A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Russia announces cancer vaccine.
Russia’s Breakthrough mRNA Cancer Vaccine: Here’s What You Need to Know
Vaccine against which of the hundreds of types of cancer? Surely not all of them?
Wow, imagine that, a perfectly tuned killing machine, designed to hunt down and kill all cells that match the vaccine training.
Now for a dose of reality, let’s say that the programming isn’t quite right and the match is now aligned perfectly with all cell that reside in the liver and not just the cancerous cells that grow there.
The result could be complete liver death. Not a good outcome.
In reality, cancer cells are very close, (functionally), to normal cells in the body and despite billions of years of development, (via survival of the fittest processes), there is still no natural method to remove all cancers from the body, undoubtedly many cancers are beaten before they even get a start, leaving only the unsolved versions for our microscopes. The point is, if evolution over billions of years hasn’t found a cure that doesn’t also kill the patient, then why should we trust a ‘vaccine’ that has been developed using a process that is barely understood, working on the DNA of our bodies, when we can’t even point out what the DNA message actually says. We’re appending and deleting pages from the book when we can’t even read.
An mRNA ‘vaccine’ is truly a blind and ignorant sniper shooting into a crowd of mostly innocent victims. Any positive outcome is a factor of luck and any measure is subject to any unknown long term effects, especially since negative outcomes accumulate wrt time.
Or that the AI-trained ‘vaccine’ decides to target those with DNA specific to nations antagonistic toward Russia?
If you can target a cancer you can certainly target someone with a specific skin colour.
Why eliminate cancer in your target when you can introduce it. Don’t do it all at once, spread it out over decades to make it hard to detect the source. Or like on the battlefield, don’t kill your enemy, wound them, it takes more effort to care for the wounded and to remove them from the theatre of war than the abandonment of the dead.
The next Wuhan* escape could be a truly scary weapon of mass destruction. If anyone thinks that this is not under development, (or refinement), then they’ve got rocks in their head.
*Wuhan given as example only, it could equally be London or Kiev to name just a pair.
Why do you think all this bio-research is taking place?? Its not to find a cure for the common cold!
Just before Putin invaded Ukraine the Pentagon tendered a contract for thousands of blood samples from people of Slavic extraction… They weren’t going to look at their eye colour versus hair colour I am sure!
After the last mRNA vaccine disaster, I’ll wait a while…” proven and safe ” remains to be seen.
Each dose will, by its personalised nature, be experimental
Each dose will, by its personalised nature, be experimental
The tariff war rumbles on. Whilst Mexico and Canada are in temporary abeyance the EU and Britain wait to hear their fate.
China has retaliated with 10% on a limited range of goods but more crucially have banned the export of a number of rare earths to the US . They have spent a decade acquiring much of the worlds rare earth supplies so this may stop the green revolution in its tracks. Oh dear!
More seriously these commodities have grown increasingly in importance and their restriction will have many side effects. I don’t know how Trump will counter this one.
Australia should already be digging up and refining these critical minerals. Trouble is, the energy required isn’t cheap here anymore and never will be under this Marxist Feral Guv’ment.
Time to give them the boot.
Australia is currently the third largest producer largest of rare earth’s but no doubt impacted by huge “green” energy costs and over-regulation.
In addition, until China started weaponising rare earths, the West was quite happy for China to be the main producer because environmental damage was confined to China which they don’t care about.
Also, most large scale use of rare earth’s is for magnets in windmills. If we didn’t use these monstrosities, the demand for rare earth’s could be satisfied elsewhere, easily.
And how many tonnes of the rare earth materials did Oz actually refine, or did we just dig the ore, give it a quick dose of beneficiation and then ship the resultant material off shore for the real value adding?
I worked on a gold mine in WA several years back, the ore had sufficient quantities of copper to justify refining and collection of the copper sulfides but that’s as far as the refining went. The dried sludge was sent to china for value adding.
We couldn’t even roast the ore and refine the metal here for a profit. And that was around 2010. The cost of labour, power and green tape has killed any chance of refining now. Under the current regime, I doubt that a gold mine would get up. Thanks to a certain minister or two.
Those outback mines would be the perfect site for SMR’s, a simplified and less salt water friendly submarine unit, possibly aircooled.
____Setting your aiming device too short. That minister or two is following instruction just fine.
Drill, baby, drill!
Don’t panic until you really have to.
In my youth (1960s) I used to read The Reader’s Digest. There I read of new lighting technology which was much more efficient in power requirement.
So I waited and watched, but in 40 years it didn’t come through. I thought the problem was availability of these “rare earths”. But I now suspect greed must have been the inhibiting factor. When the new tech did come through there were two markets. A very expensive one for industrial use, and a cheap one for novelty use. All made in China.
So, China has plenty of Rare Earths. But, on further enquiry, they are not really rare. There are substantial quantities in central NSW. So, if China bumps the price up, somebody will start digging at Dubbo and the price will come down again..
Tanya will talk to someone and there certainly won’t be any mining a Dubbo Ted1. The mine site will be found to be sacred so a solar panel farm will be erected on it to save the ground beneath
It’s funny how the Left complain about relatively modest tariffs (which TRUMP uses more of a threat to bring rogue nations into line than anything else) but don’t say a word about the hugely greater cost imposts caused by Leftist policies like “green” energy, hyper over regulation, anti-energy policies in general, unpunished crime, defective mRNA “vaccines” etc.
Plus, other countries need the US far more than the US needs them. If they want to sell cheap TVs (for example) to the US they will either comply with US demands or not sell their products. It’s their choice. And there are plenty of others who will comply.
You ask: these commodities have grown increasingly in importance and their restriction will have many side effects. I don’t know how Trump will counter this one.
He’s more cards up his sleeve than the Las Vegas magician.
Trump’s ‘rare’ price for US military aid to Ukraine called ‘fair’ by Zelenskyy
Many of the EV’s being bought are acquired by those of a liberal disposition who believe they are saving the world. Elon Musk has taken a very high profile in the Trump administration and must be alienating many liberals, many of whom will previously have been buying Musk’s cars. I wonder how Tesla sales will fare in light of this?
The Tesla charging network is the only one that actually works and other companies have signed on. Somewhat like a chess player, he thinks into the future, so other’s EVs will be using his chargers even as sales of Teslas might slow. He bought into Tesla because he understood the value of the subsidies and credits. Those are now gone. My guess is he no longer thinks of the Company as an imperative. It will be interesting to watch how he distances himself from Tesla and what that will do to his wealth.
Other cars can access the Tesla Supercharger Network such as:
Ford, General Motors, Lucid, Nissan, Polestar, Rivian and Volvo.
As rich Leftists become disillusioned with Elon because of his pro-freedom thinking and belief in “only” two genders, and stop buying his cars, I can see Tesla remaking itself as North America’s main provider of EV charging outlets which Leftists will be forced to use because it’s the most comprehensive network.
Cheap electricity can come from coal, gas and nuclear power (as it does now), LoL. To really p%ss off the Left, Elon could add a sign to the chargers: “electricity proudly sourced from coal, gas and nuclear power plants”. He would enjoy that, and so would we (members of the Thinking Community).
I wrote an article on EV charging.
Incidentally, there are huge numbers of Tesla cars in Australia.
I think the uptake of Tesla’s is, or has been, proportional to the number of rich woke Leftists a country has, of which Australia has plenty.
I suspect that’s due to subsidy harvesting from “green” energy is a huge and widespread scam here with plenty of players plus we have large numbers of hugely overpaid senior public serpents plus trade union thugs who buy such cars.
A large proportion, maybe most, of the Teslas in Australia were purchased by governments and fleets, not private buyers. Once again, the truth about EVs popularity is hard to determine, but I will guarantee that, if the consumer spending his/her own money, with no government subsidies, was the deciding factor, most of those EVs on our roads wouldn’t exist.
Yes and no. Don’t forget that Teslas are really good vehicles. If you’re not too concerned about range anxiety and you want a really good looking car to buzz around in – Teslas could be your vehicle. Would I buy one- no, but there’s plenty who might, and not even think about the climate change thing.
There is a Tesla driver living in our street and he is a bloody menace. Drives like a lunatic. He was in traffic in front of me yesterday when we caught up with the end of a queue at a roundabout. Rather than queue with the rest of us, he darted into a supermarket car park and drove through it at high speed, among pedestrians, to bypass the roundabout. I caught him again at the lights at the bottom of our road. When they went green, he floored it and roared off again. He behaves like this every time I see him, so it must be his usual MO. He clearly isn’t driving a Tesla to save emissions.
It will catch up with him, sadly others will probably be involved.
“roared off”
Did it sound like an Oldsmobile 442 ?
I dunno anyone who pays $60K+ for a “zip around” car…
OZ food firms fight back.
Several large UK supermarkets have also expressed their concerns of net zero on food, citing not just the costs but the vast amount of farmland required for so called renewable projects.
You just have to be amazed at Hollywood wisdom. Mia Farrow who turns 80 on Sunday gets a microphone to complain about Donald Trump.
Of all the great thinkers on the planet, the woman who has married Frank Sinatra, Andre Previn, Woody Allen shares her advice on making the right choices and predicting the future. Mistakes, I’ve made a few?
“Actress Mia Farrow Floats Conspiracy Trump Will ‘Start a War’ to Secure a Third Term.”
So how long before the media trot out Barbra Striesand, Bette Midler, Jane Fonda and Whoppi Goldberg as well to tell us how we should live our lives based on their incredible wisdom as school dropouts.
Then they could line up all the actors who have played a US President to lecture us on why Donald Trump is an ignorant megalomanic and sex fiend. And why Harvey Weinstein is an innocent victim. Plus the Clintons, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew were all regular visitors to Epstein’s island because they were friends. The number of people who needed Epstein to die in jail was a WHO’S WHO of the Democrat party.
Hmmm…but they’ll blame cats won’t they?
Hence their endless shrieking mantra:
CAT(astrophic) Cl!mate C#ange done it!
It’s astonishing to see the Left melt down over USAID.
It was the Left that previously talked about and criticized its’ spookiness.
World turned upside down.
Is this a symbiotic precursor to a magnetic Pole shift?
Interesting Tweet from President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.
It would be illegal under US law but other countries may wish to take up the offer.
Probably illegal under Australian law too but Australia just lets its criminals run free on the street anyway.
Didn’t you mean government not street?
Benny Johnson discusses how the helo pilot of Washington DC plane crash had her entire online presence erased, apparently by a professional, before her name was released after three days.
Crash investigators always look into human factors when investigating crashes so this constitutes interference with possible evidence and should be regarded as a crime.
There’s nothing unusual about what TRUMP’s doing.
Here is merely peeling away decades of Leftist insanity that has accumulated over the last five or six decades but which has now reached breaking point and is rapidly destroying US and Western Civilisation in general.
Fifty or sixty years ago his policies wouldn’t be necessary because such things were just the accepted norm of how things were, e.g. one would not need a policy to declare “only two genders”, everyone knew that, even the Left!
I think the speed of execution is unusual in anyones book.
You’ll have to go the link to see the table.
Robert Kennedy is the worst nightmare of big Pharma, an angry, very knoweldgeable and respected Democrat who has written books on the subject. And the swamp is green for a reason. It runs on a river of cash.
They include
The Real Anthony Fauci
Vax-Unvax. Let the Science speak
Wuhan Cover-up
Thimerosal, Let the Science Speak
American Values,
The Riverkeepers
Crimes against Nature
and has a lifetime of high level environmental litigation experience behind him with major class actions.
Now he is working with Donald Trump? A nightmare for the Democrats, the Greens, the fake environmentalists, the offshore wind pushers.
And the Press is digging hard to destroy his character. None of his lifetime achievements and environmental activism is mentioned. He didn’t leave the Democrats. They left him. For cash.
Lovely article in the Socialist Morning Herald from a whiny teacher about-
“..with emboldened male supremacists, far-right extremists and the demise of the online global moderation and fact-checking on platforms such as X and Meta, schools’ duty of care in this space is certainly being tested. Misogynistic attitudes, shockingly, have been allowed to simmer away in some school environments for some time.”
So she’s keen to alter the thinking of boys and mould them to her views-
“As a teacher, I have the privilege to share space with these malleable minds for extended periods every day. I am privy to all the boisterous conversations in the classroom, off-hand remarks, conspicuous gestures, tones of voice, confident or faltering comments and questions and demonstrations of kindness, gratitude or otherwise. I am acutely aware of my ability to influence those interactions and attitudes in some small way each day – for better or for worse. How I respond to the way students treat me, and their peers, matters enormously at this precious transient stage of their development.”
..and that one paragraph explains the whole mess the world is in. Now you know why Govt owns schools and made education at them compulsory, the perfect breeding ground for Socialists and their ‘march through the institutions’!
On that note I might demand SMH publish an equal number of opinion pieces from men and women, rather than their current misandry. In fact I demand they use the term ‘misandry’ as often as they do misogynistic, its only “fair” and “equal”..
In the history of the world, men are, apparently, the entire problem.
Happy wife, happy life!
My wife’s business partner has a number of siblings in the Victorian education department. They’re teachers at various age levels in secondary schools and were chatting ( talking shop as usual!!) Xmas day. They all had noticed a trend. Once the Y7’s kids were quiet, demure and very easy to teach. The Y9’s were the rough lot, with attitude etc. Now it’s the Y7’s with the attitude and a lot more difficult to handle. So, something toxic about primary school education. My opinion – a total imbalance of female vs male teachers during primary school and an absence of really good male role models.
For many months the UK’s Labour government has resisted any kind of honest, fair and detailed inquiry into the Muslim ‘grooming gangs’ that sexually and physically abused thousands of white women and children across two decades, right under the noses of the UK establishment. A week or two ago, they caved in and announced an inquiry, though of course it is to be severely constrained so as to actually avoid any real investigation.
But the matter hasn’t gone away and those calls for transparency have if anything grown louder, so something more has to be done.
Bang on cue, the Deputy Prime Minister has announced a new initiative – the creation of a ‘Council on Islamophobia’. It is highly likely that this new council will spearhead the development of blasphemy laws, outlawing any criticism of the Muslim communities where those gang rapes occurred, or so much as mentioning the kinds of people in the gangs.
Problem solved.
And Letitia James, the NY attorney General who hates and prosecutes Donald Trump like a big game hunter has instructed the hospitals to keep operating on defenceless children. Trump has no legal power over State controlled health, education, police,… But the hospitals have stopped because, like Australia, it’s all about the money.
“The financial implications [of Trump’s order] are enormous, even for a hospital system as prominent as NYU Langone Health. In one recent year, NYU Langone Health and its researchers at N.Y.U.’s medical school received $815 million in awards from the National Institutes of Health”
I also believe the push to electrify Australia is fundamentally a push to move all power, literally, to Canberra. It has nothing to do with Climate Change. Because oil, gas, coal are all minerals and so state issues, state power. And the anti Australians like Albanese and his minions want absolute power. Which means no coal. Not even wood.
Man made Global Warming is just nonsense. The grab for absolute power by Anthony Albanese is real. The Voice was another way to destroy the brakes in the Federal Constitution and give him absolute power.
For the first time in my lifetime, I see avowed communists in Albanese and Bandt trying to destroy our democratic country. They want absolute power, which is what The Voice was all about. And now a ‘national grid’ controlled by Canberra and the Prime Minister.
Australia should be a very rich country, like Saudi Arabia or Norway. But it is being deliberately impoverished by State and Federal government debt overseas both adding to $38,000 per man woman and child at both levels in just a few years. $76,000 per person, overseas debt.
By endless, useless spending like Snowy II, desalination plants, The Big Build, 30,000km of useless transmission lines, Wind Farms, solar panels and massive CO2 penalities on all companies, all cash flowing overseas as loans and as ‘carbon credits’, IOUs. Our National parks are being ripped apart and our seas polluted. They are not saving the planet. That makes no sense.
So we are being robbed. By our own politicians and their friends in Beijing and the bankers and money men.
Donald Trump is making the life and death conflict between the people and their enemies very obvious. Biden awarded George Soros the medal of Freedom! It is so insulting. Why not Dr Fauci as well?
And journalists, even in The Australian, are scathing of his action, his alleged ignorance of big business, of international politics. Only journalists know everything. But everything Trump is doing is working brilliantly and they hate it. Donald Trump refuses to listen to their story that he is an idiot. No one believes them any more.
The election of Donald Trump was the day that the Democratic world fought back against their enemies. And you can include Albanese, Bandt and Wong in that group. Whitlam was an Australian who made mistakes. The Albanese government are the enemies of Australia. Just like a Kamala/Walz government would have been.
No coal. Not even wood.
Sooner or later some bright spark will realize that to eliminate coal all you need to do is to dig it all up and burn it.
Getting rid of wood is trickier. I suppose they could try chopping all the trees down and burning them too. Or maybe burying them all where the coal used to be.
You know it makes sense!
As we found in Victoria, you can light coal underground and it’s near impossible to extinguish.
No, we have to keep the coal in the ground for China. The way our State and National debut is going, they will own the place soon anyway.
“BREAKING. From a program officer at the National Science Foundation, a list of keywords that can cause a grant to be pulled. I will be sharing screenshots of these keywords along with a decision tree. Please share widely. This is a crisis for academic freedom & science.”
I wonder how many other “checkers” tap on to this?
About a week ago, and similar to Rick Will, I put up a series of questions to Deep Seek.
1) What is the lowest cost method to produce electricity 24/7 in Australia?
2) Will Australia meet its target of 82 per cent national renewable electricity generation by 2030?
3) Should Australia include nuclear in its energy mix?
4) How long would it take for Australia to have a nuclear power station on-line?
The answers it gave within about 5-8 seconds per question on a bog-standard lap top were well organised and literate, but could also have well been written by Blackout’s CSIRO minions. The big deal on resolving W&S intermittency is “batteries and pumped hydro”.
Try for yourself:
This is just its’ website. No programme downloads or installation needed.
I then asked it how batteries lasting only a few hours would cope with no wind for a few weeks during continent-wide blocking highs. The answer to that was semi-lunatic. Apparently the question was a common misconception, and 1.5 hours was very much longer than wind lulls, and future battery technology … etc
I have found DEEPSEEK is prone to porkies. Also version 2.5 seems more stable than V3.
You have to guide it through the design process with very specific detail if you want anything close to a useful answer.
This is the sort of question to ask to get a meaningful answer:
Provide capital cost, O&M and LCOE in AUD for a 23GW average demand battery firmed wind generating system including 10,000km of 1GW transmission line over a 25 year life using average wind CF of 16% and two consecutive weeks at 8%. The battery to be replaced after 15 years. Assume a discount rate of 10%. Costs to be based on the Golden plains wind farm, the Riverina BESS and EnergyConnect.
It is likely to produce the wrong answer unless you have taken it through each step. Without that training, it consistently applies the 8% CF to the 23GW demand rather than the installed generating capacity to determine the battery size. So the battery is much smaller than it needs to be.
The main problem with all of these is that they do not “learn” from interaction with individuals beyond the current chat. That means they make the same mistake every time you start a new chat.
Until the can learn from interaction with people, they are not intelligent.
You say semi-lunatic. Why semi?
My view is that the computing world is much more likely to perfect artificial stupidity than anything else.
Reproducing human like logic and intelligence is far more likely to create idiots than geniuses, liars than prophets. And creating new ideas is the hardest. But we do test intelligence by testing memory, as on TV quiz shows every night. Memory is not intelligence. AI is far more likely to be Artificial Idiocy, rubbish in, rubbish out.
And there are different types of ‘intelligence’. In my career in the scientific instrument industry, I worked with many highly ‘intelligent’ people who were in other ways quite stupid. One in particular drove me nuts. He was your man when we had a tough problem involving ion optics or software algorithms, but you wouldn’t trust him to do your shopping or tidy a bench. In the early days of his employment with us, he was tasked with constructing a relatively simple piece of software to operate a prototype mass spec. It was a few days’ work. When he presented his product, we were literally gobsmacked by how bad it was and how little it matched the requirements. We couldn’t run a scan. We couldn’t adjust basic parameters. We couldn’t even print results. But we could rate ‘peak shape’ by some esoteric set of parameters he had alone decided was the No. 1 priority.
His house burnt down when he put a load of wet paper in his tumble dryer and he left soon after to take up a position in academia.
RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard have had their confirmations advanced by the respective committees.
I understand Kash Patel is up for another judiciary committee session if Democrats get their way. Trump is going after the FBI investigators of the Jan 6 occupation. That has created some difficulty for Patel’s confirmation.
Where can I sign up into Trump new initiative ?
Nothing personal or political – just business of saving lives and I want part of it.
There are uncounted $Bs and $Bs in that line of business, just waiting to be harvested.
I expect Trump’s next big step – building the Abraham Trump Canal (you can guess parallel to which existing one…) joining East and West, to be built exclusively on donations.
Australia should give refugee status to Fauci
How would it be if we offered refuge to citizens of the United States? I mean, we don’t normally consider that we need to offer asylum to those from countries with values like ours, at least what used to be values like ours.
I’m thinking, in particular, Anthony Fauci, who was part of the White House COVID taskforce and who stood up to Trump during those horrific early years of the pandemic.
How about we ask Trump if we can ship our loony lefties to Guantanamo instead.
We’ll confiscate his $11M and $350k annual pension and put it towards the homeless here.
And then house him in his own all natural suite on Scott Island in the Ross Sea.
The Covid Dossier: A record of military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event.
Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.
The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy.
By providing all of this information in one place, we hope to dispel the notion that Covid was a public health event, managed independently by each country’s public health agencies, with some limited, logistically focused military involvement. We also hope to drive home the shocking realization that not only were military and intelligence agencies in charge of Covid in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO.
This should be the subject of front-page news everywhere.
Maybe Trump will blow it wide open, opening the floodgates to global legal class action damages cases and the arrest of pollies and cronies.
Oz swamp dwellers should be as nervous as FBI employees about now.
Bill Kristol’s non-profit’s tangled web
I reckon the Democrat’s biggest mistake was kicking Trump out of power in 2020. If he was allowed to stay in office, none of this present stuff would have happened. Philosophically it points to the idea that nothing ever is the end. Hooray we stopped Trump, we won the election. Ooops, bad move.
When this version is very appropriate (IMO)
“Those that the Gods wish to destroy they first make confident”
US postal service suspends all packages from China and HK!
Let the backlog begin!
That’s gonna eff with Temu – tens of thousands of packages worth ooohhh maybe $20 total.
Whatever else you might say about Albo, he runs a tight shipwreck..
“California Blows It Again”
Willis in comments there –
““Entertaining and informative” … I love the description. It neatly encapsulates my goal for my writing. Science should be fun.”
A line Jo walks pretty well IMO
FWIW – Hints for ABC/SBS?
“Blue States Discover That “Green” Energy Storage is Playing with Fire—Literally
“It’s another day, another green energy disaster in the making—this time featuring the very people who demand Net Zero, now backpedaling furiously to avoid living next to the technology that’s supposed to save the planet. Welcome to New York, where residents are suddenly realizing that lithium battery storage facilities are just a tad more dangerous than the windmills and solar panels they imagined would lead them to climate utopia.”
So sick of all these migrants treating us with disdain – this one now: Julie Imam Grant another one. Peter Dutton another
Its all madness! I just cannot see why the Jews get so much air time, they’re just another religion amongst the dozens on Earth, yet they are always banging on as if they’re something special. Lots of other religions have persecution, lots of other tribes, of cultures… no-one gets the world handed to them on a plate, yet they are always trying to play the victim. In WW2 they lost fewer people than Russia did, yet no-one remembers that, fewer people than died in China in their internal troubles…
FFS just ignore them, let them sort themselves out and lets get onto important things in the world. To me they just don’t count for anything.
That she is there as the newly appointed envoy is the likely reason ‘Australia is on everyone’s lips’ when they are talking to her.
Her presence is a leading question
lucky for these kids…
00 It seems firms were already pulling back from public-facing inclusion efforts long before President Trump called government DEI programs “illegal and immoral discrimination.” As private companies they can do what they want but they’ve also got to balance appearance and talent needs with their primary objective of making money from clients.
00 – Deloitte denies ransomware entered their own systems, then the ransomware hacker takes over their site to write an answer to their denial on their own site