D-Day in Ottawa
Today the ante goes up again. Trudeau has played his wildcard. He is demonizing and dehumanizing the honest good people who just want to work for their families or cross the border without getting an injection.
Is it a two faced bluff, or will people be put in jail? One the one hand, in legal fine print, Trudeau’s emergency order still allows for peaceful protest. On the other hand, everything the authorities are doing is intended to intimidate the Truckers into leaving. And they are being very intimidating.
Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About To Get Arrested En Masse
Ottawa police have been going from truck to truck, passing out flyers to Freedom Convoy protesters which demand they vacate the demonstration zone immediately or face arrest and criminal charges.
“You must leave the area now,” reads the notice. “Anyone blocking streets, or assisting others in the blocking [of] streets, are committing a criminal offence and you may be arrested,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
The government is trying to order the police to use force against Canadian citizens who are peaceful demonstrators.
There are rumours busloads of police are on the way. Fences are being erected around Parliament Hill. The opposition in Parliament has told Truckers they must go from some streets where they are illegally parked, but can still protest at Parliament Hill (but if Trudeau has built a fence around Parliament Hill, what room does that leave for protests?)
Trudeau has nothing left but lies and hate: “Conservative Party people can stand with people who wave Swastikas”
Apparently Trudeau is trying to provoke violence in Canada. He needs violence to justify his “Emergency”. The liberals who believe him will feel empowered to lash out. The peaceful protesters who waved 100,000 Canadian flags will feel betrayed by the lies.
It’s all so unnecessary.
Police make have to make a difficult choice.
The Democracy Fund has issued a brief to the Parliamentarians in Canada to advise them of what their options are. For those interested in the legal details – it can still be revoked. But will the fear of it alone serve the purpose — just like the illegal Biden vaccine mandates still got so many people vaxed, or sacked.
This Pilot Greg Hill Has A Message For ALL Canadians
He makes a very unique point about the way complacency and fear of saying the obvious can cause disaster. He is speaking especially to the police and military.
Many of you are actively and silently questioning what you are being asked to do.
As Jorden Peterson says: It’s not safe to speak, but it is even less safe not to speak.
You stand in these hours in a unique and difficult place… we need a wall of courage.
If it disappears, follow this link to Librti.
Trudeau is so inept he may have triggered a bank run
Actions have consequences. With the announcement that banks may freeze accounts of tens of thousands of donors, is it any wonder that many people may have tried to pull out their money? Canadians are losing faith in the banking sector too…
Bank Run? Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline
Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
Days after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would invoke emergency orders to crack down on demonstrators by freezing their bank accounts, five major Canadian banks went offline on Wednesday night, as customers reported their funds were unavailable, according to technology website Bleeping Computer.
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Scotiabank, TD Bank Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) were all hit with unexplainable outages on Wednesday evening. Users began reporting issues with banks around 1600-1700 ET, Downdector data showed.

There were countless stories of banking customers who experienced trouble accessing their funds yesterday evening. No bank explained the source of the outrage, but essential to note the outage comes, as we said above, days after Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act.
Best wishes to the people of Canada today.
h/t to Jojodogfaceboy, Another Ian, Ian, Lance, OldOzzie, bobby b, Strop, Fran. Thank you.
Here is a recording of a formerly live video, just completed, by pro-freedom commentator Viva Frei from the streets of Ottawa.
Trudeau keeps on throwing fuel onto the fire. Something will have to backfire on him.
His security chief resigned today.
Some kind of trouble over Ottawa police chief hiring, complicated politics.
Trudeau wants confrontation to justify his power grab, assuage his ego, and support his worldview. Little Lord Fauntleroy needs a spanking.
“The Canadian prime minister’s reactions to these events tell us that he condones actual political violence and disruptive blockades, as long he agrees with the people who are doing it. The truckers, though, have gotten neither dialogue nor respect from Trudeau and his administration. After all, to Trudeau they’re just a bunch of racists and misogynists with “unacceptable views.” ”
Make that a good hard one!
Like a `Glow-in-the-Dark’ afterwards one!
Trudeau doesn’t want you to know that EXEMPTIONS of certain people are in this Emergency Order that cops can’t arrest or harass.
Certainly makes it much easier for the Truckers to put in that the cops can’t touch.
I am pleasantly surprised that the pro-freedom movement hasn’t yet been crushed by the oppressors, even though believers in freedom are now an apparent minority.
Turdeau’s father would be proud of the man-boy little dictator he spawned.
Is his mother still alive, she would have had more to do with the ‘finished product.’
“Is his mother still alive, she would have had more to do with the ‘finished product.’
Yes she still is alive and is purported to have had the major impact on her children
“she still is alive and is purported to have had the major impact on her children”
You don’t think Pierre had much influence ?
“Despite his personal motto, “Reason before passion”,[4] Trudeau’s personality and policy decisions aroused polarizing reactions throughout Canada during his time in office.
While critics accused him of arrogance, of economic mismanagement, and of unduly centralizing Canadian decision-making to the detriment of the culture of Quebec and the economy of the Prairies,[5] admirers praised what they considered to be the force of his intellect[6] and his political acumen that maintained national unity over the Quebec sovereignty movement.
Trudeau suppressed the 1970 Quebec terrorist crisis by controversially invoking the War Measures Act, the third and last time in Canadian history that the act was brought into force”
Do you mean in Havana?
Just look at what is happening in Canada! It is a carbon copy of that which Andrews initiated in Victoria. Sure he’s backed off, for now, Mr Nice is a facade. I guarantee Mr. Nasty will return, however. These megalomaniacs can’t help it! They are operating in the “now or never” instruction from The WEF that can see the worm is turning. Truth is winning. Canadians will win and so will Australians!
Andrews and other Australian “leaders”, Trudeau, Arden, Johnson and Biden’s puppeteers are all singing from the same song sheet.
Sometimes I wonder if those people are on Klaus’s payroll.
They are.OUR very own Greg Hunt trained under Schwab in 2001.There are many others here in Australia who also trained under him.
We are being hoodwinked by OUR betters.
jelly34 forgot to add /sarc at the end.
I would expect something like foward guarantees of plum roles. The meagre pollie pensions would never suffice.
You decide:
Only sometimes?
It seems the WEF has “enclosed” the leaders of the English-speaking world. They’re not on the payroll but in the same enclosure:
just as is quote: “that squeaky woman with the funny teeth from New Zealand.” unquote.
Thank you Tucker Carlson, (Tucker Carlson Tonight, but which night I can’t remember — one night early Feb, I think.) that off-the-cuff comment has afforded me much amusement over the last few daya!
We’re in greater danger than we realise …
That squeaky woman with the funny teeth, aka Ms Conversation (yet she refuses to ‘conversate’ with the ever-growing crowds after eleven days & nights) is looking rather gaunt and haggard, more so than usual, as the joyous protests roll on.
It must be all that post-midnight dancing keeping her sleepless … heh.
But she won’t talk to the crowds at all, so they won’t know how she … heh … suffers.
Just saw this article in Japan times saying that the NZ police have decided NOT to use force to remove the Freedom Protest there. Wise move, probably after seeing the escalation of nastiness in Canada and the public reaction (despite corporate news telling us we mustn’t side with the protestors – the Australian today had loathsome headlines).
Johnson is not remotely in the same category. England is virtually back to normal without truckers convoys, vaccine passports and other oppressive matters.
The debate about the state of emergency Takes place over the next couple of days but it looks as if Trudeau has sufficient support to get it through
What then happens is anyone’s guess as presumably this gives the govt the ability to turn the screw on the protestors.
The joker in the pack is whether the closure of truckers accounts and the subsequent closure of the banks might provoke wider protests
If enough trucks stop, go up on blocks with critical parts removed? REAL “supply-chain” issues will ensue.
This is a game of high-stakes poker. Once the mass arrests and “kinetic attitude adjustment starts, it will then be into “interesting” territory.
Once that happens, and it will, watch closely for the sudden appearance of “white knights”, both domestic AND foreign, who will magically appear to “save the day”.
Weaponized show-biz on steroids.
Once again, per H. L. Mencken:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
This has been a LONG time in the planning.
In support, a bit of the late P.J. O’Rourke:
“Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit.”
“Giving government money and power is like giving car keys and whiskey to a teenage boy.”
“People will Tell you anything, but what they Do is always the Truth.”
“When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.”
Canada: “It is now Unlawful to protest against the government”.
Interesting. Amazon has suspended the BLM account that had $60 million worth of donations.
I wonder if the scrutiny turned to them after complaints the truckers were being singled out
Yeah, Tonyb, you’re free, for now: https://renegademind.substack.com
Poe’s Law, Babylon Bee:
One of the truckers was forced to pull out because the gov threatened a company he was once affiliated with. No more insurance, pulling licenses, no more work, no more pay. Families with kids. Turd-dope! I want to know the names of the.people that did it.
And how sick is this? https://www.rebelnews.com/ottawa_bylaw_threatens_to_seize_protesters_pets_and_relinquish_them_after_8_days
Going after the kids was way beyond bad enough, but even the pets?
“England is virtually back to normal …”
At the moment.
The others didnt need a covid lockdown party distraction.
Boris has his own set of problems so is trying to curry favour. Don’t doubt that if he hadn’t been caught partying, he wouldn’t have lifted restrictions that much either.
Boris would have lifted restrictions but the distractions enabled him to break away from his scientific advisers more fully, although he had done that several times over the last year without partygate being known. he had a very large and influential group of MP’s who persistently railed against restrictions and that also enabled him to take a different course.
We never had the really excessive police actions nor the excessive covid passports
They’re saying the same thing about Canberra.
They are? What thing?
I was wondering how long it would take for people to withdraw their cash after Trudeau threatened to freeze their accounts. Considering we live in a globally connected economy, people can always choose an overseas bank where the government has no jurisdiction. But, if people do start to withdraw or transfer funds en mass, at worst it could bring down the Canadian banking system and at best it will cause banks to limit transactions to a small value, which will upset the wealthy Marxist elites.
Trudeau might need to go ‘blackface’ permanently to avoid detection in the streets, after this giant F… up !!!
and at the very best, it might steamroller Trudeau.
It ever a puppy needed severe discipline …
Why is it that those who have power always have to be seen “doing something” when nothing actually needs to be done?
My guess would be that people threatened by Trudeau would move their savings to an American bank, over the border often very close. And there are 4,000 US banks. Tens of billions are likely to flee the entire Canadian banking system, causing havoc.
Forcing a whole population to lose confidence in the Canadian banks because they are subject to government fiat is really the most commercially devastating thing Trudeau could have done. Taxation is one thing. Theft is another. And it could even devalue the Canadian dollar, driving the flight and threatening the liquidity of the banks. Unless Trudeau intervenes again as he runs scared of the consequences of his thoughtless arrogance.
Members of parliament of all sides will be under siege by constituents and banking customers and the powerful banks themselves and the corporations. It’s one thing to be Woke, quite another to go Broke. And a real threat to Canadian sovereignty. Keep digging your own political grave Trudeau as the most hated man in Canada and an enemy of Canadian democracy.
My guess is that his edict will be defeated, so he has days to go. And that defeat will be followed by a no confidence vote in his government, which will collapse. When it reforms, Trudeau will be missing. His belief in the absolute power of monarchs and dynastic privilege and his own irresistible self is his undoing. He carries himself like Warren Beatty in Black Face.
And as Canada needs those trucks, those drivers, that capacity, what on earth is he thinking turning the drivers into criminals, locking them up, removing their licences and confiscating their cash? How can that end the blockade? Or doesn’t he want to get them back to work. Maybe he can order the construction of Gulags in the Yukon? He appears to have the political skills of Charles I.
Perhaps a ban on any truck of any size delivering to Trudope and any government department/member will show them how reliant they are on trucks.
I wonder if he will cry in public?
“During her prepared remarks today, a very happy Canadian Finance Minister declared that federal law enforcement (RCMP) has begun working with financial institutions to de-bank Canadian citizens, cancel insurance policies, remove access to credit cards, cancel mortgages and freeze the assets of Canadian citizens.”
Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are actually planning to destroy people, businesses, families, etc, in order to seize control over Canadian Citizens. The blowback from this is going to be devastating to Canada for decades to come. This is how a Police State Dictatorship behaves. Shaking my head in disbelief.
The Conservative Treehouse is one of the few reliable conservative blogs. Really worth a look.
It all will end the present peace ..
Why is it that politicians think a snoozing dog is toothless … until it savages them?
That “sqeaky woman with the funny teeth” here in NZ may be riding for a fall too …
The latest idiocy from She-Who-Never-Lies is that persons undergoing psychotherapy for covid (response) – induced depression must wear a mask during therapy , as must the therapist .
But as Jordan Peterson says repeatedly – it’s very dangerous.
Both graduates of Young Global Leaders course at World Economic Forum
The canadian govt is done, and they know it.
There may be a kinetic response against peaceful protesters, but peacefully standing for your rights harms no one.
Video record everything, and then back up the recordings onto laptops or hard drives ( not online ).
This moment right now, is where peace and righteousness will vanquish badness.
They’ve also given exemptions to a multitude of people that cops can’t touch.
Amazing. It could happen anywhere where the disciples of the WEF have successfully reached the top political positions across the western world.
All you have to do is watch Jacinda Ardern’s latest statements regarding COVID and you can forecast she is about to resign or spend more time with her family. In her case a sensible option with her very young child. Might be time for Winston Peters to step back into the fold in Kiwiland.
Winston Peters cannot be trusted. Don’t forget he sided with Labor to form government with him as deputy PM.
Ian, I’m not sure you can trust any governing politicians at the moment. They are basically grifters- their only aim is to stay in office as long as possible enjoying the benefits of office.
That’s the very definition of a politician! Of course they are there to amass as much wealth & influence while enjoying their power, seeding the grounds for moving onto bigger things. The last thing they give a shit about are the people, all they need is to be able to buy your votes.
Winston First.. A horrible little man, completely untrustworthy. As noted by Muldoon, “its all about sincerity, once you can fake that you’re got it made”
Winston Peters , having been completely blindsided by Labour’s secretive plans to nationalise the water , may be a wiser politician than he has ever been previously.
Now he knows with certainty that Labour can no more be trusted than can National.
Important lesson , I think.
The good aspect about all this is it’s exposing clearly who is on the side of tyranny and who is on the side of freedom. There is no middle ground to hide any more.
In antiquity the word tyrant signified the holder of absolute political power.
Leonard E. Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education in 1946, used to say that Americans live in a country in which various levels of government extract over 40% of their productivity, yet they call this system freedom.
“They don’t know the difference between freedom and coercion.”
Liberty is a philosophy that requires responsibility, accountability, self-reliance, self-discipline and courage. These are the exact virtues the majority of people do not have.
Funny isnt it how fencing off Parliaments has become a thing.
In Australia they are sometimes called “Cowards Castle” relating to the ability to slander people there.
It seems that label has new meaning these days.
I can see the day they will have to hide in bunkers, much like what the German dictator did in WW2.
Actually the British conducted the business of government in bunkers as well.
A thoughful move when your foe is bombing your capital city to rubble,
Also,unlike the Nazis, they did not build leader’s bunkers in conquered territories.
Not in fear of their own people.
Look, over there, Squirrel.
Are you suggesting that there will be bombers o’head?
in Australia, I think it started in a subtle way, removing public access to the lawns around and on parliament house in Canberra because of “security concerns”.
is it really some grand conspiracy to remove people? Probably not, in my opinion, but it is worth noting.
Security consultants have to (presumably) show their value for money via performance indicators, and what better way to do that than to propose and implement ever tightening access restrictions?
It starts off by our governments losing trust in the people who vote for them and the politicians see themselves as superior rather than acting on behalf of the wishes of the people who vote them to office. Then it escalates into a fear of the people as some people rise up and show signs of disapproval by way of protests and the like. To counteract that fear they start building “walls”, mostly with decrees and the likes but ultimately they do it physically as they start to fear for their lives. It’s a sad state of affairs but that’s how governments end up for not acting in the interests of the people and the nation as a whole, and instead act for their own benefit. Yet we always understood that governments are there to serve the people but in reality it rarely ever is the case at least to a certain extent. The longer they exist the more drunk they become for power and authoritarianism. The system eventually collapses and we start the next cycle. It’s how it always went throughout history.
“It starts off by our governments losing trust in the people who vote for them and the politicians see themselves as superior rather than acting on behalf of the wishes of the people who vote them to office.
It starts off by our governments realizing people who vote for them have lost trust in them.
There, fixed it for you.
You can walk on the lawns around and on parliament house! Well, apart from the top.
The “anti-terrorism” measures are two fold. You can no long drive a vehicle onto parliament house (a bit weird that you could before). You can’t gain access, from outside (you can from the inside), to the top part of parliament hill. This is the area above the two chambers and which also has significant weaknesses to certain types of attacks.
The original symbolic concept of Parliament House was that “the people” could walk right over the top thus symbolizing that the politicians were beneath the people and subservient to them.
That capability was removed early due to concocted “security concerns” because appropriate security measures were already incorporated into the original design.
The politicians just didn’t like the idea that they were symbolically the servants of the people because they think of themselves as our masters.
Another symbolic concept removed from the original design was not sinking the building an additional two metres into the ground making the building higher profile than the architect intended it to be.
There was also an Aboriginal totem put outside the Parliament which the designer later stated was intended to be a curse upon Australia which apparently worked…
And didn’t the pollies also blow about $100 million on a people-proof fence and also replace the glazing with something stronger to make their fortress more impenetrable?
It’s hardly a “people’s house” any more.
Oh, I bet no one will be punished from December when Leftist insurrectionists tried to burn down Old Parliament House.
Reference to Aboriginal curse in totem here:
early being about 25 years after it opened.
It was already being talked about in 2002 and the building opened in 1988.
From nearly the beginning politicians just didn’t want to be symbolically “put in their place” and walked over.
If the compliant police gives you a leaflet why not give him a leaflet in return? With this text:
You are following illegal orders.
You will be held accountable.
Here is another form
Off topic but isn’t it odd that a nation intelligent enough to price gas to four significant figures cannot divorce itself from the 1c coin?
I still have to wonder if there is a connection between the bank outages in Canada yesterday – a very rare event – and the concurrent outage of the US Fed Reserve banking clearing system yesterday – an even rarer event.
For some reason, I find very little information about the US problem in the news beyond this one article: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/24/the-feds-system-that-allows-banks-to-send-money-back-and-forth-is-down.html
I wonder if the US banks are no longer going to be a safe haven for Canadians looking for a place to put their money. If the simultaneous outages were caused by some linking of the systems that went haywire temporarily, (I don’t know enough about banking to really guess how this might occur, but . . .), then US banks are now linked to Trudeau’s regime with Biden’s support.
If I, as a US donor to the truckers, suddenly have bank access issues in the coming days, then I’ll lean more heavily towards this theory.
FYI, I did also find this article:
Ignore 14.1. Old news.
It won’t matter one day. We are to have a cashless society and ultimately have a one world digital currency, which has been in the works for some time now and we are getting very close; perhaps a matter of a few years.
Oh, heck. Just delete 14 entirely. It’s all old news. (Read the dateline, bobby!)
The pilot video, and street-level video such as by Viva Frei in David Maddison’s comment #1, are uplifting.
What is depressing is the effectiveness of the legacy media’s messaging. If all you know comes from there, those of us who support the protests are seen as dangerous. I am personally experiencing this.
I have also noticed that the rhetoric now is all about the protests and protestors, the imminent threat, and the necessity for a forceful government response. There is nothing being said about vaccine mandates or other restrictions that brought us to this point. The convoy is losing the messaging battle by allowing this change.
Lastly, here is something ironic (if it comes true). The police in Ottawa are allowed to work without being vaccinated; unjabbed cops just have to test every 72 hours. They are about to arrest people for protesting a standard which they themselves are not held to.
And yes, there has been a run on our banks. When (if?) the banks finally start to seize assets, they will have to comply completely with the regulators or risk having their operations suspended. Bank customers have no recourse or path of appeal. Technically, they can’t even open another account so they can get their pension cheques or pay their electric bills. That’s what causes me to lose sleep, even though all I did was make a legal donation to a legal protest two weeks ago.
If the official bullying does start, how does it end? Who ends it? Meanwhile my bemused but oblivious fellow citizens can just roll their eyes and say we troublemakers brought it on ourselves.
Honk honk, people. Remain calm, remain standing for principle. Evil won’t win, but it won’t go away on its own.
Yesterday I went looking for the source of the protestors hugging police vid, and it turned up on a tweet. But what was interesting was the number of headlines to articles saying, “Police hug protestors.”! Every one I saw said that, when it was the protestors going over to hug police. Nice work. Subtle propaganda. But a good example to show people who extoll the msm.
That last video by the Canadian pilot is in effect an acknowledgement they are at war with their government. It’s not a war by force, at least not at this stage but certainly a war of words and peaceful protests. So, if the freedom fighters are not going to budge and Trudeau is showing no signs of backing down, all I can see is a real risk of violence breaking out. Some are suggesting for that reason the freedom fighters should now go away and regroup. The other suggestion is they stay calm and let Trudeau fire the first shot. That will be the trigger to wake more people up as to what is really happening. We shall see how it develops but one thing is for sure; it’s now clear who are supporters of tyranny and who are supporters of their God given rights to freedom, and that we all one day we all have to choose which side to support openly.
Surely there are senior people in the Trudeau Govt who realize the boy is way out of his depth and this can’t be allowed to continue, where will it end.
Their excuse is like in the past with previous tyrannical leaders; the senior people were just following orders. As before it won’t wash if and when the time comes they are all held to account. The smart ones though escape before things get out of hand. The clever ones join the other side.
It’s interesting to look at the number and subjects of petitions to the Australian House of Representatives.
Go to the “all petitions” tab, and sort by Signatures by clicking on that column heading twice. COVID dominates the list of most signed petitions, and the subjects are generally not supportive of ‘mandates’ or other restrictions.
Ottawalks live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3da7m6lzXaM
Trudeau cannot ‘win’. The ‘Truckers’ cannot lose. They both seem to be playing a part in a script. The covid paradigm has changed because of the Omicron release. Covid (Omicron) is now as dangerous as the flu and as contagious as small pox. It is not chemically possible to construct a covid virus that is more contagious than omicron BA.2 and BA.1 (BA.1 is 120% less contagious than BA.2). The RNA first release covid vaccines are dangerous and as everyone will have long term immunity to covid, obsolete.
Omicron has defeated covid in every country. It is 1/10 as deadly as the covid Delta variation and it is so contagious everyone will get it. In the UK 85% of the school age kids have covid antibodies, even though, they have not been vaccinated and have worn masks until recently. All of the school age children in Canada, UK, US, and so are going to get Omicron in the next few weeks. The kids have stopped wearing masks in schools a couple of weeks ago. The kids are not getting seriously sick. The school age parents are getting sick but it is not a big deal. Canada is no longer counting the number of covid cases to avoid/hide the political issues.
First release covid vaccines does not provide protection for Omicron. The few people who are dying from Omicron, have one or more comorbidities. Average age of death above 79 years.
The RNA first release vaccines do not work and they are dangerous. Should be a simple decision for Trudeau and every other leader. When the facts change, leaders should change their minds also. The Austrian government is planning to abandon all of their draconian covid measures.
80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated’ says Ichilov hospital director
Vaccine has “no significance regarding severe illness,” says Prof. Jacob Giris.
The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan have joined more than a dozen U.S. governors in calling for an end to mandated COVID-19 vaccines for cross-border truckers….
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
“The Canadian government is issuing warnings to anyone involved in the massive anti-mandate protests, saying that in addition to freezing bank accounts and towing their trucks, they can confiscate pets as well.”
Unless your on the exemption list…
Is it a wonder cops are frustrated with our politicians?
Confiscating pets would be a catastrophe and dog his career. And cost the entire Labrador vote.
Meanwhile in Perth, an insurrection was thwarted.
The Canadian truckers and freedom protestors world wide against the NWO/WEF/vaccine cartel need to take a lesson from Mahatma Ghandi and his non-violent resistance methods
Ok. Let’s look at it from the tyrant’s point of view.
Step 1. Freeze the bank accounts
Step 2. Arrest the drivers
Step 3. Move the trucks.
It might be just me but steps 1 and 2 actively reduce the chances of step 3. And quite a few of those trucks are BIG, really BIG.
It reminds me of South Park’s underpants gnomes. Step 1 collect underpants. Step 3 profit. Step 2 huh?
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
And I forgot the issue of freezing bank accounts. If you are a tyrant it might sound like a great idea. My only question is when you unfreeze the bank accounts? Or perhaps the funds are confiscated.
It’s always the same. The measures seem like a great idea until the day comes you have to undo them. And that’s when the fun begins.
And here in the U.S.: https://babylonbee.com/news/democrat-pollsters-announce-they-have-discovered-a-change-in-the-science
Yep! That is how it works.
On the other hand, people in the U.S. are completely with Canada. Even in blue states.
And this just In (heh, heh, get it? Justin?)
Love the Babylonbee!!! I once also liked Betoota Advocate, but they went woke. If you get a chance, check out PHON’s little cartoon skits on all things political. Their latest on the ABC is very amusing.
Actually – don’t bother. Just noticed you live stateside!! For Aussie correspondents only 🙂
One can use the VPN that comes with Opera browser and bypass geoblocking.
I think its more about “getting” the oz parochial content than technicalities.
“It’s all so unnecessary”.
Klaus Schwab disagrees.
Too bad. So sad. WEF = terrorist organization. It’s a no-brainer.
If it wasn’t so serious, it would be funny. Trudeau’s leadership reminds me of this from his cartoon avatar Homer Simpson, “dig up stupid”
Bluff plays the major role in this struggle for freedom. If your oponent can be bluffed out of the game it’s game over. The truckers and other freedom fighters know this and peacefully refuse to concede hard-earned moral territory to Trudeau who is on the wrong side of this historic struggle. If Trudeau was a real man he would have parleyed with the truckers earlier on in the stoush. The childishly truculent manner with which Trudeau has tried to exalt his power ego in trying to run roughshod over the truckers has gone too far. It’s now too late for Trudeau to exit the conflict and save face with dignity. It could have been win-win for Canadians. However, Trudeau, in full, toxic hubris, has selfishly squandered this wonderful opportunity. He needs to be deposed to restore freedom to Canadians and also as an example to other despotic freedom thieves.
The forked tongue
“Trudeau Government Officials Confirm Donors to Crowdfunding Platforms Are Specifically “Designated Targets” for DeBanking, Social Media Posts To Be Used as Evidence
February 17, 2022 | sundance | 374 Comments
NOTE: before getting to the heart of the biggest headline, I just want to note that when Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks in French, she says things she never repeats in English. The French language Canadian audience hear a much stronger declaration in the framework of government action, including language that says, “The Canadian government, and the heart of Canadian democracy is directly being attacked by foreign groups.” Freeland does not say this in English, only in her French delivery.”
More at
‘I ask you be silent no more’,
As a whisper can change to a roar,
When each voice means a lot,
Shouting down a despot,
Is how people show tyrants the door.
Adam Smith > Quotes > Quotable Quote

“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
― Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
It’s still Feb 17 here in Ontario Canada so forgive me if I’m behind the times and this link has already been posted.
There’s still a possibility the courts will slap down Little Justin Sparkle Pants.
“Freedom Convoy truckers: ‘I think Canada has stepped across a line’”
“Trudeau has ‘lost control’ of Canada”
Am I right that the Trucker blockade has been disbanded and that the leaders have been arrested?
Not sure about your link “rebelne.ws” (didn’t click on it because could see it pointed anywhere logical) but there are reports at rebel news of two organisers being arrested.
In some places yes but there’s still people on the ground. The key Ambassador Bridge for example is now open as the police gradually cleared it.
Border blockades cleared, but Windsor, Ont., still dealing with disruptions
Trudeau must think that he only needs 10% of the vote to be reelected.
Does he know something that we don’t?
G’day R B,
I guess Trudeau would know the answer to:
Has Canada installed the same voting system as the US used so successfully in 2020?
Dave B
That general elections are a long way off.
“Radical Leftist PM Uses Radical Leftist Government-Funded Media to Justify Power Grab”
“Breaking: Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Arrested”
Here’s a speech I’d like to hear read in the Parliaments of any of the Anglo-heritage “democracies”.
Oliver Cromwell: ‘In the name of God, go!’ speech dismissing Rump Parliament – 1653
20 April 1653, London, England
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Read this and weep. I had no idea how far the Trudeau administration is prepared to go in this stoush. What Brownstone is reporting is astounding.
How were carbon taxes not economic warfare ?
Hos was preventing people from working for a living not economic warfare ?
How is dispossessing people of private property not economic warfare?
Same old , same old.
Bank run “outages” or cyberattacks? 😈
If you don’t think the Trudeau government is prepared to go down the full-on control accelerator – read this & weep.
The point made by the pilot about the importance of raising your voice to say “this is stupid” in the context of the 747 crash disaster is brilliant. I will be including this in my business consulting tool box that’s for sure and it is inspiring as a life tool, especially in this increasingly crazy world where the people I used to rib for being sheep, actually want to be quiet obedient sheep and wear it as a virtue signalling badge.
PRINCIPLE #14 – This is Stupid
I was recently the person to say “this is stupid” with regards to the direction of a research project in my workplace. The project was not going to hurt anyone (unless you count credibility and revenue), so I am certainly not claiming to have changed the world, but it did leave me with a few thoughts.
I pointed out the flaws, and suggested a more reasonable approach, and people who had otherwise been quiet about it, actually agreed with me, and supported my assertions. My own boss was also surprisingly supportive, even though the project manager was one of their mates. This showed me that it is true, sometimes all it takes is one person to say something. Do I think such things will happen again in my lifetime? I doubt it, but I enjoyed the feeling while it lasted.
I can’t vouch for the validity but it wouldn’t surprise me.
Apparently the Red Cross is buying up food, PPE and other supplies en-masse and shipping to Ottawa.
Now this could be for some major looming event but then again it could be to remove the availability of same from the public arena.
Will be interesting to see how/if what happens next.
Martin Armstrong just posted this:
There is absolutely NO WAY that the Canadian Banks all went down simultaneously. Trudeau can now order the banks to do as he commands and this is what is very similar to Hitler. They cannot disobey. What does that do to the confidence in Canada as a nation? This undermines the confidence in Canada as even a safe haven in the face of a European war. No bank has dared to try to explain the source of the outrage. If this was non-related to Trudeau, then all Canadian sites would have gone down – not just the banks.
Quite so.
Of course there’s NO REASON cyberterrorism can’t come from your own government 😈
And Trudeau’s ONLY answer in the parliamentary debate, repeated everytime as justifying anything and everything, is that the blockade is ‘illegal’ and that by the way, the conservatives are NAZIs.
It is only nominally illegal because he says it is and he is the Prime Minister, so it cannot be questioned. What sort of democracy is that? He is representing who? Certainly not the truckers and clearly not the conservatives and possibly not most Canadians.
Because this is utterly pointless game playing, spoilt brat, born to rule behavior. Like Grumpy Greta, How dare they!
It could all be resolved instantly, but only if he would back down a little, give a timetable. The world agrees with the clearly peaceful protesters and they are dropping all these restrictions, but not Trudeau. As Marie Antoinette was supposed to have said to the starving protesters, “let them eat cake”. The arrogance of the French ruling class.
Significantly it is reported that the army has refused to be used domestically against unarmed Canadians. The fact that he would ask damns him. And protesters have learned from Jan 6 that he is itching to cast this as a violent assault on democracy, not just the result of an extraordinary ego. Nor has he addressed why they are there or that they might have a point. Just that it is ‘illegal’.
As every socialist denies, the NAZIS were not conservatives as he said, insulting most. They were the National Socialistische Arbeiter Partei, the National Socialists, like Trudeau. And modelled on Mussolini’s new socialism he called fascism.
Truedeau is channeling his inner Adolph or even possibly his inner Stalin. If he doesn’t know that, his education is sorely lacking. But then he was born to rule and inherited the job, so who needs to understand the difference between a military assault and a peaceful protest at the overreach of his government.
Just go, Trudeau. It would be over in an hour.
Trudeau must Go!
The problem here TdeF are the MPs in the Canadian Parliament.
He has a minority Government! Where is the Opposition???
Evaluating their price.
Erza asks some interesting questions
And Senator Kennedy
Tucker on Joe and Russia – well worth watching
According to Alex Jones at InfoWars that is the plan.
Blackrock Whistleblower Who Predicted The Crash of Moderna Breaks New Bombshell Information
The Progression of Progressivism.
Words are violence
Non-Compliance is violence
Civil Disobedience (unapproved) is therefore violence
State Violence to preempt Non-State violence is justified
Disagreement with the above is violence and subject to State Violence
It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged – G.K. Chesterton.
Such an appropriate thought.
For a few moments it made me think of the interrelationship between crime and punishment and how a society benefits or suffers through actions taken by governments.
Managing a society has never been easy; history shows that quite clearly, but it has been achieved in the past and can be again with the right approach.
Can Liberal MPs vote No Confidence in Trudeau as their party leader and depose him that way? If so, you can bet that somebody ambitious and willing to do what the truckers want (but not, unfortunately, reverse the rest of the Woke Agenda) will be working the backrooms in Parliament.
De-banking and confiscation of property is in alignment with leftist ideals that there is no such thing as private property. We might be shocked at this way of thinking, but to people like Trudeau it is nothing.
Except when it comes to his bank account or private property. Have you noticed that about the new self appointed ruling elite? They never see their personal wealth as subject to the same collectivist confiscation rules. It’s sooo Animal Farm! Orwell sure managed to capture the worst of unprincipled, delusional human nature.
Capricious and hypocritical behaviour is enduring. Most of our societal systems and institutions in democracies were designed to deal with these not so principled aspects of human nature. It’s why the globalist political elite (left and right) have been unpicking the systems and institutions that presented an obstacle to their corruption and inconsistency. Hillary Clinton epitomises this mentality.
More and more people are noticing just what is at stake. Ask the average person in America whether they trust the intelligence agencies, judiciary, police, legacy corporate media, now the medical fraternity? Even faith in elections and democracy. Gone. It’s now the 99% against the 1%. It’s just some of those 99% are still to be red pilled…but it is happening.
Under section 48 of Emergencies Act, those affected by orders are entitled to compensation.
Does this include those using GiveSendGo?
Has Canada just put itself in a situation where it will end up matching the GiveSendGo donations, having to compensate the recipients while GiveSendGo refunds the donors?