Regulatory crime of the century: Australian government TGA finally lifts Ivermectin ban

IvermectinBy Jo Nova

After a 628 day ban for no medical reason, the Australian TGA has decided that our doctors will be allowed to prescribe ivermectin “off label” again, like they did for decades without a problem. Apparently, they don’t have to worry now that crazy people will use it to avoid getting injected with a barely studied, radical new form of drug which had no published data.

TGA: Removal of prescribing restrictions on ivermectin

From 1 June 2023, prescribing of oral ivermectin for ‘off-label’ uses will no longer be limited…

…there is sufficient evidence that the safety risks to individuals and public health is low when prescribed by a general practitioner in the current health climate.

This considers the evidence and awareness of medical practitioners about the risks and benefits of ivermectin, and the low potential for any shortages of ivermectin for its approved uses. Also, given the high rates of vaccination and hybrid immunity against COVID-19 in Australia, use of ivermectin by some individuals is unlikely to now compromise public health.

Ten years before this decision they knew it was no threat to public health. Ivermectin was known to be so safe researchers fed it to children in a trial to kill head lice in a Canberra primary school in 2010. Back in those medieval days, people were giving horse dewormer to kids, and nobody cared.

When it was banned, the TGA gave three reasons, none of which made sense. In September 2021 the TGA even pretended Australia might run out of ivermectin due to the new demand driven by consenting taxpayers with their doctor’s recommendation. This is a drug that is so mass produced, it costs six cents a tablet and that same month, Indian suppliers sold nearly $3 million USD worth. Yet no one in the Australian government thought to phone Indiamart and put in an order? The shortage was never the problem was it?

How many people died because ivermectin was banned?

Mortality, skull, deathOne study of 8,300 people in Brazil showed that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by 92%. Prophylactic use reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner.

If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin by unaccountable, unelected government committees.

Over 20 countries adopted ivermectin for COVID-19. The evidence base is much larger than typically used to approve drugs.

In the end, about 20,000 people died of Covid in Australia, many of who might have been saved, but there have also been some 15,000 Australians who died unexpectedly in 2022, who theoretically might not have died, if their doctors had had the freedom to treat them the way they felt was best. And then there are the businesses destroyed, the billions of dollars wasted, and those who live on, but suffer long term spike related injuries via either long covid or the TGA approved “carrots”.

Craig Kelly: this may have something to do with the former TGA head being sued for misfeasance:

Someone asked “why now”? Craig Kelly replied:

… the TGA couldn’t hold out forever, as their senior management were risking being personally sued for Malfeasance given the tsunami of evidence rolling in, showing that Ivermectin is highly effective against Covid. Although this is a time for celebration, we should stop and spare a thought for the thousands of Australians that lost their lives in this war, that died unnecessarily from Covid because the TGA denied them access to this life saving Ivermectin. It’s now time for the war crime trials and reparations. @CKellyUAP

“I think the fact that the recently retired head of TGA was being sued personally for his conduct. It put the new head of the TGA on notice, that they were potentially personally liable – plus the weight of recent studies showing Ivermectin was highly effective. If they maintained the ban, there was a real personal risk, and they’d have no chance defending the ban on merit. — @CKellyUAP

Last week Australians sued the Government for Vaccine related injuries

The former TGA head is named in the Class Action. Professor Skerritt (head of the TGA) retired on April 18.

The Applicant alleges that the Respondents’ actions to advance the acceptance and use of the various approved Covid-19 vaccines constitutes negligence and/or misfeasance.

Click this link if you want more information on who is eligible to join that class action.

The ivermectin studies continue to roll in, now up to trials involving  135,000 people:

Ivermectin for COVID-1996 studies from 1,030 scientists 135,554 patients in 27 countries. Research.

UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared

If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.

In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.

Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.

For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 96 studies involving 135,000 people that show improvements in over 85% when used prophylactically, 62% when used early and even as many as 43% with late-started treatment.

There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola.  It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.

The FDA and others will say that Ivermectin was no help in the TOGETHER trial, but that trial was designed to fail. People were given low doses on an empty stomach when it wouldn’t be absorbed. And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July 2021 there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK “Principle” trial was also designed to fail from the start — signing up people up to 15 days after they tested positive.

Why are all the vaccine contracts still secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?

Photo: Thuoc    Skull Art by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay


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167 comments to Regulatory crime of the century: Australian government TGA finally lifts Ivermectin ban

  • #
    David Maddison

    This is great news, but of course, too late because lots of people have already died unnecessarily due to unavailability of this drug.

    Any why wait until June 1st? It should be approved immediately.

    There was never any danger to be assessed by the TGA. That is a lie by the TGA. Its safety profile has been extensively documented for a long time.

    People need to be sued over this.

    Those who wanted to force poorly tested or untested experimental drugs into you and not use proven treatments such as IVM, taken according to proper protocols, want us to forget about their incompetence. E.g. they want a “pandemic amnesty”.

    Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.


    • #

      And of course, today vaccinations are not mandatory, everybody is free to make their own choices yet my grand daughter studying nursing will not be allowed to continue in her chosen career unless she gets vaccinated.
      With this new information as support I am sure we could put forward a good case to her University, however even if she won a court case I am sure she would go from being a
      “distinctions” student to some how not making the grade. No one will be allowed to buck the system.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        What a sad world we live in.


      • #

        It’s not the fault of the university. Your daughter will need to do placements as part of her degree. The vaccination requirement is forced by the lowest common denominator of all workplaces she may visit. Typically it is the state health departments as they employ most nurses. The university’s role is to make your daughter employable and placement is part of AHPRA course accreditation.

        For example

        Just so I’m not misunderstood, I think these ongoing mandates are abominable. I have first-hand experience with your daughter’s plight.


        • #

          Sadly vaccinations are seen as the “only” way to go yet we use so many drugs as prophylactics. The administrators cannot / will not allow any other point of view yet they are allegedly medically trained. Why can’t ivermectin be taken prophylactically, after all we take anti malarials before travelling to risky areas to prvent disease.
          Even heart medications could be seen as prophylactic, reduce blood pressure BEFORE it becomes a problem etc. etc.
          It seems that the only way is their way, regardless of cost.
          Interestingly there is a major shortage of qualified nurses, yet no way can be seen to allow more people to take the the profession. It is bizarre that we actively discourage people from working in an area where there is huge staff shortage issues.


          • #

            Covid is still with us. Sould all be taking it daily then as a preventative measure


    • #

      What makes it worse is that it is not a bloody vaccine by any measure! You catch and spread covid worse than unvaxxed (which was plain as day in my workplace). On top of that, young people have virtually zero problems with covid. This is criminal.


  • #

    Very important story.

    The sooner people learn it’s lessons the better, but never too late because it will always be relevant.


  • #

    Budget problem solved.

    Cancel the order for the next 5 shots and buy 5 courses of Ivermectin instead.
    Better still cancel the entire concept of mass treatment for a single strand mRNA respiratory virus and allow the normal supply chain and an informed Doctor to discus the treatment with the patient.


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    Pity the paper on which this post is based was retracted in 2022. Bmj


    • #
      David Maddison

      The letter you cite is not peer reviewed and a BMJ editorial propaganda piece.

      There are numerous studies proving the safety and efficacy of IVM and Jo and others have posted them in these pages on numerous occasions.


      • #

        I my lady, & 2 of my adult kids contracted Covid just a few weeks. I had Ziverdo kits, personally imported at considerable trouble in reserve. Used by Uttar Pradesh to stop Covid there, they contain just 3 ivermectin 12mg pills, plus zinc & an antibiotic.

        We all used a kit each. In my case all symptoms disappeared in just 52 hours.

        I’m 83, & never jabbed so probably likely to have had had a bad result.


        • #
          Jon Rattin

          Good for you Hasbeen, l hope the news that you and your family recovered quickly doesn’t upset Peter.

          [Email coming – Jo]


        • #

          I too had the Ziverdo kits and was amazed how well it worked when my girlfriend became very crook after a second and last jab. We were also ready to go with professor Dr Thomas Borody’s Ivermectin protocol. My girlfriend had to get a jab to visit and care for unwell sister.
          Interesting that we are finally getting Barbers Poll worm parasite in sheep resistant to Ivermectin this year.


    • #

      The reason of retraction of the peer reviewed study was not that it was flawed or wrong, but it has no clinical relevance, opinion of the editor. Short said, the quality of the paper was ok.

      And, btw., you were not censored 😀


    • # lists the plethora of studies.

      Perhaps Peter Fitzroy you should do some proper research before shooting from the hip. I’m getting quite of the misinformation around the place and the sense of snide superiority of those who have swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker, like good little subjects, Winston Smith.


    • #
      Graham Richards

      No doubt it was retracted in a vain effort to keep the cover up In place. You’re all cut from the same devious immoral cloth!!


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      Peter >”Pity the paper on which this post is based was retracted in 2022″

      The post isn’t based on any paper.

      It is based on a decision by the TGA.


      • #
        paul courtney

        Mr. C (NZ): You are correct, and I looked further, discovered Mr. Fitzroy posted a fib. Maybe he’ll return and explain. Not holding my breath.
        P.S. Thank sincerely to our host, in the USA this is not news, cannot for the life of me understand how not one press outlet reports on any of this.


    • #

      There is no significant downside to using it and significant potential upside for using it.
      A no-brainer as they say.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Do you recall that as recently as February 3, 2023, the clowns at TGA renewed their ban on Ivermectin? (No offence intended to the clown community, who unlike TGA, are actually useful members of society).

    And the way they describe Ivermectin is as though it is the most toxic poison known to mankind. There is no evidence for this, including for the higher doses required for prophylaxis or treatment of covid.

    And yet here we are just 3 months later and it is all OK now.

    (See section 2.2)

    Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.


    • #

      Reply to DM #6:
      Section 2.2 of the linked “interim decisions 32 november 2022.pdf” does not appear to contain the removal of the ban.
      The correct link is
      dated 3 May 2023

      “From 1 June 2023, prescribing of oral ivermectin for ‘off-label’ uses will no longer be limited to specialists such as dermatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious diseases specialists.

      In its final decision published today, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has removed the restriction through its scheduling in the Poisons Standard because there is sufficient evidence that the safety risks to individuals and public health is low when prescribed by a general practitioner in the current health climate.

      This considers the evidence and awareness of medical practitioners about the risks and benefits of ivermectin, and the low potential for any shortages of ivermectin for its approved uses. Also, given the high rates of vaccination and hybrid immunity against COVID-19 in Australia, use of ivermectin by some individuals is unlikely to now compromise public health.

      However, the TGA does not endorse off-label prescribing of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.”

      Read on. This is very much a “Yes – but ” contrivance. It can go both ways. It might cover a few backsides, but would also need a creative interpretation by a prescribing physician. Better than nothing I suppose.


    • #
      John in Oz

      Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute. – including every expert, politician and news outlet that followed the false playbook


  • #
    David Maddison

    It will be interesting how the Lamestream media report this, if they bother to report it at all.

    Oh, and I can’t wait for the first “horse dewormer” comment…

    And why the low key announcement, TGA? Were you hoping no one would notice?

    Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.


    • #
      Doctor T

      I assume:
      1/ No evidence then but good evidence now (lack of evidence doesn’t apply to any drugs that Big Pharma tell the TGA to register).
      2/ Craig Kelly and all the deregistered doctors were right but for the wrong reasons.
      3/ As per the TGA’s weak excuses, the situation is now different (don’t mention that there are more “Covid deaths” now than there were when ivermectin was banned).
      4/ Ignore. We have all “moved on”.
      With regards you comment in number 8, as per number 4 above. Ignore.


    • #

      reframe that as also deworms horses.


  • #
    David Maddison

    What is TGA planning to do about all the doctors’ careers they caused to be destroyed by their incompetence and malfeasance?

    Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.


  • #
    David Maddison

    In Vicdanistan, they are still claiming, today, that six people die every day from covid in that state.

    But what are they REALLY dying from?


    • #
      Leo G

      But what are they REALLY dying from?



    • #

      My brother died with covid. It may even be that he died OF covid but his widow says he was taking 21 tabs a day [I doubt he ever took a supplement]. How in ‘ell can they tell what he died OF?


      • #

        21 tabs/day? My cousin and sister in law both sixteen at the time, both required open heart surgery, both treated by the same doctor in the same hospital in the same month but unknown to each other. 60 years on and my cousin was taking her 20 tablets a day to keep her alive she believed. My SIL took nothing and hadn’t for decades. My cousin died 2 years ago but SIL is still going but with Alzheimer’s and diabetes. My 87 YO friend binned all her medication 5 years ago and is healthier now than before. We are a sick society made sicker by medicine.


        • #

          “We are a sick society made sicker by medicine”

          Absolutely! Naturally, when you have doctors and a whole medical industry behind you, there is no reason to look after your own health, so no-one need change their diet or their lifestyle just because it makes them sick.


  • #
    mike reed

    mike reed
    The depth of this problem /scandal runs way to deep to ever allow the truth to surface through the court /legal system .I was optimistic about a particular case in point where Julian Gillespie (retired barrister) was trying to get a case to gain standing in the High Court against further “approved use” by the TGA of theses so-called vaccines -they are nothing but experimental gene therapies with hardly any data on their efficacy. And so now nothing has come up about this case gaining any standing !!! Well its now quite obvious to me that no justice will ever be had in relation to these dangerous therapies.Why? because to many vested interests will keep this fiasco buried.And who are they?

    A. Governments who signed secret contracts with these Pharmaceutical companies which allowed them not be taken to court over any injuries that may occur from the use of their so called “vaccines”
    B. The MSM who continually ran Government approved scare stories about daily stats on deaths and cases ,masks lock downs etc etc and for doing this they were given massive tax breaks-also they ran lots of propaganda against the use of Ivermectin without any evidence to show that it was harmful.
    C. The legal system ,courts of law etc -just think of Extinction Rebelion individuals who disrupt the lives of other people and Judges/Magistrates just let them go free.
    So think!! if they do this for useful idiots then they are never going to let this house of cards fall down its plainly not in their interests or their masters(Governments ,MSM etc)


  • #

    Imagine the following scenario:

    A genius develops a pill that cures anyone suffering from any variant of the corona virus within a few days, the patients being able to go back to whatever they were doing within a couple of days.

    If that had to be, Pfizer et al fraudsters would go bankrupt within a few years because nobody will be taking the annual flu jabs.

    The thing is that Ivermectin is nearly there.

    Ivermectin cures an infected human being at all the stages of a Wuhan virus infection. The WHO organisation had described Ivermectin as a miracle medicine, not long ago. I think it ws 2003.


  • #

    This leaves a sick taste in my mouth. Compliance and obedience are required. You WILL obey!


  • #

    I think this is the best news I’ve heard so far this year and let’s hope the liars and con merchants get their just deserts ASAP.
    BTW is IVM now freely available in all the Anglosphere countries and if not why not?
    I thought that US citizens would also have started litigation against these vile companies by now. Or am I wrong?


  • #

    All these “health organisations” as there are TGA, FDA, RKI,PEI etc ppp. are not more the pharma lobby organisations.

    With an existing drug fighting COV-19 (IVM, HCQ) not one vacc would have got an emergency approval.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Primum non nocere

    “First do no harm” was once a basic principle of medicine.

    That went out the window with covid, and possibly a long time before that.

    How many doctors and other medical professionals involved in giving their patients untested or poorly tested covid “vaccines” can honestly say they followed that?

    From the beginning there was evidence that the covid vaccines on offer were dangerous and ineffective, and that evidence was readily available.

    And even before the vaccines were available there was evidence that HCQ taken according to appropriate protocols was effective (and it was always known to be safe). And after that, evidence for the efficacy of Ivermectin taken according to appropriate protocols (it was also always known to be safe).

    Many doctors who had actually done their homework, refused to give these toxic vaccines. It puts those who did give them in an interesting position. They could claim “They were just following orders”. But that excuse has no legal validity since WW2.


    • #

      What i do not understand is that even as more vaccine injury is recorded the government continue to promote booster shots. There is a house on fire so throw this can of petrol on it.


  • #

    Long overdue. But two doors remain. First, to get a GP to write a suitable prescription. And, secondly, finding a pharmacist who will fill the script. The TGA has only lifted a ban, not recommended the use of Ivermectin. Media will show a marked disinterest in this development. It’s only a few weeks since the Australian ridiculed a candidate in the NSW election for recommending use of a “horse cure”. Still, this is small bright spot in a time increasingly devoid of hope.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Before IVM was banned, there were some compounding pharmacies making the appropriate 12mg and 24mg pills rather than the standard 3mg pills used for parasite treatment.

      You just had to find a GP who had a clue, to write a prescription.


    • #

      Re The Australian – if I made any comment regarding Ivermectin, including its known use in Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia, the Australian would reject it. It will be interesting to see what their response will be if I mention that the TGA has now lifted its ban on off label use.


  • #
    another ian


    “”Academic medicine is to medicine as logic is to feminist logic” ”


  • #

    Science at work.
    We can be fully confident in the disinterestedness, competancy and discernment of the TGA.
    It is also good to know that generally speaking ‘The Science’ can’t remember, didn’t do it, and wasn’t there.


  • #

    The worldometer site is updating CV -19 cases deaths, recoveries etc and top of this link it states 3 May 2023.
    But I’m amazed at some of the low death rates for very poor African countries, but we know that IVM use is very high in that continent.
    But most very wealthy countries have much higher deaths per million rates than most very poor countries.
    Australian death rate is 778 per million, Taiwan is similar, NZ is lower than OZ, the USA is 3469 per million and most EU countries are nearly as high.
    But Japan death rate is just 594 per million and yet their average age is about 47 yrs compared to other wealthy countries of about 35 to 38yrs.
    China death rate of 4 per million is a joke. Taiwan is about the same as Aussies.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Yes, isn’t it amazing?

      Western countries with expensive high-tech medical systems and no Ivermectin have much higher death rates than African countries with little or usually no medical care but cheap Ivermectin pills.


    • #
      John B

      The African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) was launched in 1995 with the objective of controlling onchocerciasis in the remaining endemic countries in Africa and closed at the end of 2015 after beginning the transition to onchocerciasis elimination. Its main strategy was the establishment of sustainable community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) and vector control with environmentally-safe methods where appropriate. In APOC’s final year, more than 119 million people were treated with ivermectin, and many countries had greatly decreased the morbidity associated with onchocerciasis. More than 800,000 people in Uganda and 120,000 people in Sudan no longer required ivermectin by the time that APOC closed.”


  • #

    Well, you’ll know there’s a new plandemic about to be released when they ban Ivermectin again.

    We shall see how many people rush for the new vaccines against the new virus next time. I reckon the current vaccine regret will stop people taking vaccines for many things now.


    • #

      That was always the problem KP. I can remember making a comment almost 2 years ago, that if the pharma companies “mucked up” the COVID vaccines, there was going to be a huge backlash against all vaccine uses, unfortunately including the safe and effective ones. That prediction seems to be now coming true.


    • #

      Just today the Australian Department of Health put an announcement on Twitter to go and get your new free booster for Covid


  • #
    David Maddison

    All the TGA’s actions are the ultimate consequence of the failure to teach critical thinking skills in schools ever since the Left infiltrated the education system in the 1960’s (Rudi Dutschke’s long march through the institutions) plus the Left’s false idea, contrary to the scientific method, that scientific fact is established by “consensus”.

    On top of all that there are the post-modernism views of the Left which state that there is no such thing as objective reality. Reality is whatever you make it – as long as it’s in accordance with their beliefs, otherwise they’ll “cancel” you.

    See: “Michael Crichton Explains Why There Is ‘no Such Thing as Consensus Science’” By Mark J. Perry, December 15, 2019


    • #

      The reasons for the TGA’s actions are a bit darker than ‘consensus’ or ‘lack of critical thinking skills’. When they are majority funded by Big Pharma, they simply rubber stamp what their masters tell them. Conflict of interest at it’s most dastardly. Only partially counteracted by self-preservation in the face of possible personal legal liability for their actions.


    • #

      G’day D M,
      I suggest that a consensus of evil, with virtually all encompassing censorship, trumps critical thinking.
      Dave B


  • #
    David Maddison

    I plan to get a supply of IVM before they ban it again.


    • #

      David I’d like to have a good supply of IVM on hand just in case the virus changes enough and then strikes again.
      But how do we get a reasonable supply?


      • #

        Most people who are desperate just order it from Indian suppliers. They will send you your “T’shirts” in very well hidden packages. Sounds dodgy, I know, but they are all legit products. Which is why it was stupid of the TGA to restrict IVM in Australia, because probably lots of people ordered it from India. IVM should almost literally be like Panadol or Nurofen, every household should have at least 10 tablets of 12 mg dose ( + the other cocktail components) in their medicine cabinet. Not only for treating COVID, but also for the flu. So this would cancel any need to go to the doctor for a prescription. In fact, we probably should have been treating the flu with IVM for the last 10 years!


      • #
        David Maddison

        Hi Neville, I suggest you find a GP who works with a compounding pharmacy to make the appropriate dose pills. Or, why not call some compounding pharmacies and ask do they make IVM pills of the appropriate dose (or will do so after June 1st) and ask which GP prescribes it (since they will know from before it was banned).


      • #
        Destroyer D69

        Simples ,,,, Just visit “Indiamart” and ask for offers to supply. (Covid Kryptonite 12 mg about 15c per.)


        • #

          local scripts $28 for 12 mg
          Indiamart US$47 ($70)for 600 mg


        • #

          Whilst the lives that potentially would’ve been saved the actual financial cost has been huge. If you are a senior over 70 the government will pay for you to get a dose of antivirals that I believe cost something like a $1000. Ivermectin costs a pittance and without knowing the facts probably works as well.We have wasted literally billions of dollars on the government response to COVID and we desperately need an independent enquiry to assess what happened.
          I would like to think that there will be some accountability for those that have behaved reprehensibly and hopefully there will be consequences. Government and public service heads along with Pharmaceutical CEOs should all be sued and in some cases charged with criminal offences


      • #

        I have used my horse’s “Eraquell” pellets which are ivermectin in a cereal base. A doctor I work for, reckons the dose rate on the packet is fine for us. I’d commence on a half dose. Keep a detailed history, noting any changes.


    • #
      John Michelmore

      Ziverdo kits and Ivermectin were available from India all the way thru the “pandemic”, none of the multiple orders by our friends were stopped or confiscated! Ziverdo = Zinc, Ivermectin and doxycycline. Naturally our friends took the responsibility if the drugs were not as advertised etc, because the local GP’s had their hands bound by government over reach.


      • #
        Brenda Spence

        I had one lot confiscated in Sydney, accused me of importing counterfeit medicine 😆. Other one came through Melbourne ok, and Mexico.


    • #

      Hold those horses David.
      Let us not start another toilet paper type rush.
      Much better to continue with the everything in moderation. Remember in 2020 there were few deaths in Australia outside of the Victorian nursing homes ‘with Covid’ and we may have been red lining the PCR tests.
      No doubt the SARS Cov2 was being detected in surveillance around the world (Washington State had it at about 2 – 5 % of those presenting with Flu like symptoms) and that deaths were occurring in Panic ridden health systems in some countries. Remember the absence of influenza reporting from weeks 11 to 14 though the flu still appeared to rage in the mortality data recorded as Pneumonia & Influenza deaths.
      Remember the instruction to report anyone with a cough or runny nose as suspected Covid19 in a special category on death certificates.

      One small question, are you going to stock up on hydroxychloroquine as those malaria prone countries close to China had little if any infection in 2020?

      Please note I am not being facetious, just suggesting we should focus on the main story which to this day is recommending the ‘clot shot’ as safe and effective on continuous rotation in the media. Should litigation re-focus on the emergency use authorization now Ivermectin is a potentially safe treatment.


      • #

        The criminals hope no one notices how effective hard borders were. Don’t let them hide that. Australia had virtually no Covid cases at all in 2020 because we closed our borders, not because Covid was nice. It wasn’t smallpox or the spanish flu, but it was worse than influenza. There really were almost no cases of Covid here. We had more testing and yet the lowest test positivity rate in the world with something like 2,000 to 5,000 tests to find each positive case.

        As I have said, the disappearance of influenza looks suspicious but is basic microbiology. Influenza cases were down 85% across 17 countries. The same laws of microbiology work all over the world. When we do things to slow down a virus that spreads with an Ro of 2 – 3 it is inevitable that we will stop viruses that spread more slowly — and influenza has an Ro of 1.4. It is just maths. When the Ro is pushed under 1 with quarantine/distancing the exponential curve is shrinking. It will trend to zero.

        It was textbook virology that influenza would disappear as borders were closed and people stayed home. It’s worth knowing influenza did not return to WA until the borders were opened. Pathology labs here were doing 300 -800 tests for influenza each week here for a whole year, and finding zero cases.

        The main story is indeed the corruption and capture of government agencies, as you said. We must always work to get the science right. No point in fighting the wrong battles.


        • #

          Jo, the same thing happens in plant pathology with fungal diseases. Crop diseases like Late blight (Phytophthora infestans ) of potato can exist as multiple races, even on different crops. However, there is always one predominant race that has a superior ability to outgun the other inferior races. The inferior races are still present in the disease mix, but at much lower % predominance. But, if you take out the predominant race eg with fungicides, the less dominant races then take over. Sometimes this is called disease resistance whereas it’s just race shifting. The flu was simply outgunned by COVID as you describe and couldn’t compete. But it would still be there lurking around, maybe even in some other species? They’re viruses, you cant hide from them and they will do whatever they like.


          • #

            As I have said, the disappearance of influenza looks suspicious

            Let us agree on that point Jo

            Now for Ross’s Fungal infection!

            The flu was simply outgunned by COVID as you describe and couldn’t compete.

            Data says incorrect
            2020 was a year of signifcant deaths recorded for Influenza in the US

            Influenza and pneumonia Deaths per 100,000
            — Influenza and pneumonia, 12 months ending with quarter (Crude)
            2020 Q4 16.3
            2021 Q1 13.4
            2021 Q2 12.2
            2021 Q3 12.3
            2021 Q4 12.6
            2022 Q1 12.9
            2022 Q2 13.2
            2022 Q3 12.9

            Lock down ! What lock down!
            Didn’t I see you at Harvey Norman, Bunnings, Woolies etc. We were certainly exposed to an awful lot of people with the symptoms allegedly of Covid 19 including people from all over the world during the 2019 2020 period prior to lock downs. You would go to deliver to those arrived back from overseas, isolating at home after testing positive for Covid 19 . There would be a Dan Murphy delivery on the doorstep and a note they had gone to get fuel and have a walk on the beach.

            I will stick with the long running mortality data collected by the CDC over the suspicious fall off the cliff data of the surveillance system.


    • #

      My doctor supplied me with four tablets of IVM before it was banned. It was manufactured by Merck and was quite expensive. I went back to get some more and he told me he wasn’t allowed to prescribe it anymore. I still have the four tablets. My neighbour obtained some from India and it was much cheaper


  • #
    David Maddison

    Does this now mean doctors won’t be deregisteted if they advocate and prescribe Ivermectin?

    Or haven’t they “thought” this through yet?


    • #

      David, I”m sure there will be ways to punish doctors who prescribe it a lot. What we need are a lot of GP’s who are familiar with the benefits of ivm. The more the better.


      • #

        Given that ISM is non-PBS and the price from India – where legally available over the counter….
        Anyone in Australia wanting it for something other than intestinal parasites might find alternative sources?
        Or will we now have an AQIS hive of activity?


    • #

      “Does this now mean doctors won’t be deregisteted if they advocate and prescribe Ivermectin?”

      Will they give registration back to those health professionals they removed it from over this? Pay damages & loss of income? ..oops sorry, all a mistake..


  • #

    Ivermectin is an anti-lice, antifungal drug. At the time of the ban
    (a) there seemed to be no reason to suppose it would work on covid
    (b) there were no credible studies that said it worked
    (c) there were no clinical trials (in part because no-one would pay for a trial of a generic drug and let other manufacturers of it reap the benefits)

    On top of that, one must wonder if Pfizer and Moderna imposed any restrictions in their contracts with various countries, especially restrictions about what other drugs could be used against covid. (It would be basically like having an exclusive deal rather than one with open competition.)

    Over time credible anecdotal evidence of its efficacy has appeared and personally I think the TGA was wrong to ignore that evidence.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Many drugs have multiple uses beyond their original purposes. Ivermectin was originally used as an anti-parasitic drug, anti-fungal and anti-lice came later. And then other uses beyond that such as anti-viral.

      There were numerous credible studies to show IVM was effective long before covid vaccines were available. Some studies were specifically designed to fail, such as not administering it in accordance with appropriate protocols such as incorrect dose or no zinc.

      It was never correct to ban it.

      Peruse studies at:


      • #


        2017: “Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations”

        “with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.”

        There are 220 papers listed in the Public Medical Library discussing “ivermectin” and “viral” before the TGA banned ivermectin.


    • #

      No John, IVM was known to have activity vs nearly all single strand mRNA virus diseases, prior to 2020. The knowledge was already there, just censored and hidden by big pharma. One of the first research groups to highlight its potential in Australia was a group based at Monash Uni in Victoria early 2020. This is like all the COVID policies, the wrong experts were listened to.


      • #

        The one and only reason for the IVM (and HCQ) bans was to enable the Emergency Use Authorisations for the clot shots. Big Pharma pulled the strings and their Gummint puppets danced to the narrative.


    • #

      They were wrong to ban a drug that had been proven over decades and billions of doses to be safe. By banning they effectively blocked any trials/studies.


  • #

    So AHPRA, do I now get an apology and my licence back?

    (I was a Dr who was sanctioned for promoting Ivermectin)


    • #

      …. And appropriate compensation to go along with an apology??


    • #

      You get my respect and as a bonus I trust you are able to sleep well at night. I rest well knowing we chose not to jab anyone or promote the panic.


    • #
      Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

      As a former GP, I would NOT WANT A REGO BACK- the massive sellout of the profession the utter gross medical negligence of the Medicos that did NOT stand up to the insanity of the astonishing corruption of all that is wholesome by “Public Health” can not be taken back.


      • #

        Same same, the craven compliance of my former ‘profession’ means I too have no desire to return. That plus the (unknown) colleague at my former hospital who complained to APHRA about my promotion of Ivermectin.


    • #

      flyingduk, we are keen to hear from doctors like you.

      Why are we trying to get doctors from Zimbabwe if there are brave, well trained docs already here…


      • #
        Gee Aye

        Odd question. We want more to cover a deficiency. We don’t have enough. Who cares where they are from?


        • #

          I care. Ethically, is it fair to expect the third world to train our doctors when they need them even more than we do?

          Why don’t we just train more doctors here? It’s not like there aren’t enough students wanting to study med at our Uni’s. Our shortage of doctors is entirely artificial and created by the AMA to keep their salaries high, but at a huge cost to patients on ridiculous waiting lists.


          • #
            Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

            Yep Jo, like all leftists the Govt brings in 3rd world docs that don’t understand our culture whilst reducing med school intakes. The waiting lists are a product of the private/public dichotomy- surgeons are paid 5-10x the amount for operating on a private patient.


            • #

              Our local doctors with a South African heritage seem to have a better doctor/patient relationship understanding.
              But then this is a regional area.


          • #
            Gee Aye

            That is a fair point Jo. On the other hand they are free to move and yes, we should be investing more in training here.


        • #
          paul courtney

          Mr. Aye: Big swing and a miss here. If we have a deficiency, if we don’t have enough, don’t we need the doc standing by, instead of halfway ’round the world? I care where they are, don’t you want a doctor NOW if you need one?


          • #
            Gee Aye

            we also can’t wait 7 years for the extra trainees to replace those retiring and to make up the shortfall.


    • #
      Geoff Sherrington

      I have no skin in this Covid business, but I feel really sorry for you on the receiving end of such intellectual thuggery. (I recall how I felt when 20 years of productive employment ended with security guards marching me out on the orders of a newly appointed know-all who knew little).
      I feel that the horrors of this wave of cancel culture need to be widely publicized so that it can be challenged and then defeated.
      How do you feel? That publicity is needed, or that resistance is futile? I do not know the answer because it requires recent first hand experience. I do not know what to do except to offer help, in a sympathetic way. Geoff S


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    One of the questions I have is why nearly all the Western governments made the same decisions, using the same rhetoric, as
    if scripted?
    An obscured globally organized cabal?
    Or just the symptom expression of a culture gripped by hysteria?
    IMHO, there was obviously a clear, systematic, and purposeful promotion of hysteria.


    • #

      “One of the questions I have is why nearly all the Western governments made the same decisions”

      All those Western countries use the same pharmaceutical companies and have the same sort of lobbyists in charge. Once the Pharma companies had the CDC & WHO by the throat they had nearly the whole world at their feet.


  • #

    The lie of this situation is that the TGA , probably along with APRHA, restricted the use of an already approved pharmaceutical in Australia, for really no good reason. IVM was already registered for use in Australia for scabies and Rosacea (?). So if it was already approved by that regulatory authority its safety profile was also acceptable. In fact Australia was very fortunate because we at least had it already approved for human use, whereas a lot of other countries didn’t. The TGA can only review ( and approve ) pharmaceuticals or new uses of old active ingredients via an application process. Some company has to put up the dollars, amass a supportive data package and then present it to the TGA, for their review. The TGA do not autonomously go out and do their own research or literature reviews. They are at the behest of pharma companies. They can only review what they have been given. But supposedly we had an “emergency”, where you would hope extraordinary actions needed to be taken. It would have been great to do some Australian trials with IVM ( + HCQ + the numerous other possible candidates) but of course most of the country was in lockdown and there literally was no COVID to test against. Hence. all data would have been from overseas trials. But as this article points out and also via ( there are oodles of studies that could have constituted a data package. It’s certainly negligence by the TGA and to be quite honest its bordering on criminal.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Many drugs have multiple uses beyond their original purposes. Ivermectin was originally used as an anti-parasitic drug, anti-fungal and anti-lice came later. And then other uses beyond that such as anti-viral.

    There were numerous credible studies to show IVM was effective long before covid vaccines were available. Some studies were specifically designed to fail, such as not administering it in accordance with appropriate protocols such as incorrect dose or no zinc.

    It was never correct to ban it.

    Peruse studies at:


  • #

    It is issues such as these that behoves parents to review the way they talk about careers to their children.

    Now it is clear that we have no rights to bodily integrity, to making our own health decisions if employed in certain careers or trades, our children need to know from an early age – like at early school age. You cannot be a doctor, a nurse, a carer, a teacher, a physio, or even in many office jobs unless you submit to being multiply jabbed. Our children will need to know they need some sort of trade that will not require them to hand over their health and potentially their lives to the dominant ethos of the ruling classes.

    And those of us who are past it all, will need to provide mentorship and personal support to anyone who is going against the mainstream push for total control of their bodies, their minds and souls.

    We are never going back to bodily freedom in the foreseeable future.


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    >”Apparently, they don’t have to worry now that crazy people will use it…”

    Wrongthink, it’s everywhere.

    This headline popped into my daily climate science news search:

    ‘The thinking error that makes people susceptible to climate change denial’ – The Conversation

    Thinking errors; people, stop your thinking errors.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      Professor of Psychological Sciences previous:

      “Climate change deniers simplify the spectrum of possible scientific consensus into two categories: 100% agreement or no consensus at all. If it’s not one, it’s the other.”

      Hasn’t heard of Lukewarmers obviously.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)


      World On Cusp Of Woke Totalitarianism As Governments Act To End Freedom Of Speech

      Media blackout as politicians in EU, US, UK, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, and Australia seek to jail citizens for wrongthink under the cover of a Big Lie about “hate speech”


      “We are thus witnessing the emergence of a governmental apparatus with the power to control the information environment in ways that determine what people believe to be true and what is false.”

      # # #

      “We will continue to be your single source of truth” and “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.”

      – New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Covid-19


  • #
    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    What a disgusting mob the TGA are, they should be jailed for life, have all their assets stripped and sold, then given to grieving families. That goes for every fake CHO, Premier and unruly police officer who behaved like the SS. How can anyone ever trust anything that is said by these people again? I have family who lost their businesses, some forced against their will to be vaccinated with the absurd mandates. How any of these people can show their face in public is beyond me.


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    >”In the end, about 20,000 people died of Covid in Australia”

    Still dying in NZ. In my 60 – 69 age group over the last 2 weeks, 8 have died whose vaccination status of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case was either double vaxxed (2) or boosted (6).

    0 unvaxxed deaths over the same period (incl. one shot).

    I’m convinced that those deaths were not only preventable, and prevention was denied, they were actually boosted by the Pfizer vax.

    That was not the intent of boosting but the numbers are a big tell.


  • #

    Looks like my intuition is still working. Got a positive Covid test the day after I received a supply of IVM from CM*****IN. (Best discrete and durable packaging I have ever seen, but slightly oversized in order to display the mind-boggling bureaucracy content.)


  • #
    David Maddison

    Now, when are they going to unban hydroxychloroquine for covid treatment or prophylaxis (according to appropriate protocols)?


    • #

      David I had it proscribed for arthritis about a year ago. Unfortunately, for me it did not work but I believe it has been used for arthritis for decades. So, it is not now banned by the TGA. A little off topic, I found that the TGA banned Condy’s Crystals (Potassium permanganate KMnO4) used for athlete’s foot. It was also banned in High School chemistry labs. However, the TGA ban has been lifted maybe a year ago. A dermatologist has recommended to put Condy’s crystal in the bath to kill off a skin complaint. As someone above has said the TGA needs to be cleaned up and let GP and specialists try treatments that may work.


  • #
    coochin kid

    I have , ( i do not know how to up load to this site) a twenty four page Scientific Paper. Proclaiming the benefits of Ivermectin in the treatment of Prostate Cancer. It claims that the drug inhibits the spread of tumors to other parts of the body , as well as killing the initial tumor.
    I have provided it to my urologist, and oncologist for comment or action. but as they say they cannot use it unless the bureaucrats say so.


    • #

      The subject you have touched upon is ” re-purposed drugs”. This is an incredibly controversial subject within the medical industry, mainly because the industry is geared towards the research and promotion of newly highly profitable drugs. Most of these “new” drugs are just variants of older molecules or chemistry. So , not really new anyway. Once, they’re off patent like IVM, the industry has little interest. There’s no dollars to be made.


      • #

        I want to read that study coochin kid. Please check your email. And if you don’t get an email from me, please send a message to joanne AT this domain. :- )

        I have already seen several similar claims and wanted to get around to reviewing them properly.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Ivermectin is being extensively investigated as an anti-cancer drug, but given the demonisation of this drug by fools at the TGA and medical “authorities” (sic) what doctor would dare prescribe it, even if everything else had failed and it was worth a try?

      I have no doubt that the TGA kills more people than it might possibly claim to save.

      Short article here:


    • #

      Integrated analysis reveals FOXA1 and Ku70/Ku80 as targets of ivermectin in prostate cancer

      I would be a lot more interested in its use as a general anti-metastisizing agent


    • #
      Kevin a

      Vitamin B17 works for all cancers


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    Dr. McCullough Discovers Alarming Study Out Of China: “mRNA Technology Has Just Entered a Whole New, Much Darker Phase”

    “Children could be targeted with easily administered oral vaccine dosing or potentially get mRNA through milk at school lunches and other unsupervised meals. For those who have taken one of the COVID-19 vaccines, having milk vaccines as an EUA offering would allow even more loading of the body with synthetic mRNA which has been proven resistant to ribonucleases and may reside permanently in the human body…

    mRNA technology has just entered a whole new, much darker phase of development. Expect more research on, and resistance to, mRNA in our food supply. The Chinese have just taken the first of what will probably be many more dangerous steps for the world.”

    Indeed, many more reports have surfaced recently of farmers in the USA and EU using mRNA-based vaccines on their livestock to “help protect against disease.”

    # # #

    I’ll have the disease, please.


  • #
    Geoffrey Williams

    The ban on Ivermectin was always a disgrace driven by big pharmaceuticals.
    Should never have happened . .


  • #

    Why isn’t a Royal Commission already sitting?


    • #

      Because they enabled the crimes.

      Lots of people, knowingly/willingly, or cowardly compliant, enabled the last 2 years of criminality.

      None of them want any kind of Commission or Truth finding. They desperately want to bury their complicity.

      It is “survival of the most craven” , not “survival of the fittest” or “proudly claiming the worth of their valiant decisions”.

      They have 3 choices. Confess to their responsibilities and decisions, hide everything, or blame someone else.

      What do you really believe they will choose? Odds on bet it won’t be the first choice.


    • #

      Because they enabled the crimes.

      Lots of people, knowingly/willingly, or cowardly compliant, enabled the last 2 years of criminality.

      None of them want any kind of Commission or Truth finding. They desperately want to bury their complicity.

      It is “survival of the most craven” , not “survival of the fittest” or “proudly claiming the worth of their valiant decisions”.

      They have 3 choices. Confess to their responsibilities and decisions, hide everything, or blame someone else.

      What do you really believe they will choose? Odds on bet it won’t be the first choice.


  • #
    John B

    Preprint from medRxiv
    Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it?

    The morbidity and mortality in the onchocerciasis endemic countries are lesser than those in the non-endemic ones. The community-directed onchocerciasis treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in morbidity and fatality rate in Africa. In areas where ivermectin is distributed to and used by the entire population, it leads to a significant reduction in mortality.

    I did some checking back in Jan 31 2022 (Statista & Our world in data) and in every African country using Ivermectin, under the WHO programs, they had lower Covid deaths/million pop than Australia.
    I also noticed that The Conversation had this article:
    The impact of COVID-19 has been lower in Africa. We explore the reasons
    Nowhere in the article did they mention Ivermectin use.


    • #
      Jon Rattin

      Some time ago l noticed Nigeria’s death rates for covid were remarkably low. The country’s population is approximately 211 million.
      As the vaccine mandates were about to take effect in Australia during late 2021, the number for covid deaths in Nigeria was 2,071 vs Australia 1,290 (September 30th 2021, source: worldometers). Fast forward to today- Nigeria 3,155 deaths vs Australia’s 20,410


      • #

        Bear in mind these comparisons are fraught. Nigeria did almost no testing where Australia and New Zealand did more than nearly anywhere in the world. So most cases and deaths in Nigeria were not recorded.

        The OWID data is a log scale on both axis. These differences are vast. There is virtually no data from Nigeria.

        We’d expect Nigeria to do better than the West given that Covid mortality rates rise exponentially as people age and it is a much younger country — media age = 17. Australia media age = 37 OWID AGe data. Plus people there probably have more Vitamin D, spend more time outdoors, and yes, have more access to ivermectin, and less access to ventilators, remdesivir etc. But age is the single largest factor in mortality for Covid, by a mile. And testing is the single largest factor in cases by a mile too.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Are they still “vaccinating” animals for C-19?

    The Rise of COVID-19 Vaccines for Animals

    Thousands of animals have had their shot already. How many more really need it?

    Chris Baraniuk

    Dec 9, 2021 | 6 min read

    For the cheetah, getting her vaccine was no big deal. When the wildlife care specialist at San Diego Zoo Safari Park called to her, she paced over and then sat, quiet and calm, to receive her injection.

    “The animal participates in this process and can walk away at any time,” explains Nadine Lamberski, head of wildlife health at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. It’s the close relationship between wildlife specialists at San Diego and the animals they look after, she adds, that makes this gentle approach to vaccination possible.

    Roughly 260 animals, of many different species, have now received an experimental COVID-19 vaccine at San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. Most animals “volunteered” like the cheetahs, says Lamberski, though some were vaccinated from afar via darts.

    While SARS-CoV-2 has caused illness and millions of deaths among humans, multiple nonhuman animal species have turned out to be susceptible to it, too. This has led to the development and use of veterinary vaccines, mainly in zoos—but the question of which species need to be immunized, now or in the future, remains an open one.



    • #

      In the early days of Covid someone explained how they would accelerate the firmness of any RNA changes by using animals to pass it through generations. Some odd thing like a Chinese hamster was common, or members of the mustelid family. Anyway, there will be a family of animals that will have a particular action to Covid, depending on what they used.


  • #

    Interesting that the States and State Premiers/Health Officers who imposed requirements to be vaccinated and coerced people into getting vaccinated aren’t being sued in the class action. Surely they’re more culpable. Yes, the Federal Govt gave provisional approval and encouraged the use of covid vaccines. But it was the States making it difficult for people to say no with threats to earning an income and exclusion from full participation in society.


    • #

      Strop, I would assume the state leaders would say it wasn’t their job to figure out if the vaccines were safe — that was the TGA’s job.

      We hope though, given the TGA failure on safety this time that when the next pandemic comes (it’s on the way) that excuse won’t work. We need to lay the groundwork now to make sure State leaders know that we expect them to be culpable for damages caused by mandates. It’s their job to check the data, to question the TGA on our behalf, to get independent advice.


  • #
    John Connor II

    As has been said before:
    Once you understand that Covid was created to make you take the vaxx, you understand the big gameplan – a plan that would be destroyed if simple cures like Ivermectin existed and were used…

    But now the game is up and the guilty are trying to reverse face to save themselves.

    Like the elephant, some of us have long memories (and mountains of data). 😎


  • #
    Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

    Well viewers, my 3 year weekly Ivermectin dose has seen my Rosace cured. The TGA are gutless wonders. Corrupt to the core. We need names- I am sick of every decision being a committee or group effort of some sort. Having lost my brother to TWO Turbocancers, I have not forgotten the Jab Jab which turns out to have promoted Covid infection as well as a host of nasty adverse effects. Yet they have not banned the JabJab! BTW The cost of Ivermectin is 15 CENTS A WEEK. The only side effect noted with Ivermectin is better night vision.


    • #

      What are the common treatments for rosacea?

      There is no permanent cure for rosacea. There is nothing you can do to prevent rosacea from starting. However, treatments can ease the symptoms and can be really effective. The treatments used may vary, depending on what symptoms develop. Treatment may need to be adjusted over time, depending on your response to treatments and if you develop different symptoms.

      So you now know more than the experts. 😀


      • #

        Well when I had rosacea for decades the docs tried all sorts of treatments on me promising me every time that this one would work. Not one treatment, some very painful, worked, nor did they ease the symptoms. I look also at lots of other people who have been given that diagnosis and none of them got better with all the prescriptions either.

        It was only when I turned my back on medicine and took charge of my own health, improving my immune function did it go away. Could it come back? It only came back when I did a few things that I know I mustn’t do.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Back in 2017, the now-woke journal Nature was once full of praise for the “wonder drug” Ivermectin.

    Published: 15 February 2017
    Review Article

    Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations

    Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan. Work on ivermectin has seen its discoverer, Satoshi Ōmura, of Tokyo’s prestigious Kitasato Institute, receive the 2014 Gairdner Global Health Award and the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with a collaborating partner in the discovery and development of the drug, William Campbell of Merck & Co. Incorporated. Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.



  • #

    If your are into chemistry or just interested in science per se, the “mectin” group are a fascinating read. Not only do we have IVM, isolated as a soil microbe decades ago we also have its siblings and cousins (at least 6) used in livestock for all sorts of parasite control. They are all part of a larger chemical group called the macrocyclic lactones. You can pour on a small quantity of product eg moxidectin on the back of a 500 kg steer and its is absorbed through the skin of the beast to provide INTERNAL worm and parasite control for weeks. No drenching needed, so handling cattle is greatly simplified. IVM’s direct sibling , abamectin, is also used an an insecticide in crop protection. The beauty of that is that any agricultural chemical undergoes strict multi year toxicological studies that investigate any possible carcinogenic, reproduction , skin or beneficial species effects. The rigor of these studies is arguably more intense for a eg. cattle wormer than it is for an equivalent human use. Most people would think the opposite, surely you would do more intense studies for human products? Nup. Once a new pharmaceutical establishes some efficacy it is fast tracked and side effects become a low priority. So not only does IVM have an incredible safety profile after about 3 billion human doses, its also has an incredible toxicological analysis. IVM, arguably is the safest pharmaceutical on the market.


  • #

    Best news I have heard….
    I am 80 yrs of age.
    Nothing on the ABC site.
    Their (health) news is-
    “From February 2025, supermarket paracetamol packs will be reduced from 20 to 16 tablets, while pharmacy packs will be reduced from 100 to 50.”
    So there….
    It’s called “priorities”.
    Within funding constraints of course.


    • #
      Simon Thompson ᵐᵇ ᵇˢ

      Smells like the Pharmacy Guild dropped this!
      Paracetamol can certainly cause liver failure in OD.
      Many older folk rely on it to ease osteoarthritis pain.


      • #

        Paracetamol gave me chest pains 3 times in one year. Then the penny dropped and won’t touch it with a barge pole.


  • #
    Tides of Mudgee

    This post reminded of the doctors’ strike in Israel in 2000 when “Death rates have dropped considerably in most of the country since physicians in public hospitals implemented a programme of sanctions three months ago, according to a survey of burial societies.” Is this a case of iatrogenics not at work? Funnily enough it seems the reverse happens when proven and tested medical cures are banned. Can’t understand that at all (sarc). ToM


  • #

    Jo Nova

    MANY MANY thanks for this story and thank you SO much for linking to the “Letters From Australia” story about the Class Action written by my dear friend Alison Bevage. The Class Action was launched last week by Dr Melissa McCann.

    The story Alison wrote about in such a beautiful manner is partly about the death of my brother, Dr Barry Schultz, 18 days after his first SA Health mandated Pfizer “jab”.

    Spectator Australia has also published a story about the Class Action on Saturday 29 April 2023 as well. This includes my brother’s story as well – link below.

    Spectator Australia

    There are many thousands of other harrowing stories regarding deaths and long term debilitating injuries following the Covid “jab” and I’m SO grateful to all those like yourself Jo, and Alison who are brave enough to tell the truth which is conveniently ignored by the MSM and governemnts world wide.

    For any Australians who have suffered losses or been injured by Covid “jabs” please go to the Class Action website to register at the link below.

    Class Action

    Currently, they are seeking donations to assist with the Class Action, and if successful ALL donations will be refunded. The monies are for distribution to the participants of the Class Action only – link below.

    Class Action Donation

    Once again Jo – I thank you sincerely for all that you do – if there is any way you could move this comment to a more prominent position on this post it would be very much appreciated.



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      Popeye, I had no idea she was talking about your brother. He sounded like a treasure indeed. I’m sorry I was too busy in the last week to do a post just on the legal case. Thank goodness for people like Dr McCann!

      Alas I can’t move the order of comments. But I can can pay more attention. Please keep me informed. Lord knows, we need a legal win somewhere if we are to turn this Ship of Corruption around.


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        Hi Jo,

        Many thanks for your response.

        Understand now that the order of the comments can’t be changed.

        My purpose for requesting this was purely to make the Class Action and funding websites more visible to your commenters.

        Is there a tab/link where I can send you an email with any updates as I can’t find anything on this page?

        Take care and kind regards,


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    The people on the medical boards do not know the facts and do not want to know the facts. They are employed to ensure that government policy is enacted. That policy is in the best interest of all the people with power, so the best interest of big pharma and the political lice that feed off them. They are not interested in the arguments against their policies, those are unacceptable, the policies must be enacted and, if necessary, enforced. Why would they care about the arguments against? Just listening to the arguments against would be seen as recognising the credibility of the enemy, so they will not, do not and basically cannot if they want to keep their jobs.

    They signed up to kill people for big pharma when they accepted the generous opportunity of sitting on the medical board. Don’t expect any more from these people other than self interest, which we see as the motivation for this latest manoeuvre.


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      As usual, any study can be rendered useless by starting treatment too late. This study was designed to fail.

      Study staff verified eligibility criteria including age of 30 years or older, SARS-CoV-2 infection within 10 days (positive polymerase chain reaction or antigen test result, including home-based tests), and experiencing at least 2 symptoms of acute COVID-19 for no more than 7 days from enrollment.

      Viruses multiply on an exponential curve where 1 –> 1000 in a matter of 10 hours or something. Starting anyone after day 4 or so means that person has already hit peak viral load. It still helps, but not much. That reduces the significance — blurs the benefits.

      What a junk study:

      Participants who were eligible to receive both ivermectin and fluvoxamine 50 mg but were randomized to the fluvoxamine-matched placebo group were included in and contributed to the placebo group for ivermectin.

      So the “control” group was also receiving a beneficial drug. Another way to “blur” results making ivermectin look no better than a sugar pill when actually it was being compared sometimes to a drug that the FLCCC also recommends.

      Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 was allowable, as was concurrent use of standard therapies for COVID-19 available under US Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization or approval.

      There is no mention I can see of whether participants were told to take the drugs with meals either. Taking it without food reduces the effective dose by fivefold.


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      Craig R Kelly

      Here’s a good summary debunking it;

      Also all doctors recommending Ivermectin, recommend it combined with zinc.

      Therefore any study that doesn’t include zinc and claims Ivermectin “doesn’t work” is junk.


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        Junk AND political in nature.

        There was a real emergency that required Trump to be removed at all costs and no way in hell was anyone going to let something he said worked (as in…actually did work) to continue to be made available to the general public!


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    This is soo good. Let’s hope that there are criminal charges laid following the civil case. Justice needs to be done.


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    Might IVM stop the spike protein released by the jab? All over the body? Possibly curing “Long Covid”?


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        Thanks Krishna.
        Will read the full paper. Intro sounds promising.
        Dave B


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        G’day Krishna,
        Thanks again for that link.
        It contains good supportive evidence for the efficacy of IVM against the covid virus, even when administered quite late. And should have been evaluated and accepted before any Emergency Use Authorisation was granted for the “vaccines”.
        Unfortunately, as it was published in July, 2020, the results pre-date the release of the “vaccines” so do not provide any answers to my question.
        Dave B


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    It seems perverse to me that the horse de-wormer has gone through significantly more stringent clinical trials than any of the Chinese Death Kooties vaccines have?


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    I got my Ivermectin from India. Only taken a few of them when I noticed covid was starting to get about. But no reason to keep swallowing them. I find covid pretty easy to avoid.


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    Probably worth giving this another run. As posted by Jo in about March 2022.

    A letter to Andrew Hill by Dr Tess Lawrie.

    In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on dozens of studies from around the world evaluating Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.

    Dr Hill talked to two American physicians; Dr Paul Marik and Dr Pierre Kory, and British scientist Dr Tess Lawrie, about the exciting data they were witnessing.

    Then something happened.


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    None of the above surprises me since I have almost finished reading “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F Kennedy Jr. I am on p427 of 449 in Chapter 12, “Germ Games”. In this Kennedy details how the US Defense Dept, CIA, Bill Gates, Fauci, Rbert Kadlec and many others use war games to simulate pandemics thereby determining how populations can controlled and manipulated.It is telling that not once is the use of existing drugs considered, only (shonky) ‘vaccines’ are considered. The Covid pandemic was planned for 2025-2027. It came six years earlier. It is also worth noting that Fauci et al were actively and illegally engaged in and promoting, gain of function on bat viruses.
    One small section that really appalled me, on p411,was about behaviour control by combining brain research with big data. This would enable behaviour and thought control and the challenge to people’s sacred identities.
    Jo’s website provides an important means of countering this dark, government sanctioned, wickedness.


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    willfull knowledge

    Oral Ivermectin is supposed taken on an empty stomach.


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      Only if you want to use ivermectin to kill worms. IF you want to stop viruses in your lungs and blood, ivermectin needs to be taken with food or it will not be absorbed.


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    […] already had many off label uses and now that the COVID narrative has collapsed it is suddenly approved for off label use […]


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    Apparently Ivermectin makes doctors rich.

    When you see ‘right wing’ in this kind of reporting you known exactly what it is all about.


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    Another excellent big picture source of information is the book « The Courage to face Covid-19 » by John Leake and Dr Peter McCullough (Preventing hospitalisation and death while battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex) Sparely written but devastating in its revelations – well worth the read!


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    […] cheap to make (around 55 US cents per course of treatment) and widely available. As one commentator ponders, ‘If the TGA foresaw a potential shortage, why did no one in the Australian […]
