Livestreamed Part 2: The True Crisis, Climate Change or Climate Policy?

UPDATE: Jo Nova honoured to be awarded the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award for 2023. Previous winners include NASA Astronaut Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7), Dr Jay Lehr, Marc Morano, Christopher Monckton and Prof Fred Singer. More information soon!


More Presentations Livestreamed from Florida thanks to Heartland and CFACT

Breakfast Keynote – 8:00am – 9:45am ET

Marc Morano is the founder and publisher of He is expected to give an address about how the global elites are exploiting fears about the climate to gain more power and control over our lives.

Lunch Keynote – 1:00pm – 2:10pm ET

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is a member of the House Resources Committee.

Dinner Keynote – 6:30pm – 8:00pm ET

This is planned as an “Oxford Style Debate” on the question: “This House Believes There Should Be a Tax on Carbon Dioxide Emissions.” Dr. Peter Hartley will begin with the argument in the affirmative, and Dr. William Happer will bring the argument in the negative. There will be opportunities for rebuttals and questions, and then a vote of […]

Despite ostracism, namecalling, and billions of dollars, globally nearly 4 in 10 are climate skeptics

By Jo Nova

Even though climate deniers are the most hated, reckless, planet destroying people, who are excluded from dinner parties, and hounded from office, there are somehow still a lot of them. As many as 37% of the population of 30 countries were still willing to tell a pollster that they think climate change was “mainly caused by natural phenomena”.

The poll was conducted by EDF, the French state owned electricity giant.

This clearly is not what the IPCC has been hammering home for 30 years.

Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic

Global Poll Shock

According to a worldwide IPSOS survey covering two-thirds of the world’s population, nearly four people in every 10 believe climate change is mainly due to natural causes. The degree of scepticism over human-caused global warming will shock the ‘settled’ science green catastrophists, who use constant scare tactics to promote the command-and-control Net Zero agenda.

EDF seems rather bemused by its findings. It suggests that populations are noting the occurrence of what it calls “extreme climate events”, but this is not making them “more concerned, nor is it convincing them of the human origins of the phenomenon”.

Decades of […]

COP27 climate damages is just a fantasy plan to tax the West for bad weather, and grow the UN

By Jo Nova Despite achieving nothing but a holiday junket for 45,000 people, COP27 has managed to eke out the usual PR “win” in the grand media theater. They have a document they call a historic breakthrough which is actually nothing but a wish list for future UN wet dreams. It’s just a “roadmap for future decision-making” meaning, they haven’t made any decisions yet. They can’t say who’ll pay, or who’ll get the money, or how big the money will be, or exactly what it will be for. But they can say they will meet again to figure it out.

They’ve simply announced a new category of globalist graft

Take it from Reuters:

“…the text of the agreement leaves open a number of crucial details to be worked out next year and beyond, including who would contribute to the fund and who would benefit.”

But there is no agreement yet over what should count as “loss and damage” caused by climate change – which could include damaged infrastructure and property, as well as harder-to-value natural ecosystems or cultural assets.

November 22nd, 2022 | Tags: , | Category: Big-Government, Global Warming | Print This Post Print This Post | |

Saving the world with lithium? Four times a week an e-bike battery catches fire in New York

More deadly than man-made climate change

Six people have died in New York this year so far due to house fires started by e-bikes. I had no idea.

Fires from exploding e-bike batteries multiply in NYC — sometimes fatally

Matthew Schuerman, NPR

NEW YORK — Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City.

These bikes when they fail, they fail like a blowtorch,” said Dan Flynn, the chief fire marshal at the New York Fire Department. “We’ve seen incidents where people have described them as explosive — incidents where they actually have so much power, they’re actually blowing walls down in between rooms and apartments.”

As of Friday, the FDNY investigated 174 battery fires, putting 2022 on track to double the number of fires that occurred last year (104) and quadruple the number from 2020 (44). So far this year, six people have died in e-bike-related fires and 93 people were injured, up from four deaths and 79 injuries last year.

In early August, a 27-year-old Venezuelan immigrant, identified as Rafael Elias Lopez-Centeno, died after his lithium ion battery caught fire […]

The clean green future where you’re locked indoors due to toxic electrical battery smoke

by Jo Nova

Just another day saving the Earth from pollution

Highways were shut for 12 hours and people had to seal themselves in their homes for hours.

Green Inferno: Tesla Battery Catches Fire in California Causing Shelter-In-Place

A Tesla Megapack battery caught fire at PG&E’s Elkhorn Battery Storage facility in Monterey County, California. A shelter-in-place advisory was in place for 12 hours due to fears of toxic smoke from the fire caused by Elon Musk’s battery system, with county officials announcing that even though the fire was “fully controlled” by 7:00 p.m. PT, “smoke may still occur in the area for several days.”

Monterey County Sheriff’s Office, North County Fire Protection District, and Pacific Gas & Electric had all issued a shelter-in-place advisory for nearby areas, including an interactive map showing which areas are affected and closing roads for over 12 hours.

Local residents were told to shut all windows and turn off ventilation systems due to the hazardous waste material that may have entered the atmosphere due to the Tesla Megapack fire.

Also this week, but so much worse:

Electric scooter battery fire kills 8-year-old in US

New York: Amid […]

Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science

The Witches and Warlocks of The Australian Academy of Science are worried. Even though the evidence is overwhelming and settled, climate denialism is spreading. This is particularly perplexing because climate believers have unlimited access and free advertising in the media, and millions of dollars in government support. Despite all that, Australians must be too stupid and badly educated to recognise the True Weather Prophets that live at the Martian Embassy in Canberra and so they have given up trying to persuade the idiot voters. The new genius plan is to get the tech Tyrants like Twitter and TikTok to shut down Australians who ask impertinent questions or talk about the solar wind, the 1809 Windsor Flood or the 1852 Fires and other blasphemies!

Thou Shalt Not Question the Sacred Guild of Science Heads!

I thought they might want a new logo to reflect their true heritage:

Thanks to Tony Thomas for putting on the Hazmat suit and wading through the brew of petty namecalling and mangled English of what once was a society of great scientists.

Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science

Tony Thomas, Quadrant Magazine

In a move unprecedented in the democratic […]

In “100%” Renewable Canberra people are queuing to hang out in warm libraries, and the air is more polluted

Kill trees, pollute the air, punish the poor and protect coal underground

Just another day in Green heaven.

Wood smoke over Canberra | Photo from Clean Air Canberra

The Australian capital city Canberra in midwinter is often minus 1 to 5 degrees C in the morning. Australian homes can get very cold and with heating bills rocketing, things are defacto becoming like life in Berlin, which is in a pre-War energy crisis. No one labeled Canberra public halls as “warm spaces” and they definitely aren’t open at night (it’s the public service!), but crowds are arriving at libraries just to escape the cold.

The ACT Government are a Labor-Green alliance, and are proudly, exuberantly “100% Renewable”, but won’t dare cut the cord to the coal plants that keep the lights on, making the claims of being 100% renewable a form of 100% false advertising. Even the ABC admits that the ACT itself only generates 5% of its own power, and 80% of the energy coming to the ACT through the wires is from fossil fuels. They pay off some distant wind farms to balance the theoretical gigawatt-hour tallies, and sponge off the states around for cheaper backup and […]

And what happens when that renewable drought is 1 terawatt hour?

Australia has added more unreliable wind and solar than anywhere on Earth but when an energy crisis strikes, and those prices are still on fire, the solution is more of the same.

Senator Matt Canavan, The Australian

As rest of the world wakes up on coal, we’re closing it down

Perhaps Australia’s broken electricity system is due to this mad rush towards renewable energy? No, according to our energy regulator, “Recent international events and Australian market events have further strengthened the case for the shift to renewables.”

The renewable energy investments must continue until morale improves.

[The energy regulator’s] recent analysis shows that Victoria could experience a “renewable drought” of 1 terawatt hour of electricity over just one week in the future.

How much is 1TWh? Well, the South Australian big battery can produce 130 megawatt hours, so we would need more than 7500 of these to keep the Victorian lights on. At about $100m a pop, that is a total cost of more than $700bn, or more than Victoria’s total annual economic output.

This winter’s energy shortfalls came just after the Liddell coal-fired […]

US Supreme Court puts unelected Deep State Kingmakers back in their box

Winning: The new Supreme Court decision is much bigger than the climate wars

Over the last 50 years the Deep State Bureaucrats had become Rulers-defacto and finally the Supreme Court has put the hand-brake on. Instead of unelected agencies deciding national policy, the Supreme Court said, rather radically, that Congress should make decisions of great political significance. Sounds awfully like “Democracy”.

But as far as the Environmental Protection Agency sees it, if the voters are too stupid to elect the correct people, then Congress can’t make the right laws, so it’s up to the EPA to save the people anyway.

It’s what you do when you are Omniscient.

Or as another Ian says: they are only doing “what God would have done if he had truly understood the situation”.

The Supreme Court Restores a Constitutional Climate

The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal

This has been an historic Supreme Court term, and the Justices kept it going to the end with a major 6-3 decision Thursday (West Virginia v. EPA) reining in the administrative state. The subject was climate regulation but the message should echo across the federal bureaucracy.

The question was whether the Environmental […]

Remember when The West could afford electricity 24 hours a day?

Last month UK Ministers were warned that six million households could enjoy blackouts for dinner this winter. To try to stave off disaster, the UK Business Secretary has already written to the owners of the last three remaining coal fired power plants to ask them to stay running through winter. This is despite them being set to close in September.

Given the dire shortage of cheap energy, another plan is to pay British households up to £6 for each kilowatt-hour they don’t use at peak time. While a normal kilowatt-hour would cost 28p, the blistering premium price shows how desperate the National Grid planners must be. The last thing they want is everyone to come home, turn on the oven and washing machine and plug in their scooters and EV’s at 6pm.

So now possibly in a grand experiment, as well as trying to control the weather with windmills, millions of families may try to reschedule body clocks somehow, eating later, doing laundry later, watching the melatonin-destroying blue-screens-of-insomnia after 10pm and running the drier while they sleep. Maybe it won’t be so bad, or maybe people will be more sleep deprived and less productive, fatter, or crash their cars on […]

Expert scientists immediately predict climate change causes triple La Ninas… right after they happen

ENSO is playing games with climate scientists — mocking their ability to predict the single greatest natural short term climate swing factor. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation drives floods, droughts, bushfires, and essentially pushes the planetary temperatures up and down on a year by year basis. Nothing determines the year’s climate headlines more than this one thing, yet climate scientists haven’t the faintest idea what drives it.

Imagine what it would look like if they could? They’d be able to say … blah… solar wind changes driven by, say, solar barycentric dynamics will lead to El Ninos in 2023, and ’25, a weak one in 2026. Farmers could plan ahead. Dam managers would know when water would be scarce. The UN would know which years to ask for even more money.

Instead we get this vague post hoc prophesy:

Rare ‘triple’ La Niña climate event looks likely — what does the future hold?


Meteorologists are forecasting a third consecutive year of La Niña. Some researchers say similar conditions could become more common as the planet warms.

On ongoing La Niña event that has contributed to flooding in eastern Australia and exacerbated droughts in the […]

UK to save world by burning 120 million trees a year and stuffing some under the North Sea

If it involves destroying trees, we know it’s a Green trying to save them:

Government’s plan to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050 by removing carbon from the atmosphere relies on BURNING the equivalent of 120 million trees a year just to ‘balance the books’, report claims


The UK government‘s plan to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050 by removing carbon from the atmosphere relies on burning the equivalent of almost 120 million trees a year, a new report claims.

The government’s Net Zero Strategy, released in October 2021, aims to capture up to 58 million tonnes of CO2 from the burning of biomass and piping it under the North Sea.

But to create this much carbon, a whopping 32,534,939 tonnes of wood pellets would need to be burned every year, according to a report by The Telegraph — the equivalent of 119,834,572 trees.

The UK plan assumes trees are carbon neutral, though some of these forests are shipped from America, and probably not via sailing ships. Who can forget how in 2015 Drax, Britain’s biggest power station, received more than £450 million in subsidies for burning biomass, which was […]

Nanny State rules: French events banned “for the heat” — Climate lockdowns begin

In France the government is banning events “because of a heatwave” of 40 degrees C (104F) — as if adult mammals cannot figure out whether the temperature is too hot for their own health. Ancestors of mice and rats worked out their own temperature sensors and behaviour changes 200 million years ago. It’s a Big Government attempt to infantalize and gaslight the whole population. Will they obey?

It’s only the region around Bordeaux but will French teenagers accept being told to stay home in forty degree heat, something that millions of humans live with all over the world every summer?

The Counter Signal: Heatwave lockdowns: Region in France bans outdoor gatherings

“Everyone now faces a health risk,” official Fabienne Buccio told France Bleu radio, after announcing the regional restrictions around Bordeaux. Outdoor events – including, ironically, annual ‘Resistance’ celebrations – are banned until the officials declare the heatwave is over. They’re even restricting some indoor events that don’t have air conditioning.

BBC: Outdoor public events have been banned in an area of France as a record breaking heatwave sweeps across Europe.

Concerts and large public gatherings have been called off in the Gironde department around Bordeaux. […]

Another La Nina? Climate models just flummoxed. This is not supposed to happen!

We can hear the angst and confusion — Another “nasty La Nina?”, “Something weird is going on”, “They (La Ninas) don’t know when to leave”. Oh no!

These are not the words we’d expect to hear from experts who can 97% predict the climate a century from now. The bad news for the modelers is that the climate on Earth seems to be controlled more by the Pacific Oscillation than anything else and they have no idea what drives that pattern, so they can’t predict it more than a few months ahead, and sometimes not even then. And if they can’t predict the Pacific — they can’t predict anything. The hottest of hot years are El Nino, and the coldest years are La Nina and the greatest modelers the world-has-ever-known still get their barbecue summers wrong. The droughts, the floods and the bushfires follow the swinging surface water of the worlds largest ocean. Whenever they happen, the models say “climate change” but the models never tell us which will hit us this time next year.

So here we are with hints that there might be another La Nina, a third in a row, and Oh-the-disappointment! The modelers thought there […]

WHO Chief wants to run the world (for China), Biden, Boris, Albanese is OK with that, but Africa puts the brakes on

We can all use some good news

Tedros Adhanom

In the latest installment of Big Government Badness the WHO is meeting right now to consider some amendments suggested by the US and largely agreed by about 47 rich nations for no real benefit. The US suggested these changes in January and for months almost no politician anywhere said a thing. The changes give broader powers to the head honcho of the WHO — Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreysus. He’s the man who told the world to keep flying in Chinese Bioweapons through their front door in January 2020, while he also told everyone how transparent and wonderful President Xi was: “China is protecting the people in the whole world”! He actually said that. China was stopping all flights out of Wuhan to the rest of China, but not to Italy, Iran, or anywhere else, and they lied about human to human transmission, and said it was preventable and curable, while they harvested up masks and PPE from around the world to profiteer from them later. China lied about the bats in the lab, and WHO helped cover it up.

No one can explain why the rich nations of the world […]

Voting Day Election 2022 Australia — Saturday

With both major parties being two sides of the same UniParty, and the media afraid to ask real questions, this election campaign has been a vacuum — more like a personality quiz in Dolly magazine than a National Debate. The Conservative government, which hasn’t conserved much, looks likely to lose to the Makeover Man from the Labor Party who wears designer black shirts and fancy rims because a marketing expert told him to. A group of sneaky-pseudo-Greens called the Teal Independents are pretending to be central, but are only running against the Coalition, not against Labor, showing exactly which side of politics they’re on. They’re funded by a billionaires son, wealthy CEO’s and people that profit from renewables money — so much so that even The World Socialist Website sees them as “bogus” corporate raiders, seeking profits and called them a “reactionary fraud”. That bad.

The best hope now is that freedom loving candidates and parties will win the balance of power in the Senate. Yes, we long for Government gridlock. Australians can still put The Majors Last. Don’t waste those preferences!

It’s not too late to volunteer to help any small party of your choice, for example to […]

Don’t believe the headlines: Google Trends for “climate change” are not rising, but something very weird is going on…

by Jo Nova

What started as a minor an Australian headline turned into a glimpse of a mysterious world-wide phenomenon.

The Australian ABC tells us that Australian searches for climate change are up 5000%:


But even the ABC admits no one is really talking about it — apparently Australians are secretly thinking about climate change at home on their computer:

Discussion of climate policy may be conspicuously absent this federal election campaign, but Google search data suggests the warming of the planet is weighing on voters’ minds — at least more so than in 2019.

But strangely, they don’t report actual google search results for “climate change” — instead they quote some focus groups, and talk about 5000% increases in obscure questions like “What is climate change meaning?” which no one except 12 year olds doing high school assignments probably wants to know.

So here’s the last 18 years of actual Google data on Australian searches for “climate change”:

Holy Smoke!

Google Trends: Australia searches for “climate change” hits record high| Click to enlarge


But, wait, really? Is this year really that much more exciting for “climate change” than the uber hot […]

Rafe Champion guest post. Carbon taxes and RE fails as usual in SA.

Alan Moran published an account of the carbon taxes that both the Coalition and the ALP support. In The Spectator he spelled out the cost of two forms of carbon taxation that we have at present and on top of that the ALP is determined to impose a great deal more.

Read the story here Stoking the fires of energy policy

The existing taxes arise from the RE mandates that increase the amount of wind and solar power in the mix and associated costs that arise from the additional transmission infrastructure required to service dispersed sources of power. Secondly there are taxes to support grants and soft loans dispensed by agencies like the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

The ALP spelled out their vision for increased power costs in a document called Powering Australia which represents a triumph of aspiration over reality. To quote, it will close the yawning gap between our current Federal Government and our business community, agricultural sector and state governments when it comes to investing in the renewables that will power our future.

Our plan will create 604,000 jobs, with 5 out of 6 new jobs to be created in the regions.

It will spur $76 […]

The Atlantic warns that Nuclear War is a climate problem (and you thought bombs were OK?)

Just in case people were thinking a few nuclear bombs don’t matter:

“…even a relatively “minor” exchange of nuclear weapons would wreck the planet’s climate in enormous and long-lasting ways.”

Despite sounding crazily disconnected from reality, Robinson Meyer is slightly less crazy than the cult people he’s trying to reach. Many “artists” and “climate concerned progressives” have leapt on the latest hot-fashion-in-activism (who could have seen that coming?) and they’re calling for a No Fly Zone over Ukraine. It’s like they believe that putting up a sign saying “Warplane Free” will stop the warplanes.

Meyer has figured out that a No Fly Zone might lead to World War III, and he’s trying warn the raptured throngs, that things might not work out so well. Naturally, he’s speaking in lingua-leftie. But how, exactly do you scare someone in a climate cult? Not with nuclear war, but with something catastro-double-awful-bad for the climate.

On Top of Everything Else, Nuclear War Would Be a Climate Problem

By Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic

Social media pundits are having a field day:

On the richter scale of climate porn, what’s the worst thing Meyer can […]

It’s just a ship full of luxury cars on fire, and no one can put out the lithium batteries

Do EV’s make good reefs?

h/t to Paul Homewood who notes The BBC didn’t mention the burning lithium battery story.

The Felicity Ace cargo ship caught fire on Wednesday last week:

German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that an internal email from Volkswagen USA stated that the ship was carrying 3,965 vehicles of the VW, Porsche, Audi and Lamborghini brands.

It’s not clear if the fire started in an EV battery but once the flames got into them, the ship was abandoned to burn.

According to a study done in 2013 by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Development, the batteries burn extremely hot and produce noxious gases.

“In the event of a lithium ion battery catching fire, it is important to note that such a fire reaches very high temperatures, produces toxic gases and is inextinguishable,” the report concluded. — The Independent

Five days later the fire has finally run out of material to consume.

Now Felicity Burnt. | Reuters

Luxury cars on fire on cargo ships is a thing now

March 12th, 2019: The Grande America caught fire with 2,000 luxury cars on board and sank.
