Texas was prepared for global warming but not the return of the cold

If only climate modelers had warned us that children would know what Frozen Fish Tanks were?

Instead Texas spent most of the last decade and billions of dollars trying to cool the world by changing its electricity grid.

Thanks to market-distorting policies that favor and subsidize wind and solar energy, Texas has added more than 20,000 megawatts (MW) of those intermittent resources since 2015 while barely adding any natural gas and retiring significant coal generation. — Jason Issac

Indeed Texas has the fifth largest windpower fleet in the world — bigger than everyone except China, the USA, Germany and India. But having that industrial fleet of free clean energy didn’t save Texas this week. What happened appears to have been a systemic wide failure on so many levels. But one of those levels surely, is the failure to winterize the grid. There are plenty of gas and wind plants in colder places like Canada and they run through winter just fine.

But the awful truth is, that it costs more to add these “heat and de-icing” features and with everyone planning for Global Warming, well, who needs ’em? It’s almost like ERCOT in Texas assumed the […]

Impeaching Trump to deny the stupid voters the chance to choose him

Whatever you do, don’t give the voters a choice

It seems a major reason for impeaching Donald Trump “no matter what” is to make sure that even if the majority of American voters wanted to get him back in office, they will not get that choice. After all, if Trump incited a violent coup against a legitimately elected government, and it was broadcast every night on prime time sympathetic news for the next four years, how could he ever win again? What population would be insane enough to vote for that?

Hypothetically, though, imagine a government was elected through late night vote dumps, fake ballots, dead votes and electronic flipping? That same government would surely be vulnerable and possibly afraid that if word were to spread, protests would mount and State legislatures might be forced to fix the gaping holes in the system – at least in some states. All of which might give the cheated leader a chance to be re-elected.

David Catron had the same thought, and notes Rep. Al Green (A democrat from Texas) explained why they tried the first impeachment:

I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach […]

Time Magazine’s extraordinary admission, the election was no accident, it was “fortified” by a secret cabal

Let the bragging begin — Who manipulated the election to “Save Democracy”? A Corporate Cabal!

Now that the Left have the main levers of power, it’s safe for them to come out and tell the world how important they are. Indeed the race to the top of the vanity pile is on. This is not an accidental admission. When the real game is to get to the top of the pecking order, bragging is part of the plan.

And brag they do. Time actually published this:

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

by Molly Ball, Time Magazine

The Cabal decided the “proper outcome” of the election.

“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”

Photo by Darren Halstead, Unsplash

Which rather flies in the face of that quaint old idea that the government is meant to be by the people and for the people? If it isn’t […]

Chinese Cyberwarfare attack on the US election claims Mike Lindell Video

“The biggest attack in history?”

For those without much time, watch (below) from 1 hour 36 mins where Mary Fanning goes through forensic evidence listing logs she claims shows foreign interference. The data offered allegedly shows the timestamp, the IP, the attempts, which county and the ID of the computer they broke into, how many votes were switched, the method used, and whether there was a firewall intrusion. Apparently “there are thousands of pages of documentation like this.” Fully 66% of the attacks or intrusions are apparently coming from China, from Hauwei, Cloud service, Alibaba, China Unicom, U cloud, China mobile T-tong etc.

Youtube and Twitter have deleted Lindell’s video and banned him. Isn’t it better if these claims gets aired and discussed in detail so the voters of the US can feel assured that elections are free and fair, or that if this is real, problems with elections will be resolved.

Details of “vote adjustments” done by foreign IP addresses.

UPDATE: See the note at the base * checking these IP’s.

Unless someone went out there faking up thousands of pages of details, this would be warfare.


UPDATE: If these logs are faked it presumably would […]

There’s no evidence of election fraud because it’s illegal for election officials to provide it

There is no evidence anyone cheated in the US 2020 election — and we know that for sure because there is no evidence anyone was honest either. There is just no evidence. They’ll sue you if you ask for evidence. Indeed it would be illegal if they provided some evidence. War is peace. Black is white, and ballots are not for counting.

The people in charge of the election in Maricopa County Arizona are so sure they did their job honestly and well that they sued the jumped up domestic seditionists who wanted an audit. That would be the Arizona Senate. But what would they know about elections?

Maricopa County Preventing Valid Audit of 2020 Election Results

by Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit

A month ago the Arizona Senate voted to have the audit performed and the MCBOS sued them to stop the audit. Then once the inauguration occurred the MCBOS agreed to have their results audited but they would select the auditors. This was so the MCBOS could choose an auditor who would rubber stamp their results. The MCBOS even stated they would only use EAC certified auditors which limited the population of auditors to the […]

US government declares war on half the country: Baiting, panicked, or just crazy?

Tucker Carlson wonders why the Democrats are recklessly overreacting to no known plots of white supremacists and Domestic Terrorists. He calls it fear or panic — the leaders are afraid of the people they are supposed to be leading. They are afraid of populism — of a mass uprising. They don’t have answers. They know they don’t, and they know you know.

AOC is trying to convince the nation that there are white supremacists at the heart of the GOP. Tucker asks where this projection of racial hate is going. It’s like using a flame thrower in a crowded theater. What is the effect of the lies like this?

Are the Democrats projecting a civil war until they trigger one? They may be baiting to get the extreme reactions they hope fringe groups resort to — so they can use them to demand more lists, more rules, and more purges. But they play with fire. They may not want a civil war. (Although the CCP presumably does. )

The Bitchute version may “hang” due to the surging popularity of it: 

The Youtube version is there as a backup til it disappears: … The outrageous purge continues:

If you […]

What will unify the USA–  How about hatred of the corruptocrats?

The USA might just unify despite Joe Biden. There are not many things that can bring the Occupy and Antifa crowd together with Proud Boys but sticking it to the overlords of Wall Street is just the ticket.

The Gamestop monster battle between the ruling class and the peasants

The naked short sellers of Wall Street were never a healthy part of a free market — they were selling shares they didn’t own. Their predatory behaviour could create the very destruction they profited from, ruining potentially productive assets in the process. In a bonfire of gambling greed, the Predators could effectively sell more shares than even existed — betting they could drive the price lower and buy back for a bargain. But the little-guy-punters in the reddit/Wallstreetbets crowd got organized and called the bluff. They pushed the $4 stock to $400, busting the Smarty-pants players and reveling in it. There are estimates that hedge funds have already lost nearly $20 billion. One group of short-selling gurus have been burnt so badly they’ve abandoned publishing short selling research. The wake from this is just beginning.

The problem for the Democrats is that this wave is a form of Draining The Swamp. […]

Not even pretending anymore: Democrats want more fake voters, no ID, no signatures

To heal the nation the Democrats want to take all the high risk, cheatable ideas from the swing states in 2020 and make sure that every other state has to use them too.

If state voters have any idea that they can get more honest voting with leverage on State Legislatures, the Democrats want to stop that too.

The HR 1 bill would ban state governments from asking voters to provide ID to get an absentee vote. It would allow people to harvest votes and dump them. It takes more power from the State Legislatures and gives it to guess who?

It’s almost as if the Democrats don’t expect to win any more elections fairly. Feel the fear that 2020-style-loopholes need to be locked in and more widespread by 2024.

Meanwhile Democrat Stephanie Murphy wants to purge out anyone from the Federal Government who doesn’t hold the right opinions. If, say, a Federal worker had any reason to think there was corruption going on around them, they couldn’t say so, lest it be deemed a baseless conspiracy according to the Democrat Book of Permitted Facts, whereupon dissenters could be sacked.

“Under Stephanie Murphy’s bill, anyone who criticizes Stephanie […]

Besties: The Democrats and Corporate Giants in bed together and taking out each others trash

By Jo Nova

Daniel Greenfield put’s his finger on the diabolical feedback loop the West is in.

Big Gov protects the Big Tech monster from market competition — and in return Big Tech protects Big Government from political competition. Democrats have outsourced political repression of their enemies to cabals of private companies.

Nice Racket if you can get it.

The Democrats wet dream is to tar and feather opponents and then ban them from even speaking, and the conglomerate multinational octopuses are happy to oblige by tweaking search results, and suspending the right accounts. In return, they get sweet government deals and Section 230 protection. Who knew Amazon has nearly 500 federal subcontracts? When Amazon employees donate to the Democrats they’re just protecting their jobs.

When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables, the last thing they want is climate denier Commander in Chief.

Public-Private partnerships are the unholiest anticompetitive destroyer of free speech. Big Gov works to make sure Big Tech can protect its monopoly control, while Big Tech works to make sure sure Big Gov is protected from criticism by blocking and banning free speech.



Daniel Greenfield,

Democrats […]

The deranged and dangerous President who started no wars

Let it be noted:

Tell the children about all the Presidents Wars…

Obviously an outbreak of prolonged peace was a disaster. That had to stop…

I seem to remember a man called Dwight saying something about this in 1961:

9.3 out of 10 based on 85 ratings […]

Fox News loses 40% of its viewers (forty!)- The Exodus shows this was not a normal election

Use the tale of the Fox Exodus to tell the world, this was not “just another election”

The crash in Fox news ratings reveals the turmoil going on among the non-Left. Even people who aren’t political junkies can understand there is something seismic about a shift this big. It’s a good opener for those conversations with people who don’t realize how the political landscape just changed. It’s a simple point that shows something fishy and deep is going on.

Old habits die hard. For twenty years, and many elections, Fox was the dominant single news site for most of conservative America. Ratings drops of a few percent shake advertisers. This was a seismic fall. Nearly half of a loyal audience switched off and went searching for something. Fox news didn’t just bore people, it actively drove them away. Right now, the Right side of the most successful democracy on Earth is hunting for a voice. That’s a lot of people looking and it started on November 4.

The number one cable channel for the last twenty years, is suddenly number three.

Fox News used to outrate both CNN and MSNBC put together. But in the last two weeks Fox […]

Nothing shows off the fakeness of their victory more than the paranoia on the Democrat side of politics

A win built by cheating is not a happy win, but a precarious situation that can only survive by fear and oppression. The Democrats are scrambling to find a foothold based on the only strengths they have: hate and intolerance. They can’t heal the nation through listening to a side which has legitimate grievances. As long as honest mainstream America has a voice they will claw back the legitimacy of the fake winners. Instead fake winners have to silence them, and gaslight their own supporters to immunize them against messages from the peaceful but shafted majority.

The ACME: Invent-an-Enemy program is running apace: Trump supporters are now “like ISIS, al Qaeda”

Tucker Carlson wonders where the winners celebrations are? Instead of being thrilled the victors still want to hurt and humiliate half the nation.

Instead the Democrats are trying to light a fire under a peaceful nation, feeding the paranoia, division and fear. Some are seeding the idea that every Trump supporter is a terrorist.

Are there any reasonable Democrats left? Let’s find them

As Carlson says — there is a power vacuum at the center of the Democratic Party which a weak Biden has no chance of filling, and […]

ACME: Hate. Imagine someone tried to use Bigoted Race Hate to incite a civil war?

With Trump soon to be out of Office, the Party of Peace needs a new enemy

Looks like Don Winslow has opened the ACME: Instant-Target-of-Hate box. It’s almost like he is baiting the right to do something violent for the inauguration.

Start your list now of all the people you would like to see denounce this racist video, then send them an email asking if they support this kind of bigoted incitement?

@Robby Starbuck

This is so dangerous it’s hard to sum up in a tweet. It puts a target on the head of every conservative, calls for war and propagandizes to form a vigilante group that would narc on neighbors. If Hitler or Stalin we’re alive today, they’d proudly use this video. Sick and evil.

Twitter and Youtube banned the race hate already… Wait!… noooooo. Some kinds of hate are high fashion on the Left.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build, support, and share any social media platforms that aren’t Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Dis-invest yourself, and ask your superfund/401K to boycott them too.

UPDATE!: The original Youtube link has “gone private” (whatever that means). Youtube still fail to […]

The Big Tech Wreck: Twitter appoints themselves the Global Conversation Police

In a brilliant move Twitter told one of its top five most popular products to go sit in the Naughty Corner forever. Since then, Twitter stock has fallen by around $7 billion or about one sixth. It couldn’t’ happen to a nicer company.

There were around 330 million Twitter users in toto in 2020 and nearly 90 million of them followed President Trump. But it’s worth remembering that only about 20% of people use Twitter, most of them apparently being rich millenials, which might explain why the whole company seems to operate like a fashion contest.

By banning Donald Trump, Twitter have shone a 2 megawatt searchlight on their own competitors, and asked nearly half their customers to “go try them.” Good move Twitter.

Twitter on the slide:


Are Big Tech and Big Government Overplaying Their Hand?

Dan Gerlernter, American Greatness

It is extraordinary that three-quarters of Republicans, according to a Quinnipiac poll, believe there was widespread voter fraud in the election, when YouTube is removing videos on the subject as fast as they are put up, and Twitter has now blocked the account of the president himself.

But the […]

The 50 Armed Protests that came to nothing apart from a few guys “who work with BLM and Antifa”

The FBI apparently didn’t save the nation from a semi-naked man with a spear who walked into the US Senate on one of the most important sitting days of Congress ever. But it warned a week ago of “Armed Protests” between Jan 17 and Jan 20th. There are still a few days left before inauguration day, but the big threat supposedly was 50 armed events at all state capitols on Jan 17th.

What threat?

(CNN)The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.

The news comes as security measures are being stepped up ahead of Inauguration Day, … But who called for an armed protest — a reckless and risky move in the current environment? Not President Trump. The main evidence, apparently, was a flyer that called for an Armed March for 12PM Jan 17th. Was there any other credible threat? Oddly, the flyer was issued without any author or organisation. Warnings went out on conservative sites saying “it’s a […]

How did a horned Shamen end up representing the Christian right?

It was the perfect PsyOp photo. With hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters to pick from, somehow the photo on every media front page last week was of Jake Angeli standing in The Capitol. Listen to him talk about his beliefs to ward off evil spirits and witches.

Try to think of an image designed to horrify middle America more than a hairy chested horned man with tats and bare nipples in a furry hunting hood? Perhaps a hooded storm-trooper with an AK47 smattered in blood. But that might be confused with Antifa.

Nothing says barbaric quite as well as an escapee from the neolithic. So once Angeli was inside the heart of Democracy, it’s no accident or conspiracy that the hate-media picked up his photo.

The question is, why was the door open to Mr Horns, but a bullet headed for the Air Force Vet?

How is it, that the path to the Speakers Chair was blocked from so many but not to the most toxic photo-op possible? If Ashli Babbitt was sitting in the chair instead, the Shock and Awe campaign wouldn’t have had much ammo.

It’s almost like a PR committee sat down to ask: “What […]

Gab, surging, has copies of all Trump’s tweets

The great regrouping of Global Social Media is just starting.

In the last four days 1.7 million new users have signed up to Gab — an alternative site to Twitter. The surge is so strong the site is swamped under the load. Gab are upgrading all the servers to deal with the growth. (The CEO is asking for patience).

Gab has already been thrown off both the big Ap Stores and Amazon too, back in 2018. To ensure that wouldn’t happen again, they bought and set up their own private servers. (The internet really is hardware, after all).

They not only set up their own servers, they even created their own web browser (called Dissenter). They also built a video platform (Gab.TV.) and an encrypted email chat messaging service (Chat.Gab.).I have used Dissenter for months. I like it. There are rumours they are working on a Gab Phone as well.

Nothing will hurt Google, Amazon and Twitter like losing half their base.

It’s been a four year war for the CEO, Andrew Torba.

Look at the vilification this 30 year old outspoken Christian has had to endure:

As a result of Torba’s free speech principles, both Gab […]

Tech Giants rule the United States and the Purge continues

No dissent will be allowed:

Craven groupthinkers Verizon, AirBnB, Marriot, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Facebook and Visa all suspended contributions to any member of Congress that objected to the Electoral college. We wonder if that in cludes all the past Democrats who did the exact same thing.

Hallmark Cards took it further and spread some badwill — it even asked for its donations back from the representatives who represented the millions of Americans who doubt election integrity. Election integrity does “not reflect our company’s values.” they said, or words to that effect. Their cards were always overpriced anyway.

The current state of healing in the United States:

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan, called 74 million Americans a “malignancy” and demanded they denounce Trump to eradicate wrongthink or something:

Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.

Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) January 9, 2021

Silence […]

Michael Yon: the US is in early stages of a civil war. “Unmistakable”.

Michael Yon is a journalist and photographer who has served with US special forces overseas. He is the “most experienced combat correspondent” in the US. He covers wars overseas, not elections, but says the US is in the early stages of a civil war. “It’s unmistakable. ”

First watch Alex Jones’s footage of January 6, then hear the details from Yon.

Provocateurs tried and failed to incite even more violence at Capitol Hill

Trump supporters were hard to “whip into action”.

How easy would it be for a couple of hundred provocateurs to attend a rally with nearly a million law abiding citizens and create mayhem?

Why was John Sullivan, a known and violent BLM activist, leading the spearhead of the protest? He was not just in the lead, he was the man who filmed Ashli Babbit’s shooting and death. The Daily Mail even reported this, and accepted that he is a known left wing activist, but “did not specify what exactly brought him there”. What brought him there was evidently the urge to tell Trump Supporters to “Burn Down the building” which they wouldn’t do. John Sullivan was last seen wandering the streets freely, not charged with anything.

Trump […]

The Tech Giants purge Trump, conservatives, effectively 74 million people

“Welcome to West China”

So sayth Roger Simon at the Epoch Times.

Did you ever wonder what it’s like to live in a one-party state?

Well, wonder no more. You’re living in one.

As a business plan, chucking off half the nation may not work so well?

Censorship just got racked up to Defcon 2.0. It’s bad and it’s going to get worse. The good news is, the Left overplay their hands.

Twitter has permanently banned The President of the United States, as well as Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, and Lin Wood. In reply, Rush Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter Account. Limbaugh had has 88 million followers on twitter and has 35 million listeners on his radio show. But the purge is sweeping, Facebook already banned Trump “indefinitely”. Not only that but Facebook has been going after conservative groups too. Steve Bannon’s podcast was also shuttered by YouTube over “false 2020 election claims”.

In response there will be an exodus to other platforms like Parler. In preparation for that Apple and the Google Playstore both told Parler it must obey their rules or it will be delisted. But what does this say about Apple? They spent a […]