Can your bank delete you? It’s almost like the start of an American social credit system.

Imagine Laura was a candidate for a major political party and had 150 million impressions a month on her twitter account. What happens if her bank and then Twitter delete her accounts. They give no real reason. She’s stranded, and spends a month writing letters and making phone calls, and setting up alternatives. After a month, the bank gives her a cheque for her savings. She got her money, but she lost a month.

Imagine accidents like these happen a lot more often to people on one side of politics — people who want to break the Tech Giants up?

h/t David E

How corporations can delete your existence, by Gavin Haynes.

Let’s call her Laura. In September, Laura was out in Leeds City Centre, buying some bits, when her card was declined. Funny, she thought. She definitely wasn’t in the red. But these things happen, so she left the shop, tinting crimson, and dashed towards the nearest cashpoint.

But her card wouldn’t work at the cashpoint either. She tried another one. With the same result.

Laura opened the banking app on her phone. It said only ‘error’, then automatically closed.

She finally abandoned her shopping and went into the nearest branch of Santander. There, the counter assistant seemed just as mystified. After about an hour of waiting, though, Laura was called through into the manager’s office.

“I’m going to read a statement out for you,” the manager said. “But I’m not going to be able to answer any of your questions after that.”

He read out: “We have locked your bank account. We can’t give you any more information. We might be in touch in future with more information. But we don’t know when that might be.”

Could she have her money? No.

But how was she supposed to get home? After all, she lived eight miles outside of Leeds, and now she had no bus fare. Apparently, this was not the bank’s business.

Sadly, that story is true. It happened, and is increasingly happening to people who annoy the elites.

Laura Loomer, USA

Laura Loomer, Republican candidate

‘Laura’ could be any of us. But she is also Laura Towler, one of the founders of Patriotic Alternative. Towler is a sort of next-gen BNP type, a net-savvy white identitarian who campaigns against mass-migration, and occasionally winks to her Telegram followers about ‘you know who’ (they know alright: The Jews). It would seem that Towler had been expelled from Santander for her views. But in line with the bank’s conditions, this has not been made clear.

By a strange coincidence, in the same month, the same thing happened to Mark Collett, her Patriotic Alternative co-founder. Only, Collett doesn’t bank with Santander — he is with HSBC. Somehow, the same thing also happened, in different countries, to Europe’s leading young white identitarians: Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner.

Coincidence abounds in the modern world. Last year, on the other side of the Atlantic, various alt-ish-Right figures who banked with JP Morgan Chase woke up on the same morning to find that they no longer banked with JP Morgan Chase. They included the chair of the Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio, former InfoWars staffer Joe Biggs, Project Veritas associate Laura Loomer, and Martina Markota, a Trump-supporting performance artist.

The Tech giants have a conflict of interest with democracy:

When Laura won preselection for the Republicans she applied to get reinstated on Twitter like “every candidate” running for office:

No dice. She can’t get on Big Social, the broadcast networks are ignoring her, and her opponent, Lois Frankel, won’t even say her name, let alone debate her.

Should she win — still a long shot — Loomer has sworn to spend her time on Capitol Hill breaking up the tech giants’ monopoly. So couldn’t it be said that they’re acting to titrate their own legislative environment?

Rod Dreher says “pay attention”

We had all better pay attention to this. If you think that the banks and other gatekeepers of the financial system are going to stop with far-right political extremists, you are deluded. ..

Having a bank account is required to participate in the economy in more than a primitive way. To deny someone that is to exile them from modern life. Moreover, the more our economies move to the cashless model, the more difficult it will be for those without a bank account (and a debit card that goes with it) to participate at all in the economy.

If lawmakers don’t use the power of the state to keep access to the economy open to individuals that the ruling class finds deplorable, then we should understand that we are well on our way to allowing Woke Capitalism to create an American social credit system.

Some will call her a fringe nutter (or some other variation). But underlying that is someone making excuses to forgive predatory unfair behavior, or someone trying to find a reason this couldn’t happen to themselves.

10 out of 10 based on 38 ratings

34 comments to Can your bank delete you? It’s almost like the start of an American social credit system.

  • #
    Fuel Filter

    This started years ago with the Barry Soetoro mal-administration.

    (Now, I may have the chronology wrong so please forgive me…)

    The first to have this happen? Gun dealers and associated businesses like gunsmith shops and certain ammo dealers.

    It then moved on to Conservative groups like “True the Vote” and other TEA party groups (BTW stands for “Taxed Enough Already”).

    Soetoro wanted to make damn sure he got re-elected. By hook or crook. And his unbelievably corrupt AG Eric Holder carried out his orders, like the prime underling he was.

    Straight out of the Chicago Mafia playbook. Think they didn’t study how Capone ran his dynasty?

    Throw in a hefty dose of Saul Alynsky and you have His High Holyness’ playbook down cold.


  • #

    I am reminded of the movie “The Net” starring Sandra Bullock. In it the hero’s identity is erased by the big tech firm “Gregg Microsystems”.


  • #

    This is already happening in Australia. A group of citizens in Bendigo set up a group to campaign against a certain development project and were refused a bank account with the Bendigo Bank, They then approached other banks and were likewise rejected.

    This link and others I found are a few years old, so maybe the situation has resolved, or maybe not.

    But, yes, it can happen to you.


    • #

      It’s happening the opposite way in Australia. Most of the ‘big’ banks have made advertising campaigns that they won’t lend to mining interests. Of course none of them are actually big enough to lend to miners – they need real money.

      Go woke, go broke.


  • #

    On UK tv tonight is a programme about the huge carbon footprint of the tech giants and of course of the industry they have spawned as those glued to their smartphones or laptops bleating about the wickedness of oil companies seem completely unaware of the impact their habit has on the environment.

    perhaps shaming the often tax unfriendly tech giants and targeting the obsessed users of the industry they have created, might make them more aware that their choices have a negative impact, as much as the people they want to cancel who hold the ‘wrong opinions’

    Is endorsing tax dodging tech giants whilst destroying the environment for lithium cobalt etc and creating a huge carbon footprint really anything to be proud about, and does that give them any sort of moral superiority over people like ‘laura’?


  • #

    This is correct.

    Ive often told people if they tick the self appointed “carbon masters” off they will be locked out of banking and life in general.

    This is the reason for a cashless society.

    That said, cash is still king, and the NWO mob have tamtrums about this coz they like to control how many toys we have in the pram…


  • #
    Rick Kinsman

    Let’s just segue this item into the real world. The governments of the western world are all abuzz about the coming Kung Flu vaccines, and how they will be available to everyone for free.
    You know what that means, don’t you? It means it will be compulsory and if you refuse to be vaccinated your banks accounts, credit cards, passport, tax file number, driver’s licence, google account, Facebook account, Instagram account, Twitter account, and a whole bunch of other things will all be cancelled.
    You won’t be able to buy fuel, food, pay your mortgage or rent, make car payments, buy tickets to the footy, pay for insurance of any kind, or travel. And when you turn up at a hospital or your local doctor’s surgery, you will be denied treatment until you are vaccinated.
    Otherwise you will cease to exist.


    • #

      Rick, that’s why it’s important for thinking people to stand together and resist. If only a minimum resist they’ll be destroyed. But if we could wake people up and show them the reality of what’s going on, some of them will also resist.

      If we can wake up enough people that will resist, we can catalyse a power shift.

      Anyone who doesn’t protest over forcible vaccinated must be stupid.

      Nuremberg code 1947 still applies.


    • #
      Fuel Filter

      To Mr. Rick Kinsman, or anybody else here, ever read the book of Revelation?

      Especially the part where you can no longer buy nor sell unless you have the “Mark”?

      Sure sounds familiar to me….


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    “ That said, cash is still king…”

    Yeah, Steve. But for how long?

    Perhaps it’s time to slowly start accumulating things like “junk” silver and “junk” gold jewelry.

    There’s a slowly growing market here in the States buying old dimes and quarters that have no collectors value whatsoever.

    Worn down, no recognizable dates, serrated edges half-gone, etc. Its only worth is in the bullion value.

    And, when the SHTF, it might just come in handy.

    ‘Course there’s an even greater value in something else: Ammo. Worth its weight in gold when that day arrives…


    • #

      Oh I do believe we need a licence to own a Mo in the uk. Don’t think you can buy it now with a licence. Wasn’t there a time in recent history somewhere where you weren’t supposed to hoard things ( food or cash ?) ?


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      Spy movies often use gems as currency. I’m beginning to think that’s a good idea, a lot lighter than gold and silver. Easy to carry, light and small.

      In fact, they also used gems as currency back in the Silk Road days of international trade.


      • #

        “Spy movies often use gems as currency.”

        So did Klaatu in the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still; he carried diamonds as currency and trades two of them for two dollars (well it seemed like a fair trade to him).


    • #

      Barbaric relics FTW


  • #

    ‘Leeds City Centre’ made me read f urther ….. Oh boy! those 2 banks, have given me much jip over the years with their unsolicited mail to take on a Credit card, along with Capital 1. and now we have a former Australian Owned Scottish & English Bank group which is renaming itself into that doughball Enviro gonk greenblob clown , anti Brexit et al with that awful name, Not Volks… Don’t like it and all that it portrays.
    On a different note, it has been mooted before that perhaps Farmers should stop providing food for & to all those who are Anti- farming processes, etc. …would just be a similar form of disenfranchisement. Nobody HAS the right to buy from, or sell to, any product ( unless you are a B&B landlord or Baker and have to comply with all this PC junk anti-discrimination), so it issjustthe way that you get lumbered when your Card is frozen. And how much cash can you carry…..


  • #

    Looks like its time to have a ready cash reserve. Maybe Malcolm Fraser was right….


  • #
    Rupert Ashford

    The really scary part of this is that a large % of society appear to be OK with this.


  • #

    [ What it all comes down to is that your bank reserves the right to shut your account at any time, for any reason. And because the institution is held liable if an account ends up being connected to fraud or damaging the reputation of the bank, it is often going to take a “better safe than sorry” approach, said John Ulzheimer, credit expert at

    “Nobody has the right to a credit card, a bank account, a debit card or a merchant account,” said Ulzheimer. “You have to earn it and the banks set the rules. If you are what they perceive to be too risky, they’ll shut you down and you have no recourse.” ]

    Barring regulatory changes, the safest bet is have your financial relationship with a Local Bank or Credit Union. If possible, purchase shares in the institution in order to have a legal vote in their affairs. It will be the Large Institutions that are most likely to be politically influenced.

    Nasty state of affairs. Financial DePlatforming based on Political differences. Frightening.


  • #
    Old Goat

    Interesting times….I may well be about to open multiple accounts in different banks . For me the jury is still out on Bitcoin and cyber currencies . If chaos reigns what will be the new medium of exchange ?


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      Bitcoins and cyber currencies in general are worth exactly nothing. They are not a true currency as per “government backed”.

      They only have value if somebody wants it. Much like any other object in the universe. But once the power goes out, they disappear (are not a tradable item).


    • #

      There are so many crypto currencies but all are backed by the same thing, nothing but the belief of the holders. XRP and Ripple seem to be the up and coming, but the reserve banks/central banks have their own to be introduced, I read based on the Block chain developed by those two.
      Money (paper) also has no worth, but while I can fill my Vehicles, buy a coffee and food, they have value to me.

      These bankers control everything, they control the metals market with paper, Three times the amount of gold has been sold on paper then has been mined in the history of gold mining. Everything is manipulated by the overlords. They created the monetary system, they can also break it and will.

      The great currency reset they are now advertising, will crash everything. Someone said in a previous thread that this lot already own everything therefore they have nothing to gain. They don’t own what you own, hence the “by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy. (or else)

      In all honesty with the climate fraud, we have been told for 20 years the debate that never happened is over, these are the governments of the world telling us this. Banging on about AGW will make no difference, no one is listening, our path has been set by others no debate will be tolerated. You agree or be cancelled.

      This is a list of Australians that attended the Davos 2020 meeting,

      Rob Scott
      Chief Executive Officer, Wesfarmers, Australia

      Level 1Top Executive

      Vikram Sharma
      Founder and Chief Executive Officer, QuintessenceLabs, Australia

      Level 1Top Executive

      Lynette Wallworth
      Artist, Studio Wallworth, Australia

      Level 1Arts, Culture & Sports

      Genevieve Bell
      Distinguished Professor; Director, 3A Institute, Australian National University, Australia

      Level 1Academia/Think-tank

      Julie Bishop
      Chancellor, Australian National University, Australia

      Level 1Academia/Think-tank

      Brian Schmidt
      Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University, Australia

      Level 1Academia/Think-tank

      Anthony Gianotti
      Chief Financial Officer, Wesfarmers, Australia

      Level 2Senior Executive

      Paul Hunyor
      Partner; Managing Director; Head, Digital Ventures, Asia, BCG Digital Ventures, Australia

      Level 2Senior Executive

      Peter Holmes à Court
      Special Correspondent, Australian, Australia

      Level 2Journalist

      Mathias Cormann
      Minister for Finance; Leader of the Government in the Senate of Australia

      Level 3Minister

      Marie Lam-Frendo
      Chief Executive Officer, Global Infrastructure Hub, Australia

      Level 3Head of International Org./Deputy Head of Top International Org.

      Alison Kitchen
      Chairman, KPMG, Australia

      Level 3Board Member

      Arun Sharma
      Member of the Board, Adani Abbot Point Terminal, Australia

      Level 3Board Member

      Lucy d’Arville
      Partner, Bain & Company, Australia

      Level 4Head of Business Unit/Head of Region

      Sophia Hamblin Wang
      Global Shaper, Canberra Hub, Australia

      Know your enemies


  • #
    Mark D.

    Banks tough enough but you can work around that for a while if you don’t want to own a house (*more on that).

    When will it be your doctor and your treatment regime? SOON ENOUGH!

    Do you talk politics with your medical care givers?

    *The 2030 restart calls for no private property ownership. This is what they want and frankly they are getting what they want.


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    “ When will it be your doctor and your treatment regime? SOON ENOUGH!”

    Mark, under ObamaCare, doctors, and I’m talking about primary-care Physicians, were “forced” to ask their patents if they had firearms in their homes.

    If they answered in the affirmative they were to be tagged as possibly “at risk” for causing danger to themselves or others; especially if they had children in the home.

    Don’t think for a second Soetoro didn’t try. Now, tell me what you think a Biden admin would do?

    You think he wouldn’t go after gun owners in every which way but loose?

    You guys in OZ should have NEVER given up your firearms. Instead you went the way of England and the rest of the West (‘cept for us) and disarmed yourselves.

    Once you go there you can never go back. The Left works like a one-way ratchet.

    Scratch a progressive and underneath you always find a totalitarian.


    • #

      Australia isnt disarmed…there are now more guns than before the port arthur “incident” whereby a chap with very low IQ out-shot a military marksman….very odd we thought… NZ…there always seem to be convenient “incidents” that allow gun regulation to occur.


      • #

        But the Magazine capacity is 3 rounds on the higher powered types, 4 with one up the spout.
        Only need two placed shots though to win a war of attrition 🙂

        They also know and do check where every fire arm is.

        Just commenting for a friend.


        • #
          Fuel Filter

          MP, how bout limits on how much ammo you can buy? How much are you allowed to store at home?

          “They also know and do check where every fire arm is.”

          You think, if push comes to shove that knowledge won’t be put to use when confiscation time comes????

          Yeah, no. Far better to declare that you lost them in a lake or in the outback or in some wooded are or the like. Just make sure you know how to clean, lube and pack them correctly.

          As for ammo, there’s plenty of Toob vids out there addressing these probs. Same for “lost” firearms.


          • #

            No limits for my friend, He goes through hundreds of rounds just on ferals a year, then their is the animals digging up his paddocks to deal with as well.

            I am fully expecting the government to come and steal things one day, that’s all governments do, take freedoms and rights.
            Lost is a lame excuse and won’t cut it with the thieves.

            Things will go the way they will go.


      • #

        Yes, Steve,

        No point owning precious metals of you don’t have some base metals also.


  • #
    Another Ian

    I just got this in an email

    2020 logo

    Hi Jo Current use report

    A cold start still brings me to “2.7 million” and thirty -odd comments even with refresh.

    I have to do a post there and then can get to more recent threads.

    I’ve cleaned anything “Jo Nova” I can see out of cache area. Makes no difference to start up. There will be new cache material within seconds of opening the site.

    And “Can your bank” takes around 30 seconds to load fully when I step through and get there.


  • #

    Astounding and extremely disturbing, like something out of an espionage movie.
    This sort of stuff MUST be made illegal but with the Left, I’m afraid they don’t ‘do’ fair.


  • #

    This is the reason you own everything, they can’t take it away, you can own a server in Russia and VPN that out a server in the US so no one knows where the original is.

    Only fools thought SJW infested corporate sites would let anyone get a foothold in peoples minds.
