Whatever you do, don’t give the voters a choice
It seems a major reason for impeaching Donald Trump “no matter what” is to make sure that even if the majority of American voters wanted to get him back in office, they will not get that choice. After all, if Trump incited a violent coup against a legitimately elected government, and it was broadcast every night on prime time sympathetic news for the next four years, how could he ever win again? What population would be insane enough to vote for that?
Hypothetically, though, imagine a government was elected through late night vote dumps, fake ballots, dead votes and electronic flipping? That same government would surely be vulnerable and possibly afraid that if word were to spread, protests would mount and State legislatures might be forced to fix the gaping holes in the system – at least in some states. All of which might give the cheated leader a chance to be re-elected.
David Catron had the same thought, and notes Rep. Al Green (A democrat from Texas) explained why they tried the first impeachment:
I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach […]
Let the bragging begin — Who manipulated the election to “Save Democracy”? A Corporate Cabal!
Now that the Left have the main levers of power, it’s safe for them to come out and tell the world how important they are. Indeed the race to the top of the vanity pile is on. This is not an accidental admission. When the real game is to get to the top of the pecking order, bragging is part of the plan.
And brag they do. Time actually published this:
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
by Molly Ball, Time Magazine
The Cabal decided the “proper outcome” of the election.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”
Photo by Darren Halstead, Unsplash
Which rather flies in the face of that quaint old idea that the government is meant to be by the people and for the people? If it isn’t […]
“The biggest attack in history?”
For those without much time, watch (below) from 1 hour 36 mins where Mary Fanning goes through forensic evidence listing logs she claims shows foreign interference. The data offered allegedly shows the timestamp, the IP, the attempts, which county and the ID of the computer they broke into, how many votes were switched, the method used, and whether there was a firewall intrusion. Apparently “there are thousands of pages of documentation like this.” Fully 66% of the attacks or intrusions are apparently coming from China, from Hauwei, Cloud service, Alibaba, China Unicom, U cloud, China mobile T-tong etc.
Youtube and Twitter have deleted Lindell’s video and banned him. Isn’t it better if these claims gets aired and discussed in detail so the voters of the US can feel assured that elections are free and fair, or that if this is real, problems with elections will be resolved.
Details of “vote adjustments” done by foreign IP addresses.
UPDATE: See the note at the base * checking these IP’s.
Unless someone went out there faking up thousands of pages of details, this would be warfare.
UPDATE: If these logs are faked it presumably would […]
Coal power is surging in the second largest economy even as China tells the rest of the world to “cut carbon”
If, hypothetically, China were to fund anti-coal groups in the countries it competes with — it would be a successful strategy to hurt them and advantage China. Which journalists would tell us if that were happening?
China’s new coal power plant capacity in 2020 more than three times rest of world’s: study
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity into operation in 2020, according to new international research, more than three times the amount built elsewhere around the world and potentially undermining its short-term climate goals.
The country won praise last year after President Xi Jinping pledged to make the country “carbon neutral” by 2060. But regulators have since come under fire for failing to properly control the coal power sector, a major source of climate-warming greenhouse gas.
Including decommissions, China’s coal-fired fleet capacity rose by a net 29.8 GW in 2020, even as the rest of the world made cuts of 17.2 GW, according to research released on Wednesday by […]
The Poor Democrats won the election fair and square and only had peaceful rallies all year — but half the country doesn’t believe them. Even when the friendly Trillion-dollar Giant Media Cabal bans their political opponents, destroys Parler, and filters out mentions of voting irregularities — that isn’t enough.
If only they could go on a Public Affairs TV show and politely explain why they are right?
Here’s a radical idea — how about holding a press conference to answer all the allegations, hand over the ballot machines, the ballots, and the check the signatures? It would all be so easy. Since they can’t do that, and they can’t think of any good reasons why they can’t do that, it’s time for A Reality Czar! Let the good hand of The Government Tell you what the Truth Is.
And who’s suggesting it? The Free Press….
The NY Times Wants Biden to Create a ‘Reality Czar’
Benjamin Gill and Steve Warren, CBN News
Kevin Roose, a technology columnist for The [New York] Times, writes, “Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency taskforce to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would […]
Australians send our best wishes to friends affected by the outbreak of Collectivist-20 Fever.
Breaking: Health Officials Quarantine Portland To Prevent Spread Of Communism
PORTLAND, OR—The CDC has announced a full quarantine of Portland to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus known as communism.
Signs of an epidemic in Portland Oregon.
Although there is no known cure for communism, there are preventative measures that experts recommend, such as reading history books.
There is not enough satire in the world.
9.5 out of 10 based on 68 ratings
Texit coming?
If the voters don’t like the Government and have no hope of changing it, they might want to vote themselves a new country.
And so it begins: The Texas Referendum Bill is Official
[Epoch Times] A lawmaker in Texas this week introduced a measure that would allow state residents to discuss, debate, and vote on independence from the United States.
State Rep. Kyle Biedermann, a Republican, filed House Bill 1359, also known as the Texas Independence Referendum Act.
Voters would choose in a referendum on Nov. 2, 2021, whether the state should leave the United States and “establish an independent republic,” the act states (pdf).
Joshua Phillips of the Epoch Times is looking forward to the discussion this sparks. And if Texas can’t vote itself out, it might still do it with approval from the other states (and there are more Republican states than Democrat ones). Besides, says Phillips, the Democrats might not mind if the giant Texas Electoral College count was rendered moot. The Republicans in the smaller old USA would never win again. (As if they have a chance now?)
The real problem, I suspect, is that other states would […]
To heal the nation the Democrats want to take all the high risk, cheatable ideas from the swing states in 2020 and make sure that every other state has to use them too.
If state voters have any idea that they can get more honest voting with leverage on State Legislatures, the Democrats want to stop that too.
The HR 1 bill would ban state governments from asking voters to provide ID to get an absentee vote. It would allow people to harvest votes and dump them. It takes more power from the State Legislatures and gives it to guess who?
It’s almost as if the Democrats don’t expect to win any more elections fairly. Feel the fear that 2020-style-loopholes need to be locked in and more widespread by 2024.
Meanwhile Democrat Stephanie Murphy wants to purge out anyone from the Federal Government who doesn’t hold the right opinions. If, say, a Federal worker had any reason to think there was corruption going on around them, they couldn’t say so, lest it be deemed a baseless conspiracy according to the Democrat Book of Permitted Facts, whereupon dissenters could be sacked.
“Under Stephanie Murphy’s bill, anyone who criticizes Stephanie […]
By Jo Nova
Daniel Greenfield put’s his finger on the diabolical feedback loop the West is in.
Big Gov protects the Big Tech monster from market competition — and in return Big Tech protects Big Government from political competition. Democrats have outsourced political repression of their enemies to cabals of private companies.
Nice Racket if you can get it.
The Democrats wet dream is to tar and feather opponents and then ban them from even speaking, and the conglomerate multinational octopuses are happy to oblige by tweaking search results, and suspending the right accounts. In return, they get sweet government deals and Section 230 protection. Who knew Amazon has nearly 500 federal subcontracts? When Amazon employees donate to the Democrats they’re just protecting their jobs.
When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables, the last thing they want is climate denier Commander in Chief.
Public-Private partnerships are the unholiest anticompetitive destroyer of free speech. Big Gov works to make sure Big Tech can protect its monopoly control, while Big Tech works to make sure sure Big Gov is protected from criticism by blocking and banning free speech.
Daniel Greenfield,
Democrats […]
Not acting like a team that won Eighty Million votes
Democrats have fed division so well they now don’t trust the National Guard.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.
The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.
According to @amuse, the Biden transition team have confiscated their ammo, and wanted to ask who the Guard voted for. The insulting request was refused initially, though eventually, sadly, the Army acquiesced.
”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation,” McCarthy said in an interview after he and other […]
With 12 days to go, what is she so afraid of?
Pelosi and Schumer demand Pence remove Trump
The Washington Examiner
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who said President Trump is dangerous and unhinged, told fellow Democrats on Friday that she asked Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office immediately.
Pelosi said she has also sought an assurance from the U.S. military that Trump cannot order a nuclear strike during his final 12 days in office.
A nuclear strike? On what, the coronavirus?
More likely she is afraid of Trump launching a new political party, a new media outlet, or a summons. Trump is obviously still a potent threat to Pelosi and Schumer. Even though Joe Biden “won” 80 million votes to be the most popular President Select in history the Democrats are behaving as though The People prefer Donald Trump. That, or they know they broke the law and Trump has the evidence and the ability to “Declassify” or charge them?
Pelosi said she is waiting to hear from Pence and that if he does not agree to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove […]
A former judge from Wisconsin is “incensed” that the left have created such a culture of fear that lawyers in the largest law firms in the country will not even take The President’s case.
For a quarter of a century the Climate change debate in the “advanced world” has been controlled almost entirely by namecalling “denier” and cancel culture.
Can the left rule the whole United States of America the same way? Humans are an intensely gregarious species. It matters if people are exiled, cast aside, and even Supreme Court Judges are surely not immune from being cut off from friends and family. Of having their children bear punishment.
Tribal cultures witchdoctors would point the bone. The Democrats just have a modern version of the same vilification.
Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’
Janita Kan, Epoch Times
During the Senate hearing, Troupis, one of the witnesses, explained why he decided to represent the campaign in their effort to challenge election results when many lawyers refused. He said that he believes many prominent law firms did not want to participate in the election lawsuits due to a fear of retaliation […]
Roman Balmakov explains the difference between the Insurrection Act and Martial Law. Whatever action happens (and it may not be either) must be done properly, according to the Constitution and they must also be seen to be so. There are significant consequences. Neither is an easy option, nor necessarily the best.
If the media were not enforcing a blackout, people would be marching in the streets in the hundreds of thousands and they would be camping outside State Legislatures until those did the job they are constitutionally expected to do.
The Epoch Times is doing excellent work.
Meanwhile President Trump tweeted this video last night (though it’s not clear who made it). Two hours ago he also cryptically tweeted “Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!”
Russell Ramsland says “big things coming in next couple of days”
Has there ever been so many rounds of big things coming? Skepticism is natural, as is patience. Given the gravity of the situation, when history books are written about the 2020 Election and transition, if the hyped Big Response doesn’t come ’til January, it may not seem so unreasonable.
Reported by Newsmax and Gateway Pundit
The […]
Two Republican canvassers wouldn’t certify the dubious votes in Wayne County, Michigan. Then for two hours they were worked on, and their families and children were threatened, they agreed to certify under duress, and only with the condition of a full audit. But the audit idea was dropped, just another lie. The two canvassers then decided to rescind their votes, and wrote and signed affidavits.
The vote in Michigan remains uncertified. If the electoral college votes are not certified before December 14 and no candidate gets 270 votes the election goes to the House in January, as voted on by State representatives, not Congressional members. Republicans control that House.
Something the ABC, BBC, CBC forgot to mention tonight in the news:
One America News
Cancel Culture threatened to exile them and follow them forever 9 out of 10 based on 42 ratings […]
by Jo Nova
Whistleblowers reveal just how well coordinated Big Tech collusion is at the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley (a new Republican Senator) were on fire today at the Senate Committee hearing titled “Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election,” Insiders had leaked information about two programs of the most insidious kinds.
Facebook has a program called Centra, which tracks the pages people visit, the links, and not just in Facebook, but across the entire internet. (Tucker Carlson wonders, if it’s even legal). Mark Zuckerberg says he’s not familiar with it. Hawley grilled Zuckerberg. When pressed to say whether there is some program that can do that, Zuckerberg evades answering. Apparently, Centra is run in order to spot “coordinated inauthentic behaviour” or astroturfing.
The second program is called Tasks, and Twitter, Google and Facebook use it which helps them coordinate their censorship. That way they can exile people together. Handy, eh?
Zuckerberg said they are just checking in with their peers. Josh Hawley got Zuckerberg to admit under oath that Facebook does have tools to track users, across platforms and accounts, all without their knowledge. Hawley pushed Zuckerberg to say how many times this […]
The bullies in the media and academic wings of The Democrats made it dangerous to reveal voting intentions
In the Media-Bubble Donald Trump is a psychopathic, narcissist, and cowardly Nazi. And what kind of person would vote for that? Mostly bad people. Hillbillies, old people. Toxic males — and who wants to be one of those? Even though 60 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, the ABC and CNN seem to find the gun toting militia and lonely hermits with a 6 inch beard. The only attractive Trump voters were reformed ones who were voting for Biden.
Psychology Today reviewed Trump voters and actually talks of “dog whistles” Trump sends to “bigoted supporters”, especially the evil kind of whites that don’t mix with minorities. Trump voters suffer from Authoritarian Personality Syndrome. Indeed, “support for Trump is correlated with a standard scale of modern racism.” So there. The strongest predictors of Trump support were the zip codes with more racial and ethnic isolation … because Trump voters were post code robots.
The Party of Tolerance created the toxic hate-fest of Trump voters with righteous indignation, degradation and humiliation. Everyone got the message.
Bullying is a brittle facade
A phase shift can […]
So we now know for sure it was Hunter Bidens laptop. It’s his signature on the service agreement. The emails have been cross checked. None of the Bidens will even deny that the laptop belonged to him or that the emails are not authentic. But more frightening than the years of corruption of some of the highest office in the USA, is the censorship. Two weeks to go and the major media outlets won’t ask, and possibly worst of all, neither will the FBI.
USAToday did not even ask “is it true”. Were these his emails? No journalist wants to know. One CBS reporter asked, and Joe Biden turned on him, didn’t deny it he just called it a smear campaign. Then everyone dumped on the reporter, and no other reporter would ask anything tougher than what’s the flavour of your ice cream.
Our ABC watched CNN and served it up: Most Australians would only know “it’s a smear campaign” and the FBI is investigating the Russian connection. It’s all a big conspiracy: Rudi Guiliani is a Russian agent…
Hear from the wonderful Australian Miranda Devine:
It’s like we need little care packages for victims of Pravda-media.“Here’s what […]
Hard to say what’s bigger in the October Surprise. Joe Biden gets caught lying in an alleged pay-for-play scandal, Facebook and Twitter do naked political censorship to influence the US election in a “Digital Civil War” , or that the FBI was given all the information last year and didn’t say a thing.
Everything the Democrats accused Trump of doing they were apparently doing themselves.
US House Judiciary Committee publishes Hunter Biden secret Ukrainian email story in full
Michael Smith news:
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
Joe Biden says he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Donald Trump in the NY Post: Vice President Biden, you owe the people of America an apology because it turns out you are a corrupt politician,”… “The Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation, flying around the globe, collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine and Russia and […]
Things the ABC might not tell you:
Project Veritas has an insider, they have footage of a man bragging that he has a car full of empty ballots. They have an insider explaining how the system works for mass ballot harvesting.
VictoryGirlsBlog: This is just as terrible as you think it will be. Project Veritas has thrown quite a hand grenade straight into the Minneapolis area, bringing the receipts to prove ballot harvesting.
It seems that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, along with other connected politicians in the Somali community, have quite an expansive ballot harvesting operation going on – so much so, that one of their operatives actually bragged about it on Snapchat. And not only are they going around collecting ballots, especially from the elderly, but they are paying for the ballots in cash.
Between video evidence and insider interviews, the picture being revealed is a system of ballot harvesting and payoffs so corrupt and entrenched that it might not be salvageable.
“Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentees’ ballots. Can’t you see? Look at all these, my car is full. […]
Australians used to have an electricity grid that gave them the freedom to work from home
For years they told us to work at home to help the environment. But thanks to a decentralized unreliable grid, Australians are now being warned that it will be a “disaster” for the grid if they stay home and work with their air conditioner on in summer.
Now we better drive to work so the solar-windy-grid doesn’t fall over:
Why working from home could be a disaster for Australia’s electricity grid this summer
Emma Elsworthy, ABC
Air conditioners could send Australia’s power grid into meltdown this summer, as roughly one third of the workforce do their jobs from home, experts have warned.
According to research company Roy Morgan, more than 4.3 million Australians are working from home…
But warmer weather has come with a warning that increased use of air-conditioning in homes could lead to more blackouts and higher electricity bills.
“Air-conditioning is what drives our maximum demand in Australia,” said Peter Dobney, the former founding chairman of the Energy Users Association of Australia.
“We can expect higher prices, in fact, I […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).
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