Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school age children to treat lice in Canberra

Photo: Mihail_fotodeti

Back in 2010 some 700 children were enrolled in a trial to control head lice in two schools in Canberra. The most lice infected school not only gave ivermectin doses to 93% of all the children, but sent the drug home for their brothers and sisters too. The exact details are behind a paywall, but similar trials like this use oral doses of 200 micrograms per kilogram, which is, as it happens, the same dose the FLCCC recommends for adults to use for prevention against Covid.

At the end of the school trial, six months later, lice infestations were down by 87% and “No adverse events were reported. ”

But wait, what about all the diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and coma that may have befallen all these poor children? Who would be so reckless as to hand out this drug hither-thither with just a “fact sheet”?!

This is, after all, what the experts at University of Sydney, one of our”top” universities, are saying about ivermectin in 2021:

Thinking of trying Ivermectin for COVID? Here’s what can happen with this controversial drug

Taking a scientific approach to misinformation about unproven and potentially dangerous covid ‘treatments’, […]

Greens, Russia, Renewables industry forces UK government to “go Nuclear”

The irony — the renewables propaganda was so overdone that the EU and UK got caught with their pants down without enough stable fossil fuel powered electricity. European investors were so afraid gas and coal would be stranded assets that they stopped building reliable power generators. Russia supported the “anti-frack” movement in the West in order to sabotage competition, and now wants to squeeze a hot deal on its Big New Pipeline, so it has reduced the gas supply, so gas prices are headed for record highs and businesses are collapsing, food shortages are predicted. In the short run coal is being reinstated — Drax is thinking of keeping coal plants running. But the only long term path out of the Green-Energy-Quicksand without breaking the sacred “anti-carbon-dioxide” jinx is with nuclear power.

So thus, the greedy power grab and profiteering by the renewables industry, the globalists, the Chinese, the Russians and the Greens may force out cheap coal in the long run, but accelerate the dawn of a new era of nuclear power.

Suddenly government love nuclear

Here come the Small Modular Reactors:

Dawning of Britain’s ‘new nuclear age’: Gas crisis prompts ministers to ‘change focus’ with Kwasi Kwarteng poised […]

Global warming saves 166,000 lives a year: UN says Stop That Now

In a surprise, mammals with a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius do better in warmer weather

Who knew that global warming has saved 166,000 lives a year every year since 2000? Burn coal, save the world! Some countries are just not doing enough to help. Does your nation have a Net-100 Plan for 2050 to double CO2 emissions? It’s never too late to start. Countries that leave coal deposits undeveloped are not part of the solution.

Click to enlarge

Climate Change Saves More Lives Than You’d Think

Bjorn Lomborg, Wall Street Journal

… climate change has saved more lives from temperature-related deaths than it has taken. Heat deaths make up about 1% of global fatalities a year—almost 600,000 deaths—but cold kills eight times as many people, totaling 4.5 million deaths annually. As temperatures have risen since 2000, heat deaths have increased 0.21%, while cold deaths have dropped 0.51%. Today about 116,000 more people die from heat each year, but 283,000 fewer die from cold. Global warming now prevents more than 166,000 temperature-related fatalities annually.

Headlines predictably said “Heat Deaths Up 50%” since the year 2000. But Lomborg points out that most all […]

This month China has spray painted on its green tan, just in time for the Glasgow Climate Beauty Contest.

China doesn’t want to win the Glascow Climate Beauty Contest. It just wants the other contestants to keep fighting for the booby prize. They win the trophy and lose the trade war.

It’s Green paint for President Xi

China’s great green theatrical ploy fools the gullible Western leaders

Coal power is the cheapest source of electricity in the world and China controls most of it. Meanwhile it’s doing a smashing job of cheering on the other competitors as they take Coal Chastity Vows and run barefoot, naked and green into the quicksand pit of Energy Doom.

The UK and Europe are already thigh-deep, struggling with an energy shakedown of their own making. Yet China, with more coal power than the entire rest of the world combined, puts on the Green-cloak, beaming from Coal Mountain to tell us what sacrifices it will make.

This is the same China that built three times more coal power than the rest of the world did last year. The nation in 2020 that opened more new coal power than the rest of the world shut down.

China’s net construction of coal power capacity within the country grew by 29.8 gigawatts, essentially […]

No kids? Climate Change and Sustainability fears drive more young men than ever to get a vasectomy

Is there any better statement of the empty vacuum at the core of The West?

The greatest Civilization Earth has ever known has talked itself out of turning up for the future.

Why are so many young childless men getting the snip?

Artist, Marie Kroyer

By STEPHEN CORBY, The Australian

It takes a lot to rattle “The Ball Whisperer” [Dr Justin Low], as one of Australia’s most prolific vasectomists is known, yet he remembers being utterly taken aback the first time a young, childless man walked into his office and asked for the snip. “It was a shock. I do remember how I felt the first time a guy with no kids came to me, and it put me on the back foot,” Low recalls, still recoiling slightly. “I wasn’t prepared for it, I mean, not just as a ­doctor but as a lay person, there’s just this funny thing we’re brought up to think, doesn’t everyone want kids?”

Back when he started out at Marie Stopes Australia a decade ago, his job was very much about helping men who felt they’d had enough children, or possibly more than enough. […]

SARS-2 — When did Intelligence agencies know it was almost certainly a lab leak?

When did the national leaders figure out it was probably a leak from a Chinese bioweapon laboratory?

by BernbaumJG

It makes all the difference. If we had known in January 2020, the virus could have been stopped so easily. The likely bioweapon could have been left in China — just by stopping the flights and instigating a two week rigid quarantine.

Think about the effect it would have had in January 2020 if people thought Covid was a man-made experiment. The public would have clamored to stop the planes. Borders would have gone up overnight. There would have been much less of the fatalistic acceptance that it was just another inevitable pandemic “like the flu” that people had to deal with. The suppression of the “lab leak” theory served the CCP and Anthony Fauci and co. It also served Tedros Adhanom, the head of the WHO who told the world to keep the border open on February 2. But so far that suppression has cost nearly five million lives, plus the mayhem, economic damage, long illnesses and debility.

Last night Sky News aired the documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan by Sharri Markson. We find out more about […]

CDC Cautions Against Taking The Red Pill

ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has cautioned Americans against taking the red pill, as it can lead to severe side effects such as “realizing the truth about the way our society is manipulated by the elites” and “spending all your time on YouTube watching Jordan Peterson videos.”

“We’ve seen a lot of people recommend taking the red pill,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. “And we just have to remind everyone that the pill is not approved by the FDA or any other governing body. It could spread ideas like that freedom is a good thing and that thinking for yourself is a healthy American value. People might start getting the wrong idea.”

Meanwhile, the FDA is rushing out an emergency approval process on a new, stronger blue pill to counteract the red pill crisis.

Jo says read the rest at The BabylonBee. See the BluePill in the proto-Beta version at the TGA site, where the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration warns that Doctors are no longer allowed to prescribe the Red Pill because people on social media are getting the doses wrong.

Informed consent means being told that if you don’t take the Blue Pill, […]

“Fossil Fuels are a strategic asset” say people watching UK and EU perfect gas storm

It’s not even winter yet but suddenly all eyes are on the gas prices

Gas through the roof…

Thanks to fear of climate change voodoo many nations in the EU have effectively stopped exploring for gas and decided not to frack their shale deposits to get cheap gas too. (In Australia too). Vainglorious governments aimed to change the weather instead of having cheap electricity and lo, wind-towers were built everywhere.

What could possibly go wrong? Nearly everything.

Even the massive size of the European market hasn’t saved them from price rises so large that retail suppliers are collapsing, and fertilizer factories are closing.

Its a great way to give your enemies the upper hand

The wind drought in spring and summer meant that wind farms failed. Then the Russians squeezed gas supply in to the EU looking suspiciously like they were hoping to push up prices and pressure Germany into approving the controversial Nordstream 2 pipeline. Now the Kremlin is suggesting a quick approval will alleviate the gas shortage (they’re just trying to help). In the latest news one large interconnector between the UK and France has suffered a fire and broken down and won’t be restored til […]

Uttar Pradesh, India, wipes out Covid with ivermectin

Click to Enlarge | Map by Planemad

Something amazing has happened in Uttar Pradesh.

At the end of April in Uttar Pradesh, every day 35,000 people were catching Covid and 350 people were dying. With a population of 240 million people living in high density conditions, and with only 5% vaccinated, all the odds were against it.

This week across the whole state there were only 199 active cases in toto and a trickle of new daily cases.

Ponder that Utter Pradesh has about two thirds of the population of the USA and they’re living in a high density environment with a GDP of about $1,000 per capita, which is one sixtieth as much as the average American. To add some perspective, it was only three years ago that the government finally connected everyone up to electricity.

The richest nations in the world are failing.


33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now Covid-free

Hindustan Times Sept 10th, 2021

There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral […]

Shock-me-not: CO2 doesn’t cause multiple back-to-back disasters in Australia

Multiple Cyclones, Fires, Floods and Heatwaves striking Australians at same rate for last 55 years

Gissing et al looked at insurance losses and plotted all the times multiple disasters piled up on each other in a three month period in Australian history. Despite the monster headlines and three quarters of all human CO2 emissions occurring since 1966 there was no trend.

Three new studies affirm there has been no significant change in natural disasters, precipitation, or bushfire across Australia for the last several decades.

Kenneth Richard, NoTricksZone

From the paper:

“Here we utilise an Australian natural disaster database of normalised insurance losses to show compound disasters are responsible for the highest seasonal financial losses. … There has been no temporal trend in their frequency since 1966. “

The predominant and most predictable driver of climate-related disaster events is not anthropogenic global warming, or CO2 emissions, but the El Niño Southern Oscillation.

Bad things happen:

Global levels of CO2 rose from 320 to 405ppm and made no difference to Compound disasters.

h/t Neville and El Gordo


Gissing et al (2021) Compound natural disasters in Australia: a historical analysis, Environmental Hazards, […]

TGA bans largely safe drug because “people might not get vaxed”

The unelected, unaudited and unaccountable Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has decided that consenting adults and fully qualified doctors should not be allowed to use a drug off label that’s so cheap and safe the discoverers won a Nobel Prize. Something like 200 million people use ivermectin each year. After 33 years and 3.7 billion doses of use, it qualifies as one of the safest drugs around.

The TGA says it hasn’t found any evidence that ivermectin is useful against Covid, but then we have to ask, has the TGA looked?

Ivmmeta.com lists 60 studies involving 25,000 people that show its useful and 3 that don’t:

See Ivmmeta.com

So the TGA want to ban one drug to force the punters to pick the other drug?

Once upon a time the phrase would be “persuade me”. Now it’s just fines and jail if you disagree?

In the end the TGA appears to be banning it for psychological reasons, not medical ones — always a risky game to play when a group is trying to look like a medical agency, and not like a marketing team. It may have the opposite effect the TGA intends. If we want […]

Your Body, My Choice, says Biden

Babylon Bee

Biden announced that all companies with 100 or more employees must enforce mandatory vaccination. People will have the freedom to quit their job or perhaps get tested every week, and be treated like a leper…

It’s not about health — there is no allowance for people who have already caught Covid and survived, who likely have much better protection. Israeli research suggests people who have caught covid are 13 times less likely to get reinfected than the double vaxxed are to catch covid six months after vaccination. If the unvaxxed have to get tested, why don’t the vaxxed?

Something in this message does not add up. What could it be?

The virus is deadly, and the vaccine works, but you are too stupid to decide for yourself. Trust us, we care and respect you!

My headline above was shamelessly stolen from The Babylon Bee:

Biden Unveils ‘Your Body, My Choice’ Vaccination Program

Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a speech today, Joe Biden unveiled a brand new program to force the rest of the country to get vaccinated, entitled “Your Body, My Choice.”

Companies will be forced to […]

If CO2 mattered, the UN would prefer Australian coal

What will it solve if Australian coal stays underground? | Graph IEA

If Australia stops digging up clean high energy coal, hands up who thinks Indonesia, Russia, India or China will cut back too? Anyone?

Australia is stopping the world from digging up more dirty coal.

To lower greenhouse gas emissions — burn more Australian coal

But it’s never been about carbon dioxide…

Abolish our coal industry? Tell ’em they’re dreaming

Greg Sheridan, The Australian

Australia is typically the second biggest exporter of coal. But we are not the dominant producer of coal. Australia produces only about 6 per cent of the world’s coal. China produces about 50 per cent of coal globally.

Most nations that use coal have some coal of their own. Australia, with such a small population of 26 million, exports most of its coal. Our biggest coal export competitors are Indonesia, Russia, Colombia and South Africa.

In the event that we were self-destructive enough to abolish our coal industry, global coal use would not decline. Our export markets would be taken by Indonesia, Russia and so on. Countries such as China and India would be forced […]

Bizarre: Early samples from Wuhan patients also have bits of Influenza, Nipah, Leukemia, HIV

China sure has some explaining to do.

Samples of lung fluid were taken from five of the earliest people to get Covid. One team of researchers has just fished through the genetic entrails and discovered not just Covid, but a surprising “menagerie” of spare parts from other deadly viruses too. It almost looks like a grab bag sample of work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is especially significant since all 20 of those viruses were under study by the Wuhan Institute of Virology at the time.

Before anyone leaps to the obvious, the researchers point out that it might be contamination OR vaccine research. But no matter what it was, it seems to me that the WIV was working on a bunch of very deadly diseases and being Far Too Sloppy. Even if they were only trying to honorably create vaccines to this deadly array, a lab that leaky is no place for the highest risk bio-nightmare bugs to live.

That’s the nicest possible interpretation I can make. There are nastier ones…

Some body parts of an influenza virus known as H7N9 (Avian flu) were in the mix, as well as parts of Nipah virus. Avian flu […]

Nine o’clock horror: Climate change causes shape shifting animals

A postmodern coal-powered Cockatoo is larger, meaner and nastier than any bird photographed in the paleolithic. | Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

It’s a new horror to scare the kiddies:

Animals ‘shape-shifting’ as climate warms: study

Paris: Some animals are “shape-shifting” and have developed bigger tails, beaks and ears to regulate their body temperatures as the planet warms, according to a new study.

The Australian parrot, for example, had shown an average 4-10 per cent increase in the size of its bill since 1871 and the authors said this positively correlated with the summer temperature each year.

For one, do bird-bills cool birds? For two, how many parrot bills were measured in 1871 in Australia and do we think we would know if their bills got 10% bigger? For three, there is no “Australian parrot”, there are 56 different species. And fourthly, even if they had got bigger, and we could measure that, which we probably can’t, how do we know it’s not due to “something else” that changed in the last 150 years, like all the orchards, crops, trees and other things we planted? According to some botanists, there are more foreign plants […]

The media bonfire over imaginary hordes of Ivermectin casualties

The War on Ivermectin continues:

Photo of gunshot victims looking suspiciously overdressed for August heat waves.

After news spread that Joe Rogan took ivermectin for Covid the legacy media “discovered” (in the magical sense of the word) that people were overdosing on it. It was so awful that gunshot victims had to wait for treatment and people were going blind.

“Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctor says.”

As Dr Jason Mcelyea said:

“Some people taking inappropriate doses have actually put themselves in worse conditions than if they’d caught COVID.”

“The scariest one that I’ve heard of and seen is people coming in with vision loss.”

It was such perfect Psy-Ops against ivermectin it’s like it could have been written by a Hollywood studio. Within a day it turned out to be fake news. RollingStone got the hot quotes from Doctor Jason A. Mcelyea, who is affiliated with two hospitals in Oklahoma. One of the two, NHS Sequoyah, went so far as to issue a statement which basically said he hasn’t worked at the hospital in the last two months, and far from there being a […]

Big Pharma to the rescue: Ask your doctor about Pfivermectin*

For people wondering when this pandemic will end, the fastest way out is with drugs we already have, but they are too cheap. Luckily Big Pharma is here to save the day. Who knows when an extra methyl group, or a hydroxy add-on will find the drug we’ve all been waiting for — one that works like Ivermectin but costs so much more!

Thanks to the Babylon Bee.

Pfizer Releases Brand New, Never-Before-Seen Drug ‘Pfivermectin’.

After several successful rounds of trials and a quick overnight approval from the FDA, Pfizer proudly announced they will be releasing a brand new, never-before-seen COVID drug “Pfivermectin.”

“It’s important to understand that this drug is nothing like Ivermectin, even though Pfivermectin rhymes with Ivermectin and it pretty much does the exact same thing,” said Pfizer CEO Hans Pfizer. “Everyone knows Ivermectin is a widely discredited horse drug, and ours is not. Very important distinction there.”

Experts say that taking two doses of Pfivermectin every day at the first sign of COVID symptoms could lessen the severity and duration of the infection. Ivermectin will do the same thing, except it may also turn you into a horse […]

Two top FDA docs step down over booster shots

Dr Marion Gruber and Dr Phillip Krause were not just at the FDA, they had been there for 30 years and were heading up the teams that decided last week to approve Pfizer for 16 year olds last week.

Two Top FDA Vaccine Regulators Are Set to Depart During a Crucial Period

Noah Weiland and Sharon LaFraniere, New York Times

Gruber and Krause were upset about the Biden administration’s recent announcement that adults should get a coronavirus booster vaccination eight months after they received their second shot, according to people familiar with their thinking.

Neither believed there was enough data to justify offering booster shots yet, the people said, and both viewed the announcement, amplified by President Joe Biden, as pressure on the FDA to quickly authorize them.

They are worried about that Israeli data showing people vaccinated in January only had 16% protection left in July.

White House officials have stressed that the plan for Americans to start receiving boosters next month was uniformly endorsed by the most senior federal health officials, including Dr. Janet Woodcock, the acting FDA commissioner. They have described the need to develop a booster plan as […]

That’s compassion: Making students mentally ill for your own political gain

Tony Thomas has been reading academic papers so you don’t have to. Dr Blanche Verlie at the Uni of Sydney explores “the affective geographies of eco-anxiety” and seems to help create victims to study at the same time. A good business model maybe, but at the expense of mental health.

The more young people suffer, the more useful they are as political activists:

Getting Kids’ Climate Misery Just Right

Tony Thomas, Quadrant

Dr Blanche Verlie,Uni Sydney

Verlie correctly concedes that “climate anxiety can intersect with and contribute to clinically diagnosable mental illness” born of “hopelessness, disillusionment or apathy”. But she explains helpfully (if I might paraphrase) that the more kids suffer the better chance they’ll become green activists. In her own words,

climate anxiety is not an illness or disorder, but an appropriate and even valuable source of discomfort that can provide an important lens to help people re-evaluate what is important to them and find meaningful ways to inhabit the world. Education’s remit for cultivating critical thinking and empowerment thus makes it an exciting realm for supporting young people to contribute to what Verlie (2019a) [she is speaking of herself in […]

UN Climate conference banishes nuclear industry. China and renewables investors relieved.

The global nuclear industry has put in fifteen applications to display exhibits at the up-and-coming UN Climate COP26 event in Glasgow. But all fifteen have been rejected in preference for exhibits from industries that appear to solve climate problems but have little effect on actual emissions.

Nuclear power poses an existential threat to the Climate Porn and Fear Industry, potentially causing mass job losses by providing thousands of years of reliable electricity as well as grid scale spinning inertia, FCAS, and reserve capacity too.

President Xi could not be contacted, but has in the past encouraged the rest of the world to keep trying to cut emissions in the most expensive way possible.

Imagine what the world would look like if the UNFCCC wanted to solve the climate crisis? (And if there was one?)

hat tip GWPF

UK Govt under fire as nuclear industry claim they have been banned from COP26

The Sunday Telegraph

Up to 15 applications from nuclear-related bodies are understood to have been rejected by Mr Sharma’s COP26 Unit in the Cabinet Office.

They included an application involving the World Nuclear Association, which represents the global nuclear […]