Bombshell: Former CDC Director endorses Trump and says Kennedy was right

Robert Redfield stands to the right of Donald Trump on Feb 29th 2020 for The Coronavirus Taskforce.

By Jo Nova The rift in the political heliosphere continues to tear

The phase change is upon us. The most unlikely people are suddenly fans of Donald Trump and talking about cleaning up corruption. From the core command center of the US Pandemic Bureaucracy, the Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, whom Robert F Kennedy Jnr mercilessly criticized, has come out endorsing President Trump, and admitting Kennedy was right all along.

Redfield was director of the CDC from 2018 – 2021, and now says that the three behemoth government health agencies — the FDA, the NIH and the CDC, have been captured by industry and the federal government must fix this problem. Furthermore, he says Trump “has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F Kennedy, Jnr.”

Redfield writes in Newsweek “Donald Trump Has a Plan to Make America’s Children Healthy Again. It’s a Good One.”

Across a century-plus of cozy courtship, the federal regulators have nearly married the regulated, especially in health care. Today, private industry uses its political influence to control decision-making at regulatory agencies, […]

Such is the aura: Citizen Trump stymies the UN climate talks without even trying

By Jo Nova

The whole world is waiting to see who wins the US Election

The annual UN junket-fest for climate troughers — called COP 29 — starts the week after the US election. But this year things are running behind schedule as countries sit on their hands.

The oceans are boiling, the clock of doom is five seconds from midnight, and “renewables are cheap”, but if the largest economy in the world loses enthusiasm, so does everyone else. For some reason, the same cannot be said about the second, fourth and fifth largest economies.

No wonder they are so afraid of him.

Trump stalks global climate talks as COP29 draws near

By Nick Perry, The Japan Times

Paris – The prospect of Donald Trump returning as president is hanging over crucial U.N.-sponsored climate negotiations, with countries “holding back” their positions until they know who sits in the White House.

This year’s negotiations hope to increase money for poorer countries to handle climate change, but some governments have not proposed a concrete dollar figure, wary of committing too soon.

“Everybody is holding back until they know who gets elected,” said Mohamed […]

Trump’s advisers vow to decimate climate policy and go all-out on fossil fuels

By Jo Nova

Now that the Billionaire-Green mask is off, conservatives are getting serious

Scott Waldman at Politico outlines the nightmare scenario where if Trump wins, he might “rewrite federal climate reports” or “install loyalists atop key science agencies” without seeming to realize that’s the Democrats modus operandi of science for thirty years.

No more going wobbly in climate fight, Trump supporters vow

Trump’s campaign utterances, and the policy proposals being drafted by hundreds of his supporters, point to the likelihood that his return to the White House would bring an all-out war on climate science and policies — eclipsing even his first-term efforts that brought U.S. climate action to a virtual standstill. Those could include steps that aides shrank back from taking last time, such as meddling in the findings of federal climate reports.

“The approach is to go back to all-out fossil fuel production and sit on the EPA,” said Steve Milloy, a former Trump transition team adviser who is well known for his industry-backed attacks on climate science.

But as the GOP front-runner, he’s gone back to alleging that human-caused global warming is fake, is baselessly blaming whale deaths on […]

Impeaching Trump to deny the stupid voters the chance to choose him

Whatever you do, don’t give the voters a choice

It seems a major reason for impeaching Donald Trump “no matter what” is to make sure that even if the majority of American voters wanted to get him back in office, they will not get that choice. After all, if Trump incited a violent coup against a legitimately elected government, and it was broadcast every night on prime time sympathetic news for the next four years, how could he ever win again? What population would be insane enough to vote for that?

Hypothetically, though, imagine a government was elected through late night vote dumps, fake ballots, dead votes and electronic flipping? That same government would surely be vulnerable and possibly afraid that if word were to spread, protests would mount and State legislatures might be forced to fix the gaping holes in the system – at least in some states. All of which might give the cheated leader a chance to be re-elected.

David Catron had the same thought, and notes Rep. Al Green (A democrat from Texas) explained why they tried the first impeachment:

I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach […]

It’s a psychoneurotic hate-fest — as if The Trump is still Krypton

There’s a kind of devotional anti-religious fervour to it. As if his name has a supernatural power.

Who knew the letters t.r.u.m.p can destroy civilizations just by being inscribed onto highways and chairs?

At what point do normal people balk?

A Tsunami of hate

John Hinderaker, Powerline

There is Democrat-sponsored legislation pending that would prevent any public building or artifact, even a “bench” from being named after the 45th president of the United States. There is a farcical witch-trial to impeach the same villain even though he has left office and is now a private citizen. There is even Democrat talk of stripping Trump of his pension, despite the fact that he gave his entire $1.6 million salary as president to the American people – something no president before him has done. If ever there was a public lynching, short of stringing the victim from the nearest tree – and there are no lack of leftwing calls for that – the Democrats’ unrelentingly vindictive assault on the defeated Donald Trump down to the last petty detail is it.

But what is in effect a total war is not merely a war to cancel Donald […]

The deranged and dangerous President who started no wars

Let it be noted:

Tell the children about all the Presidents Wars…

Obviously an outbreak of prolonged peace was a disaster. That had to stop…

I seem to remember a man called Dwight saying something about this in 1961:

9.3 out of 10 based on 85 ratings […]

Nothing shows off the fakeness of their victory more than the paranoia on the Democrat side of politics

A win built by cheating is not a happy win, but a precarious situation that can only survive by fear and oppression. The Democrats are scrambling to find a foothold based on the only strengths they have: hate and intolerance. They can’t heal the nation through listening to a side which has legitimate grievances. As long as honest mainstream America has a voice they will claw back the legitimacy of the fake winners. Instead fake winners have to silence them, and gaslight their own supporters to immunize them against messages from the peaceful but shafted majority.

The ACME: Invent-an-Enemy program is running apace: Trump supporters are now “like ISIS, al Qaeda”

Tucker Carlson wonders where the winners celebrations are? Instead of being thrilled the victors still want to hurt and humiliate half the nation.

Instead the Democrats are trying to light a fire under a peaceful nation, feeding the paranoia, division and fear. Some are seeding the idea that every Trump supporter is a terrorist.

Are there any reasonable Democrats left? Let’s find them

As Carlson says — there is a power vacuum at the center of the Democratic Party which a weak Biden has no chance of filling, and […]

ACME: Hate. Imagine someone tried to use Bigoted Race Hate to incite a civil war?

With Trump soon to be out of Office, the Party of Peace needs a new enemy

Looks like Don Winslow has opened the ACME: Instant-Target-of-Hate box. It’s almost like he is baiting the right to do something violent for the inauguration.

Start your list now of all the people you would like to see denounce this racist video, then send them an email asking if they support this kind of bigoted incitement?

@Robby Starbuck

This is so dangerous it’s hard to sum up in a tweet. It puts a target on the head of every conservative, calls for war and propagandizes to form a vigilante group that would narc on neighbors. If Hitler or Stalin we’re alive today, they’d proudly use this video. Sick and evil.

Twitter and Youtube banned the race hate already… Wait!… noooooo. Some kinds of hate are high fashion on the Left.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build, support, and share any social media platforms that aren’t Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Dis-invest yourself, and ask your superfund/401K to boycott them too.

UPDATE!: The original Youtube link has “gone private” (whatever that means). Youtube still fail to […]

100 million hateful Tweets against Trump: Twitter is The Left wing Hate Machine

Social media platform Gab has not only backed up Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account, they stored millions of the replies to him as well. Gab has been conducting a secret program called the Liberal Hate Machine — where they back up all the toxic replies in a searchable database.

While Twitter is perma-banning Trump for telling people to march peacefully, they are happy to publish vile abusive threats against him every day of the year.

Gab estimates that there are 100 million toxic replies. (like this?)

Feel the healing…


ue et

Pick your flavour: (and these are just todays hashtags)

#TrumpTerrorism #TrumpIsACriminal #TrumpImpeachment2 #TrumpInsurrection #TrumpIsACult #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsAFailure #TrumpForPrison2021 #TrumpForCovid2021 #ConvictTrump #TrumpImpeachedAgain #TrumpImpeachedTwice #TrumpTerroists #TrumpTerroristAttack #TrumpCult #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCoupAttempt #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsANarcissist #ImpeachTrump


Gab goes after Twitter

by Human Events Staff

Social media platform Gab revealed Sunday that they have been collecting examples of hateful and potentially illegal threats, slurs and other comments made in response to President Donald Trump’s tweets.

“For months we have been backing up every reply to Donald Trump’s tweets,” the site wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. “We […]

Gab, surging, has copies of all Trump’s tweets

The great regrouping of Global Social Media is just starting.

In the last four days 1.7 million new users have signed up to Gab — an alternative site to Twitter. The surge is so strong the site is swamped under the load. Gab are upgrading all the servers to deal with the growth. (The CEO is asking for patience).

Gab has already been thrown off both the big Ap Stores and Amazon too, back in 2018. To ensure that wouldn’t happen again, they bought and set up their own private servers. (The internet really is hardware, after all).

They not only set up their own servers, they even created their own web browser (called Dissenter). They also built a video platform (Gab.TV.) and an encrypted email chat messaging service (Chat.Gab.).I have used Dissenter for months. I like it. There are rumours they are working on a Gab Phone as well.

Nothing will hurt Google, Amazon and Twitter like losing half their base.

It’s been a four year war for the CEO, Andrew Torba.

Look at the vilification this 30 year old outspoken Christian has had to endure:

As a result of Torba’s free speech principles, both Gab […]

The Tech Giants purge Trump, conservatives, effectively 74 million people

“Welcome to West China”

So sayth Roger Simon at the Epoch Times.

Did you ever wonder what it’s like to live in a one-party state?

Well, wonder no more. You’re living in one.

As a business plan, chucking off half the nation may not work so well?

Censorship just got racked up to Defcon 2.0. It’s bad and it’s going to get worse. The good news is, the Left overplay their hands.

Twitter has permanently banned The President of the United States, as well as Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, and Lin Wood. In reply, Rush Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter Account. Limbaugh had has 88 million followers on twitter and has 35 million listeners on his radio show. But the purge is sweeping, Facebook already banned Trump “indefinitely”. Not only that but Facebook has been going after conservative groups too. Steve Bannon’s podcast was also shuttered by YouTube over “false 2020 election claims”.

In response there will be an exodus to other platforms like Parler. In preparation for that Apple and the Google Playstore both told Parler it must obey their rules or it will be delisted. But what does this say about Apple? They spent a […]

Politically correct spies? CIA withheld China Intel because they didn’t want to help Trump

If China was trying to influence the US elections, the US Intelligence chose to help China rather than the sitting US President.

Remember the Intelligence Report on Foreign Interference on the US election that was due on December 18th? It was part of Executive Order 13848 and due within 45 days of the US election, but it was only delivered on Thursday to Congress, whereupon it vanished entirely under the PR weight of the Congressional Storm. So it was too late to be useful.

Apparently there is already an Ombudsman Report on it, by Barry Zulauf, who laments “the polarized atmosphere [which] has threatened to undermine the foundations of our Republic, penetrating even into the Intelligence Community.”

The President wanted a report on foreign interference. The Director of the National Intelligence (DNI) wanted a report, and the people of America wanted it, but that still it wasn’t enough to overcome the bureaucratic inertia and resistance.

US Intelligence Report on China withheld because of excuses:

Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence to avoid supporting Trump policies, inspector finds

Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner:

“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts […]

Trump the master persuader

Donald Trump’s statement for the nation

His speech today was partly a description of the finalists for the Oscars of Election Cheating. It’s a worst of the worst list. He’s crafting a narrative for the American people, paving the way for them to accept that he doesn’t just have a legal path to victory, but that he was the legitimate winner — by a landslide.

Many Americans will be blindsided if three states decertify the electors and the whole election is suddenly up for grabs. As Scott Adams would say “he’s a master persuader” — and in this speech he’s not only describing real fraud, but carving a path for Biden-voters to walk away from their choice. A face-saving exit.

In psychology, human brains like to stick with their choices. Robert Cialdini, the man who wrote “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” called it the principle of “Commitment and Consistency”. Once we have made a decision — we’ll do a lot of rationalization to keep justifying that pick — even when it makes no sense. To get peace or healing, Trump has to convince Biden voters that not only was Trump the rightful winner, but that Biden was not someone that […]

Trump tests positive for Coronavirus, goes into quarantine

In news just in, Donald Trump and his wife Melania have both tested positive for Covid-19. So in the last four weeks of campaigning for the US election he needs to quarantine for two weeks, will most likely survive but faces significant odds of impairment and fatigue. How convenient for Biden-Harris?

The Trumps went into quarantine and got tested today after one of the President’s closest advisers, Hope Hicks, contracted the infection.

Ms Hicks, a former White House communications director who returned to the administration as a counsellor to Mr Trump earlier this year, travelled to and from this week’s presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio with him.

She was also aboard the President’s helicopter, Marine One, for a trip to Joint Base Andrews yesterday. And she was aboard Air Force One for Mr Trump’s visit to Minnesota, where he held a political rally.


With luck, he gets the asymptomatic kind of infection, (as his wife does too). We hope his doctors are fully up with things like the Florida ICAM treatment regime.

She said ICAM works by reinforcing the immune system and protecting the lungs from inflammation.

October 2nd, 2020 | Tags: , , | Category: Politics | Print This Post Print This Post | |

The first interview of the US president where he’s treated like a human being


A guy called Dave does his first interview ever, with another guy called Donald Trump.

Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports achieves something none of the Pullitzer prize winners have.

What are the odds the ABC would play this?

“It’s the retweets that get you in trouble.”

Dave wonders if Trump regrets winning because he was living the dream — he had a great life.

“The best day in my life in terms of business and life and everything was the day before I announced I was running for president,” Trump said. “Everything was good…Now I’m really glad I did but I was treated very unfairly.”

Trump recalled a time soon after announcing his presidential bid when he was publicly booed, saying he had “never been booed before”.

“[Before that] I had a popularity rate … I was close to 100 percent popular.” –– The U.S. Sun

How much does he want to win in 2020? A billionaire could walk away and holiday for the rest of his life.

As for “delaying the election???” — Surely it’s bait. He wants people to talk about mail in voter fraud, or perhaps not […]

Trump is the only president in history who won’t leave the office richer

The seed for every advert for the Donald Trump Campaign is somewhere in there.

Trump is the only president in history who didn’t need to be President to be rich and famous

… so rich he already had his own plane and may have had to settle for a smaller one to take office.

There is something to be said for electing leaders who are so wealthy they are hard to buy off.

Charlie Kirk speaking.

UPDATE: For readers wondering why this is on a science blog, or relevant to Australia…

Establishment science is a Swamp.

Imagine Australia standing up to China in a world where the US is poorer, the Swamp is stronger, and the UN is in charge?

The Lucky Bubble we live in floats in a house The West built.

h/t Stephen Harper

9.2 out of 10 based on 77 ratings

Trump = Hitler! The word “laughter” now is code for Nazi white supremacist

The cult brain can spot a link anywhere

In the new Analytical Tool of Weaponized Outrage, anyone who talks about a group “laughing” at them is, ergo, ipso fantastico, channelling Hitler. Sasha Abramsky does word analysis and finds both Hitler and Trump used the word “laughing” therefore Trump is a neoNazi, white nationalist, fascist (who is, by implication, probably planning to do mass-gassings.)

Trump Echoed Hitler in His Speech Withdrawing From the Paris Climate Accord

Seriously—it’s not a direct quote from the Führer, but it’s perilously close.

By Sasha Abramsky

Define “perilous”? It used to mean, you know “danger”.

Who is in peril here — Only the socialist parasites who need a symbolic supranational committee to suck funds from the free west in an effort to change the weather and provide two-week 5-star conference junkets for cult believers.

On September 30, 1942, shortly after the death camps began gassing Jews, Hitler declared, “In Germany too the Jews once laughed at my prophecies. I don’t know whether they are still laughing, or whether they have already lost the inclination to laugh, but I can assure you that everywhere they will stop laughing. With […]

Trump takes away EPA “right” to control every puddle in USA: WOTUS executive order

Smile. One more noxious, power-grabbing bit of legislation: fixed.

Farmers and land-owners lost control of the puddles and ditches on their land under the guise of environmental protection.

Remarks by President Trump at Signing of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Executive Order

The EPA’s so-called “Waters of the United States” rule is one of the worst examples of federal regulation, and it has truly run amok, and is one of the rules most strongly opposed by farmers, ranchers and agricultural workers all across our land. It’s prohibiting them from being allowed to do what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s been a disaster.

The Clean Water Act says that the EPA can regulate “navigable waters” — meaning waters that truly affect interstate commerce. But a few years ago, the EPA decided that “navigable waters” can mean nearly every puddle or every ditch on a farmer’s land, or anyplace else that they decide — right? It was a massive power grab. The EPA’s regulators were putting people out of jobs by the hundreds of thousands, and regulations and permits started treating our wonderful small farmers and small businesses as if they were a major industrial polluter. […]

Hypnotised by media hate. Donald Trump is a polarising, divisive, sexist, racist (don’t watch these videos).

Is there anyone online that hasn’t seen angry Democrats rioting, and beating up voters who made the “wrong” choice? In the land of meaningless slogans, this must be what happens when Love Trumps Hate. Presumably they are teaching Hitler’s disciples a lesson. As Mark Steyn says, every Republican candidate is called Hitler, and when everyone’s Hitler, nobody’s Hitler.

Around the world many people remain baffled as to how 60 million US citizens could vote for the sexist, racist, trash talking Trump. In one survey only 4% of Germans said they would vote for him. Here in Australia I don’t know the numbers, but The Flummoxed are everywhere. Thank the media for the one-dimensional caricature they sell.

Things are so bad here that The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) put out a story saying there were “reports from Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday evening” with crowds of thousands chanting: “We hate Muslims, we hate blacks, we want our great country back”. Michael Smith found a tweet pointing out that their entire source for this was a guy who runs a known parody account on Twitter @sRowntreeNews. Smith clocked up the screenshot, sure that the newspaper would correct their inflammatory uber […]