In Deep State warfare space rockets need to show they don’t hurt sharks

By Jo Nova

There are a million pointless ways the Deep State Machine can tie down opponents.

Elon Musk is having fun sharing his stories of Bureaucratic Entanglement, as petty officials demand he protect sharks, whales and seals in every launch.

Bureaucrats are not even pretending to serve the people anymore, they just serve themselves

The Lordships at the Californian Coastal Commission have admitted they are disallowing extra Space X launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base because they don’t like Elon’s tweets. And they even said so out loud. It’s so third-world.

Commissioner Gretchen Newsom apparently has a theory that stopping rocket launches will protect the people of California from hearing opinions she doesn’t want them to hear. She has appointed herself decider of your vote.

“Right now Elon Musk is hopping about the country, spewing and tweeting political falsehoods and attacking FEMA while claiming his desire to help the hurricane victims with free Starlink access to the internet,” said Newsom, who has no relation to Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Newsom claimed Musk harbored an anti-California agenda, saying the CEO had enjoyed billions of dollars in state subsidies while threatening to relocate his companies to Texas due to “bigoted beliefs against California’s safeguards and protections over our transgender community.” — Wall Street Journal

In other words, it was just a form of extortion. She was hoping she could exploit her public role to force Musk to endorse the politicians and causes she personally preferred. Unfortunately for her, Musk is suing them all instead. He claims he has a right to free speech…

So at this point, despite being the richest man in the world, Elon Musk knows the people in control of the Army, the Spies, and the six trillion dollar budget could take it all away from him in a blink. Which is why he is all in with Trump, and if a few million dollars here or there might shift the outcome, it’s nothing.

In his latest volley back against the Machine, Musk wants people in swing states to sign a petition to protect the First and Second Amendments. In the world we thought we lived in, he would have spent millions on the mainstream media for advertising. Since the media are the enemy, to get attention, he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead. Fans of Kamala are crying foul, as though he is “buying votes” but since the petition is endorsing the First and Second Amendment, Democrats can sign the petition too, and (in theory) the Democrats support the Constitution. Yes? And if the Democrats don’t, then now would be a good time for American voters to find that out.

It’s so much better than feeding the Machine.



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95 comments to In Deep State warfare space rockets need to show they don’t hurt sharks

  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I know I keep going on about that Pandemic thing.
    But seems to me that during Pandemic, governments crossed over from being simply annoyingly bureaucratic with smatterings of corruption …
    to being outright vindictive and openly and fully corrupt.

    As I’ve said before, notice how they make no effort to rebuild public trust, but instead are working insidiously to silence and even outlaw criticism.


    • #
      David Maddison

      One major purpose of the Plandemic, especially in the fanatically woke UN and WEF following countries like Australia was to introduce laws, never to be repealed (because unlike many US laws, most Australian laws don’t usually have a sunset clause) that further removed what few rights we have.

      Australia is fully compliant with the UN and WEF Agenda with numerous politicians and senior public serpents (who tell politicians what to think) loyal to the UN, WEF and China but not Australia.


      -World’s strictest Plandemic lockups + compulsory vaccination if you wanted to work, travel, shop or socialise.
      -Fanatical commitment to wind, solar and Big Batteries despite their obvious harm to the economy and people.
      -World’s most expensive real estate when it used to be among the cheapest and most affordable.
      -Commitment to 15 Minute Cities, rebranded as 20 Minute Neighbourhoods.
      -Wars on many fronts against private motorists.
      -Wars against farmers and promotion of insect eating with kids in at least 1000 Australian “schools” being offered insects to eat.
      -Ongoing wars against law abiding firearm owners.
      -Continued mass importation of some of the world’s most violent, uneducated and anti-Western people.

      There are many more examples. Australia shoukd be a warning to others.



      • #
        John Connor II

        If Covid keeps on going, very soon there’ll only be 99.9999% of us left!


      • #
        John PAK

        An honest administration would freeze road fuel tax at (say) 40% of $1.75 per litre. Govt revenue would be fixed at 70¢/lit irrespective of the floating international oil price. As it is we see small changes in oil price which are accentuated by the Govt milking us. I don’t think Govternments understand how marginal many businesses are and random increases in transport costs are a significant factor.
        They bleat about “cost of living pressures” but fail to do anything meaningful about it.


  • #
    James Murphy

    Here’s a 30 minute interview with a US congressman, Kevin Kiley (surprisingly, a Republican from California) who also sees the California Coastal Commission as maliciously obstructive.

    here’s another 15 minute video from the same person which focusses more on the FAA being difficult.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    A great outline of what’s going on in the USA and it’s not pleasant reading.
    The Australian version would describe the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation “thingy” which saw AUD $444 Million (equivalent to more than seven tons of gold bullion) “allocated” to the “committee” before the Snowy Hydro Two Ultimate Insult of more recent times.

    How does this sort of behavior continue, it’s unbelievable.

    I’m tempted to apply for a University grant to study the effect of Purple People Eaters on 1950s music.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Well I saw the thing comin’ out of the sky
      It had the one long horn, and one big eye
      I commenced to shakin’ and I said “Ooh-eee”
      It looks like a purple people eater to me


      • #

        I never did decide whether the purple people eater was itself purple,
        or whether it only ate purple people.


        • #
          David Maddison

          It eats purple people.

          I said Mr. Purple People Eater, what’s your line?
          He said eating purple people, and it sure is fine,

          [As nostalgic as PPE are, can we get back on topic? – J]


    • #

      I worked it out at less than 4 tonnes of gold.

      7 is such an overstatement.

      The government would never waste 7 tonnes of gold.

      /s for those too thick to care.

      And the rest of us get…… nothing/shafted.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        “4 tonnes of gold”

        The price of gold has gone up a lot since I did the initial calculation.



        • #
          Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

          Better thought of “The buying power of the fiat dollar has greatly diminished” as Gold is a constant


        • #

          I know it’s gone up, I’ve got some door stops here that are almost too expensive to take to market.

          I’m betting the government have their eyes on the capital gains long before the sale is concluded. In fact, I’m expecting a bill just for owning it in a rising market.


          • #
            Sceptical Sam

            Unrealized capital gains tax.
            Coming your way, courtesy of the Australian Labor Party.
            You get what you vote for.


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      Jon Rattin

      Keith, you would be some sort of chance of receiving that grant on account of the triviality of some PHD subjects I’ve seen in recent years.

      Personally, the Purple People Eaters don’t scare me as much as the Green Grant Gobblers…


  • #
    David Maddison

    he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead. 

    On Their ABC (Australia) (taxpayer funded far Left multimedia propaganda organisation, A$1.2 billion dollar budget), they said Musk is using his wealth to “influence the US election”, which of course is his Right.

    And yet they never say this about the Hollyweirdos, the Lamestream Media, woke corporations, Farcebook who spent US$350 million on the last US Presidential “election”, socialist media and search engine shadow banning, censorship, deplatforming, Government lawfare and lobby group lawfare against members of the Thinking Community etc..

    As usual, the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering.

    …quickly amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to help local election offices — most notably, $350 million from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. …


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      … to get attention, he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead

      That actually had me laughing out loud. Of course the lefties hate it – using billionaires’ money to buy votes is their schtick.

      I really dislike EV’s (hopelessly expensive, impractical and dangerous for longer journeys) but freely admit Musk is absolutely outstanding. An organizational genius with a real dash of John Cleese-type humour.


      • #
        David Maddison

        I think Elon knows he only sells EVs to rich, virtue signaling Leftists who also secretly keep an ICE vehicle or hybrid vehicle for long trips.

        And good on him for identifying a market for his products for the woke and stupid, but rich, Left. At least he’s not taking money from the “Deplorables” as the American Left refer to ordinary working people.


        • #

          I’ve noticed a large proportion of Amazon delivery drivers show up driving a Tesla … and presumably that’s their own car, not the company car.

          Being a delivery driver doesn’t sound like it’s the sort of job that would put you on the top 100 rich list, does it?


          • #
            David Maddison

            Amazon has a “zero carbon” (sic) policy so perhaps drivers are required to use them. I doubt an EV is competitive with an ICE or hybrid vehicle for commercial deliveries, especially for a minimum wage driver.


            • #

              And zero carbon means they run on coal and generate more CO2 with less range than a hybrid. It’s all a scam. There is no such thing as zero carbon (dioxide).


            • #

              Back in the old days, if you ordered something online, you could choose Australia Post or you could choose a courier.

              If you went with Aus Post, they take best part of a week to deliver a small card and then you pick it up yourself from the local post office.

              If you paid a bit extra for the courier he would turn up in a van, usually diesel, with two seats in the front and a wire mesh divider just behind the front seats … the whole remaining space in the van would be parcels stacked up.

              These days with Amazon Prime, the delivery is free … everyone who is outside the metro area gets deliveries that way … and the guy turns up in a Tesla (or sometimes a Toyota hybrid) which is really a five seater passenger vehicle, and he has about four parcels across the back seat, maybe three in the boot. And somehow they deliver next day for most things … and at least half the time they are also cheaper then regular shops.

              Where the heck does the money come from with Amazon? I mean, how can it compete so well when their delivery system appears to be about the most inefficient imaginable?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Musk’s rockets will harm whales, sharks and seals but monstrous proposed California offshore wind subsidy plantations will not?

    As usual, the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering.


    • #

      “Musk’s rockets will harm whales, sharks and seals but …the American military…. will not?”

      All those rockets into the sea, all the semi-depleted uranium ammunition, the atomic bomb tests, the largest user of petrol in the world… but no effect on the environment at all?


    • #
      Mike Jonas

      Based on the area of the ocean, the average size of a whale, and the population of whales, together with the proportion of time that whales spend below the surface or well away from any likely splashdown area, I calculated the number of SpaceX rockets that it would take to have a greater than 50% chance of injuring or killing one whale. The number, according to my computer, is floating point overflow.


      • #

        When the UK had a space rocket programme the test rockets landed in the Atlantic.
        The seamen’s union objected, saying that a falling rocket might hit a boat. They eventually agreed if the impact area was searched by a sea search plane to ensure there were no boats in the target area.
        On doing a risk assessment it was eventually calculated that there was a greater risk of the pilot being killed in a road accident on the way to the airport.
        The rocket research project was eventually shut down.


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        Apparently there was a near miss when a Space-X rocket was coasting as the boosters fell away and a whale fell past, barely missing them! They sent the guy who said he’d seen a bowl of petunias in outer space for medical treatment..


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    David Maddison

    The Left are always racist against successful African Americans like Elon Musk. They prefer them to remain as welfare-dependent Democrat-voting slaves.


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      John B

      “The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man…” – Malcolm X


  • #

    The “Deep State” is endemic and ‘woking’ to WEF riding instructions world wide! In the process killing off initiative and choice populations once believed to be ours by rite.


  • #

    Today the lunatics are definitely running the Asylum and I hope Musk wins against these loonies and moves to Texas ASAP.
    How do you run a business in 2024 against govts who really hate you?


    • #
      David Maddison

      While it’s great freedom-loving anti-woke people are moving to relatively free states Like Texas, unfortunately California is too dysfunctional even for many Leftists so many Leftists are also moving there and taking the poisonous ant-American, socialist and anti-western ideas with them. Many Texans are concerned about this.


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        Mike Jonas

        It’s staggering how many people who flee from a dysfunctional system then support it when they get to somewhere functional.


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      “I hope Musk wins against these loonies and moves to Texas ASAP.”

      Well, why stop at Texas? NZ has a fledgling rocket industry and Australia wants to start one… Oh wait, we’d be just as bad! Looks like the Baikonur Cosmodrome would be the most trouble-free for him.


      • #
        David Maddison

        NZ has a fledgling rocket industry and Australia wants to start one… 

        Australia once had one, back in the day and was one of the first countries to launch its own satellite, on a surplus US Army rocket.

        I wrote an article about it.


        • #
          David Maddison

          The program ended because the Government Minister responsible said there was no future in space.


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          John in Oz

          As young lad living in Woomera we used to gather in the school yard to watch rockets such as the Blue Streak being launched

          Later, in the Navy, I undertook courses at WRE Salisbury for the Ikara missile system developed by WRE and tested at Woomera

          Fun days


          • #

            My elder brother came to Aus to work at Woomera Rocket range in the ’60s, that led to the whole family eventually emigrating in dribs and drabs from the UK. I think they primarily shut it down as it was too expensive to run a big space program for Britain and Aus and they didnt see the point as NASA was dominating the so-called “space race” in the US. Of course our governments are too responsible to run a vastly expensive program that has little sign of benefits! aah yes – let me take that back – anyone for reknoweables?


        • #

          Thanks David, I had a lecture in Mechanical Engineering at uni back in the early 1990’s who worked on that WRESAT program and had a photo of the rocket and satellite on his wall. Mr Peter Pemberton. His specialty was pressure vessels for cryogenic liquids.


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    Greg in NZ

    Monday morning nitpick, or, How I Leaned 2 Stop Wurryn & Luv Murican Spaling –

    “requiring @SpaceX to asses”

    Colin Wright is so wrong… I’m fairly certain Elon doesn’t swing that way, which could be why Gretchen the witch is shrieking. Are we antipodeans allowed to ‘sign up’ to go into the US$1 million lucky dip?


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    John Connor II

    The seal: “Yeah, the sonic boom sounds are boring but at least it’s better tham modern music”


    • #
      Dave Coleman

      How’s your Dad,fit and well and informed I hope.
      I saw his name mentioned in hope the other day on an American sight.


  • #

    Climate Change/Green/Clean Energy are all driven by government employees and politicians. They are not driven by facts. Governments now feel they can control the population. What they think, where they live, how they live, what they say, what fuel they use, who they elect. And they use the people’s money to do it. Canberra and Washington DC are 98% Labor/Democrat driven. As are the universities.

    In the 19/20th century, all the health issues were handled by Churches as the previous thousand years. Slowly governments are taking over all health, education, food choices, transport choices, education choices, health choices and even passing laws about how people speak to each other. Hate speech can be anything at all.

    Like the lawsuits against Donald Trump, this is massive overreach and bordering on criminal, in conflict with the first and second amendments. No one truly believes the whales and sharks are at risk. Environmentalism like all Green issues are just an excuse to control people and every aspect of their lives. The pandemic allowed would be dictators to flex their muscles. And the unelected dictators in their thousands are in the public service and large corporations.

    That is NOT the job of government.


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      John PAK

      It’s a global competition for the “stoopid of the year” award. If some chooks walked from Lebanon to Calais and stowed away on a boat to Dover would they be paperwork exempt and put up in a guest house and given free food or would they have to be registered along with all the millions of other birds in the UK. I wonder if the Royal Pheasants in Scotland have to be registered. Maybe they should identify as gender fluid and gain exemption under Scotland’s new “it’s not fair” laws.


      • #

        Gender is just another lever for interfering with people’s lives. They are taxing the air. Soon they will be taxing everything we do. And controlling everything we say. Which is great because criticising the people who control us will be made an offence, punishable by prison. While real criminals are let out on compassionate grounds.


        • #

          In the end, we are waiting for the total collapse of Western society and its overtaking by the hungry, energetic, passionate second-worlders who have something to gain and somewhere to be. We have peaked, got rich and fat and bloated, our thinking and drive has diminished and turned inwards, and we deserve to be pushed aside by the upcoming societies that will drive the human race ahead.

          Its sad, but that is what democracy always ends up as. People are too stupid to elect a good Govt.


  • #
    John PAK

    Go Musk.
    I’ve just endured a month with 18 days of internet outages which means no Wi-fi mobile phone access at home as I live outside the Au national telco network (Telstra). There was no warning from Telstra and my wife’s catering business and my work suffered $ losses. After the frustrating time-waster Telstra Roundabouts fiasco, I discovered that my neighbour has Starllink. She does accomodation and weddings so needs reliable access and kindly let a few locals come over to use her link.
    Telstra even tried to tell me it was my old MODEM. They get billions p.a. for agreed services but fail to honour their end of the deal and now want me to pay the invoice for their lack of service.
    At $1700 p.a. Starlink is looking quite reasonable.


    • #

      Dont hesitate mate. Struggled with useless NBN wireless for years and then Starlink came along. It’s so damn easy to set up and now I get 180 mbps download speed. No more buffering on the live sport. Worth every penny of the approx. $1700/ year.


  • #

    Ivor Cummins interviewed on Peak Prosperity. Cummins is an engineer, who has been on a long time crusade against the low fat high carb mindset. The pandemic really got his juices going, when it was quickly obvious that most people would not be affected. So now he has collated a very straight forward diagram, showing how all the present battle fronts are connected, and lead to the ultimate goal, Utopia. The diagram is at 0.12.35


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      Exactly. And under it a notice to get the lastest COVID vaccine information from the Department of Health. How much has the Wuhan flu funded and motivated the public service/politicians to interfere in our lives? Exactly like the mandated notices under skeptic videos rejecting man made CO2 driven Global Warming which claim that the UN declares Man Made Global Warming to be real. It is not yet outright censorship. It is yelling at anyone who dares present the other side.


      • #

        It is not yet outright censorship.

        It depends on your definition of “outright”. It’s costing Elon billions to say what he thinks. Financially, he’d be better off (in the short run) complying and silently going with the flow.

        Thanks to him we know that thousands of CEO’s and even billionaire owners of social media companies feel coerced into silence.


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    Serge Wright

    Here we are in 2024, days out from the most significant election in the modern history of western civilisation, with Trump now resembling a John Wick character with a global contract on his head and Musk resembling Tony Stark fighting off the evil megalomaniacs in a Marvel flick. November 5th has never been so important for freedom and democracy.


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      Serge Wright, Musk should totally be concentrating on building a STARK type Ironman suit instead of playing with rockets and building horrible looking Cyber trucks.


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      Boambee John

      Remember, remember the Fifth of November …..


  • #

    At 20.30 they bring up the idea that the reason censorship and hate speech laws, are being rushed in, is THEY are worried, that if 20% of the popn pick up on what is going on, they are in for trouble, as they aren’t ready to unleash the jackboots yet.


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    another ian


    “NASA Baffled How Elon Succeeds W/O As Many Gay Non-Binary Muslim Dwarfs Of Color”

    (Note the original source)


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    Hey Elon, setup 100s of remote ” nature filming ” cameras pointed directly at as many wind turbines as possible and capture footage of rare birds being shredded by those monstrosities. Maybe that will wake up the sheep.


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    John PAK

    Adolf Hitler employed Joseph Goebbels to manage propaganda. Censorship of dissenting voices was paramount. History repeats. In the UK press censorship is almost universal. What the people don’t hear is probably more significant than what they do hear.


  • #

    Deep State’s next target for bureaocratic medling should be Chris Bowen and his wind turbine madness. Whether on or offshore they have a reputation for destroying birdlife whilst the offshore wind turbines disturb the associated marine ecology and evidently play havoc with the sonic environment of cetaceans like whales and porpoises, as the following study claims: Wind Industry Activity Strongly Correlated With Whale Deaths, New Study Finds
    On the other hand the usual assortment of ‘fact checkers’ and once respected journals like Scientific American claim no corelation between offshore wind farms and cetacean stress and mortality. Even Greenpeace claim no corellation: The Low-Down On Whales And Wind Farms
    But back to Deep State: I don’t think they’ll meddle with Chris Bowen’s wind farm madness. I suspect they’re on the side of corrupt science and compromised Green movements like GreenPeace and Bob Brown’s Greens who now embrace Deep State’s Big Gov – Big Finance – Big Industrial hegemony which targets the free thinkers and free enterprise exponents like Elon Musk.


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    Anyone recalling Fonzi jumping the shark? The usual lefty projection would be to blame space X for the deaf dolphins the “Wind farms” piledriving creates. Those lefties give Hoyts a challenge!


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    Musk owned companies have US$16 billion of contracts with the US government. Trump has promised to make Elon Musk head of a new “government efficiency commission” with the power to changes to federal rules. Does anyone here know what ‘conflict of interest’ means? Crony capitalism at it’s finest. In other jurisdictions, this is called corruption.


    • #

      Sure Simon, but his vested interest is obvious. Are you honest enough to admit your own?

      And the $16b in gov contracts is still a lot less than the $44b he had to spend to get Twitter just to let the US President speak uncensored. Crazy eh?.


      • #

        Your vested interests are also obvious although your sponsors aren’t.


        • #

          Once again, when tested, Simon won’t admit what he does for a living.

          I have no sponsors. Just mums and dad donors. No corporations. No oil and gas. No coal. Just individuals who are fed up with lying grifters and parasites who live off taxpayers and depend on abusing science. I work directly against the single largest source of income for my family in the last 20 years.

          Why don’t you explain what you do for a living Simon? I’d still let you comment, but I’d respect you so much more.


    • #

      Politicians and heads of bureaucracy should be like Bathurst 500 drivers- all their sponsors appear on their driving suits. You have no doubt who’s paying them then and whether there’s any COI’s.


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      “Trump has promised to make Elon Musk head of a new “government efficiency commission” ”

      Why would he bother? He is rich enough such that the Govt couldn’t pay him to make it worth his while, and he doesn’t need the power.

      The billions he gets are for doing things for the Govt that they are too incompetent to do, such as flying their astronauts up to the ISS or launching their satellites.


      • #
        old cocky

        The billions he gets are for doing things for the Govt that they are too incompetent to do, such as flying their astronauts up to the ISS or launching their satellites.

        Well, they got them up there, but coming back safely should count as well.


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    Michael Spencer

    “If you can, you do; if you can’t you teach. But, if you can’t teach, then you teach teachers. However, if you can’t teach teachers, then you become a bureaucrat – or a politician!”

    That seems to sum it up perhaps ….


  • #
    another ian


    “Ukraine – A Brief History Of Nuke Bomb Desire”

    Much more at


    • #
      another ian

      And raises some hair raising questions (IMO)


    • #

      “The Declaration of State Sovereignty, adopted by the Supreme Soviet (parliament) of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on July 16, 1990, proclaimed Ukraine’s intention to “become in the future a permanently neutral state that will not participate in military blocs and that will abide by three nonnuclear principles: no entry, no production, and no possession of nuclear weapons.” The non-nuclear status was reiterated by the Ukrainian parliament after Ukraine became independent. ”

      So the founding document of Ukraine states they will be neutral and not join any military bloc such as NATO, and not have atomic weapons on their soil.

      Well, there goes the Ukie constitution, not even overseen by a legitimate President either!

      It seems soon after independence they agreed to ship all nuclear material to Russia, then walked that back time and time again, until in the end no-one is sure if all the missiles and bombs were accounted for. I’d expect Mr Putin to make sure this time, fight his way right across Ukraine and make sure Zelensky doesn’t have a nuclear weapon left at all!

      I suppose it will be the same when the USA breaks up into assorted States.


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    Old Goat

    It resembles kabuki theatre to me . Elon has made Tesla into a huge company on the back of massive subsidies .Space X is built on previous technology optimised by Elon who is good at that and cost control – NASA lost the plot . Buying Twitter was a no brainer as it was dying from censorship BUT he has put Linda Yaccarino in charge who is deep state/WEF . The opposition is so nuts it makes everyone else “look” sane by comparison . By controlling the government agencies (FBI,CIA and homeland) and finance (hedge funds) the deep state controls everyone with their hands on the levers of power . If they want to control Trump or Elon they will as there is always something that can “persuade” them to comply . This shark/whale thing was always ridiculous and they knew it….


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    another ian


    “Trump’s McDonald’s Visit Was One of the Greatest Political Stunts of All Time, Thanks to Kamala’s Blunder”


  • #

    Oh, no, KC3 self exposed as a climate change worrier! Blackout Bowen will be his aid de camp for ever and he’s not even a Royalist!


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    What is the problem with landing a rocket on top of a shark or two in the Ocean? Just land on a certain place in Communist Fornia (formerly California) and see the “Pollie” Sharks get flattened.

    That would be a positive impact IMHO.


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    Leo Morgan

    Microsoft Windows warns me that today’s weather is near the record high for this date, October 21.
    Yes, at 21 degrees C, it is only 2.9 degrees C below the record of 23.9 degrees C, a factoid that intended to alarm me, without being the least cause for actual concern.
    If average temperatures do reach the “2.00 degrees limit” by 2100 AD, then today would be 9 tenths of a degree C colder than the all-time record.
    Again, sorry, not worried.


    • #

      I bet there was no ‘reply’ button or a comments section at Microsoft for that notification!


      • #

        The chances for a reply button on any WEFfen like site are 1000 to 1, yet they are all about Democracy dontcha ya know.


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    As this is the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 I wonder whether the Royal Navy’s fleet or the French/Spanish fleet were worried about cannonballs landing on sharks or fish or anything other than other ships of the line?


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    Pauly B

    The United States.

    Where opinions are policed more stringently than borders…


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