Hands up who thinks Good Civilizations are driven by fear, censorship and by dividing their citizens by the color of their skin?
Here’s someone brave enough to say the obvious and call out the Bolshevik intolerance, tribal hate and a spreading fear that now grips much of the intellectual “upper class” of The West. Bravo to Andrew Gutmann.
The background to this is that Bari Weiss, formerly of the New York Times, wrote last month about the crippling fear of Brearly School parents where children are taught to be ashamed of their race, and are afraid to speak up in class. Despite paying $54,000 a year in fees, the parents feel so powerless and in fear of the new orthodoxy that they have to meet in secret to strategize. They can’t zoom or email lest they lose their jobs, and their social circles. And since the school is a prep school for Harvard and so forth, even if they are willing to speak up, they are afraid of what would happen to their children if they did. Indeed, sometimes their children beg them not to say anything, even though the situation is intolerable.
‘If You Publish My Name […]
All decaying civilizations have a decaying language
Some call the changes an “evolving” thing or a “living language” but when all the changes produce ambiguous misunderstandings or emotional reactions rather than analytical ones, it’s obvious the abuse of words is just degradation for political gain, not progress. Civil behavior is what makes civilizations. Any barbarian can rant with indignation.
When words are exploited we lose meaningful tools.
It’s about free speech
One word has become a favourite weapon to silence people and stop discussions. Hate.
Pat Condell reminds us that “hate” is a powerful word, the darkest emotion, an extreme word — but it’s misused and abused now for any old reason, but only in a selective way.
The word hate is thrown like a verbal frisbee — tossed like verbal acid — every unwelcome remark, and unpleasant truth is “hate”. If you vote for the wrong candidate, you are voting for “hate”. And now this extreme word has been crowbarred into the law.
You can be arrested if you say something that may causing alarm and distress to people who are determined to be alarmed and distressed by your free speech. But if the […]
It’s not the hard and fast rules on censorship that are the worst — it’s the vague ambiguous ones. That way no one really knows what is permitted, and what isn’t. With random punishment and vague rules the underclass have to guess what is OK, and usually err on the side of silence.
Self censorship of a whole nation is so much more efficient. Otherwise the rulers need a lot of police. And if people are only punished randomly, there are no rules to work around — and the fear and guessing sets the boundaries way further out.
Communist Tactics to Force Self-Censorship Sweeping America
by Petr Svab, The Epoch Times
The principle of self-censorship is that people, just to be on the safe side, refrain from saying even things that aren’t outright banned by some applicable rules.
Vague Rules
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the world’s most notorious censor of free speech, has for decades used the method of making its policies intentionally vague. During its past political campaigns, for instance, the central leadership would issue a decree that “rightists” and “counterrevolutionaries” were to be punished. The next lower rung of party officials […]
The Upper Class Swamp has been labeling any conjecture they don’t like as Qanon (even if it isn’t connected to it) which buries it all as dangerous conspiracy theorizing. This weekend the countercry “BlueAnon” took off on Twitter and in the Urban Dictionary — mocking the conspiracy theories of the left.
You might suffer from BlueAnon if you think the CPAC stage was really a NAZI insignia signal, put there as a secret code; or you think the Capitol Hill rioters were really trying to overturn the most powerful government in the world without any guns at all, and of course, if you think all climate skeptics are secretly paid by Big Oil.
BlueAnon was registered on the UrbanDictionary:
The Upper Class Swamp keep telling us what they are afraid of: Being laughed at
Ed Driscoll on Instapundit noticed the BlueAnon trend yesterday and enthusiastically wrote: “OMG-LOL! Receipt-filled thread mocking #BlueAnon for each and every crazy conspiracy theory on the Left is an epic must-read.” But the Deplorables must absolutely not be able to laugh at crazy Upper Class ideas, so the Thought Police went to work. Within an hour the twitchy.com link and the “epic” jokefest […]
FYI for Perth readers: There’s a protest at the WA Parliament on Saturday for those who think Western Australia needs coal power and free choice about medical procedures. Shouldn’t citizens be able to decide what gets injected?
10am – 11:30am, Saturday 6th March, Parliament House Perth, Western Australia. Click for more information.
9.4 out of 10 based on 55 ratings
Whatever you do, don’t give the voters a choice
It seems a major reason for impeaching Donald Trump “no matter what” is to make sure that even if the majority of American voters wanted to get him back in office, they will not get that choice. After all, if Trump incited a violent coup against a legitimately elected government, and it was broadcast every night on prime time sympathetic news for the next four years, how could he ever win again? What population would be insane enough to vote for that?
Hypothetically, though, imagine a government was elected through late night vote dumps, fake ballots, dead votes and electronic flipping? That same government would surely be vulnerable and possibly afraid that if word were to spread, protests would mount and State legislatures might be forced to fix the gaping holes in the system – at least in some states. All of which might give the cheated leader a chance to be re-elected.
David Catron had the same thought, and notes Rep. Al Green (A democrat from Texas) explained why they tried the first impeachment:
I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach […]
Former Professor Peter Ridd was sacked for criticizing his university colleagues at James Cook Uni. He won a $1.2m claim for wrongful dismissal, but JCU appealed, and won the appeal. So Ridd is taking his case to the High Court. Today’s small win merely means they will hear his appeal.
Meanwhile academics all over Australia know that right now, if they spotted fraud, poor reasoning, or incompetence they can’t point that out publicly. Our academic system is corrupt to the very core, seeking not the truth, but just more grants and to act as a machine to elect the kind of governments that will give them more money, easier conditions and suits most of their personal political tastes too. James Cook Uni has wasted a million or two of taxpayers funds seeking to protect the Vice Chancellors ability to sack anyone she damn-well likes for spurious reasons like “not being collegial” or daring to write a sarcastic line in an email. A few months ago, JAmes Cook still hadn’t got far investigating the actual alleged fraud, nor in releasing data about the Great Barrier Reef that they profess to care so much about. What matters to JCU? Not science.
Peter […]
Stephen Crowder is going after Facebook for a seven figure damages bill. He says he will take this all the way to the Supreme Court, and is practically daring Facebook to silence him.
As a business — Facebook was selling something it had no intention of delivering. Those who invested their creative work, time and advertising money were falsely and deceptively led to expect that Facebook was a neutral platform that had policies that were not politically or racially biased.
Instead they took intellectual property, time and data based on false premises.
Imagine a covert political lobby group set itself up as a Telco and Cable entertainment complex, then after everyone paid for the wires and poles and the miniseries, they announced they would cancel anyone who didn’t believe in their religion, or wouldn’t kneel before it. People had spent years building a sales network or a community that could suddenly be rendered worthless, or held to ransom:
Steven Crowder Announces Lawsuit Against Facebook
Epoch Times
Conservative host Steven Crowder said on Feb. 1 that he’s suing Facebook over “unfair competition, fraud, false advertising, and antitrust.”
“Our broader point is that we are pro-business […]
It’s all one giant Psy-Op.
The Whitehouse Youtube Channel for the most popular President ever elected is being unliked en mass. Youtube kicked Donald Trump off the “platform”, so hordes of fans are tuning into Joe Biden’s channel instead, and they’re not happy. Joe Biden’s inauguration video tally currently stands at 4,300 “likes” and 48,000 “dislikes”. Realizing the PR flop that this is, Youtube quietly unlisted the video to hide it from searches, but it’s at this link.
Joe Biden, not so popular yet…
In newer Whitehouse videos‘ the downvotes continue. Clearly the Social Media controllers have a problem. One week later, and Youtube doesn’t just unlist the videos — the Swat team has started deleting the deporable votes instead.
Zoe Phin downloaded the data every 80 seconds and graphed it. Within six hours of posting a video, the dislikes were nearly ten times higher than the likes — but then the magic eraser of unpopularity gets to work.
It’s just like voting, right?
The Youtube url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN_4W-EDcPw
Hiding the dislikes
In true skeptical form, Zoe Phin posts all the sources, the code and links at phzoe. There are another 4 videos with the exact […]
By Jo Nova
Daniel Greenfield put’s his finger on the diabolical feedback loop the West is in.
Big Gov protects the Big Tech monster from market competition — and in return Big Tech protects Big Government from political competition. Democrats have outsourced political repression of their enemies to cabals of private companies.
Nice Racket if you can get it.
The Democrats wet dream is to tar and feather opponents and then ban them from even speaking, and the conglomerate multinational octopuses are happy to oblige by tweaking search results, and suspending the right accounts. In return, they get sweet government deals and Section 230 protection. Who knew Amazon has nearly 500 federal subcontracts? When Amazon employees donate to the Democrats they’re just protecting their jobs.
When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables, the last thing they want is climate denier Commander in Chief.
Public-Private partnerships are the unholiest anticompetitive destroyer of free speech. Big Gov works to make sure Big Tech can protect its monopoly control, while Big Tech works to make sure sure Big Gov is protected from criticism by blocking and banning free speech.
Daniel Greenfield,
Democrats […]
With Trump soon to be out of Office, the Party of Peace needs a new enemy
Looks like Don Winslow has opened the ACME: Instant-Target-of-Hate box. It’s almost like he is baiting the right to do something violent for the inauguration.
Start your list now of all the people you would like to see denounce this racist video, then send them an email asking if they support this kind of bigoted incitement?
@Robby Starbuck
This is so dangerous it’s hard to sum up in a tweet. It puts a target on the head of every conservative, calls for war and propagandizes to form a vigilante group that would narc on neighbors. If Hitler or Stalin we’re alive today, they’d proudly use this video. Sick and evil.
Twitter and Youtube banned the race hate already… Wait!… noooooo. Some kinds of hate are high fashion on the Left.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build, support, and share any social media platforms that aren’t Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Dis-invest yourself, and ask your superfund/401K to boycott them too.
UPDATE!: The original Youtube link has “gone private” (whatever that means). Youtube still fail to […]
Social media platform Gab has not only backed up Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account, they stored millions of the replies to him as well. Gab has been conducting a secret program called the Liberal Hate Machine — where they back up all the toxic replies in a searchable database.
While Twitter is perma-banning Trump for telling people to march peacefully, they are happy to publish vile abusive threats against him every day of the year.
Gab estimates that there are 100 million toxic replies. (like this?)
Feel the healing…
ue et
Pick your flavour: (and these are just todays hashtags)
#TrumpTerrorism #TrumpIsACriminal #TrumpImpeachment2 #TrumpInsurrection #TrumpIsACult #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsAFailure #TrumpForPrison2021 #TrumpForCovid2021 #ConvictTrump #TrumpImpeachedAgain #TrumpImpeachedTwice #TrumpTerroists #TrumpTerroristAttack #TrumpCult #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCoupAttempt #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsANarcissist #ImpeachTrump
Gab goes after Twitter
by Human Events Staff
Social media platform Gab revealed Sunday that they have been collecting examples of hateful and potentially illegal threats, slurs and other comments made in response to President Donald Trump’s tweets.
“For months we have been backing up every reply to Donald Trump’s tweets,” the site wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. “We […]
The great regrouping of Global Social Media is just starting.
In the last four days 1.7 million new users have signed up to Gab — an alternative site to Twitter. The surge is so strong the site is swamped under the load. Gab are upgrading all the servers to deal with the growth. (The CEO is asking for patience).
Gab has already been thrown off both the big Ap Stores and Amazon too, back in 2018. To ensure that wouldn’t happen again, they bought and set up their own private servers. (The internet really is hardware, after all).
They not only set up their own servers, they even created their own web browser (called Dissenter). They also built a video platform (Gab.TV.) and an encrypted email chat messaging service (Chat.Gab.).I have used Dissenter for months. I like it. There are rumours they are working on a Gab Phone as well.
Nothing will hurt Google, Amazon and Twitter like losing half their base.
It’s been a four year war for the CEO, Andrew Torba.
Look at the vilification this 30 year old outspoken Christian has had to endure:
As a result of Torba’s free speech principles, both Gab […]
Tucker Carlson lays out the radioactive hypocrisy of those who advocated insurrection and riots and now pretend to advocate for rule of law. The word “insurrection” had a whole different meaning in 2016 and for most of history.
Those who control the language…
Really worth watching. …
John Matze ran a company that was worth half a billion dollars on Friday, but Parler went from number one in the Apple Ap store to zero overnight. Matze now says he can’t go home for fear of his safety. It appears that Parler have done a deal with Epik to shift there (which also houses Gab). Judging by this Newsweek article Epik are already so hated and tarred, they have no fear.
Silencing, blacklists, and electronic exile smell just like a Social Credit system. Will Americans let that stand?
If Global Corporations Walk Away from Republicans the GOP Will Have to Listen to New Voters
Stacey Lennox
“A significant majority of Americans, 73%, have a negative view of China. Continued international integration will hurt working and middle-class Americans the most. If Republicans plan on winning elections, these are the voters they will have to both listen to […]
No dissent will be allowed:
Craven groupthinkers Verizon, AirBnB, Marriot, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Facebook and Visa all suspended contributions to any member of Congress that objected to the Electoral college. We wonder if that in cludes all the past Democrats who did the exact same thing.
Hallmark Cards took it further and spread some badwill — it even asked for its donations back from the representatives who represented the millions of Americans who doubt election integrity. Election integrity does “not reflect our company’s values.” they said, or words to that effect. Their cards were always overpriced anyway.
The current state of healing in the United States:
Former CIA Director John O. Brennan, called 74 million Americans a “malignancy” and demanded they denounce Trump to eradicate wrongthink or something:
Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.
Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) January 9, 2021
Silence […]
What happened to the first amendment?
Parler will be tossed off Amazon at midnight US time tonight. Friday, Parler jumped to the #1 app in Apple’s app store. Saturday Apple tossed it off.
The Tech Giants run the country. They control the conversations of millions of people.
ZeroHedge: Parler saw approximately 210,000 installs globally on Friday 1/8, up 281% from approximately 55,000 on 1/7, according to data from the analytics service Sensor Tower. “In the U.S., the app saw approximately 182,000 first-time downloads on 1/8, up 355% from about 40,000 installs on 1/7. Since Wednesday, the app has seen approximately 268,000 installs from across U.S. app stores,” a press rep from Sensor Tower wrote in an email. -TechCrunch
Parler promise to set up again by noon tomorrow
The defiant message from John Matze of Parler:
10:10 PM ET: Sunday (tomorrow) at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet.
We prepared for events like this by never relying on amazons proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.
…Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this as a coordinated effort […]
“Welcome to West China”
So sayth Roger Simon at the Epoch Times.
Did you ever wonder what it’s like to live in a one-party state?
Well, wonder no more. You’re living in one.
As a business plan, chucking off half the nation may not work so well?
Censorship just got racked up to Defcon 2.0. It’s bad and it’s going to get worse. The good news is, the Left overplay their hands.
Twitter has permanently banned The President of the United States, as well as Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, and Lin Wood. In reply, Rush Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter Account. Limbaugh had has 88 million followers on twitter and has 35 million listeners on his radio show. But the purge is sweeping, Facebook already banned Trump “indefinitely”. Not only that but Facebook has been going after conservative groups too. Steve Bannon’s podcast was also shuttered by YouTube over “false 2020 election claims”.
In response there will be an exodus to other platforms like Parler. In preparation for that Apple and the Google Playstore both told Parler it must obey their rules or it will be delisted. But what does this say about Apple? They spent a […]
Mellissa Carone is a freelance IT professional who signed an affidavit alleging she saw mass repeat counting of ballotsw in Michigan. When asked why more people haven’t come forward to report fraud, she replied:
“My life has been destroyed because of this,” she replied. “I’ve lost family, I’ve lost friends, I’ve been threatened, my kids have been threatened, I’ve had to move, I’ve had to change my phone number, I’ve had to get rid of social media. Nobody wants to come forward. I can’t even get an actual job any more, because Democrats like to ruin your lives. That’s why.” — JustTheNews
The Democrats, I’m sure, were just doing their best to protect polite society from Rude Intolerant Rulers, without necessarily realizing that they had become the rude intolerant rulers they were trying to stop. It’s a means to an end.
The thing about harassment and bullying though, is that the more people see whistleblowers come forward, the more they will speak out. The trickle can become a flood.
Imagine if whistleblowers were being given time to speak their minds in most of the media?
Carone was a contractor for Dominion working at the TCF Center […]
This is a historic “Let’s Do This” moment. For 45 minutes Trump calmly and methodically presents the evidence of massive corruption and fraud. Anyone who doesn’t see this and relies on the Legacy and Tech Giant filtered propaganda will be blindsided by what’s unfolding in the United States.
As Donald Trump says: “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made….”
As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege.
We were warned we should not declare a premature victory in this election — it would take weeks…
My opponent was told to stay away — to not campaign — “we’ve got it”, and perhaps they did.
It’s about ensuring Americans can have faith in this election and all future elections.
If we are right about the fraud Joe Biden can’t be President.
This is a national disgrace.
“The single greatest achievement in your Presidency will be exactly what you are doing now”
Voter […]
Who knew that Youtube was your Doctor and Guardian of Medical Truth?
Youtube banned an entire news network for one week today because they said something about one of the cheapest most commonly prescribed drugs used around the world for millions of people for long term use for the last 65 years. I don’t know what OANN said, but if someone can find that story, I’ll add a link to it, not because I agree with it (though I might) but for the sake of free speech. This move by Youtube deprives OANN of income for the next week, and heavies them to change their reporting because there is a three strikes and you’re out rule. It also deprives potentially thousands of people for hearing a different point of view. Thus Youtube is even more powerful than any appointed Minister of Health — it is deciding not only what medication you should have but even what medication you might know of and potentially ask your doctor about.
YouTube temporarily suspends, demonetizes OANN
YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off existing content […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!

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