Jenna Ellis shares to Newsmax TV a huge development for the Trump team – regarding the PA state legislature’s rights against “corrupt election officials.”
A band of 26 Pennsylvania House lawmakers are circulating a memo seeking support of a proposed resolution declaring the state’s certification of presidential electors and other statewide election results to be “in dispute”.
Declaring the results of statewide electoral contests in the 2020 general election to be in dispute, a group of House Republican lawmakers have announced their intention to introduce a resolution calling for Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar to withdraw their certification of the Nov. 3 election results in the presidential and other statewide contests.
In Pennsylvania, the Republicans control the House and Senate. Rudy Guiliani and the Trump team presented a compelling case with witnesses and evidence of voter fraud at the Senate Hearing on Wednesday. So much so that many Republicans are galvanized.
However they may not get time to vote on this:
CBS Pittsburgh: The resolution has not yet been voted on by either the state House or Senate. It is not expected to get a vote before lawmakers’ terms end on Monday.
The Wisconsin recount may be released this weekend
Officially Biden only leads by 20,000 votes in Wisconsin (WI) but apparently up to 100,000 votes may be tossed out due to one issue alone, and then there is that strange pattern in the counting….
Vote dump in Wisconsin | VotePatternAnalysis
In the video below, Steve Turley admits he’s an optimist, and unfortunately uses uses a few hyperbolic words like “implode” and the deadly triple !!!. Despite that, he speaks well and quotes a lot of data. He argues Wisconsin could be the “first domino to fall”, saying that WI does not allow mail in ballots that were not requested. Up to 60,000 mail in ballots in Milwaulkee County and 40,000 in Dane County were never requested and therefore should be tossed out. The State needs to supply the request for application for these mail in ballots. These two counties have 800,000 voters, a quarter of the state’s 3.3 million voters. The Trump Campaign has been forced to spend $3 million to even do a partial recount. The recount needs to be verified before the state can certify votes on December 1.
h/t to Scott of the Pacific
Milwaulkee County […]
Sidney Powell has dropped the bombshell cases in Georgia and Michigan
These cases are specifically suing the State officials. In Georgia, they are going after the Governor, Brian Kemp, and the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger. In Michigan, it is also the Governor, Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson.
“The scheme and artifice to defraud was for the purpose of illegally and fraudulently manipulating the vote count to make certain the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States.”
John Solomon on JustTheNews
Powell’s (Georgia) suit made a variety of allegations, including that: At least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. “Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded,” the suit said. Kemp and Raffensperger “rushed through the purchase of Dominion voting machines and software in 2019 for the 2020 Presidential Election” without due diligence and disregarded safety concerns. “There is incontrovertible physical evidence that the standards of physical security of the voting machines and the software were breached, and machines were connected to the internet in violation of professional standards and state and federal laws.” Fulton […]
The pushback begins: Trump wins a stay on certification, and the right to put all the evidence forward at a hearing on Friday. Though as of this moment Google News Search results contain nothing but one report of a “far fetched strategy” to reverse Pennsylvania. History is in the making yet most of the 24-hour-crash-test-spectator media is absent.
UPDATE: In Nevada also a judge has ruled that there will be a hearing on Dec 3 for Republicans to present allegations of voter fraud.It could overturn the Nevada result.
“… the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law. What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.”
UPDATE: In Georgia Lin Woods Emergency Motion will get an expedited review in the Eleventh Circuit Court.
In Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Further Certification of PA Election Results Over Mail-in Ballot Fight
By Matt Margolis, PJ News
A Pennsylvania state court issued an order blocking the certification of election results in the state, pending a hearing to be held on Friday, reports […]
What politician could afford to lose the favored Golden eye of the Media Collective and the Tech Giants. It would take a Billionaire celebrity with a cult fan following to even have a chance? The media blackout on the political scandal of the century meant half the voters didn’t even know the FBI was investigating the Biden family for allegedly selling out the nation to foreign interests for a bag full of money. The voter reaction to this news, had they known, would easily have changed the election outcome in swing states. (Assuming Dominion couldn’t just flip more ballots at 4am). This new study is good but barely scratches the surface of how powerful the media influence is.
17% of Biden voters would have changed their minds
A new survey conducted by The Polling Company for the Media Research Center (MRC) found that major media censorship of certain vital stories left voters in the dark, particularly Biden voters, and prevented President Donald Trump from winning a second term.
“This lack of information proved crucial,” said the MRC in a report on the poll. “One of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) said they would have […]
Donald Trump’s message of election fraud has reached millions of people even though Twitter, Facebook, and the media have said it was baseless every ten minutes since election day. Word is spreading so fast that even 12% of Democrats think the election was stolen.
…Politico conducted its 2020 Voter Priorities Survey and results show that a vast majority of Trump voters believe the election results are not valid and that illegal voting and fraud took place during the election. Twenty-one percent of Trump voters believe the results are valid and 79 percent believe the election was stolen.
This is a crisis for any democratic nation. The way to solve it is with a full and fair investigation which either cleans up the count or puts people in jail. Possibly nothing short of a new election (with paper ballots) will work.
Not surprisingly, 83% of Trump voters call the media “the enemy”.
The crisis in media trust is due to interviews like this one (below). Here is Ari Melber of MSNBC acting like the enemy…
What is he afraid of — presumably he is worried that the Democrat viewers will find out […]
Patrick Byrne, founder of OverStock, a $2b e-commerce company, and also got some fame for his battle against illegal naked short selling and work to break up Wall St corruption around 2005. He’s a Dartmouth, Cambridge, Stanford, Maths and Philosophy guy. A data man.
Worth Watching: There are at least ten ways to hack an election
Some paraphrased snippets:
“We have clear evidence that they are targeting certain congressmen. I believe they are going to find two Republicans. I think it’s going to turn out that one of these Republicans at a State level may have got “election insurance”. The promise they would keep being elected. The sum involved to purchase Dominion machines was $100 million.
“Every state that uses Dominion — we should investigate who signed the order to bring it in. No one who did due diligence would.
“Call your state legislature — send them this video –Anyone who signs these “Cert” forms should go to jail. They have personal legal liability.
Details of the technique plus “more coming out tomorrow”:
The five city “Drop and Roll” technique of vote fraud
In the Drop and roll technique, they shut […]
The CEO of Facebook paid hundreds of millions of dollars to enable community groups to take control of voter lists, to dictate how the election was to be conducted, down to the number of ballot boxes and polling places.
Zuckerberg wants to keep his grand government protection racket where Facebook can filter and censor the news but pretend not to be a publisher at the same time. The power that comes from being the unofficial Ministry of Truth is worth billions, and Trump was obviously a threat to that.
Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History
First, this is who Ken Blackwell is:
Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, is the Distinguished Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, at the Family Research Council. He served as United States Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission from 1990-1993.
The Centre for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) got $350 million from Zuckerberg, which was $349 million more than their normal budget.
Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million — as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general […]
UPDATE: Sidney Powell now not in Trump official Team. Suspended from Twitter (Why?). She agrees with this distancing and says she will fight on.
The big question — where her Kraken claims or accusations too much for Trump or is there some legal, financial reason she needed official distancing? She’s raising funds at DefendingTheRepublic.Org. Her rather significant reputation depends upon coming up with the goods to match the claims.
@JennaEllisEsq: Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.
General Flynn: @Sidney Powell1 has been suspended from Twitter for 12 hours. She understands the WH press release and agrees with it. She is staying the course to prove the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed #WeThePeople of our votes for President Trump and other Republican candidates.
@mflynnJR: Cannot confirm yet but I’m confident this has to do w money coming in for legal defense fund sppt. …. Frees SP 2 do her own thing… which will still be biblical. Give this the 24 hour rule…
The only thing we can be […]
Two Republican canvassers wouldn’t certify the dubious votes in Wayne County, Michigan. Then for two hours they were worked on, and their families and children were threatened, they agreed to certify under duress, and only with the condition of a full audit. But the audit idea was dropped, just another lie. The two canvassers then decided to rescind their votes, and wrote and signed affidavits.
The vote in Michigan remains uncertified. If the electoral college votes are not certified before December 14 and no candidate gets 270 votes the election goes to the House in January, as voted on by State representatives, not Congressional members. Republicans control that House.
Something the ABC, BBC, CBC forgot to mention tonight in the news:
One America News
Cancel Culture threatened to exile them and follow them forever 9 out of 10 based on 42 ratings […]
Is that mood shift I see?
Suddenly the Trump team is ramping up the claims and the confidence. Donald Trump has declared that 2.7 million votes were switched by Dominion electronic machines and Rudy Guliani has hinted that there are whistleblowers coming forward from Dominion. If so, that changes everything. But at this stage, they are just hints.
EverylegalVote now tallies Trump at 232, Biden at 214
North Carolina has been added to the Trump Tally.
Huge claims being made about massive electronic voter fraud.
@Donald Trump: “REPORT: Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump Votes nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden. 941,000 Trump votes delted. States using Dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden.””
@SidneyPowell: This is massive voter fraud. It is a feature built into the system by the companies that own the machines and software. This was a deliberate attack on our country and the most important of rights held by citizens in our Republic. @RudyGiuliani: The evidence of fraud is pouring in at an overwhelming pac’e. This was a massive effort by Crooked Democrats to wipe out the vote of those they believe […]
On election night the hardest thing to believe about the dumps and step jumps in Michigan and Wisconsin was that they were so transparently inept. Would they seriously drop 138,000 votes and 200,000 votes, that were nearly 100% for Biden?
….Click to enlarge. Source: Fivethirtyeight
It makes sense if the Democrats hadn’t counted on Trump being ahead by such a large margin — like 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. People make mistaken when in a panic.
Rudy Guliani below — makes that claim, and asks us also to wonder if polling site managers all woke up on November 4 and decided independently to put Republican observers behind barricades in Philadelphia, Pittsburg Detroit, Flint, Milwalkee, Las Vegas , Reno, and Pheonix, but not in the rest of the nation. Only in Swing States.
Conveniently the number of votes in Philadelphia that don’t have a chain of custody is about the same as the number of votes Biden was behind. Likewise Michigan.
There are now 50 to 60 witnesses with affadavits. In Michigan one whistleblower has come forward from the Democrat team, who has described the long preparation and training for cheating as well as the last night misadventures. But the scale […]
A “Transistor Function” algorithm has been used to alter voting patterns in Michigan. It has a “Weighted Race” feature.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT engineer and Fulbright Scholar, with Phil Evans B.S.E.E. and Benny Smith (election commissioner and data analyst) have back-analyzed the pattern of voting in Michigan and figured out the electronic algorithm used to alter votes. Voting patterns are distorted in a way that can only be explained by a linear transformation (an algebraic equation) and he can approximate that equation and slope of the line. This means he can calculate how many votes were flipped and he does, and it’s massive.
This one form of fraud alone is enough to flip the election to Biden. That’s without all the postal vote backdating, the dead people voting, the out of state votes, the discarded ballots, the crooked media coverups, the pollsters fakery and the Pfizer hiding of the Covid Vaccine news. Trump won the election despite all the other trickery. If there had been real media coverage, honest vaccine headlines, exposure of Hunter Biden and honest polling the election probably could have been called by 8pm on Election day.
The action analysis starts at 13:30 minutes.
In disconcerting […]
How much have we lost in the last month?
Until a week ago there was something slightly sacred about post marks– it was a legal document, a historical record of the day. Something we could rely on. In a small way, USPS represents The United States: all decent nations have decent postage systems. All crooked banana republics don’t.
Then we found out some US Postal Workers were told to backdate stamps. It may not seem like much compared to losing the right to free and fair elections. But on any normal day, this is a big deal.
Everyone understands what a backdated post mark means. This story is an easy point to share with victims-of-gaslighting. “Did you know there are multiple reports in at least two states where postal workers have been told to stamp ballots with false dates?” “Don’t you think the media ought to mention this?”
It used to mean something |.. Image Urbanvibe14
Project Veritas has been investigating whistleblower reports.
In Pennsylvania Richard Hopkins, a postal worker, says that he heard one worker getting in trouble for accidentally datestamping one ballot envelope with the correct date — Nov 4 — when it should have been […]
Trump was right, but Biden gets the glory
Pfizer held off the discovery in what appears to be a petty political gamble
All along we were told a vaccine “by October” was unlikely and that 50-60% efficacy would be OK. On Sept 16, Trump said “a vaccine for COVID-19 could be ready in three or four weeks.” Presumably because he was expecting these results or others like them. On Sept 18th, Biden said he was irrational: ““The idea that there’s going to be a vaccine and everything’s gonna be fine tomorrow – it’s just not rational, not reasonable,” and the Medical Swamp supported Biden.
But Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief scientific adviser to Operation Warp Speed, said a vaccine by October was unlikely. So did Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most prominent and popular member of the White House coronavirus task force. Instead, the vaccine announcement came six days after the election as votes are still being counted in some parts of the country.
Come Nov 10, Markets rocketed with the Pfizer vaccine news.
Truth was, Pfizer was never going to announce potentially game changing vaccine news until after the election. That’s because they changed the original deadline for […]
Here’s a video readers will like. Caveat: just because Trump can still win is not a reason to sit back and relax. Right now the battle is big and on. The good guys may have the law, the Supreme Court and some state legislatures and the office of the President. BUT the bad guys control the news channels, and Constitution is just a document, it’s only as good as the people who are willing to fight for it.
Possession is nine tenths of the law. If the nation never hears that the bad guys are in breach of the Constitution and that Biden hasn’t won, and the election is not over, then Biden becomes The Incumbent. Your job, as is mine, is to get around the censors every which way we can. Emails, comments, social media, letters to editor, letters to MP’s, and friends etc. Whatever you can do that spreads information helps the good guys. Information is our friend. Censorship is theirs.
All votes received after 8pm Nov 3 are automatically invalidated
The Penn Supreme Court changed the rules on the PA election on October 28th allowing votes that arrive after 8pm to be included “because Covid”. But the […]
Imagine that the CIA had been using software for years that could undetectably alter vote counts in electronic transit between ballot centres and central vote collection sites. How inevitable is it that sooner or later this same program would be used within the USA. There is a karma to this. The US played dirty games in other people’s elections for years, so it any wonder that having created the weapon and trained operatives to use it, that it would eventually come back to bite the US?
Electronic voting is a wild invitation for fraud. It can not be any other way.
Hammer and Scorecard are the names of the two programs designed by the CIA to interfere in foreign elections and now allegedly being used in the USA itself.
The General [Lt. Gen. McInerney] described “Hammer” and “Scorecard,” a pair of programs initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. We explained how they work in an article last week, but the gist is this: “Hammer” or “THE HAMMER” is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection while “Scorecard” […]
Here in Australia all we are hearing is how Trump’s claims of election fraud are baseless, and without any evidence at all. If only The ABC could afford to get the internet…?
The ABC here has spent more time telling Australians that Trump is isolated, and being abandoned by a few RINO’s rather than investigating actual known high risk areas of fraud.
One Glitch, but many machines:
Dominion Voting Machine
In one county in Michigan Joe Biden was well ahead, but the tally didn’t match with the past voting patterns. In the last 135 years the voters of Antrim County voted Republican in 32 of 34 elections. It turned out the software used in the voting machines had flipped as many as 6,000 votes. After the error was fixed, Donald Trump was 2,000 votes ahead of Biden. That’s some glitch.
Another computer glitch in Oakland County Michigan caused a similar flip. What are the odds? Strangely, it didn’t flip votes up for Trump, only down. Not so much a bug perhaps as a design feature? ‘
The Republicans asked for another 47 counties to recount their votes, but it’s worse than that. Dominion Software is used in 30 other […]
Red Flag anyone?
Tax auditors use Benfords Law to detect fraud. They look at the first digits of the income data and figure out how often the different digits pop up. If the deposits are random we’d see lots of one’s, and less of every other number in an ordered pattern. Two would be the second most likely, three the third…. and so on down to nine. If there were lots of sevens, say, the Tax Auditor will start hunting there.
So if precincts call in ballot results there is a certain pattern we would expect them to arrive at, and that’s the pattern we see for every candidate, … except Joe R.Biden and Kamala D. Harris.
For some reason their results in Chicago, Milwalkee, and Allegheny were all clumpier, with 2, 3 or even 5 being among the most common for ballot results? Soon someone (or 500 people) will test out and see if Biden and Harris voters were clumpier in all districts or just the states that mattered to the Democrats.
You don’t need a Stats degree, just look at the graphs.
Credit to Smoking Gun of Democrat Cheating, by vbmoneyspender. Thanks to graphs by ‘cjph8914’ on Github. […]
Look who decides when a state is “won”?
What if they were wrong but the loser set up a government anyway, and the people accepted that?
The NY Times deleted their own tweet when they realize they’d said too much. But Twitter deleted half of Trumps tweets since Election Day.
Look at how effective this was in stopping Trump setting the agenda. The Total replies and retweets was in the order of 100 every 10 seconds but fell by three quarters almost instantly.
A group called Election Integrity Partnership (who voted for them?) decided that Trumps tweet “made unfounded claims about the legitimacy of mail-in ballots and the Election, while fomenting fear of violence.” So they tagged the message with a warning, but that wasn’t going to stop the tidal wave, so they deleted the content entirely, leaving their own loaded interpretation in it’s place. They were using the Trump account to tell Trumps followers that he was fomenting violence, and without leaving his words there so anyone could judge for themselves.
Trumps tweet apparently criticized the Supreme Court of PA’s decision. He questioned the legitimacy of mail in ballots, which of course is a blasphemy. All mail-in ballots, verified, […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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