The World watches Ukraine. As the citizens are turning themselves into an army, they are being trained on Twitter, on how to beat tanks, pick strategic targets, and of course, there will be a propaganda campaign. Nothing can be verified. Except for the remarkable bravery of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who knocked back an offer to be evacuated, and is fighting with the army. He is being treated as a hero — the new leader of the free world.
Winning hearts all over the world has a material benefit. Hackers are working to punish Putin, theatening an unprecedented cyberwar that will cripple his websites and expose all his secrets. “We are Anonymous. We are legion. Expect us”. There are reports #Anonymous has already taken down six Russian government websites, and have even hacked into Russian state TV stations as well, showing what is happening in Ukraine. “Soon you will feel the wrath of the worlds hackers many of which may reside in your country.” Elon Musk has also offered the Starlink Satellites for Ukraine to use.
While Russia used Shock and Awe, the Ukrainians appear to be winning now. Though if Russian armored columns make it through to Kyiv […]
9.3 out of 10 based on 6 ratings
John Hussman warns that people may not realize how much stocks are likely to crash
Dr David Evans supplied some interesting links and adds “The biggest theme in markets is that ratios eventually revert to their mean (or average). No, it’s not different this time. A return to average on this graph implies a drop of about 75%.”
Hassman Margin-Adjusted P/E (US stock market price-earning ratio (adjusted))
John Hussman: Investors are paying top dollar for top dollar
Why is it so hard to accept that speculative bubbles can burst? Interest rates were driven to zero for a decade. Yield-starved investors chased stocks to valuations beyond the 1929 and 2000 extremes. That speculation front-loaded more than a decade of future market gains into the present. Those gains are now behind us, embedded in breathtaking multiples. If history is any guide, a collapse in valuations is likely to return those gains to the future.
The process of losing speculative gains and recovering them over time is what I’ve often called a “long, interesting trip to nowhere.” It bears repeating that the S&P 500 lagged Treasury bills from 1929-1947, 1966-1985, and 2000-2013. 50 years out of an 84-year period.
Now, […]
Just another day in a cold Biotech War?
“The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab.”
Image: Scientific Animations
To put this in perspective the whole virus is essentially a code with 29,000 bases in a row, and this story is about a sequence of 19.
The code is in the same four letter “alphabet”, more or less, as all life on Earth — A, T*, C and G. But in this new discovery there are 19 particular bases (or nucleotides) in a row. These are the bases that were so useful that Moderna patented the sequence in 2016. Oddly, no other coronavirus has that sequence. Indeed, nothing else in a virus or animal cell does either.
The reason these 19 bases are so interesting is that they make up the critical point called the “Furin Cleavage Site”. Furin is an enzyme inside our cells that acts like a specialist scissor, cutting only certain proteins in an exact way. A number of nasty germs sneak in and use our Furin snippy tools too — like HIV and Ebola, and […]
8.9 out of 10 based on 8 ratings
Join Peter Ridd, Jo Nova, Walter Starck and Alan Moran for the Great Barrier Reef Webinar
Tuesday March 1: Sign up here: AEF Webinar: Is the Great Barrier Reef Dying or Thriving?
Photo: Wise Hok Wai Lum
One side of politics has just spent another billion dollars to “save the reef”. The other side of politics may spend even more. But how much is our national policy set by scientific data and how much is controlled by scenic-disaster-shots? Do Australian academics and media activists craft a false notion of a fantasy Reef-Nirvana where bleaching never occurred, where cyclones were gentle, and where corals are supposed to live in aquarium-like conditions with constant pH and temperature 24 hours a day? Is the reef really in worse condition now than thirty years ago when half of our man-made emissions had not been emitted?
Walter Starck wants to know why we have one the largest fishing zones per capita in the world but most families struggle to afford to eat Australian fish?
A STICKY POST. Details below.
9.5 out of 10 based on 86 ratings […]
While the West went weak-Green, Russia became the 2nd largest gas supplier on Earth
“The Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price”
The Renewable-West is toothless to stop Russia doing whatever it damn-well wants.
Energy is power. As the West gave up the power to run its own factories and keep its own people warm, it also gave up the power to influence world affairs. The fashionable Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price.
Weakness invites wars
Without its own energy supply, amidst an energy crisis, the West can’t help but buy gas from Russia. The only sanctions we can apply are weak and thus the West pays top dollar for Russian gas, and sends more tank-money to a nation with power because it’s selling a product that everyone wants. Nobody wants a wind farm unless someone else pays a subsidy.
The best thing the West could do now is run their old coal and nuclear plants at top speed, launch the UK Shale industry, and get serious about the North Sea. Then the price of gas would fall, the EU could use sanctions that mattered.
Instead Germany is shutting nuclear plants, Britain […]
The Socialists in Spain offered bonanza subsidies to build solar plants. People accepted them. Too many people accepted them.
Then the Socialist-rulers realized they could not pay them all. But the solar panels had been built. The debts were all accrued. All that was left was for investors to learn the true value of surges of surplus energy at the same time of day.
Sadly people faced losing their homes, in what must have been a grueling realization.
If only Socialists could do maths, they could have seen this coming. It’s not even quantum mechanics, it’s just arithmetic.
If only investors researched their investments and remembered that if it looks too good to be true, everyone else will pile on, and supply will wildly exceed demand, especially because no one really wants extra electrons for lunch.
Teach the children. The government should not be picking winners, but if it does, buy something else.
h/t Jim Simpson
9.8 out of 10 based on 54 ratings
Mike Cannon-Brookes might be an Australian tech-billionaire who wants to buy out one of our biggest energy companies and get rid of coal, but not only does he apparently not understand electricity grids, he doesn’t even know what a free market is.
In a free market customers could choose not to buy green electrons:
If we had a real free market in energy, we could a tick-that-box on our plan that said “100% coal fired, cheapest available reliable electricity”. Instead, all Australians are forced to buy electricity from a hobbled patchwork grid which has been repurposed as a Global Air Conditioner.
It’s a national grid crafted through “Renewable Energy Targets”, and pure hopium. Hidden in our electricity bills, taxes, and frozen-pea packets at Coles, are multiple subsidies to help wind and solar power. Poor Australians have paid to help put discounted solar panels on their rich neighbors roofs, and are paying for back up, storage, stabilizers, unnecessary two-billion dollar interstate transmission lines, and demand management plans.
Every windless minute at night the poor pay more for electricity than they would have — if the Agents of Weather-changing Sorcery were not allowed to romp freely through the energy market. Once […]
Do EV’s make good reefs?
h/t to Paul Homewood who notes The BBC didn’t mention the burning lithium battery story.
The Felicity Ace cargo ship caught fire on Wednesday last week:
German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that an internal email from Volkswagen USA stated that the ship was carrying 3,965 vehicles of the VW, Porsche, Audi and Lamborghini brands.
It’s not clear if the fire started in an EV battery but once the flames got into them, the ship was abandoned to burn.
According to a study done in 2013 by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Development, the batteries burn extremely hot and produce noxious gases.
“In the event of a lithium ion battery catching fire, it is important to note that such a fire reaches very high temperatures, produces toxic gases and is inextinguishable,” the report concluded. — The Independent
Five days later the fire has finally run out of material to consume.
Now Felicity Burnt. | Reuters
Luxury cars on fire on cargo ships is a thing now
March 12th, 2019: The Grande America caught fire with 2,000 luxury cars on board and sank.
Project Veritas has caught an FDA executive on hidden camera admitting that Big Pharma pay hundreds of millions to the agency that decides whether their products get approved for use. He explains that the next goal is annual “recurring” vaccines, mandated. He talked casually about the lack of good research and how the vaccines have not been as effective as they were expecting.
This kind of expose is so important for all the people who find scientific arguments difficult. Everyone understands corruption.
Christopher Cole, an FDA Executive Officer with twenty years experience:
“The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products.”
“…if they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine, they get a recurring return of money going into their company.”
“Just from everything I’ve heard… they’re not going to Not approve this.”
“My agency overseas vaccines”. “My office clears all the emergency approvals”
Biden wants to innoculate as many people as possible So you’ll have to get an annual shot.
It hasn’t been formally […]
Lesson 4-billion-and-one in How Big Government Screws Everything Up
Cuadrilla Shale Gas.
Remember Cuadrilla, the company that discovered 200 trillion cubic feet of gas in Lancashire, UK in 2011? It multiplied the entire national reserve of shale gas by 37 fold. At one point the market value was estimated to be something like £136 billion and could keep the UK “in gas” for 56 years.
It should have changed everything. But in 2022 the UK is in an energy crisis and instead of expanding those shale wells, the UK government is sealing them up. They’re the only two viable shale gas wells in Britain, and the government wants them to pour concrete down the holes.
It’s been a long slow grind to nothing. The anti-frackers frightened the people with stories of “known carcinogens called ‘silicon dioxide’” and seismic shocks that registered 1.5 on the Richter scale. So the people of the UK gave up an industry worth £6 billion a year, and a reliable energy supply because a government department was afraid of pure sand and a class of earthquake so small it’s “rarely felt” and so common the world has “several million” of them each year.
Andrew […]
Something wonderful is happening. The Truckers are winning. The Ottawa Police are admitting they can’t solve this. All the dirty tricks that can be played haven’t worked. Sometime in the last week, former policemen, security experts, and military intel have joined the leadership team, and strategically, they are playing a faultless game. Trucks with wheels removed appear to be ideally placed to stop a police response. Overnight the media spin has flipped from calling the rally “disorganised rabble with violent extremists” to describing the protest as being run with “military precision”. Watching the transformation on the CBC it’s almost like they’ve realized they were backing the wrong horse. The videos far below from CBC reporters are very unexpected — they’re good.
The Truckers are resolutely happy, cheerful, dancing, and determined. They are patriotic and family oriented, and that’s blowing away the “Extremist Terrorist” playbook, making Trudeau and the media look like fools.
Now that the Ambassador Bridge is effectively closed, supply chain trouble is piling up very fast. … Ford Motor Co. was forced to idle its Windsor engine factory and operate an assembly plant at reduced capacity. The Emerson MB/Pembina ND has also been shut down until all mandates […]
They told us the mRNA in the injections wouldn’t last long, barely a few days, and the protein spikes made from the vaccines would only stick around for “a few weeks”. But now, after 60% of the worlds population has been vaccinated, now we find out that the CCP bioweapon spikes are still there in lymph nodes two months after the last injection, and so is some of the mRNA. And we don’t know how much longer those spikes keep churning out, because no one has done that study.
Pause for a moment to wonder how it is that we could inject four billion people “for health reasons” yet no one knew the most basic things about how it worked, like, how long the vaccine mRNA might survive, and keep producing spikes for, or how many spikes it might keep making.
Now comes the bad news that mRNA-vaccinated people may be making more spikes than severely ill Covid patients, and that the mRNA survives much longer than anyone expected.
A Health Public Policy Nightmare
Robert Malone
The hidden highlight (lede) buried in this peer reviewed paper is that protein production of spike in people vaccinated with […]
All Trudeau has to do is declare vaccination is voluntary…
The Trucks can’t be towed away — apparently all the towing companies “have Covid”. And the Truckers have been resolutely peaceful and considerate (honking aside). The protests are spreading, not shrinking. The Ambassador Bridge is now also blockaded — that’s the major bridge connecting Detroit, Michigan and Windsor. Hundreds of Truckers on the Alberta border are still gathered there. The Cavalry has arrived! Hordes of cowboys on horses have joined them. In Alaska, trucks are gathering too. Truckers in Alaska can’t drive to the rest of the USA without crossing the Canadian border.
The Ottawa Mayor has declared a “State of Emergency” because people were burning down buildings, destroying statues, and looting Nike stores — wait… No. That’s all fine. It’s a state of emergency because someone is honking horns. Trudeau could have come out to meet the workers revolution, listen to them, and negotiate, as any good leader would. Instead, the troopers started to arrest people carrying cans of fuel or propane gas to support the Truckers. Staying warm in parked trucks is now an act of insurrection.
It was minus 5C last night in Ottawa, and it’s forecast […]
. Scientific Animations
Handy!: A group at Johns Hopkins checked 295 people who had caught Covid before (and tested positive). Amazingly, all but two of them still had antibodies and there was “no indication” that the antibodies were declining.
Natural immunity doesn’t always work this well. There are plenty of diseases where protection wanes after six months, like RSV, or Norovirus, and many common cold coronaviruses.
Natural Immunity to COVID-19 Detected at 20 Months After Infection: Study
Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times
Protection against the virus that causes COVID-19 among the recovered was detected by researchers at 20 months post-infection, adding to the body of evidence that such protection, known as natural immunity, is long-lasting.
Researchers found antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor-binding domain (RBD) in 99 percent of study participants who tested positive for COVID-19, with some having had the illness as long as 20 months prior.
“The major takeaway is that natural immunity … is strong and durable,” [Dr Dorry] Segev told The Epoch Times in an email.
Dr. Dorry Segev, the director of the Epidemiology Research Group in Organ Transplantation at Johns Hopkins University.
Greens destroy wilderness one innumerate fantasy at a time. If only they had enough fossil fuels underground they might have saved this forest.
A solar wilderness. Tiahang Mountain Solar plant.
“Industrial solar farms require 300-400 times more land than natural gas or nuclear plants” — — Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD
Dystopia await all those who think solar power is free
Solar panels on Taihang Mountain have a theoretical capacity of 20MW
“It can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20,000 tons annually replacing 7,500 tons of coal each year. “
Since China consumes 4,319,921,826 tons of coal each year, that’s one plant down, and only 575,145 more to build…
9.9 out of 10 based on 74 ratings
Don’t underestimate how important this UK news is. The protesters won. The people who held the line, saved the day. There were just too many of them to sack them all.
The Big Retreat is great news — except of course, for all the healthworkers who’ve already quit, or been forced to take an injection they didn’t want, or who have suffered for months with the stress of not knowing if they would be sacked. It’s all been so cruel and will leave a wake …a loss of trust that will last for years.
Covid passports programs are also ending in Ireland, Bolivia, the Czech Republic, and Denmark and now Switzerland, Saskatchewan and Alberta Canada are promising that vaccine passports will end this month.
Tell the world about them: it’s fuel for protesters and a cold shower for politicians. Newspapers probably won’t headline the pattern of freedom that is starting to spread. There will be people in the world who will be wondering right now if they should hold-the-line.
Politicians will feel isolated if other countries are abandoning their “health passes”.
Health secretary Sajid Javid announces U-turn that will prevent exodus of thousands of health workers
The […]
The Truckers convoy is so much bigger than just rules on a border crossing. And it’s spreading — hundreds of trucks are gathering on the US Canada border at Alberta. It has become the lightning rod for the disaffected, the put-upon, and the seriously Fed-Up.
Lots of people don’t even know this is happening. This is a chance to Redpill friends. Reach out in emails. Just ask people, “did you hear about this?” Share the message, because the MSM won’t, and the Empire will silence the news and sabotage the protests every way they can.
Life is so absurd it’s hard to tell what’s satire
Socialists Condemn Workers Of The World For Uniting
OTTAWA—Socialists around the world are condemning the trucker freedom protest in Canada as the working class unites to defend their human rights.
“When workers of the world unite against overbearing government mandates, that’s literal fascism,” said a sobbing socialist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from deep within his top-secret bunker underneath Washington, D.C. “True, compassionate socialism is when the government partners with private corporations to force experimental drugs on the populace and threaten their very livelihoods if they don’t. Everyone knows […]
A Bomb: Last week a lawyer for military personnel spoke about the extraordinary rise in medical conditions that occurred after vaccination against Covid. This is one of the largest and best kept medical datasets in the world, the people in it are mostly young and healthy, and the whistleblowers have signed legal declarations.
The military data suggests most national vaccination databases suffer from gross underreporting of adverse events.
In the World-We-Thought-We-Lived-In, this would have been Frontpage news the next day. Calls should be coming in from all around to pause vaccinations immediately until it can be reviewed.
The three whistleblowers noticed strange patterns in the patients they were treating. They trawled through data on medical billing from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
Aside from the [300%] spike in miscarriage diagnoses, there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000.
The event was a five hour hearing held by US Senator Ron Johnson. Lawyer Thomas Renz has […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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