which makes a consensus.
Consensus is how truth is determined.
3% are flawed.
The remaining 10% are mailing in votes for Harris.
Consensus is how truth is determined?
So Man made Climate Change is real then?
I’m with you TdeF. I am sick of commenters and commentators starting off praising or even referring to Trump with “he is flawed” Much like idiots starting every speech with a welcome to country or acknowledgement of elders who would kill their babies to keep the tribe functional. Now they are flawed, both the elders and the people who pay them respect. Donald Trump is our potential saviour, a latter day St Paul. BTW in what way is DJT flawed that others are not? Obama is anti-American, Bill Clinton is a crook and the Bushes liked wars and yet they are not referred to as flawed. Why not?
Man made climate change is most definitely real. So are fairies in the bottom of the garden.
And the notable similarity is that both will disappear if you stop believing.
Trump could be playing golf and living a perpetual holiday on cruise ships, instead he’s taking bullets, risking his life and besieged by relentless absurd legal threats attempting to jail him, and a non-stop psychological hate campaign that would ruin nearly anyone else.
His bravery is the nexus that has drawn out the best in so many others.
The man is an all American hero.
Actually, “The remaining 10% are mailing in multiple votes for Harris”
Edited it for you.
Multiple votes, you say?
How many?
I recall Jeff at The Air Vent saying he got some official data on the 2020 election and ran some sorts. I don’t recall which state or exact figures.
He found 18? big batches totalling 340,000, including statistically none for Trump. That is less than 0.5%.
I can imagine only two possible sources for such batches of votes. 1. Direct from a printing press, possibly prepared before the election, or, more likely I think votes that had already been counted and sorted run through the machines again. Possibly at a different counting centre.
340,000 was just enough to give it to Biden.
Well that’s true of anybody. And many of his deep flaws exist only in the imaginations of those who hate him.
That is probably his greatest virtue – triggering the left.
You know him well??
Did you watch the Rogan chat?
Aren’t we all though?
Wasn’t there some bloke who advised:
“Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone”?
They never say it about Obama, Clinton, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, or Boris Johnson, Zelensky, Macron. Why not?
And it was never said about Winston Churchill. Especially when Britain was facing extinction. It has become fashionable now that Britain is in the hands of the Post Modernists. There must be a law in journalism against praising Trump. What exactly did he do wrong in his last stint as President against two impeachments and even a hostile Congress led by Never Trumper Paul Ryan.
Everyone has flaws. The relentless attack against Trump, especially in the British Press, is ridiculous and unfounded. The Labor party is already deciding to ban Trump from addressing Parliament and he hasn’t been elected yet.
tonyb, TdeF,
you guys can still get in on the great US election season.
You probably have until Christmas.
Just go to the State Dept. website and request an overseas mail-in ballot, maybe even a couple extra if you have any pets that want to vote.
No questions asked.
I recommend you go for Pennsylvania.
PA will likely have more votes cast than it has people, so no one will notice.
(You will not be prosecuted for any crime as long as you’re not registered Republican.)
I do not want to vote. It is a matter exclusively for Americans, not anyone else and certainly not ten million uninvited non citizens. What appalls me is the vast crowd of indoctrinated people outside America who hate Trump or worse, are prepared to use him to get what they want. Like Churchill. Or my hero Captain James Cook. I saw his statue yesterday in St. Kilda. Just two bronze feet left. He was murdered in his job and again in effigy. A Post Modern villain too. Like Washington.
Still I had to laugh. Cook was famous for his feats of incredible courage and skill. And his feet are still being honored in bronze.
America hasn’t been for Americans in probably decades.
DHS has made sure of that in the last four years.
As an American I’m adjusted to being hated by those outside America.
As a Southern American, I’m adjusted to being hated by about half of America.
I am very dubious about voting in the US. For four years I have been reading about the private groups trying to make the US voting system somewhat democratic. Cleaning the rolls and requiring voter ID seems basic yet Democrat SOSs, elected using a deeply corrupt system, keep thwarting any effort to restore the one man, one vote principle. Even worse are the RINOs , like McConnell, who seem happy with the corrupt status quo and refuse to help fellow Republicans correct a great crime. A new Republican party is vital to simply restore democracy.
Indeed a new Republican party is vital to restore democracy. And with Trump and his team the Republican party is as close to renewal as it is ever likely to be. And I think that movement will continue or even accelerate if this election is stolen.
My tip is to watch the House election. Fear is a dangerous emotion but I fear that even if Trump is allowed to win the presidency the House will be stolen (or should that be thrown away).
I have seen mention at times of a prospect of civil war in the US. For an old )zz9e that is preposterous. But could I be wrong?
As I see the wars that seem always to be going on, the BLM riots were a form of warfare. Our own police shooting a crowd of anti lockdown demonstrators in Melbourne with rubber bullets is outroght warfare. So there’s a start.
If Trump wins next week a great number of formerly powerful people will have to answer for the skullduggery they have engaged in over the last eight years. Having got away with it for so long some of them might be willing to start a war instead of submit to the scrutiny that they will be facing.
It will be necessary to double and redouble the guard on the President and the Vice President.
This is the wrong question because it was the election win that changed opinion of him. He was a popular celebrity before the win with no chance. Winning against all odds was when the opinions changed.
No, TDS kicked in well before he won the 16 election.
TDS became a thing as soon as he nominated to run. Then when he started getting numbers it really took off.
Before that Trump was a NY personality. The character Mr Big in the show Sex and the City, was based on Trump. But the left had contempt for him well before that because he represented a crass wealthy real estate guy ruining beauty. Remember the campaign against him wanting to develop the golf course in Scotland?
Many people say that about Johnson and Mascron amongst many others.
They do now. And it’s far more true for them than for Trump. I find even in Australia people hate Trump. And they have no idea. The destruction of America is appalling. 100,000 young men each year die from Chinese Fentanyl. That’s vast. And then the Wuhan Flu. Now tuberculosis from utterly unchecked illegal migration, as in the UK. War on America and the UK and Europe started a decade ago. Multiculturalism is a joke in the UK, France, Italy and Australia. It’s the reconquista in reverse. And Starmer is now considering reparations for 19th century slavery? The government already paid. But the assault never stops.
Rachel Reeves stated very clearly that Kier Starmer’s government would not pay reparation for the slavery of the past. I believe her.
It would be insane. It cost Britain hundreds of billions at the time to buy all the slaves out of captivity and lose 3,000 sailors fighting on the high seas to stop the evil trade. Now two hundred years later they have to apologise and pay again?
This also feeds of the narrative that people were free and happy before the 20th century. 95% were on the land and worked as slaves, until the Satanic mills and they worked as slaves. Only in the 20th century and fossil fuel and machines and public transport did anyone get an 8 hour day, a 40 hour week and holidays and leave loading and decent wages. Then after WWII consumerism made the masses rich and the rich richer. Plus antibiotics, vaccines, affordable goods and labour saving everywhere in the home and wall to wall carpet and flush toilets and hot water. The term wage slave has vanished.
What about reparations for all of humanity? But who would pay?
Remind me – who is being asked to pay reparation for slavery?
Wikipedia: Estimates of the extent and numbers of slaves taken by the Ottoman Barbary states vary, from 1 million to 2.5 million.
They say it about Trump because he’s not a politician. He’s a businessman who made things happen. That’s his flaw …the standard politician MO is to promise, win, pay off the debts, get ready for the next election.
I agree that Donald is essentially a businessman, who seems to be always in court. We all have our flaws, but I can safely say that a charismatic individual like Trump would not survive in the Westminster system.
He would survive. Like Thatcher, Farage, Boris Johnson, Winston Churchill. All strong charismatic and utterly determined individuals. What you mean is the oppressive boy’s club of Westminster.
A PM comes through the party system, the US president could be a swamp person or outlier.
This is Roger Franklin trying to explain the difference.
Indeed. I have worked with a lot of CEO’s and Trump seems typical in that regard, except he is also an accomplished entertainer.
It is nebulous perpetual slander. He called Climate Change a Chinese Hoax. If that’s a terrible flaw, we want more resistance. He is so flawed, all Democrats publicly call him Hitler. That’s unprecedented. Appalling. And so flawed there have been two attempts on his life already and he is not President.
The character assassination does not stop. The attacks on him personally. The law suits. The criminal suits. And who authorised a raid on his private home with permission to use lethal force? And why?
This endless slander on a good man is unbelievable. Flawed? If only all politicians were as brave.
And always these backhanders. Especially from overseas. More than half of America believe he is the best man for the job. But around the world people wish him dead. Even his allies.
And your ‘entertainer’ is the most principled politician I know. His whole life is on trial every day. Who can stand up to that? They have to make it up. As with Judge Kavanagh.
Even Elon Musk and J.D.Vance say the man they met is very different to the lies in the press. Besides, if you want to save your whales and dolphins, he is your only hope. No one else wants to save America. Or the UK. And he is half British.
Yes but he is also very funny. A lot of his tweets are jokes the left never gets.
Even Rogan says so. But it’s competence which gives him the freedom to joke. His determination to Make America Great again is real, not pretend. And Washington and the deep state hate him with a passion and want him dead. Evcn the American President openly wants his opponent in jail, as has been clear for four years.
When did you last read a complimentary piece about Trump? Can you imagine being raided by armed police with an explicit licence to use deadly force? Or standing on a stage waiting for someone to try to shoot you in the right ear from 150 metres? And NEVER a complimentary word in the Press. They hate him because he has bypassed them. And Musk is risking everything by backing Trump. So that makes two people with everything to lose and nothing to gain except a better world.
Only Trump is promising to save the whales and the world from the UN Climate Change hoax. Without joking, name another politician. I would not care if Trump had the vibrant personality of Keir Starmer. You judge by what they do and he will build the wall, halve electricity prices, stop the war in Ukraine, stop the war in the Middle East and bring Russia and North Korea in from the cold. No one else can do it.
Trump is a funny entertainer who has pretty good oratory skills. I’ve been listening to his rallies.
He told a story of some golfer from the area – Arnold Palmer? – and it went on and on but you wanted to listen to hear what happened, tall stories of how far his golf drive went, hilarious, a natural story teller, someone people want to listen to.
Thanks TdeF for those points, could not have put it more succinctly myself.
Look at who is endorsing Kamala, Liz Cheney, Beyoncé, and whatshisname.
Look at the caliber of the people lining up behind Donald, Elon Musk, RFKJr, Tulsi Gabbard, Clint Eastwoood and Mel Gibson, and his VP choice, JDVance is looking more and more like an inspired choice, compared to Kamala’s Tim Walz.
The courage being displayed daily by Donald Trump these past eight years facing the barbs and arrows, not to mention the bullets has been amazing. He has faced a hostile Congress with two impeachments, too many concocted indictments to mention ( most needing the lifting of the statute of limitations, they were so ancient), and more lately the assassins bullets. This man is a once in a lifetime candidate, a lesser person would have just walked away and played their golf.
Isn’t Beyonce that Diddy fellow’s best friend?
Leaders elsewhere hate trump because he shows up their cowardice and failure to act. Trump is a man of action who does his best to do what he promises and that sets him apart. I also think that is what is upsetting many so called leaders about Netanyahu, another man whose deeds speak louder than words. Remember Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher? Compare them to the likes of Albanese and Biden.
Indeed. It has become part of the Official Narrative about Trump, even by some of his “supporters”.
I see him as no more flawed than any typical, moral, righteous person, likely less so.
And a lot of his supposed flaws are fabrications of the Left and their agents.
He is certainly less flawed than his opponents (of whom no one ever claims to be “flawed”), and his Demon-rat and RINO Uniparty fellow politicians (although Trump isn’t a professional politician like they are).
He is definitely not “deeply” flawed.
Or weird, Hitler, rapist or a felon or traitor. I do not remember any election where one candidate was endlessly libeled, arrested, shot, convicted, fined like Trump. The hatred is unbelievable. And still he stands. Truly unbelievable. A phenomenon. Why would anyone put themselves literally in the line of fire as he has done? Give me flawed any day. I would challenge anyone who casually calls him flawed to stand up to any of these things just once.
Here in Oz, we saw something similar with Tony Abbott. They went so far as to doctor photographs in order to claim he leered at a woman’s cleavage. The worst of all, for me, was when they hinted that he was perving on his own daughter.
They truly are disgusting people.
You forgot joy.
He doesn’t have joy.
We need a POTUS with joy.
We are no longer a Republic.
We are a Drum Circle.
But with nukes.
That’s more like it. I was really pleased that Mel Gibson’s comment went viral. “Kamala has the IQ of a fence post.” Now there’s a succinct comment.
In Australia we have a few more expressions for Kamala. The Train does not stop at all the stations. The light’s on but no one’s home. A sandwich short of a picnic. And a lamb chop short of a BBQ. Plus a few kangaroos loose in the far paddock.
And if she’s a fence post, then Tim Walz is this guy!!
This is the joke that goes with Tony’s fence post picture if you haven’t already heard it :-
While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working on cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually, the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders.
The old farmer said, “Well, as I see it, most politicians are “Post Turtles”.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what “a post turtle” was.
The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle”.
The old farmer saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he continued to explain.
“You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he’s elevated above his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb idiot put him up there, to begin with!”.
Trump said at the Al Smith roast that he actually doesn’t mind how much they’ve vilified him, that it’s all part and parcel of it. That speech showed his resilience and character I thought.
New York Post,October 25th /2024 chooses Trump:
‘Voters carry a heavy responsibility in this election — one of the most consequential in the history of this great nation.
The choice will have reverberations for decades, deciding which of two very different paths for the future Americans will take.
We must choose the following:
A secure border and a sensible immigration system.
Safer cities and support for law and order.
A thriving, low-tax and low-regulation economy for all — fueled by an energy policy that supports, not penalizes, industry and households.
Common-sense policies that restore the power of parents to choose what is best for their children on school choice, gender surgery and trans athletes playing in female sports.
An America that’s respected on the world stage — feared by our enemies and trusted by our allies.
Only one candidate can credibly claim to lead us there.
Donald Trump.’
Maybe radical, what other term could be used. Anarchic? How impulsive is Trump? Certainly he is individualistic and for me shows a strong belief in objectivism. Good luck Donald Trump.
As the ancient Greeks had it –
“Perfection is for Gods alone – mere mortal have to make do with less”
There is a simple and valid reason why people defending Donald Trump often start by saying he is a deeply flawed individual: every attack on Donald Trump and every criticism of Donald Trump is personal. The whole stream of invective is ad hominem not about policy. Supporters or defenders of Donald Trump do not want to get bogged down in arguments about his character, they want to talk about what he will do for America. By starting with ‘flawed character’ they are signalling that they are not going to argue about that. Unfortunately, of course, when they try to go on to discuss policy, they find that the anti-trumpers aren’t interested. Politically speaking, America is a deeply divided society, but not in the way that it is portrayed as being divided. There is no argument going on anywhere in American politics, just different groups talking about different things.
It’s the same with Climate Change. People start by accepting the increase in CO2 is man made. And go on to argue the benefits of CO2. But they have already lost the argument. I had this argument with Prof Will Happer. But he is part politician, so he goes the apologist route.
My absolute statement is that the increase in CO2 is not man made. This is categorically true and scientific fact with hard evidence. To say otherwise is to open the floodgates for the Greens.
Even criminals who have committed crimes know better than plead guilty. There is always someone who will believe a denial. But plead guilty and the game is over.
This phenomenon is not confined to America. It’s happening all over the west. The division you mention, in every single case, is driven by the intolerant and authoritarian behaviour of the left. It’s been happening for quite some time of course, but the majority of conservatives have only recently realised what’s happening and started to push back. Trump is a symptom of the pushback and, because he is effective and/or millions of people are seeing him as the only viable way to regain their freedom from leftist tyranny. Consequently, his enemies (the left and an unholy blob of ultra-rich elites who have grown fat on leftist spending) have identified him as a huge threat insofar that he is building a ‘movement’ that could actually reach critical mass. They are acting accordingly.
Welcome to the human race.
He’s running for office to drain the swamp and run the country (just not further into the ground), not become a Pedowood shallow film star.
You don’t like him as a person but he will, given the chance, go full Milei, and do what he’s elected to do – fix and run the damn country!
Full Milei. Nice.
This deeply flawed BS really gets me. FFS look around! Just in the West – Starmer, Khan (Sadiq), Macron, Trudeau, Scholz, Biden, Harris , Pelosi. Von der Leyen, Albanese, Bowen, many of our past PMs. I really don’t believe most politicians or business leadership would stand up to this nonsense bar of perfection some of the commentariat seem to believe is required.
What always strikes me is how odd all political leaders are. Every time a new face pops up in the news I can’t help but wonder how in the world they got to the top of the greasy pole.
Some didn’t bother climbing the pole. And they are greatly resented. Trump was one of only three Presidents who had never been an elected official or military general, joining only William Taft and Herbert Hoover. He is a complete outsider.
But unlike Australia, US Presidential aspirants have to stand for two elections, the first for the competitive and open nomination. And there are 36 million Americans in the Republican party.
So Donald Trump may never have held public office before, but he had to prove he could do the job to the satisfaction of tens of millions of Americans. And he has already been President.
It is appalling that Kamala Harris failed completely in the primaries and now she is the nominee solely of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Jeffries and a few in the private and exclusive club who actually run America when Joe is at the beach. The desires of the ordinary members of the Democratic party were utterly ignored.
I think Joe and Jill nominated her in their desire for sweet revenge on the conspirators led by Kamala and Barack. So old Joe may soon claim that despite being geriatric or as everyone knows, senile, he could have beaten Trump when Kamala could not.
Equally BS is the unaparty. They are different, the differentiation is not always as you would like. Don’t toss out the better of two options searching for perfect.
A regular person with only a small ego and normal decency cannot make it in politics.
Such a person might get to local council level, or perhaps be on the board of a Body Corporate or a Homeowner’s Association. However … pretty soon they meet up with others who are willing to play dirty, or “Whatever it takes.” as Graham Richardson called it.
At that stage … you either fight, and devote your life to the hardship or dirty politics, backstabbing, smears in the media, gotcha journalists, and grubby deals for money … or you give up and go live like the common folks.
It takes a certain personality to reach the top in that game.
Graham Richardson is amongst the worst Australian politicians in my memory, which included some years as manager of gov’t relation for a large Aussie resource company.
There is a group of politicians who, in government or opposition, put their own ideas and their own advancement ahead of national interest. You might be surprised how often what is clearly a good, common sense proposal is actively blocked because it is opposed by a pollie who hates the system. Pathologic haters. Geoff S
It’s a persuasion technical to gift the person you are talking to something they would agree with before you sell them your perspective/opinion.
Mirror mirror on the wall…..
>he is a deeply flawed individual
So? What of it? We’re all deeply flawed.
That’s another one of those stock insults which are actually just meaningless because they’re worn out from over-use and they’re generally not supported by any specifics.
Godwin’s Law needs to be extended to include meaningless stock insults such as for example::
*deeply flawed individual
*conspiracy theorist
*right-wing extremist
*white supremacist
Much like paying respects to a group of people who managed to achieve diddly squat before Europeans showed them the way. I was welcomed to the airport by the good folk on a Virgin flight recently. My reasonably loud comment from the cheap seats that it was BS was not contested.
“Brics and China will achieve hegemony.”
you really havent been following what the BRICS+ grouping is doing have you?
I have been following them since they were formed. What is your point?
The Daily Sceptic regularly produces high quality analysis of climate data, which of course is continually attacked
Good Lord, if you ever wanted an indication that the n*zis never actually went away, that report provides it.
Those criteria for accessing their killer options could have been taken directly our of the n*zi playbook. All that’s missing from the list of MAID candidates are the political opponents, a certain religion and the gay community.
It’s diabolical, but just how far behind this scenario are we here?
The Inquisition in modern times. Nothing ever goes away. The sight of M Mann’s grubby face made me want to spew.
It seems that if the covid vaccine doesn’t kill you then the Canadian health authorities will do so if you become ill as a result.
Canada seems to have gone some way down a long and frightening road over the past few years
Zelensky the Lying War Criminal Tries to Create World War III
Posted Oct 26, 2024 by Martin Armstrong |
“I have warned that Zelensky is a power-hungry and deeply hateful person who will hurl the world into World War III. I have had employees both in Kyiv and Donetsk, and the sad part about this is they have lost their country, and for what? I warned them that he was dishonest and had been constantly lying and trying to manipulate the world. He intentionally dresses as if he is in the military, no matter what he attends. He thinks this is a psychological ploy to get him never-ending money constantly. The only way to world peace is to arrest this clown, and he should be in prison for the rest of his life without parole.
Zelensky lied to get into office and pretended to be Christian, even baptizing g his two children. He promised peace to win, and my sources in Kiev swear the election was rigged. He promised peace, and has done everything but what he promised and then declared Martial Law so he does not have to stand for election every again as long as he can keep this war going. His VICTORY PLAN was nothing else but to conquer and destroy Russia.”
Martin Armstrong is hardly any sort of credible commentator. He has a very chequered criminal background and is not qualified to speak on the subject you have linked to. he is an interesting self taught economist which landed him in prison for a decade in the first place.
Zelensky and his family are Jewish. Please provide any credible evidence that the Children have been baptised as Christians
And Zelensky was a professional actor. And Jewish is extremely common in Eastern Europe and Russia. The Pale was in Ukraine. Prior to WWII it was 40% in the area, not 3% as in Germany. Zelensky is outlawing Russian Orhtodox, raising the old battle between Polish Catholics and Greek Orthodox, the Great Schism of 1054.
But religion is irrelevant, especially implied anti Semitism. The war must stop.
Already more people have died than all Americans in WWII. For what? The same people calling for a ceasefire by Israel are sending billions in 155mm mortar shells to Russian speaking Ukraine. It has been like this since 1812. Trump will end this war too. It’s another Biden war and has been running for twenty years, especially when Obama put Biden in charge of Ukraine relations. How did that work out? Why was his son on the board of Burisma? Amazingly Trump was impeached for allegedly doing exactly what Biden openly did.
Z is a dangerous Clown IMHO.
How could one succumb to US pressure to continue this vicarious situation in order to emasculate Russia? Poor Ukraine and poor Russia – it could have been resolved except for the meddling by usual suspects.
I suppose if one’s very life is dependent on continuing this war. The US CIA/State Department and all the rest with a vested interest are a nasty bunch. The phrase “choose your friends carefully” has never been truer.
In 500 words compare with Churchill.
In my view, Zelensky is only a puppet. Just like so many others. Recall, that Boris was sent in to make sure there was no settlement only a month or two after the invasion. The Western leaders thought it was a good chance to bring Putin down with Z being a proxy. But the Russians have turned that upside down and turned Ukraine into a bottomless pit of blood and treasure. And prestige when the West have finally had enough, and are bankrupt.
‘The war must stop.’
That can only happen if Putin accepts the truth, its not a civil war and he must withdraw.
Eg, you must accept that the scepticism that made this blog so popular is now strictly limited.
Anti-American, anti-West groupthink is now de rigueur. The educated idiots now rule, or is that the pigs who are more equal than the rest.
MA was convicted of Civil Contempt of Court which is not a criminal offence.
“MA was convicted of Civil Contempt of Court which is not a criminal offence.
Its interesting how something like that just gets translated into ‘convicted criminal, everything about him is a lie or wrong!”
Trump gets labelled as that because he is not a professional politician. Only those with a lifetime of their hands in other people’s pockets are acceptable to the Uniparty, the worst of our society always end up in power.
I find the same with Putin, half those comments about how Trump is not a madman apply to Putin as well, but the propaganda is thick these days.
I see our esteemed Govt have banned Candace Owens from visiting Australia, she says the ‘wrong things’, and discusses subjects those in power do not want people to think about. They instantly labelled her as a supporter of 1939 Germany,(that might get past the moderating bot!) the typical ploy of the Left when trying to smear someone.
I’d love to hear the Immigration Minister tell us who started slavery, if he is using Owen’s comment that Muslims started it as a reason to ban her.
We are so weak-minded we definitely need to have certain thoughts banned to us-
““Australia’s national interest is best served when Candace Owens is somewhere else.””
And agreed on some time ago by uniparty member Dan Tehan. The one that looks like the fellow in Some mothers Do ‘ave Them.
Perhaps the Australian Immigration Minister could be asked to name a Muslim abolitionist of slavery.
If not muslims, who?
Who were the pirates of the Barbary Coast the US formed the Marines to eradicate?
Where are slaves openly traded today?
Martin Arthur Armstrong (born November 1, 1949) is an American self-taught[1] economic forecaster and convicted felon who spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators.[1]
In 1999, Japanese fraud investigators accused Armstrong of collecting money from Japanese investors, improperly commingling these funds with funds from other investors, and using the fresh money to cover losses he had incurred while trading.[13] United States prosecutors called it a three-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme.[14] Allegedly assisting Armstrong in his scheme was the Republic New York Corporation, which produced false account statements to reassure Armstrong’s investors. In 2001, the bank agreed to pay US$606 million as restitution for its part in the scandal.[14]
Armstrong was indicted in 1999 and ordered by Judge Richard Owen to turn over fifteen million dollars in gold bars and antiquities bought with the fund’s money; the list included bronze helmets and a bust of Julius Caesar.[15][16] Armstrong produced some of the items but claimed the others were not in his possession; this led to several contempt of court charges brought by the SEC and the CFTC, for which he served seven years in jail until he reached a plea bargain with federal prosecutors.[17][18][19] Under the terms of the agreement, Armstrong admitted to deceiving corporate investors and improperly commingling client funds—actions that according to prosecutors resulted in commodities losses of more than seven hundred million dollars—and was sentenced to five years in prison.[20][15]
He was released from federal custody on 2 September 2011 after serving a total of eleven years behind bars.[21][22]
A con man cons!
The same tired long-since disproven nonsense, which YOU could have found out yourself had you made the slightest effort instead of regurgitating msm claptrap.
Believe CNN all you want, no-one cares.
It was the financial times not CNN. It is a matter of historical record. Would you care to link to something that shows it not to be truez?
Also iam waiting for a credible link that shows his children were baptised as Christians
Quite literally innocent people will agree to a plea deal under threat of a far longer jail term than that offered. The US justice system does it all the time to people that have crossed them.
‘… YOU could have found out yourself …’
“Armstrong has frequently posted on his website denying the existence of man-made climate change.[30] He claimed in 2018, “Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced.”,[30] and in June 2016 that “Britain is moving into an Ice Age”.[31]”
Definitely a dangerous criminal who should spend his life in jail! That tells you more about the person who wrote his Wiki entry than anything.
Seems he’s just another crooked investment advisor and you have to realise any time you give your fortune to someone else to gamble with, they have their own priorities and you might lose the lot.
Should his economic theory carry any less weight than Keynes? ..the guy who said the Govt should bury jars of money and people should dig them up?
Anyway, there’s less controversy over Big Z and the Yanks having “a VICTORY PLAN was nothing else but to conquer and destroy Russia.”” Anyone can have an equally valid opinion on that!
Your credibility Sir?
Video from CDN.
Comparing aerial photos of an Antarctic glacier from 1937 and now.
No ice loss, possibly a gain.
How inconvenient.
Remember boys and girls. Where some ice is melting coincides with active volcanoes. Volcanoes are hot and melt ice, at least that’s what they taught at school, back in the day. Today, “consensus science” might not agree that active volcanoes are hot.
Apparently electric buses would cost twice as much and last nowhere near the lifetime.
Jaw-Dropping Rogan-Trump Interview Crushes Kamala Harris Campaign
The full three-hour talk summarized in less than 10 minutes.
His interviews are amazing. And Kamala refused the same interview. Too busy although she just took two days off. Kamala would not last five minutes let alone three hours.
Rogan has an extraordinary talent and a massive real time following, 15 million on Spotify and 18 million on Youtube. You would have to be brave to be interviewed.
It’s one reason the Legacy Press hate Trump. He has found a way around their paper walls. But in Australia and the UK, we are still being fed the Deep State line. I find it hard even to read the Murdoch journalists who try to appear neutral on Trump but cannot resist any possible slight. Like his dancing on stage was weird. But you have to understand that in the journalist business, if you want friends and work, you have to hate Trump.
Would be interesting to see other leaders reveal themselves over 2-3 hours with Rogan.
Poppy Coburn
The three hilarious hours that won Donald Trump the election
Joe Rogan, the podcast legend, didn’t give him an easy time. But Trump was coherent, free-wheeling and characteristically funny
What followed was a freewheeling conversation without intervention – there would be no Kamala-esque panicked aides demanding a termination in case of a dud response, perhaps the main reason she has not appeared on the podcast.
Rogan expects his guests to sit for a minimum of an hour, and Trump stayed for three. These were three hours of coherent, continuous and characteristically hilarious conversation. Seriously, it’s funny – when asked how he would have stopped the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine, Trump adopted the sort of low, theatrical growl one might expect him to use when chastising a badly-behaved cockapoo: “I told him, I said Vladimir, you’re not going in”.
Trump was capable of reflection, too, surprisingly poetic when he described his feelings upon entering the Lincoln bedroom. He spoke fluently of the follies of Harris’ green energy plans (“electric cars being powered by coal power plants”), Biden’s disastrous military withdrawal from Afghanistan (“we left the best equipment in the world”) and his inspired approach to diplomacy with North Korea (“I have a red button also, but mine’s bigger than yours and mine works”).
From the Comments
– He’s not ideal but he is so much better than the alternative. Sadly he IS going to be assassinated; the deep state have his card marked. Nothing will be allowed to derail Obama’s 4th term.
– Trump deserves to win on many levels, not least his energy and honesty.
– Kamala has no policies, no principles, no personality, no clue. How is she a whisker away from being the “leader of the free world”? It’s unbelievable. Obama didn’t want her initially; he should have stuck to that position publicly.
The fact checkers are already all over this interview. Can you imagine the mentality of someone feeling the responsibility to fact check this free ranging interview.
The interview video has had 18M views in 19 hours.
As best I can recall, this is the first time ever that I have sat through a 3 hour interview and found it thoroughly entertaining. Could go down as the greatest interview of all time for its duration, scope and entertainment value. I only know one person (an Australian) who has met Trump and he has fond memories of meeting him and praised his personal attributes – Trump has a natural curiosity about people and their lives so meeting an Australian in New York was unusual for him. I learnt of their meeting long before Trump became president.
Never in the history of civilization has a nation declined more economically, politically, socially, militarily, morally and globally over such a short span of time as the United States has since Biden took office. However, what really makes the collapse unique is that it was done intentionally, from within and with very little opposition.
Not long now…
She isn’t … people voting Democrat know they are really voting for the party not the figurehead.
Obviously Biden never really ran the country, he simply signed whatever his staff put in front of him … and the decisions were made by various internal civil service committees … kept away from public scrutiny. The beauty of this design is that no one ever gets held responsible for what they do.
Edited. a repeat of #3.5.1
Joe Rogan Posts Presidential Poll on Social Media After His Historic Interview With President Trump —The Results Are STUNNING!
During his podcast, Rogan and President Trump discussed how, although polls show Trump was beating Kamala, neither of them has much faith in the validity of polls. They used the 2016 election as an example, where Trump was trailing Hillary Clinton by a significant margin and then trounced her where it matters: at the polling place.
Shortly after his podcast ended, Rogan tweeted a portion of the segment where they discussed their lack of faith in polls on “X” on his “Joe Rogan Podcast” account to his 730K followers. Along with the video, Rogan tweeted a poll asking voters to choose between Trump and Harris, saying, “Might as well poll here.”
Trump – 96.4%
Harris – 3.6%
I’ll take Florida & Texas – Good Republican States!
AI’s shocking views of how Europeans see Americans based on their state
So a low-cut top makes it HYPER-sexualised these days… The Daily Mail journos desperate for clicks… It shows how sexless the modern world has become, those pictures would be unremarkable last century.
Panicking liberals urge Kamala Harris to appear with Rogan as Trump’s staggering ratings on podcast revealed
Liberals have grown despondent after it emerged that Donald Trump’s interview with Joe Rogan amassed a staggering 17 million YouTube views in less than 24 hours.
The three-hour sit down covered a wide range of topics including UFOs, the John F. Kennedy assassination files, the border and healthy food in the US.
As soon as the episode was released just after 10pm Eastern Time on Friday night, viewing figures skyrocketed with 300,000 in the first 30 minutes.
By comparison, Kamala Harris’ appearance on the Call her Daddy podcast with Alex Cooper has clocked just 685,000 views in the two weeks since it went live.
I watched it all. Nothing said would change any policy wonk’s vote but the [I’m guessing here] hundred million who remember that Trump wasn’t a risk to democracy last time but were feeling uneasy with all the bad press lately, they will have had their fears allayed.
He looked NORMAL.
This is the single-most devastating ad for Kamala Harris.
Career ending.
If that gets wide airplay then it is another nail in the Harris coffin.
Make America Healthy Again. It has the feeling of an R F Kennedy advertisement just highlighting Kamala’s appalling track record of failure and her combination of arrogance, stupidity and irrationality, even malice. She could rightly be viewed as evil.
The Week in Pictures: Hitler Homecoming Week Edition
There’s a great scene late in the movie “Patton” where the general is surveying a scene of death and destruction in the early dawn after an overnight battle that devolved into hand-to-hand combat, and Patton says to his aide-de-camp: “You know how you can tell the Germans are beaten? They’re using horses to move their artillery.” Well this week the Democrats beat the deadest horse in their stable: Trump is Hitler!
I’m sorry, but we’re not done with McDonaldsgate yet! Let’s start with my own original meme:
Such a collection of the work of clever and witty people.
I enjoyed the McDonald’s sign with Trump having painted over the Mc so it was just Donald’s.
Thanks to you OldOzzie for posting messages from the counter culture the way you do.
Taking sides
NYC Mayor Adams refutes Kamala Harris, says Trump is not a fascist as he urges Dems to ‘dial down the temperature
A Trump Agenda for Day One
Steven F. Hayward
Trump has already started. He will have a capable VP and I have confidence that RFK Jr will make a huge contribution to making US healthy:
Can you imagine RFK Jr going into Climate Science™.
Trump has done a 4 year apprenticeship and has 4 years to hone his approach.
I watched the whole 3 hours. Amazing stuff. It added a lot to my understanding of Trump. He is stunningly good at these Utube appearances. I watched another one with a handful of young “influencers”. Trump had them in the palm of his hand. He was remarkably funny and disarming.
But the Rogan interview was a clincher, in my opinion. Trump ranged over many topics and past encounters with global figures and his enemies within Washington. He is the real deal. But more importantly – a man for his times. In every possible way.
“But the Rogan interview was a clincher, in my opinion.”
Unfortunately, therein may lie the problem which leads to the breakdown of the Union 2.0.
If a victory is manufactured for Harris, and it is being fabricated as we speak, the charade will be obvious.
Then the MSM goes into full propaganda mode, calling all who see the gorilla “anti-Democracy.”
You know, just like “anti-vax”.
Just like “anti-Science”.
(Maybe we should call it the ‘US Horse De-wormer election’. Instead of ‘safe and effective’, the election will ‘accurate and legitimate’. … and saying otherwise will be a crime of insurrection.)
Just as there is no authoritative legal or intellectual structure remaining in the West to reflect, critique, and prosecute the Pandemic crime …
there is none left to return any semblance of actual citizen democratic power to the now formerly Free World*.
*What is my basis for this assertion? Voting precincts and legal regulations in the US are controlled by political parties. The Dems no longer even pretend to be fair minded, after all he is H!TleR, and we have to save the planet as well as Democracy.
Those same political parties control legal prosecutorial functions as we have seen with multiple bogus prosecutions of Trump. In Democrat controlled precincts, the Democrat poll worker could be filmed literally changing Trump votes and there is no legal authority that will police them. They likely receive monetary reward.
The other pro-Democrat convenience, is that any legal challenge will take a decade to work through the courts.
Rasmussen polls the expectation of civil violence whichever way the published vote goes. The results are sobering and if the (D)s were pro America they would tone down the rhetoric.
It think uniquely, they also poll illegal voting and a significant number of respondents ADMIT to voting without citizenship, or being unsure of their citizenship.
What a mess but it is locked up in their constitution, it cannot be corrected easily, if at all.
“Rediscovering a very big bang
It looks as if a South American volcano may have played a major role in worldwide climate and weather problems many centuries ago. The article’s over a decade old, but I’ve just come across it, and I thought other readers might be interested as well.”
More at
We all know that anyone can edit the Wiki-thingi.
This – from that same source –
“The Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Lake Ilopango was the largest volcanic eruption in El Salvador during historic times, and one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in the past 7,000 years, registering at 6 on the Volcanic explosivity index (VEI), and dating back to the mid 5th century A.D. The eruption produced between 37–82 km3 (8.9–19.7 cu mi) of ejecta (dense-rock equivalent). The date of the eruption has been constrained within 429–433 CE by identifying its signature volcanic ash in precision-dated ice cores sampled from Greenland, thus eliminating it as the cause of extreme weather events of 535–536.”
If the W-thingi is right, then this would not be the cause of the mid-sixth-century cool period.
But an interesting article – and volcano/eruptive series – Twenty Cubic Miles of ejecta [top end]!!
I am looking to Trump’s first day as dictator. Up with the wall. Down with the Paris agreement. And a few phone calls to Tehran and Moscow and Kiev and Tel Aviv.
This week Javier Milei fired the entire Argentinian taxation department and created a new one half the size. With no one on million dollar salaries. That’s how to clean out a swamp.
In Australia, we need to repeal all the rubbish Climate Change laws and departments. The Voice was defeated. Climate Change is next. Then we can get back to work building Australia and deciding who comes here and under what terms. And build some new high technology coal power plants which use half the coal. Because it’s valuable. And ask Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull for the money back. Plus if we want to gift money to the Pacific islands, it’s to build bridges, not stop Climate Change or sea level rise.
And put Jacinta Price in charge of finding a way to improve life for remote aborigines, not hand out $42Billion a year which never reaches them.
For sure, she can do that, but I want Jacinta Price working for all Australia’s national and international interests not just that one.
That’s what she would be doing.
Need to abolish Canberra, and scatter Government Departments that have been left from purge across Australia – Alice Springs and Darwin are a good start.
No need for Department of Education – just go to School Vouchers of equal value to be spent by Parents where they prefer.
Cut ACT off from any external power – they can be 100% Renewable.
ACT council/state bought their own windmills with our money, like all windmill owners. And have pocketed many tens of millions of dollars in kickback Green certificates. About five years ago they had $36Million in free government money off balance sheet. I wonder how they hid it? The free money must be up to $100Million by now. For nothing. I suppose they used it to forcibly acquire the Catholic hospital and force them to accept abortions. There is no end to what public servants can do with free public money. It’s a wealthy class with unearned massive income.
Vance made the comments during a moderated town hall discussion at Harrisburg’s Rock Church with Senior Pastor Joshua C. Robertson.
Robertson — who penned a Wall Street Journal article calling school choice “the civil rights issue of our time” — kept much of Saturday’s conversation focused on policies related to school choice issues.
A strong supporter of school choice himself, Vance often referenced his poor upbringing in Appalachia while praising private vouchers as an engine to drive progress in America’s failing urban public districts.
“What I’ve seen is that when parents and grandparents get more school choice, it actually improves not just private schools,” Vance said.
“Because when the public schools know that they don’t have a monopoly, control over the lives of these young people, they’ve gotta step up. They’ve gotta do a better job.”
As the first in his family to earn a bachelor’s degree, Vance also touted education as a means for not just upward mobility but a longer life.
He claimed that, on average, those without a bachelor’s degree die seven years earlier than their more educated counterparts.
“When you talk about the fact that if you don’t go to college, you die seven years sooner… That’s a real division. That’s a real problem,” Vance said.
Hope the LNP reads Jo’s blog. You have nailed it, TdeF – a damn good agenda
Last time round I felt that Trump mostly circled round the swamp without plunging in. This time round he knows exactly where the swamp is located and who its inhabitants are, so will presumably plunge straight in from day one.
I am puzzled and bemused. Some of our government agencies say very odd things when they make statements.
I live near a very large dam. I have an interest in dam levels at different times of year due to potential flooding nearby. In wet years its common to see dams over 100% full, reporting things like 102.5% full.
Mrs Y has been watching the forecast from the Bureau of Muppets as its Open Gardens weekend this weekend and she is doing a girlie tour around with some mates. The forecast last week was fine , with a 30% chance of zero rain. This improved this morning to fine with a 10%:chance of zero rain. It seems a very convoluted way of saying no significant rain expected.
I was filling out an ATO form the get an Estate tax file number. Its one of those with required inputs and in some fields forces you to pick one of their options. Its basically a business TFN form and is a very bad fit for a deceased estate. In the end I just put in what would keep the form happy and at the end you have to tick a box saying its true and correct. There is no box to say I just had to put in what you forced on me.
I remain puzzled and bemused.
Puzzled and bemused can be a good thing. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
Dam levels over 100% are reasonably straightforward. 100% full means full to the brim with no water going over the spillway. Water over the spillway means there is a sheet of water higher than the spillway and in turn that means the dam is more than 100% full. The higher the percentage full the more water is about to flow over the spillway. Depending on the dam, start evacuating downstream when it gets to around 105% full because there is a lot of water about to find its natural level.
As for the BOM, there is no hope for them. My favourite is how their forecasts change retrospectively as a sunny day becomes cloudy or a forecast armageddon turns out to be a sunny sky.
Nice explanation Forest, it’s a pity they cant add that as a footnote.
Not all spillways are at the dam wall. The dam wall could be higher than the spillway.
They work simply, when building the dam, stick a pipe under the wall, bend upwards and end the pipe say 1m below the height of the dam wall. Then the dam fills, the water goes into the pipe first. If it’s bucketing down, the water rises, the pipe carries more flow due to the head pressure. If the water keeps rising, then the dam wall is overflowed.
Nothing special about these system, unless you happen to be swimming near to the pipe when the dam is spilling.
The size of the spillway is everything.
The Burdekin Falls Dam is 1 km wide with a flat top, so if it is 1 m over the top an AWFUL lot of water is flowing into the delta area, but that’s “normal”.
The Ross R. Dam was originally built as flood mitigation so has a narrow spillway which could be 150% capacity and all would be well. Today it is storage as well with gates. in 2019, as with the Brisbane floods some time before the gates were opened late and storage rose to 250% capacity.
Everything is relative so while it did a lot of damage to low set houses it was nothing like Brisbane floods.
That’s more like it. I was really pleased that Mel Gibson’s comment went viral. “Kamal has the IQ of a fence post.” Now there’s a succinct comment. In Australia we have a few more expressions for Kamala. The Train does not stop at all the stations. The light’s on but no one’s home. A sandwich short of a picnic. And a lamb chop short of a BBQ. Plus a few kangaroos loose in the far paddock.
FWIW – more covid shenanigans
” This week, the House Oversight Committee released its long-awaited report on the government’s misuse of psychological manipulation during the pandemic. It’s ugly. The House report was titled, “We Can Do This: An Assessment of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Covid-19 Public Campaign.” ”
“Maybe not. Maybe it was much simpler than it looks. What advanced techniques did FMG use to make the American public more compliant? What cutting-edge science did FORS bring to the HHS table, to earn their billion-dollar fee? Was it a blend of innovative AI and pioneering psychology?
Nope. They just lied. They lied, and they exaggerated stuff, to terrify people. Their lies were so bloody awful and so preposterous that nobody would have ever listened to them — except that they put the full weight and credit of the United States government behind their lies and fearmongering to make the whole grotesque scheme work. In doing so, they consumed every drop of historic trust earned by previous generations of hard-working public servants.”
Much more at
How much was copied here?
Other things in that newsletter too
How much was copied here? And how much was trialled here for later adoption elsewhere? I think the answer is most of it.
I see no evidence of any authority learning the lesson of how they diminished public confidence in all authorities. There really are long lasting consequences when over excited public serpents shout fire in metaphorical crowded theatres.
We’ve known for a long time that most politicians don’t lie all the time … only when their mouths are open.
But, for me, the doubts raised early on in the Terrible WuFlu Episode – together with the bad effects of unnecessary lock-ups, certainly here in the UK [and I guess elsewhere, too] – have reduced my ‘belief’ in even the most well-meaning of politicians to near zero.
Don’t trust – verify.
And – don’t use the BBC to ‘verify’ – despite their own propaganda arm being called ‘Verify’ – like the old Russian ‘Pravda’ ….
Auto, have you considered the negative side of the scale? That’s when a politician or bureaucrat says something and you immediately believe the opposite to be true?
It’s possible.
Now, truth is a ‘many splendoured thing’, in politics.
Not much used to truth in the UK, though!
But we have Budget on Wednesday.
Much briefing [mostly wrong, I guess].
Let’s see. I have candles.
Dark advertising: organ donation
FWIW – “ElBowen” listening?
“BOEM Finally Acknowledges the Harm Caused by Offshore Wind Farms”
“In a surprising yet overdue move, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has released its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the New York Bight. This document, despite its extensive layers of technical jargon and cautious language, marks a pivotal shift. It appears to be a rare admission from BOEM that offshore wind farms are indeed capable of causing harm—biologically, socioeconomically, physically, and culturally.”
More at
In comments there –
“Simpler translation of the new BOEM PEIS:
’Trump is coming, and he’s bringing hell with him.’
H/t the classic movie Tombstone and its portrayal of Wyatt Earp.”
“About three years ago on a return flight to NY, we sat next to a biologist on a consulting trip. His work involved promoting reductions of lead shot (from hunting) by substituting steel shot, specifically for (onshore) wind developers in NY State to employ this measure as an offset for expected raptor mortality. In other words, by agreeing to pay for programs to reduce the raptor mortality from lead shot, the wind developers could show a net neutral impact. I’m not making this up.”
VDH likes to compare Trump with Patten, Curtis LeMay, Shane and other “town tamer” heroes. I could add the Poles of RAF 303 Sqn during Battle of Britain.
What they have in common is that in spite of the service provided they are never accepted in polite society.
Tombstone must be a good movie. It only took 5 mins to download the 1080 version.
So I’ll find out, 🙂
FWIW- the “Ne Plus Ultra”** of regulation
“EPA Proposes Yet Another Impossible Standard”
“But “no detectable level” is not a standard – it is an activist’s pipe dream.
The air around you probably has detectable levels of lead in it. A recent document from the EPA shows that the dust in the air, averaged across all monitoring sites, ranges from 0.015 to 0.045 µg/m3.
If the water in your home is likely to have detectable lead levels, and the dust in the air outside your home has detectable lead levels, how is it possible to lower the lead levels inside your home to “no detectable level”?
It is not.”
I can’t wait for the UN to ban CO2. And then the other culprit of combustion, H2O. We can live without either. H2O kills a lot of people every year.
“H2O kills a lot of people every year”
It is – a … gasp … chemical!
It has a formula – look!
Ban it!!
Auto – channeling my brain-dead, lefty alter ego, that has no need for – facts, you guessed!
I posted a comment right near the end of this WUWT article.
There is a link to a 30 page draft of mine that tells of decades of my research into Lead poisoning. Do not believe much of the official story. It is a poster child for an issue hyped to absurdity.
Geoff S
To all you 3rd party voters who believe absolutely that PHON is the salvation:
One ind, no PHON, no greens in y’day’s Qld election. I know you could never support Katter who got three members.
It took me a while to figure out the PHON acronym. I agree that they are not the salvation but welcome anything which throws sand in the gears of the government administrative juggernaut.
And not to disappoint but there is still one seat where the green is favoured to win on preferences.
The biggest thing to occur to me yesterday evening was the contrast between Australian electoral processes and the US electoral processes. A cynic or perhaps a realist would say that the US system is deliberately broken and there seems to be no push to fix it.
There is one big difference – ours was a “single issue election”.
The US ones start at federal and work down through state and local government to about the level of “county dog catcher”. So many more categories.
The 1972 Nixon voting form I saw was like a centrefold of the Australian
Yes. I can recall driving through California when some elections were on. I was heartily amused by competing billboards on the side of the road for positions which in Australia would not be subject to election like sheriff. And I’m pretty sure I recall some of them were indeed for dog catcher.
I don’t know why you would keep voting for labor/liberal and hoping for a change. Both major parties are on the nose.
I’m a happy “3rd party voter”.
Because the 2 majors are comparable to choosing between stepping in a dog turd or a cat turd. My preference will always trickle down to the gutless,useless left leaning libs however.
That’s the case in the UK with Farage. He is going to win the next election by bypassing both woke parties.
There is another way to look at the result in Queensland, the majors made a tactical decision to marginalise the outliers.
‘Following a dismal performance in the state election, the Greens have faced bipartisan condemnation as “extremists” as both Labor and the Coalition appeared eager to marginalise the minor party ahead of the next federal election.’ (Sky News)
Why would you vote 3rd party and hope for change?
You need representation to sit at the table.
If your happy voting for the same parties again and again and are expecting change? Good luck with that.
Would you recommend that an American vote libertarian party hoping for change? How often would you do that before you declare yourself insane? I like Hansen and vote for her in the Senate, [as long as I rank her above labor that vote is counted before exhaustion]she says some things that need to be said, but she will never influence policy formulation and I’m not insane.
Chase Russell Oliver is an American political activist and politician who is the nominee of the Libertarian Party for the 2024 United States presidential election.
Well thats reverse thinking and the definition of stupidity.
“One ind, no PHON, no greens in y’day’s Qld election. I know you could never support Katter who got three members.”
PHON had no sitting member outside of Mirani, this was held by Stephen Andrew who defected to KAP when PHON would not re-endorse, PHON lost nor gained.
KAP looks to hold all their seats but gain none.
I vote for the K-nutt, because he does nothing therefore breaks nothing and KAP have the Castle law they are trying to get through.
Red Townsville has turned blue, this is what happens when the oxygen is turned off.
You would have voted LNP, because the left side of your head the ALP have been beating is a tad sore and you figured you just need it beaten from the other side.
QLD lost in this election, nothing will change.
Don’t try to psychoanalyse me, you have NFI.
Why do you think voting for a loser will improve governance? The fact that the state is now a little less socialist is a good thing but you uni socialists will not accept that.
And Townsville has not been red for decades, it has a varied electorate so drifts with the tide.
Or you could have said, you voted LNP and the headache just won’t go away.
K-nutt won again.
Daniel Ryan Labor 1915–1920
William Green Northern Country 1920–1923
Maurice Hynes Labor 1923–1939
George Keyatta Labor 1939–1960
Fourth incarnation (1972–present, 1 member)
Member Party Term
Norman Scott-Young Liberal 1972–1983
Ken McElligott Labor 1983–1986
Tony Burreket National 1986–1989
Ken Davies Labor 1989–1992
Geoff Smith Labor 1992–1998
Mike Reynolds Labor 1998–2009
Mandy Johnstone Labor 2009–2012
John Hathaway Liberal National 2012–2015
Scott Stewart Labor 2015–present
The tide seems to be red, alot of stuff floats with the tide in Brownsville.
You have a pain fetish, you will be happy with your new abuser.
Sleep well. Your abuse is for amusement only, it will not tip me over any edge.
Yeah, look, it’s not cricket, but this was just sensational.
I knew it was a Grand Slam, but I had to look up what the term used meant ….. a ‘walk off grand slam’.
I have always followed Collingwood since I was younger than even I can remember, my Mum told me, and then, from 1967, St George In the Rugby League. In the early 70s I picked some International teams to follow, Tottenham Hotspur, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, (formerly the Minnesota Lakers) and the LA Dodgers, this last team based on the former wonderfully named Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers.
So there I was watching the sport on the streaming service Kayo. (Umm, and I can do that now that Bob has sadly passed away) There was a break in the cricket, and I flipped across to watch the closing stages of the Dodgers Yankees World Series Final first game.
The game had gone into Overtime, so it was now the top of the tenth Innings.
New York had a base hit and ran in a run to go one ahead.
So here we were now at the bottom of the tenth.
The Dodgers had loaded the bases with a hit and two walks I think. Their famed Japanese pitcher and designated ‘hitter’ Shohei Ohtani was caught on a deep fly ball.
So, bases loaded, two outs, and The Yankees looking down the barrel at a lead off win in the World Series.
Freddie Freeman steps to the plate, and he wasn’t really expected to play in the first place, with a ‘bad’ ankle.
Boom! He hits the first pitch, a 92MPH fast ball, out of the park to hit a grand slam Home run.
Then came the term ….. walk off grand slam.
So I had to look it up.
Its a home run in the last Innings that wins the game for the batting team, but a home run that takes that batting team ahead to win the game, coming from behind.
Hence, both teams can ….. walk off! ….. Game over!
This was the first walk off grand slam in Major league Baseball Playoff history.
What a dream result as literally, every player would dream of doing something like that.
Link to article with the video clip at the top.
A truly amazing piece of sporting history ….. no matter if you don’t even like the sport.
Tony, I follow Tottenham Hotspur as well. Since the age of 7 and I am 72 next month. COYS.
Other than the Mighty Magpies, all my other teams I picked because I ….. just liked the names really.
Pretty much average results across all the years too for all those teams really, which sort of makes me wonder how some people change their team allegiances to teams doing well.
My daughter has this thing for chickens, weird really, just wall hangings, statues, pictures on mugs, knitted soft toys, china things, literally dozens of them spread all through the house. As soon as she found out that ‘Spurs’ have the cockerel as their ‘mascot’, my love of all sports was something she could not quite figure out, as my wonderful Bob (her mother) was not all that keen on sport. I was watching a replay of a game from England when she walked into the room, just as they put up a Spurs logo on the screen. She saw it, and said ….. “Dad is that a chicken that football team has for a logo?” I explained it, and since then, the ONLY sport she has ever had ANY interest whatsoever in has been the English FA, and Spurs.
LOL. Yes, and our rivals call it a chicken badge.
I was umpiring a game of Aussie Rules in Queensland in the 1970s. One of the teams was Ipswich. Most of the team came from RAAF Amberley. There was one woman in the crowd screaming and shouting abuse. I asked the Captain (RAAF) who she was. He said “That’s my wife”. So there you go
I should be a Sunderland fan. My second given name is Stothard and if you went to Sunderland and rang that name in the phone book you might find a rellie.
The Stothards were shipwrights and as a Pommie once explained, they were the makims. They tended to blue with the takems in the pubs: The ship builders and sailors didn’t always get along.
He gave me a jersey but an English football jersey is hardly tropical wear so it has been forgotten.
Arctic Oscillation turning negative, opening the door for the beast from the east to freeze Europe.
FWIW – having another chop!
“Big Pharma Markets Weight Loss Drugs as Unemployment Cure, Demands Government Subsidy”
More Misinformation information.
This one popped up in my YouTube feed and I thought it was worth a comment.
Misinformation Bill – Australian MP David Coleman rebuttal [28:04]
One point he makes about the bill is that if the minister holds a public hearing about someone’s misinformation on a digital platform, if the person doesn’t attend when ordered they can be sent to jail. He says that’s under section 202 of the act. Oddly I haven’t found a section or subsection 202 anywhere in the bill that I downloaded, neither do the words ‘jail’ or ‘prison’ appear in the bill. Presumably the MP has interpreted the bill correctly.
The IPA continues to generate reports on the matter, such as the poll they conducted last week. :
Read the article to find out how many Australians want more censorship (yes, it isn’t zero).
The Saturday Night Joke With Moral.
The teacher gave her students an assignment asking them to share a story with a moral … Little Johnny raised his hand and said, “My parents once told me a story about morals.” The teacher encouraged him to share and Johnny began, “There was a little bird flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While lying there a cow came by and pooped right on top of it. Strangely, the frozen bird in the pile of cow poop began to feel warm and great; it laid there all cozy and happy and even started singing. Just then a cat passing by heard the bird’s song and went over to investigate. When the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow poop, it promptly dug him out and ate him.
” The teacher was stunned and asked, “Dear God, what was the moral of THAT story?”
And little Johnny replied, “Well, it teaches us: (1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy; (2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend; and, most importantly, (3) When you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut. (H/T Kathy)
And a interesting opinion from a Democratic political strategist on the end of Progressives in America. Wouldn’t that be something!
The end of DEI, ESG, BLM, Reparations, Windmills, Solar panels, bans on gas and fracking, government paid sex changes operations, woke, pulling down our heroes and destroying our past and beliefs. But I am sure the Universities are already plotting their revenge four years from now. And they will run straight into straight talking JD Vance who is not only young, seems as tough and world wise as Trump with real experience in money and on the battlefield and Ivy League.
It would be the last we would see of the Clintons and Obamas and Pelosi and Bidens. Not before time. We have seen enough of E Pluribus fence post.
Kamala Harris Tries a New Strategy at Rally With Michelle Obama: Being Completely Unhinged
Vice President Kamala Harris appeared with Michelle Obama on Saturday evening, and things ranged from laughable to psychotic. As RedState reported, the former First Lady ranted and raved about abortion while scolding male voters for not reflexively backing Harris. To say it was tone-deaf would be too kind. I’d instead go with psychotic regarding the following clip.
Pretty deranged that you think the most powerful message to young men is they should avoid being fathers by having their babies killed so they can “go to college.”
Psychotic even.
Jon Favreau@jonfavs
The most powerful message to young men in the entire campaign
But while Michelle Obama made headlines for being so tone-deaf and demeaning, Harris got noticed for a different reason: She was completely unhinged.
Yes, acting like an unhinged angry menopausal crazy woman will totally inspire people to vote for you.
Oh, wait … no.
The transcript is almost irrelevant here.
You have to watch the video to see how crazy she comes across. The arms are flailing, and she’s growling as if she’s about to bite the head off a bat. It’s a look, and it’s not a good one for a struggling nominee desperate to right the ship just days before the final votes of the election are cast.
What if I told you it gets worse, though?
Believe it or not, this is a scripted performance she’s delivered before, and the Trump campaign helpfully put together a video illustrating that. Get ready to have your mind blown.
“Not before time. ”
Not before the court cases?
Queensland had an election yesterday. The LNP (iberal National Party – Centre Right) have won a majority, and it looks likely that the filthy Watermelon Party has lost both of it’s seats. I love Queensland!
“Open Letter to JD Vance”
“In 2016 I picked up a book. I do not know who recommended it or if I learned about it from a podcast. It was your book “Hillbilly Elegy”. It made me cry. So much of the story reminded me of my own upbringing even though my parents were married and no-one in my family was a drug addict. Yet, we were poor and for the first year of my existence we were on well fare. My father and mother both worked two jobs to advance us to the middle class. Which we eventually did in my late teens.
I have to note that I am not from here. Not from the US. I lived for 24 years in Germany. Then moved to South Africa for my master degree at the University of Cape Town — Chemical Engineering. And eventually ended up in the United States. I was able to travel the world and have worked in countries like South Korea, Brazil, Italy, Spain, France and the UK.”
More at
Tyler is at it again-good article decrying glowbull warming or whatever the mass psychosis is labeled now.
FWIW – bloody hell!
“Vaccine injury is treatable: let us start trials now!”
You’ll be pleased to know that it is our fault!
“Bandt blames everyone except The Greens for The Greens s h i t h o u s e result in Queensland.”
And next thread down there
“Greens in Queensland announce their new pronouns:
Eric Trump in a long interview with Patrick Ben David. The guy comes across as grounded, and really together. He claims the Trump organisation employs 600 000 people!
Eric is less prone to hyperbole than Donald so prolly right.
“And here is the summit in Kazan. One way or another, major world players express their position. Even if they do not directly help Russia, coming to Kazan is already support…. The unconditional superiority of the West no longer exists. Nothing new has yet arisen, but the old has ended….Ten, and even five years ago, a scream from the West was certainly perceived in many countries as a guide to action. Now the same Gulf Monarchies practically do not respond to the hysteria of Western politicians. And not that China intends to quarrel with the United States. But its line will be promoted more consistently than before 2022.”
Another exchange of bodies, 90 Russian for 500 Ukrainian. Once again one Russian for 6 Ukrainians. ..and what will Putin want to end the war?
“The huge gulf in climate scaremongering”
Via Sarah Hoyt (of the “Shocked Face”) at Instapundit
Why America is beyond help-
“For the first time in U.S. history, interest payments on the national debt have exceeded one trillion dollars. This is the largest expenditure item in the U.S. government budget – more than medical and military expenses. Now let’s do the math: with a budget revenue of 4.9 trillion dollars, the deficit plus mandatory interest is 2.8 trillion dollars. That is more than a third of the budget – and, apparently, this figure will only grow.
Since this year, the United States has been experiencing a specific shortfall of almost 50 percent in money to service its debt. In other words, in order to simply continue servicing its national debt, the US would have to borrow an additional $500 billion from its own banks every year, but that would only be if the country stopped borrowing. Of course, the American elite has no intention of stopping.
For example, Trump promised an additional 7 trillion in his election campaign, Harris a little less – 4 trillion (on top of the already expected deficits). That is, in any case, the debt will continue to grow under the next president. One of the consequences of high inflation is the growth of interest rates on loans. If Trump borrowed his seven trillion at 0.9 per annum, then Biden borrowed his seven at more than 4 percent, and the next president will borrow at an even higher interest rate. The flywheel has been set in motion – you can’t not borrow, but each new loan will be more expensive, and to service it, you’ll have to borrow again. ”
The end of the free lunch! In 2008 debt was 60% of GDP, now its double that and won’t go down! Too bad they never played ‘Sim City’…
If anyone is expert at getting out of debt, it’s Trump. His answer? Climate Change is fake. Drill, baby, drill. Just changing the US back to what he had, a nett exporter of energy would do it. It’s why destitute roasting hot Arab desert counties are so wealthy. Look at Dubai, Qatar, Baku.
But also they are expert in nuclear. And telecommunications, IT. Look at Musks’ satellites. More than any country. And silicon valley still leads the world. Electronic trading. Inventions. What is the only puzzle is that Democrats throw it all away, shut down the money, borrow, spend and import tens of millions of destitute people who immediately live on the earnings of everyone else. A billion a year in New York to put people up in hotels while Americans are out of their smashed homes in Carolina and the Biden-Harris government says they are broke with no money for disaster recovery.
America has by far the biggest economy in the world. It needs the government out of its pockets. As in Argentina where Milei fired the entire taxation department this week. Taxation is not an industry in itself. It punishes success and effort. As with Trump’s removal of Harris’ tax on tips. You have to allow people to keep the profits from their efforts, not punish them for trying.
And the same in Australia. The endless theft of money from Australians starts when you turn on a power switch. It connects your bank account to friends of the government. And that is illegal.
” A regional state of emergency has been declared in Kamchatka due to an outbreak of bird flu at a poultry farm, said the region’s Minister of Emergency Situations, Sergei Lebedev.”
The face of the new warfare..
..and if young people are still thinking the big OE to work in the UK is a good idea..
“Britain must cut its meat and dairy consumption by up to 50pc to meet the latest net zero targets, the Government’s climate watchdog has said…”