Bargain! $2 billion in solar panels powers SA for whole hour on Sunday in Spring!

The ABC, Australian public broadcaster, is excited. For the first “phenomenal time” in the world — one state, South Australia, managed to produce enough solar power so that (in theory) the whole state was powered by solar electrons for one hour on a Sunday at midday in Spring. It was one of the lowest demand days of the year in one of the smallest markets in Australia. The ABC and AEMO don’t mention that it took about $2 billion in capital infrastructure to achieve this trivial feat.

TonyfromOz points out that during this hour the ABC also don’t mention that natural gas plants were running in SA. Apparently SA was exporting electricity to Victoria and with a magic filter at the border so only fossil powered electrons were sent there. He also points out the ABC forgot to say that South Australia only uses 5% of the National Electricity Market.

How many versions of natural gas and diesel keep the lights on in SA?


In reality, I assume Victoria was the dumping ground for the solar surge — otherwise generators in SA would have to have been shut down or disconnected. Did Victorian baseload generators lose some […]

Roving organic MAGA crowds bypassing censorship

Fueled and Moving: Remember 2009? The Climate Skeptic world was set on fire as the ClimateGate hide-the-decline pure corruption was both verified and then ignored by the media. Now the Bidengate expose and audacious censorship is fueling the same indignation, brazen confidence and sheer determination on in a much bigger scale across the US of A.

Suddenly people who just had suspicions or hunches that things were wrong have been converted into campaigners with a mission. Doubts get replaced with confidence, and as the groups grow, so does the sense of “I’m not the only one”.

If the media won’t act as an outlet, then people find another way…

Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls…

Sundance, ConservativeTreehouse

The MAGA rallies, parades and grassroots events are breaking out independent of each-other and literally happening all over the place on any given day. Miles and miles of cars with Trump flags… same with boats… and sometimes just marches in the street where thousands of people just gather and walk with American flags, Trump banners, and other gear.

The media not only have to put out the Biden-fires, they have to censor the censorship-flames too.

So […]

Polling expert explains why polls are junk and why he’s betting on Trump

When a global pandemic meets global scandal

The 900 hp passion of the Trumpers is swamping the pitiful gatherings for Harris-Biden. But how much does that reflect what the 10% in the middle are thinking?

Two experts with great track records predict the winner. One says Trump. One says Biden. One of them is much more convincing than the other.

It’s worth recalling Hillary was bleaching lap tops, and practically having seizures on camera, and she still won 60 million votes just like Donald Trump did. Enthusiam counts but it isn’t everything.

Trump had this election in the bag in January for his State of The Union, then all the normal election rules were tossed into orbit.

Barnes disassembles polling data like a machine

Ciara Haley and George Szamuely talk to renowned litigator and political analyst Robert Barnes about polls and why they are of such limited usefulness.

This man owns polling analysis. The detail. The details! And all off the cuff…

h/t To WokeBuster and RickWill

One thing I don’t understand is how they know the tally of who has already voted.

Distinguished Professor of History, Allan Lichtman, predicts Biden

For the sake of debate, […]

Things the ABC forgot to mention

The scandals of the Biden family are so big they have a gravitational field of their own– and whole institutions like The FBI have been captured in the orbit. The ABC had time to discuss an orchid rescue operation in Western Australia, but nothing on the growing questions of abuse of the roles, and now the cover up, near the top of our largest military ally two weeks before their election.

There are so many interesting commentators the ABC didn’t call.

Tom Fitton from JudicialWatch speaks about Joe Biden:

Who knew that Ukraine was just the side hustle for the Bidens…?

If I were the President I would take [the case] away from the FBI, and the Dept. of Justice.

They will not be able to derail an investigation no matter whether he gets elected.

Has Joe Biden disqualified himself from the Office…?

Fitton sttarts at 3:50

Companies linked to Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in federal loans…

Sidney Powell — Michael Flynn’s defense attorney says:

‘There’s more than enough evidence to have warranted an indictment of Joe Biden and Hunter biden, and […]

Ice Hockey superspreader event in Florida

At one game in June, in Tampa, Florida, 14 players out of 22 caught Covid, and that was only the symptomatic cases. None of the others were tested. Perhaps they all caught it?

Hockey game turned into COVID-19 superspreader event

Rachel Rettner, LiveScience: The game, which was held on June 16 at an ice rink in Tampa Bay, Florida, involved two teams of 11 players each, according to the report, from researchers at the Florida Department of Health. Typically, six players were on the ice and five on the bench at any given time, the report said. All of the players were male, and ranged in age from 19 to 53 years old.

The day after the game (June 17), one of the players developed a fever, cough, sore throat and headache, and tested positive for COVID-19. In the following four days (from June 18 to June 21), an additional 13 players developed symptoms of COVID-19

The game lasted 60 minutes, and players spent about 20 minutes in the locker room before and after the game, with each team having a separate locker room.

What’s an ideal way to share viruses? Refrigerate the air, […]

If we paint all our cities white, will we get more snow?

Some bright spark has found a way to make white paint extra reflective which will reduce cooling costs (but presumably increase heating costs in winter). In theory, this will cool the world, stop storms and save turtles.

Once, when we were rich we could afford to have colors on our buildings and to heat or cool them too.

Presumably this will also be good for the sunglass industry. Let’s hope it doesn’t cause more car accidents.

Climate change: ‘Cooling paint’ could cut emissions from buildings

Matt McGrath, BBC

A new type of white paint has the potential to cool buildings and reduce the reliance on air conditioning, say researchers.

In a study, the new product was able to reflect 95.5% of sunlight and reduce temperatures by 1.7C compared to the ambient air conditions.

The engineers involved say the impact is achieved by adding different-sized particles of calcium carbonate.

Here’s wondering when the next study shows that a bunch of skyscrapers reflected white light away from themselves and towards other skyscapers, raising their cooling costs.



9.8 out of 10 based on 40 ratings […]

Where are the deaths? Ten reasons the first and second Covid waves look so different

In Europe the second wave is setting new records for daily cases but not for deaths so far (thankfully). So the big question is whether this will stay the same or follow the case tally up.

It’s probably not an accident that infections are spreading fast in mid October. Not only was it late summer in Europe, but the virus has been spreading mostly through 15 to 24 year old healthy young people and when Vitamin D levels were high. But as the Northern Hemisphere tracks away from the Sun, vitamin D levels are falling, temperatures are dropping, and the sterilizing rays of ultra violet grow weak. And, as the days grow colder people gather indoors too. Viral doses are rising.

The enduring scandal of the epidemic is that there are so many ways to treat this virus but they’re not expensive enough for the TGA to recommend them. ;- )

Lots more cases but not many deaths

Exhibit One: The United Kingdom

Some people have used this graph to claim the virus poses no threat. But it isn’t that simple.

UK New cases and Worldometer Deaths graph. (Click to enlarge)

Ten reasons death rates were lower in Europe’s […]

The systematic crime families of the USA

I’ve been in this business a long time and this is the biggest coverup I’ve ever seen, and the biggest scandal I’ve heard of.

Joe Biden’s a crook and has been for years…

— Rudi Guiliani

In the video below Guiliani spells out the extended Biden family network involved. He explains how politicians get rich by selling their national policy to the highest bidder but hide it by getting the payment sent through a network of family members and he (Rudi) has numbers and names. He mentions salacious disturbing footage, and points out that the FBI has all the photos, and so does China too, making the Bidens a national security risk.

Why didn’t Obama stop it? “There was a very similar scheme operated by the Clintons…”

The Democrats are better than Biden, says Guiliani.

Steve Bannon — It’s all coming out on Debate Night:

“We know this is serious because Joe Biden is now in the witness protection program. He’s in hiding. He doesn’t want to answer any questions. Not even from the soft supportive media. It’s all going to come […]

Hands up! Your fish or your electricity. Macron threatens to cut interconnector to UK

The UK wants to get back its fishing rights as part of a Brexit deal. The French aren’t too happy about that, but since the UK is heavily dependent on French interconnectors Macron can and is holding the UK electricity grid hostage.

Green Energy puts the UK in a much weaker negotiation position.

The French interconnectors under the Channel are needed both to import reliable nuclear power and to sell off the excess fluffy green kind of unreliable electricity that UK wind power makes at random times. The “value” of energy sales is more than the value of the fisheries (at least in hard currency). But UK imports are larger than the exports, and the UK electricity grid is so fragile it fell over last year leaving people stuck in underground trains for hours, and cutting off a million customers in an instant. The biggest weakness of all is probably the reliance on a foreign power to just keep the lights on. The cost of unplanned blackouts would trump everything else. And could the French “Break” the UK grid with plausible deniability and some inconvenient outage? Sorry but the interconnector had a fault?

I know they might not play that […]

Trump — a man versus a movement — the most important election since 1860

There’s a revolution underway. The true Republicans, The Trump fans need to explain what is really going on and what is at stake. And Tom Klingenstein has a great message (there are deep considered raves and admiration in comments at the site where this was released.) He has captured a meme many people need to hear.

Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement, by Tom Klingenstein

h/t to Stephen Harper and David E.

Or read the speech here:

I wish to make three points. First, Trump is the perfect man for these times, not all times, perhaps not most times, but these times. Second, Republicans are not doing a good job explaining the stakes in this election. They must explain, and this is my third point, that the Democratic Party, which has been taken by its radical wing, is leading a revolution. This makes the coming election the most important one since the election of 1860. Let’s begin there.

Unlike most elections, this one is much more than a contest over particular policies—like health care or taxes. Rather, like the election of 1860, this election is […]

Half the Reef destroyed but they won’t release the data

The future of the entire 350,000 km2 Great Barrier Reef hangs in the balance — as the coralapocalypse has wiped out 50% of the coral in just 25 years. Lordy! If only we’d built some off-shore wind farms on the reef to protect it! We could cover whole islands with solar panels? What are we thinking!

But as Peter Ridd points out, AIMS (The Australian Institute of Marine Science) surveys around 100 reefs every year — and for the last 35 years — and they find things are roughly the same. See the graph below.

Don’t look now, but corals are doing fine. From Jennifer Marohasy and Peter Ridd.

Somehow Terry Hughes — and the Centre of Excellence for Integrated Coral Reef Studies — gets up to $4 million each year to report on the reef but won’t release the data behind the mass media campaign.

The ABC — which gets nearly $3 million dollars every single day — can’t even pick up the phone to interview AIMS or Peter Ridd and ask one hard question of Terry Hughes’ “Excellent” centre. (We all know why they had to put the word “excellence” in the title, it was the only […]

Covid Brain Fog: the survivors who forget whole holidays, can’t recognise their own car

Normal CT Scan

We really need to know “how many”.

The NY Times tells the story of some Covid survivors who are forgetting entire holidays that were taken weeks before they got ill. They stare at photos and recall nothing… One 31 year old woman suffers from “white static” moments where she is so disoriented she washed the TV Remote, couldn’t remember who she was, or where she was.

This happens in other viral diseases too, as sufferers with chronic fatigue, ME, and ongoing inflammation will tell you. But the scale of it appears to be something unique. Months later some of these people are have given up their jobs.

‘I Feel Like I Have Dementia’: Brain Fog Plagues Covid Survivors

Pam Belluck, New York Times

After contracting the coronavirus in March, Michael Reagan lost all memory of his 12-day vacation in Paris, even though the trip was just a few weeks earlier.

Several weeks after Erica Taylor recovered from her Covid-19 symptoms of nausea and cough, she became confused and forgetful, failing to even recognize her own car, the only Toyota Prius in her apartment complex’s parking lot.

Peak Climate Religion: UN says Earth to become Uninhabitable Hell

Giving up on science, the UN is competing openly now to be The Big Religion. The Rapture is next?

Earth to become ‘an uninhabitable hell’ as climate crisis heightens says UN

“The future of mankind looks very bleak” says the Earth’s Medicine Man. We can save you. Give us your money, your children, and your frequent flyer miles. Follow their plan, they can stop Fire! Flood! Earthquake! Storm! Tsunami! Your car causes tsunamis. Who knew?

The UN claims there’s been a staggering rise in extreme events in the last 20 years. Instead, the only staggering rise are the brazen errors in UN reports. As Roger Pielke and the GWPF say: The UN have a graph in their own report, Figure 5 page 10, showing that climate related disasters have declined by 15% in the last 20 years. As CO2 increases — the world becomes a safer place. :- ) Obviously the UN couldn’t use that to generate apocalyptic headlines. Better to compare it to the 20 years before. Inflation is your friend!

Global Disaster Trend, Graph. Climate related, Source UN 2020

Benny Pieser says: It’s a shambles; a catalogue of errors”. “The UN should withdraw the report […]

Tweets and Free Speech, also Far right extremists turn out to be BLM, Antifa fans

The biggest problem science and civilization face is free speech.

Tonight the ABC tells us (with a straight face) that the leader of the free world’s words were too dangerous for the public to read. The Gods at Twitter have determined what The Truth is. Funnily enough, the ABC gave us his message then used the Twitter censorship as a way of “proving” Trump lies, or is still infectious. The ABC weren’t bothered (10 mins) with the Twitter totalitarianism, they obviously didn’t think the public would be harmed either, because they read the message out. Instead this was “Proof by censorship”.

The fact that Twitter objected was all the “proof” the ABC needed. Dr Twitter said so.

That Tweet really is gone.

Given that there are scores of papers saying that Covid survivors have antibodies that last for a few months, it’s quite believeable that DJT was right. Who is running the country? DJT or an unnamed Twitter list?

In deleting it, Twitter have probably promoted it far beyond anything they could have arranged deliberately.

The Media IS the problem

The media memory-hole becomes the decision making process. The most important message to share right now is […]

Covid tricks — spikes block pain pathway — hiding the infection

Another day in the strange world of Covid

A new finding suggests Covid-19 doesn’t just bind to the ACE2 receptor, it also binds to a key pain receptor called neuropilin-1 receptor (NRP-1). This could explain why some people with a high viral load are asymptomatic and infectious but unaware they are unwell. It’s like the virus is arriving with it’s own morphine. In theory this might be a successful adaption from the virus’s point of view as it may increase the spread of the disease if infected people wander around able to shed virus for longer.

Despite being fed up with the WuFlu, the efficient perfidy is something to behold (at least to a microbiologist). It’s like a pocketknife.

On the down side, the virus may still be damaging tissues in this painless state, which might explain some of those findings of lung and heart damage even in mild or asymptomatic cases.

There is at least one potentially very nice payoff. The finding from the University of Arizona, may lead to the design of whole new painkillers based on the coronavirus spike that is “better than opioids”. The lead author says he has been contacted by people who had […]

Extension cord to rescue renewable South Australia will now cost $2.4 billion

It’s another hidden subsidy for “Green Power”.

Big-Bandaid: Unreliable generators need thousands of kilometers of extra transmission lines.

The totally non-essential new interconnector between NSW and SA will now cost nearly a billion more than was expected. It will add no new baseload generation but allow the random energy surges from South Australia to interfere with New South Wales supply. Surges of subsidized energy will break the balance sheets of cheap baseload infrastructure in NSW, making them less profitable, and driving them out of business unless they charge more for the fewer hours they operate. Both states will spend more on electricity but be less self sufficient, and more dependent on other states.

Why aren’t NSW generators complaining? Because they know prices will rise, not fall. Ask AGL — the more coal plants it can close, the more profits it can make from the gas and unreliable generators.

The extra interconnector won’t solve the real issues — it “probably” won’t change the massive high pressure weather systems that stop wind towers working in both states simultaneously. The magical transmission lines “probably” won’t stop the sun setting in Adelaide one hour after it sets in Sydney either. But it […]

Media Criticizes Trump For Downplaying Virus Threat By Not Dying

Close to the bone:

The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C—President Donald Trump is once again under fire from the media for recklessly downplaying the danger of COVID by refusing to die. As the president begins to show signs of recovery, many worry that this sends the wrong message about the seriousness of the global pandemic.

“His defiance is going to get people killed. Dying like he’s supposed to would be the most patriotic thing he could do,” complained CNN correspondent Adam Pelot. “If he lives, how will the people be able to trust science?”

Tagged: satire and parody

The disappointment this week in news rooms was palpable.

In other news, Biden may be far ahead in the polls, but Gallup Polling shows 56% think Trump will win, and only 40% think Biden will win.

According to David Catron, this is a more useful indicator than asking people “who they’ll vote for”:

July 17th 2020: The American Spectator

Lately, pollsters and pundits have been nervously pondering the following question: “If Trump is behind in the polls, why do most voters say, in the same surveys, that he will win the […]

Worlds “Largest Shadow Bank” wants Australia to shut coal plants faster

Because Big Bankers really want to save the Earth, right?

BlackRock, the 10 trillion dollar “global investment fund” is urging the Australian company AGL to shut Bayswater and Loy B Yang Coal Plants much sooner than planned. BlackRock is a NY based and as wikipedia says “Due to its power, and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world’s largest shadow bank.”

The move only got 20% support from investors. Australian investors largely said “no thanks”. Where are The Greens in exposing multinational powers that want to influence Australia — they’re part of the Big Banker Promotion Team.

BlackRock turns up the heat on AGL’s coal exit plans

Nick Toscano, Sydney Morning Herald

AGL faced an investor revolt on Wednesday, as more than 20 per cent of the company’s shareholders backed a resolution for the board to align the retirement of the Loy Yang A power plant in Victoria and its Bayswater station in New South Wales with a strategy to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

This would mean shutting Loy Yang A, the largest brown coal fired power plant in Victoria, […]

There’s no such thing as clean energy

All good environmentalists detest renewables and are appalled at the money wasted on the industrial renewables corporations.

All the rest are unwitting marketing agents who provide free advertising for banks and multinational conglomerate profits. In the process they hurt the poor and scorch the Earth.

In short: The world spent $3.6 trillion dollars over eight years, mostly trying to change the weather. Only a pitiful 5% of this was spent trying to adapt to the inevitable bad weather which is coming one way or another. Both solar and wind power are perversely useless at reducing CO2, which is their only reason for existing in large otherwise efficient grids. Wind farms raise the temperature of the local area around them which causes more CO2 to be released from the soil. Solar and wind farms waste 100 times the wilderness land area compared to fossil fuels, and need ten times as many minerals mined from the earth. Biomass razes forests, but protects underground coal deposits.

The role of large wind and solar power in national grids is to produce redundant surges of electricity at random or low-need times. They are surplus infrastructure designed in a religious quest to generate nicer weather. […]

Magically correcting Australia’s thermometers from 1,500 kilometers away

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology uses “surrounding” thermometers to adjust for odd shifts in data (caused by things like long grass, cracked screens, or new equipment, some of which is not listed in the site information). The Bureau fishes among many possible sites to find those that happen to match up or , err “correlate” during a particular five year period. Sometimes these are not the nearest site, but ones… further away. So the BOM will ignore the nearby stations, and use further ones to adjust the record.

These correlations, like quantum entanglements, are mysterious and fleeting. A station can be used once in the last hundred years to “correct” another, but for all the other years it doesn’t correlate well — which begs the question of why it had these special telediagnostic powers for a short while, but somehow lost them? Or why a thermometer 300km away might show more accurate trends than one 50km away.

One of the most extreme examples was when Cobar in NSW was used to adjust the records at Alice Springs –almost 1500km away (h/t Bill Johnston). That adjustment was 0.6°C down in 1932 (due to a site move, we’re told). This potentially matters […]