A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Drax wood chip burning, CO2 accounting, subsidy silliness – yet again.
Climate Accounting Trickery on steroids. So good for the Environment. And burning Coal in a Power Station is a problem? LOL.
“All of the 6.5 million tonnes of wood pellets burned by Drax each year are produced overseas. Many come from Drax’s 17 pellet plants in the US and Canada.”
Still relying on the trees in the Colonies for support.
Biomass wood chips being imported to burn as power station fuel.
Tasmania Australia wood chipping and processing industry for export paper manufacturing industry shut down to save the planet.
It’s a Leap Year so you get to work one day longer (today) this year.
What happens if you are born on 29 February?
2000 was a leap century – when is the next leap century?
Good trivia question. Olympic Games are always held in a leap year. However, which year was the OG actually held and it wasn’t a leap year.
In Australia context, the National news is that coal exports to China have increased if not quite to previous levels.
“The NSW and Queensland budgets are being propped up by coal royalties”
“Last financial year, Queensland coal producers generated over $80bn for the state economy and contributed $15.3bn in royalties”
If you just look at black coal exports you can see the extraordinary level of hypocrisy where our use of coal is constant and our exports of coal are paying the bills.
In debt crushed Victoria where people suffered incredibly with prison camp level Wuhan Flu lockups, the longest in the world, manufacturing has fled, electricity prices are prohibitive for manufacturing and there are no energy exports.
There are real laws against picking up sticks in the forest and government edicts forbidding gas exploration, use of more gas, use of gas in new homes, export of brown coal. So we are sitting on vast reserves of free coal and gas which we are not allowed use or export.
We in Victoria are saving the planet but have no legal way of paying our bills for doing so. And Australians are paying more and more for less and less reliable electricity provided as Green certificates and carbon credits cost are quite illegally and quietly buried in our electricity bills by Federal laws, billions in cash for Green Climatebaggers.
But soon we will all share in the bounty of former PM Turnbull’s failed Snowy II. It maybe finished by 2030. At a cost 10x the original and a decade late and without any official idea of who is going to pay to pump the water back uphill? Of course that would be the powerless electricity customer. So we will be forced to pay double to use our own water battery all just to make the idea of completely unreliable wind power seem rational.
A country which repeatedly voted against carbon taxes is being buried in massive legislated and illegal carbon levies, not taxes. Insanely the only way governments are not bankrupt is by exporting coal and gas. Except in Victoria where the Andrews solution was to cede sovereignty to China with Belt and Road to which our former Premier illegally signed. And the very first thing the communists would do is grab our free coal and gas and ship it all to China and so relieve us of the guilt of boiling the oceans ourselves.
The sheer hypocrisy of coal exports is clear enough. And all the money is going back overseas to pay for Chinese windmills and Chinese solar panels. And the legislated attack on transport, shipping, agriculture, manufacturing, smelting and even sewage began on 1st July 2023 with the hidden Safeguard Mechanism Act, adding 5% additional carbon taxes every year to all the ‘biggest polluters’ like the MMBW for processing sewage or the Trans Tasman Ferry line, the only service to Tasmania and that massive ballooning carbon cash goes to the Climatebaggers, the opportunists, not even to the government. As if growing trees overseas is going to ‘save the planet’.
Insanely, the only exports left to pay the import bills and Canberra wages will be coal and iron ore. I suppose we can import food too, like woke Sri Lanka. At least no one in Canberra will be out of a job.
Thanks for that TdeF.
Sixty years ago I felt, and experienced the decency of the society I grew up in.
Now here I am looking at the ugliness you describe; the political deceit, the external WHO, WEF, UNIPCCC planned destruction of all we have built and worked for.
Locally, looking back, it’s possible to see today’s disaster in the background just waiting to bloom. Our local dockyard was brought down by the power of the union movement. But that was the exception, now it’s par for the course to smash our nation and run.
The Snowy Hydro was not a mistake, it was a deliberate “up yours ” to all hardworking Australians.
The west has been smashed and I fear for the future.
The first step forward is to see and understand the reality of our current situation.
Six hundred years ago Watt Tyler and his mob saw rebellion as the answer, unfortunately it didn’t end well for him.
Still, we must make a start to fix this.
Yes, Olde England had Watt Tyler and the Peasant’s Revolt; we have Taylor Swift and the Peasant’s Circuses.
It’s the republic of South Africa we’re queued up behind in the race to damnation; on the way to going broke first we’ll destroy our agriculture and highland wilderness by replacing those national assets with solar and wind subsidy plants that will remain largely islanded because of the prohibitive cost of festooning them together.
Of course the real misery shall not begin until, inevitably, Labor is elected for an even more destructive second term and unashamedly embarks on a full totalitarian schedule.
The folk, numbering 240,000 in Melbourne, who paid $100 or so for a Swiftie ticket, are now $100 poorer with nothing more than a memory of a few hours of being drones. They are among those who are demanding that money be found to fix potholes, money be found to employ more nurses, more police, money to be found to subsidize electricity bills, etc etc.
Geoff S
Geoff if you think you could get a ticket to see her for $100 you very much mistaken. Average ticket cost I think was in the order of $500.
For those who do not know, Canberra is an artificial Australian city (Brasilia?) midway between Melbourne and Sydney and comprised solely of Federal public servants. Expanding rapidly and writing all our Federal laws it has the highest average income in the country as they work to impose progressive planet embed carbon schemes in all our Federal laws. Saving the planet can be very empowering.
And of course so much of this “control and crushing” is based on the appalling abuse of science in the Dangerous Atmospheric CO2 mythology.
Atmospheric CO2 cannot and does not represent a danger to the planet and acceptance of ridiculous concepts like “downwelling” radiation just emphasise the groupthink that is used to control us.
Any properly qualified scientist knows from basic atomic physics, atmospheric physics and quantitative analysis that human origin CO2 is unable to cause global warming.
That’s the real science.
And real scientists, especially physical chemists know that all highly soluble CO2 goes very rapidly into the oceans, half every five years. Human origin CO2 far faster because it is already close to the ocean surface. We know this by direct measurement which beat ‘coincidence’ arguments. Or the Ice Hockey stick from ice cores.
This Peter Stallinga paper from Portugal 2023 is a nice summary. Click on Table 1 for a list of papers which say so, back to the original G.J.Fergusson paper in 1958 at the birth of radio(active) carbon dating. (residence times, half life, turnover time,.. are closely related)
and concludes
(1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and is less than 5 years.
(2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable.
(3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has already been removed from the atmosphere.
That is what these 36 papers have said over 66 years.
And we also know with total certainty that carbon sequestration, carbon credits, tree growing, burying CO2, reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a total waste of time.
We know this because in 1965 the total of radioactive carbon 14, the basis of radio carbon dating, was doubled from the universal one atom per trillion in the atmosphere and the oceans to two atoms per trillion. This radioactive tracer cannot be removed by any process we know. But in 2024 is it all gone and the level is back to one atom per trillion. This proves that ALL of the CO2 from 1965 is gone, replaced by ocean CO2, restoring the old level.
This happened in a perfect single e-kt curve, confirming it all went into one sink, only one sink and into the vast ocean where it made a difference of 2%, not 200% to C14.
This vast accidental and totally valid experiment has completely destroyed the idea that CO2, any CO2 hangs around for long. And that the top ocean/bottom ocean idea is a fabrication for CO2.
Best of all, NASA reported in 2014 that the extra 14% of CO2 from 1988 to 2014 has produced two Brazilian rainforests worth of trees. Although they called it ‘fertilization’ to hide that it was CO2. Trees are not made from ‘fertilizer’.
Most importantly this also proved that growing trees does not reduce CO2. More CO2 means more trees in direct proportion without reducing CO2. Which confirms the CO2 sequestered is simply and instantly replaced from the oceans. So oceans control CO2, control trees, control agriculture and trees do not control CO2. Goodbye Carbon Credits (As made law in Canberra in 2011)
So what does Canberra do? Legislate a 5% a year increasing tax on all Australian businesses forcing them to buy the worthless Australian Carbon farming credits. You know, the thing Australians voted against time after time. And it’s not even a tax, it’s therefore legalized theft and the cash goes overseas. Governments since Magna Carta have not have that power under the Westminster system, to force citizens to pay a third party, friends of the King. For nothing.
I would prefer a 5% a year tax on the wages of the public servants in Canberra, to be used to build coal fired power stations which last forever on coal which is free and with zero pollution of any kind on the transmission lines we already own.
And as for power, Australia like America is a Federation with a Constitution. The UK is not, so it doesn’t need a constitution.
An our constitution limits the powers of Canberra to Defence, currency, foreign affairs. But medicine, education, police, minerals, everything else, even taxation remained with the States. The introduction of a Federal income tax however moved all economic power to Canberra, as did the GST. And the Federal government intervenes in everything by using a single loophole in the Constitution which allows discretional gifts to individual states.
This was behind the removal of the US Supreme Court of Federal power over abortion in the Roe vs Wade case. Because it always was unconstitutional for the US Federal government to rule. Abortion is a state issue and the conditions vary from state to state.
And in Australia, power came from gas and coal, state minerals. The UN story of man made boiling seas gave Canberra and Washington power they did not have, but you have to talk electricity, not oil or gas or coal. And even Washington uses National Parks law to restrict pipelines and mining. It is all overreach because electricity was not covered in the Constitition, so now we are building a completely unnecessary National Grid simply because it moves all control to the unaccountable public servants in Canberra. Which explains the windmills.
The National Carbon credits, Green certificates and Clean Energy are illegal, fraudulent and opportunistic. Meanwhile pundits like Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims are still calling for punitive ‘carbon taxes’. What planet are they on?
Although Canberras gnomes, their Humphey Applebees might argue that the international fight against carbon dioxide is their remit under the Australian Constitution as an International Defence issue as directed by the United Nations in a coalition of the willing. But it is more like Defence against the Dark Arts from Harry Potter.
TdeF hi. Serious question. If these taxes are illegal why haven’t they been challenged in court?
Canberra was meant to be midway between Sydney and Melbourne but the politicians and their public serpent advisors who tell them what to think couldn’t even get that right.
Sydney to Canberra road distance 285.5km
Melbourne to Canberra road distance 662.7km
An early start to “Good enough for government work”?
Bosses ‘nauseated’ as public servants gain unlimited WFH days
Business employers have branded a new federal public service work-from-home deal “nauseating”, claiming the public service, unions and the federal government are out of touch with workplace reality.
The comments from the small and medium business employer association, Ai Group, came after employees at the four largest federal agencies – more than half of the 180,000 strong Australian Public Service – voted overwhelmingly to back an 11.2 per cent sector-wide, three-year pay deal that removes all work from home restrictions.
After the strong support from Services Australia, Home Affairs, Defence and the Australian Tax Office, there will now be a formal bias in favour of requests to work from home, but with operational and customer needs to remain paramount. Employees who have a request to work from home rejected will be able to appeal to the Fair Work Commission.
The federal government is Australia’s largest single employer to formally remove work-from-office mandates. The new federal flexible work arrangement is also expected to be pursued by public sector unions as state government agreements come up for negotiation.
Most federal agencies have work-from-office mandates of two to three days, with staff required to formally sign work-from-home agreements.
More than half of the 180,000 strong APS already have flexible work agreements.
Yes it was a huge failure – Canberra is still too close to Melbourne in the People’s Republic of Victoriastan.
Au contraire, it is far too close to Sydney and is, in effect, an outer suburb of that place. As Parkes well knew. Much to the chagrin and cost to the rest of us.
It is where the Act of Constitution said it had to be – as near as practicable to a line between the two big cities (look over head if you are ever there and note the constant vapour trails) and at least 100 miles from either. Your figures reflect the disgusting fact that billions have been spent duplicating the Federal Hwy Cbr-Sydney while to go west and south, you must first head 70kms north to Yass on a bush track. Sydney-centricity, as always. As a crow flies, Cbr is much closer to Melbourne than that.
Vic Parliament (Melb) is 86% further away from Parliament House (ACT) than NSW Parliament (Syd), as the crow flies. Certainly less of a gap than by road. But still a big difference being only just a smidge more than a third of the way from Syd to Melb.
Federal Parliament was first established at the Exhibition Building in Melbourne.
Probably for the best that it was moved to Canberra, or Melbourne would have become an even greater left wing cesspit than it currently is.
But, we’d be saving a fortune in living away from home expenses if one of the major cities had become home to Federal Parliament.
Huge new demand for working from home dwellings.
I don’t know what TdeF means by an artificial city. All towns and cities have started with some purpose, perhaps around an industry like agriculture or mining or in the case of Sydney a prison. Canberra’s workforce is 263000 of which the APS is 65000. They don’t get to make any decisions about how Australia is run. Some of that is done by State governments, some by the Federal government. The Australian Capital Territory elects 3 members out of 165 members of the lower house and 2 out of 78 of the senate. All the rest come from the other states and NT, even from the electorate that TdeF lives in. In the case of this Labor government, a lot of the advice it acts on comes from the state Labor, the unions headquarters in the major cities and other left wing organisations. This is just another unthinking slur on people who live in Canberra
Coal exports have three times the CO2 emissions compared to “local” CO2 emissions and Labor and the Greens are obsessed with reducing local emissions while having their heads in the sand over thew exported variety!
And as the economy of China continues to grow China is now dominant in export of many goods including wind turbines and solar panels.
Competing right now to dominate small nuclear reactor future market as many or most nations realise that a hybrid electricity supply system based on wind and solar is not cost effective, cost-benefit analysis unfavourable …
Pull the coal royalties and watch the commo run gulags collapse.
What coal subsidies?
Maybe you mean the Green left description of;
* Tax deductible items of costs incurred in operating any business regardless of goods or services?
* Fuel rebate that must be applied for for fuel used off public roads available to any business that can provide the required information?
As compared to RET paid direct incentive real subsidy only for wind and solar installation business owners, over $12 billion shared every year.
I didn’t realise that coal was negatively geared!
What next.
Only when used in a steam engine stopped at a station or other stopping place.
You have to be making a loss to negatively gear, nobody is making a loss on coal.
Although I do recall the renewables smugsters trying to label it as a “stranded asset” Tell that to the Germans, Indians and Chinese.
Now I’m confused. Don’t the greens say that negative gearing is making a profit?
“Without any official idea of who is going to pay to pump the water back uphill? Of course that would be the powerless electricity customer.”
Simple, that will be you, the longsuffering taxpayer/consumer, by way of ‘Selective Loadshedding’.
On the other hand if you happen to be a major shareholder in wind turbine installation based electricity supply business you could sell electricity not needed elsewhere when the wind blows at the wrong time for pumping water uphill.
That would be worth pushing for pumped hydro projects.
The RMIT “fact checkers” (sic) were so bad, that even Their ABC dumped them…
But now they’re starting their own “fact check” department.
ps maybe Dandruff could be exported to China where he could discuss and perhaps work off the debt he personally incurred. Is it legally Victoria’s debt?
Goolag have temporarily stopped their extremely racist and factually inaccurate AI image generator, but that same racist and factually inaccurate knowledge base and policies still remain in the rest of the AI engine.
And given that most younger people these days aren’t capable of critical thinking and also know virtually no history, they are likely to believe anything the AI engine tells them.
Just shows that it is not AI. All of the ‘errors’ were programmed in. The AI being utilised cannot learn by itself/its mistakes.
Just another example of the computer ‘testing’ that happens these days
It has had to be withdrawn to be ‘fixed’ and re-launched at a later date. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
So no Googly human employee (using the term with qualification) took this thing on a test drive and noticed a problem?
Depending on AI testing stuff before the AI has been tested?
(I just made that up.)
Here’s how they transport cooking gas in Pakistan.
Don’t laugh. At least they have gas unlike Australia who is shutting down their gas supply such as in Victoria.
A different delivery method – Brasil 1980 era households used a lot of 8.5 kg size cylinders. Common delivery was a Mercedes 1418 body truck with gas cylinder racks about 5 layers high.
Hey Ian didn’t those cylinders used to be 9.0kg as still stamped on them but alledgedly reduced to 8.5kg for safety reasons. Certainly not profit motivated as we all know the price dropped accordingly.
Similar to the concept of gas powered cars with their gas bags using gas made from Coal
Here’s an amazing video from Pakistan where they take an extremely crushed truck cabin and restore it.
In the West, it would be just scrap metal, but they use a large amount of cheap skilled labour to repair it.
The art of mechanics ! 😀 👍
Some UK politicians alleging regulator slow to flag up vaccine issues.
“A demonic secular religion with self-appointed gods?
That’s how Brandon Smith sees globalism and its followers.”
More at
I can buy Klaus Schwab as Satan.
Last year I read that he spends a lot of hist time every year on medical treatment to prolong his life including complete blood replacement transfusion.
A.S.I.O. has released spying details this morning but hasn’t named the Australian politician involved.
Richard Marles MP, the Minister for Defense, when questioned by the media, says he hasn’t asked A.S.I.O. and doesn’t know the ex-MP’s name who sold out Australia.
If its an ex-Labor politician, you can bet that the name will be released after the Dunkley by-election this weekend.–c-13772213
If it’s a Labor figure, don’t bank on his identity being revealed for a long, long time. Let’s face it, the guy in question is already receiving special treatment because a Lib/Nat politician who did that would be in jail.
I was very interested in reading that the spy ring in question also targeted “academics”, flying them to another country for all-expenses-paid trips to meet with spies disguised as bureaucrats.
Remember what I’ve been saying about ‘collaborative’ research here in Australia, and the information and IP that could flow out to the partner nation, not necessarily limited to project specifics? This is all happening in plain sight.
Australia’s leaders are a very dangerous combination of corrupt and stupid.
Not also that Tanya Plibersek has said it was concerning to think she may have worked alongside the politician, but it was not for her to know who it was. Seriously? So she’s not concerned about what she might have said to this spy? In her position, I would absolutely demand to know who it is so that my interactions with them could be recalled to mind.
A very strange response given that one of the most important questions here is, what exactly did this person pass along?.
IF they wait until after the by-election for ex-labor, wouldn’t they release it before the election if ex-liberal?
They are all in this together. Two wings of the same bird.
I thought ASIO’s job was to remove these traitors from the system, instead of “we know something you don’t know”.
The traitor/s should be arrested, held in custody until sentenced, then dragged up the main street behind a horse until dead.
bit of a severe punishment given you don’t know exactly what they almost did.
That is a reduced sentence, my initial sentence was to disembowel, stake their intestines to the road and ride off into the sunset.
Treason is treason, there is no half traitors.
Several years ago, the A-team successfully cultivated and recruited a former Australian politician. This politician sold out their country, party and former colleagues to advance the interests of the foreign regime. At one point, the former politician even proposed bringing a Prime Minister’s family member into the spies’ orbit. Fortunately that plot did not go ahead but other schemes did.
hmm- never knew these were still in Australian law.
I am of the old ways.,_drawn_and_quartered I have softened my view somewhat.
Surprised that you know that we have a federal parliament.
Your a good educator.
“Treason is treason, there is no half traitors.”
I doubt that is true.. For a start, WHO are you ‘selling out’? What is ‘Australia’??
Are we talking the politicians?? Those in power ‘are’ Australia? Would anyone think twice about selling them out??
Are we talking the public serpents, the 180,000 bludgers who have just been allowed to ‘work’ at home?? What would they have that is worth selling?
On that question, what could you sell about Australia?? We have no manufacturing to have secrets about, and they would be private companies anyway. We don’t have a war machine worth a tin of bully beef anywhere in the world, so there’s nothing to sell there.
Maybe we have some outdated and worthless technology from our masters.. sorry, ‘Partners’ in defence, but they wouldn’t give us anything they were worried about.
Of course in this modern world with the UN running everything we don’t have any enemies to commit treason with!
Its a meaningless beat-up, start looking around for the thing they are trying to hide with it! ..or its time for ASIO to get their annual budget and they are pretending to be useful.
Did you have that rattling around in your head and needed a place to pin it?
Yep all that happened while you were distracted with your sport ball, you allowed it to fester, are you trying to blame me for your lack of attention?
You carry on, I will get the low hanging fruit.
Just pop us a note when you have it all fixed.
Your response is circular. The obvious conclusion is that it is ALP – Keating based on his various unhinged utterances.
After he left politics Keating worked at the China Development Bank from 2005 to 2018, which doesn’t necessarily make him a spy.
It’s a long list – I would say about 90% did.
I can think of one on the Labor side with family close connections and associates in China.
Actually I can think of two.
Nothing new under the sun
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st;
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”
So even Shakespeare was got at by the Elizabethan climatocracy. So who put up the ducats for that expensive Globe Theatre. Probably these nasty Spanish dagoes with their dastardly climate friendly Armadas. Mind you it was in the Little Ice age which as all you right thinking climatistas did not happen. And which sod chopped down the trees of Birnam wood.
Something truly stupid from the NYT:
“Shame”? I would call it a Badge of Honour.
It does appear that P.M. Albo’s mojo has been stolen. Not an offense under the Crimes Act so no charges will be laid.
I never thought Albo possessed any to begin with.
ScoMo was given the a*se by the electorate and Albo just happen to be standing in the wings, after Labor had given Bill Snorten the a*se for losing the “unlosable” election.
“ScoMo was given the a*se by the electorate and Albo just happen to be standing in the wings, after Labor had given Bill Snorten the a*se for losing the “unlosable” election.”
..and that’s how democracy ‘works’.. an abysmal system designed to enrich a few at the expense of the rest of us.
Meanwhile Labor’s misinformation legislation is quietly being pushed through preparing for parliamentary voting I read in the Daily Telegraph today.
The silencing of voters by government (Labor) is frightening even the thought of it and the plotting behind it.
How did we get here?
In 2017, the then treasurer, Scott Morrison, ordered the ACCC to conduct a review of digital platforms, with a focus on the “impact of digital platforms on the supply of news and journalistic content and the implications of this for media content creators, advertisers and consumers”. In its final report in 2019, the ACCC recommended a “digital platforms code to address the risk of deliberately misleading and harmful news” including “appropriate responses” to address disinformation and “mal-information”.
A voluntary code of conduct was drawn up by some of the major platforms in response and adopted by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, TikTok, Redbubble, Apple and Adobe in 2021. Acma was given the job of keeping an eye on how the platforms upheld the code. That same year, the watchdog reported to the Morrison government its concerns over the rise of disinformation and misinformation online and recommended beefing up the code.
In March 2022, just before the federal election, the Morrison government responded to Acma’s report and promised to boost the regulator’s powers.
The Coalition went to the election vowing to give Acma “new regulatory powers to hold big tech companies to account for harmful content on their platforms”. That included providing Acma with “reserve powers to register and enforce industry codes or make industry standards”.
No, the Labor version is much more sinister and follows on from the earlier Labor 2007-2013 terms misinformation legislation proposal that was abandoned because too many Labor MPs considered it to be over the top, unacceptable.
How did we get here?
In 2017, the then treasurer, Scott Morrison, ordered the ACCC to conduct a review of digital platforms, with a focus on the “impact of digital platforms on the supply of news and journalistic content and the implications of this for media content creators, advertisers and consumers”. In its final report in 2019, the ACCC recommended a “digital platforms code to address the risk of deliberately misleading and harmful news” including “appropriate responses” to address disinformation and “mal-information”.
A voluntary code of conduct was drawn up by some of the major platforms in response and adopted by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, TikTok, Redbubble, Apple and Adobe in 2021. Acma was given the job of keeping an eye on how the platforms upheld the code. That same year, the watchdog reported to the Morrison government its concerns over the rise of disinformation and misinformation online and recommended beefing up the code.
In March 2022, just before the federal election, the Morrison government responded to Acma’s report and promised to boost the regulator’s powers.
The Coalition went to the election vowing to give Acma “new regulatory powers to hold big tech companies to account for harmful content on their platforms”. That included providing Acma with “reserve powers to register and enforce industry codes or make industry standards”.
NZ’s second biggest MSM news channel collapsing
Up to 300 jobs are expected to be lost as one of our biggest commercial media company’s newsrooms – Newshub – is set to close at the end of June.
For once the reasons given for Newshub’s demise – the state of media worldwide, the collapse in advertising revenue and the state of the economy – is largely correct.
What do the kiwis think? (Ani O’Brien, X) (Naughty words warning) (Naughty words)
Reap what you sow and good effin’ riddance.
Tears shed: 0.0
Finally, some good news! May many more of them go broke!!
More –
“New York AG Letitia James Files Lawsuit Against Worlds Largest Beef Producer for ‘Misleading Public’ About its Impact on Climate”
Young People Don’t Actually Give a Damn About Climate Change, Poll Finds
Another explanation as to why weather news exaggeration of heatwave conditions and other scare crafted propaganda has been ramped up in recent years.
Why the yesterday stories published by CH9 Group newspapers were based on the latest Media Release from the Climate Council (NGO) of Chris Flannery.
“Only 45% of the youngest crop of voters aged 18-34 would be willing to spend $10 or less per month to combat climate change, according to a recent survey by CRC Research And one out of five (20%) in the same age bracket responded that they would not pay anything at all…”
This is why we have to MAKE them pay with taxes hidden in their power bills…
Real advances come from fringe science
I posted this ages ago but it bears repeating.
It great to be old and be able to see things as they really are!
If you are game –
“”Who Could Be Next”: Top Canadian Pension Fund Sells Manhattan Office Tower For $1, Sparking Firesale Panic”
Evergrande EVs Report a 100 Million Yuan Loss per Unit, the Largest in History
Pfizers comic for kids, they knew, the whole time they knew.
The article that came from
“Trusted Authorities? Any left?”
Scott Ritter: Ukraine is being Annihilated and Russia’s Offensive will End NATO