This is a pre-packed lesson in free speech:
#TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 https://t.co/B6CkomLqoI
— The Great Translation Movement 大翻译运动官方推号 (@TGTM_Official) April 3, 2022
How do we know when it’s propaganda — when all the news readers speak with one voice.
What’s the difference between the Western doctors and the CCP-docs? About a year. AHPRA are the communist party of medicine in Australia. Instead of banning doctors who talked about a new form of pneumonia, AHPRA bans doctors who talk about cheap treatments or problems with vaccines. What’s the difference?
9.7 out of 10 based on 92 ratings
He did all the right things but his business, his life’s work has been ruined. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to a Mac repair store and left it behind. The whistleblower who owned that store acted legally in every way, but now faces bankruptcy and lives with constant threats. He financially would have been so much better off if he has dropped the laptop in the bin. John Nolte at Breitbart has a long interview with John Paul Mac Isaac about the remarkable efforts he went to to do the right thing. His father is a retired Air Force Colonel, and he also tried to do the right thing but was rebuffed.
The whole interview is worth reading. The scandal (above and beyond The Biden family) is the combined failure of the FBI and the media. Repeatedly, the FBI failed the nation, protected the corrupt by sitting on this laptop for months and intimidating the whistleblower. Then the media did the same, covering up for the compromised, blaming it on a Russian hack. All the media that is, except for The New York Post, Tucker Carlson and sites like Breitbart.
People need to know what’s going on.
Nolte: Hunter […]
Those who know what tyranny is, call out the Canadian Prime Minister
Three members of the European Parliament from Germany, Romania and Croatia give crushing opinions on Justin Trudeau.
Christina Anderson is an MdEP from Germany
Watch another European MP take Prime Minister Trudeau to task for his authoritarianism, mistreatment of Canadians, and his hypocrisy. pic.twitter.com/M9xXmHuP9L
— Keith Wilson, Q.C. (@ikwilson) March 24, 2022
MEP Cristian Terhes from Romania refused to attend Trudeau’s EU Speech:
“I refused to validate by my presence the facade of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who gave a speech before the Plenary of the European Parliament on 23.03.2022, it was the reason for which I was not in the room when he spoke.”
“You can’t come and teach democracy lessons to Putin from the European Parliament when you trample with horse hooves your own citizens who are demanding that their fundamental rights be respected.”
“When you, a politician from the “west”, implement in your home methods of repression and the trampling of the rights of your own citizens, who demand their rights be respected, as Putin does at home, you are no better […]
Suddenly central bankers want to reach right into your wallet, follow you around, nudge your every decision, or just stop you spending your dollars less wisely than the average bureaucrat thinks you should. These are the same people who *know* you should be saving the Earth by eating crickets.
This is a great essay, part fiction, part nightmare, but already knocking on our doors. A Central Bank Digital Currency (or CBDC) is your digital ID card and social credit score wrapped into one and actioned with instant bank-freezing potential, honk, honk.
Imagine living off food-stamps.
Just Say No to CBDCs says N.S.Lyons
You wave your phone at the pump. Nothing happens. You try again. Your phone buzzes, and you look at it. There’s a message from the Fed: “You have already spent more than the $400 maximum weekly limit on fossil fuels specified in the FedWallet User Agreement. Your remaining account balance cannot be used to purchase non-renewable energy resources. Please make an alternative purchase. Have you considered a clean, affordable New Energy Vehicle? Thank you for doing your part to build a more just and sustainable world!”
You have in fact considered purchasing […]
Justin Trudeau froze bank accounts of bread-winners who had committed no crime, in order to stop a protest that had largely been stopped. Everyone could see this was wanton partisan spite. But in a financial system built entirely on trust Trudeau was sticking giant public pins in Banking Voodoo dolls. If banks are just tools of partisan petty Ministers to use on political opponents, no one’s money was safe. Even if Trudeau reverses all the theft, people can’t un-see the Voodoo Doll.
Canadian banks became a bad joke:
Babylon Bee.
Trudeau wasn’t trying to stop the current convoy, he was trying to scare away all the future ones. It’s all about intimidation, to scare future donors from supporting future events. Canadians, we, all of us in the West have a choice now — to be scared into serfdom or to donate twice as much.
Google is on his side: identifying all the donors on a live map
In an extraordinary breach, Google published a map today for some hours with every hacked donor name and address, even including people who just donated $10. The link was here, but it’s just a “404 error” now. As @alberta_cw […]
Cristian Terhes of the European Parliament: “he’s exactly like a tyrant, a dictator. He’s like Ceaușescu in Romania”
If even you raise doubts, about the vaccine, you are outcasted.
What’s the difference between what he does and what happened under the inquisition? See on one side they say, we should not believe in God, and on the other they say “we should believe in science. “
Science is not about belief…
Kings and Emperors ruled by Godly decree. Today tyrants rule by “science”. And The Science says whatever they want. If the Archbishop of Science finds the wrong thing, he will be sacked until the new Archbishop gets it right.
In 2014 Daniel Dickin warned that Canada will become a dictatorship under Trudeau. He observed that Trudeau had no respect for democratic processes and rigged or tampered with Liberal nominations. Some candidates were mysteriously disqualified, paperwork went missing, and Trudeau ordered candidates to vote exactly the way he wanted.
Then there are those immortal moments when Trudeau admired the dictatorship in China.
h/t David, PeterS.
9.7 out of 10 based on 72 ratings […]
The Canadian government is so loved that the people who work for it want to hide their faces and names.
What government transparency means now: The whistleblowers will be exposed
The riot squad dress like Antifa and have no name badges. And the tow trucks in Ottawa were allowed to hide their truck branding so they suffer no pushback for towing away peaceful protestors.
Not the Canada you thought you were living in…
Who are these men hanging around as the tow-trucks took the trucks in Ottawa?
It’s hard to tell from the video, but there are a lot of people in halloween costumes doing something during the day the trucks were towed away.
Which trucking companies did the towing in Ottawa. Source: Yahoo
If most Canadians really did want the truckers gone surely some tow-truck drivers would be happy to help and soak up the free advertising. Or maybe all the polls are wrong?
Government critics get abuse and death threats
The team with the army, navy, jails and the billion-dollar budget is so afraid of the unarmed family men with trucks, tractors and hot-tubs that they have vowed to hunt them down “for months”. Not only […]
Trudeau faced a tricky choice: he could stop forcing people to get injections-they-don’t-want and the Truckers would all go home, problem solved, but he would look like a loser. Or he could trample, spray and beat them, and steal their money instead. So he did.
It’s for their health:
Look what Putin is doing now. Sanctions immediately! pic.twitter.com/scUeh2JGHK
— Poso Remembers Ottawa (@JackPosobiec) February 19, 2022
.@ezralevant: “I think Justin Trudeau wants violence, to retroactively justify what he’s doing. Why would you run horses into a group of civilians other than you want blood?”
It’s “a dark day for Canada,” the @RebelNewsOnline founder tells @JennPellegrino. pic.twitter.com/iIc93IEwJx
— Newsmax (@newsmax) February 19, 2022
ICYMI: help us sue the police at https://t.co/t3xuubxewY https://t.co/wIfkOhLBwz
— K2🍁🚛 (@kiansimone44) February 19, 2022
When journalists and old women are attacked and police bear down on protesters with the cavalry, pepper spray and batons, we would expect most Western leaders to speak out, and most serious mastheads. Here’s the Wall Street Journal. Note the others in the coming days (or lack thereof).
Trudeau’s Destructive ‘Emergency’
The truckers protest could have been handled without […]
Managing people with bullying and coercion is a brittle and fragile tool
When it starts to break, it collapses.
Adam Mill: Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers
In 1981, the Soviets seemed invincible. Yet their power was fragile, vulnerable to a single fissure of courage that started in Poland. That crack lengthened and spread until the entire system crumbled. It must have seemed impossible to defeat an ideology that controlled every institution—the press, the education system, the military, etc. Yet, without firing a shot, a courageous protest in Poland did just that.
In September of 1981, the Soviet Union seemed an uncrackable monolith. On its frontiers stood a NATO force that would last only a few weeks were a conventional war to break out. The Soviets could rely upon apologists in Western academia and the media to amplify their propaganda and stifle voices demanding freedom. Yet the opposition of a labor union to Soviet Communism powerfully undermined its claim to legitimacy
The Soviet Union, like modern leftism today, appropriates and exploits the struggle of ordinary people while simultaneously making things worse for them. Their soft hands and arrogance set them […]
D-Day in Ottawa
Today the ante goes up again. Trudeau has played his wildcard. He is demonizing and dehumanizing the honest good people who just want to work for their families or cross the border without getting an injection.
Is it a two faced bluff, or will people be put in jail? One the one hand, in legal fine print, Trudeau’s emergency order still allows for peaceful protest. On the other hand, everything the authorities are doing is intended to intimidate the Truckers into leaving. And they are being very intimidating.
Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About To Get Arrested En Masse
Ottawa police have been going from truck to truck, passing out flyers to Freedom Convoy protesters which demand they vacate the demonstration zone immediately or face arrest and criminal charges.
“You must leave the area now,” reads the notice. “Anyone blocking streets, or assisting others in the blocking [of] streets, are committing a criminal offence and you may be arrested,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
The government is trying to order the police to use force against Canadian citizens who are peaceful demonstrators.
There are rumours busloads of police are on […]
Provinces of Canada (click to enlarge) | by Hogweard
Thank the Truckers
Vaccine mandates have or will soon end across five Canadian provinces, and at least four of the Premiers have also dismissed Trudeau’s call to invoke Emergency powers.
This includes some of the largest provinces, and within a few weeks, as many as 30 million Canadians out of 38 million, will be free of vaccine passports within their provinces.
The newly elected opposition leader Candace Bergen calls the Emergency Act an “unprecedented slegehammer”.
Candace Bergen
To give some idea of how the Truckers have transformed politics, only two weeks ago the leader of the Canadian opposition was Erin O’Toole. He was dropped on Feb 3 by a large margin with a secret ballot – 73-45. Notably, the first and worst thing that Reuters could say about the new leader Candice Bergen was that she once worn a MAGA hat. She is more conservative than the former leader.
The Premier of Quebec, which has long had a strong separatist movement, went so far as to say he’d only support the call if it didn’t apply to Quebec, and the military was not used anywhere in Canada.
The Canadian people are becoming increasingly sympathetic to the Truckers views on the pandemic with every passing day and less impressed with Trudeau. He looks weak and out of step. As a desperate face-saving manouver — hypothetically (and pathetically) he could remove the mandates but disguise it with chest beating “action” — hoping he looks strong rather than defeated. That’s what Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario has just done. Ford announced he will end the mandates. So the Truckers won, but he will effectively punish them all the way home to make sure they don’t do it again, and it doesn’t look like they won.
In the same spiteful small spirit, even though the Ambassador Bridge is apparently reopened, Trudeau is rumoured to be ready to invoke the Emergencies Act — something designed to be used when lives are endangered, or the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Canada is threatened.
Ezra Levant says:
Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act after the FLQ terrorist group started kidnapping, murdering and putting bombs in mailboxes.
Justin Trudeau is invoking the same powers to deal with peaceful protests that he happens to hate.
But with polls shifting against […]
Tucker Carlson points out how Trudeau’s overreaction reveals his impotence.
By going double or nothing, it’s so much harder for Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario) to back down.
The biggest human rights protest in the West in a generation:
The Left used to represent the Workers
As David Evans says:
The great political realignment continues. The ruling class have coalesced — with the establishment right joining the bureaucratic left. They are all college-educated (but not too bright, you understand), and they love well paid government jobs and government money, and being aligned to the dominant political ideology so they can name-call anyone else and dismiss them without having to actually engage with what they are saying — without having to actually think.
But they left behind most of society. We can’t all be overpaid non-productive consumers of government money.
Parasites United will never be asked to work too hard.
Here’s one Ontario Police Officer who says there are “many police officers who want nothing more to see our country returned back to the beautiful state that it was. A lot want to speak out but we can’t because we […]
One hour away from the Ambassador Bridge inside the US, the trucks are stationary, lined up nose to tail. This was two days ago.
From my YouTube live earlier today 👀
YouTube live: https://t.co/oZ5fvl1NRl
Crazy views in Michigan! This footage is from 2 days ago. Why hasn’t corporate news been showing this? Why haven’t they been talking to the people? pic.twitter.com/Es2vtEmBFB
— Ivory Hecker (@IvoryHecker) February 11, 2022
Remarkable what happens when real people meet real people. This is why the media never allows it.
Narrative busters!!! https://t.co/yE7853Uhjm
— Theo Fleury (@TheoFleury14) February 11, 2022
And for the record, another Canadian drove 11 hours to meet the Truckers and found out they were wonderful people, helping the homeless and nothing like the media said. I’m so angry, he said, about the media.
Imagine how polarised the nation would be (or not) if the public broadcasters interviewed the best spokesmen on both sides of every debate? Instead they just find the views that say what the editor believes, or commit professional suicide, like this Vancouver announcer.
One Canadian DJ ended his radio career by telling his listeners the media were full of lies. “You are […]
Something wonderful is happening. The Truckers are winning. The Ottawa Police are admitting they can’t solve this. All the dirty tricks that can be played haven’t worked. Sometime in the last week, former policemen, security experts, and military intel have joined the leadership team, and strategically, they are playing a faultless game. Trucks with wheels removed appear to be ideally placed to stop a police response. Overnight the media spin has flipped from calling the rally “disorganised rabble with violent extremists” to describing the protest as being run with “military precision”. Watching the transformation on the CBC it’s almost like they’ve realized they were backing the wrong horse. The videos far below from CBC reporters are very unexpected — they’re good.
The Truckers are resolutely happy, cheerful, dancing, and determined. They are patriotic and family oriented, and that’s blowing away the “Extremist Terrorist” playbook, making Trudeau and the media look like fools.
Now that the Ambassador Bridge is effectively closed, supply chain trouble is piling up very fast. … Ford Motor Co. was forced to idle its Windsor engine factory and operate an assembly plant at reduced capacity. The Emerson MB/Pembina ND has also been shut down until all mandates […]
Feel the implacable calmness that comes from someone who knows exactly what they stand for.
From Anon:
Dear Complier,We’ve met, but you probably don’t recognise me. You may remember referring to me as a “conspiracy theorist”, “racist”, “sexist”, “bigot”, or “anti-vaxxer”, but in fact I am none of the above, and much more to you than you realise. I am your friend, family member, colleague, lover, acquaintance and neighbour. I am everywhere, but I don’t self-righteously disclose where exactly. You’re wearing a mask so I can’t see the scorn set on your lips, or even your smile (if it’s there). Your eyes are visible, but in them I see only compliance, fear, shame and defeat. I don’t judge you, as I know you are a victim. You have been efficiently conditioned, the result of which has left you stripped bare of self-confidence, dignity, power and compassion.Your only strength is to attack those unwilling to join you in obedience. It’s okay – I don’t feel mad – I feel sad for you. I will allow you to direct your fear at me and I will accept it, because the battle I am fighting is for you as well as me. It’s […]
The latest:
GoFundMe has taken control of $9m in Trucker donations. But people started demanding a chargeback from their bank to punish GoFundMe with full refunds plus fees. Donors can donate to GiveSendGo instead. The Truckers are not going anywhere. The legacy media claimed they stole food from the homeless at a soup kitchen in Ottawa, so the Truckers built a soup-kitchen, called “the Shack”, as a community kitchen, and are feeding the homeless. When told that was illegal, and they could not build a fixed structure, they announced they were adding wheels. The city of Ottawa is restricting food sales to starve out the protesters, but instead the FreedomConvoy are feeding themselves. (Did the city not realize the Truckers might be good at the logistics of food deliveries?) After threats to bring in the military to remove the truckers, the Military has told Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers. Truckers are being called terrorist extremists but in the streets they are playing ice hockey, sweeping off the snow, congo dancing and doing the Macarena. Live music and fireworks happen at night. Look out, it’s an insurrection: Bouncing castles for children have arrived. In chilling news, a […]
Don’t underestimate how important this UK news is. The protesters won. The people who held the line, saved the day. There were just too many of them to sack them all.
The Big Retreat is great news — except of course, for all the healthworkers who’ve already quit, or been forced to take an injection they didn’t want, or who have suffered for months with the stress of not knowing if they would be sacked. It’s all been so cruel and will leave a wake …a loss of trust that will last for years.
Covid passports programs are also ending in Ireland, Bolivia, the Czech Republic, and Denmark and now Switzerland, Saskatchewan and Alberta Canada are promising that vaccine passports will end this month.
Tell the world about them: it’s fuel for protesters and a cold shower for politicians. Newspapers probably won’t headline the pattern of freedom that is starting to spread. There will be people in the world who will be wondering right now if they should hold-the-line.
Politicians will feel isolated if other countries are abandoning their “health passes”.
Health secretary Sajid Javid announces U-turn that will prevent exodus of thousands of health workers
The […]
The Truckers convoy is so much bigger than just rules on a border crossing. And it’s spreading — hundreds of trucks are gathering on the US Canada border at Alberta. It has become the lightning rod for the disaffected, the put-upon, and the seriously Fed-Up.
Lots of people don’t even know this is happening. This is a chance to Redpill friends. Reach out in emails. Just ask people, “did you hear about this?” Share the message, because the MSM won’t, and the Empire will silence the news and sabotage the protests every way they can.
Life is so absurd it’s hard to tell what’s satire
Socialists Condemn Workers Of The World For Uniting
OTTAWA—Socialists around the world are condemning the trucker freedom protest in Canada as the working class unites to defend their human rights.
“When workers of the world unite against overbearing government mandates, that’s literal fascism,” said a sobbing socialist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from deep within his top-secret bunker underneath Washington, D.C. “True, compassionate socialism is when the government partners with private corporations to force experimental drugs on the populace and threaten their very livelihoods if they don’t. Everyone knows […]
Spread the word. The legacy corporate media are not telling the world about the biggest Truck Convoy in history. People in cars have joined in, farmers in tractors are lining up. People are baking cupcakes and organising food for the drivers. A few hours ago it was a freezing cold midwinter night but throngs were cheering and tooting around Parliament Hill and the streets nearby were in gridlock. Three or four blocks away from Parliament Hill people are tooting in queues of cars, cheering on the Truckers.
#mandates BROUGHT DOWN BY CITIZENS. #FreedomTruckers #TruckersForFreedom #CanadaTruckers #USATruckers #ItalyTruckers #AustralianTruckers 👏👏👏 https://t.co/uLa1ThX9P6
— Ibrahim Reyes (@IbrahimReyesEsq) January 29, 2022
Justin Trudeau has tested negative to Covid but has fled Ottawa for a secret location for “fear of violence” and to self isolate with his family. He’s called it a “small fringe minority” expressing “unacceptable views”, and the protesters have taken on the small fringe minority label in placards.
The Empire strikes back
Ezra Levant is on the scene and reporting that officials are going to extreme lengths (as I said they would) to stop the Convoy — they are blocking roads near Parliament Hill with police cars and graders. […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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