13 US States warn that giant climate activists funds are buying up public utilities

By Jo Nova

Move over divestment and boycott — and move in activist shareholders wielding other people’s money. After naive shareholders sold out, they didn’t have much influence over a company. But if they bought enough shares instead, they could practically run the place.

Good people left their money unguarded in pension plans and it came to be used against them.

The three largest asset managers in the world are BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard. They swept up the retirement money left unwatched in accounts Big-Government forced everyone to have. The Big Three now manage $20 trillion dollars combined. They also happen to want to end fossil fuel use and save the world — because they are nice people, right. So we face the dilemma — The citizens rejected NetZero, but the citizen’s money gives the power to men like Larry Fink, head of Blackrock, to harrass the boards of oil and energy companies in order to get NetZero through the back door.

To appreciate how influential these monster funds are, ponder that they are the largest shareholders in nine out of ten of the S&P 500 Index companies and lately, they have been buying up US power utilities.


Midterms: The Swamp strikes back

By Jo Nova

If only the US could afford to use paper and pens instead of machines, it would all have been finished. Welcome to Dystopia-World, where the real battle is the struggle to get legal votes counted in the richest nation on Earth. The Arizona slow-roll debacle should have the people in the streets…

Meanwhile, the Democrats don’t want to face Donald Trump again, but they are not the only ones. “The list of people lining up against Trump right now is simply an indicator of how large of a threat he remains to the globalist elite.” says Jenna Ellis.

Steven Mosher makes the case that it’s not Trump but the McLeadership of the Republicans who are to blame for any midterm results. Most of the Senate and House Republican campaigns were not run by Trump, but by the McLeaders — Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna Romney McDaniel

Speaking of McConnell, there are shipping-lanes of connections between Mitch McConnell and China. Just in case anyone has forgotten what a deep swamp the core of US politics is, ponder that there is also one foreign communist government that would be especially happy if Trump doesn’t run in 2024. […]

The dark bubble: There’s a reason everything seems to be going off the rails simultaneously

The rise of the tech giant billionaires, the crime, corruption, wokery, war, inflation, climate witchcraft, and the Big-Pharma reckless experiment — is all made possible by the same thing, and it’s been coming for fifty years.

Everyone under 40 has lived their entire lives in the fairy-land-of-plenty borrowed from the future. But all bubbles come to an end.

The rot started with a corrupted currency, and now infects every corner of the world — weakening markets and minds and concentrating power obscenely. When our medium of exchange is undisciplined, everything else is too. There is injustice built right in to Fake IOU’s made from thin air — especially when some can borrow big and early and at low cost, while others have to wait to earn them slowly an hour at a time. In the inflation race, speed is everything. They devalue the incentives that drive people to make things better, faster, and stronger. It punishes the prudent hardworking savers, and feeds speculative greed.

This is what BlackRock’s influence came from, and Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and the WEF. All of them rode the wave of easy money and easy loans. Through predatory purchases on credit, they were able to buy […]

19 US States fight back against BlackRock the Political Climate Police disguised as a Monster Investment Fund

Finally 19 US States are hitting back at BlackRock the financial behemoth, and not a day too soon.

A light in the tunnel…


By a pure dollar reckoning, BlackRock is the third largest “foreign entity” in the world, after the USA and China, but its core business, its reason for existing is a contradiction: it claims to be an asset manager but acts like a political power. With neither citizens, land nor an army, it’s a kind of toxic financial bubble on a roll — part illusion, but still swallowing economies, minds and electricity grids.

BlackRock is supposedly investing funds on behalf of its customers while using those same funds to promote Woke political agendas that its management may like, but that its own customers may disagree with. It’s a totalitarian force that consumes democratic choices by force of money. Finally some state legislators are calling out the contradiction. Does BlackRock serve its customers or “the management of BlackRock”?

BlackRock is enormous, but it’s not untouchable, and if retirees and State pension plans pulled their money and filed writs for breaches of law, the activist-agency could vanish overnight. BlackRock has $10 trillion in assets to wield […]

WHO Chief wants to run the world (for China), Biden, Boris, Albanese is OK with that, but Africa puts the brakes on

We can all use some good news

Tedros Adhanom

In the latest installment of Big Government Badness the WHO is meeting right now to consider some amendments suggested by the US and largely agreed by about 47 rich nations for no real benefit. The US suggested these changes in January and for months almost no politician anywhere said a thing. The changes give broader powers to the head honcho of the WHO — Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreysus. He’s the man who told the world to keep flying in Chinese Bioweapons through their front door in January 2020, while he also told everyone how transparent and wonderful President Xi was: “China is protecting the people in the whole world”! He actually said that. China was stopping all flights out of Wuhan to the rest of China, but not to Italy, Iran, or anywhere else, and they lied about human to human transmission, and said it was preventable and curable, while they harvested up masks and PPE from around the world to profiteer from them later. China lied about the bats in the lab, and WHO helped cover it up.

No one can explain why the rich nations of the world […]

Money-world splits into two: Is this the end of an era of US dollar as reserve currency?

The ante was upped

Just like that: The US froze Russian bank accounts. It broke all the rules. In return, Russia is freezing gas deliveries unless people pay in roubles. The US played a very big wildcard, and Joe Biden and the USA may lose in a big way. The World’s Reserve currency is the US Dollar, and it’s a powerful tool for the US. But if the dollar were weakened, by say 50 years of inflation, and the trust it is based on was blown, the bluff may be up.

One thing leads to another. Who will blink first?

Does Russia need the money more than Europe needs the gas?

Europe Is Facing Supply Disruptions As Russia’s Gas-For-Rubles Deadline Looms


Russia’s insistence that its “unfriendly” nations pay in rubles for Russian natural gas risks disrupting European supplies as soon as this week as the deadline set by Putin for moving to ruble payments is drawing closer.

Europe, which depends on Russian natural gas for more than one-third of its demand—with some countries, including the biggest economy Germany, depending on Russia for half of its consumption—has rejected the gas-for-rubles idea, saying it […]

Guest Post by Rafe Champion: Soviet Sabotage of our Energy Supply

There is talk about Soviet funding for green groups to block shale gas fracking and coal mining. This is not a new thing.

[Indeed Jo wrote last week: Russian-linked groups donated to anti-frakking Green groups because they love the planet right?]

In case you were wondering why we have no nuclear power and why the sensible old-time conservation movement turned into a radical green monster, the late John Grover told the story in his book Struggle for Power (1980). This is a summary of the chapter on the birth of the anti-nuclear program under the guise of “respectable” consumer advocacy in the US and also the worldwide network of communist agencies and their fronts.

To summarize the summary:

In 1971 Ralph Nader, bankrolled by the Rockefeller network, began to work with the “Union of Concerned Scientists” to combine the efforts of environmental groups and public interest lawyers against nuclear power (NP). They worked on several fronts: Legal action to delay projects; Lobbying Congress and Government agencies; Propagandising the churches; Advertising directed at the general public.

Exaggerated dangers and innuendos of industry incompetence were widely accepted and the industry had no strategy to respond.

“To cut a long story […]

Green weakness enables wars. Punish Russia by burning more Coal, Gas, Shale and Nuclear power

While the West went weak-Green, Russia became the 2nd largest gas supplier on Earth

“The Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price”

The Renewable-West is toothless to stop Russia doing whatever it damn-well wants.

Energy is power. As the West gave up the power to run its own factories and keep its own people warm, it also gave up the power to influence world affairs. The fashionable Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price.

Weakness invites wars

Without its own energy supply, amidst an energy crisis, the West can’t help but buy gas from Russia. The only sanctions we can apply are weak and thus the West pays top dollar for Russian gas, and sends more tank-money to a nation with power because it’s selling a product that everyone wants. Nobody wants a wind farm unless someone else pays a subsidy.

The best thing the West could do now is run their old coal and nuclear plants at top speed, launch the UK Shale industry, and get serious about the North Sea. Then the price of gas would fall, the EU could use sanctions that mattered.

Instead Germany is shutting nuclear plants, Britain […]

Trudeau weighs up whether to stop forced injections, but decides to trample with horses

Trudeau faced a tricky choice: he could stop forcing people to get injections-they-don’t-want and the Truckers would all go home, problem solved, but he would look like a loser. Or he could trample, spray and beat them, and steal their money instead. So he did.

It’s for their health:

Look what Putin is doing now. Sanctions immediately! pic.twitter.com/scUeh2JGHK

— Poso Remembers Ottawa (@JackPosobiec) February 19, 2022

.@ezralevant: “I think Justin Trudeau wants violence, to retroactively justify what he’s doing. Why would you run horses into a group of civilians other than you want blood?”

It’s “a dark day for Canada,” the @RebelNewsOnline founder tells @JennPellegrino. pic.twitter.com/iIc93IEwJx

— Newsmax (@newsmax) February 19, 2022

ICYMI: help us sue the police at https://t.co/t3xuubxewY https://t.co/wIfkOhLBwz

— K2🍁🚛 (@kiansimone44) February 19, 2022

When journalists and old women are attacked and police bear down on protesters with the cavalry, pepper spray and batons, we would expect most Western leaders to speak out, and most serious mastheads. Here’s the Wall Street Journal. Note the others in the coming days (or lack thereof).

Trudeau’s Destructive ‘Emergency’

The truckers protest could have been handled without […]

Trudeau is panicking: It’s the biggest human rights protest in a generation

Tucker Carlson points out how Trudeau’s overreaction reveals his impotence.

By going double or nothing, it’s so much harder for Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario) to back down.

The biggest human rights protest in the West in a generation:

The Left used to represent the Workers

As David Evans says:

The great political realignment continues. The ruling class have coalesced — with the establishment right joining the bureaucratic left. They are all college-educated (but not too bright, you understand), and they love well paid government jobs and government money, and being aligned to the dominant political ideology so they can name-call anyone else and dismiss them without having to actually engage with what they are saying — without having to actually think.

But they left behind most of society. We can’t all be overpaid non-productive consumers of government money.

Parasites United will never be asked to work too hard.

Here’s one Ontario Police Officer who says there are “many police officers who want nothing more to see our country returned back to the beautiful state that it was. A lot want to speak out but we can’t because we […]

Biden family gained $31m in deals with high level CCP operatives

The Biden family scored $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals who had ties to the Chinese spy apparatus. All the details are written up by Peter Schweizer in Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

The US media spent years obsessing with Russiagate which amounted to nothing while ignoring the bulk carrier load of suspicious deals that connected the son of the then Vice President of the USA to the highest level of Chinese Intel. These businessmen were people like the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment. Millions of dollars changed hands but no one can easily point to particular goods or services that were received.

The burial of the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-hell in the three weeks before the US 2020 Election was the first seismographic warning that major cracks were spreading through the bedrock of Western Civilization. We expected the media to lie and cheat and be shamelessly, insufferably biased, but it was so much worse.

Schweizer then, has done the job the Western media won’t. He calls this the “scariest investigation I’ve ever done”.

How could Big-Science be 100% dependent on Big-Crooked-Government and […]

Deaths from 1 degree of warming nothing compared to an Electricity Grid collapse for a year

Even the worst imaginary scenarios for global warming are nothing compared to a year without electricity. Bunky Mortimer III thinks US priorities are screwed.

Get one at Indiamart perhaps?

The US will spend some $555b to prevent a theoretical warming of a degree or two. A warming which may not occur for a century, if at all, and about which the largest competitors to the USA are doing nothing.

In contrast, a solar Carrington event, one nuclear blast, or a cyber attack taking out just nine interconnector sites could collapse the entire US grid for 18 months.

Which environmental threat matters? The West is in apoplexy over the environmental degradation affecting polar bears, but the environment we need the most right now is the one with fresh water, edible food and a room temperature above freezing.

Securing the grid should be this country’s highest environmental priority

Taki’s Magazine

A prolonged collapse of this nation’s electrical grid—through starvation, disease, and societal collapse—could result in the death of up to 90% of the U.S. population. This figure has not been disputed, yet this prospect has received virtually no attention from policy makers or the media. The […]

2022: The Year of Inflation

The most dangerous Big-Government Qango of all may well be the Central Banks (not the NIH). Money drives all the incentives across national economies, but one small unelected group decides the price of money, and all corruption flows downstream from there. Ponder how they set the temperature that drives the global currents of goods, resources and opportunity. They feed Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

Saddle Up: There is no hiding inflation. Despite the global economy grinding to a halt in a pandemic, house prices set surging records and paradoxically the Dow hit all times highs.

It is just supply and demand. As more dollars are printed, a bigger supply of money competes for the same number of goods. And boy, have they been printing money.

It’s a temporary spike they say:

This is the money base of USD, a rough measure of “how many dollars there are”.

US St Louis Federal Reserve, Money Base graph 1918-2008 | Source

For perspective, below is the history of the growth in US Dollars since 1918 up until the GFC. The US left the Gold Standard in stages between 1913 and 1971, and the growth in money supply since then […]

Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?

So imagine you live in a house with six people and you elect one of them to do a deal with the chemist to supply the whole house drugs. When you get back from Hardware Mart, he’s done the deal, but you can’t see the contract, or the trial data, you don’t know what it costs, or how long it lasts, but the money will be auto-drawn in unmarked tranches until such time as it is not. Then you find out you have to take the drug, or you won’t be allowed in the kitchen.

It’s a crime in the house, but ok for a nation?

There have been several allegedly leaked contracts with Pfizer, one from Albania, and others from Brazil and South America. They all make extraordinary claims, they can’t be backed up. They might all be fakes but here’s the thing, we don’t know they’re fake because we can’t see the real thing.

Is Pfizer the bully that asked Argentina to accept all liability on its behalf and put its bank reserves, military bases and embassies at stake as collateral? “That the rules of the land don’t apply”. That the government may not discuss […]

Anthony Fauci and a trillion dollars worth of power and corruption…

He’s the highest paid public servant in the US, and has been in the job for decades, and he’s been able to direct nearly a trillion dollars worth of funding. Last year, he helped infect America when it could have been stopped, and this year he’s keeping life saving cheap safe drugs away from patients and their doctors.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr has just launched a sizzling new book called “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I haven’t got a copy yet, but the launch interviews are radioactive. Even worse than the Beagle experiments reported just two weeks ago, are the allegations of experiments on Dominican Orphans, and on sick Americans.

Will The Real Anthony Fauci be able to keep his job?

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health


The notes below are from a transcript from an interview of Joseph Mercola and Robert Kennedy.

“Here’s what I would say to people. We have to stop this. This is the hill that we all have to die on. “

Kennedy claims the patterns repeat decade after decade. Cheap drugs are blocked, while expensive profitable drugs are promoted. […]

“Fossil Fuels are a strategic asset” say people watching UK and EU perfect gas storm

It’s not even winter yet but suddenly all eyes are on the gas prices

Gas through the roof…

Thanks to fear of climate change voodoo many nations in the EU have effectively stopped exploring for gas and decided not to frack their shale deposits to get cheap gas too. (In Australia too). Vainglorious governments aimed to change the weather instead of having cheap electricity and lo, wind-towers were built everywhere.

What could possibly go wrong? Nearly everything.

Even the massive size of the European market hasn’t saved them from price rises so large that retail suppliers are collapsing, and fertilizer factories are closing.

Its a great way to give your enemies the upper hand

The wind drought in spring and summer meant that wind farms failed. Then the Russians squeezed gas supply in to the EU looking suspiciously like they were hoping to push up prices and pressure Germany into approving the controversial Nordstream 2 pipeline. Now the Kremlin is suggesting a quick approval will alleviate the gas shortage (they’re just trying to help). In the latest news one large interconnector between the UK and France has suffered a fire and broken down and won’t be restored til […]

It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850 — there are even claims the US President was treated in secret

History books will be written and some professors, academics, and bureaucrats will have no excuse.

Which organisations can serve now?

It took two court hearings and major complaints and assertive activism to save eighty year old Judy Smentkiewicz. But how many others died because their sons or daughters didn’t see Pierre Kory on TV? Or they didn’t have the wherewithal to go to court? Or their friends trying to share the message were censored on Facebook? It shouldn’t have to be this way.

This is Judy’s story below, but so much more. Read the whole thing. It’s very well written by Michael Capuzzo. Surely, this is a story that needs an answer. Where are the Forth Estate, the Opposition, The AMA, or the publicly funded professors at our universities?

I am but a cog passing on points of view that should be part of our national conversation. Some things matter: like antivirals and closed borders.

Nick Corbishley says “I don’t know of a bigger story in the world”

Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. … But unfortunately most reporters are not […]

NSW Conservatives drop Toxic Turnbull and climate-angst, fearing voter backlash, UpperClass blame “media conspiracy”

Malcolm Turnbull | | Veni Markovski

Last week the NSW State government foolishly gave Malcolm Turnbull a pedestal to advertise his favourite ideology (and possible also help the investment profile of his son.*) Then they remembered why he was so unpopular he nearly lost the 2016 national election — even though he’d been handed the gift of a record 90 seat majority created by Tony Abbott. They also remembered what a bomb the climate debate is in any election — where 90% of everyone says they care about the climate but almost no one actually votes to try to change global weather.

So one week later, Toxic Turnbull has been dropped like the radioactive-Labor-lite-rock that he is.

What were they thinking? In the last ten years, the only time “climate change” has been a winner is when a politician campaigns against it — like the Axe The Tax plan of 2013. In 2019 Labor lost the unloseable election by being anti-coal. The recent historic crushing of the conservatives in WA who had an anti-coal agenda must have shaken the party controllers to the core.


Last week Turnbull was offered the gift position to chair a new body […]

Bill Gates launches giant chalk advertising campaign to “block sun”

The purpose of the hot air balloon adding two whole kilograms of chalk to the atmosphere is a glorious multipurpose marketing exercise. It might as well be a skywriting advert.

Building a sunshade for the whole planet radiates cinematic desperation — it’s advertising the terror of climate change — Really, we need to do that? It’ll get everyone talking about climate change for another five minutes, as if it mattered. But make no mistake, it’s such an ambitious Manhattan-scale idea, it’s advertising Bill Gates the billionaire, too. This is meant to raise his global cachet too. Super-Bill to the rescue. Is he God?

But it’s also advertising other things, like how stupid the climate models are, how fake the pious planetary-care is, and how daft the whole UN-herd is.

Bill Gates plans to launch a bag of chalk into the stratosphere and somehow get useful data out of it about whether we could build an Earthly sunshade to cool ourselves on the same scale as a super volcano. ( To that end, if it looked like he might succeed, watch the Paris agreement dissolve a nanosecond after someone starts to get serious about shading one nation and not some other […]

The Disinformation Campaign about Disinformation

Tucker: Left’s ‘disinformation’ campaign is destroying America

The world would be a better place if everyone saw segments like this. Not to convert them to a cause, but just to open their eyes to the gaslighting in the media.

We’re in an Information War and the first salvo is just to let people know there is a War and their news service is being weaponized against them.

Lighting the Rascism Fire helps bury “other stuff” in the smoke

How to stop discussion about corruption at the highest levels — yell “racist”

[Zack] Goldberg looked at every time the term “racism” was used in America’s largest newspapers and noticed a trend. There was a noticeable spike just after 2011, which not coincidentally was right around the time of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

When people are starting to talk about what Wall Street actually does in public, all at once journalists agree that the real problem with America is racism. America is not a place with a screwed-up economic system that rewards a tiny number of emotionally damaged grifters who possess otherwise useless skills applicable only to finance while everyone else gets poorer. That’s not a […]