69% of Republican US voters think the election was stolen

By Jo Nova

We’re at an extraordinary moment in history. Of Republicans, 69% now believe Biden’s win was illegitimate. In spite of a relentless propaganda campaign,  as many as 38% of all US voters think that “Biden did not legitimately win enough votes to win the presidency”. Think about how devastating that is to a democracy. Rather than dealing with this, CNN calls four out of ten Americans “election deniers” which perversely works to endorse Trump’s claims of  the “Fake News Media”.

Despite the censorship, despite the indictments, or actually because of them, the deep pervasive sense that democracy itself is broken is widespread.

Campaign ads like this will not only tap into that but grow it.

This ad is a call to arms to face down the name-calling, the bullying and intimidation. It’s a great strategy to undermine one of the biggest tools in the Big-Government program:

Never give up.

*Headline corrected from Six out of ten Voters to 69% of Republicans.


9.9 out of 10 based on 84 ratings

99 comments to 69% of Republican US voters think the election was stolen

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    God, I hope he prevails. I don’t think anyone else is brave enough or determined enough to overcome the globalist swamp (media, politicians, bureaucrats, idiot celebrities, big tech and the other ‘bigs’), and set an example for the rest of the western world.
    Australia will sink further if we keep on the current path.


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      It’s preposterous!

      But there are signs that it is possible. It may have happened.

      The Air Vent, who displays that rare talent, competence in statistics, about a year ago cited some data for which I have forgotten some of the particulars. But I remember some numbers.

      About 18 batches of votes, totalling about 340,000, with “statistically none” for Trump. “Statistically none” I read as less than 0.5%.

      He was right to infer that in the natural world that can’t happen. Nowhere will you find a group of people that size with less than 1 in 200 dissenting. If you could you would see it more often.

      And it just so happened that 340,000 was just enough to take Biden from behind to in front. Fancy that!

      So how could fraud on that scale be possible?

      Firstly, with computerised counting it is possible to know how you are running. You know how many votes you need.

      Assuming that each vote is a piece of paper appropriately marked, I see only two possible sources for those exclusively Biden votes. 1. Votes which have already been counted and sorted, or 2. A printing press.

      But how could it be possible to get away with printing that many ballots?

      Again with computers, it would be possible to prepare in advance a list of people who are enrolled to vote but habitually don’t vote. It would even be possible to have those votes pre printed.

      We live in interesting times.


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        Brenda Spence

        Here is how they did it…


        Here’s the fraud equation taking place

        Count the in-person votes on election day. 
        Count the early, in-person votes.
         Shut down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County everything).
         Bring in undeliverable ballots gathered when you changed voters’ names, addresses, or zip codes, then changed them back.
        Determine the votes you need to win. 
        Press the “WIN” button.
        Wait for the Republicans to file a lawsuit months later.


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          August 5, 2023 – Still Doubting the 2020 Election

          NBC is reporting — with a supposed sense of shock — the results of a Monmouth poll that nearly one-third of Americans think the 2020 presidential election was rigged.

          And they further reiterate that there is no evidence for fraud.

          There’s no evidence widespread fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election, but Trump and allies have spent years undercutting the election’s legitimacy.

          Wow! It must be so. The main stream media assure us that the election was honest. Yet one third of Americans still believe the election was a fraud.

          I am shocked, shocked.

          Anyone who questions the election result is called a fascist or subjected to a lawsuit or prosecution. So for the moment, we will not question the integrity of write-in ballots, nor the security of voting machines — to avoid pernicious litigation.

          Let us just look at the official results…from the official federal government figures.

          In 2016, Donald Trump got 62,984,828 votes, while in 2020, he got 74,223,975 votes — an increase of 11,239,147.

          In 2016, the Democrats got 65,853,514 votes, while in 2020, the Democrats got 81,283,501 votes — an increase of 15,429, 987.

          Wikipedia’s figures are taken from the Federal Elections Commission reports (2016, page 10 and 2020, page 10).

          Altogether, 26,669,134 more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2016. Approximate 20.6% more votes were cast than were cast four years earlier.

          Where did these votes come from?

          From the figures at macrotrends, from 2016 to 2020, the population of the United States increased by 8,731,805 — roughly one third the increase of voters from 2016.

          So we are asked to believe that the voting base increased at three times the rate of the population. And no one is to question this? And NBC cannot figure out why so many people are so suspicious?

          Here is a clue. The increase in voters in preposterous. This is the smoking gun. The 800 lb gorilla in the room. The fox in the hen house.

          I know there can be a surge in voting when elections are hard fought, but 20.6%?


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            The manipulation was easy to see from the live TV coverage of the count on election night and the wee small hours of the next morning. The count was proceeding with about 55% of votes going to Trump. Then at about 1am, votes started to go at about 100% for Biden until Biden was ahead of Trump.

            The live coverage was most likely deleted soon after Biden was declared winner


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            Per wikipedia, which we can all edit [if allowed by the powers that be], total votes cast in 2016 were 136,669,276; and in 2020 158,428,631 – including all candidates [Green Libertarian etc.] in each election. [consulted about 2145Z/6th August].
            Still an increase of – by eye – about 17%, which is pretty big.



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        I commented on an article about Trump in The Australian that reported that he was being prosecuted for trying to defraud the electoral system (by calling for an investigation of lost or fraudulent votes). I wrote….

        Trump did not try to defraud the electoral system. He claimed that the electoral system in some states was fraudulent and that is what lost him the election. Will we ever know?

        My comment was rejected, again! I am not sure if I am a “flagged” contributeur to The Oz, but I seem to get an awful lot of my comments re the Voice, Trump, Covid or the Climate Scam rejected. Perhaps I should stop trying to tell the truth.


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          Meetoo# !? I presented comments at that ersatz publication and I was regularly rejected. The Australian gets its foreign affairs piped in from Washington direct to be deseminated by the likes of Cameron and Sheridan. I come to the conclusion that it’s a little too left for my likings. It still editorilises in favour of the volce after all the revelations. A waste.


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        Wisconsin and Michigan had unnatural jumps in Democrat votes at 0300-0400 when the electoral offices swore blind counting had stopped. It was explained as ‘oh, well, they’re the votes from wholly Democrat counties!’

        That doesn’t explain the photocopied ballots – as seen on camera – the manipulated Dominion voting machines, nor the amount of dead people voting. The overt corruption of the vote in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania.

        I think Guiliani bungled the case in Georgia and that gave the Democrats the latitude to go after Trump.


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    Graeme No.3

    The USA voting system is corrupt and has been for many years. Partly due to the various States making their own rules and partly because both sides want their own areas of control to be allowed. Pork barreling was, I think, an american invention.
    Eventually the USA will have to reform or split, and another election where fraud is obvious may well lead to this split.


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      Curious George

      No. The election was not stolen at the ballot box. It was stolen by suppressing the Hunter Biden news – in newspapers, in social media.


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        John Hultquist

        C.G. is almost correct.
        “Stolen” is an undefined term.

        Eventually, the context will become clear.
        First, voting fraud was not sufficient to cause the loss; that is not to say there were no problems with the voting.
        A major problem was the collusion of the media and the Democratic Party members to promote false information about Trump, and to suppress information damaging to their interests.
        The second major problem was Trump being Trump. Think of it as a conflict of style and class. Actor James Steward had style and class that most everyone liked. The Donald had opinions about what the Government should do (his style) but he exhibited anti-classy behavior. In this sense, he was his own worst enemy. Hilary C. had similar problems.
        All this being said: If Trump and Biden are our choices, I will vote for Trump – again.


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          Curious George

          Would it be fair to say that the election was stolen by COVID-19?
          Any doubt that without it Trump would have been re-elected?


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            John Hultquist

            That would be a big part of Trump being Trump.


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            It certainly is fair.

            One of the real world fundamentals of democracy is that when things are tough a lot of people blame the incumbent. And things don’t get much tougher than the way “we” reacted to CV19. It would have been a miracle had he won.


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        most Americans have not seen much, if any, of the evidence of the corruption as the biased predominant corporate media doesn’t air it. They “lie” through omission.
        A fascist government is currently in power in America but most Amercans don’t recognize it


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        Leo G

        The election was not stolen at the ballot box.

        Not so much stolen, in my view, but sold off in parcels by congress and state legislatures to lobbyists over many decades. US elections are now directed to outcomes inimical to the long-term interests of electors.


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    Anybody who thinks the 2020 US election was legit is either wilfully blind, brainwashed, cognitively disabled, or hiding under a rock.
    It was evident at the time to anyone paying attention, and since then mountains of evidence has been piling up for the last 3 years.
    The problem is in Western nations a large fraction of the population isn’t even paying attention, they’re just not interested so they are sitting ducks for whatever slop is fed to them. And that’s what they dutifully regurgitate if you try to have a conversation with them.


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      John Connor II

      Anyone who thinks the 2024 election will be valid or that Trump/deDantis/RFK have the slightest chance of winning has mental faculties on par with pedo Joe.
      And that is precisely why what’s forecast to happen is unavoidable. The neocons will NEVER EVER EVER allow any of them to win. Their mistake with Trump will not be repeated.
      Buckle up for the show.


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        It appears to be the case where the establishment globalists who are the mainstream Republicans and Democrats combined with media and institutions who will continue to pollute the system. Only Trump and the governments of Russia and Hungary seem to be resisting this wave of insanity. Why have trust in the democratic process when these globalists are continuing to subvert? There is turmoil ahead.


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        will NEVER EVER EVER allow any of them to win

        The last 2 elections in Victoria have illustrated the sheer dominance of the international organised crime cartel over our lives.
        Victoria is effectively a one-party state run by one secretive man, who has secret meetings with the worlds most powerful evil dictator.
        The liberal party was thoroughly captured long ago and is now just the maggot-infested corpse of a once great ideal.
        Half the public is trapped in the mainstream media matrix and the self-delusion of the Gell-Mann amnesia effect.
        All they can do is vote Dan. That’s their only knowledge of politics and their pathetic illusion of democracy. What other choice do they see?
        If the critical mass of public minds ever work out they’re being dudded, in their powerlessness their instinctive reaction will be to rise up in anger and protest which will play into the hands of the overlords who can then declare martial law and go full strength.
        That’s why education is so important and has been so destroyed.
        It’s why the strength of the family as a solid foundation for the formative years of childhood and youth, and a model for the state is so important and is being so destroyed.
        Is there in fact any hope?
        That is irrelevant and unknowable.
        It’s most important is we must not lose hope.
        Only those who give up have lost.
        For our children, for the world, and for our own well-being and integrity, we must not lose sight of what is good and fair and true, and must endeavour to keep pursuing it..


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    Steve of Cornubia

    The next US election will be fixed, but they’re not stupid enough to do it the same way twice. I think their plan this time is to remove Trump before the campaign even starts, hence the constant litigation. They of course know that putting Trump in jail would only invigorate the conservative movement and that’s the last thing they need, so their hope is that they can scare him into withdrawing. If that happened, the Republicans will choose another RINO swamp creature, probably from Florida, to ensure continuation of the status quo.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Seems to me is they only have to arrange the odd delay to ensure he’s still before the courts on election day…
      No problem for these lawfare experts.


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      DeSantis is a good man. Unlike Trump, who grumbled about the swamp, he actually took it on in Florida.


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    See the book “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza for how the Dems stole the election.


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    Rousing videos, but even if he somehow won, draining the swamp is impossible now.


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    People are often reluctant to tell pollsters what they really think and give the politically correct answer instead.
    I’m pretty sure that in America, everybody and his dog knows that the 2020 election was rigged. It’s just a question of whether they want to admit it.


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      Or is that just false consensus bias?

      You have to remember that the vast majority of people won’t have had the time/interest/curiousity to seek out the information you see as the evidence that convinced you.


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    Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray

    I think the Reps could make a stronger case if they talked about Hunter Biden, and the Laptop. This shows that even if the Press is free, it doesn’t need to be fair.


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    Gerry, England

    As we have seen, every time more evidence against Dementia Joe and his crime family is unearthed there is another indictment against Trump. He even predicted the latest indictment. And there is no way that any of this scares Trump and he would happily be the first President to be elected while in prison. As for being able to drain the swamp second time around, I think the last 3 years have produced massive evidence of the corruption of all the US agencies and a much greater percentage of the public understand how much corruption there is. So Trump will be better informed, better placed and better supported in dealing with the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc.

    If the election is stolen again then a split in the states looks highly likely with Red States forming a new confederacy and the likes of California splitting to confirm New California. Could a war break out? Possibly, but who knows which way the military will go, and by that I mean those who fight not those at the desks with their gay/pervert rainbow flags. November 2024 will be big for the free – or freeish – world as we will have an election here in the UK.


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      Even the ALP in Australia understands that you have to stop the boats to stop the deaths. Give desperate people a glimmer of hope and they will prostitute themselves, at high personal risk, to get a chance.

      Biden has done the worst possible thing conceivable to disadvantaged people across the globe by opening US borders. RFK lr can appreciate this and is running against Biden for the Democrat nomination. RFK is closer to Trump than Biden in political views.


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    Old Goat

    It will have to become much worse before it gets better . Until truth and accountability reappear nothing will change . Elections are a cheating and lying competition . Reality has left the building…


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    Honk R Smith

    Once upon a time … long ago …
    I heard the entire Globe was getting dangerously warm.
    I asked myself … “self, how much warmer is it?”

    And here I am ranting at JoNova.
    ‘Cause, as we all know, it is not easy to find how much warmer the globe has gotten, because best I can figure, it turns it’s about 1 degree F (easier to confuse Americans), and if the average person knew that, well, the scam would be in trouble.

    So, just the other day, I asked myself … “self, how many total votes for POTUS were counted in 2020 in comparison to 2016?”.
    (A number for which we should have a EXACT answer, no?)

    I asked Mr. Googly.
    Try it yourself.
    So best I can get is, 17.1 million more people turned out to vote in 2020.

    Sorry, doubt it.

    Somehow, I bet the voter turnout in the most contentious states increased way beyond the percentage turnout in the other states.
    Making the 17.1 more dubious.
    I think if we found out what % of those newly ‘motivated’ voters went for Biden, it gets even more dubious.
    On average, I get an increase of 5000+ per county voting in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.

    Thousands of people stand in line all day to attend Trump rallies in PA.
    The Biden campaign has to bus people in to avoid embarrassment.

    But hey, Trump colluded with Russia.
    The vaccine is safe and effective.
    The oceans, and I guess now the atmosphere too, are boiling.
    Oh, almost forgot the most important thing …
    men can give birth.


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    So, this week I’m driving back from a job in regional Victoria, Australia. For a change I tune into a local radio station for the o’ clock news. Which is a syndicated news service with a mix of local / state / national : international news. 4th news item is that Trump has been indicted again. So, does this mean that in similar situations in eg. Peru, Botswana, Iceland or many other parts of the world this also features highly in their news as well? Meanwhile the only place I can get info on the Biden Crime Family is on social media.


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      It goes all over the BBC in the UK.
      Fourth item?
      Surely not – it’s the Lead.
      And often some of the substories are ‘How evil is Trump’ [no question mark], or ‘Saint Biden walks on roads, if not steps’ …
      The Beeb – or some of them, leaders there – HATE Trump.
      And, I guess, what he stands for.
      I have no hope of an even vaguely informative coverage here in the UK, for U.S. Election 2024.
      BBC [and our second channel, ITV] show bias.
      Newspapers, mostly, hate Trump [and push the ‘Ocean Boiling’ narrative from the rotund socialist who ‘runs’ the UN, possibly for the clicks and sales].



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    Serge Wright

    The election was clearly stolen. Even ignoring the mail-in ballot issues, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal which was censored by the deep state and their media affiliates and the fake Trump-Russian collusion scandal, aimed at discrediting Trump, were more than enough by themselves to turn the election. The bigger issue is the 31% that claim the elections were fair, but obviously know that’s not the case and are putting ideology ahead of democracy.


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    As the swamp is filling up fast,
    For Donald the die is now cast,
    And all those of his creed,
    To help him succeed,
    Must nail their colours to the mast.


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    Gary H

    And, we should all remember the election before, when Democrats and their MSM thought that Trump’s win was illegitimate:



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    I still haven’t heard a sensible explanation how Trump could be ahead by thousands of votes when counting ended for the night and behind by thousands of votes at the start of counting the next day ….


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      We’ve had over two years to discover the vast extent of fraud that was employed in 2020. Consider, if you will, the following points:

      – Voter rolls across the country were packed with “phantom” voters before and during the election, then removed afterwards.

      – The Post Office turned off mail tracking before the election so that no one could see where mail-in votes came from or went.

      – Election machines in almost every county in the country were connected to the internet and insecure.

      – The election results reported to the media (via Edison/Scytl) were computer simulations unrelated to how votes were cast. RI is the clearest example: Edison reports bear no relation the the state’s cast vote records (CVRs)

      – Official vote counts over time (CVRs) show that “cruise control”-like algorithms were in use to converge on pre-selected outcomes. Phantom voters were used to generate ballot images to insert into the count.

      – In each state, the %_voted distribution by age was the same for every county, which can only happen by machine algorithm.

      – There are numerous examples of vote counts going down by large amounts, being swapped between candidates, or being swapped between mail-in and in-person votes, indicating manual or computer interventions.

      – On election night FL was (unexpectedly to the fraudsters) called for Trump, followed by Texas. This caused a panic. At 3am, and without any precedent in US history, vote counting was (ordered to be) halted simultaneously in several states, including AK, AZ GA, MI, MN, NC, NV, PA, RI. This was a clear marker for fraud. It was followed by an even clearer fraud event called “Edison Zero”, in which the vote totals went to zero in sequence in every state and DC, to return hours or days later with somewhat different results. They needed this time to calculate new solutions, then allow the algorithms to run.

      – After 3 am, pallets of “emergency” ballots were rushed to counting locations in swing states by van, truck and plane.

      There is far more to the fraud than these points illustrate.

      Be aware that fraud affected every state, and every contest that they wanted to control, down to town councils and school boards. And it has been going on for a long time.

      It is 100% certain that Trump won.


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    And, this article explains why the current election cycle is being rigged, and how.

    “..Fox News prevented from airing an interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, during which he told Tucker that the FBI had “a lot of operatives” in the crowd. There was more, and it all feeds into the reasonable belief that January 6 was a set-up.”



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    David Maddison

    Yesterday we were talking about the Leftist bias of Wikipedia.

    It so happens that they have a very anti-Trump biased article about Media Bias in the United States.



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      Kalm Keith

      This quote from Thomas Jefferson is magic: wisdom and wit from two hundred years ago.

      “President Thomas Jefferson, 1801–1809, was the target of many venomous attacks.

      He advised editors to divide their newspapers into four sections labeled “truth,” “probabilities,” “possibilities,” and “lies,” and observed that the first section would be the smallest and the last the largest.

      In retirement he grumbled, “Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.”


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    David Maddison

    As with everything the Left say, the truth is opposite of what they say.

    Even apart from massive election fraud, there was massive media and search engine bias and suppression of truth about the Hunter Biden laptop. Apart from election fraud, the media lies and search engine bias itself swung the election against Trump.

    In the following articles-

    1) 8 in 10 Americans think suppression of publication of the Hunter Biden laptop affair altered the election result.

    2) One in six Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known about the laptop.

    3) Google bias also steered people away from voting for Trump.

    Shock Poll: 8 in 10 Think Biden Laptop Cover-Up Changed Election -Most following the story want the AG to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the laptop-related issues.
    August 24, 2022

    Cooper: One in six Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known the full story
    November 26, 2020

    Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media
    NOVEMBER 24, 2020

    Google bias might have moved millions of people to vote Democrat, psychologist says
    by CHRISTOPHER WHITE Sinclair Broadcast Group
    Wed, November 25th 2020


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    David Maddison

    Extreme Leftist bias in the courts (Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”) also ensured that Trump’s challenges to the election didn’t get a fair hearing.

    The rot runs very deep.

    Trump was 100% correct with his concerns about The Swamp and The Deep State.


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    Richard Ilfeld

    The left used the more preposterous claims of fraud to mask the ordinary kind, supercharged by Covid.
    To make it simple, especially for those who aren’t in the US, or are doubters:
    As an electoral legacy the GOP focused on voters and turning out voters, while the left focused on ballots.
    About half of our voters vote. Depending on the state you live in, from five to twenty percent of the entries
    in the registrar’s book are invalid, and the Democrats have fought like rabid muskrats over the years to keep it so.
    Given a long election month, and the ability to get ballots into the system with the voter actually appearing at the
    polls, it is possible to identify a significant number of potential ballots that can be submitted that will, absent
    careful scrutiny, appear to be legitimate. Accusations of fraud and lack of careful scrutiny go together like spaghetti and meatballs.
    I am willing to guess that Trump won the actual vote; and there were more ballots counted for Biden in half a dozen locations and
    an audited election might have shown this; all litigation was shut down on process & standing. A cursory matching of ballots to the
    registrars book will confirm an entry as a vote that is actually a vacant lot; there has been no official effort to check.
    There is also the traditional probelem of harvesting, which is “legal” in some states, but clearly unseemly.

    The reason so many folks believe the election was “stolen” is that, Compared to the traditional process of going to the polls on election day,
    signing in, and voiting, it obviously was. The only difference between the left and the right n this point is that the right says “stolen”, the left says “fortified”.


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      David Maddison


      OCTOBER 16, 2020

      New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

      1.8 Million ‘Extra’ Registered Voters

      (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

      The September 2020 study collected the most recent registration data posted online by the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau’s most recent five-year population estimates, gathered by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census.

      Judicial Watch’s latest study is necessarily limited to 37 states that post regular updates to their registration data. Certain state voter registration lists may also be even larger than reported, because they may have excluded “inactive voters” from their data. Inactive voters, who may have moved elsewhere, are still registered voters and may show up and vote on election day and/or request mail-in ballots.

      Judicial Watch relies on its voter registration studies to warn states that they are failing to comply with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires states to make reasonable efforts to clean their voter rolls. Judicial Watch can and has sued to enforce compliance with federal law.



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    David Maddison

    From J.B.Shurk at American Thinker:

    “At some point, Westerners might have to wake up to the uncomfortable reality that their leaders not only do not have their best interests at heart, but also do not care in the slightest what the people’s interests actually are. Power and control are their game. Wealth and finding ways to maintain that wealth at the people’s expense are their drug of choice. People…well, they are nothing more than pawns to be sacrificed at will. After all, there are entirely too many of those for the World Economic Forum’s global oligarchy to tolerate on Planet Earth much longer. They will submit, remain quiet, or go.”

    Obviously, President Trump was a rare exception to this.


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    You would think that with a paralyzed congress of various stripes, Americans would be comfortable with minority elections where there is no clear winner.

    Hope a significant 3rd party candidate messes up the two party presidential race. It’s time for the various sides to compromise.


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    Mike Jonas

    A feature of the 2020 presidential election was the late surge in Biden votes. The reasons given for that were based around it being a natural outcome of the way in which certain counties’ votes and postal votes were counted – they naturally led to a late increase in Democrat counted votes.

    So I kept an eye on the voting data for the 2022 mid-term election. There was no late surge in Democrat counted votes. OK, so it’s a sample of one, and a mid-term may not be the same as a presidential election, but my natural conclusion was that claims of 2020 vote rigging are supported by the data. IOW, Donald Trump has a case.


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      It’s politics and stealing elections (Art of Persuasion);is the name of the game.

      Who hasn’t had a vote hijacked by some other party in the court of public opinion. Most elections are stolen derailments of shoe in certainties.

      Is it fair play only when the favorite team messes it up with an “own goal”?


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        It might be “politics” in your estimation, but not mine. It’s criminal and fundamentally wrong as I see it.


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    David Maddison

    Remember the infamous letter from 50 former “intelligence” officials saying the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian Disinformation”?

    SEE https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000

    They all ought to be prosecuted for participating in wilful election fraud.


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      David Maddison

      The letter was clever disinformation because they did say they didn’t have “proof” but made the strong suggestion that they knew it to be true and everyone (The Left) believed it to be true.

      Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and thereby help the candidacy of President Trump. For the Russians at this point, with Trump down in the polls, there is incentive for Moscow to pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win. A “laptop op” fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are clearly designed to discredit Biden.

      Whose side are they on, exactly? Certainly not that of the American people.


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    David Maddison

    If Trump doesn’t win this election, it’s game-over for the United States and the Western World in general.

    If Trump does win, it’s game-over for the Left. They know it and that’s why they are prepared to do absolutely anything and everything, legal or otherwise, to stop Trump winning.


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      I’m seriously worried that it’s all too little too late.


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      Forrest Gardener

      I think the only way that Trump will win the election is if the dems/deep state let him.

      The only reason to have in person voting is to tell the losing side how many votes they need to manufacture to win.


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    David Maddison

    Pre-Musk Twitter was hugely responsible for suppressing truth about election fraud, the Biden laptop and propagating lies about Trump. It even canceled Trump’s account.

    Then Musk purchased Twitter and made it into a free speech platform for all, Left, Right and Centre.

    Since the Left are intolerant of free speech, alternative opinions or any truth unfavourable to them, Farcebook launched “Threads” as a non-free-speech platform, an alternative to Twitter/X, and suitable for Leftists.

    Fortunately, that has been a huge failure.

    Get woke, go broke.


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    One thing is certain, Trump never gives up. How he can keep going given, the level of intense state-sanctioned persecution, is incredible.


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    Brenda Spence

    Another good article from American Thinker


    Altogether, 26,669,134 more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2016.  Approximate 20.6% more votes were cast than were cast four years earlier.

    Where did these votes come from?

    From the figures at macrotrends, from 2016 to 2020, the population of the United States increased by 8,731,805 — roughly one third the increase of voters from 2016.

    So we are asked to believe that the voting base increased at three times the rate of the population.  And no one is to question this?  And NBC cannot figure out why so many people are so suspicious?

    Here is a clue.  The increase in voters in preposterous.  This is the smoking gun.  The 800 lb gorilla in the room.  The fox in the hen house.

    I know there can be a surge in voting when elections are hard fought, but 20.6%?


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      The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud – Addresses.

      “Addresses cannot be manufactured. Voters can.

      Leftists can create all the voters they want from homeless shelter lists, but they face a constraint: every voter must tie to an address. It is this constraint — fixed addresses — that is the Achilles heel for mail-in voter fraud.”



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        Forrest Gardener

        This is an example of how to make fake voting more difficult. Even better it lodges the objection with the crooks BEFORE the fake votes are cast. That has a pretty good chance of succeeding in the courts AFTER the election.

        Of course the bad guys know this is coming. The track record says they will either find a way to defeat the objections and fake the votes anyway. Or they will invent another method. Or switch to an underutilized way to fake votes.

        But it is a start in disinfecting parts of the swamp.


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    Biden is planning to win using the lay down misere. The no Trumps ploy. Perhaps more correctly Lowdown Misere. He’s just, only just, keeping the seat warm for a late replacement. I’m picking Mrs Obummer!


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I’m not sure Michael Obama wants a career in politics any more, going by the silence lately.


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      Perhaps but Mrs. Obummer is pretty busy marketing her new line of children’s food. She hopes to fight child obesity by selling them more food…

      (It’s beyond belief, it truly is)


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        David Maddison

        The children hated the school food choices Obama imposed on them during Barry’s presidency.

        One of the first things Mrs Trump did when she got to the WH was to let school kids have food they actually wanted.


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      Forrest Gardener

      I think it is high praise to suggest that Biden himself is planning anything.

      His get up and go got up and went long ago.


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    Banana Republic, U.S.A.

    A D.C. grand jury on Tuesday indicted former President Trump on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

    Meanwhile, murders in D.C. have increased 19% this year, and are on track for a 20-year high.

    But you see, our violence-plagued national capital is full of Democrats, who think that sending Republicans to federal prison is necessary, whereas carjackers and drug dealers are permitted to run free.

    So don’t worry about the dozens of people who get robbed, raped, stabbed or shot every month in D.C.

    No, you should worry about “election deniers,” who don’t believe Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes.

    The Criminal Class now effectively controls our government.


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    Candace has 2 interviews with Vivek Ramaswamy, and this guy has serious credentials – constitutional scholar, created a pharma company to take on big pharma, then started a hedge fund in opposition to blackrock, billionaire?,37, first executive order gets rid of affirmative action, 2nd closes the federal dept of education!

    This is the first interview. Talking climate from 36.00

    “America needs the vaccine of self confidence to take on the various cancers that are assailing it.”


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    Alistair Crooks

    It seems to me that the majority of Americans agree that the election was stolen from Trump by voter fraud. The difference is that the majority of Republicans believe that that is anti-democratic and the majority of Democrats believe it was justified-the end justifying the means.

    So it will be in the next elections and probably all subsequent ones until people just stop bothering to vote.

    Im thinking here of the European Parliament … The majority of Europeans consider Democracy to be important but the vast majority simply dont bother to vote in European Parliamentary elections. They complain that they dont know who their politicians are, they dont know what the Parliament is doing, they dont think the politicians listen to them, they dont think they have any way of influencing the political outcomes. That, it appears, is modern Democracy!
    I’m reading … The Declin … David Engels


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    A parody of cats in the cradle, in honour of the greatest president in the history of the united states of America and his son.


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    Honk R Smith

    I notice three things …
    – if I express doubt about AGW (actually I passed doubt years ago and now don’t accept it at all)
    – if I express doubt about the ‘Pandemic’
    – if I express doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 POTUS election …

    they get really mad.

    ‘Cause they know it too.
    They can’t admit they’ve been had.

    These three things are of part and parcel.
    I don’t think this is coincidence.


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    Dave in the States

    Remember how the counting stopped? All at the same time? In the critical locations? Remember the curves on the graphs with Trump coasting to a landslide victory? Remember how when the counting started again there were impossible changes to the curves?

    The same things happened in the run off elections in Ga.

    Its irrufutable evidence.

    As long as the focus remains on mail in voting, and not the stop counting and the restart, they are fine with that because its not about mail in voting. That’s misdirection. They can explain away mail in voting. They can not explain the stop counting and the restart.

    Until we focus on the correct problem (the algorithms) it will keep happening in 24 and beyond.


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      Sure, but “we” hardly matter. It wouldn’t matter if every conservative person in the US and beyond believed the election was stolen, that J6 was a stitch-up, that Obama was a stooge, that men are not women, that the UN is a front for One World Government, that language is being subverted for socio-political ends, that the Long March Through the Institutions is now in full bloom – not an iota. These things are probably true to varying degrees, but “we” are powerless. “We” had a chance years ago, but IMHO those days are gone. The kind of revolution needed to rid “us” of the Deep State is beyond our devices.


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    From 2015

    An independent computer security researcher uncovered a database of information on 191 million voters that is exposed on the open Internet due to an incorrectly configured database, he said on Monday. The database includes names, addresses, birth dates, party affiliations, phone numbers and emails of voters in all 50 U.S. states and Washington,


    And then this need to relax voting rules so as to not disenfranchise voters who don’t want to put in the effort to vote .


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    Rupert Ashford

    I heard recently (emphasis HEARD, so not substantiated) that Biden apparently won more African American votes than Obama. I checked online and it definitely doesn’t look like it’s higher %, but with the higher supposed turnout in 2020 it might be higher actual numbers, but it’s still a tall order to believe.


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    Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray

    Trump lost the election, fair and square. He is so arrogant that he can never admit that he could lose.


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    That leaves 31% that are complete morons.


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    Bruce MacKinnon

    A total of 133 million Americans were registered to vote in 2020. Yet About 154 million votes were counted, in a country where voting is voluntary. This in itself should invalidate the whole election process if there was any integrity at all in it. In fact there has been very little and US elections have been rigged a lot. This was the biggest. The US is not a functioning democracy now.


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