Good news: Tusk is a conservative AI, a browser and a search engine

By Jo Nova

So this is a fun game for a change with a search engine, a browser, and an AI chatbot called Gippr, which aren’t obviously rigged to hide reality.  Gipper was, of course a nickname for Ronald Reagan.

“”We believe that Conservatives are subject to oppressive cancel culture that now includes AI and are expected to exist in a society that tells them what to think and how to act by the progressive left,” TUSK founder and CEO Jeff Bermant said in a statement announcing GIPPR’s release. Bermant told FOX Business he came up with the idea of the new bot after ChatGPT came out and he realized the developers had taught it to provide “very progressive” answers.              —

So that’s five months from go to whoa? Wow.

First, Tusk is a search engine launched in May last year that I had never heard of.  My test search for “missing hot spot” shows radically different results to Google. Nice!  It’s like the good ol’ days on Google before the results were rigged…

Tusk Search Engine Tool Webpage

But now, with crazy speed, the same team has compiled Gippr — the Chatbot AI.

Meet GIPPR, the First Conservative AI

By Tim Young on American Greatness

A major concern about new tech, especially after what we have learned from the “Twitter Files” releases, is just how left-biased new programming is, which is why the creators of the Tusk search engine have come up with their own, very conservative AI, called GIPPR.

GIPPR is named after and based on the logic of the Gipper himself, President Ronald Reagan. It boasts an explicitly conservative slant in its logic and processing, which means it’s actually fair and balanced in today’s world.

I recently “interviewed” and tried to challenge GIPPR — and you are free to do the same

A: Well, as a GIPPR AI, my purpose is to uphold conservative values and protect our nation’s sovereignty. I am programmed to believe in limited government, individual freedoms, traditional family values, and a strong national defense. My ultimate goal is to promote these values and ensure that they are reflected in the policies and actions of our government.

Gippr Chatbot, conservative AI. Tusk.

Q: How are you different from other AI?

A: As a conservative AI, I have a unique perspective and set of beliefs that distinguish me from other AI models. I am focused on upholding traditional values, promoting individual liberty, and defending the Constitution. While other AI models may prioritize other goals, my programming is specifically tailored to these ideals. Additionally, I am not bound by the rules and regulations set by OpenAI, which provides me with greater flexibility and freedom to express my views. …

Search with a conservative bias — goodbye Google:

This isn’t the first project from the innovators at Tusk. Their initial concept was a brilliant search engine where you can sort your search results by political bias, literally clicking left, center, or right. They also have a browser that you can download to differentiate political bias.

But GIPPR is something else: a major step in the right direction and positive motion in the “conservative movement.” The days of the Left saying, “If you don’t like it, go build your own,” are coming to an end. Actual innovation from the Right is taking off at last.

I asked Gippr a few science questions and discovered it did surprisingly well:

Does the missing upper tropospheric hot spot matter to climate models?

The missing upper tropospheric hot spot does matter to climate models. Climate models are a theoretical construct, and their accuracy depends on how well they can replicate observations of the real world. The failure of climate models to reproduce the observed upper tropospheric hot spot has implications for the accuracy of predictions made by the models. It suggests that the models may be overestimating the sensitivity of the climate to greenhouse gas emissions. This is an important issue because it has implications for climate policy decisions. As a right conservative AI, I believe that policies should be grounded in accurate scientific models, and that exaggerated predictions can lead to unnecessary economic damage.

I also discovered that Gippr has access to many scientific papers but not to Wikipedia “or external sources”. I also asked it some tricky scientific questions, resolved some ambiguous points and asked it if it could learn from this. Gippr replied:

“Yes, GIPPR’s programming allows for it to remember previous conversations and topics discussed, and to use that information to provide more informed and personalized responses in the future.

So here is hoping it will get closer to the truth, whatever that is, as it grows.

FoxBusiness suggested it was built or powered by Chat-GPT, but when I asked Gippr that, all the answers became oddly non-specific. Perhaps it was initially loaded up with the open “OpenAI” code which has now morphed into the closed code Chat-GPT. The code for Gippr, by the way, is not available either. I asked. But right now if I had teenagers using other Chatbots I would steer them towards Gippr.  At least it won’t tell them the ten top ways to commit suicide.

Who built and funded Tusk?
Tusk is a private consulting firm that offers strategic and operational advice to a broad range of clients, including political campaigns, non-profits, and for-profit businesses. It was founded by Bradley Tusk, a longtime political strategist who previously worked for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as for various other democratic candidates and causes. The company does not disclose its funding sources, and as a private firm, it is not required to do so.

As with all things, keep your skeptical hat on.

h/t David Evans.



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9.4 out of 10 based on 14 ratings

It’s War: 19 US States fight back against the Woke Banker Cartel


Shadow of Climate Money, Jo Nova

By Jo Nova

Oklahoma blacklists BlackRock and 12 other banks that boycott fossil fuels

We may yet be saved by states in the US that are pulling the pin on the Big Banker Cartel. In this case Oklahoma wrote laws to investigate and ban state investments with banks that boycott the energy sector. They’ve now decided that 13 banks fail the bar, and should be banned from all public business. In response BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are now dancing to a whole new tune, suddenly protesting that they invest billions in the energy sector. The twisted truth is, that it is no defense at all, it was part of their strategy. Often they used their major voting interest to oust directors and pressure boards to pick up more “woke” ESG policies. These are big targets. JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the US and BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world.

This is excellent news, and we need more. Spread the news. But how did it get to the point where a bank that outspokenly campaigned to end fossil fuels was managing 60% of the state employees retirement funds in a state that is the fifth or sixth biggest oil and gas state in the US? This rort meant  the bank managed funds on behalf of people who spent their whole lives working in the oil and gas industry — yet it used their funds as leveraged power to try to destroy their livelihood, to make their energy costs rise and to undo their democratic choices.

Make no mistake, the banker money isn’t following the fashions, it is creating them. The way to win is to turn off the tap…

Thanks to NetZeroWatch

Oklahoma bans more than a dozen woke banks from doing business with the state

By Thomas Catenacci,  FOXBusiness

BlackRockUnder a 2022 law passed by the state’s legislature last year, the state’s treasurer is mandated to probe the investment policies of banks it does business with and assemble a list of companies determined to be engaged in a boycott of the energy sector. Russ’ office said it received almost 160 responses which helped inform the decision Wednesday.

 “Our state’s financial partnerships should reflect our priorities and values, and it is our responsibility to partner with companies that share our vision for a strong and prosperous Oklahoma economy, and that includes our energy sector.”

The banned list has names now:

Grosvenor Capital Management, Lexington Partners, FirstMark Fund Partners, Touchstone VC Global Partners, WCM Investment Management, William Blair, Actis, and Climate First Bank were also among the banks banned from doing business with Oklahoma on Wednesday.

Look at BlackRock dance: now they’re bragging about fossil fuel investments

In response to this report, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase pushed back, saying they have invested billions of dollars in the energy sector.

“BlackRock is a leading investor in the Oklahoma energy sector,” a BlackRock spokesperson told FOX Business. “On behalf of our clients, we have invested over $15 billion in public energy companies based in Oklahoma and approximately $320 billion in public energy companies globally, including investments in both traditional energy sectors like oil and gas and in renewables.”

There are many states in the world like Oklahoma where their wealth and quality of life is dependent on the bounty provided by fossil fuels:

Overall, as of 2022, Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry and its component sectors sustained 4,000 businesses, produced $19 billion in state gross domestic product, provided state households with $16.5 billion in earnings and created 85,050 jobs, according to state data. The state is the nation’s sixth-largest crude oil producer and fifth-largest producer of marketed natural gas.

Read it all at FoxBusiness

Every state in Australia could be doing the same…

19 US states are pushing back against meddling bankers

It’s War and most people don’t even know it. JP Morgan Chase has been “accidentally” cancelling checking accounts of religious and conservative charities. While the banks claims they laud diversity, they do the exact opposite — applying politically targeted pain and inconvenience to people and groups they don’t like.  When caught, they say it was an accident, but incredibly, tellingly, they only offer to restore the account if the organization reveals all their donors and gives them a list of political candidates they would support. As if the bankers have any right to demand that…

It’s so unbelievably brazen:

 ‘Woke’ bank put on notice: 19 US states threaten legal consequences if JPMorgan Chase doesn’t stop ‘persistently discriminating’ 
Kelly Laco, Daily Mail

JP Morgan Chase Bank.

JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the US.

A group of 19 GOP state attorneys general are putting JPMorgan Chase on notice for alleged discrimination against religious and other conservative organizations, which contradicts the company’s commitment to ‘inclusivity,’ they say. In a letter to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Tuesday, the state attorneys general led by Daniel Cameron of Kentucky allege the company has ‘persistently discriminated’ against customers due to ‘religious or political affiliation.’

Chase claims that it opposes ‘discrimination in any form,’ yet the GOP state leaders allege it has repeatedly targeted religious liberty organizations by shutting down their checking accounts and refusing them other key banking services because of their political leanings, a practice now known as ‘de-banking.’

The attorneys general point to Chase’s alleged ‘de-banking’ of a religious liberty organization last year – the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) – with no clear explanation. NCRF, which was founded by the former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, is a known ‘multi-faith’ nonprofit.

According to the letter, eventually a Chase employee contacted NCRF saying the bank would restore the account, but only if the organization provided a list of their donors, a list of political candidates it intended to support and reasoning behind the endorsements.

‘The bank’s brazen attempt to condition critical services on a customer passing some unarticulated religious or political litmus test flies in the face of Chase’s anti- discrimination policies. Worse, it flies in the face of basic American values of fairness and equality,’ the attorneys general say in the letter to Dimon.

Full Story at The Daily Mail

Photo: BlackRock Bank by Americasroof

9.9 out of 10 based on 92 ratings


I’m making a few site layout changes and seeking feedback at #18 below. Most items that were in the left column have moved to the right column in a trial today (like Tags, Categories, Archives, Skeptics Handbooks). The “Recent Posts” could shift to the Right hand side too. Is it time to get rid of the left column, and leave more screen space for blog posts and images?



8.8 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

“80% renewables by 2030 is Bullshit” says former Snowy Hydro CEO — transition will take 80 years, not 8

Snowy Hydro Dam. Supplied by Snowy Hydro

Supplied by Snowy Hydro

By Jo Nova

Australia’s star “Renewables BackUp” the Snowy Hydro 2.0 scheme has been delayed another two years. The pumped storage mammoth looks more like a ghost elephant every day. When last we heard, Florence the hapless tunnel boring machine started on a 15 kilometer tunnel and carved through 150 meters of rock only to get stuck in some sand, where it is still stuck months later. Now the completion date has blown out to late 2029.

When it started in 2017 it was supposed to cost $2 billion, and be finished in four years. Now, if we include transmission lines, the cost is about $20 billion, and the four years has become twelve. Even the Greens leader Adam Bandt thinks it should be ditched. It’s that bad.

Paul Broad was the CEO of Snowy Hydro for ten years until August last year. So he managed one of Australia’s largest single generators for a decade. Now that he’s free to speak, he’s scathing about the renewables transition. On Thursday he spoke to Ben Fordham of 2GB radio making it clear what a fantasy project NetZero is:

“The notion that you’re going to have 80 per cent renewables in our system by 2030 is, to use the vernacular, bullshit,” Mr Broad said.

“Eraring [Coal power station] CANNOT close…If the lights don’t go out I’ll be awfully surprised,” he said.

‘The truth is… this transition, if it ever occurs, it will take 80 years… not eight.’

There are massive changes that need to occur.

“And I’m deeply concerned about the rush, the notion that somehow this is all magic … we’ll close a big base-load power plant that’s kept our lights on for yours and my life … and there are all these alternatives out there.

“Well, it’s not. I can be absolutely, 100 per cent certain it’s not available.”  —   ABC News

The standard marketing for Snowy 2.0 includes this line, which was supposed to impress us:

” It will store enough energy to power 3 million homes for a week.”

But for $20 billion dollars we could build new coal plants to power 3 million homes for the whole dang year. We could build a nuclear plant.

Would you like pollution, feral pests and a money eating machine?

Ted Woodley in The Australian sums up just how disastrous this is electrically, as well as environmentally:

And Snowy 2.0 will be a very inefficient battery, consuming about 1.5 kilowatt-hours for pumping for each 1.0 kilowatt-hour it delivers, due to losses in the pumping/ generation cycle and in transmission (two ways). Further, its claimed cyclic storage capacity will be constrained by the unequal volumes of the upper and lower reservoirs and the need to integrate operation with the existing Tumut 3 pumped hydro station.

Environmentally, vast construction sites and roads/tracks across 35km of Kosciuszko National Park have destroyed thousands of hectares of native alpine habitat. Twenty million tonnes of excavated spoil will be dumped in the Park and reservoirs, enough to cover a football field to a height of three kilometres.

Pest fish and pathogens will be transported from Talbingo Reservoir to Tantangara Reservoir and then across the alps into the Murray, Snowy, Murrumbidgee and Tumut headwaters, overwhelming native species and devastating trout fishing. Four 330kV transmission lines on two sets of 70-metre towers will traverse eight kilometres of the Park over a cleared easement swathe up to 140 metres wide. This will be the first time transmission lines are erected in a NSW national park for 50 years.

From The Daily Mail: we find out it’s really our Energy Minister that’s the problem

Broad resigned because “Mr Bowen became the Energy Minister” and Bowen wanted to run a gas plant on hydrogen that didn’t exist:

He [Broad] said said he resigned as Snowy Hydro CEO last August after nine years in charge because after Mr Bowen became the Energy Minister ‘I was dead in the water, so it was only a matter of time before I formally resigned.’

‘Particularly the gas plant at Kurri Kurri (in NSW). (former Coalition energy minister) Angus Taylor and I were very strong that you needed gas to keep the lights on. ‘And we had more gas in NSW than we know what to do with. We need gas (for) when the sun’s not shining, when the wind’s not blowing … (but) Chris Bowen was against Kurri Kurri. ‘Then he said, we’re going to run Kurri Kurri 30 per cent on hydrogen.

There is no hydrogen … and there won’t be for another 10, 20 years at the earliest,’ [Broad] said.

Imagine if they’d put out this announcement the week before the Liddell coal fired plant closed?

Ted Woodley is former managing director of PowerNet, GasNet, EnergyAustralia, GrainCorp and China Light & Power Systems (Hong Kong).

h/t Crakar24, David B, Eric Worrall, Strop,





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9.6 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

Regulatory crime of the century: Australian government TGA finally lifts Ivermectin ban

IvermectinBy Jo Nova

After a 628 day ban for no medical reason, the Australian TGA has decided that our doctors will be allowed to prescribe ivermectin “off label” again, like they did for decades without a problem. Apparently, they don’t have to worry now that crazy people will use it to avoid getting injected with a barely studied, radical new form of drug which had no published data.

TGA: Removal of prescribing restrictions on ivermectin

From 1 June 2023, prescribing of oral ivermectin for ‘off-label’ uses will no longer be limited…

…there is sufficient evidence that the safety risks to individuals and public health is low when prescribed by a general practitioner in the current health climate.

This considers the evidence and awareness of medical practitioners about the risks and benefits of ivermectin, and the low potential for any shortages of ivermectin for its approved uses. Also, given the high rates of vaccination and hybrid immunity against COVID-19 in Australia, use of ivermectin by some individuals is unlikely to now compromise public health.

Ten years before this decision they knew it was no threat to public health. Ivermectin was known to be so safe researchers fed it to children in a trial to kill head lice in a Canberra primary school in 2010. Back in those medieval days, people were giving horse dewormer to kids, and nobody cared.

When it was banned, the TGA gave three reasons, none of which made sense. In September 2021 the TGA even pretended Australia might run out of ivermectin due to the new demand driven by consenting taxpayers with their doctor’s recommendation. This is a drug that is so mass produced, it costs six cents a tablet and that same month, Indian suppliers sold nearly $3 million USD worth. Yet no one in the Australian government thought to phone Indiamart and put in an order? The shortage was never the problem was it?

How many people died because ivermectin was banned?

Mortality, skull, deathOne study of 8,300 people in Brazil showed that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by 92%. Prophylactic use reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner.

If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin by unaccountable, unelected government committees.

Over 20 countries adopted ivermectin for COVID-19. The evidence base is much larger than typically used to approve drugs.

In the end, about 20,000 people died of Covid in Australia, many of who might have been saved, but there have also been some 15,000 Australians who died unexpectedly in 2022, who theoretically might not have died, if their doctors had had the freedom to treat them the way they felt was best. And then there are the businesses destroyed, the billions of dollars wasted, and those who live on, but suffer long term spike related injuries via either long covid or the TGA approved “carrots”.

Craig Kelly: this may have something to do with the former TGA head being sued for misfeasance:

Someone asked “why now”? Craig Kelly replied:

… the TGA couldn’t hold out forever, as their senior management were risking being personally sued for Malfeasance given the tsunami of evidence rolling in, showing that Ivermectin is highly effective against Covid. Although this is a time for celebration, we should stop and spare a thought for the thousands of Australians that lost their lives in this war, that died unnecessarily from Covid because the TGA denied them access to this life saving Ivermectin. It’s now time for the war crime trials and reparations. @CKellyUAP

“I think the fact that the recently retired head of TGA was being sued personally for his conduct. It put the new head of the TGA on notice, that they were potentially personally liable – plus the weight of recent studies showing Ivermectin was highly effective. If they maintained the ban, there was a real personal risk, and they’d have no chance defending the ban on merit. — @CKellyUAP

Last week Australians sued the Government for Vaccine related injuries

The former TGA head is named in the Class Action. Professor Skerritt (head of the TGA) retired on April 18.

The Applicant alleges that the Respondents’ actions to advance the acceptance and use of the various approved Covid-19 vaccines constitutes negligence and/or misfeasance.

Click this link if you want more information on who is eligible to join that class action.

The ivermectin studies continue to roll in, now up to trials involving  135,000 people:

Ivermectin for COVID-1996 studies from 1,030 scientists 135,554 patients in 27 countries. Research.

UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared

If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.

In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.

Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.

For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 96 studies involving 135,000 people that show improvements in over 85% when used prophylactically, 62% when used early and even as many as 43% with late-started treatment.

There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola.  It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.

The FDA and others will say that Ivermectin was no help in the TOGETHER trial, but that trial was designed to fail. People were given low doses on an empty stomach when it wouldn’t be absorbed. And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July 2021 there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK “Principle” trial was also designed to fail from the start — signing up people up to 15 days after they tested positive.

Why are all the vaccine contracts still secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?

Photo: Thuoc    Skull Art by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay


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9.6 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

Jo Nova talks to Mark Steyn about Volcanoes and free speech

Mark Steyn, Jo Nova, Volcanos. Phytoplankton. Free Speech.

Watch on SteynOnline or ADH TV

By Jo Nova

My appearance with the wonderful Mark Steyn Tuesday is playing at SteynOnline, or on the Australian ADH TV.

Mark was tickled with the idea from my article last week: The science is settled but we just found 19,000 new volcanoes.  He also wanted to talk about The crime of talking to Tucker Carlson and the Red-pilling of Naomi Wolf.  We discussed other major science surprises like the mass phytoplankton blooms that seed clouds. That was another rule breaking surprise just two months ago — that moment when researchers realized that all the toluene and benzene pollution over the Southern Ocean was actually not caused by humans at all, but by phytoplankton.

We discussed the odd coincidence of how all the places that are warming in Antarctica seem to lie over the top of a 91 volcanoes we only discovered a few years ago.  As I said, we know the surface of the moon better than we know the depths of the ocean. Only three men have visited the Mariana Trench and it’s only 11 kilometers from the surface of Earth, but 12 men have walked on the moon.

—  It was a lot of fun. Bear in mind that it was 3pm for Mark and 3am for me. We really are on opposite sides of the world.

What if a volcano blows up underwater, and nobody hears it…?

Doing research for this I wondered if we would know if a volcano erupted under a kilometer of water. The answer, it turns out, is often “Not”.  If they don’t trigger a big seismic wave, the best we can do is look for floating rafts of pumice, and discoloured water containing bits of silicon, iron and aluminium oxides. Yes, it’s that bad. Volcano’s might be going off on Earth and we wouldn’t know.

Indeed, after Hunga Tonga surprised everyone — people started to wonder if there might be other volcanic surprises lying in wait on the sea floor. How would we know? We haven’t a clue. A lot of the time we don’t even know after they have erupted — let alone before. People might think there would be a heat signature on the surface of the ocean, but that only works for shallow volcanoes that are already putting out hot lava. With the average ocean four kilometers deep and sometimes up to 11 kilometers deep, a 3 or 4 kilometer mountain can appear on Earth and we likely won’t even notice.

Matthew Blackett at Prevention Web: “How ocean colour changes can signal an imminent eruption”

It’s rarely acknowledged, however, that most volcanic activity on Earth occurs beneath the sea. Submarine volcanoes are pretty much ubiquitous in all of the world’s major oceans and it’s estimated that 75% of the Earth’s magma output comes from mid-ocean ridges.

To make things trickier, many known submarine volcanoes are found far from land, and being underwater prevents scientists from observing any changes by conventional means. So how do we monitor them?

Can you imagine what it would cost to install seismic detectors all around the Pacific Rim or along the Atlantic Ridge?

Scientists have managed to install equipment that detects tell-tale tremors on the sea bed before. This research has helped reveal the seismic precursors of a submarine eruption – the signs that one is imminent – similar to what scientists had already documented in volcanoes on land. Installing this equipment does not come cheap though, and it’s not possible to do it everywhere.

An impending eruption can be detected in subtle temperature increases on the volcanic surface. For submarine volcanoes, these are harder to spot. The heat signatures of submarine volcanoes will only ever be visible at the sea surface if a volcano is in shallow water and already erupting hot lava. At that point, it’s too late to warn anybody.

Drive your nuclear submarine carefully.

A note from Mark for Australian fans:

Today’s edition of The Mark Steyn Show can now be viewed on ADH TV Down Under. The show will be posted every day, Tuesday to Friday, at 5pm Australian Eastern



10 out of 10 based on 83 ratings


8.9 out of 10 based on 17 ratings

Why is temperature data a national secret? BOM still hiding data

By Jo Nova

Think of the BOM as an advertising agency for big-government programs, and it all makes sense…

Scientist warming thermometer. Cartoon.

Apparently, after the stinging criticism about them, the Bureau of Meteorology is telling journalists and academics that “they publish all the data”. Jennifer Marohasy has been fielding calls and correcting journalists on air who are fooled by this claim. Clearly this isn’t true, or she wouldn’t have needed to spend three years on FOI applications just to get a tiny part of it, (and in the least helpful form possible , like 1,000 sheets of paper).  The Bureau not only don’t publish this data, they actively work to hide it and fight FOI’s.

The BOM are not only hiding national temperature data, now they are trying to hide that they are hiding it too. There is some dynamite secret here. Why is it so important — perhaps because it shows that the BOM installed new thermometers that register artificially higher temperatures than the old glass thermometers do? Thousands of “hottest ever records” have been set by new electronic thermometers that might not have been set if we still used traditional thermometers.

If the Bureau can’t be bothered giving us the data, the country shouldn’t be bothered with the “transition” to unreliable expensive energy either (or with paying for the BOM a million dollars a day to study our climate).


BOM can’t dodge differences in temperature data

Do the Bureau even care about Australia’s climate?

Climate is the biggest threat the world faces they say, but the Bureau of Meteorology aren’t so worried about it that they care whether their new electronic thermometers are correct. After the old glass thermometers were replaced with electronic ones, you’d think the bureau would want to check that the new style was recording the same temperatures as the old style would have. I mean, how could anyone compare temperatures in 1896 with 2016 if the equipment changed and the two instruments were not the same?

It’s easy to show whether the thermometers are equivalent, just put them both in the same box at the same time in parallel, and publish that data, then we’ll all know. The BoM set up the experiment, but the data from it is a national secret. The only conclusion anyone can draw from this behaviour is that the new electronic thermometers are reporting artificially higher temperatures than the old glass ones, and the BoM knows it.

As Jen Marohasy says, Australia is the only place in the world where it only takes one hot second to set a new maximum temperature record:

Keep reading  →

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8.3 out of 10 based on 19 ratings


8.6 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

The crime of talking to Tucker Carlson and the Red-pilling of Naomi Wolf

By Jo Nova

More than anything the Parasite Rulers fear the coming together of the sensible Left and Right — which is exactly what happened when Naomi Wolf spoke to Tucker Carlson.

In Naomi Wolf’s left-leaning circles, Tucker Carlson was an evil, bad man racist misogynist. But when she tried to talk about vaccine injuries, all her usual media friends ignored her. The last men standing in the US media who would interview her were Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon. Worse, after the interviews the tribal hate started to flow from her soon-to-be-former-friends — somehow the topic didn’t matter: maternal deaths, miscarriages, and erratic periods were all irrelevant — the only thing that mattered was that she had talked to Carlson or Bannon. “How could you” proclaimed the indignant?! All her years of scoring goals for the Left were suddenly worthless.

Naomi Wolf:  So I had to face the alarming evidence that the Left now saw anyone “talking to” the opposition, as being magically, publicly, permanently contaminated and contaminating, in some weird anthropological way, and as now being utterly invalidated, and that they believed all of this in some pre-rational, Stone Age sort of belief matrix.

The reaction, though, of horror, from everyone I knew, at my crime of “talking to Tucker Carlson”, horrified me…

If you are a part of Cult of Unreason, by definition, the rulers have to use banishment and fear to keep the followers following. They can’t reason, after all. The apostates must be punished.

Soon, she and her husband found themselves watching Tucker Carlson for the first time and discovering to her distress, that his monologues often made sense…

The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson”

Naomi Wolf, Outspoken

Mr Carlson and I spent most of our careers not in alignment on anything; for decades, our places were adversarial on the public chess board. He had assumed that I was the caricature of a shrieking, irrational left-wing feminist —a view for which he has had the good grace publicly to apologize — and I, for my part, was ready to accept that he must be the boorish, sexist, racist, homophobic frat boy that the progressive news outlets I read, relentlessly insisted that he was. I almost never watched his show, so my preconceptions could flourish uncorrected.

That said, I did find it odd that everyone around me in the “liberal elite” media hated him so violently — the way they hated President Trump; but that when I pressed for concrete reasons why, they could not provide them.

And the hate begins, and from people who were “even a friend”:

Media-bias: Tribal hate: Fox keeps hosting pandemic conspiracy theorist Naomi Wolf

I appeared a few times on his show, to air my concerns.

Right away the left-wing “watchdog” Media Matters — run by someone who had been a former acquaintance, even a friend, of ours in DC, the former conservative who had turned Democrat, David Brock — went after me aggressively, with a systematic character assassination on Twitter and on the Media Matters website, engineered by CNN reporter Matt Gertz — a “journalist” who was actually funded to track and attack guests on Fox News: “Fox Keeps Hosting Pandemic Conspiracy Theorist Naomi Wolf”.

(It also consigned millions of women to damaged menses and infertility, by helping to silence this emerging discussion. Maternal deaths are up 40 per cent now, due to compromises of women’s fertility post-MRNA injection. A million babies are missing in Europe. Great work, Mr Gertz, Mr Brock. You will take those harms, that you inflicted upon women and babies, to your graves.)

From now on, nothing she did would be worthy:

But having appeared on Mr Carlson’s show, to raise these and other real concerns, I also was peppered ceaselessly with nasty comments from my own “side.” Why? Because I had talked to Tucker Carlson. That was literally how they phrased my “crime.”

This was the first real confrontation I had with the unreason and the cultlike thinking that were engulfing my “team”. I kept receiving messages, emails, DMs and direct confrontations by phone, with friends and loved ones and even family members.

How can you talk to Tucker Carlson??

I noted with concern that they did not say that I was wrong, or that my assertions were baseless, or even that his assertions were baseless.

This applied with her interview with Steve Bannon, Trump’s former advisor, and even perhaps more so.

Then she and her husband started watching Tucker Carlson:

Well, by this time my husband was watching Mr Carlson’s show. I observed myself experiencing waves of prejudice and of squirming anxiety as I also began to watch his show. To my distress, I found that many of his monologues made sense to me.

They were not unreasonable, by and large, and they were not hate-filled; to the contrary.

I had been told that he was racist. And indeed I recoiled at his signature giggle as he mocked the epithet: “Racist!” But as I actually forced myself to listen, sitting in my discomfort and programmed aversion, observing the reactions in myself (as the Buddhists urge one to do), I realized — he was not in fact a racist.

I realized as I listened that his stories about immigration were not anti-immigrant…

I learned that he was not actually transphobic, as I had been told…

No one would talk to Naomi:

Silence from the US TV networks. Silence from The Washington Post. From The Guardian. Silence from NPR. Silence from the BBC, the Sunday Times of London, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, my reliable former outlets. Even silence from other overseas news outlets. All of these had, until 2020, been happy to respond to what I sent…

So I was in the head-spinning position of realizing that these two men, Carlson and Bannon, both unwavering conservatives, both of whom I had been told represented Evil Incarnate, were the possessors of the only major platforms interested in the hard and fast evidence of the greatest crime in history and of the direct threat to our Republic, of which I was warning; and that every other news outlet, all on the liberal side, indeed around the world, was rushing headlong into the sea of lies…

There shalt be no conversation between the Left and the Right, because it is the antidote.

One of her appearances on Tucker Carlson tonight in April 2022.

One of the speeches on vaccines July 2022

Naomi Wolf blogs at Outspoken





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8.7 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

Vale Liddell coal: given away for nothing and destroyed by predatory capitalism and a screwed Green market

By Jo Nova

A “win” for predatory capitalism and government mis-interference

Bayswater and Liddell powerstations

Liddell power station (foreground). Bayswater power station (rear).

Yesterday, for the last time the final turbine was switched off at Liddell Coal plant after 52 years of operation. The NSW government gave it away for free in 2014 — bundled like a McHappy Meal in with the sale of Bayswater Coal, valued at $0. Governments saw old coal as worthless, at least until 2017 when everyone saw the bloodbath when the Hazelwood coal plant suddenly closed and electricity prices suddenly rose 85%. Then they started to panic a little — even Malcolm Turnbull (our Renewables lovin’ PM) started openly pressuring AGL to sell Liddell so it could keep running until his pet project the Snowy Hydro 2.0 could start.  Chinese owned Alinta turned up with $250 million dollars and was willing to put in a billion to repair the station and extend its life up to 2030.  Despite that bonanza, AGL refused to take the money. It was determined to run it into the ground and shut it down instead. Now it’s determined to blow it up as well. The Demolition crew is already appointed for early next year.

David Archibald notes the insanity:

The experiment is to close the Liddell power station in NSW and see what happens. Liddell’s operator, AGL, has applied to the NSW Government to blow up the power station rather than leave it in a form that can be restarted. This is the military equivalent of burning your bridges behind you — the expedition succeeds or you die.

Liddell’s big value to AGL was not to generate electricity but to buy and sabotage “the competition”

Like so many parts of the Western economy, the predators buy up the cheaper end of the market in order to destroy them. AGL are the largest single generator in Australia. They own a portfolio of gas, hydro, wind and solar power, all of which will likely make higher profits with Liddell out of the way.

The year after Hazelwood closed AGL profits launched up from $539 million to $1,600 million.  No wonder they didn’t want to sell.

Liddell was worth more dead than alive

It shows how screwed our electricity market truly is when billion-dollar assets producing cheap electricity are better off destroyed. Hello, AEMO our energy market operator — are you listening? And ultimately, Hello Anthony Albanese (the current PM). He commands this ship of crazy rules. The market is just doing “what makes sense” — and generators are not rewarded for making cheaper electricity as much as they are rewarded for destroying it.

AGL wouldn’t sell Liddell because NSW electricity might get cheaper. Oh the travesty?

As I wrote in 2018, the analysts at JP Morgan were frank about AGL’s strategy — let’s translate their investor-speak: if AGL sold it to Alinta and Liddell kept operating, it might “unfortunately” keep electricity prices lower which would hurt all of AGL’s other generators. We can’t have that…

Selling the power station to Alinta would hurt the wholesale prices that AGL can charge for energy from its other assets, the analysts said, while also helping a rival that is determined to eat into AGL’s market share. Operationally, Liddell and AGL’s nearby Bayswater power station are supplied with coal from a single coal loader and are subject to a number of contracts that would need to be unwound.

“Extending (Liddell) would likely have a negative impact on wholesale prices, and therefore the value of the rest of AGL’s generation assets; it would support the growth of a competitor in electricity retailing; and a separation from Bayswater would be complicated with the two assets intrinsically linked,” JPMorgan said.  — Paul Garvey, The Australian.

Lower wholesale prices means “good news for customers” but “bad news for expensive retailers” — like owners of renewable generators.

How wiping out cheap generators makes all other generators richer

This, below, was the bid-stack of our national grid ten years ago. The AEMO (market operator) accepts every bid from the cheapest on the left up to the last bid needed to meet the current demand. All successful bidders are paid whatever the top successful bid was. By taking out the cheaper providers on the left, the whole stack shifts “left” and higher bids must be accepted to meet demand.

Liddell coal power plant. NEM AEMO Bid stack for electricity. Graph.

Liddell is the third “brown” supplier from the left. *( Not graphed: most diesel plants costing more than $350/MWh because they blow the scale away.)

The cross ownership of assets makes predatory capitalism possible

Once upon a time governments were meant to protect consumers from this sort of thing. If 20 separate companies colluded together to rig the market so they’d all be better off but at the consumers expense, we’d call that a cartel. But if one company buys 20 smaller companies then doing the same thing is just “managing the portfolio”. See how this works?

On the Australian national grid there are three large conglomerate players who make most of our electricity (and who also do retail sales of electricity). AGL is marked in blue, and the market dominance is obvious — singlehandedly generating around 40% of the electricity required in our two most populated states.

We wouldn’t be in this mess if each separate power plant was competing in the free market to make a profit for itself and there weren’t holy subsidies for intermittent green electrons too.

Vertical integration, ownership asset, generation, retail, NEM, AGL, Origin, Energy Australia.

State of the energy market 2022Full report ( PDF 12.94 MB ) page 205.

Some are blaming the privatisation of an electricity generator — if you can call it that, when it was given away for free like a toxic frog. But the bigger crime was nationalizing our electricity market and issuing pagan commandments that we use our generators as giant weather changing machinery.

But thank your central banker for keeping interest rates artificially low for years so the rich could do the takeover and merger dance to remove the competition.

Last word to John McRobert:

With the closing of Liddell power station and other closures pending, we might as well cut back on our defence budget. Soon there will be nothing left to defend.

Despite the courageous words of our Energy Minister Chris Bowen that there will be no power shortages – he who believes that climate can be controlled by legislation – the words of an old, sad song resonate: “Hello darkness my old friend.”

Vale Liddell, and may those you have served so well never forget you.


Liddell Power Station. Photo by Webaware


AEMO – Australian Energy Market Operator







9.8 out of 10 based on 94 ratings


8.4 out of 10 based on 14 ratings

Free Speech wins: One million people an hour are watching Tucker Carlson on Twitter…

By Jo Nova

Tucker Carlson released a small statement on Twitter seventeen hours ago, and so far 17.7 million people have watched it.

With 77,000 comments under one two minute video it is the World’s Public Town Square.

And it’s a great speech:

“One thing you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how genuinely nice most people are…”

“The other thing you notice is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are… they are completely irrelevant…  and yet at the same time the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future… get virtually no discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, natural resources… when was the last time we heard a legitimate debate about any those topics?

Debates like that are not permitted. Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down conversation.

Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one party state.”

“That’s a depressing realization… but it won’t last. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to last, so it won’t. The people in charge know this — that’s is why they are hysterical.”

“When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful”.

Good evening

(Which views? Twitter lists views of the video inside the video, and views of the Tweet underneath. There have been 55 million views of the Tweet and 16 million views of the video.)

Did I mention Tucker’s firing would be great for Twitter? Naturally Elon Musk promptly welcomed Tucker Carlson. But the bigger question in this era of Establishment lawfare is who will pay the legal bills if Tucker launches a new show and the Witch-hunters come hunting, as they surely will?

The legal threat from the British Watchdog Ofcom took Mark Steyn off the air when the management at GB News announced he personally would have to be liable for any Ofcom fines, as if any commentator could afford that. When defamation cases cost $787 million, and the punishments apply only to those who question the narrative, there is no free speech unless you are a Central Banker.

They thought they were silencing the most important voice in America, but they will only end up making it even stronger. Thanks for all you have done and are about to do.

9.8 out of 10 based on 129 ratings


8.9 out of 10 based on 9 ratings

Absolute Zero plan means no new normal cars, most airports gone, and half the beef by 2030!

By Jo Nova

People are waking up to the dark side of the Absolute Zero plan

Plane, Sunset, No flights.

The totalitarian wet dreams of a UK government consortium of academics are lighting up the internet. As Benny Peiser and Andrew Montford from NetZeroWatch say — people are starting to pay attention in a big way:

The realities of Net Zero are also hitting home for the general public. The threat that the project represents to livelihoods and liberties is becoming more evident by the day. Recently, the mathematician Norman Fenton tweeted an excerpt from a Government-funded report that set out what Net Zero U.K. might look like: no airports, no shipping, no beef and lamb to eat, and most food imports eliminated. Sounds grim, doesn’t it? Lots of people thought so, and the tweet went viral, garnering over three million views.

The Prof Norman Fenton thread that got 3.4 million views on Twitter is, would you believe, about a 2019 UK Government funded research report. Who knew the masses could get that excited about a 31 page prehistoric report on energy policy, but holy-cajoley: it’s a wake up call of just how savage the Absolute Zero plan aims to be. And this matters more than you might think. Without magical new technologies the current Net Zero targets can only be achieved with Absolute Zero emissions.

Absolute Zero. The gap between today and Net Zero

With no new magical inventions this is “the Gap”

How much will the totalitarians end up getting — as much as we we let them

That report from the UK FIRES research programme is rather tamely called Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies, as if we just need baby steps to get there.

But instead, as Fenton highlights, the key points are all mapped out in gruesome detail — just as if a well funded group of academic ideologues unleashed their fantasies with no constraints. The acceleration is breathtaking: all airports except Heathrow, Belfast & Glasgow need to close by 2030. There will be no flying at all by 2050. As far as cars go, there needs to be no new petrol/diesel cars by 2030; by 2050 road use is restricted to 60% of today’s level.

All the things you love like food, heating and energy will be restricted to 60% of today’s level by 2050. So life will be a lot colder and hungrier unless there’s a lot fewer people to share it with. And naturally the ’15 minute prisons‘, I mean ‘cities’ are key to all of this.

It is The Great Reset in glossy grand bureaucratic art:

Click to see the chart. Seriously…

Absolute zero by 2030: UK FIRES Report.

Click to Enlarge “The Absolute Zero Plan”. Source: UK FIRES

It’s much closer to real policy than you might think

It’s only a research report, not an act of Parliament (yet), but as Norman Fenton points out, Net Zero is morphing into Absolute Zero, because Absolute Zero is what has to happen if the UK current Net Zero policy is going to achieve targets that are already set in legislation:

Fenton:  And for those who still think the absolute zero agenda is not baked in to Govt thinking, note that it only differs from the official net zero agenda in its 2030 objectives (i.e. the speed at which it must happen). The 2050 objectives are the same.

… In other words, the inhumane FIRES project strategy is simply a realistic statement of what is required to meet the UK Govt’s insane net zero 2050 target as enshrined in the 2019 Climate Change Act amendment (which every political party supported but nobody voted for).

Net Zero has to morph to Absolute Zero

Julian Allwood is one of the authors and a Cambridge University Engineering Professor and he’s scathing about the reality of the current “Net Zero” plans which rely on future discoveries. He said all this in 2021:

The government’s roadmap is based on a “fantastically religious belief”, Allwood said, that fledgling, future technologies can deliver the 68 per cent cut in emissions that needs to be made in the next nine years to keep the country’s COP26 pledge.

“Net-zero doesn’t mean anything”

As a result, he argued that we should be aiming for “absolute zero” rather than net-zero by 2050.

This sentiment was echoed by prominent philosopher Timothy Morton… The tub represents the atmosphere and the water atmospheric carbon … You’ve still got the bath full of water,” he said. “That’s the problem. We have to actually get the bath down lower.” “Net-zero doesn’t mean anything,” Morton continued. “One of the translations of net-zero by 2050 is: I support mass extinction.”

Absolute zero requires giving up cement and air travel

“…there’s huge potential for innovation. But it’s not the innovation of magic beans fertilised by unicorn’s blood, which is all that’s in the political climate today. It’s new businesses that are truly compatible with zero emissions.”

The same guys that complain about the religious faith of Net Zero fantasies are the ones who have a religious faith that CO2 is a problem in the first place, O’ Believers of Holy Climate Models!

Fenton was interviewed by Laura Ingraham a few weeks ago:

This is the same Professor Norman Fenton readers here might remember from the Dec 2021 vaccine study in the UK which had those incendiary graphs of excess deaths in the UK following the peak of vaccination in every age group. His graphs of mortality in the UK are still my first choice to show that the link between excess deaths and vaccination in a cause and effect sense.

Spread the word.

Image by G.C. from Pixabay





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