Billionaires are paying to pump climate porn through Hollywood

Lion rock, Girl. Fantasy, Surreal. Pagan.

By Jo Nova

It’s lucky the world has so many billionaires to save us from Democracy eh?

But instead of persuading us, or doing honest adverts to save the world (which they could obviously afford) they prefer the deceptive approach.

If you think Hollywood is boring these days, there’s a reason

Chris Morrison at the Daily Sceptic found the Go-To Guide for hiding climate propaganda in Hollywood Movies where children won’t even realize they are being spoon-fed political products:

Green Billionaires Press Hollywood to Promote Armageddon Climate Messages in Movies

Good Energy aims to weave climate alarm into all types of film-making, “especially” if it is not about climate. With the support of Bloomberg, it recently published ‘Good Energy – A Playbook for Screenwriting in the Age of Climate Change’. It claims the Playbook is “now the industry’s go-to guide to incorporating climate into any storyline or genre”. As with almost all green campaigning groups, Good Energy would not exist without the support of billionaire funding. These operations seek a supra-national collectivist Net Zero solution to a claimed climate emergency. Good Energy acknowledges it would not exist without this funding, adding, “as collaborators and champions, each has provided a unique contribution for which we are endlessly grateful”.

Hollywood propaganda

If action against climate change is woven into the cultural wallpaper, children may not even be able to imagine a world without FakeBurgers and windmills. The seas will endlessly rise while somehow staying in the same place, like living in an Escher puzzle. Every storm surge will be fossil fueled and every retreat will be invisible.

Have you run out of plotlines? Good Energy can help…

Hollywood propagandaRolling Stone puts the details on the climate movie wallpaper being fostered. Instead of boring statistics and depressing details, Hollywood “is playing its part”. It’s creating heroes that, ah, do what the billionaires want:

How Hollywood Is Crafting A New Climate Change Narrative

Take the Netflix show, Unstable, for example. In the new series, Rob Lowe stars as a genius biotech innovator, who’s created a slew of planet-saving solutions. The Hulu mystery, A Murder at the End of World, hones in on a tech billionaire who wants to save the world from climate change. Hulu’s Indigenous American comedy-drama, Reservation Dogs, features Dallas Goldtooth, an advocate for the Land Back Indigenous sovereignty movement. The CBS sitcom, Ghosts, rolled out an episode called “The Tree,” that dives into different ways a few of the central characters relate to nature and climate change.

And if you were a billionaire invested in EVs or batteries, you’d want heroes to help your investments grow too, right? (Especially, now).

Donations to Hollywood Propaganda Inc are a tax deductible advertising expense that’s not called advertising. It’s something you can brag about at Davos!

According to an analysis by the Norman Lear Center’s Media Impact Project and Good Energy, which supports TV and film creators in telling compelling and accurate climate stories, less than 3 percent of film and TV scripts from 2016 to 2020 mentioned climate-related terms.

For now, the organization is dedicated to ensuring that by 2027, 50 percent of contemporary TV and film acknowledges climate change.

What this also guarantees is that it buys up some writers that might have mocked climate change. De facto it squeezes creativity out. That only works though, if some upstart production unit doesn’t cherry pick off the sacred cows of modern climate-moo, and have a riotously funny time doing it. That probably won’t happen in Hollywood, but it might on Twitter, which is why Elon is such a threat. It only takes one popular rebel to breach the whole cultural fake facade.

This goes deeper than just being a renewables advert

The Playbook notes that “indigenous people are the first climate scientists, and indigenous people are leading us through this climate crisis”.

If raindancing shaman were the original climate scientists, then science itself is just another religion, and it’s nothing special. The whole idea of hypothesis testing, pffft. The modern scientists are just an upgrade on the original voodoo, not a totally novel philosophy that transformed the world.

See what they did there? They’re not just selling windmills, they’re undermining a civilization.

It is a cultural war, whether you want one or not.

The sponsors behind the subliminal advertising program are groups like the Sierra Club, which is then funded by the Tides Foundation, among others, which was in turn funded by the usuals: the Rockefellers, the Soros, the Hewletts, and the Packards, and all the rest. There are a hundred other variations for the money to flow from the Uber Rich to protect their investments and keep the riff raff happy voting for absurd Presidents and Prime Ministers, and content to holiday at home with a heat pump.

The men with the most money in the world will craft our culture if we let them.

Tell the children…

Fantasy female hero image by Stefan Keller



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Happy leap year.

9.3 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

A bombshell win: vaccine mandates for police and ambulance drivers ruled a breach of human rights

By Jo Nova

Two years late: Two legal wins, and a Senate investigation

Two years after police and ambulance drivers were forced to get Covid injections, the Queensland Supreme Court has ruled that the vaccine mandates were unlawful. Because this decision is about human rights, it’s may also apply to other humans (we hope).  So lawyers all over the country are sitting up and paying attention.

This follows on from a South Australian decision a few weeks ago where the Employment Tribunal found that an employer (the state government) was liable for any injuries caused to staff by mandatory injections required in the workplace.

And possibly related to all this, in 2022 10,000 Australians died above and beyond the normal rate and no one (officially) knows why. The Australian Senate has decided (on the fourth try, and only by one vote) they can say for sure someone should definitely look into this. This banal, but good outcome was possibly a parliamentary world first — which says a lot about the state of democracies around the world because the same odd patterns of deaths is occurring in pretty much every democracy.

The Labor Party and Greens voted against it, presumably being worried about industrial relations but fine with dead bodies.

Forced vaccination finally deemed unlawful

QLD Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance vaccine mandates unlawful

Rebel News

In a landmark ruling, the Queensland Supreme Court has declared the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for police and ambulance staff to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act.

The ruling, which declared the mandates to be in breach of the Human Rights Act, comes after 38 Queensland Police staff, including 16 officers, were reportedly sacked for refusing to get vaccinated.

The Queensland Supreme Court 130 years ago when people still knew how to build good buildings.

Some 200 police in the state were suspended due to non-compliance. The decision to force medical experiments on employees was made in January 2022.  So here we are living in a legal swamp where it’s taken two long years to find out what is “lawful”. Both the Police Commissioner of Queensland, and the Queensland Health director-general apparently didn’t fully understand the law. And the government may yet appeal, which means, in the fullness of millions of dollars perhaps the unlawful will become lawful again.

The legal system is seemingly set up by lawyers for lawyers, and the crime it takes so long to even know that the law is. Not only did some people get injected against their wishes, but others who complied might have chosen differently had they known this two years ago. Some people were put through hell for believing (correctly) that they had the legal right to choose what they inject. They lost their jobs and went through two years of stress, fear and lost income.  A few others who took the vaccine may have had their own kind of hell, depending on whether they had side effects.

There is an ocean of human pain there that could have been avoided if our laws were simplified and unlawful orders were not left to unlawfully fester for two whole years.

The Guardian

The court found the police commissioner, Katarina Carroll, failed to give proper consideration to human rights relevant to the decision to issue the vaccine mandate.

The former Department of Health director general Dr John Wakefield was unable to prove he issued the vaccine mandate under an implied term of the employment agreements for ambulance service workers.

As a result, both vaccine mandates were found by the court to be “unlawful” and to have no effect.

We wonder if the police commissioner had given “proper consideration to the human rights”, would that make forced vaccinations OK? And if Wakefield failed to find the right clause in employment agreements, will future agreements be written to include the right for employers to inject workers against things not invented yet?

The Australian notes that this has widespread ramifications:

Queensland’s ‘unlawful’ Covid-19 vaccine mandate ruling just ‘tip of the iceberg’: experts

by Ellie Dudley and Lydia Lynch

A landmark legal decision “vindicating” dozens of Queensland paramedics and police officers who took on the state government’s Covid-19 vaccine mandates is just the “tip of the iceberg” of litigation attempting to overthrow pandemic orders, experts say, with cases in similar jurisdictions likely to ride on the coat-tails of the successful action.

More than 70 staff had taken legal action against the state government in three separate applications, arguing the vaccine require­ments were incompatible with their human rights and they had been discriminated against “due to their political belief or activity”.

The Australian Senate decides unexplained mass deaths might be worth a look

When thousands of Australians start to die above the norm, it only takes our elected representatives two years to make the big decision to call for an inquiry.  Senator Babet (UAP) is to be congratulated for his tenacity, but seriously, how low is our bar? The investigation should have been done in 2021 when the deaths became detectable and lives could have been saved.

Australian Senate acknowledges need for inquiry into excess deaths

By Rebekah Barnett

While yesterday’s motion calling for agreement that there is “a need for further inquiry” into the causes of Australia’s excess mortality is more symbolic than practical in its outcome, Senator Babet says that its passing is an important step in the right direction.

“This motion is symbolic of a changing sentiment around this issue, and I am not aware of any other parliament in the world who has admitted that excess deaths are worthy of inquiry,” Senator Babet said in a statement released after the vote.

Law and justice.In the world we thought we lived in, if a major new experimental drug was rolled out in an emergency, in a nation with 22 million mobile phones, satellites and 100,000 bureaucrats, you’d think batches would have been tracked, results collected and within a few months our Minister of Health would be able to release safety data for all of us to see. Instead, we got nothing.

Remember the big Queensland vaccine trail that was supposed to follow 10,000 people for five years? The QoVax trial gave the illusion the government cared, but mysteriously ran out of funding after just one year. Somehow, the Australian government was happy to spend $18 billion on Australia’s vaccine and treatment of Covid 19, yet wouldn’t spend 0.5% of that checking whether the vaccines were safe.[Update: For some reason the Australian Government has lost that page bragging about their spending. Luckily the WayBack Machine has a copy. ]

They had a year of data. What did they know?

h/t another Ian, Stephen Neil, Earl, David of Cooyal, Rebel News. Kesten Green.


URL to the government page on vaccine spending (broken):

Scales of justice by Ezequiel Octavianoy

Nurse with needle by Dim Hou



9.8 out of 10 based on 99 ratings


9.4 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

Forty years of trust in science drops after pandemic

By Jo Nova

The brand-name of science is being trashed

Trust in science continues to fall. The disillusionment with the Covid response has spread to science in general. Anthony Fauci said “trust the science” then showed us how untrustworthy science was. SARS-2 definitely wasn’t a lab-leak, except it probably was; the vaccine was 95% effective, except everyone caught covid, and the data was world’s best practice but the FDA fought tooth and nail to stop us seeing it until 2076.

These results are terrible: despite respondents being surrounded by hi-tech cars, phones, food and gadgets which were all impossible without science, only 57% of people now think science has has a “mostly positive” effect.  That’s 43% of the population who now think science hurts us as much as it helps (or is even worse).

The good name of science, created by two generations with antibiotics, satellites, and the moon-landing,  has been exploited by name-calling parasites.

Pew research released this in November, calling it just “a decline”:

What Pew didn’t say was that these sort of surveys have been going on for years and this was the biggest fall in forty years.

A similar survey set by the National Science Foundation has been running since 1979, and year after year, found that between 68% and 79% of Americans used to think the benefits of science outweighed the negatives.

It’s been remarkably consistent for four decades but we’re in new territory now.

Here are those older results:

Polls, USA,

(Click to enlarge and see the caption.)
The terms “experts” and “consensus” won’t work like they used too.
Contrast this with  the news just released by Nature with the headline “trust in scientists is high”, but watch the pea.  They don’t compare it to the past, report a trend, or give it any context at all. It’s just a mindless number, 3.62, (but it’s high mom!)

People around the world have high levels of trust in scientists, and most want researchers to get more involved in policymaking, finds a global survey with more than 70,000 participants. But trust levels are influenced by political orientation and differ among nations, according to the study, which was described in a preprint posted online last month1.

Respondents were asked to indicate how much they agreed with a dozen statements about the integrity, competency, benevolence and openness of scientists, on a scale of 1 to 5. A higher score indicated higher trust.  Across all participants, the average trust score was moderately high, at 3.62…

Even the psychologist they interview can only bring himself to say “fairly high”.

Nature make sure to tell us trust is ” linked to political orientation”. They blame it mostly on political leaders. It’s as if the voters are just the sheep being led astray, not the ones throwing tomatoes at the politicians who are slow to figure it out.

It is the end of an era.


Public assessment of benefits and harms of scientific research: 1979–2018

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation, Survey of Public Attitudes Toward and Understanding of Science and Technology (1979–2001); University of Michigan, Survey of Consumer Attitudes (2004); NORC at the University of Chicago, General Social Survey (2006–18). Science and Engineering Indicators



9.7 out of 10 based on 79 ratings


7.9 out of 10 based on 15 ratings


8.5 out of 10 based on 14 ratings


9.4 out of 10 based on 17 ratings

Former US State official on censorship — “What I’m describing is military rule”

Data, City, Big Brother. AI.

By Jo Nova

One of the most extraordinary interviews I’ve ever heard. Take everything you thought you knew …

Tucker Carlson talks to Mike Benz who worked in the cyber portfolio at the US State Department.  He calmly lays out the dark power of the US intelligence network. This is the inside story of how and why the military industrial censorship complex grew in the last thirty years.

It’s obviously hard to confirm what he says, but we already know Twitter and Facebook were effectively acting as arms of the US government. We’ve got the emails showing they were colluding with US state agencies and the legacy media on a daily basis to cover up government failures and corruption, and to censor Americans. We know the CIA withheld a report on China because it might have helped Donald Trump, and we know the CIA has been feeding the media “misinformation” for 50 years because another insider told us so.

Mike Benz seems to be able to explain so many details on the forces that shaped history.

At first the agencies liked free speech

In 1991 the apparatus of the US State thought the internet and free speech was a great tool. It made it easier to fuel revolutions in foreign countries and overturn inconvenient governments. And so the CIA worked out that if they controlled the social media and legacy media in “problem” countries they could put sympathetic governments into place. It was cheaper than sending in tanks. Thus a giant specialist program of expertise in censorship grew in order to control elections.

Given that this foreign interference was unprincipled, being undemocratic and anti-free speech, it is no surprise that a generation later the same expertise would morph into a malignant agency (or two) used against “Americans who threatened democracy”.

Then they started to fear the rise of the populist right

By 2016 the internet was vastly more mature and influential. Instead of being a tool of the intel agencies it was a tool of the masses, and they were voting the wrong way. The spooks could not “pull a story” by leaning on one editor, or asking friends at Facebook to de-amplify a meme.

Then Brexit lit a fire in the intelligence world — they feared France, Spain and Italy would also leave, the whole EU would disintegrate and worst of all, NATO and the “rules based international order would collapse” (which is another way of saying these meddling people would lose their jobs, their grants and their power). Then of course, months later, Mr Trump was unexpectedly elected, and the world teetered on the edge of functional democracy. A disaster…

There is a transcript which is 29 pages for people who don’t like to watch — but Benz is an exceptional speaker — cutting to the point, without wasting time. It makes a great podcast converted into mp3.

Notice here, in his list of the great fears of the intelligence agencies — the point of NATO is to be the army, essentially, of the global bankers.

  • Brexit would give rise to “Frexit” in France with Marine Le Pen, to “Spexit” in Spain with a Vox party, to “Italexit” in Italy, to “Grexit” in Germany, to “Grexit” in Greece.
  • The EU would come apart so NATO would be killed without a single bullet being fired.
  • And then, not only that, now that NATO is gone, now there’s no enforcement arm for the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, or the world Bank.
  • So now, the financial stakeholders who depend on the battering ram of the national security state would basically be helpless against governments around the world.

They have redefined democracy

Instead of the “will of the voters” — they are trying to define democracy as the infrastructure and the institutions of democracy. So anything that threatens “trust” in the institutions is a threat to democracy. See how this works?  If you criticize mail-in-voting you are undermining elections. If you criticize your rulers you are a cybercriminal, a terrorist.

Mike Benz runs an organisation now called  Foundation for Freedom Online

h/t David E. also Ed Dowd, and Richard C (NZ)

Art by Mohammed Hassan




9.6 out of 10 based on 116 ratings


10 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

China built 47GW of coal power last year and is “way off track” to meet emissions targets

By Jo Nova

If coal is a planet wrecking problem, if it really mattered, about 30 countries are beating themselves up in acts of grandiose public flagellation, while one country is wrecking the planet and nobody cares. The truth is that no one is behaving like they think CO2 is causing a crisis. All over the West everyone wears the hippie-care coat while buying the cheapest fridges, phones and fashion they can get from the global coal furnace.  And China nods the nod then keeps on adding coal power plants.

Climate change: China at risk of missing its goals unless it takes drastic action to rein in coal expansion, new research finds

Eric Ng, South China Morning Post

Last year, the Chinese energy sector’s carbon dioxide emissions increased 5.2 per cent, the same as gross domestic product, highlighting a failure to rein in energy-intensive growth, they estimated.

According to the Global Coal Plant Tracker 70 gigawatts of new coal power was built around the world in 2023. Of the 107 countries they tracked, one country built 47 gigawatts.  The other 106 countries combined built 22 gigawatts.  The distribution of new coal plants is thus:

New coal plants built in 2023

(Click to enlarge)

Or put another way:

New coal plants built in 2023

(Click to enlarge)


And this pattern has been repeated for 23 years.

This is the combined total of coal power installed around the world since the turn of the century:

New coal plants built from 2000 to 2023. Graphed.

(Click to see the bigger graph)


So the rulers of the West buy their transformers, solar panels and wind turbines from The Coal Giant, while pretending they sincerely want to reduce coal use. And the populace buy their cheap t-shirts, lemon squeezers and avocado-slicers (and their fridges and freezers).  And no one in polite society suggests sanctions or boycotts. (No one suggests “checking the science” either). Everyone wants their cheap stuff.

And so the charade continues, China pretends it will reduce emissions, and the West pretends it could happen:

“Another year of rapidly rising emissions in 2023 leaves China way off track against its target of cutting carbon intensity by 18 per cent between 2021 and 2025,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). “As a result, carbon dioxide emissions would now need to fall by 4 to 6 per cent by 2025 to hit the goal.”

And everyone pretends that it matters.

Global Coal Plant Tracker



10 out of 10 based on 109 ratings


9.4 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

EV Bubble Popping… US backs away from forced EV sales targets

Car accident.

By Jo Nova

History shall record the ignominious boom and bust of a car genre forced on citizens so they could produce better weather.

Things are so bad, Joe Biden has even put the brakes on his aggressive EV scheme, stepping  away from the 2030 deadline. “It’s just a delay” of course. The plan would have forced car manufacturers to sell 3 EV’s for every 2 cars with a combustion engine by 2030. If customers didn’t volunteer to buy enough EV’s, companies would be forced to jack up prices of the cars everyone wants in order to cross-subsidize the discounted sales of the unpopular EV’s. Car dealers were appalled and said so.

EV sales growing in some places but falling in others. The shift has been so fast the full length of the supply chain is in turmoil. The price of lithium has fallen 90% from it’s peak, nickel has halved. Ford has sacked 1,400 people. GM has cut its workforce by 1,000. Hertz is selling one third of it’s electric fleet and cancelling $3 billion dollars worth of forward orders. A month ago, the biggest political party in the EU decided it would rather drop the ban on petrol and diesel cars.

Meanwhile EV drivers in China are learning the same awful lessons the US learned a month ago.  EV batteries don’t go as far during freezing cold weather and are extremely hard to charge. During the Lunar New Year holiday Chinese drivers have been forced to push their EV’s for miles in the snow, while traffic jams formed at charging stations. Drivers were so desperate they lit fires on roads to stay warm, rather than use their car heaters and drain the battery. EV’s were banned from the Hainan Ferry due to the fire risk. It must have been sudden. Some Chinese EV manufacturers offered to help rescue cars, but it will take weeks to ship the cars back to owners.

China has placed big bets on EV demand. It would get burnt badly if the West wakes up:

Biden’s lofty EV requirements might not survive the election year

Nora Neughton Business Insider

The Biden administration is poised to dump controversial rule that would require Americans to buy more electric cars sooner,…

America’s EV boom goes bust!

Lithium and nickel producers begin mass layoffs and pause multi-billion-dollar projects as US says no to electric car push

Daily Mail

…as interest in EVs has slipped, lithium and nickel facilities – metals used in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles – are taking cost-cutting measures including mass layoffs and suspending operations.

The demand for electric vehicles surged in 2022, rising by 76 percent in April of that year, but by the end of 2023, the number of vehicles sold dropped to just 50 percent.

The price of lithium has fallen 85% from the peak:

[Credendo]:  According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), in 2022, batteries dominated the global end-use markets, absorbing 74% of the global lithium production. Indeed, the main driver behind lithium demand is the global transition towards a greener economy.

Global lithium production has doubled in the last six years, but even fans of the green revolution admit that the fall in lithium prices is largely due to the lack of demand because of the unexpected fall in EV orders. According to the USGS batteries used three quarters of the global lithium production.

The same pattern is happening in Germany — From NoTricksZone:

Blackout News here reports how German software giant SAP “no longer wants to use Tesla electric cars as company cars in future.” and is “removing the electric car manufacturer from its list of suppliers”.

Cuts at German Ford plant

In another article, Blackout News reports that Ford is cutting 3500 of 4500 jobs at its Saarloius, Germany plant, citing a “restructuring program.” Deindustrialization is accelerating in Germany.

Production slowdown at Opel

German car manufacturer Opel has announced reduced work-hours at its Eisenach plant “due to low demand” as a “direct response to falling demand for the Opel Grandland SUV, which is offered in variants including an innovative plug-in hybrid.”

Even as Chinese EV companies have aggresssive expansion plans, bad news is popping up:

Long Charging Lines, Snow Stymie EV Drivers in China New Year


Long waits at highway charging stations, rapid battery depletion in freezing snow and limits on electric vehicles on car ferries because of safety fears have combined to make the Lunar New Year holiday a frustrating experience for China’s growing number of EV drivers.

In central Hubei province, some drivers were forced to push their EVs for miles after heavy snow and freezing rain closed roads, and their batteries — which lose charge faster in cold weather — ran out of juice. According to local media reports, some even resorted to building fires on the road to keep warm because they were concerned using the car’s heater would deplete the battery even faster.

On the tropical island of Hainan — one of China’s most popular tourist spots — the local government restricted the number of EVs and plug-in hybrids on car ferries because of fears of fire or explosions, stranding thousands of cars.

Australian Flag, upside down. With apologies.

Meanwhile with uncanny timing, the Australian Labor government are aiming to copy the US policies we already know have failed,  just as Joe Biden backs away from them:

Australian Financial Review

Labor will press ahead with vehicle emission cuts based on US standards, despite reports the Biden administration is trimming the scale of its own electric vehicle ambitions, amid a growing political clash over the cost of popular utes and SUVs.

Reuters on Monday matched the story, noting the US Environmental Protection Agency in April 2023 proposed requiring a 56 per cent reduction in new vehicle emissions by 2032. Under the initial EPA proposal covering 2027-2032, car makers were expected to aim for EVs to constitute 60 per cent of their new vehicle production by 2030. EVs now make up about 7 per cent of the US car fleet.

The Australian opposition will take that electoral gift and run with it:

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, campaigning in Victoria ahead of next month’s byelection, accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of “proposing a great big new car and ute tax, which is going to drive up the cost of a HiLux or a Ranger by somewhere between $10,000 and $15,000”.

Car crash photo by Alexa from Pixabay

Australian flag by Phillip Barrington



9.8 out of 10 based on 103 ratings


8.2 out of 10 based on 10 ratings


9.9 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

Carnarvon “world’s hottest place yesterday” is barely any hotter than it was in 1896

Hottest day Carnarvon headline— (AAP) NZ Herald

By Jo Nova

In Carnarvon yesterday the Bureau tells us that the temperature was “a record” 49.9 degree day (almost 122 Fahrenheit). But in 1896 the Brickhouse Station just 15 kilometers north of Carnarvon hit 121 Fahrenheit in the shade, and there were reports of birds dying and other measurements “in the shade” that were as high as 125F. Somehow man-made emissions have been heating the planet for 128 years but the current freakishly hot days are about the same as the ones when no one in Australia owned a car and CO2 levels in the atmosphere were still under 300 ppm.

Lest we forget, there are hundreds of thermometer records from the pre-1908 era that are apparently worth nothing to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Climate change threatens all life on Earth, so you’d think climate scientists would be excited about the longest historical records they can find, but for some inexplicable reason they show little interest in the historical records from 1896 when a heatwave struck and 437 people died across Australia.

Temperatures hit 50C in the shade in many places in January 1896.  In locations hundreds of kilometers apart, people were reporting similar temperatures. Perhaps they were all wrong?


Carnarvon, hottest day ever in 1896.

January 5th 1896, Western Australia

At Yalgoo over Christmas 1895 temperatures reached 122 to 127F:

hottest day ever in 1896.

January 5th 1896, Western Australia

At Southern Cross a man died in his office chair. The heat averaged 115 and reached 122F.

hottest day ever in 1896.

January 5th 1896, Western Australia

A child succumbed to the heat in Geraldton and in Mullewa it was so hot the railway workers refused to work because it was “impossible to handle the rails”. These towns are 500 km south or 300 miles away from Carnarvon.


hottest day ever in 1896.

January 5th 1896, Western Australia

Temperatures in Mullawa hit 121F.

Inland at Cue for three weeks the temperature was above 105 F, even reaching 118 twice in the shade.

1,000 kilometers south of Carnarvon, nested among forest, south of Perth, even Pinjarra experienced  114F on Friday 3rd January 1896. This heatwave affected a vast area.

Map, Carnarvon, Geraldton, SW WA.

The Bureau will say many of these older records were done in “non-standard” equipment, but thermometers were a 300 year old technology even then. Sometimes we have records of the types of screens they used and we even have standardized comparisons of the small differences between the different screens. But the BoM is too precious to admit these old records are useful — the same BOM that doesn’t care when modern sites are surrounded by hot black bitumen or sits near incinerators. The same BOM that shrank the Stevenson screens from 230 litres to just 60 litres and changed the glass thermometers to electronic ones. The best measurements in our history probably came after the BOM was formed in 1908 and standardized the screens. Yet the BOM has adjusted the Carnarvon trends in those years down by as much as 2 whole degrees. In what universe does this make sense?

The actual warming over the whole century was almost nothing until the BOM adjusted the records. Thanks to Ken Stewart for this analysis:

The ABC parrots the mindless weather trivia produced by the BOM — they both lie by omission

Both institutions hide what Australians really need to know — our history:

“It was the nation’s second-hottest February temperature on record and tied as the eighth-hottest temperature recorded in Australia.”

ABC Feb 19th, 2024

Yesterday wasn’t the “eighth hottest” in Australian records. There are scores of days of baking hot 122 to 125F temperatures in our historical newspapers, often from the 1800s, yet the ABC never investigates, and never asks the Bureau of Meteorology a single hard question. Were all those thermometers in the wrong places? Were all those temperatures invalid? Astronomers were trained to use thermometers, it was a 300 year old technology even during the heatwaves of the Federation drought, and people knew the difference between “in the shade” and “in the sun”.

Australian heatwaves, mapped, 50C temperatures, 1800, 1896. Historic heatwaves.

Thanks so much to research by Chris Gillham, Ken Stewart and Silligy and the rest of the BOM volunteer audit team — without any funding they discover the hot records the bureau can’t seem to find even with $350 million dollars a year and a staff of 1,600 people.

Citizen science beats government funded science any day.

All the historic newspaper links for the map are available at the original post on historic heatwaves.


9.7 out of 10 based on 113 ratings

Peer review expert journal accidentally publishes fake AI image with gibberish and giant gonads on a rat

By Jo Nova

This paper shows exactly how good “Peer Review” is

It’s not just that a clever AI image slipped through peer review, it’s that it was garishly fake in a supersize kind of way. Scientifically everything about it was radioactive satire and yet it still got through “peer review”.  The words are gibberish. The editors didn’t even run a spell checker on it before publishing it, let alone the gaze of a single trained biologist in the field.

The paper has been retracted thanks to the real peer review which happened on social media. This was a case of X (formerly Twitter) saves the day. Where normal peer review can take up to two years (if you are an unpopular skeptic) it was only three days from the X review to retraction.

 The Telegraph sums it up:

A scientific paper purporting to show the signalling pathway of sperm stem cells has met with widespread ridicule after it depicted a rodent with an anatomically eye-watering appendage and four giant testicles.

The creature, labelled “rat”, was also sitting upright in the manner of a squirrel, while the graphic was littered with nonsensical words such as “dissilced”, “testtomcels” and “senctolic”.

Passed Peer Review

Spermatogonial stem cells, isolated, purified and cultured from rat testes.

The macrophages have become Macromages. The Natural killer T-Cells have become “nokillas”, but it’s not a name-swap, it’s just complete and utter nonsense — like a  microbiology word soup met a UFO.

Macromages nonsense ai peer review.

The JAK/STAT pathway and immune regulation in spermatogonial stem cells

The researchers even told them the images were faked: “(Images in this article were generated by Midjourney).”

At best, perhaps this is a real paper with junk AI images. There are no obviously imaginary words in the text (unlike the graphics). But it’s still a devastating take on “peer review”. I mean, these images are practically satire… If rushed scientists are using AI to help them write, and AI to get cheap images, and the Peer review journals are just posting anything without even checking, modern science is a zombie.

This is not a one off problem, and the use of AI to create images in peer reviewed science is widespread:

[The Telegraph]  Writing on the Science Integrity Digest, Dr Elisabeth Bik, the Dutch microbiologist who works spotting manipulation in scientific papers, said: “Of course, we can have a good laugh at these figures, and wonder how on earth the handling editor and the two peer reviewers didn’t catch this.

“These figures are clearly not scientifically correct, but if such botched illustrations can pass peer review so easily, more realistic-looking AI-generated figures have likely already infiltrated the scientific literature.”

Dr Bik has identified more than 1,000 papers which have fraudulent imagery, most of which she believes was generated by AI.

Amanda Yeo claims as many six real people supposedly gave it a tick:

It isn’t clear exactly how these diagrams made it all the way to publication without being picked up. The article was edited by a member of Frontiers‘ editorial team as well as reviewed by two other parties, which means at least six people gave it their approval. In a statement to Motherboard, one of the reviewers said that he had only assessed the paper for its scientific aspects, and that it was not his responsibility to check the accuracy of the AI-generated images.

For what it’s worth, Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology (Front Cell Dev Biol) is not a big name in the medical world, but they have apparently published 10,730 papers in the National Library of Medicine.  The umbrella publishing unit called Frontiers –says it is the 3rd most cited publisher.


The retraction message isn’t exactly confidence boosting:

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