A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A man in Yorkshire has permission to watch a video showing an Islamic knife attack on a Christian Bishop in Sydney, despite the wishes of the Australian State Censor to support violence against Christians using Censorship.
Elon Musk wins his Censorship battle with the Australian State Censor. Australia’s eSafety Commissioner cannot be allowed to protect Islamic terrorists by imposing global censorship. Knife attacks on Christian Bishops cannot be censored by an Antichristian Authoritarian Albanesian Australian (AAAA) Government imposing Global Censorship of violence against Christians:
Albo the Commie has not only divided Australia on racial lines but on religious lines as well.
Well done you complete failure as a Prime Minister.
Listening to our “representatives” in Australian state or federal parliament, it is difficult to imagine a more ignorant, uninformed and ill-educated bunch of people (with about one handful of exceptions).
Plus, in regard to Parliament, this scene from Star Wars comes to mind:
Or this:
Damn dirty humans. They carry diseases.
US Representative Doug LaMalfa asks US House Transportation Committee members how much CO2 is in the atmosphere.
The cluelessness is staggering.
These are the “experts” who are “saving” America from the dreaded trace gas carbon dioxide, what the Left call “carbon” (sic).
From about a year ago.
The movie “Idiocracy” also has a simile when the entire water supply has been salted “Coz plants love electrolytes” with resultant barren soils. A man “Woken” from 500 year suspended animation of average intelligence corrects them. The moral of the tail that “Everyone knows” is often false. I will go further and teach children to recognise “scientist” charlatans who claim knowledge of what can not be known.
“Idiocracy” movie.
Selected scenes:
Quote: “No natural predators to thin the herd.”
I am guessing no wokeness, LoL.
Thanks Simon, I will purchase a copy on disc. I don’t buy streamed content because you end up not owning it or losing it…
Or you can watch it for free here:
It was funny when I first saw it, but it seems we are pretty much there, with the US in the lead.
We injecterate ourselfs because its got mRNAs!!
Perhaps it was “predictive programming”?
It was certainly an astute look into the future. At some stage it may transition to documentary.
Latest video from Tony Heller.
Note that he is extensively censored/shadow banned on YouTube, owned by Goolag.
The Left hate alternative opinions.
If you search on YouTube for “Tony Heller” without quotes, the first videos you see of his are way down the list. Scepticism about the Official Narrative of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is not appreciated on mainstream social(ist) media except Elon Musk’s Twitter/X . Conservatives are not afraid of alternative opinions like the Left are.
Note, individual search results may vary, depending on how YouTube AI has assessed your views.
Here is an excellent video about a teacher who was fired for teaching children critical thinking skills.
Fantastic teacher and fantastic presenter. I hope he gets a good job very soon.
Unsold Teslas Pile-Up In Mall Parking-Lots, Big Discounts Likely
Well, hundreds of Teslas jammed together in a back carport of an airport.. what could go wrong?
Maybe burning all of them together is a plan to keep production up.
It only takes one
Putin is meeting with Emperor Xi.
Biden* has forced China and Russia together.
Trump tried to prevent that happening.
It won’t end well for the West.
Discussion at:
* When I say Biden, I usually mean those that tell him what to do, he is incapable of independent thought or action himself.
Putin is a very experienced pragmatist, surrounded by Iran, Turkey, China, Korea, Japan and beset by the US, UK, Germany, France. Once again. It has been a balancing act since the time of Ivan the Terrible. He has to deal with his enemies, all of them.
And many of his enemies have grown while Russia has contracted but still the largest country in the world with untold riches. Trump understood his position. The proxy war in Ukraine would be over in a day, but it is the greatest generator of wealth in the region as $5,000 155mm shells are delivered by the train load. And tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians die, weakening both.
For hundreds of years countries have prodded the Russians into war. The Crimean war was not about anything at all. Officially the ‘keys to Jerusalem’. The Napoleonic war was one of conquest. WWI was a war against Germany and Turkey. And WWII was a war of total extermination by the Germans and the race for oil. Turkey stayed out of this one, which at least protected the Arab oil fields.
Of course he has to deal with China and trade. Nixon, Reagan and Trump were also realists. What is not answered is why the Biden family wanted to control Ukraine under Obama and why they were given control, as if the answer is not obvious. The world needs Trump to win and put an end to the proxy wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
Like vampires, the military industrial complex will have had their money and their weapons testing on real people. Iraq, Kosovo, Vietnam, Korea.
And the drone races have started, the AI robot soldiers and the new wonder weapons. They must be relieved to see how effective the hypersonic missiles are and the drone ships. All a great fun time if you are in the weapons business like the US, UK, France, Germany and now China, Turkey, Korea.
It’s not about right and wrong. It never is. And the winners write the history.
Russia has become the largest country in the world through its eternal expansionism. At one time st Petersburg used to be Swedish territory. It was allied to Germany at the start of the last war and intended to carve up Europe. Which it f course did after the war. It is not a passive country beset by enemies
So funny, its like the British Empire never happened, or all the others including the current US empire. But, oooohhh Russkis bad.
No, Russkis are not bad, they just 200 years late.
Even Chairman Xi does not want to recreate Chinese Empire, Japanese and Germans understood how wrong they were, so they all succeeded within modern world.
The previously unknown Officers Club Manager, who was only promoted to colonel due to retirement, when Soviet Empire collapsed, still dreams to become Peter the Great 2.0.
Xi is only going back to the Mao era.
The US is not an empire, it prefers to bring independent states into the Alliance.
Yes absolutely, those 100s of bases overseas and virtually continous wars (actual and proxy) arent empire like at all.
Name the US colonies.
colony /kŏl′ə-nē/
A group of emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant territory but remain subject to or closely associated with the parent country.
A territory thus settled.
A region politically controlled by a distant country; a dependency.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition •
Russia displays captured American and British tanks with red banners proclaiming ‘Our victory is inevitable’ Vladimir Putin has put on display a collection of American and British tanks in Moscow, showcasing vehicles captured on the frontline in Ukraine as a symbol of Russian military prowess.
Herr Hitler professed an admiration for the imperial might of the British Empire in Zweites Buch {published in English as Hitler’s Secret Book} as proof of the racial superiority of the Aryan race, and British rule in India was held up as a model for how the Germans would rule Eastern Europe.
Herr Hitler expected England to join with Germany to fight the common enemy of Communism, however he was double-crossed by Churchill.
Now look at the UK and Europe today!
To some extent David I agree with your comments about driving China and Russia together but ultimately influence is driven by GDP and both lack a sustainable model for the future. They are socialist economies in structure they will struggle.
China expanded by stealing technology there is little left to steal and we are smarter now, Russia is still a centrally planned mess.
You really need to look at the the recent 12 year plan (6 committed, 6 aspirational) that Russia is embarking on off a sound base. It makes the West look like a chaotic mess , focused on enriching the 1%, for the next election cycle. I guess time will tell where the mess lies. Things have moved on from the 1970s.
That’s a surprising viewpoint yarpos. You really believe 12 year plans are anything more than propaganda? Stalin did 5 year plans. They were met on paper rather more than in reality and I doubt 12 year plans will fare any better.
Whether Putin or Xi or Biden or Trump, they’re just men who (want to) stand at the controls of a great machine, but these machines are not all that responsive because it’s more men (and women of course) all the way down. Nobody’s “in control”; the machine has a mind of its own, synthesised from all the little minds that make it up. The machine resisted Trump. Biden isn’t even in command of his own body, let alone the government. Putin doesn’t get his way either. Nor Xi.
Read it. It’s a clear statement of intent and far ahead of anything fools like Albanese and Biden could assemble. Crap like the voice is Albos idea of nation building.
I guess all we can do is watch what people do vs what they say. Everthing else is just whose propaganda you prefer
Most of the intellectual property was simply handed over in return for low manufacturing costs. It is inevitable that the people building stuff will come to understand how and why it is made.
China produces 50% of global steel. They produced 49Mdwt of shipping last year. Their navy fleet is now larger than the USA. And there is no effort being wasted to convert the fleet to solar power.
China already has small modular reactors in commercial operation. Australia is looking at Chinese expertise to establish a solar panel plant in Australia.
Russia has an enormous climatic hurdle that they have largely conquered but it comes at an economic cost. I could not imagine surviving in the Russian climate. And my prediction is that it will get more severe over the coming century. Last December provided an early indication of what is to come:
I find it hard to imagine that the Russians are unaware of how the coming glaciation is going to impact on their territory. They could very well be the first significant Climate Change refugees. If I was an influential Russian, I would be eyeing Afghanistan and the Sahara as the new frontiers.
Australia will look mighty habitable to northern tribes in the coming decades and into the next century. Image the population that Australia could support if it was turned into a green oasis running on nuclear power and large regions of the interior returned to permanent lakes.
Your timing is wrong on full glaciation, but a mini ice age is still on the cards.
it was meant to start in 2016. What happened to that?
Just another failed prediction.
For a mini ice age to begin there will have to be a long lasting volcanic eruption, probably in Iceland.
I fell out with the chief lawyer of a company I worked for, over the subject of IP. I pointed out that the main IP of any value to the company was still in the heads of their most brilliant designers, and that the company should focus on retaining those staff that had so far significantly contributed to the company’s rapid growth. I said that the existing “IP” should be regarded as old stuff, been there, done that. Naturally we disagreed, the company didn’t look after its key staff who all left, and the company went downhill rapidly. And of course all its “IP”, stored on computers and in design books, was thrown in the bin, zero value.
Also I was asked to value the worth of a major division of a major global company that was being offered for sale, at a “bargain” price of US$20m. I valued the actual worth at $2.5m, as I saw their IP as worthless.
The following video is from Their ABC (Australia) propaganda department from 2 days ago.
It’s entitled “The plans to make Australia into a renewable superpower“.
It’s tragic the amount of taxpayer money and resources being expended on this madness.
One of the things mentioned in passing is “green iron”. The fantasy used to be “green steel”. I’m not sure if that is a rebranding because Leftists don’t know the difference between iron and steel or not. Fortescue seems to now be talking about green iron rather than green steel.
Green iron is essentially pig iron, or the product straight out of the blast furnace before refining into steel in conventional non-green smelting or the unrefined product from whatever “green” smelting process is used, presumably direct reduction of iron ore with “green” hydrogen.
And if that’s what Fortescue want to export rather than iron ore, why would the Chicomms say no as the product will be subsidised by the Australian taxpayer and cheap for Emperor Xi.
Rather than a “renewables superpower” Australia has already achieved the status of stupid power.
I have already found Green Copper. It’s on the roof and domes of the Queen Victoria Building in the Sydney CBD. Mother Nature turned the copper green free of charge,
Gemany has spent over half a Trillion Euros to become a “renewable superpower” – perhaps the ABC should do a progam on how well that “investment” has worked out.
Another program for the ABC is how nuclear power has led France to be a low CO2 emitter with some of the cheapest electricity in Europe – much of which is exported to Germany and the UK.
Scott Ritter: Russia is Destroying Ukraine’s Troops in Huge Numbers, Exposing NATO
Herr Hitler’s biggest mistake was Operation Barbarossa the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany.
Hitler greatly underestimated the resolve and ability of the Russians who he saw as ethnically inferior people.
It was the Russians who destroyed the mighty Wehrmacht and not the Allies on D-day – this was just a cleaning up operation.
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” – Mark Twain
I love scrolling through YouTube for AGW videos and found a good one recently: Michael Mann debates Judith Curry on AGW (from 2018):
Great news.
The new Netherlands Government will be conservative (what the Left call “far right” since they are to the right of comrade Pol Pot) with a coalition including Geert Wilders’ party.
I’m guessing they will do something about open door immigration and “renewables” madness.
The “Hope, courage and pride” agreement introduces strict measures on asylum seekers, scraps family reunification for refugees and seeks to reduce the number of international students studying in the country.
“Deport people without a valid residence permit as much as possible, even forcibly,” the 26-page document says.
“We are writing history today,” Wilders proclaimed, saying he had made sure the three other coalition parties, including the one of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, had accepted the core of his program.
“The sun will shine again in the Netherlands,” Wilders said. “It is the strongest asylum policy ever.”
Now watch as they get attacked by the WEF followers and certain people ‘die in a car crash’..
They will not be allowed to go down this path. You can talk about it as an opposition politician, but trying to action something like this is like threatening a gold coinage- good enough to get hunted down and killed for ‘weapons of mass destruction’ or whatever the next excuse was for Gadaffi.
“Soy Brake Cables” eaten by foxes!
Hong Kong: Abandoned by the World! 530K Hong Kong Elites Exit in 3 Years,Replaced by 4Mn Mainlanders
Third Plenum: Xi Return to Mao’s Era?; When Will The CCP Fall? Ancient Predictions Provide Clues
Precious ‘woke’ academic professional offence-seeker fails to achieve victimhood-glory in her aggressive bid to punish an innocent attempt at friendly conversation.
It’s not racist to tell a Japanese person you like sushi, says judge
“Prof Nana Sato-Rossberg, an insect specialist, had accused Provost Claire Ozanne of being prejudiced, claiming she would not have said to a German “I like sausage”.”
Her head would have exploded if Ozanne had said “I like insects”.
“India makes breakthrough by test-firing new 3D-printed rocket engine (photo)”
FWIW – the latest covid variant
“This might be the dumbest variant name yet. But at least they’ve abandoned monsters and greek gods. HealthSite ran the coquettish story making the rounds this week dramatically headlined, “FLiRT COVID-19 Variant Spreading Rapidly In US: Can Existing COVID-19 Vaccines Protect You?” ”
“The headline dramatically asked whether existing vaccines “protect” folks from the FLiRT variant, but predictably, it never answered that question. I’m starting to see a trend with these querulous headlines. The closest it got was, right after admitting that jabs don’t protect you from catching covid, it encouraged folks to get jabbed anyways. For science.”
More at
Plus other things
Further down, an appraisal of the most recent AI breakthroughs-
” “OpenAI and Google are launching supercharged AI assistants. ….How did this Turing-test demolishing technology of human-like chatbots spring fully-assembled from nowhere, from multiple allegedly independent development teams, who admit they don’t completely understand how it works, and which rapidly reached this singular point in a handful of months?……But we are about to run head-first into a social and economic disruption more transformative than the last century’s auto and air technologies. The vast scale of its implications is literally unimaginable.”
nah, it will just get used to make bigger weapons and better porn. All the breakthroughs end up doing that, its the way humanity works.
Meanwhile in the art world (which you’re funding)
I clicked on the links. Don’t.
A reminder
“Wrong, Mainstream Media, Tree Rings Aren’t Reliable Indicators of Past Temperatures”
FWIW – like Medusa
“Low methane beef pattie experiment pulled from most Grill’d burger stores”
“Institutional investors bringing new requirements over sustainability”
Goes with the World Bank getting its oar in –
“World Bank Launches First Global Framework for Agri-Food Emissions”
Friday wtf: Could it be Klaus Schwab’s new line of bed sheets?
The perfect birthday gift for DM. 😁
Friday funny: how to become a vegetarian
One for the fishermen.
⚠️ Australia: digital ID bill just passed
The bill will now be presented to the Governor-General for Royal Assent — where it will officially become law in Australia.
This digital identity law is tied to mandatory injections in order to participate in society. Australia is typically the trial run nation before they bring it to the rest of the Western world.
Help, help, I’m being repressed.
Who will allow a repeat of the Covid crimes this time around?
not good
Home cooking vs fast food –
“#Bidenomics Update: Walmart Feeling Pret-tee Smug Right Now”
Anything showing up here?
One thing all religions share is dogma – beliefs that are not rational or provable.
If you burn coal you produce CO2 – if you burn word you produce CO2
But the dogma of the Climate Cult is that plants will only use the CO2 the arose from burning wood for photosynthesis and so burning wood is classifed as “green energy” while burning coal is evil.
Likewise the brains trust in Canberra believes that there are special filters on the power lines from NSW that only let “green electrons” into the hallowed grounds of Canberra so that Canberra in 100% supplied with green energy.
Mad yes – but believed by many.
Polar Amplification is an urban myth.
FWIW – not from “Their ABC”
“The ICC Has No Jurisdiction Over Israel”
More Middle East
“THIS NAKBA DAY MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY TRUTH: Also worth noting. Before the Palestinian cause became a thing, in the Arab world the “Nakba” or catastrophe wasn’t the displacement of Arabs from Palestine, but the failure of five Arab armies plus Palestinian Arab militias to wipe out the nascent state of Israel and kill or expel its Jewish residents.”
Much more there
“Slovakian PM Robert Fico was a Thorn in the Side of Ukraine Funding and EU/NATO Admission and the WHO Pandemic Treaty and an Avid Supporter of Slovakian Sovereignty”
“According to US media, Fico is a pro-Russian/anti-American Communist-turned-populist alleged criminal who plans to “take control of public media.”
However, according to Fico’s quotes cited by RT, he seems to be a Slovakia-First realist who understands the critical implications to his country, and the world, regarding a continued war between Ukraine and Russia that would eventually lead to WWIII. He is avidly against signing away Slovakia’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization in their Pandemic Treaty and has taken a firm stance against admitting Ukraine into NATO, a decision his single vote is capable of stopping.
And he was shot yesterday by an alleged ‘lone wolf’ gunman who supports progressive, pro-Ukraine ideologies.”
Nope, you’re not allowed to say sensible logical things like that, don’t try to break away from The Empire, it could be the death of you. Now, what were we saying about the Netherlands?
Oh My!
“Pro-Trump Artist Scott Lobaido Unveils “D*cks of Hazard” Outside Manhattan Courthouse with Faces of Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Engoron and Merchan (VIDEO)”
FWIW – flushed
“NIH Finally Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan After Fauci’s Repeated Denials Under Oath to Congress (VIDEO)”
Instapundit lead reporting that –
“YOU KNOW, IF MY SHOCKED FACE GETS THESE MANY OUTINGS IT’S GOING TO NEED REPAIR: NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials.”
More wear and tear
“AND AGAIN, BEHOLD HOW SHOCKED MY FACE IS: Exclusive: Former NIH Head Francis Collins Admits Covid Origins Not Settled, No Science to Back Social-Distance Guidance.”
Instapundit this morning –
Going to take some time to sort this mess out
Trudeau’s Brother Speaks Out: “Justin Is Not a Free Man”
Justin Trudeau’s younger half-brother: