A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Academics seem to be getting increasingly troublesome and stupid.This seems to go all the way from professors to modest teachers. The educational establishment has lurched very far to the left in recent decades
This piece from the Daily Mail focusses on one woman and only one woman. You then state “The educational establishment has lurched very far to the left in recent decades”.How can this be attributed to a single teacher?
anecdotal evidence
I can say the swing left was well under way in the ’60s if my first university course was anything to go by.
Following hard on the heels of academics promoting violence it is not sur[rising when Students enact that violence
This seems to be the first admittance in a court of law that Covid vaccines can cause death or serious illnesses.
AS yet it is claimed the number of people affected is tiny but no doubt other families will now come forward
I’ve been waiting for this news & will now join a class action thru a Cairns based group.
If Astra Zeneca have admitted this in UK there’ll be many claims here in Australia as well.
Bloody Vaccine nearly killed me and the effects of it still persist 4 years later!
Sorry to hear of your troubles. How long before it affected you at the time and what are its effects four years later?
Stroke like effect within 5/6 days of vax. Collapsed twice within in 1 hour. Ended up in emergency with blood pressure high of 233. Been battling with left side numbness & lack of coordination, lack of energy, dizziness, Doctor, the hospital, vascular specialist would not discuss cause of the event at all.
Stokes present differently depending on where the flow of blood is inhibited. They are not all severe weakness on one side and/or speech difficulty. What you have had is a stroke, maybe in several areas that have been blocked off by lots of smaller clots. You need intensive rehabilitation therapy.
Disclaimer – I am neither a neurologist nor a vascular specialist.
Scan showed no bleeding whatsoever on the brain. That’s why I’m still in the land of the living.
Have discovered ,over the last week that one of the blood pressure medications has inhibited the recovery of my left side. Cut medication for 1 week now & numbness and coordination have both recovered to about 80% of normal. We’ll see what transpires over the next month. Doing this under doctor’s reluctant guidance.
Hi Graham. sorry to hear of your vaccine troubles. Problem is you wouldn’t have been classified as “vaccinated”, people were only classed as vaccinated two weeks after having the jab. This was probably done on purpose to skew the figures so less fell under the vax injury umbrella.
Pfizergate: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything
Questionable contracts and overspending have left the unelected ‘queen’ of the EU unfazed and eager for a new term
Forget this whole “election” charade and just glue the crown onto her head, already.
Ursula von der Leyen, the unelected European Commission President, is up for job renewal in June. She’d have to be re-nominated by the majority of EU member state leaders and then re-confirmed by members of the newly-elected European Parliament. They’d have to be crazy to dethrone this ultimate incarnation of true EU values, like transparency and foresight (or rather, lack thereof).
One particular tale about Queen Ursula comes to mind that perfectly illustrates the point.
During Covid, the European Union rolled out a bloc-wide QR code system as proof of vaccination for travel, leisure, and in some cases a condition of employment – even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot really was when it came to stopping infection, transmission, and death.
It’s like there was this interest in Brussels to move fast in getting shots into arms as quickly as possible, and setting up this digital identity system linked to jab status before the scary music stopped or people just tuned it out.
Skeptical members of the European Parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal the bloc’s leadership actually signed with the manufacturers of these injections.
We’re talking about 11 contracts, 4.6 billion vaccines, and €71 billion of public money transferred to Big Pharma.
So far, neither the citizens who paid for all of it, nor their elected representatives have been able to get full transparency on those deals.
According to research published last year by the French NGO Global Health Advocates, and the UK based health nonprofit, StopAids, the European Commission “agreed to extensive confidentiality requirements with pharmaceutical corporations that may not be fully consistent with EU legislation,” and that of the contracts analyzed with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna, “the Pfizer contract was the most significantly redacted.” Specifically, they noted that the European Commission “redacted the most information about product safety and indemnification in the Pfizer and Moderna contract,” concluding that “it looks like most of the risk was borne by the EU in a desperate attempt to get access to these vaccines.”
The reports also draw attention to the lack of interest on the part of certain Big Pharma CEOs when it comes to accountability towards their customers – their end-clients who received and ultimately paid for the jabs: average EU citizens. “We provided Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna the opportunity to react to the claims… but we did not receive a response,” the NGOs said.
It turns out that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is also the same person who was exchanging private text messages with von der Leyen the month before the Pfizer contract was negotiated.
How do we know that? Because she said so herself in April of 2021 in a New York Times interview.
Sue the bastards and good luck
A month after my first and only shot I went by ambulance to casualty with crazy high BP, 220/180. It did no lasting harm but I or Mrs H have had a few interactions with the hospital since but have never been asked vaxx status. It feels like a deliberate CYA action – Don’t ask so can’t write a bad report.
It appears the High Court does not believe in autonomy of you’re own body and allowing the mandate of an employer to demand that you are vaccinated by an experimental drug.
__Here in SA, I’ve noted a headline stating SAPOL will be triaging their responses to calls for assistance.
__Staffing issues apparently, but community safety will not be affected.
__Seems not so many of us wish to serve and protect in the way we brought on ourselves at the turn of the decade.
Would that not be a sensible thing to be doing as business as usual? Do they normally work without ant priorities?
The Nuremberg Code and leasons of Nazi German have been ignored of elites in Australia
The ten points became known as the Code, which includes such principles as informed consent and absence of coercion; properly formulated scientific experimentation; and beneficence towards experiment participants.
Remarkable video from El Salvador.
Nayib Bukele gathers every single official in the executive branch of his government and then announces a surprise.
He asks the Attorney General to investigate all of them for bribery.
People shouldn’t assume that in Australia we don’t have significant numbers of corrupt politicians either.
Otherwise it’s difficult to understand the motivation of policies they vote for such as climste policies and forced vaccinations and lockdowns that enrich only the Elites.
And just look at the sort of jobs politicians get after politics.
And how do so many politicians get so rich in politics when most have never had proper jobs or businesses?
As Harry Truman said:
Simply solved by compensating not remunerating politicians. That is how you get workers back into Parliaments and Councils. We have done the experiment and rather than receive representation from a broader and fairer section of the community we get the pre-selected trash from a Temple of Thieves.
Would be interesting to see the list of politicians who retired inside working age and how they are employed now.
May be a very short list – who did it voluntarily.
Via A Man Of Memes
“They also exempted themselves from the FISA bill. We have one party rule in DC. There is no longer a system of checks and balances.
Congress just voted to exempt themselves from IRS auditing of their personal finances to ‘keep the country stable.’
This is what blunt force takeover looks like. Of course this is meant to hide bribes, theft, and embezzlement.”
…and lots of insider trading…
Looking Foward to Australia becoming a Province of China
On December 29, 2023, China’s legislature, the National People’s Congress, amended the Criminal Law. Among other things, the amendments impose higher penalties on bribe givers and entities that accept bribes.24 Jan 2024
Just to keep them all honest we need a public audit to check for insider trading. Australian politicians, their families and top public servants, for any investments in the companies that received billion dollar handouts by the PM.
Then there’s the pension. Normal people pay there own money into a super fund which they can access at 65 or thereabouts, either as cash or a pension and there are restrictions on what they can get of their own money if they continue to work after 65.
On the other hand politicians get a pension if they serve two terms. After they lose their seat or resign for any reason, many of them get appointed to director positions and the like, not sure how their pensions are affected.
I understand that has changed. The newer politicians can’t get their pensions after serving two terms. Albo who was in Parliament before 1996 can access his persion but the newer one can’t. 🙂
The CAGW-crowd like to say that the recent warming is unusual and even “unprecedented”. Below is a graph from the book “Climate Change The Facts” showing the GISP2 graph which is loosely indicative of Northern Hemisphere temperatures.
What you’re seeing in the graph below is warming rates based on 100-year time frames, to give us a good reference to the recent warming over the last 100 years, blamed on humans. You can see that the climate has warmed far more rapidly than anything us humans have allegedly been responsible for — over 15°C in 100-year time frames.
Increased solar radiation is what has driven warming.
Post-1980s Increases In Shortwave Radiation Explains Europe’s Warming Trends Far Better Than CO2:
By Kenneth Richard on 29 April 2024
Spend, spend, spend!
Albo doing what he loves doing, splashing our cash again!
Straight after throwing $14 million down the drain on “green hydrogen” when Twiggy said thanks for the money but I’m off, making green hydrogen in Australia is too expensive…
PM Set to Invest Big in Green Hydrogen
Anthony Albanese will make a major investment in green hydrogen in this month’s federal budget, with expectations industry will be handed direct subsidies and the dollar amount will surpass the $2bn “down payment” promised for large-scale hydrogen projects last year.
“Spend, spend, spend!”
More on the mark would be;
“Reallocate, Reallocate, Reallocate “.
In the not too distant future the PM will pay someone One Billion Dollars to solve the cost of living crisis. sarc.
Yesterday someone pointed out the hydrogen website of the CSIRO (major Australian government scientific research organisation) which shows the heavy promotion of hydrogen by that organisation.
There just isn’t going to be enough energy to make all that hydrogen. As Twiggy Forrest has discovered you need cheap coal, gas and nuclear energy to make “green” (sic) hydrogen which is why he’s doing it in Arizona, not Australia.
And as I said yesterday, what’s all the hydrogen going to be used for? If used to power transport vehicles, LH2 and NH3 are exceptionally dangerous, metal hydride storage is too heavy.
And where will all the money come from to totally rebuild Australia’s infrastructure to accommodate hydrogen? That’s already been thrown away on wind and solar. The country is almost bankrupt as a result and most industry has left or is leaving.
Very incisive summary David.
Thanks Keith.
“And where will all the money come from to totally rebuild Australia’s infrastructure to accommodate hydrogen?”
We will use whatever is left after totally rebuilding Australia’s infrastructure to accommodate EVs.
That ‘whatever is left’ will be zero to negative. What a great outcome…..
Here ya go DM:
All that waste need not go to waste, as that’d be wasteful.😉
Most of it could simply substitute the 100+ million tons of Hydrogen currenly used commercially by industry.
It is an essential product in oil refineries for the production of petrol and diesel etc, as well as the manufactire of Ammonia for fertilisers.
It is also a vital coolant in fossil powered power station generators !
….just sayin’. !
I think Australia has now passed the critical threshold such that a decline into a failed state is inevitable.
We will become a “socialist paradise” much like Venezuela, although we haven’t yet had to resort to eating the zoo animals.
Australian Governments (states and federal) have already shown their propensity for authoritarianism, socialism, censorship, massive wasteful spending, massive taxation, useless projects, plus we have an inept Opposition party (Liberals) etc..
It’s not going to end well.
The eating of Whittchy Grubs and other “Native” foods is being actively promoted
Klaus Swab’s insects.
Back in the day, even the fake conservative Liberal Party used to complain about Labor’s excessive spending of borrowed money and the size of the deficit.
When was the last time you heard a Liberal complain about such things?
Now they’re only slightly less bad than Labor and if ever elected would spend much like their comrades in Labor.
Has there ever been a civilisation or country that drove forward to become a world leader, peaked and declined with the same moral/financial/corruption woes the West has, then managed to arrest the decline and rise again?
Not the Once-Great Britain, Portugal, Holland, or Spain in the last five hundred years, not the Greeks or Egyptians, going back further.
It seems that once you destroy what your forebears built no-one can rebuild it, so don’t put any faith in the political parties who destroyed us.
Arguably China with its peaks and troughs over the past 4-5k years, perhaps more tenuously, Italy with the Romans/Etruscans and then the 19th-20th Century industrialisation in the north propelling it to G7 status. It was a LONG time between drinks in both cases though.
Climate change has played a big part in the downfall of civilisations.
“Climate change has played a big part in the downfall of civilisations.”
“Climate change POLICIES will play a big part in the downfall of our civilisation.”
Al;so true, I fear.
Progress on the WHO’s “Pandemic Grab”
“In case you somehow missed it, in which event lucky you, the barely sentient maniacs at the United Nations and the World Health Organization had proposed revisions to an existing ‘pandemic treaty’ to vastly expand the WHO’s influence. One of the most alarming parts of the proposed draft was language essentially putting the WHO in charge of all member countries, including America. All the WHO would have to do is declare a pandemic and then look out, Lucy.”
“It’s still not perfect, but thanks to the hard work of many freedom activists over the last few months to shine a light on this horrible, so-called ’treaty’, the worst parts of the draft — including the ‘binding effect’ on member states — have now been jettisoned.”
More at
“Gut Bacteria – C19 Suppression Of Good Gut Bugs”
Lots more in comments this morning
“EV Future Path Revisited”
“Countries “Repatriating” Gold from USA “Safekeeping” ”
“Well, it looks like various countries are hauling their Gold and Reserves deposits out of the USA (and I’d presume the EU as well). Seems that just Freezing Russian Assets was enough to get them motivated. So guess what will happen when the EU / USA actually steals the Russian Assets? The big sucking sound of assets would turn into an Amazing Flood Of Assets out of The West. The USA & EU at a minimum, but I’d expect any country endorsing it be on the suckage list too. That’s you; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc…”
More at
FWIW – covid jabs and cancer
“A Japanese oncologist speaks about the explosion in cancer rates after the COVID-19 vaccine”
“Can’t Make This Up: Emergency Slide Falls Off Boeing Plane, Discovered Outside Home of Lawyer Whose Firm Is Suing Boeing”
Somebody in here recommended the probiotic Bacillus Subtilis some time ago and, though I gave it a try, I can’t remember why it was recommended. I took it for a few months but then stopped because I could detect no benefit.
Just recently however, I realised that a chronic pain problem I have suffered for many years had improved significantly, along with a reduction in fatigue. Unfortunately, I only realised this when the pain came back! Some other inflammatory problems I have followed the same path.
Now I wonder if that period of relief coincided with me taking the probiotic. If the person who alerted me to Bacillus Subtilis reads this, I would appreciate a reminder of why it was suggested. Looking online, as it often the case with supplements, it seems to do everything and nothing.
Might be helpful to you.
Look into Natto and inflammation.
In Asia, fermented foods typically involve non-dairy products such as fruits, vegetables, fish, and soybeans. Fermented vegetables and soy products take center stage as ‘superfoods’ as communities observe their health benefits beyond the nutritional value of pre-processed materials. Biologically active peptides derived from fermented products, including the anti-hypertensive conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), antimicrobial bacteriocins, and anti-carcinogenic sphingolipids, have since been discovered [6]. The functional anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of fermented plant foods owe their activity to the probiotic modulation of gut microbiota and the prebiotic effect from bioactive polyphenols generated by the fermentation process itself
The Liver/gut/brain axis as I’ve covered over and over is critical for immune function and health.
Thanks John. yes, I’ve read a little on the importance of a ‘balanced’ gut flora and the list of problems associated with imbalance is growing every year.
I already include fermented foods in my diet but, in the course of seeking them out, I have found it hard to find options that aren’t sold in ‘sterilised’ form. I was happy to finally track down an unpasteurised sauerkraut only a few months ago 🙂
A lot of fermented foods contain vinegar too, which is also said to aid gut health.
Steve, if you’re able, try to watch a most recent documentary on Netflix called “Hack your health, Secrets of your gut”. Maybe find it from other sources, because I dont think it’s necessarily a Netflix only program. A really quick and well produced doco on the complicated subject of the gut microbiome. How our understanding of the gut microbiome is only really just beginning in terms of general health outcomes.
I haven’t watched that one Ross, but I’ve seen a few others on the same subject. Imbalanced gut flora has even been implicated in depression.
Hiya Steve….to do a decent job on this, i will work on an edit and make sure i am not missing anything as it is a huge question and to do it justice will take more than one attempt. where i will cut and paste your question again with an edit to my piece here perhaps next Wednesday
Also, i believe i have made a major discovery with respect to fermented foods in general and i postulate that the invention of the fridge has indirectly terminated to a considerable degree our access to the fermentation of legumes and fermented foods in general…human health goes sharply down hill from there in my opinion thus far.
Nature outsourced Menaquinone (K2) production to bacteria, especially Bacillus Subtilis. As part of the deal, Subtilis gets a warm home and nutrients and produces nutrients and also other functions like controlling the population of opportunistic bacteria using one or two of the 12 or more different antibiotics Subtilis can inject a targeted dose at membrane to membrane ultra close range against the bacteria to be gardened…Subtilis is like the gardener of fungi, bacteria, in the kingdom of life…a real swiss army knife of life.
K2 is vital to maintain healthy mitochondria and even up-regulates the little mitochondrial power houses by up to 30%. All cells in the body have heaps of mitochondria and diminish with age. In my studies, there are references to aging as far as to say that the only difference biologically between a young person and an old person is that the young person has vastly more miochondria than an old person. Old or young, a thirty percent increase in ATP production by the mitochondria when there is enough K2. This has been measured using an assay that is able to measure the amount of energy that mitochondria are making, with and without a K2 rich environment.
Kiran Krishnan, the biologist, is someone i followed for many years, eagerly looking for any of his new video’s to help my learning curve on this very specific area in biology and health.
My journey began after noticing that shortness of breath from smoking completely disappeared and again. My stamina also went back to my 40’s and was 58 at the time. Now at 64 i feel no different to my early 50’s. Still smoking.
So my timeline was the discovery that K2 very subtly at first increased my energy levels and fatigue.
Purchasing K2 over the counter was expensive as i found that 540micrograms a day saw me emptying bottles of K2 in no time.
:began looking for alternate sources of K2 and discovered Natto. Half a small serving of Natto from an asian store or Japanes store has about 400Mg of K2…way to go 🙂
Leaky gut is the number one cause of chronic low grade inflammation, regenerate the gut lining, and of course this lowers inflammation and in turn pesky things like sore bones. Good observation of yours that aches and pains disappeared or were at least greatly diminished.
The thing i do not know is if you took the spores of Bacillus Subtilis, or if you ate Natto or Natokinase. Kiran Krishnan is incredibly knowledgable about B Subtilis, and he makes a spore based probiotic called MegaSpore. Initially, i wanted a source of K2 and just wanted more of the same effect i obtained from K2 purchased at the chemist without the expense. I found the most direct approach and mazximum bang for buck was and still is to ferment my own legumes using Bacillus Subtilis from the wild. Kiran Krishnan is great, but i did not use his MegaSpore product.
Mitochondria-Microbiome Axis
Microbiome Labs
Like yourself, instead of suffering attacks of pain that might last a few days or weeks in my case after chronic pain from a car accident in 2004, i have now had no attacks or escalations of pain in my muscular skeletal system for a few years now. I take no supplements and no longer need magnesium for muscle cramps.
I am still astonished.
Wow. You’ve obviously put a lot of thought and work into this! I’m currently on Day Two of my second experiment with B. Subtilis. Fingers crossed.
The War on Fertilty: The HPV Vaccine Causes Sterility, Ovarian Failure and Early Menopause in Girls
“The HPV vaccine was introduced in 2006, and by 2018 there had been a 50% drop in teen pregnancy…a 50% drop over 10 years suggested to us that something was very wrong.”
The HPV vaccine is also associated with Guillain Barré syndrome (paralysis)
Trial data showed a 27% miscarriage rate
HPV is now being given to boys as well as girls, which presents more risk to fertility.
Kidney stones, miscarriages, hydrocephalus, brain lesions, and death are among the list of side effects they never could have anticipated and certainly were never informed about.
The ER visits, hospital stays, and funerals were the last thing on any of their minds before going to get their Gardasil shots. The immense suffering of these nine young men and women is incessant for both them and their families years after having their last injection … all because of a CDC-recommended vaccine.
Nothing compared to Fakevax ™.
That rumble is growing louder…
School bans girls from girls sports for tranny protest
Just have their own damn category. Sheesh.
Daily wtf: The Missing emergency escape slide that fell off Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300 aircraft (N176DN) on 27 April, have been found, as it washed up in front of house of lawyer whose firm is suing Boeing.
You can’t make this stuff up.
A magazine ad from the 1990’s
Setting the stage for a long time…
Left-Wing Study: LGBT Couples at Greater Risk of Global Warming Impact
A new study from a liberal law school claims that global warming, also known as “climate change,” has a greater impact on LGBT couples than on normal couples.
As reported by Fox News, the study from the UCLA School of Law claims that “same-sex couples are more likely to reside in communities with poorer infrastructure and less access to resources. They are, therefore, less prepared to respond and adapt to natural hazards and other climate disruptions.”
The report, authored by analyst Lindsay Mahowald and senior fellow Ari Shaw, goes on to claim that the solution to this “problem” is for the government to “ensure that disaster relief is accessible and administered without discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.”
More preferential treatment for tbe normality destroyers.
Tucker Carlson releases interview with Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin
They discussed ‘new liberalism’ and its role in the fate of Western civilization
Russia defends traditional values the West is abandoning – Dugin to Carlson
The Western world has abandoned classical liberalism in favor of a new version defined by the rule of minorities and woke-ism, the Russian philosopher explained
The ever-growing anti-Russia sentiment in the West stems from the fact that Russia adheres to traditional values that Western “progressives” are trying to destroy, philosopher and political commentator Aleksandr Dugin said in an interview with journalist Tucker Carlson that was posted on the latter’s YouTube channel on Monday.
During the interview, Dugin laid out his view of the contemporary Western world and what he sees as the historical origins of its current ideology. He explained that the West has moved from “classical liberalism” – which professed individual freedom and democracy as understood as the rule of the majority – to a “new liberalism” defined by the rule of minorities and woke-ism. Rather than emphasizing freedom of the individual, the new incarnation of liberalism prescribes adherence to certain progressive values that are completely at odds with traditional values and in fact seeks to abolish them.
Pillow-Biters cannot get married in Russia
IMO there hasn’t been an intentional nor driven change in basic Western philosophy.The change has come as a secondary effect enforced by our disgraceful political class. In the last decade the left decided that it could win elections by promoting every minority demand over the majority as a non existent right. To force the change to win the votes the left legislated change whereby to challenge the demands of the minorities was to intrude on the rights of those individuals – regardless of the fact the reverse was the bigger truth. The minorities were trampling on the rights and values of the majorities. Immigration in particular amped up the gains of the minorities and the political left.
The secondary effect of the self-centred political class decisions has been to tear apart our traditional values until today we end up with a nation whose binding values are now nonexistent. The extent of the change we see playing out now all around the Western world. Antisemitism is coming out of the woodwork and scaring most Australians. At the same time we have a political class to fearful to do anything to regain control of the situation – or so bound in self-interest and electoral power that our leftwing extremist governmenments of the day simply refuse to take control of the situation by force. The unfortunate effect of that is our youths now think their reactions must be legitimate because there is no pushback against what they are doing.
Political and legal inaction is justifying this reversal of values that would have every dead digger turn in their graves. I blame the politicians of all sides for this destruction of Australian values occurring totally at their hands, their non defence of the nation, their own loss of values and the loss of every right that allows them to get up off their arses and dare to moralise on any basis to the nation.
” today we end up with a nation whose binding values are now nonexistent.”
Hence a re-introduction of conscription across the West, no-one will volunteer to die for the leaders these days. Aussie is going to harvest a lot of 3rd-worlders by offering citizenship after a stint in the military.
I asked Romanian woman I was working for today what the real situation was with Russia as all I see is Western propaganda in the media. The first thing she said was that they are very Russian, they believe in the country and will fight to defend their values and way of life. Gosh, I thought, that’s like the West when I was young..
On the topic of energy storage, this is a very significant paper that outlines the requirements for solar and battery grid supply for Germany and/or California.
Battery costs for either: approx USD 350 Trillion. some 1.55 Million facilities equal to the battery at Queensland AU (Vena facility).
So, when the pollies say “it’s easy, just use batteries”, ask them if they’ve read this paper.
The Energy Storage Conundrum
Batteries. Batteries were always horrible things. Full of really nasty chemicals, bloody heavy, short lived and difficult to dispose of. So, we’ve gone from lead acid to lithium batteries but not much has really changed. They’re still nasty, heavy and short lived. When I say “nasty”, the lithium, cobalts and other minerals used for these modern batteries aren’t all mined from environmentally friendly locations using high tech gear. A lot seems to come from Third World countries using terrible labour practices. Still difficult to recycle/ dispose of and also the modern ones have a habit of catching fire with explosive effects. We’ve not really progressed that far have we?
Batteries were all of that back in the days of 32 volt lighting plants where you had 16 X 2 volts lined up
Oh, the article that triggered my comment, which is a gem in itself:
A Shockingly Inept Report From The IEA On Battery Storage Of Energy
The IEA were once a bastion of sensible energy policy, but not any more. They appear to have been taken over by the green blob, like so many institutions. Go to their website and there lots of mentions of “ transition”.
Dr Evil got it wrong
Was reading the other Wednesday article and someone commented on slavery. Was going to add a comment, but realised Jo would yell at me again for going off topic. So, better for the open thread. Was just reading an extended X post on white slavery. How, during the 16-19th centuries white slavery was performed by pirates originating from the Barbary Coast. The Barbary Coast being coastal regions of central and western North Africa or more specifically the borderlands consisting of the muslim regencies in Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli regions. These pirates consistently raided many parts of coastal Europe and present day UK. For the UK, more prevalent in Cornwall and also Wales. Accounts of whole villages being raided and taken away for slavery. Estimates of nearly 1.2 m white slaves taken in the whole episode. So our British fathers ( and mothers) were not only victims of slavery but they also had a big hand in abolishing it as well. None of which ever gets mentioned in the legacy media.
Slavery has to be seen in context an example:
Pertinax: The Son of a Slave Who Became Roman Emperor
Before the Industrial Revolution slaves were seen as labour saving devices.
Slavery distorts a nation’s economic development.
The Roman empire did not excel at innovation because it was superfluous with the free labour but did excel at public works where the slaves could build roads and aqueducts.
England led the anti-slavery movement and lost good men and ships fighting the trade but they were the world leaders in innovation and led the industrial revolution.
There is no such thing as a free lunch, slavery included.
That outline very much reflects the plight of modern Australia where growth of industry and initiative, personal development has been crushed by the current handout mentality.
No personal effort required, just put your hand out and claim victimhood.
The abundant dole meme can only be hidden for so long before people start to understand that rising interest rates are caused by government borrowing to buy votes with ridiculous social security benefits for non workers.
Added to that is total lack of self-responsibility that accompanies welfare. Those people will never try hard at anything,a total drain on the workers in society.
I might be a bit late with this but I find it a fascinating interview done by John Campbell of Australian barrister Julian Gillespie and the fight to get the covid vaccine before the courts by presenting it as a GMO. His grasp of the subject and his ability to present the facts make it really worthwhile. It’s 1 1/2 hours long.
It was posted here on Sunday
Spurred by moral outrage I emailed the link to fifteen acquaintances’ accounts under the heading “criminality of the gmo vaccine rollout exposed”.
In my lifetime the spiv class has achieved supremacy although with the vax crime it may have initiated global depopulation, a shot to the foot indeed.
Conjoined twins who share a vagina but have different sexualities candidly reveal the ‘uncomfortable’ truth about their sex lives
Double trouble if you ask me!
The used electric car timebomb – older EVs could be hard to sell because batteries aren’t guaranteed
Many electric vehicles will lose up to 12% of their charge capacity by six years
Somewhat old news but the Main Stream Media have finally woken up
Ford Australia says it has already sold “hundreds” of examples of the new electric Mustang Mach-E – and has received “thousands” of expressions of interest – however it has conceded the niche vehicle is unlikely to challenge the Tesla Model Y for electric-car sales glory.
However, actual sales of the Mach-E in Australia can be counted in the dozens and not hundreds.
Ford has now made the EV Lightning F150 pick up truck availble for sale in Australia.
Electric Ford F-150 goes on sale in Australia – for $250,000
Just this morn I had the HV battery in my 14 yr old, low milage hybrid checked. Good as new. It would cost a modest no. of thousands to replace anyway but a conventional model would have had at least a new timing belt fitted.
It’s the best car I’ve ever owned so would replace the battery if necessary.
Hybrid, still has an ice, still serviced by kilometers, is there no timing belt on it?
No, they have a timing chain and Yes! it is a Camry. It doesn’t need much service and even the 12V battery lasted 13 yrs, because it doesn’t crank the engine I guess. Because the ICE can switch off while driving all the bolt-ons are electric [no belts, no oil to leak]. Even the transmission is “sealed for life” and No! i don’t believe that but I may never get to where I will need to service it.
Don’t get overconfident on that timing chain until you ask.
A friend found out that Mitsubishi Tritons have a chain and the service recommendation has you replace it every 100,000 km. The bloke that did his servicing missed it and it got expensive.
Back in the days of double row roller chain was different
Timing Chain Replacement: Everything You Need to Know
13 Mar 2024Timing belts need to be replaced at regular intervals, usually between 60,000 and 100,000 miles, while timing chains are designed to last the life of the engine. Timing chains are also quieter than timing belts and do not require as much maintenance.
Join me and other concerned citizens and send a strong message to protect our democracy and basic freedoms.
The government introduced and cut short proper scrutiny and debate on the Digital ID bill. A national identification scheme like this is a blow for Australians’ fundamental right to privacy and self determination, and is something many of us don’t want any part of. Yet Labor is pushing ahead in lockstep with other nations in the global digital economic agenda.
Minister Gallagher has stated that this Digital ID won’t be compulsory, however we know how that worked out with the COVID shots!
There’s a provision in this bill to make it compulsory should the government choose to do so. Another risk is the exclusion from society of those who choose not to partake in the scheme. There are serious flaws in this legislation such as the potential for ‘scope creep’ whereby providing your digital credentials will become compulsory. Of concern also is that the government indemnifies all agencies and service providers against liability when something goes wrong with the scheme that results in fraud or systemic failure.
The legislation is for a single government digital identification system, which is accessible to both the public and private sector, goes much further than the MyGov digital ID or any of the other digital identities that have been popping up. It puts all your identity eggs into one digital basket and will place more Australians at risk of being hacked.
Although the bill was passed in the Senate it has not yet been passed through the Lower House, which means that this is the time to push back.
The details for Brisbane’s National Day of Protest are finalised. There are some great speakers attending the rally.
For all other states and territories, visit the One Nation web site: Events Calendar – Pauline Hanson One Nation
Sunday 5th May | 11:00 am
King George Square, Brisbane
North Queenslanders are holding their rally one hour earlier. We’re delighted to support this local initiative:
Sunday 5th May | 10:00 am
Freedom Park @ Cairns Esplanade (North of Muddy’s Playground)
JOIN concerned citizens protecting democracy and basic freedoms that the Uni-party is trying to kill through combining these legislation & systems:
• Identity Verification bill — passed parliament;
• Digital Identity bill — paused in parliament due to strong public opposition;
• Misinformation/Disinformation censorship bill — paused in parliament;
• New Payments Platform — in use & tracking every digital financial transaction;
• Digital global currency — Reserve Bank admits developing this with central banks.
If people allow the Liberal-Labor Uni-party to continue with Digital ID and Mis/Disinformation Bills, the Uni-party will hand globalists the foundation for a Social Credit System that will control every aspect of our lives.
Send a strong message to MPs: NO Digital ID bill, NO censorship bill.
Please consider signing the petition:
Please RSVP so we can keep you informed:
For all other states and territories, visit the One Nation web site: Events Calendar – Pauline Hanson One Nation
Senator Gerard Rennick wrote this on Farcebook:
My comment:
It’s not hard to see why the Australian Government tolerates this. Farcebook promote Leftist viewpoints and suppress conservative ones.
It’s easy to see why politicians let big corporates like Meta get away with this stuff. They have an eye on their post-politics employment. For instance, when the leader of the UK’s Liberal Democrat party left politics, he took up a very lucrative position at Meta.
“For instance, when the leader of the UK’s Liberal Democrat party left politics”
When Nick Clegg was kicked out by his own constituents, in 2015, IIRC, he did indeed go to Meta.
Doubtless for hu-u-uge money.
Latest insanity.
A campaign against SHOWERS.
Matt Walsh discusses:
Well, Hanrahan & I were just talking about NATO going into Ukraine and cleaning out Russia..
“NATO is starting to deploy combat troops to Ukraine. Soldiers from Poland, France, the UK, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in larger numbers. Although Russia says there are over 3,100 mercenaries in Ukraine, these newly arriving troops are not mercenaries. They are in uniform, home country proclaimed via insignia. They mostly are concentrated in the western part of the country, although in some cases they are close to the actual fighting in the east…
The Russians know what is going on and they are targeting foreign forces while also grinding down Ukrainian fighting units, inflicting heavy casualties. The Russians say Ukraine has already lost almost 500,000 troops in the war, and the numbers destroyed in combat grow on a daily basis…
A report on training of Ukrainian F-16 pilots also is revealing. According to some of the western officers working with the Ukrainians, progress even after a year teaching pilots to operate F-16s has been less than a success. Language barriers and unfamiliarity with western systems and combat tactics, has proven to slow the learning process. Rumors have it that when the F-16s finally begin arriving in Ukraine this summer, the planes are likely to be handled by “retired” pilots from European air forces.”
Get out the popcorn..
“The mid to late 60s into 1972-73 was the muscle car era. The cars had appealing design as they were designed by designers and not by safety bureaucrats. Some of the colors were outrageous–plum crazy purple, bright lime green, triple black, orange…
Today all cars look alike. And you have 4 color choices–white, black, gray, and a dark red. …
At a large car show cars from the past and present will be on display. The older cars are beautiful. The new ones are aggressive and heavy in appearance. They don’t inspire. They drive well but they don’t make you happy. They look brutish, like American foreign policy…
The emphasis on safety has homogenized car design. There is no distinction, and there are no shapes that work with two-tone paint. The modern car world is drab, and drabness produces depression. Thus, the cost of our bureaucratic imposed safety is depression. We are mired in sameness and brutal shapes.
When did you last see a happy American?”
Must be an American thing. We get some very stylish designs here and quite a few nice colours.
Nothing can match the 50s 60s and 70s though.