Ford lost $1.3 billion in a quarter, a loss of $132,000 on every EV sold

By Jo Nova

Remember when Ford was just losing $38,000 on every EV? Those were the good days

The biggest star in the automotive world at the moment is a black hole, and it’s swallowing whole industrial giants. It’s hard to imagine a faster way to sabotage whole nations than to disguise your spies as academics and environmentalists. Then get them to convince the government to command a whole new market into existence in a highly technological field with the wave of a legislated wand.

These numbers are astronomical:

Ford just reported a massive loss on every electric vehicle it sold

By Chris Isodore, CNN: Ford’s electric vehicle unit reported that losses soared in the first quarter to $1.3 billion, or $132,000 for each of the 10,000 vehicles it sold in the first three months of the year, helping to drag down earnings for the company overall.

Ford, like most automakers, has announced plans to shift from traditional gas-powered vehicles to EVs in coming years. But it is the only traditional automaker to break out results of its retail EV sales.

Ford LogoWe can only wonder what’s happening at other companies.

The EV unit at Ford sold 10,000 cars in the first quarter this year, which is 20% fewer cars than they did a year ago. It’s that bad. In fact it’s worse. Those cars were also discounted. So the revenue mostly went beyond the event horizon — and fell an astonishing 84%.

Ford is expecting losses in the order of $5 billion for the full year. Their aims now are so low, they just hope one day to sell the cars for enough to cover the cost of making them, perhaps. They can’t hope to cover the millions spent on R&D in the foreseeable future. Indeed, even covering the costs in a market with a price war is said to be “very difficult”.

Meanwhile, two days earlier the IEA chief said the EV revolution was rolling on just fine:

CNN readers must be confused.

The electric car revolution is on track, says IEA

[CNN] Global electric vehicle sales are set to rise by more than a fifth to reach 17 million this year, powered by drivers in China, according to the International Energy Agency.

In a report Tuesday, the IEA projected that “surging demand” for EVs over the next decade was set “to remake the global auto industry and significantly reduce oil consumption for road transport.”

So the global EV market is being powered by “drivers in China”, like these drivers perhaps who left their brand new EV’s rotting in fields in China. That would be imaginary drivers?

China, EVs left to rot.

Chinese EV’s rotting in a field

The propaganda never ends.

As Stephen Wilmot said in The Wall Street Journal last year, if  Ford just canned the EV unit, its adjusted operating profit would be 50% higher. Surely that beckons…

Hat tip to Marc Morano  @ClimateDepot



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73 comments to Ford lost $1.3 billion in a quarter, a loss of $132,000 on every EV sold

  • #

    To make money by selling fastish charging at charging stations, vendors are going to charge $$$ The EV revolution may become a long time arriving. The CBC article below still claims that 100% EVs are inevidable.

    Cheap rooftop solar. Expensive grid electricity. Premium fast charging juice. Refuelers need to make a profit!

    EV sales have slowed. Do massive subsidies still make sense?


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      Graham Richards

      No doubt the moron that identifies as an energy minister will explain that once everyone drives an EV prices will come down……just like the out of control price of electricity.

      This Canberra circus must be shut down sooner than elections come around. We don’t have 12 months to waste before permanent damage is done to our country.

      Believe me there are more morons in Canberra than anyone can imagine!



      • #

        Waiting for the Aus government to try and take away the free green electrons from rooftop solar. With 30% solar rooftop penetration it isn’t going to happen. Similarly the greens cannot argue against solar power generating homeowners from NOT using and storing in Ev batteries home generated power.

        The upshot is that solar farms will have to compete with other renewables and fossils forvthe remaining pie. It won’t be profitable because sometime the wind doesn’r blow and solar industrial can only supply the industrisl and non rooftop Residential customers.

        Electricity rates will go through the roof accelerating the uptake and storage of home solar for personal use.


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        Frederick Pegler

        Yep with out a doubt, the soloution will be to make even more EVs.


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        Bowen lives in Sydney.


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        Unfortunately yes the opposition does, but with significant differences, or as PM Morrison explained at the Glasgow Climate Conference Australia has “an aspirational view” of achieving net zero emissions but based on development of new technology, and without damaging the economy.

        The Howard Government had a similar position after the Kyoto Climate Conference and after signing the Kyoto Agreement, economy first.


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        John Connor II

        This Canberra circus must be shut down sooner than elections come around. We don’t have 12 months to waste before permanent damage is done to our country.

        Ahhh…people are finally waking up…always on the precipice…

        The damage has already been done, but continues. Now it’s a case of minimising existing damage and preventing more.
        Voting for dinosaur donkey parties pushing their own agendas and beliefs got us all in this mess, so, and let’s say it YET again, we need a totally new party that aren’t bribable by the WEF et al, aren’t in it for the power, money and perks, and can be held personally fully financially accountable for their stuffups.
        Translation: we’re screwed, because there is no such party nor signs of one on the horizon, plus it would take a majority awakening and party shift to work.
        THIS is why history repeats.
        “How did you let this happen?” they cried post WW2.
        Now you know.


    • #

      I think we’re looking at the trigger for the next Depression. Not a Recession, a Depression.
      Why a depression? Because the US government will keep pouring funds into staving it off, and like Roosevelt, the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater.
      The US debt bomb is going to go off and a lot of people are going to get shredded by the shrapnel.
      Mainly us.


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        China will go first. Their property market is tanked they’re propping up their stock market yet still under performing US because locals aren’t spending locally.
        Those with money left invest Australian property. Plus their age demographic is on an abysmal cliff.


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      Huh, send the bill ( with Mega publicity ) to EACH AND EVERY ONE of the politicians who set up all this nonsense…. not without saying, in EACH AND EVERY ONE Country which agreed to the protocols


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    There are many EV supporters out there who continues to think they are quality competitive cars which survives mainly by large rebates, Tax breaks and reduces prices.

    Government forcing out ICE in 10 years because they want force us to buy their preferred cars in its place a scam in the making and a massive conflict of interest.


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    I wonder how many car makers these non solutions to a non existent problem will take down as the whole mess collapses in the next four years or so.


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      Graham Richards

      The auto makers in USA can shut Biden & his crap EV mandates down very easily.

      The majors, Ford & GM must demand a very quick reversal of these policies OR both will cease operations completely within 4 weeks.

      Biden will try to call their bluff for about a week. The Dems will back down paving the way for other industries to tell the moron that identifies as the commander chief to go to hell!


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        John Galt III

        I am a pensioner of GM as is my wife. We worry about the Biden supporting lunatic, Mary Barra, who is running GM into the ground. I’m 77 but work full time at a GM/Honda dealership. Barra told our dealership to invest $200,000 because Buick is going 100% electric. Our dealership along with 50% of all Buick dealers in the US refused to sell Buicks going forward.

        These dealers said customers don’t want full electrics, only hybrids. Please listen to our customers they told her year after year. After 5 years Barra finally caved and will go ahead with hybrids. She is so stupid.

        She wants Cadillac to go full electric. That will be the end of Cadillac.

        The GM board of directors need to fire this useless, woke idiot now.


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    Grant Boydell

    Global electric vehicle sales are set to rise by more than a fifth to reach 17 million this year

    Do electric scooters & cars that are like a golf cart count as vehicles in the 17 million? The mix of vehicles in China is very different to Australia or the USA (or even Europe). Millions of 4 wheel electric carts are sold in China as local transport, never intended to do more than drive to the shops or the train station. These small electric vehicles would not pass Australia’s rigid vehicle regulations, so are not available here.


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    I wonder which brave ship owner will be prepared to carry the thousands of Chinese EVs that have been languishing in post-manufacture “back paddocks” for several months awaiting export? Not to mention the idiotic Australian buyers who will be prepared to buy them!


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    David Maddison

    It’s hard to imagine a faster way to sabotage whole nations than to disguise your spies as academics and environmentalists.

    I would replace the word “spies” with “saboteurs”, although the Chicomms have plenty of spies, useful idiots as well as outright traitors installed in Western countries as well. Look at all the politicians with inappropriate relationships with Chicomm “businessmen”, individuals and companies, for example. Or at the very least, a lack of transparency.


    In the US:

    WSJ Opinion: Money from China Traced to Joe Biden’s Bank Account Unrelated to Actual Business

    In Australia:

    In 2020, The Age reported that Mei had been instrumental in landing a $100,000 donation to the Victorian Labor Party through a key Chinese business group years before Victoria signed up to the controversial infrastructure scheme.

    Renewed calls for transparency after Daniel Andrews launches new company with former China advisor

    Calls for transparency have been renewed as Daniel Andrews’ controversial China trip is once again under the magnifying glass following the launch of a new company with his former China advisor, Marty Mei.


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      GO DEEP – Speaker Johnson Changed Mind on FISA/Deep State after Lobbying from Pompeo and Intelligence Community

      April 23, 2024 – Sundance

      This is more than a little interesting and aligns with my own research and discussions. House Speaker Mike Johnson was lobbied by former CIA Director Mike Pompeo and current officials from the CIA, DNI and Intelligence Community.

      This effort, and his son starting at the Naval Academy, is what changed Johnson’s mind about allowing the U.S. intelligence community to have his full support in the IC war against the American people.

      The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is at the epicenter of all modern corrupt politics. Every element of weaponized government, each example of action taken, can be traced to an agency within the USIC.

      Similar to every other person I have ever met in Congress, House Speaker Johnson was pressured by the USIC and accepted their position. Johnson then changed his mind on the priorities of the USIC, sided with them in everything they requested, and pushed all he knew about the corrupt and weaponized conduct of the USIC to the side.

      Keep in mind, we know the core ideology of the USIC is political and corrupt. We also know the core motives of the USIC are weaponized against anything that would remove their power tentacles from control. We know this, because the former USIC Inspector General was an institutionally corrupt guy named Michael Atkinson.


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    “Feelz” and virtue signalling trump reality; until they don’t.

    And “reality” like “Nature” is “red in tooth and claw”.

    That photo of the “static” Chinese EVs SHOULD be a hint; but the propaganda will continue unabated until the whole rock-show flips to a new “Solution in search of a Problem”, which, in turn, will be heralded by its own toxic propaganda.

    Actual politics in action.,


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    Dave in the States

    Gives a different slant to the term sustainability.


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    Surely Ford and other big companies owe investors an explanation + shareholders as well?
    Have we reached the point where govts have to become investors because they’ve forced Ford etc to make products that nobody wants or needs?
    How long before these very dodgy deals wreck industry and weaken countries until they start to wake up?
    And Labor and the Albo loony are investing/wasting billions of $ on new solar panel factories in Australia that have to compete with Chinese slave labour.
    IOW a guaranteed loss for the Aussie taxpayer and much more vulnerability for our economy and a loss of jobs.
    But I’m sure Russia, China, Iran and Nth Korea will allow them some time to turn the tide. SARC.


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    In Australia public cash would be used to pay for the cars with green credits hidden in the cost of petrol.
    And electric car owners would be paid cash for every km they drove. Perhaps even free recharge electricity for Canberra?
    It’s exactly what happens with windmills and solar. Then it doesn’t matter what they cost. It’s other people’s money. And no one notices.


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      The Liberal party scam of John Howard has been running now for 23 years, the Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act 2001.

      Or a 35% CO2 penalty on all trucks which is Albaneses/Bandt’s SafeGuard Mechanism(2023). The cash could be directed to make electricity free for electric cars.


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        I am staggered that after so long the press still don’t know about the world’s biggest carbon ripoffs. And nothing is mentioned about the Safeguard Mechanism? Is everyone asleep?

        Public servants in Canberra own free windmills. Why not free electric cars? And TEALS deserve a helping hand too. While saving the planet.

        No one will notice. No one has picked up that QENOS was on the list of the TOP POLLUTERS slated to be punished for their CO2 output. Apparently they are just greedy real estate owners is the official story, not oppressed and ripped off chemical manufacturers.


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          It’s all so well hidden that this year Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims proposed a $100Bn carbon levy. Not a tax of course.

          The theft of cash from every Australian in cash/carbon credits should be headline news, but it’s not a Carbon Tax. The Treasurer does not mention it in the Budget. It is all illegal, because Governments cannot legislate the enrichment of their friends. At least $100,000,000,000 dollars in carbon tax based on an Act which never once mentioned the worlds ‘carbon’ or ‘tax’.

          Electric cars are a scam. But so are electricity prices. And everything to do with Electric Cars, subsidized by the poor.


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            The great thing about America is that if any government tried such a ripoff, the screams would be heard around the world.

            In Australia, no one knows a thing. And it was so successful, so cunning that it seems the Act was copied in the UK. Which show how innovative Australians can be. It’s why Canberrans are paid more than anyone else.

            As for electric cars, you can be sure the ripoff subtleties are myriad and cunning because the silly things are just so expensive.


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          The rooftop solar homeowner with their free electron supply and huge battery EV in their driveway will be the big winners. They will skim off the easy cream of renewable energy and offload on to those who cannot generate their own power and store it.


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        CO2 Lover

        ScumMo (aka the Minister for Everything) was high as a kite on prescription medication while Prime Minister.

        But that should come as no surprise to anyone. I bet Pfizer provided it for free after ScumMo signed the still secret supply contract for the Death Jab!


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          As compared to alcohol and Labor PM Hawke.

          Mental health is more common that people might think and many if not most who suffer from it continue to work, even barristers and other lawyers.


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            If only politicians would front up and be honest with the people … they wouldn’t suffer such inner turmoil and they could feel a bit better about themselves.

            I dunno, but worth a try.


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    CO2 Lover

    Fortunately Australia outsourced it car manufacturing industry to China and South Korea a decade ago to cut local CO2 emssions (while increasing exports of coal and natural gas).

    Otherwise there would have been an EV bloodbath in Australia!

    But maybe Albo and Chrissy Bowen will be taking two private jets to another former coal-fired power station site to announce a new EV manufacturing plant (in conjuction with buddy Twiggy Forrestt) so that Australia will become an EV making “powerhouse” in the South Pacific?


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    CO2 Lover

    Ford is trying to offload unsold EV F150 Lightnings in Australia.

    2024 Ford F-150 Lightning on sale now in Australia

    5 days ago — Prices for the Lightning start from $224,990 before on-road costs for the Standard Range, and rise to $254,990 plus on-road costs for the top-of-the-line

    I wonder if Chrissy Bowen will be buying one?


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      Don’t be silly! EVs are too heavy anyway but to burden them with heavy reinforced glass and steel for the required defence against would-be assassins is a step too far! ICs will remain the engine of choice in government vehicles for the foreseeable future. Not to mention the fact that MPs with rural electorates would be less able to recharge at will


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      I think the Chris Bowen profile is very much the target market for this one.


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      Serge Wright

      Very few people would buy this vehicle even if it had price parity with its ICE brother. The 131Kw battery pack only delivers a total “claimed” range of 500km, which would equate to about 300km on the freeway and only around 200km if you were towing a caravan or large boat. It’s a failure before it leaves the showroom. The diesel variant has a range of 850km, which probably drops to around 700km when towing and the refill time is only 5 minutes compared many hours.


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    The way this scam is evolving, the only car maker left soon will be China.


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    David Maddison

    Remember the ultimate plan of the Left for we proles is to live in the free range prisons known as 15 Minute Cities or as the marketing people in Australia rebranded them “20 Minute Neighbourhoods”. They don’t want non-Elites to have cars. They might lure you into them with some incentive before they take a way your car or render it unaffordable due to high vehicle or fuel taxes.

    And in Victoria, during the world’s most draconian covid lockups, you weren’t allowed to travel more than 10km. That’s 15 minutes travel time at an average urban travel speed of 40kph. It was a trial run.


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      Something tells me that Australian authorities will never, in my lifetime at least, succeed in ever constraining the population again. Unless, of course, we are bludgeoned into accepting The WHO as our primary leadership and medical comptroller under the banner of protectionism.


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        Serge Wright

        The new misinformation laws will provide the power for the government to enable 15 minute cities and anything else it wants. If you can’t speak out then the war on freedom is lost.


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    Hertz isn’t doing too well with EV’s either. From Reuters:

    Hertz Global eyes worst day on record as EV rental business falters


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      mmmm we think these cars are hard to repair, uneconomic cr@p that not many want to rent; thats quite the sales pitch isnt it?


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    possible scenario playing out?
    public -> pay taxes -> received by Governments -> onpaid to billionaires/elite/corporate by Govt via subsidies etc
    Are we being fleeced by the elites/billionaires/corporate with the Governments as their partners/lackies?


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      Alan G
      Are we being fleeced by the elites/billionaires/corporate with the Governments as their partners/lackies?

      Perish the thought!
      We have Governments.
      They look after the population.
      Don’t they?
      Stopping rapacious robber barons from ripping us off.
      Don’t they?
      Ensuring the ordinary citizen isn’t fleeced for energy, or tax – ‘only the minimum the state needs to look after the population’ – or food or transportation.
      Don’t they?

      Auto – relaxed in the comfort and safety of the UK, where competent souls nurture us all …


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    Here Energy Data Analyst Mark Mills tries to understand IF EVs even reduce co2 emissions at all. And the difference overall would be small and probably SFA.

    IOW nothing gained for temperature or climate etc, BUT TRILLIONS of $ WASTED and endless DECADES of our TIME for NOTHING.
    And we’ll wreck the LAND and SEA environments FOREVER installing TOXIC UNRELIABLE W & S and then clean up the MESS and REPEAT every 15 to 20 years.
    Does anyone really THINK this is a good idea?

    “Electric Vehicles for Everyone? The Impossible Dream | Manhattan Institute (”

    “Sources of “Hidden” Energy to Mine and Process 500,000 Pounds per EV Battery While there are dozens of variations, a typical EV battery weighs about 1,000 pounds and contains about 30 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds of cobalt, 130 pounds of nickel, 190 pounds of graphite, 90 pounds of copper,a and about 400 pounds of steel, aluminum,b and various plastic components.c The ore grades for each mineral dictate the quantities of rock that must be dug up and processed to produce minerals needed to fabricate one battery; thus: • Lithium brines contain @ ~0.14% lithium, so that entails ~20,000 pounds of brines to yield 30 pounds of pure lithiumd • Cobalt @ ~0.1% ore grades means ~60,000 pounds of ore dug up per batterye • Nickel @ ~1.3% grade, means ~10,000 pounds of oref • Graphite @ ~10% leads to 2,000 pounds of oreg • Copper @ ~0.6% yields about 12,000 pounds of oreh These five elements total ~100,000 pounds of ore to fabricate one EV battery. To properly account for all the earth moved, there’s also the overburden, the materials first dug up to get to the ore; depending on ore type and location, it averages three to seven tons of overburden removed to access each ton of ore,i thus ~500,000 pounds total. The exact number varies for different batteries and mines. Note that this doesn’t include large quantities of chemicals to process and refine the ores, or the mining/refining for the other 400 pounds of battery minerals used (e.g., steel, aluminum). a Vladimir Basov, “The World’s Top 10 Highest-Grade Copper Mines,”, Feb. 19, 2017; Matt Badiali”


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    AGAIN here’s the OWI Data Share of Global primary Energy share by SOURCE up to 2022.
    So after OECD’s 32 WASTED years ZIP has changed and the cost is TRILLIONS of WASTED $ for NOTHING. And SFA difference to the climate.

    In 2022 Oil- 32.95%
    Coal- 27.90%
    Gas- 24.52%
    Fossil Fuels= 85.37% + Trad Bio Mass = 92.28%

    Traditional Bio- mass – 6.91%

    Wind – 1.31%
    Solar – 0.82%


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    Electric shock: Chinese EV makers steal a march on rivals in lucrative Thai market

    Wave of Beijing carmakers seek customers, investment in the ‘Detroit of Asia’

    BANGKOK, Thailand — In a country that has long billed itself as the “Detroit of Asia,” Thailand’s new generation of Henry Fords are coming from a very different place.

    China’s imported electric vehicle companies are heavily denting U.S. and Japanese car sales in Thailand, and Chinese manufacturers are investing more than $1 billion to assemble their EVs near Bangkok to expand domestic sales and international exports.

    American, European and Japanese carmakers vow to fight back, but the evolving market in Thailand, which has hosted a thriving carmaking industry for decades and is Southeast Asia’s largest vehicle manufacturer and exporter, could provide an early taste of the global shift in power in a key strategic industry.

    Toyota, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Honda, Ford and other manufacturers still dominate a swelling domestic market for traditional internal combustion cars fueled by gasoline, diesel or liquefied petroleum gas.

    The foreign-owned factories in Thailand roll out 2.5 million vehicles annually, many targeted for export. Those numbers are only expected to grow after China recently began exporting its EVs into Thailand’s domestic market, while constructing plants in Thailand to assemble Chinese EVs for added sales here and abroad.

    At least eight Chinese EV makers have been approved for production investments in Thailand, including BYD, Great Wall Motor, Changan Automobile and GAC Aion, Narit Therdsteerasukdi, secretary-general of Thailand’s Board of Investment, told reporters recently, including an approval to EV-maker Chery that was greenlighted just this week.

    It’s not just lower costs and a capable workforce that are drawing the Chinese companies: If the U.S., Europe and elsewhere enforce strict quotas limiting imports of vehicles made in China, future Chinese cars built in Thailand could be one way around those barriers.


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    Free enterprise, capitalism, let markets and consumers choose winners and losers, not governments.


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    Tony DIQUE

    thanks Obama


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    Electric cars are interesting. Very fast. New ideas. Very heavy. Quiet.

    And for many people a desirable, interesting new technology. Desirable and very expensive. People can be envious
    and that’s enough to drive buyers in a competitive world. Even with the limitations.

    However once the market decides they are a waste of money, idiotic, often useless and especially unreliable and a total nuisance, no one will want them.

    It will happen suddenly. Yesterdays hula hoop or yo you or fashion. And then they will be impossible to sell.

    I think that happened with the photographs of the car yard full of unchargeable Teslas in mid winter.

    Once people think it is an idiotic purchase there is zero prestige. And paying a premium to be inconvenienced is not clever.

    Possibly the market is looking at a catastrophic collapse. And even dropping the price will not help. It will only confirm that they are unsaleable.
    Which will kill the resale value too.

    Bye, bye, ultra heavy electric cars which don’t work in a Northern Winter. No matter how much you pay.


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    EnViRoNmEnT sKePtIc

    If the image of all those EV’s in China does not make sense other than seeming as though they are rotting in the field, then transmogrify the astute reasoning that perhaps this is a Chinese ‘big battery’. In actual fact, it is clear they are all wired together with disguised cables so that together they form a big battery. All that remains to be elucidated is if they are connected in parallel, series, or groups of EV batteries in series to achieve almost any desired voltage.

    These batteries disguised as EV’s might be the answer to how in China, it has become possible to achieve such a humungous manufacturing capacity all the while meeting net zero CO2 targets….extraordinary


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    This 12 minute EV etc video by Mark Mills is probably his best. He checks out the cost of California moving to NET ZERO and of course it’s total BS and FRAUD.
    He honestly tells us why it can’t be done and the HORRENDOUS cost if they attempted it.
    Of course because so much of the manufacturing will be shifted to China etc the atmospheric co2 emissions won’t change at all.
    Mark is a Physicist and Engineer and has worked for DECADES in the REAL WORLD and was called in by the Reagan administration to help with data and evidence.
    BTW this is just 2 months ago so it is up to date and a transcript point by point would be very helpful.


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    Marxist playbook 101, double down when facts negate your propaganda, because the money you use isn’t yours. Australian climate catastrophist Chris Bowen forges ahead with ‘world leading renewables manufacturing’ from the highest labour cost nation on the planet to be injected by Albanese Government taxpayer funds.
    Zealot Bowen then sanctimoniously ridicules Ontario Canada nuclear plans saying their 14c kWh retail energy price is a farce because it is predicated on taxpayer subsidies!
    Nobody does hypocrisy like theoretical Marxists!
    In completely unrelated news; profit driven companies see renewables as blackholes and back away before shareholders ask for resignations, while hedge fund raiders see renewables profits as played out as European sovereign nations turn off subsidy spigget in favour of baseload nuclear.
    The Australian market is traditionally 3-5 years behind the rest of the world, even in this information technology age, but that can’t be allowed to assist the trashing of productive farm land and affordable energy by zealots in a bubble like Labor and Cannon Brooks, while the profit driven realists like Dimon, Fink et al back away to the next profit.
    They will have no problem in investing in European nuclear, neither will Ford in dropping EV’s into the column of tax minimisation due to profit losses.


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    Can Ford recoup some of the losses by retrofitting ICE + gearbox? If they were clever, they would have designed the whole frame to be able to switch power plant connect a driveshaft and drop the batteries! Seems even the Chinese manufacturers couldn’t achieve this? Maybe its just too hard?? How are sales of electric boats, busses, trucks and aircraft going? I do not want to be there when the first major lithium fire happens to a passenger e.boat or error-o-plane.


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      It would certainly make the vehicles half as light.
      Not to mention the irony of recycling unusable consumer products!


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    John Cadogan rips into EVs and their acolytes:


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    […] published JoNova; Ford CEO Jim Farley still plans to push forward with his loss making electric vehicle […]


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    […] published JoNova; Ford CEO Jim Farley still plans to push forward with his loss making electric vehicle […]


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    […] Ford lost $1.3 billion in a quarter, a loss of $132,000 on every EV soldw […]


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    […] “Ford lost $1.3 billion in a quarter, a loss of $132,000 on every EV sold” – Ford CEO Jim Farley still plans to continue with his electric vehicle gamble despite mounting losses, says Jo Nova. […]


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    […] attack on the American driver and the US gridThe EV Bubble BurstsComing Soon: Mandatory EVsFord lost $1.3 billion in a quarter, a loss of $132,000 on every EV soldTesla in […]


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