Rudy Guliani, we have more than enough illegal ballots to overturn the results


Several people have sent me these videos – and I wonder if everyone has seen them already. But where are they in The Media? History is unfolding and hardly any news service wants to mention The Biggest Story — the American Coup? In any normal year, interviews like these with key Trump players would be getting non-stop Prime time coverage.

Rudy Guliani: ” we have more than enough illegal ballots to overturn the results”

Rudy Giuliani With Maria Bartiromo

A description of the interview from The Nation

Trump’s attorneys said the Smartmatic software used in the Dominion voting machines – which ‘flipped’ 6,000 votes cast for President Donald Trump to rival Joe Biden in one Michigan county alone – had ‘back doors’ allowing corrupt officials to rig elections.

Bartiromo quoted a “senior intelligence official” as saying Smartmatic’s software has a “back door” that allows it to be “mirrored and monitored” to give an “intervening party a real-time understanding of how many votes will be needed to gain an electoral advantage.”

“I can prove that they did it in Michigan, I can prove it with witnesses,” Giuliani said. “We’re investigating the rest. In […]

The only thing Climate Change is destroying is science — Join us at the AEF Webinar

The Reef is fine, the Forests are overgrown, and the River will keep flowing. Science, though is a disaster. What can we do?

Help figure out how to get science working again for the people and the environment, instead of the crisis industry and bureaucrats.

Join us at the AEF Webinar | Tuesday Nov 24, 2020 | 07:30 PM East Coast DST time

Register for the Webinar

Peter Ridd, Jo Nova, Alan Moran.

Science has been turned in to a fundraising activity rather than a quest for the truth. Instead of helping the Reef, the Forests and the River, scientists use them as perpetual cash cows. They don’t have incentives to solve problems, only to highlight them. No one is paid to find that Nature is doing OK or that Solar cycles drive the climate. So billions of dollars may be thrown away on fashionable but irrelevant quests — money which could be put to much better use.

We’ll discuss how Australia’s three big environmental issues are stuck in scientific ruts and discuss what can be done to get science back on track. Would some kind of official watchdog help, or will any formal unit […]

Can your bank delete you? It’s almost like the start of an American social credit system.

Imagine Laura was a candidate for a major political party and had 150 million impressions a month on her twitter account. What happens if her bank and then Twitter delete her accounts. They give no real reason. She’s stranded, and spends a month writing letters and making phone calls, and setting up alternatives. After a month, the bank gives her a cheque for her savings. She got her money, but she lost a month.

Imagine accidents like these happen a lot more often to people on one side of politics — people who want to break the Tech Giants up?

h/t David E

How corporations can delete your existence, by Gavin Haynes.

Let’s call her Laura. In September, Laura was out in Leeds City Centre, buying some bits, when her card was declined. Funny, she thought. She definitely wasn’t in the red. But these things happen, so she left the shop, tinting crimson, and dashed towards the nearest cashpoint.

But her card wouldn’t work at the cashpoint either. She tried another one. With the same result.

Laura opened the banking app on her phone. It said only ‘error’, then automatically closed.

She finally abandoned her shopping and went into the […]

Swamp is terrified of Trump’s legal cases. Resorting to Big Dollar ostracism, cancel culture to drive out lawyers

Bullying works. Time to fight back:

Humans are a gregarious species. Never underestimate how powerful bullying and social ostracism can be — even on adults — especially on smart and wealthy adults near the top of the pecking order. Indeed, the pecking order position is the problem. Those with something to lose, who are trained in universities in everything but how to stand up for themselves, fold faster than the truck drivers and steel workers Donald Trump represents. Those who don’t care about the pecking order, because they are far from the top, also don’t care if uppity legal circles ridicule them. But those inside the elite circles of power do.

The Swamp is terrified of Trump’s legal challenges

Trump is so dangerous to the Swamp they are prepared to spend big money to target anyone who helps him. Once upon a time, representing a President would be great for advertising and gaining new clients. The Swamp bluster is trying to reverse that.

One of Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals (to win by destroying civil debate) is to isolate “the target”. In this case Trump is “the Target” and activists have managed to isolate him from one or two of […]

“I am going to release the Kraken” — Trump won in a landslide says Sidney Powell

Sidney Powell: “This is essentially a new American Revolution”

The mood change that started yesterday is accelerating. Sidney Powell looks –– in a legal sense — armed and dangerous. She says: “I can hardly wait to put forward all the evidence we have on Dominion”. “We have staggering statistical evidence, and staggering testimony from witnesses”.

Dominion denies all allegations of fraud. Will that change under oath?

A bitchute video. If you have problems (they are moving servers) watch the youtube below.

Lou Dobbs: “This is an extraordinary and dangerous moment for the country”

Lou Dobbs interviews Sidney Powell, attorney on Trumps team. She is implacably confident (though, that is her job).

Her answers essentially:

Dominion was created to created to alter results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez. It was funded by Venezuela and Cuba and China is involved too. Let’s talk about foreign interference… As soon as states shut down and stopped counting — those states are the most egregious.

Dobbs: How critical are the December deadlines? (For the electoral college vote)

For fraud this serious, even if the states are stupid enough to certify electors they will be set aside also. We are talking about hundreds […]

Testing 1,2,3

We are trying to speed up the site. But it appears that Chrome users may be missing posts on the home page since the latest change. So this is a test post to see if the problem is temporary. There should be 69 or more comments on the latest post “Were the Dems Shocked”. Dissenter and Firefox appear to be fine.

9.9 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

Some people were searching “Election Fraud Punishment” *before* the election

It’s almost like some people were considering doing something a bit naughty?

At the Caldron Pool someone noticed that searches for “Election Fraud Punishment” were trending high in late October in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona.

Searches for “Election Fraud Punishment” Peak in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Days Before the Election

Searches for “Election Fraud Punishment” peaked in three significant states in the lead up to the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, according to Google Trends.


Election Fraud Punishment search on Google Trends

I note that the Google Machine shows up different results now, but this post has been circulating for a few days. If Google is willing to suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop and MAGA rallies, what’s a few revised trends?

Someone has those IPs.

9.8 out of 10 based on 42 ratings

90% vaccine magically appears two days after Biden declares win

Trump was right, but Biden gets the glory

Pfizer held off the discovery in what appears to be a petty political gamble

All along we were told a vaccine “by October” was unlikely and that 50-60% efficacy would be OK. On Sept 16, Trump said “a vaccine for COVID-19 could be ready in three or four weeks.” Presumably because he was expecting these results or others like them. On Sept 18th, Biden said he was irrational: ““The idea that there’s going to be a vaccine and everything’s gonna be fine tomorrow – it’s just not rational, not reasonable,” and the Medical Swamp supported Biden.

But Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief scientific adviser to Operation Warp Speed, said a vaccine by October was unlikely. So did Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most prominent and popular member of the White House coronavirus task force. Instead, the vaccine announcement came six days after the election as votes are still being counted in some parts of the country.

Come Nov 10, Markets rocketed with the Pfizer vaccine news.

Truth was, Pfizer was never going to announce potentially game changing vaccine news until after the election. That’s because they changed the original deadline for […]

Nov 10: The Biden bubble stops expanding as a river of affidavits flows

Today the world noticed that RealClearPolitics still hasn’t called Pennsylvania for Biden. Their “tally” for him stands at 259 Electoral College votes. CNN has him at 279. AP has him at 290.

So is he or is he not the President Elect? He’s not (see Bannon and Gorsky). He never was — that title can only be conferred by the Electoral college or the House, not the media. Cancel the corona-free parties… send back the congratulatory messages. Biden is the unverified President Elect. He’s the estimated President Elect.

The case for voter fraud grows stronger every day

Watch the latest WhiteHouse press conference. There are now 131 affidavits in Michigan alone — including people willing to swear they were told to backdate ballots, an illegal activity.

In Pennsylvania, 682,000 ballots were counted that no Republicans were allowed to watch, which is illegal. Plus other rules were different for Democrat counties and Republican Counties. Biden’s lead is 45,000, and is one legal decision away from disappearing.

Remember though: “there is zero evidence that there is voter fraud” and we’ve known that since November 2.

Media censorship is over-the-top

The overreach will burn. Even Fox news found the Whitehouse Press […]

Tuesday Open Thread


9.2 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

Bannon and Gorka: We have a path to Victory here

You want to talk winning? Get your dose here.

Steve Bannon headed up Trumps election team in 2016, he’s goes through the constitutional process which will kick in if there are too many problems deciding the legitimacy of votes: (This is about 20 – 30 minutes into the live three hour show).

We have no President Elect until the Electoral College chooses a President.

The Secretaries of each State have to certify the votes. If you can’t certify the votes, you can’t have electoral representatives. They need to be in place by December 6.

If no candidate gets 270 votes by December 8, the constitution has a solution. It goes to the House of Representatives for a “Contingent election“. But this is not a vote that Congressmen do. Instead, States send delegates to the House, and the House votes and decides the President.

The Dems are losing the House vote. 26 Republican States and 22 Democrat States.

Bannon: “The second campaign was a great awakening — the spontaneous Trump trains, the gatherings former communists in South Florida.”

This is a 3 hour broadcast and it’s running live now…. Imagine if this was screening on […]

It’s an information war — time the Right shored up new lines of communication

First things First. A Psy Ops War is underway — aimed to demoralize half the US population

The Coup has control of the television and most of the newspapers. They also have Twitter and Facebook. The control is so brazen and complete even the President can’t tell his side of the story to the 70 million people who voted for him. On Twitter Trump’s comments are being sabotaged, deleted and used against him with labels warning he is “misleading”.


Twitter has evolved into the Ministry of Information

Who needs police or a court to investigate fraud? Just ask Twitter, it already knows the outcome of those cases. Same for NBC, CNN, MSNBC.

In the last month, the media’s selective blind-eye became a weaponized filter. Criminal acts and potential treason in the highest offices of the land were not just ignored, any mentions of them were hunted down the perpetrators punished. People were exiled. When Judge Jeanine Pirro tried to discuss voter fraud, she was cancelled, and by Fox.

It’s almost impossible for a groundswell of resistance to gather if there is no gathering place, no way to get out a message and nowhere to hammer out priorities. The […]

Rudy Guiliani: The lawsuits will start Monday

If you have nothing to hide, you allow inspection.

Right now the Biden “Victory” entirely depends on ballots that no one was allowed to inspect. This election is not over. Spread the word.

Rudi Guiliani:

50 – 60 pollwatchers will testify that they were uniformly deprived of their right to view the mail in ballots.

There was no inspection of any mail in ballots. None.

No Republican got a chance to look at that ballot. Not a single one…

It’s unheard of, it’s unconstitutional, andwe will be bringing an action challenging that.

This is outrageous.

The same fraud was done in Pittsburg involving 300,000 ballots that were not observed by a Republican. And also in Georgia, North Carolina.


Rep Jim Jordan scathing of the Dem corruption:

“The only thing we had wrong in that report was that it’s worse than we thought.”

“”The first time in American history where you have a party systematically set out to win an election AFTER the election””

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 7, 2020


8.8 out […]

Could it be true? A sting operation by Trump and Intelligence watermarked ballots to catch voter fraud

UPDATE: So it’s fun to imagine. File this under “movie script” at the moment.

Could there be a counter-coup against the Bidens?

Knowing that the Democrats were likely to cheat, did Donald Trump find honest Intelligence Agents who were still prepared to work for their President and their nation and keep a secret? Did they manage to watermark ballot papers with QFS blockchain encryption codes in a way that will allow them to catch and prosecute voter fraud? Steve Pieczenik says “arrests are coming”. “It was Trumps initiative”. “He’s been brilliant”. Apparently, they set the trap and waited for it to spring. I supposed we’ll know pretty soon if this is attention getting hype or one of the biggest stories in years.

I’m watching this with red flags thinking: this is exactly what we all want to hear. Too good to be true? I’m also thinking that there must surely still be some patriots in intelligence, and that Trump and everyone have known for months that they would use mail in ballots to cheat. Could they have kept this a secret? Will the evidence actually stick? Can they really identify the chain of corruption at the top, or will […]

USA 2020: Looks like a coup, smells like a coup…

With 200,000 and 138,000 Votes For Biden suddenly appearing at 4am in Michigan and Wisconsin, they are not even trying to hide that something very wrong is going on. But since the media collective were able to suppress the biggest political scandal since Watergate in the last two weeks, presumably they will try to do it again. The best thing anyone can do right now, is share the message asap.

UPDATE: See below for the two explanations that have been sent in or found about MI and WI.*

The way elections are normally called, Trump has already won (listen to Rudy Guliani), but the media are working hard to keep the Biden case looking as though it is on top.

The strange appearance of 200,000 votes 4am in the morning:

As Rudy Guiliani says, in many states it was impossible for Biden to win by the usual methods the Television networks have used for all past elections. But whoever it is that decides these things held off announcing states that Trump had won. The Trump states were delayed or not declared, Biden states (like Arizona) were called with many votes yet to be counted. In key states at critical […]

There is something remarkable going on in America

America choosing between Woke versus Traditional.

Polls are open, Queues are long, the National Guard has arrived, and random piles of bricks are already in place (ready for Civic celebrations by the Party of Tolerance?) Walmart has pulled guns and ammunition off its shelves (maybe they don’t want them stolen?) Shops are boarded up. It’s everything you need for an election.

Trump Trains are everywhere.

What a phenomenon. There’s even allegedly a 96 mile Trump Train in Arizona. Holy Smoke!

Whatever happens today, that passion, that fervour and dedication is not going to go away. This kind of energy just can’t be put back in a box. (And if the youtube should vanish, see it at this tweet).

Some members of the Party of Love are pretending the US Flags on these cars could be ISIS banners, calling the Trump Trains “Vanilla ISIS”. Yeah. Like, that’s not divisive.

But people who love America are having a lot of fun. Through their sheer exuberance, they must be pulling people in. Would you rather join the party of Optimism and Pizzazz or the Woke complainers?

Listen to the effect the sight of a Trump Train pursuing a Biden Bus has on […]

Glorious audacity meets brazen audacious gaslighting

Nothing like American sheer brazen audacity.

Will Trump take California?

h/t MichaelSmithNews. ..

A lot of people are getting a thrill, “goosebumps” even from this video. Read the comments under the twitter feed.

It’s easy to scoff (what are the odds) but there is a place for this naked ambition. Gotta love the showmanship. Sure, it’s over the top, but some might just be inspired to do great things.

Gotta be amazed that this competitor is the best the Dems could find.

Meanwhile a different kind of brazen is coming from the left

The message from the left is just as audacious, but it’s pure Gaslighting. People are saying things that are absurdly untrue as if they were obvious, and doing it repeatedly.

Tonight the Australian ABC News finally mentioned the Hunter Biden scandal, but then wrapped it all as something created by an anti-China group (nobody mention Taiwan). They carefully implied –without saying it — that the laptop was released in dirty power plays outside America (dissident Chinese). At no point did they say that Hunter left it at a Repair Shop, signed for it, and never came back. Nor did they mention Tony Bobulinski’s independent accounts, or […]

ANZ bankers kneel to carbon God, betray Australian farmers, miners — “don’t deserve a banking licence”

How to incense whole industries ANZ style The ANZ bankers declared this week that they are really in the business of saving the Earth, even if Australians didn’t vote for it. They declared some law abiding businesses were unworthy of their loans, and thousands of Australians in the steel industry, farming, and manufacturing are livid. The bank is now telling its customers that interest payments are not enough, and those with 50% or more of their operations in coal must diversify. They may well diversify right out of ANZ — a boycott is being discussed. And for shareholders this preening would seem like a dumb way to lose customers. But in Australia it’s worse than that. The right to earn interest by loaning money they mostly don’t have (by creating paper currency from thin air) is a glorious gift bestowed on them by an Australian banking license. It’s a perpetual money making machine, granted by a government group called APRA. ANZ is one of The Big Four Banks in Australia. It is supposed to provide an essential service, and in return APRA protects it by using the power of the state to run any new competitors off the ranch and […]

Hunter Biden under FBI investigation for money laundering

BLM: Bidens Laptop Matters

The allegations about Hunter Biden are all fake news, debunked before they were made, but the FBI says they have him under investigation for money laundering. And they’ve been investigating him all year, but forgot to mention that.

Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen.

The FBI has admitted they have the laptop and they interviewed Tony Bobulinski on October 23 for five hours. Nothing to see here.

Hunter only matters because of what it might mean about about Joe.

Biden Bus runs red lights to escape a Trump fan in a Hearse called the Democrat Cemetary Vote Collector

When censorship is running strong, people find other ways to get out the message. This a new artform called #Roadtrolling as invented by a Trump fan in Houston. Apparently the Biden bus (which doesn’t have Joe Biden in it) has been seen running red lights to try to get away from the […]

Winning! Australian Govt writes laws to protect people like Peter Ridd at universities

The Australian government admits Peter Ridd should never have been sacked for criticizing standards of James Cook University

Peter Ridd is still fighting for his right to speak

Great News: In an era of absurd censorship, it’s good to get a win. Thanks to all those who wrote letters and emails, and obviously, thanks to the IPA, the government is insisting that Professors be allowed to decide what professors say, rather than Vice Chancellors. Soon, if fraud should occur at James Cook Uni, people will be able to suggest it gets investigated without getting fired for being “uncollegial.”

As Education Minister Dan Tehan told Sky News this morning:

“[James Cook University] wouldn’t have been able to prosecute Peter Ridd if these laws had of been in place.”

“By defining academic freedom in legislation, Education Minister Dan Tehan is ensuring the dismissal of an academic like Peter Ridd can never happen again,” said Mr Rozner.

— Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)

To recap Peter Ridds crimes: he said “for your amusement” in an email once. (Illegal satire). He said “ We can no longer rely on our science institutions.” He […]