Nothing says “Trust Us” like we need to hide the data til 2076: The FDA buries Pfizer results

Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash

The FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine in August but hasn’t released the data and documents the decision was based on. So lawyers filed a suit against the FDA to make that information fully available to the public.

Aaron Siri, a lawyer at Siri Glimstad explains that the FDA has now asked the judge to allow it to drip-feed out the information at a pace so slow that the complete set won’t be available until 2076.

Remember, the vaccine is totally safe and has astonishing efficacy, right?

Perhaps they need a bigger internet cable.

The FDA promises full transparency for Pfizer Vaccine data “in 55 years time”

by Aaron Siri:

The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?

To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page. Not one.

Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. […]

Worldwide Rally for Freedom 5.0 — Protest this Saturday

Freedom to choose our own medical treatments with our doctors without corcercion

Freedom for doctors to prescribe the best treatments they can without fear of being sacked #FreeAustralia

Commenters please add links to your local events or national information pages. France: #Liberte

Rallies start at 12:00 at the following Australian locations:

Adelaide: Rundle Park |Brisbane: Brisbane City Botanic Gardens | Bundaberg: Lions Park | Cairns: Muddys Northside | Darwin: The Esplanade (15:00 ACST) | Gympie: Lake Alford Park | Hobart: Parliament Lawns | Mackay: Bluewater Quay? | Melbourne: Parliament House | Mt Gambier: Vansittart Park | Perth: Forrest Place | Sydney: Hyde Park | Townsville: Strand Rockpool | Warrnambool: Civic Green

I suggest people subscribe on Telegram for information and to find a local protest. More info here.



UPDATE: Obviously, all protests need to be peaceful. Not only is violence bad in and of itself, but it works against everything the protest aims to achieve. It only serves those who want to create division, paint the protesters as dangerous, and distract the world from the polite and civil pleas for simple medical freedom. In fact […]

Thursday Open Thread

9.9 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

The Death of Democracy. America is Ruled by The Bureaucrats for The Bureaucrats

The Will of the People has been replaced with a Rule by the Bureaucratic Class.

The Bureaucratic class dress themselves in fake charity — to help women and children, minorities, and trees, but these are the lies they tell themselves while they oppress the poor, raze the trees and use sexist, racist policies to line their pockets.

It’s a trend occurring all over the West. But nowhere was it more obvious when the people elected Donald Trump, and the all-knowing Bureaucrats did everything in their power to extinguish the people’s votes.

“I have witnessed the death of democracy” says Michael Pack, the man Donald Trump put in charge of the $850 million dollar institution called the U.S. Agency for Global Media which reaches 350 million people each week in 70 languages. Pack was selected two months after Trump took office, but the Democrats and bureaucrats stalled his appointment for three long years. Pack finally took office in June 2020. His experience exemplifies the control of the faceless Blob of Bureaucracy.

The Death of Democracy

In a sense, we all witnessed it. From the moment Donald Trump was elected president until the day he left office, government officials […]

Anthony Fauci and a trillion dollars worth of power and corruption…

He’s the highest paid public servant in the US, and has been in the job for decades, and he’s been able to direct nearly a trillion dollars worth of funding. Last year, he helped infect America when it could have been stopped, and this year he’s keeping life saving cheap safe drugs away from patients and their doctors.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr has just launched a sizzling new book called “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I haven’t got a copy yet, but the launch interviews are radioactive. Even worse than the Beagle experiments reported just two weeks ago, are the allegations of experiments on Dominican Orphans, and on sick Americans.

Will The Real Anthony Fauci be able to keep his job?

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health


The notes below are from a transcript from an interview of Joseph Mercola and Robert Kennedy.

“Here’s what I would say to people. We have to stop this. This is the hill that we all have to die on. “

Kennedy claims the patterns repeat decade after decade. Cheap drugs are blocked, while expensive profitable drugs are promoted. […]

U.S. Military Switches To Swords And Bows To Meet Carbon Neutral Goals

The most surprising thing about the Brandon government is that it hasn’t done this before the Babylon Bee.


“We have a deadly enemy out there,” announced General “Sparkles” McKenzie, “and it’s called carbon. The problem with modern-day weapons is that they take a lot of carbon to make. But if we get some nice bespoke swords or bows and arrows, that will help us stay carbon neutral, and you can all sleep safe at night.”

There are some problems with the new policy, though. Some military simulations have shown that swords and bows do put the military at a disadvantage against armies that still use irresponsible gunpowder and explosive weapons. “We have a modern weapon for that,” explained McKenzie. “It’s called the hashtag #StopTheBang.

Looks like the US Army will skip the Solar Powered Tank transition proposed by NATO. But swords, bows and arrows are easier to carry on carbon neutral sailing ships. And better for marines using attack-bicycles.

President Xi praised Joe Biden’s foresight and agreed China would switch to carbon neutral weapons by 2070 or straight after Xi is elected Supreme World Leader.


In other news (which is […]

Tuesday Open Thread

8.8 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

Green Apologists for China in Glasgow

As David Rose so aptly puts it, China was digging out record amounts of coal and Xi Jinping did not even turn up to Glasgow but green evangelistas were shaming the West and praising China.

Photo by Christels

Western Environmentalists are being used by the CCP:

‘Useful idiots’ who let China off the hook: Why is there such an apparent lack of concern over their determination to keep burning coal, asks DAVID ROSE

The Daily Mail

Some campaigners even heap praise on China. So why is there such an apparent lack of concern? One answer lies in a book called Hidden Hand: Exposing How The Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping The World, by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg. Serialised in the Mail last year, it argues that China has extended its influence over certain institutions in Britain and other democracies in order to blind them to Beijing’s drive for supremacy.

Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy worked for a commission in China accused of torture, detention and forced confessions. Did the Green care?

They include Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy. Until 2012, he was a member of the central commission for discipline inspection, […]

Green Murder — “Don’t let them get away with it” by Ian Plimer

From Ian Plimer: My latest book, Green Murder, will be released on 22nd November 2021. All pre-publication orders I will sign and inscribe. (Put it on your Christmas wishlist, or give it to a friend!)


In this book I charge the greens with murder. They murder humans who are kept in eternal poverty without coal-fired electricity. They support slavery and early deaths of black child miners. They murder forests and their wildlife by clear felling for mining and wind turbines. They murder forests and wildlife with their bushfire policies. They murder economies producing unemployment, hopelessness, collapse of communities, disrupted social cohesion and suicide.

They murder free speech and freedoms and their takeover of the education system has ended up in the murdering of the intellectual and economic future of young people. They terrify children into mental illness with their apocalyptic death cult lies and exaggerations. They try to divide a nation. They are hypocrites and such angry ignorant people should never touch other people’s money.

The greens are guilty of murder. The sentence is life with no parole in a cave in the bush enjoying the benefits of Net Zero.


During the time […]

Well that explains everything: Bankers bullied Australia into Net Zero

Hands Up: It’s Net Zero now or a 1.5% interest rate hike?

So Australia is adopting Net Zero because the Global Financiers, who only want to save the world, would have refused to lend us money without jacking up our interest rates by 1.5%. The banker punishment would have meant a “17% investor exodus”. Fancy a stock market collapse?

This remarkable admission comes in the modeling released today by the Morrison government. No one is even trying to hide it.

At least we can stop pretending this has anything to do with science or the voters. Just cut out the IPCC and go straight for the BlackRock Temperature Tax, eh?

Note the “penalties” are imposed by global financiers:

Modelling shows real cost of no net-zero carbon emissions

Greg Brown and Geoff Chambers, The Australian

Businesses and households would have faced interest rate hikes of up to 1.5 per cent under expected penalties imposed by global financiers if the government had failed to adopt net zero emissions by 2050, modelling for the Glasgow climate package shows.

The penalty regime would have sparked a 17 per cent investment collapse by the middle of the […]

Weekend Unthreaded

9.9 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

How many mechanisms do you need? Ivermectin works against Covid in 20 ways

Some claim that we don’t know how ivermectin works, but oh boy we do

Not only do we know how ivermectin protects us, we know many pathways in detail. Ivermectin is useful at every stage of the disease. In the early stages, it reduces the odds of people getting infected, stops the virus multiplying, which reduces the viral load and the spread of the virus to your friends and strangers on the bus. It helps our cells warn neighboring cells to get ready for a viral attack. It stops the virus getting through the outside wall of our cells, and also stops parts of the virus getting into the headquarters of our cells, the nucleus, where our DNA is.

Ivermectin is also a zinc ionophone which helps zinc cross into cells so zinc can do the good things zinc does…

As the virus tried to assemble itself inside our cells one of the processing tasks involves chopping long proteins into shorter parts. There are many enzymes involved but ivermectin binds to one key one called a Chymotrypsin-like-protease. Ivermectin also conveniently binds to two of the virus proteins as well (called Mpro and PLpro). Basically, ivermectin is the glue no assembly […]

Thursday Open Thread

8.4 out of 10 based on 21 ratings

Glasgow: electricity bills will go up £500,000 extra to pay COP26’s official windfarm to turn off

Some poor sods will be paying extra to help Griffith Wind Farms cover the cost of shutting down for part of the COP26 Superhero Costume Party. If only that secret charge was listed on their electricity bill. Where is the transparency?


Big Lie Number 1: that the Glasgow COP26 event is powered by 100% renewables.

It’s hard to believe, but some people think the wind powered electrons can be tracked and relied upon.

Sustainability Mag

There will be some accounting shell game where “100% of the annual supply” means they supply the whole years electricity in lumpy packets at times that no conference centre could run on. We know it’s wrong because lies don’t scale up. If the whole nation can’t be 100% renewable at the same time and in the same way, then the Conference centre isn’t 100% renewable either. It’s relying on coal and gas just like everyone else is.

The 100% renewable fakers are show-pony parasites on the system. They need the transmission lines, the back up, the inertia and the stable frequency but they Lord their 100% Renewable Badge knowing full well, that if everyone was “100% renewable” the system would […]

Sea level height based on aerobics and other gibberish published in top science journals

Nature and Elsevier are agog and aghast that hundreds of junk papers filled with random word salad have been published in their esteemed journals.

It’s as bad as it sounds — one retracted title was: “‘Sea level height based on big data of Internet of Things and aerobics teaching in coastal areas’. “

They are shocked that scammers who were “organised” and “sophisticated” found tricks to get published — wait for it — not just by hyping up, adjusting and exaggerating their cherry-picked papers and incompetent models, but with nothing more than fake e-mails “with ‘univ’ instead of ‘uni’ and ‘’ instead of ‘’”. That’s right, the highest and most intellectual “peer review” journals in the world have such inadequate, nonexistent standards, that not only do they fail to weed out weak papers, they couldn’t even defend themselves against randomized nonsense coming from fake professors with dodgy emails.

In other words, no one who matters even reads the papers before they are published.

Indeed, no one even read the titles…

Scammers impersonate guest editors to get sham papers published


Hundreds of articles published in peer-reviewed journals are being retracted after scammers exploited the processes for […]

Tuesday Open Thread

7.9 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

Australia ‘a great disappointment’ sayth Lord Deben, man who made money from windfarms

Lord Deben, (John Gummer) UK

Australians heard how disappointing we are to Lord Deben, who earns £1,000-a-day as chairman of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). But the Australian-investigative-media didn’t mention that conflict of interest, or that Lord Deben’s private company was caught in 2019 being paid £600,000 from ‘green’ businesses, like windfarms and car battery makers, which he never declared. He says there’s no conflict of interest and that he “complied with disclosure rules”.

So now we know the rules are inadequate.

Australia named climate ‘disappointment’

Canberra Times

Australia has been labelled “a great disappointment to the rest of the world” by the United Kingdom’s climate advisor for clinging to coal-fired power.

Imagine if the ABC introduced every Deben pronunciation with the information that Deben earned money from Green businesses and is paid to head a committee that wouldn’t exist if climate change was natural.

Scott Morrison accused of failing to understand the ‘urgency’ of climate change


“What was so disappointing for us is the way it appeared your prime minister really doesn’t understand the urgency of what we have to do,” Lord Deben said.

For a […]

Doctor diagnoses death by Climate Change. How about deaths by socialism, junk science, and watching CNN?

An ER doctor decided he wants to write down “the root cause” at least as far as an ER doctor reckons. He’s not well versed in climate model infrastructure, hasn’t scanned for tropospheric hot spots, or Precambrian CO2 extremes, but he’s watched CNN so why not?

h/t Climate Depot

Let’s yank this chain and run with it:

B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’

Times Colonist

The head of a Nelson, B.C., emergency department says it’s time doctors start looking at the underlying cause of medical conditions triggered by smoke and heat.

For the first time in his 10 years as a physician, the ER doctor picked up his patient’s chart and penned in the words “climate change.”

“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” he told Glacier Media when asked why he did it.

It was late June, and British Columbia was trapped under a heat dome that even NOAA says was due to La Nina, not because of a coal plant in Guangdong. So the unfortunate lady in her 70s that […]

“Let’s Go Brandon” threatens to Redpill the USA

It’s the laughter that gives it away.

The power of the phrase Lets Go Brandon is that it’s a coded message. In an unguarded moment it reveals how many people in the room get the joke. In a safe way, everyone who disapproves of Woke, political correctness, media activism or Joe Biden can see for themselves that nearly everyone around them does too.

For anyone who isn’t aware of what this strange social phenomenon is, read this. It’s a new form of mass rebellion in an era when cancel culture, censorship, and media bias suppressed the other options.

As Matt Taibbi explains, the masses are trolling the same media hacks and pompous elite players who were fine with four years of yelling “F*^* Trump”. And while F*^* Joe Biden is a protest cry, Let’s Go Brandon is so much better. It’s politer, funnier and pops the media bubble too. Conservatives who would not be comfortable with a crass chant can get in on the joke. Anyone fed up with media propaganda can join in, which is a lot of people.

And that’s what makes it so dangerous for the Culture Controllers. They use kindergarten namecalling and bullying to win […]

Weekend Unthreaded

8.8 out of 10 based on 19 ratings