The legal argument: Why Trump will triumph in Pennsylvania and win the election

Here’s a video readers will like. Caveat: just because Trump can still win is not a reason to sit back and relax. Right now the battle is big and on. The good guys may have the law, the Supreme Court and some state legislatures and the office of the President. BUT the bad guys control the news channels, and Constitution is just a document, it’s only as good as the people who are willing to fight for it.

Possession is nine tenths of the law. If the nation never hears that the bad guys are in breach of the Constitution and that Biden hasn’t won, and the election is not over, then Biden becomes The Incumbent. Your job, as is mine, is to get around the censors every which way we can. Emails, comments, social media, letters to editor, letters to MP’s, and friends etc. Whatever you can do that spreads information helps the good guys. Information is our friend. Censorship is theirs.

All votes received after 8pm Nov 3 are automatically invalidated

The Penn Supreme Court changed the rules on the PA election on October 28th allowing votes that arrive after 8pm to be included “because Covid”. But the […]

Hammer and Scorecard: Are CIA programs designed to interfere in foreign elections being used in the US now?

Imagine that the CIA had been using software for years that could undetectably alter vote counts in electronic transit between ballot centres and central vote collection sites. How inevitable is it that sooner or later this same program would be used within the USA. There is a karma to this. The US played dirty games in other people’s elections for years, so it any wonder that having created the weapon and trained operatives to use it, that it would eventually come back to bite the US?

Electronic voting is a wild invitation for fraud. It can not be any other way.

Hammer and Scorecard are the names of the two programs designed by the CIA to interfere in foreign elections and now allegedly being used in the USA itself.

The General [Lt. Gen. McInerney] described “Hammer” and “Scorecard,” a pair of programs initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. We explained how they work in an article last week, but the gist is this: “Hammer” or “THE HAMMER” is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection while “Scorecard” […]

Software “Glitch” in Voting machine takes 6,000 Trump votes in one county. Used in 30 states

Here in Australia all we are hearing is how Trump’s claims of election fraud are baseless, and without any evidence at all. If only The ABC could afford to get the internet…?

The ABC here has spent more time telling Australians that Trump is isolated, and being abandoned by a few RINO’s rather than investigating actual known high risk areas of fraud.

One Glitch, but many machines:

Dominion Voting Machine

In one county in Michigan Joe Biden was well ahead, but the tally didn’t match with the past voting patterns. In the last 135 years the voters of Antrim County voted Republican in 32 of 34 elections. It turned out the software used in the voting machines had flipped as many as 6,000 votes. After the error was fixed, Donald Trump was 2,000 votes ahead of Biden. That’s some glitch.

Another computer glitch in Oakland County Michigan caused a similar flip. What are the odds? Strangely, it didn’t flip votes up for Trump, only down. Not so much a bug perhaps as a design feature? ‘

The Republicans asked for another 47 counties to recount their votes, but it’s worse than that. Dominion Software is used in 30 other […]

Could it be true? A sting operation by Trump and Intelligence watermarked ballots to catch voter fraud

UPDATE: So it’s fun to imagine. File this under “movie script” at the moment.

Could there be a counter-coup against the Bidens?

Knowing that the Democrats were likely to cheat, did Donald Trump find honest Intelligence Agents who were still prepared to work for their President and their nation and keep a secret? Did they manage to watermark ballot papers with QFS blockchain encryption codes in a way that will allow them to catch and prosecute voter fraud? Steve Pieczenik says “arrests are coming”. “It was Trumps initiative”. “He’s been brilliant”. Apparently, they set the trap and waited for it to spring. I supposed we’ll know pretty soon if this is attention getting hype or one of the biggest stories in years.

I’m watching this with red flags thinking: this is exactly what we all want to hear. Too good to be true? I’m also thinking that there must surely still be some patriots in intelligence, and that Trump and everyone have known for months that they would use mail in ballots to cheat. Could they have kept this a secret? Will the evidence actually stick? Can they really identify the chain of corruption at the top, or will […]

USA 2020: Looks like a coup, smells like a coup…

With 200,000 and 138,000 Votes For Biden suddenly appearing at 4am in Michigan and Wisconsin, they are not even trying to hide that something very wrong is going on. But since the media collective were able to suppress the biggest political scandal since Watergate in the last two weeks, presumably they will try to do it again. The best thing anyone can do right now, is share the message asap.

UPDATE: See below for the two explanations that have been sent in or found about MI and WI.*

The way elections are normally called, Trump has already won (listen to Rudy Guliani), but the media are working hard to keep the Biden case looking as though it is on top.

The strange appearance of 200,000 votes 4am in the morning:

As Rudy Guiliani says, in many states it was impossible for Biden to win by the usual methods the Television networks have used for all past elections. But whoever it is that decides these things held off announcing states that Trump had won. The Trump states were delayed or not declared, Biden states (like Arizona) were called with many votes yet to be counted. In key states at critical […]

There is something remarkable going on in America

America choosing between Woke versus Traditional.

Polls are open, Queues are long, the National Guard has arrived, and random piles of bricks are already in place (ready for Civic celebrations by the Party of Tolerance?) Walmart has pulled guns and ammunition off its shelves (maybe they don’t want them stolen?) Shops are boarded up. It’s everything you need for an election.

Trump Trains are everywhere.

What a phenomenon. There’s even allegedly a 96 mile Trump Train in Arizona. Holy Smoke!

Whatever happens today, that passion, that fervour and dedication is not going to go away. This kind of energy just can’t be put back in a box. (And if the youtube should vanish, see it at this tweet).

Some members of the Party of Love are pretending the US Flags on these cars could be ISIS banners, calling the Trump Trains “Vanilla ISIS”. Yeah. Like, that’s not divisive.

But people who love America are having a lot of fun. Through their sheer exuberance, they must be pulling people in. Would you rather join the party of Optimism and Pizzazz or the Woke complainers?

Listen to the effect the sight of a Trump Train pursuing a Biden Bus has on […]

Hunter Biden under FBI investigation for money laundering

BLM: Bidens Laptop Matters

The allegations about Hunter Biden are all fake news, debunked before they were made, but the FBI says they have him under investigation for money laundering. And they’ve been investigating him all year, but forgot to mention that.

Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen.

The FBI has admitted they have the laptop and they interviewed Tony Bobulinski on October 23 for five hours. Nothing to see here.

Hunter only matters because of what it might mean about about Joe.

Biden Bus runs red lights to escape a Trump fan in a Hearse called the Democrat Cemetary Vote Collector

When censorship is running strong, people find other ways to get out the message. This a new artform called #Roadtrolling as invented by a Trump fan in Houston. Apparently the Biden bus (which doesn’t have Joe Biden in it) has been seen running red lights to try to get away from the […]

Democrats: vote for us, we’ll wear you down, dox, and bully you but know we care…

Finally, an honest Democrats advert (made by someone other than the Democrats)

Too good not to share: …. If they didn’t have double standards they’d have no standards at all.

This is the great work of Allie Beth Stuckey — her channel.

9.2 out of 10 based on 86 ratings

Third world censorship in the USA: 1000% Joe Biden is “the Big Guy” in China CCP dealings

The media are concealing a Bigger-than-Watergate scandal about the “leading” presidential candidate a week before the election in the most powerful nation on Earth. How easy then is it for the same media to ignore thousands of independent scientists in an esoteric debate about radiative physics? If Biden is elected, he will have to be removed from office.

History unfolding: Tony Bobulinski is a democrat who served his country, who had tops secret clearance with the NSA and DOE.

Tucker Carlson:

“Never before in American history have more power centres combined to kill a legitimate news story …”

“Last night we experienced an extraordinary attempt to interfere with our reporting on the Biden family…”

Bobulinski went to the Biden camp in the last week, after they said this was Russian disinformation (calling Bobulinski a traitor effectively). He asked them to do the right thing. Their response (like concern trolls) was to warn him he’d have press trucks outside his house, he’d have to move, he could lose his job… “but basically” Rob Walker, the spouse of Jill Biden’s former top personal White House aide, told Tony Bobulinski “you’re just going to bury all of […]

Roving organic MAGA crowds bypassing censorship

Fueled and Moving: Remember 2009? The Climate Skeptic world was set on fire as the ClimateGate hide-the-decline pure corruption was both verified and then ignored by the media. Now the Bidengate expose and audacious censorship is fueling the same indignation, brazen confidence and sheer determination on in a much bigger scale across the US of A.

Suddenly people who just had suspicions or hunches that things were wrong have been converted into campaigners with a mission. Doubts get replaced with confidence, and as the groups grow, so does the sense of “I’m not the only one”.

If the media won’t act as an outlet, then people find another way…

Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls…

Sundance, ConservativeTreehouse

The MAGA rallies, parades and grassroots events are breaking out independent of each-other and literally happening all over the place on any given day. Miles and miles of cars with Trump flags… same with boats… and sometimes just marches in the street where thousands of people just gather and walk with American flags, Trump banners, and other gear.

The media not only have to put out the Biden-fires, they have to censor the censorship-flames too.

So […]

Polling expert explains why polls are junk and why he’s betting on Trump

When a global pandemic meets global scandal

The 900 hp passion of the Trumpers is swamping the pitiful gatherings for Harris-Biden. But how much does that reflect what the 10% in the middle are thinking?

Two experts with great track records predict the winner. One says Trump. One says Biden. One of them is much more convincing than the other.

It’s worth recalling Hillary was bleaching lap tops, and practically having seizures on camera, and she still won 60 million votes just like Donald Trump did. Enthusiam counts but it isn’t everything.

Trump had this election in the bag in January for his State of The Union, then all the normal election rules were tossed into orbit.

Barnes disassembles polling data like a machine

Ciara Haley and George Szamuely talk to renowned litigator and political analyst Robert Barnes about polls and why they are of such limited usefulness.

This man owns polling analysis. The detail. The details! And all off the cuff…

h/t To WokeBuster and RickWill

One thing I don’t understand is how they know the tally of who has already voted.

Distinguished Professor of History, Allan Lichtman, predicts Biden

For the sake of debate, […]

“One minute we were America, then next we were China…”

So we now know for sure it was Hunter Bidens laptop. It’s his signature on the service agreement. The emails have been cross checked. None of the Bidens will even deny that the laptop belonged to him or that the emails are not authentic. But more frightening than the years of corruption of some of the highest office in the USA, is the censorship. Two weeks to go and the major media outlets won’t ask, and possibly worst of all, neither will the FBI.

USAToday did not even ask “is it true”. Were these his emails? No journalist wants to know. One CBS reporter asked, and Joe Biden turned on him, didn’t deny it he just called it a smear campaign. Then everyone dumped on the reporter, and no other reporter would ask anything tougher than what’s the flavour of your ice cream.

Our ABC watched CNN and served it up: Most Australians would only know “it’s a smear campaign” and the FBI is investigating the Russian connection. It’s all a big conspiracy: Rudi Guiliani is a Russian agent…

Hear from the wonderful Australian Miranda Devine:

It’s like we need little care packages for victims of Pravda-media.“Here’s what […]

Twitter, Facebook, CNN, have another 26,000 Hunter Biden emails to ignore “Don’t say China”

After five days the New York Post is apparently still suspended from Twitter for not deleting tweets linking to their own bombshell stories about a man running for President. Two weeks til the US election and @NYpost account with 1.8million followers has no new tweets.

Meanwhile in a totally different incident, unrelated from Hunter-Biden’s old laptop, an old pal of his, Bevan Cooney, who is in jail has released 26,000 emails to the FBI, to Breitbart. Apparently he feels pretty cheesed with his old colleague, and wants the world to know how the Biden family “works”.

Allegedly when the Chinese communist elites want access to the Vice President of the US — that could be arranged.

Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

by Matthew Boyle

In this particular story what we lay out is how Hunter Biden and his business partners set up a meeting for this group called the China Entrepreneurs Club. Don’t let that benign name fool you; this is regarded as joined at the hip with the Chinese communist government. This China Entrepreneurs Club wanted meeting at the highest levels of the White House and Hunter Biden arranged them. […]

Trump — a man versus a movement — the most important election since 1860

There’s a revolution underway. The true Republicans, The Trump fans need to explain what is really going on and what is at stake. And Tom Klingenstein has a great message (there are deep considered raves and admiration in comments at the site where this was released.) He has captured a meme many people need to hear.

Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement, by Tom Klingenstein

h/t to Stephen Harper and David E.

Or read the speech here:

I wish to make three points. First, Trump is the perfect man for these times, not all times, perhaps not most times, but these times. Second, Republicans are not doing a good job explaining the stakes in this election. They must explain, and this is my third point, that the Democratic Party, which has been taken by its radical wing, is leading a revolution. This makes the coming election the most important one since the election of 1860. Let’s begin there.

Unlike most elections, this one is much more than a contest over particular policies—like health care or taxes. Rather, like the election of 1860, this election is […]

BidenGate breaks: Facebook, Twitter censor the Whitehouse as “unsafe”, but FBI did nothing?

Hard to say what’s bigger in the October Surprise. Joe Biden gets caught lying in an alleged pay-for-play scandal, Facebook and Twitter do naked political censorship to influence the US election in a “Digital Civil War” , or that the FBI was given all the information last year and didn’t say a thing.

Everything the Democrats accused Trump of doing they were apparently doing themselves.

US House Judiciary Committee publishes Hunter Biden secret Ukrainian email story in full

Michael Smith news:

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

Joe Biden says he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

Donald Trump in the NY Post: Vice President Biden, you owe the people of America an apology because it turns out you are a corrupt politician,”… “The Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation, flying around the globe, collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine and Russia and […]

Media Criticizes Trump For Downplaying Virus Threat By Not Dying

Close to the bone:

The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C—President Donald Trump is once again under fire from the media for recklessly downplaying the danger of COVID by refusing to die. As the president begins to show signs of recovery, many worry that this sends the wrong message about the seriousness of the global pandemic.

“His defiance is going to get people killed. Dying like he’s supposed to would be the most patriotic thing he could do,” complained CNN correspondent Adam Pelot. “If he lives, how will the people be able to trust science?”

Tagged: satire and parody

The disappointment this week in news rooms was palpable.

In other news, Biden may be far ahead in the polls, but Gallup Polling shows 56% think Trump will win, and only 40% think Biden will win.

According to David Catron, this is a more useful indicator than asking people “who they’ll vote for”:

July 17th 2020: The American Spectator

Lately, pollsters and pundits have been nervously pondering the following question: “If Trump is behind in the polls, why do most voters say, in the same surveys, that he will win the […]

It’s Trump versus The Swamp

Win for Trump’s enemies would cast pall over democracy

Chris Kenny, The Australian.

If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising to “drain the swamp” can fall victim to the ­revenge of the political, bureaucratic, academic and media establishment — the deep state.

We know he is unorthodox, ­polarising and crass, yet so many players and commentators never tire of pretending these observations are still worth fussing over.

If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising […]

Trump tests positive for Coronavirus, goes into quarantine

In news just in, Donald Trump and his wife Melania have both tested positive for Covid-19. So in the last four weeks of campaigning for the US election he needs to quarantine for two weeks, will most likely survive but faces significant odds of impairment and fatigue. How convenient for Biden-Harris?

The Trumps went into quarantine and got tested today after one of the President’s closest advisers, Hope Hicks, contracted the infection.

Ms Hicks, a former White House communications director who returned to the administration as a counsellor to Mr Trump earlier this year, travelled to and from this week’s presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio with him.

She was also aboard the President’s helicopter, Marine One, for a trip to Joint Base Andrews yesterday. And she was aboard Air Force One for Mr Trump’s visit to Minnesota, where he held a political rally.


With luck, he gets the asymptomatic kind of infection, (as his wife does too). We hope his doctors are fully up with things like the Florida ICAM treatment regime.

She said ICAM works by reinforcing the immune system and protecting the lungs from inflammation.

October 2nd, 2020 | Tags: , , | Category: Politics | Print This Post Print This Post | |

A car boot full of ballots — bought for $800 a vote (or for nothing at all)

Things the ABC might not tell you:

Project Veritas has an insider, they have footage of a man bragging that he has a car full of empty ballots. They have an insider explaining how the system works for mass ballot harvesting.

VictoryGirlsBlog: This is just as terrible as you think it will be. Project Veritas has thrown quite a hand grenade straight into the Minneapolis area, bringing the receipts to prove ballot harvesting.

It seems that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, along with other connected politicians in the Somali community, have quite an expansive ballot harvesting operation going on – so much so, that one of their operatives actually bragged about it on Snapchat. And not only are they going around collecting ballots, especially from the elderly, but they are paying for the ballots in cash.

Between video evidence and insider interviews, the picture being revealed is a system of ballot harvesting and payoffs so corrupt and entrenched that it might not be salvageable.

“Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentees’ ballots. Can’t you see? Look at all these, my car is full. […]

Things the ABC and SBS don’t mention about the USA

As a public service for Australians watching our public broadcasters, here’s a point of view worth knowing about the riots in Louisville.


Besides, in the new world without police, Carlson tells us — Seattle has discovered that maintaining the peace is best left with pimps — and we wouldn’t want to hide that.

Meanwhile SBS News tonight said repeated that Trump would not accept the election results, but that this was a “successful tool” with some voters — as if he just invented the scare of mail-in ballot corruption to win. They wheeled out an expert who said that there hadn’t ever been mail-in voter fraud, or words to that effect “in history”. As if this election is just like all the other ones, and there were not so many undetectable ways to cheat with mail in ballots, the real question is “How could it not happen”?

And so it has: Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, reports that the WhiteHouse has a long list:

…there were nine people charged in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas with “vote harvesting” and mail ballots, a political operative in New York stealing and submitting absentee ballots, and a resident in Pennsylvania […]