Is there a better badge to show the intellectual collapse of The West than the idea, from a NATO chief, that we should put solar panels on battlefield tanks? One hundred years from now, there will be a stage in the collapse of civilization called the “Solar powered battle tank” phase. An idea so radioactively stupid that any science writer’s first question is “is this satire?”
Apart from the whole power to weight ratio non-starter, there is the problem of night time and rainy-day warfare, camoflaging a shiny surface, and the general vulnerability of glass and electronics in a situation known to “have bullets”.
Oh the dilemma: how to camouflage solar panels and also collect sunlight?
Not only are these Solar Powered Tanks at risk of being immobilized by a stray shot, they could be struck down with a paint bomb.
Another day in Fall of the West Nato chief suggests battle tanks with solar panels as militaries go green
Thomas Harding, National News
The Nato chief [Jens Stoltenberg] suggested that militaries should advance research into low-emitting vehicles because of the advantages they bring, at an online seminar titled New Ideas for Nato 2030.
Watch this space. The Western Australian election is four weeks off and the new young Liberal (“Conservative”) opposition leader has just made this a “climate change” election and launched himself to the left of the Labor Party by suggesting the state can close all government run coal plants by 2025.
Epic loss coming. The opposition leader may even lose his own seat (Dawesville, in Mandurah, held by only 0.8%). The National Party and minor conservative parties could do well from the aftermath.
Aiming for political correctness in a politically incorrect state?
WA political landscape turned on its head as Liberals outline renewable energy policy
[ABC News] One major party is making the case that renewables are the way of the future, the other is warning they will cripple jobs and send power prices skyrocketing. …it is politics as usual in Australia for the past decade. Except in this case, it is the WA Liberal Party calling for coal to be tossed aside and wind and solar to take its place, with Labor blasting the idea as “reckless”.
The Liberal Party were on a hiding to nothing before this announcement. The local Labor Premier hit 90% […]
The STOIC study gave an asthma drug to Covid patients, but it worked so astonishingly well, they had to stop the trial early, as it was unfair to keep giving the placebo to people who were ending up in hospital ten times as often as people who got Budesonide.
“We were hoping for 50% reduction [in severity]. We got 90%, which … is off the charts”
–h/t Eric W at WUWT
Though to keep some perspective, out of about 140 people enrolled, 70 got the drug and 70 got the placebo, with 10 of the placebo group going to hospital and only 1 in the Budesonide group.
You’ll be shocked to know that giving the drug early works better than waiting for the virus to replicate wildly. You’ll also be shocked that there were some doctors using this 7 or more months ago, and yet the media didn’t mention it Apart from Newsmax. (Eg See Dr Richard Bartlett talk about this back in July last year, who talks of using a nebulizer, not an inhaler. )
Common asthma drug slashes Covid hospitalisation by 90%, experts say
Vanessa Chambers, The Sun
A […]
How many unnecessary deaths does it take til people get angry? Angry that the Chief Medical Officers and Health Ministers didn’t ask for studies to be done. Angry that most academics sat by and said nothing. And angry that the media just parroted the institutions.
One good antiviral changes everything. If the world had a safe cheap drug, we could not only reduce deaths and disability, but also slow the rate of mutation down and probably slow the appearance of new mutations down.
The Chamie-Quintero study from Peru shows the West could be only weeks away from reducing the Covid death toll if we used the safe cheap sheep-dip, lice-killing Ivermectin like less wealthy countries do.
A study across the states of Peru found that after Ivermectin was introduced, deaths started to fall about 11 days later, and within a month after that, deaths were down around 75%.
Ivermectin is a drug so useful early researchers got a Nobel Prize in Medicine for work on it. It’s so well known that in the last thirty years more than 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin have been given out. It’s so safe we can use it on cats […]
Coal power is surging in the second largest economy even as China tells the rest of the world to “cut carbon”
If, hypothetically, China were to fund anti-coal groups in the countries it competes with — it would be a successful strategy to hurt them and advantage China. Which journalists would tell us if that were happening?
China’s new coal power plant capacity in 2020 more than three times rest of world’s: study
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity into operation in 2020, according to new international research, more than three times the amount built elsewhere around the world and potentially undermining its short-term climate goals.
The country won praise last year after President Xi Jinping pledged to make the country “carbon neutral” by 2060. But regulators have since come under fire for failing to properly control the coal power sector, a major source of climate-warming greenhouse gas.
Including decommissions, China’s coal-fired fleet capacity rose by a net 29.8 GW in 2020, even as the rest of the world made cuts of 17.2 GW, according to research released on Wednesday by […]
* ! — Site will be down for a while tonight.
Nice. A weapon against the SJW phenomenon
As I have said from the beginning: virtue signaling is primarily driven by the need to “Impress people at Dinner Parties”. Money matters, but status matters even more so. (What do people spend all that money on — gaining status…) Popping this phenomenon is a “must have” on the bucket list of rescuing civilizations and here it is — a nice new pointy social tool.
They/Them is an insider voice from the glitterati elite who got fed up with the emptiness and hypocrisy of the uber famous game and is whistleblowing on the shallow self interest that drives the virtue signalers. These are the celebrity SJW’s who pretend to care about the downtrodden while they send each other selfies on high tech boxes made by slaves in china. What They/Them is doing is not just exposing the hypocrisy, and adding a new vocabulary — like the Fameoisie — but also opening a safe path for those trapped in the bubble to start that conversation. Right now, bullying and fear keep them silent. They/Them is planting a seed. I’ll explain more […]
It feels like a public service announcement just to say watch this Tucker Carlson segment because you *may not* find out on your nightly news that thousands of national guards are flowing in to Washington DC (still) for unstated reasons. In Biden’s first week in office the US military has also moved in to Syria. Apparently, Iran is now within weeks of getting nuclear weapons. We can all see where this is going.
The democrats have realized finally that the enemy is within — but they aren’t talking about the junk journalists or the corrupt politicians — they mean congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
h/t John M.
8.7 out of 10 based on 53 ratings
The USA might just unify despite Joe Biden. There are not many things that can bring the Occupy and Antifa crowd together with Proud Boys but sticking it to the overlords of Wall Street is just the ticket.
The Gamestop monster battle between the ruling class and the peasants
The naked short sellers of Wall Street were never a healthy part of a free market — they were selling shares they didn’t own. Their predatory behaviour could create the very destruction they profited from, ruining potentially productive assets in the process. In a bonfire of gambling greed, the Predators could effectively sell more shares than even existed — betting they could drive the price lower and buy back for a bargain. But the little-guy-punters in the reddit/Wallstreetbets crowd got organized and called the bluff. They pushed the $4 stock to $400, busting the Smarty-pants players and reveling in it. There are estimates that hedge funds have already lost nearly $20 billion. One group of short-selling gurus have been burnt so badly they’ve abandoned publishing short selling research. The wake from this is just beginning.
The problem for the Democrats is that this wave is a form of Draining The Swamp. […]
Transport accounts for 15% of human emissions of CO2, or practically nothing.
Despite the lip service everyone pays to “climate change” when Leonardo asks them to buy a smaller car, they nod and buy an SUV. They are voting with their wallets.
SUV growth, graph. 2020
Rise of SUV’s Complicates efforts to rein in Auto Emissions
Scott Carpenter, Forbes
…SUVs are conquering the world. ….For the first time ever in the U.S. last year, sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) likely accounted for half or just over half of all vehicles sold, according to recent data from IHS Markit, a data and analytics firm. Others are rapidly catching up. Between 2010 and 2019, the share of SUVs in overall car sales in China jumped from 14% to 44%. In Europe the SUV share climbed from 10% to 36%.
Seas are rising, storms are coming, and heat waves are wiping out crops and ski seasons, but half of all new car buyers are buying SUV’s in the USA.
h/t GWPF
9.9 out of 10 based on 65 ratings […]
We all could use some good news, and this is quite extraordinary.
“Using gene therapy, a research team has succeeded in getting mice to walk again after a complete cross-sectional injury. The nerve cells produced the curative protein themselves.”
The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse both like this news. | Illustrated by Milo Winter
Normally spinal cord damage is pretty much permanent. Even though we all still have the same genes that built the nerves in the first place, no one seemed to have the right reboot code that could switch on the correct genes in the right order to do the repair. And to give you some idea of the complexity of this, in 2018 a different team estimated that as many as 580 genes may be involved in axon regeneration.
Plenty of researchers have been tapping on the windows and doors of the Nerve Regrowth Holy Grail. This time, instead of just regenerating a nerve in a petri dish, or even even a live animal, they’ve gone a leap further. These mice could walk again.
And all it took was a single injection? “This was a great surprise to the researchers”.
Will cancelling the Keystone Pipeline improve the weather in 100 years, or are the main beneficiaries trucks, trains, China, Russia and Venezuela?
Who, exactly, is Joe Biden working for?
Keystone pipeline route
Daniel Turner writes about how Cancelling Keystone is a gift to China and Russia
Joe Biden’s plans to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline is a gift to someone. The radical green groups for sure: they have opposed the oil link since its inception. The trucking and railroad industry will benefit, too, because once the pipeline is stopped, then the oil will be transported in and around America by something with wheels. It’s also a gift to our adversaries: for who will benefit when America and Canada can’t bring their fossil fuels to market? The competition. Russia and Venezuela will be thrilled to know their market share will increase thanks to the Biden Administration’s fumble.
Joe Biden wants to get zero emissions with more trucks and fewer pipes:
Know what has emissions? Trucks and trains. Know what doesn’t? Pipelines.
Which is riskier, pipelines or trucking? Four deaths versus 4,862.
Are pipelines scary? If you think so, I have the plot of […]
Social media platform Gab has not only backed up Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account, they stored millions of the replies to him as well. Gab has been conducting a secret program called the Liberal Hate Machine — where they back up all the toxic replies in a searchable database.
While Twitter is perma-banning Trump for telling people to march peacefully, they are happy to publish vile abusive threats against him every day of the year.
Gab estimates that there are 100 million toxic replies. (like this?)
Feel the healing…
ue et
Pick your flavour: (and these are just todays hashtags)
#TrumpTerrorism #TrumpIsACriminal #TrumpImpeachment2 #TrumpInsurrection #TrumpIsACult #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsAFailure #TrumpForPrison2021 #TrumpForCovid2021 #ConvictTrump #TrumpImpeachedAgain #TrumpImpeachedTwice #TrumpTerroists #TrumpTerroristAttack #TrumpCult #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCoupAttempt #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsANarcissist #ImpeachTrump
Gab goes after Twitter
by Human Events Staff
Social media platform Gab revealed Sunday that they have been collecting examples of hateful and potentially illegal threats, slurs and other comments made in response to President Donald Trump’s tweets.
“For months we have been backing up every reply to Donald Trump’s tweets,” the site wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. “We […]
The Sunlight Vitamin
UPDATED! Mea Culpa from me. The post has been corrected*. Thanks to Rob.
More junk reporting from the Australian government broadcaster the ABC which just copies the junk science press release. Is this what we pay $1b a year for?
The Journalists missed the key factor which was blood levels of participants.
The headline says Clinical trial finds vitamin D does not ward off colds and flu but all it really shows is that in a group that already have *normal, non-deficient levels* of Vitamin D, taking big doses of Vitamin D once a month won’t will raise your blood levels — but won’t make a big difference to your risk of respiratory infections. And it only applies to people aged 60 -74.
Most participants in the study had a normal but sub-optimal Vit D levels and after five years of sporadic high doses, were raised to optimal levels at the end.
After taking 60,000 IU each month, supplementers apparently went from having 77.5 nmol/L up to 114.8 nmol/L,. To put this in perspective, normal levels of Vitamin D start at “50” and above, and there are professors who point out that there are […]
Tucker Carlson lays out the radioactive hypocrisy of those who advocated insurrection and riots and now pretend to advocate for rule of law. The word “insurrection” had a whole different meaning in 2016 and for most of history.
Those who control the language…
Really worth watching. …
John Matze ran a company that was worth half a billion dollars on Friday, but Parler went from number one in the Apple Ap store to zero overnight. Matze now says he can’t go home for fear of his safety. It appears that Parler have done a deal with Epik to shift there (which also houses Gab). Judging by this Newsweek article Epik are already so hated and tarred, they have no fear.
Silencing, blacklists, and electronic exile smell just like a Social Credit system. Will Americans let that stand?
If Global Corporations Walk Away from Republicans the GOP Will Have to Listen to New Voters
Stacey Lennox
“A significant majority of Americans, 73%, have a negative view of China. Continued international integration will hurt working and middle-class Americans the most. If Republicans plan on winning elections, these are the voters they will have to both listen to […]
The new book coming in 4 weeks to set out his plan for reaching zero emissions.
Bill Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
In the meantime Bill Gates is bidding 4.3 billion dollars to buy a whole airline. Signature Aviation is a company that handles 1.6 million private jet flights a year, all of which produce about 40 times as much carbon per passenger.
Who cares about carbon then?
Private Jet, Image by AlCapone31
h/t Stephen
DailyMail UK
This isn’t the first time Gates has been slammed for his double standards around the climate change agenda.
9.7 out of 10 based on 30 ratings […]
What happened to the first amendment?
Parler will be tossed off Amazon at midnight US time tonight. Friday, Parler jumped to the #1 app in Apple’s app store. Saturday Apple tossed it off.
The Tech Giants run the country. They control the conversations of millions of people.
ZeroHedge: Parler saw approximately 210,000 installs globally on Friday 1/8, up 281% from approximately 55,000 on 1/7, according to data from the analytics service Sensor Tower. “In the U.S., the app saw approximately 182,000 first-time downloads on 1/8, up 355% from about 40,000 installs on 1/7. Since Wednesday, the app has seen approximately 268,000 installs from across U.S. app stores,” a press rep from Sensor Tower wrote in an email. -TechCrunch
Parler promise to set up again by noon tomorrow
The defiant message from John Matze of Parler:
10:10 PM ET: Sunday (tomorrow) at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet.
We prepared for events like this by never relying on amazons proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.
…Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this as a coordinated effort […]
Another political thread coming soon.
8.5 out of 10 based on 12 ratings
If China was trying to influence the US elections, the US Intelligence chose to help China rather than the sitting US President.
Remember the Intelligence Report on Foreign Interference on the US election that was due on December 18th? It was part of Executive Order 13848 and due within 45 days of the US election, but it was only delivered on Thursday to Congress, whereupon it vanished entirely under the PR weight of the Congressional Storm. So it was too late to be useful.
Apparently there is already an Ombudsman Report on it, by Barry Zulauf, who laments “the polarized atmosphere [which] has threatened to undermine the foundations of our Republic, penetrating even into the Intelligence Community.”
The President wanted a report on foreign interference. The Director of the National Intelligence (DNI) wanted a report, and the people of America wanted it, but that still it wasn’t enough to overcome the bureaucratic inertia and resistance.
US Intelligence Report on China withheld because of excuses:
Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence to avoid supporting Trump policies, inspector finds
Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner:
“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts […]
UPDATE: The claims from the Data Integrity Group in the Georgia Senate Hearing about votes being withdrawn need to be confirmed.
I had some frivolous fun with the post for a few hours, but these claims need checking before anyone takes them further. Tel raises the point that Putnam County is small and the alleged “flips” are very large. In Putnam there were only about 17,000 votes in total, so a flip of 6,000 votes is nearly a third of all votes. Further investigation suggests a flip of 17,000 votes in Dougherty County is about half the vote. In Dodge County, Georgia, there were only 8,000 voters in total. Bibb County is the largest county with around 70,000 voters — but even there a 12,173 vote flip is still 17% of the vote. These are big claims. Perhaps too big.
In light of that, until these flips get confirmed or explained in relation to the size of the county, lets stick with the many examples of voting irregularities that are easier to verify. The graphs and discussion are left here below in case someone can shed light either way on the situation.
9.1 out of 10 based […]
Ponder that the most popular man in America allegedly just lost an election to a man who polled one third his score in a popularity contest. It’s just a poll but Trump ranked first with 18% of Americans in the Gallup poll. This occurred while almost all the media were describing him as a delusional sore loser trying to overthrow democracy. Joe Biden, on the other hand, won just 6% while he is riding high in the honeymoon glow. It’s as good as it can get.
Meanwhile 4 days later and Google still shows Obama in a tie with Trump:
Google Search: Most admired man in America
Even Google’s carrier pigeons have TDS
In the latest news: Republicans vote to protect the TechGiants against being sued as publishers. Section 230 protection continues. Is this the slow suicide of the Republican Party?
9 out of 10 based on 54 ratings […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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