By Jo Nova
Isn’t it time we talk about The attempted Coup (and the media)?
In the two weeks since Elon Musk spoke to Joe Rogan for three hours, the media has ignored it, trivialized it, or reduced it to “Elon tries to explain his Nazi salute”. Here was the richest man in the world, best friends with the most powerful man on Earth and he’s talking without an autocue, walking through the underbelly of the US government and describing the “greatest scam in human history” and the media are discussing the weather.
Thanks to DOGE we now know that the US government spent $270 million on 6,200 journalists, which presumably buys a lot of “Nothing to see here”. Which is exactly why I feel an urge to pass this on.
What Musk describes is the ultimate pork barrelling
Instead of giving our tax dollars to buy votes in marginal seats, it looks like the Democrats were giving away the country, to buy voters to fill marginal states, so they could stay in power. By offering up free houses, free healthcare and free citizenship to non-citizens, as Musk describes it, the Democrats (really, the whole Blob) […]
By Jo Nova
We need to understand the Machine
The way Mike Benz explains the world, crazy things seem to make sense, but it is at its core, a dark and deep corruption that for most us, has been operating for our whole lives. It is, though, depressingly easy to believe that people with virtually unaccountable power, even those who start with good intentions, end up at the gates of hell, discussing “heart attack guns”.
For the deep state, the dark art of influencing elections started on foreign governments, but once the CIA and State Department had honed the skills they needed, and broken every rule, what would stop them doing the same thing on domestic politics “to save democracy”? In a sense, it is as if a World War II no-holds-barred mentality has lived on to this day.
If what Mike Benz says is correct, there is no way that those who apparently influence elections all over the world will give up that power easily, especially in the most important election.
Mike Benz: Speedrunning The History Of The Intelligence State
Presented Hillsdale College, transcribed at RealClearPolitics
Something has gone very wrong — that intelligence, which […]
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
By Jo Nova
For three years they told us it was the most secure election in history, and only deniers would question the result, but a simple poll of voters by the The Heartland Institute shows cheating was widespread in mail-in voting.
In the contest to decide who would control the most powerful country on Earth, as many as 43% of voters cast ballots by mail. If the media pundits care so much about democracy, why didn’t they do a poll like this two years ago? Why didn’t the Republicans or the Democrats? Presumably they knew what they would find.
As David Evans points out, this adds up to 13 million fraudulent votes out of 158 million total, nearly double the difference between the Biden tally of 81 million and Trump result of 74 million. That alone could easily have swung things.
In terms of the future of Western Civilization, it’s hard to think of anything much more important than US election security. Almost all the other crimes depend on who’s writing the rules, or who has the power to set things straight. As Mark Steyn says he’s increasing weirded out […]
By Jo Nova
We’re at an extraordinary moment in history. Of Republicans, 69% now believe Biden’s win was illegitimate. In spite of a relentless propaganda campaign, as many as 38% of all US voters think that “Biden did not legitimately win enough votes to win the presidency”. Think about how devastating that is to a democracy. Rather than dealing with this, CNN calls four out of ten Americans “election deniers” which perversely works to endorse Trump’s claims of the “Fake News Media”.
Despite the censorship, despite the indictments, or actually because of them, the deep pervasive sense that democracy itself is broken is widespread.
Campaign ads like this will not only tap into that but grow it.
This Trump campaign ad is pure Fire. 🔥🔥🔥
Vote for Trump and Stop Globalism. 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/2fjxYymjfV
— Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 (@PU28453638) August 4, 2023
This ad is a call to arms to face down the name-calling, the bullying and intimidation. It’s a great strategy to undermine one of the biggest tools in the Big-Government program:
Never give up.
*Headline corrected from Six out of ten Voters to 69% of Republicans.
9.9 out of […]
This is a public service announcement for Victorian voters in their election today. Rebel News has footage of preferences-dealer Glenn Druery admitting he set the “Sack Dan Andrews” party up deliberately to harvest votes which will eventually return to Labor in preferences. Druery wants Labor to stay in power. This seems like the sort of thing Victorians might want to know before they vote.
See Rebel News and spread the word. Where was “the ABC”? — Good luck to Victorians.
Reader Yarpos suggests Turning Point Australia to see how your preferences flow before voting.
9.5 out of 10 based on 50 ratings
Voting is open, so presumably, is cheating, which will win?
Betting markets are predicting a Red Wave, but the richest nation in the world can’t afford to use paper ballots, check ID, and can’t count the votes on election night anymore.
2022 Midterms Forecast
Don’t forget, Trump looked like it had it in the bag on the night:
Darren Beattie, Revolver
Bookies gave Trump roughly 75% odds of a second term, and on PredictIt Trump’s odds of victory peaked at above eighty percent.
In a never-before-seen development in American politics, counting in key states went on for days on end. Over the course of those extra days, Trump’s leads in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania shrank and then vanished. Legal efforts to block what was unfolding and contest certain questionable ballots went nowhere, and on January 20, it was Joe Biden who took the oath of office.
A well funded cabal of shadowy forces “fortified” the 2020 election results, we know this, because they told us so. The election win was no accident, they bragged. As they said in Time Magazine, corporations worked with one side of government behind the scenes to influence […]
A radio journalist was at the Jan 6 riots and thought the FBI would want his detailed footage showing men smashing windows and trying to incite others to join in. The odd actors dress strangely, act differently, have radio’s strapped on, and push people into the Capitol Building at times, and Bobby Powell has 29 minutes of high definition video, on the terrace, up close, but the FBI don’t want to find out who those people are. They are not sitting in jail, like others accused of Jan 6 crimes. Their photos are not even posted on the most-wanted lists.
Journalist Bobby Powell has spent 16 months trying to get anyone to pay attention in officialdom. He posted the video on Twitter of the US Capitol Police and within five minutes his Twitter account was permanently suspended. Google demonetized his Youtube account. Facebook took down his live streams, and now Paypal has shut his donation account. He spoke to some of biggest names in broadcast news but no one was interested in “a story about alleged government agents attacking the capitol”. Now he has sold his own home to keep going.
The one person who is interested is Brad Geyer, […]
2000 mules is in 300 US theatres from Saturday May 7th. It premiered last weekend to reviewers.
Instructions far below on how to watch it since it might be a while before Warner or Disney pick it up. Dinesh D’Souza has to reinvent a whole new way of distributing it.
Tierney: They have proof
I saw Dinesh’s movie “2000 Mules” last night. It provides massive evidence and concrete verifiable proof (digital & video) that the election was rigged. An informant from Arizona also detailed how she participated in the scheme and explained how it worked.
At the conclusion of the movie, two well-respected Salem radio hosts — Larry Elder & Dennis Prager — who have both vehemently DENIED voter fraud up to this point — were totally convinced that America was robbed — and ANGERED that they had been played. The theater applauded!
They have proof that the scheme took place in large counties in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. These are all states that President Trump won in 2016 but mysteriously flipped to Biden in the middle of the night in 2020.
The mules averaged 38 visits during the 2020 […]
Dominion Voting Machine
What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”.
Judge Amy Totenberg decided it was all far too hairy, and too late to do anything, so she sealed the entire 25,000 word report by Dr Alex Halderman. But strangely in September the following year the author was still unable to send these “national security” documents to DHS-CISA. They were still legally sealed, and he was unable to give that information to the government.
Dr Patrick Byrne, the Stanford graduate of Philosophy, and also Asian studies, polymath, and self made Overstock billionaire wrote a story last October that in a normal world would have printed its own front page headlines, along the lines of “Scandalous report on Risks of Dominion Voting Machine Suppressed before 2020 election”. Naturally, no one has heard about it. Note that the report and study was done before the elections and contains no evidence that the 2020 elections were […]
He did all the right things but his business, his life’s work has been ruined. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to a Mac repair store and left it behind. The whistleblower who owned that store acted legally in every way, but now faces bankruptcy and lives with constant threats. He financially would have been so much better off if he has dropped the laptop in the bin. John Nolte at Breitbart has a long interview with John Paul Mac Isaac about the remarkable efforts he went to to do the right thing. His father is a retired Air Force Colonel, and he also tried to do the right thing but was rebuffed.
The whole interview is worth reading. The scandal (above and beyond The Biden family) is the combined failure of the FBI and the media. Repeatedly, the FBI failed the nation, protected the corrupt by sitting on this laptop for months and intimidating the whistleblower. Then the media did the same, covering up for the compromised, blaming it on a Russian hack. All the media that is, except for The New York Post, Tucker Carlson and sites like Breitbart.
People need to know what’s going on.
Nolte: Hunter […]
Patrick Byrne sums up the latest in the Maricopa County Audit. We knew it was bad, but it’s like the election was run by the underage mafia branch of activist dropouts. The leadership of the most powerful nation in the world depended on it, but no one had updated the software in two years, a twelve year old must have been in charge of printing and a million files, a whole million, were deleted the day before the subpoena deadline. The day before.
A quarter of a million early votes have no custody trail, just magically appearing. And while most people could sign their names before the election, everyone who was illiterate in Maricopa found a way to vote in bins and buckets that would only be counted after election day. What were the odds?
The printing calibration was off, the ink bled through the paper, which was suspiciously low quality, and the votes were certified before people voted, indeed before the ballot papers were even printed. It’s like someone committed a crime, but didn’t even try to cover it up.
Patrick Byrne:
The Maricopa election should not have been certified, and the reported results are not reliable The day […]
Joe Biden officially won Arizona by about 10,000 votes, but 23,000 voters have moved, 10,000 potentially voted in multiple counties, 9,000 extra ballots appeared that were not officially sent. So there were at least four times as many dubious votes as Biden’s theoretical margin. Bigger and possibly quite a lot worse than this — was that the Election Management Database and files were deleted, subpoenaed equipment was withheld and some logs were not preserved. The chain of custody was broken and machines that weren’t meant to be connected to the internet, were connected. It’s not that the US doesn’t have free and fair elections, which it doesn’t, but that it’s not even trying.
No team that won 80 million real votes, and cared about public confidence would have made it so hard to audit, delayed for so long, and destroyed so much data.
The Democrat fog machine is shouting that the vote count shows Biden won “and by even more votes”. They appear to be hoping that if they say it loud enough and often enough people won’t notice the Biden won a crooked election.
The only thing we know for sure is that we’ll never know who the people […]
Lithuania, 1955
There are almost no brave people left in academia, or sport, or the land of celebrity. When one of their own faces the axe for some random transgression of an invisible rule book on political niceties, their colleagues abandon them.
In academia, they’re supposed to be the intellectual cream of the crop –the individual giants who fought their way to the top. But it’s like we’ve selected for wary herding people instead. And perhaps that’s the point. When universities were turned into schools and businesses, and quirky philanthropist funding became predictable Big-Government largess, the mavericks and rebels didn’t fit and one by one were expelled, sacked — or just pushed sideways til they fell out. What’s left in the wasteland of academia, apparently, are the mid-wit networking climbers. The middling Ordinaires rose into positions above their due and became afraid of losing the sweeter deal than they deserved. If they were the top dogs in their field, and if that mattered, they could speak their mind, get sacked, and still be offered a new position at a competing institution. But second rung players don’t have that option. They won’t put their head above the parapet and […]
Biden won Arizona (theoretically anyway) by 10,457 votes. But mail-in ballots went forth and must have multiplied because 74,000 baby new ballots appeared in the final count that were never posted out. Strangely – after the election was over, 18,000 voters just disappeared off the rolls while 11,000 appeared from nowhere. The latter were people who weren’t on the rolls on November 7th, yet they voted, and then were on the rolls on by December 4th.
Despite Biden winning he’s had the most dreadful luck — the voting software was old and easily breached, and all the access logs showing the Democrat’s complete innocence were somehow completely wiped in March — just like that, poof? Then there were the ballots that were printed on different paper that bled, even though all votes were meant to be on bleedproof Votesecure paper?
And some people wonder why doubts about the Biden Government don’t go away…
Final results are coming soon:
Arizona Audit Finds Massive Irregularities, Including More Than 74,000 Mail-In Ballots Counted Than Mailed Out
By Debra Heine, American Greatness
More than 74,000 mail-in ballots were received in Maricopa County, Arizona than appear to have been mailed out, […]
Entrapment on Capitol Hill: Did the FBI infiltrate and even lead the riot?
Capitol Hill, January 6
A very strange pattern
Many people are still being held in jail, without bail, five months later, but some of the people who appeared to be the most aggressive activists at Capitol Hill didn’t even get indicted. Were these people legally protected because they were undercover operatives or informants working with the FBI? If so, how much did these actors instigate events and thus entrap genuine protesters?
And if the FBI knew this event was going to happen, on “the most important day ever in Congress”, why didn’t they stop it and let Congress debate the question of whether the election was stolen? Seven US states had sent in dual electors, effectively choosing both Biden and Trump, and a growing number of Senators in five of those states had upped the ante by calling for an official decertification. All that Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani and 88 State Senators were asking for, was a ten day delay so those key states could consider the new evidence and vote again and choose one set of electors.
Look who benefited from the Capitol Storming?
The Sequel is out– Absolute Interference is the followup to the Absolute Proof video is out. There’s new information in here, more details, cross checks, and missing pieces. The vote rigging appears to have happened across every state and county. The software is opaque, no one can check it. We’re told the machines are not connected to the internet but they are. The Democrats were worried about the electronic voting machines a year ago but now, it’s just a conspiracy theory. US intelligence agencies say that cyber attacks from foreign entities are happening regularly. In Dr Franks analysis of Ohio (a state thought to be okay) there was an improbable 100% registration in all 88 counties, and the same voting proportions in each age bracket in every single county. In other news, it looks like poll workers may have had phones built by a Chinese electronics company that acted as a wifi hot spots sending messages back to China.
“Proves we had foreign interference in our election”.
It’s history in the making — the highest stakes, most aggressive political battle since the cold war, but this time the US is losing. Things can still be turned around, but […]
Expert criminal profilers who work for insurance companies looked at the 2020 election and saw a “sovereign level crime”. A crime so big that parts of the government must have been “a participant, active or passive, enabling vote fraud.” These were part of the team that didn’t investigate Hunter Bidens lap top for nearly a year….
The criminal profilers estimate that the crime was so well developed that small runs of fraud must have been already at work, in test runs in past elections, and they want to hunt for that evidence now…
And they warn that unless they are caught, the fraudsters will only grow. The good news is that there is already insurance software that can check and catch dead, moved, and out of state voters on-the-spot as they try to vote. But the legislatures and FBI aren’t going to do that unless The People speak loudly and speak now…
If these experts can predict where and when the worst future election fraud is most likely to occur, we just hope that somehow someway there predictions can be used to stop it.
The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud By Jay Valentine, American Thinker Our team members […]
“The biggest attack in history?”
For those without much time, watch (below) from 1 hour 36 mins where Mary Fanning goes through forensic evidence listing logs she claims shows foreign interference. The data offered allegedly shows the timestamp, the IP, the attempts, which county and the ID of the computer they broke into, how many votes were switched, the method used, and whether there was a firewall intrusion. Apparently “there are thousands of pages of documentation like this.” Fully 66% of the attacks or intrusions are apparently coming from China, from Hauwei, Cloud service, Alibaba, China Unicom, U cloud, China mobile T-tong etc.
Youtube and Twitter have deleted Lindell’s video and banned him. Isn’t it better if these claims gets aired and discussed in detail so the voters of the US can feel assured that elections are free and fair, or that if this is real, problems with elections will be resolved.
Details of “vote adjustments” done by foreign IP addresses.
UPDATE: See the note at the base * checking these IP’s.
Unless someone went out there faking up thousands of pages of details, this would be warfare.
UPDATE: If these logs are faked it presumably would […]
There is no evidence anyone cheated in the US 2020 election — and we know that for sure because there is no evidence anyone was honest either. There is just no evidence. They’ll sue you if you ask for evidence. Indeed it would be illegal if they provided some evidence. War is peace. Black is white, and ballots are not for counting.
The people in charge of the election in Maricopa County Arizona are so sure they did their job honestly and well that they sued the jumped up domestic seditionists who wanted an audit. That would be the Arizona Senate. But what would they know about elections?
Maricopa County Preventing Valid Audit of 2020 Election Results
by Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit
A month ago the Arizona Senate voted to have the audit performed and the MCBOS sued them to stop the audit. Then once the inauguration occurred the MCBOS agreed to have their results audited but they would select the auditors. This was so the MCBOS could choose an auditor who would rubber stamp their results. The MCBOS even stated they would only use EAC certified auditors which limited the population of auditors to the […]
To heal the nation the Democrats want to take all the high risk, cheatable ideas from the swing states in 2020 and make sure that every other state has to use them too.
If state voters have any idea that they can get more honest voting with leverage on State Legislatures, the Democrats want to stop that too.
The HR 1 bill would ban state governments from asking voters to provide ID to get an absentee vote. It would allow people to harvest votes and dump them. It takes more power from the State Legislatures and gives it to guess who?
It’s almost as if the Democrats don’t expect to win any more elections fairly. Feel the fear that 2020-style-loopholes need to be locked in and more widespread by 2024.
Meanwhile Democrat Stephanie Murphy wants to purge out anyone from the Federal Government who doesn’t hold the right opinions. If, say, a Federal worker had any reason to think there was corruption going on around them, they couldn’t say so, lest it be deemed a baseless conspiracy according to the Democrat Book of Permitted Facts, whereupon dissenters could be sacked.
“Under Stephanie Murphy’s bill, anyone who criticizes Stephanie […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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