Canadian Truckers for Freedom growing fast — 11 convoys, $5m, one convoy said to be 70km long

11 convoys are converging across Canada. One convoy was claimed to be over 70 kilometers long* last night and growing. US truckers are joining in, and they can’t come over the border they are going to block it.

This is not a union organized thing. It’s grassroots and it’s come out of nowhere. People are coming out and standing in minus 20 degree weather just to cheer the trucks on. The fundraising started last Friday and has reached $5m. It has grown so fast that GoFundMe is holding funds til the organisers present a clear plan. Truckdrivers are even coming from Alaska. There’s an ocean of cars in support in Acheson Alberta.

UPDATE#2: The Empire fights back. Snezhana reports: Facebook shut down the #FreedomConvoy2022 page and Social media is starting to shut down pages supporting #TruckersForFreedom to censor what’s happening in #Canada!

The Facebook Group had grown to 545,000 members before it was shut down.

If news of this convoy spread freely and was supported like the BLM rallies imagine how fast it could grow. Spread the word. We’re in an information war. Share the news any way you can. Never give in. […]

Freedom Convoy 2022: thousands of trucks take to Canada’s highways against Mandatory Vax

Truckers for Freedom — thousands of trucks are headed for Ottawa

The TruckersforFreedom are starting in Vancouver today and tens of thousands of trucks will converge on Ottawa on Jan 29th in a bid to stop the mandates. A GoFundMe has already raised more than two million dollars to help cover the costs to drive the big rigs across the country. Some US truckers are driving up to join in. And they are jubilant!

See also #TruckersforFreedom

The governments of Canada and the USA have made it a requirement that truck drivers must be vaccinated to cross the border. The Canadian ruling started on Jan 15th. The US will follow.

Crowds are waiting for the Convoy on overpasses and beside the roads.


Truck Protests Can Stop A Nation

Our experience with the Convoy of No Confidence of in Australia in 2011, against the carbon tax, was that the establishment is very afraid of this sort of protest. Truckers really can shut down a nation, and the images of thousands of trucks storming across the countryside will pull in people as they see it pass. It’s a powerful image. In 2011 whole towns turned out to wave […]

Resist: Join the WorldWide Freedom Rally Protests this Saturday/ Sunday

Major protests against mandatory vaccination are being planned in 40 countries and at least 150 cities around the world this weekend.

Mandates, masks and VaccinePassports are being wound down in the UK. “Prime Minister pledges to scrap all controls by March”. Omicron has derailed the program. We have a short window to push back hard as current vaccines stumble. In only 6 – 10 weeks Big-Pharma are promising new Omicron specific vaccines (which will probably be mRNA because they are faster to develop). At that point, the old vaccines and all the problems with them may disappear down the memory hole as the radiant glow of *All New Vaccines* appears over the horizon. Now is the time.

Even Austria which announced incredible 1,000 Euro fines for the unvaxxed per month has pushed the date back to April. But other states are ramping mandates up.

Find your town on or on or Telegram.

See also GETTR, Twitter #WeWillAllBeThere or Instagram, or Facebook

Jan. 22 __________________

Australia — At least 22 cities and towns, see the banner below, or

Washington DC – Jan 23rd (Sunday!) Defeat the Mandates (FLCCC and others)

South Africa Cape […]

New protest variant emerges

It’s a sociological phenomenon. People will find a way around the censorship.

In the space of two months Lets Go Brandon has gone from pure R&D to full retail outlet:

Meanwhile on a different battle, a new protest variant has appeared

All around the world, apparently, the people are singing.

It starts a bit slow, but at the 45 second mark, there’s the “Hardware Store” version, then at 1 minute — the London massed choir rendition, strangely civilized and offensive at the same time.

It is as crass as it sounds.

If the crowds were signing You can stick your coal fired power up your @***, in mass rallies of tens of thousands, the BBC-CBC-ABC-MSNBC complex would be playing that as the lead story. Since they don’t, the rest of us need to share the news.

Plucky Bridgett takes on the Board of Supervisors in San Diego


Mariah Scary! Woman sings anti-COVID mandate version of All I Want For Christmas at California board meeting

‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy,’ she started off. ‘I don’t care about the variants because of natural immunity.’

9.7 out […]

Australian mass rallies where rich and poor unite: 30% were high income

Far from being the wild fringe, this was middle Australia speaking.

JP Morgan and Ubermedia traced the phones of people at the enormous rally in Melbourne on November 20 and discovered that they came from everywhere and every class.

Half the people at the rally were the richest, most educated or the average homeowner and the other half were the strugglers, the truckies and cleaners, but also the the young professionals and libertarians, and fitness junkies.

All sides of the political spectrum were in the streets. Something that ought to shake any politician in an election year.

Melbourne Protestors Not Extremists, Fringe Elements: Survey

Daniel Y. Teng, The Epoch Times

Tens of thousands of protestors who took to the streets of Melbourne in some of the largest protests so far against government-mandated COVID-19 health regulations hailed from a broad cross-section of society—including the wealthiest segment of the state—and were not extremist or fringe elements portrayed by some media outlets.

The heat map shows the origin of the protestors

Some people drove from miles away:

People came from all over Victoria. (Roy Morgan and UberMedia, data was anonymised).

As many as 30% were from the […]

Freedom Rally: The largest protest I have ever seen in Perth

Huge protests were held all over the world. Here in Perth, Western Australia with a population of 2 million, I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s a not a political town, has had barely 30 cases of Covid in the community (in total) and yet, the central mall was packed wall to wall.

Walking in with placards, strangers in the traffic were shouting approval through open car windows.

The best video is at the bottom of this twitter thread, but can’t seem to display it without the first two. (Perhaps a twitter genius will tell me how?)

#DownUnder A series of other “freedom rallies” planned for #Melbourne, #Sydney & #Brisbane began at 12pm on Saturday with massive crowds taking to the streets.#Perth #Australia #PasseSanitaire #NoGreenPass

— 🌎 Sarwar 🌐 (@ferozwala) November 20, 2021

These were peaceful people: mums with prams, nurses, truckies, tradies, and hippies.

But according to PerthNow and the ABC there were two opposing protests in Perth:

Perthnow headlines. Not the news.


Here’s that rival Pro-Vax rally from the ABC News

Just for perspective.

Taken at 5:40 on the ABC News

That’s what it takes to get a headline […]

Worldwide Rally for Freedom 5.0 — Protest this Saturday

Freedom to choose our own medical treatments with our doctors without corcercion

Freedom for doctors to prescribe the best treatments they can without fear of being sacked #FreeAustralia

Commenters please add links to your local events or national information pages. France: #Liberte

Rallies start at 12:00 at the following Australian locations:

Adelaide: Rundle Park |Brisbane: Brisbane City Botanic Gardens | Bundaberg: Lions Park | Cairns: Muddys Northside | Darwin: The Esplanade (15:00 ACST) | Gympie: Lake Alford Park | Hobart: Parliament Lawns | Mackay: Bluewater Quay? | Melbourne: Parliament House | Mt Gambier: Vansittart Park | Perth: Forrest Place | Sydney: Hyde Park | Townsville: Strand Rockpool | Warrnambool: Civic Green

I suggest people subscribe on Telegram for information and to find a local protest. More info here.



UPDATE: Obviously, all protests need to be peaceful. Not only is violence bad in and of itself, but it works against everything the protest aims to achieve. It only serves those who want to create division, paint the protesters as dangerous, and distract the world from the polite and civil pleas for simple medical freedom. In fact […]

“Let’s Go Brandon” threatens to Redpill the USA

It’s the laughter that gives it away.

The power of the phrase Lets Go Brandon is that it’s a coded message. In an unguarded moment it reveals how many people in the room get the joke. In a safe way, everyone who disapproves of Woke, political correctness, media activism or Joe Biden can see for themselves that nearly everyone around them does too.

For anyone who isn’t aware of what this strange social phenomenon is, read this. It’s a new form of mass rebellion in an era when cancel culture, censorship, and media bias suppressed the other options.

As Matt Taibbi explains, the masses are trolling the same media hacks and pompous elite players who were fine with four years of yelling “F*^* Trump”. And while F*^* Joe Biden is a protest cry, Let’s Go Brandon is so much better. It’s politer, funnier and pops the media bubble too. Conservatives who would not be comfortable with a crass chant can get in on the joke. Anyone fed up with media propaganda can join in, which is a lot of people.

And that’s what makes it so dangerous for the Culture Controllers. They use kindergarten namecalling and bullying to win […]

“Let’s go Brandon” — the oppressed find a new form of mass rebellion

It’s an interesting moment in US history. Most Australians may not know what “Let’s Go Brandon” means. Our major news outlets haven’t yet mentioned this cultural phenomenon. It’s being censored.

In the US, The People are not happy, and they’re finding new ways to protest. Traditional protests by the Unmentionables are being banned, or sabotaged by violent infiltrators and ignored by the media. It’s become dangerous to walk the streets and carry placards. A few fake protestors wearing horns can capture all the media glory — and the media is happy to use them to falsely define a largely Christian middle and working class phenomenon as “domestic terrorists”. So a movement has sprung up spontaneously at stadiums of thousands of people. How many Australians are even aware that mass chants of “F*** Joe Biden” are happening at football games in Utah, Oklahoma, Mississippi and New Jersey? These are crude mass declarations of rebellion. It’s being called “a movement” and it’s spreading. Individuals can’t be punished or silenced, and while it’s a desperately pitiful national conversation, it makes a point. It’s gross disrespect for the Office of the President.

So in front of that incendiary mass rebellion, an NBC TV Interviewer […]

Oct 1 Strike! Teachers, police, heathcare, firefighters, miners, airline staff, truckies, to protest mandatory vaccination

Coercion is not Consent!

Censorship is not consent either.

Vaccine mandate strike in Australia, Friday October 1. By Rod Lampard.

A united cross-section of Australian industries is set to strike on October 1 over State-sanctioned, and unconstitutional medical conscription.

While the Australian federal government maintains COVID-19 vaccines are NOT mandatory, in an apparent “workaround” section 51 of the Australian constitution, the Morrison government has enabled the states to make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory.

The 16,000-member strong Facebook group, Australian Education United said:

All work sectors are uniting against mandatory vaccines & covid passports. On October 1 we RECLAIM THE LINE that was taken from us. Freedom, liberty, and our right to choose if we take the vaccine.

With Sky News Australia being the exception, the strike is conspicuously absent from most legacy media organisations. Strange, considering the strike is set to go national and is of national importance.

If this was a Climate Extinction rally, or a BLM Strike, would the media say nothing? As Ed Driscoll would say, Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.

Sky News’ Dominica Funnell reported: “Organised by National Education United (NEU), the #ReclaimTheLine protest looks […]

ClimateStrike: The oldest mass protestors still willing to “strike” for climate change are children

Did any of them even give up their pocket money this week?

When you can’t talk adults and real voters into marching en masse or losing pay in an actual strike, the only protesters left are children — the cheapest “Rent-a-crowd” around.

Is there any audience easier to find on a weekday than school children told they can skip school for a walk in the park? There are 4 million school students in Australia, and less than 0.5% may have turned up today.

#ClimateStrike: Why not let ten year olds set national energy policy?.

What are these students learning?

Advanced grid management?

We all know why they don’t hold these protests on the weekend:

These students are learning that old people are selfish and dumb, and that 80 year olds don’t realize “there is no spare planet”. Let’s teach them humility, and history and why Autocrats always use children to sell their agendas.

Chumpy cliches make for cute TV moments as long as journalists don’t ask any hard questions. But they don’t solve the high maintenance costs of collecting low density energy across vast square kilometers of wilderness.

Let’s teach our children what inertia […]

Red pill #1: The “Armed Insurrection” was entirely unarmed

When is an Armed Insurrection an Unarmed Protest?

Armed with arms and legs?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Red-pill the West. No guns were found on any of the protesters who went into the US Capitol on January 6th. The most important part of this message is not about guns, or the lack of. It’s about The Media. People need to know they are being sold elite propaganda every night on TV — fake news that serves the Upper Class Swamp.

What are the odds that a group without a single gun would be able to overturn the US Government? And on one of the most important sitting days in the history of Capital Hill, with possibly the largest rally in history happening at the same time, all known weeks in advance. Clearly Capitol Hill would be well protected. Clearly we would expect they had tighter security than normal. Oh wait…?

What does this say about the people in charge of Capitol Hill security — which was Nancy Pelosi.

What does it say about the intent of the protesters. Were they there to overthrow the government, or were they just citizens who want free and […]

David Archibald speaking in Perth Saturday: Pro coal, pro choice for vaccination

FYI for Perth readers: There’s a protest at the WA Parliament on Saturday for those who think Western Australia needs coal power and free choice about medical procedures. Shouldn’t citizens be able to decide what gets injected?

10am – 11:30am, Saturday 6th March, Parliament House Perth, Western Australia. Click for more information.

9.4 out of 10 based on 55 ratings

The 50 Armed Protests that came to nothing apart from a few guys “who work with BLM and Antifa”

The FBI apparently didn’t save the nation from a semi-naked man with a spear who walked into the US Senate on one of the most important sitting days of Congress ever. But it warned a week ago of “Armed Protests” between Jan 17 and Jan 20th. There are still a few days left before inauguration day, but the big threat supposedly was 50 armed events at all state capitols on Jan 17th.

What threat?

(CNN)The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.

The news comes as security measures are being stepped up ahead of Inauguration Day, … But who called for an armed protest — a reckless and risky move in the current environment? Not President Trump. The main evidence, apparently, was a flyer that called for an Armed March for 12PM Jan 17th. Was there any other credible threat? Oddly, the flyer was issued without any author or organisation. Warnings went out on conservative sites saying “it’s a […]

Michael Yon: the US is in early stages of a civil war. “Unmistakable”.

Michael Yon is a journalist and photographer who has served with US special forces overseas. He is the “most experienced combat correspondent” in the US. He covers wars overseas, not elections, but says the US is in the early stages of a civil war. “It’s unmistakable. ”

First watch Alex Jones’s footage of January 6, then hear the details from Yon.

Provocateurs tried and failed to incite even more violence at Capitol Hill

Trump supporters were hard to “whip into action”.

How easy would it be for a couple of hundred provocateurs to attend a rally with nearly a million law abiding citizens and create mayhem?

Why was John Sullivan, a known and violent BLM activist, leading the spearhead of the protest? He was not just in the lead, he was the man who filmed Ashli Babbit’s shooting and death. The Daily Mail even reported this, and accepted that he is a known left wing activist, but “did not specify what exactly brought him there”. What brought him there was evidently the urge to tell Trump Supporters to “Burn Down the building” which they wouldn’t do. John Sullivan was last seen wandering the streets freely, not charged with anything.

Trump […]

Steyn: some riots are OK — there’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law

Mark Steyn to Tucker Carlson:

They’re blathering, people from the Vice President on down, saying these riots are not “who we are”. Have you switched on a TV since Memorial Day? This is exactly who we are.

It’s OK to loot Macy’s, it’s OK to incinerate the precinct house in Minneapolis… but suddenly you expect the Capitol of the United States to be immune from this? If we have equality before the law, a Wendy’s franchisee is expected to have his property rights as respected as the United States Congress…

“Some groups have enjoyed a license to loot and burn at night…”

We’ve got a completely bifurcated system…the less law that applies to one group the more microregulated the lives of the other group are.

As for equality before the Media: A woman was killed in Congress, apparently shot by an agent of law enforcement. But on the news tonight, there were no candlelit vigils, no slo-mo replays. No demands for answers. It was the chaos that “led to her death”. It’s all in the phrasing.

@TweetBrettMcDonald Cops shoot a woman and MSNBC calls the conservative mob “deadly”

No memorials for […]

Traitors inside the Whitehouse and a call for patriots to get to Washington DC Jan 4 -6

Friday week ago, a four hour meeting took place with President Trump, Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, Michael Powell and key Whitehouse legal staff. Patrick Byrne (billionaire Founder of Overstock, fighter against Wall St corruption) was there.

“Betrayed from within”

Byrne has done several interviews in the last week. This one with Jerome Corsi was probably the most detailed. Worth watching, as an extraordinary history unfolds. He tells a tale of insider white-anting at the Whitehouse where senior legal staff have apparently been offered million dollar salary packages by outsiders and threatened to be “cancelled”, if they don’t play the right game, which is to talk Trump into conceding. The senior team are leaning on the juniors. The self-serving lawyers are shockingly disrespectful, sexist and Byrne would sack them in an instant if they worked for him.

According to Byrne — Trump is the smartest man in the room — or words to that effect (Byrne has a PhD from Stanford) — Trump is a gentleman, patient, and very different to what the media portrays, and “too nice” almost to a flaw. Byrne is a small L Libertarian who didn’t vote for Trump, but appears to have become one […]

Ran out of arguments? Extinction Rebellion ban newspapers instead

Extinction Rebellion blockade the Murdoch Press in the UK because climate reporting is supposed to be one-sided

After thirty years of saturation media on climate change, XR realize there is absolutely nothing new they could say that hasn’t already been said 4,000 times. So they attack the newspapers that put forward a few opposing views among the wall-to-wall propaganda.This helps keep the compliant newspapers in line.

So any self respecting editor ought be asking: If Extinction Rebellion aren’t blocking us, what are we doing wrong?

Pity the poor newsagents and delivery boys and girls who lost money so XR could do grand-standing camping, blocking trucks and newspapers from getting out.

Extinction Rebellion: Printworks protest ‘completely unacceptable’ says Boris Johnson

More than 100 protesters used vehicles and bamboo lock-ons to block roads outside the printing works at Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, and Knowsley, near Liverpool. By Saturday morning, police said some 63 people had been arrested.

The presses print the Rupert Murdoch-owned News UK’s titles including The Sun, The Times, The Sun on Sunday and The Sunday Times, as well as The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, and the London […]

A lesson for the divestment snowflakes from St John’s College Oxford

Divestment Snowflakes protesting at St Johns College Jan 30th

Students at St Johns College were protesting last week at the fossil fuel investments that help keep the College running. Even camping out in the quadrangle in the middle of winter:

“We are not going anywhere” – St John’s locked down over Climate Strike

The Oxford Student

Oxford students have occupied St. John’s College since Wednesday, demanding that the College divests its £8.1 million of disclosed investments in fossil fuel companies and all undisclosed fossil fuel investments from its £551 million endowments.

Dozens of students have set up camp in the front quad of St. John’s equipped with banners and placards, to demand that it takes the climate emergency seriously and measures to remove the social licence of fossil fuel companies.

As of Thursday afternoon, there are allegations that St. John’s College had disabled student’s room keys. Instead, they are allegedly doing manual Bod card checks, escorting students to and from their rooms, and are not allowing non-residents to enter the college. There are reports of students bringing protesters food as they have remained on the quad since yesterday.

A […]

Keep it coming XR: Just some average Aussie naked people trying to scare the kiddies

Hello to attention seeking patsies everywhere.

Boy are they going to regret this when they figure out they’re not saving The Planet, just the banksters and socialists.

Rebels stripped down and asked for the naked truth on the climate emergency during peak shopping hours in Rundle Mall, South Australia. #ClimateCrisis #ExtinctionRebellion. Photo George Mason.

— XRSouthAustralia (@XRSouthAus) December 22, 2019

So this is what happens when Extinction Rebellion grows up:

No more climate cover ups indeed. Photo George Mason.


Just another ordinary worker trying to warn us about climate werewolves:


Someone someday is going to do a very interesting study on the power of suggestion on gregarious hominids. Could industrial marxists convince university educated young men and women to strip naked in public and paint their bodies while forecasting the end of the world if people don’t buy their products? Isn’t education supposed to protect them from that? We got the kids out of the mines and factories and they grew up to be advertising banners for big government instead.

Don’t stop now XR. All you need is someone like this on every street corner.

Seriously, just watch the expressions of South Australians […]