NottheBee report that this is road certified for the EU, but not “air certified” yet. I suspect getting a pilots license may be the barrier to this selling en masse in 2022.
Just for something different.
Merry Christmas to New Zealand and the East Coast of Australia
h/t Panda
And a Merry Christmas from the UK to you too Jo Nova (I have just done the same for my daughter Jo in Sydney).
Thank you for your courageous work this year. May 2021 be a much better one!
Merry Christmas Jo and everyone else trying to fight the good fight for our future.
Merry Christmas to Jo and her family and all the commenters that make this blog what it is and that’s the best .
How long does it take to charge the battery, and how long does a charge last?
Actually, good questions. The ergonomics would be the same as for the drones.
Well, for some informed Christmas viewing this will give some SENSE to how far you can go:I have been asking the question for some time to no avail and then fell over this series – gives you MILES per unit electricity Brilliant doesn’t mean to say I approve of, or recommend, electric cars ( horses for courses).
So from a frosting over Scotland this now ( total lockdown ), Fae ane an’ a tae a’ an ane , we wish you a very Merry Christmas and achanceto stop and take stock of your lives in this time like Alice thru’ the looking glass
Thankyou Jo & co. for your work and enlightenment Slàinte Mhath!
Good question because the climate madness (esp. in the EU) will shortly demand battery power. The extra weight would rule out this idea.
And on that gloomy note I wish all readers a Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year.
At least at that price there won’t be many takers but just think of the chaos if even small numbers took to the air. They would have to dodge all the drones that are delivering all of our parcels as part of our ‘bright’ new future. Weren’t we all supposed to be flying around with jet packs by now……
They have been killing people for 60 years that I remember. They used to use the air cooled Volkswagen motor. They flew, but too often came down hard.
Yes Ted , gyrocopters are a deadly form of air transport .Personally know of 3 victims .One problem is negative gusts when close to the ground and another is the timelag from control input to machine reaction unlike a propeller driven light aircraft .Engine failure at takeoff was fatal for a good friend of mine .
Thanks guys. I am still wondering how the gyrocopter physics works. Seemed intriguing but also kinda impossible to me. And yet it flew… ?
Autogyro: The story of early plane-helicopter hybrids, 1925-1940
Autogyros were used for rooftop-to-rooftop urban mail delivery, and a few were even put to military use during World War II. The autogyro fell out of favor in the late 1930s with the rise of helicopters, which could not only take off and land with precision, but hover in place for extended periods.
Autogyros had an unpowered rotor that spun due to aerodynamic forces. Most people did not understand how it worked and so did not trust it. Although it is actually safer than either helicopters or airplanes, people did not realize this. They wanted something powered.
Personally I think this is the Direction for the Future, but still expensive
Hexa Lift Aircraft
The big problem with gyrocopters was the home-design, home/engineer, home-build, self test pilot, and at the same time, self flying training. A pretty deadly combination.
There were also some poorly designed kits out there and some cheap low quality engines used.
But, they are highly manoeuvrable, handle engine failure and high wind gusts very well, better than any other light aircraft.
Dead stick landing:
High winds:
From those of us on the other side of the Big Pond, a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and heartfelt thanks to Jo, Dr. Evans, and especially those unsung heroes of the blog(s), the Mods, for all you do.
Wish us luck for these next few days, as the ‘end game’ plays out. I have my ‘victory’ cigar (yes, I allow myself one per year; I usually indulge on my birthday, but post-poned it until we see how 03 November plays out … ) all ready for when the CCP et al bite the dust.
Regards to all, and may the Good Lord Bless and Keep us,
A very merry Christmas to followers of Jo and friends of freedom around the world.
I think I’ll celebrate this umpteenth story about a flying car by going out and flying in my antique,
built in 1952, about the time Molt Taylor’s Aerocar took to the roads, the sky, and the black and white TV screens.
From memory, 13 were made and perhaps 10 sold.
A crazy character named Ed Sweeny has one that still flies and wintered at 48X last year. Might be the last not in a museum.
We are Free After 4 and a half years! Hooray! A perfectly good deal with the EU. Now for a good deal with Australia and hopefully support Oz against the machinations of China. As a small help to your economy I have just bought a bottle of Australian wine,
Happy Christmas to all at this site and to JO nova in particular.
tonyb cheers:
So there IS Good News! Wonderful. I was sometimes wondering if it would ever happen!
We’ll have to send Jacindas over to negotiate a trade deal with NZ.
You don’t have to send her back. She declared a Klimate Krisis four weeks ago as the UN told her to. (She’s a Good little Klimateer … does just what the UN tells her to do … even in the total absence of evidence.) It must be a Krisis: Temperatures are normally in the region of 25 – 28 degrees Celsius at this time of the year. At present they are about 19 – 20 ° Celsius in Auckland. This is the Coldest Christmas I can remember. And it’s only Boxing Day today …
Someone’s stolen our Christmas warmth.
There will probably be a Heat Wave declared as soon as it gets over 20 °C …
A home built gyrocopter would do a better job and be a lot safer too. I think I’ll pass.
Not quite the Jetsons yet.
Merry XMAS to all and thank you to Jo and the team for providing this oasis of sanity. Now back to preparing myself for arguments with my visiting Lefty family.
The car part of this on its own looks like just what I need.
Merry Christmas Jo and thank you for all you do.
Back around June 2019, Uber announced that we will have ride sharing flying cars between Melbourne airport and the City by 2023. I have no doubt it will be technically feasable but they lose me when they promote reduced congestion on the roads as one of the main benefits. The above corridor probably carries 100,000 vehicles per day so to reduce congestion by say 20%, you have 20,000 trips by flying cars on this route alone. I’m sure analysis of time saved will show that the 7 minute flight, blows out considerably when you take into consideration what happens at either end of the trip.
If thousands of people are attracted by the few minutes saved, balanced against the dangers of these things flying all over the place at 2000 feet or whatever, suggests to me that society needs to take a good look at itself.
Zoom type business meetings will do more than that and a lot safer.
If they want to talk about a premium “limousine” service for the few “desperates in a hurry” then go ahead, but the idea of widespread replacement of ground transport in congested areas once again proves to me that human stupidity continues to assert itself.
This idea will not remove vehicles from the road, it will just move the congestion of 20,000 trips to and from the takeoff/landing areas of the air taxis.
As for flying cars in general, when the huge variety of vehicle types currently on the roads is considered, how many can be replaced by a flying/driving vehicle. Good luck getting the 4 kids, luggage, food and presents into the family flying vehicle for the Xmas trip to the grandparents (with no runway space in their driveway).
So, let’s just think this thru, eh. If an idiot in a car loses concentration or does something dumb, he invariably either has a single vehicle crash or hits one other person or vehicle.
If an idiot in a gyrocopter does the same, he’ll hit another aircraft, both will crash, and many other people on the ground will be showered in (possibly) burning debris.
It just keeps getting better for the idiots who keep inventing solutions to problems that don’t previously exist, thereby creating a new set of problems that never previously existed.
Yes I agree with all the above but I’m sceptical about the reality of theses things ; wait until the mid air crashes start, such accidents will be very unforgiving.
And also how can they be justified in the proposed new era of e-cars. I cant imagine theses things flying on battery power. But then that’s progress . .
I don’t think the skies will be as busy as some people make out. Under the Great Reset peasants like us won’t be able to afford luxuries such as flying machines. On other hand, it will be fun to watch mid-air crashes when the elites go fox hunting in these devices – an entertaining diversion as we chase grasshoppers for our next meal.
On a lighter note, will these things ever take off? Ho ho ..
Again, I would also ask if these craft will be heavy on fuel? . .
To fill a bit of technology that is already fitted to high end turbine single engine aircraft, For 2.3mill HALO you can safely fly in an aeroplane that checks your health. If you become incapacitated your totally unskilled passengers/guests/family can level the aeroplane and then initiate (In fact, the system can do this itself unaided) a safe landing at a suitable aerodrome that has the required length and medical access. The avionics will handle all radio calls as well as summon emergency medical as well as safely land and stop and turn off the aeroplane.
As for Uber,,,you are flying in a drone. If you lose motive power you will be coming down under a parachute attached to the device with zero regard to what is underneath you. These guys are trying to get certification in Australia. Australian aviation is ruled by the most risk averse bureaucracy in the world. Good luck to them.
A very merry Christmas to Jo and David and all the contributors to her blog. Jo is the rock by which I affirm my real science based education and observation. Without evidence and data we are no different to the zealots. I hope we all have a safe and prosperous new year for 2021. The tide appears to be turning but the battle still rages. The marxist brigade is firmly entrenched within every aspect of government across the planet. It will take a revolution to extract them. I firmly hope..a revolution of enlightenment!
The first mid-air collision between two of these flying cars will truly be something to behold,
Let the public (most cant manouver well in two dimensions) loose in flying machines with large rotating blades? Sure, what could possibly go wrong?
How many people can reverse a car around a corner without putting and taking … putting ,,, taking … yes, well. So a flying car? …
You’re right yarpos: what could possibly go wrong?
I’m glad that Joanne posted this about the flying car.
This video will be the only place I will ever see something like this, and just this one time, as I will never see them in real life, anywhere.
To all of you, a peaceful Christmas hopefully spent with family.
And let’s hope that this China Coronavirus nightmare ends soon. Oh, wait a minute, media still has advertising space to sell, or in the case of the ABC, a semblance of relevance to maintain. (yeah! right!)
To all the bloggers joanne and relatives merry Xmass and a happy and prosperous new year
If it is registered as experimental then you cannot fly over built up areas.
There are not many gyrocopter certified pilots around. It is 10 to 15 hours for a conversion.
As for Uber’s idea of a service between tullarmarine airport and the city, have they factored in the time between initial call up to clearance deliver and take off? This can easily take 20 minutes or more at a large airport. You might better off driving! In aviation you cannot rush things!
If it is registered as experimental then you cannot fly over built up areas.
There are not many gyrocopter certified pilots around. It is 10 to 15 hours for a conversion.
As for Uber’s idea of a service between tullarmarine airport and the city, have they factored in the time between initial call up to clearance deliver and take off? This can easily take 20 minutes or more at a large airport. You might better off driving! In aviation you cannot rush things!