Youtube rushes to hide the mass unpopularity of Biden Whitehouse

It’s all one giant Psy-Op.

The Whitehouse Youtube Channel for the most popular President ever elected is being unliked en mass. Youtube kicked Donald Trump off the “platform”, so hordes of fans are tuning into Joe Biden’s channel instead, and they’re not happy. Joe Biden’s inauguration video tally currently stands at 4,300 “likes” and 48,000 “dislikes”. Realizing the PR flop that this is, Youtube quietly unlisted the video to hide it from searches, but it’s at this link. 

Joe Biden, Whitehouse video

Joe Biden, not so popular yet…

In newer Whitehouse videos‘ the downvotes continue. Clearly the Social Media controllers have a problem. One week later, and Youtube  doesn’t just unlist the videos — the Swat team has started deleting the deporable votes instead.

Zoe Phin downloaded the data every 80 seconds and graphed it. Within six hours of posting a video, the dislikes were nearly ten times higher than the likes — but then the magic eraser of unpopularity gets to work.

It’s just like voting, right?

The Youtube url:

Biden, Youtube, likes, dislikes, manipulated. Graph.

Hiding the dislikes

In true skeptical form, Zoe Phin posts all the sources, the code and links at phzoe. There are another 4 videos with the exact same pattern. The algorithm is at work helping to tell us what we’re meant to think.

How long before Youtube fakes up the likes as well?

There is no rescuing Youtube.

Well done Zoe. Check it all out. 


9.8 out of 10 based on 90 ratings

78 comments to Youtube rushes to hide the mass unpopularity of Biden Whitehouse

  • #

    Thanks Jo (and Zoe)..
    I am surprised, yet not surprised.
    Plus not a peep from the MSM I bet.
    It is quite pathetic behaviour actually..


    • #
      Roger Knights

      “I am surprised, yet not surprised.”

      Another way to say that is, “I am shocked but not surprised.”


  • #

    They manipulated the election votes so why not manipulate the YT votes?


    • #

      I so hope Tucker Carlson picks up this story. It’s truly worth a laugh.


      • #

        I have just had a gander at their channel. Amazingly (or not), fewer than 100k views on their posted videos. Dislikes at the moment are running about 7 to 1 against.
        But hey, he’s the most popular President in history…right?


  • #

    Very interesting.


  • #

    It won’t be long before we are told – North Korean style – that the first time Joe played golf, he hit 11 hole-in-ones.

    Maybe we will soon have to refer to Him as ‘Dear Leader’, his portrait displayed in every classroom and workplace.


  • #

    Had a kwik look ….. and right enough… but the ANNOYING thing is: They have disabled COMMENTS. that alone is surely is worth an extra double dose of ThumsDOWN


    • #
      Clyde Spencer

      Yahoo News has had comments disabled during the election cycle. They have allowed comment posting on a few articles recently, but it seemed to me the commenters were overwhelmingly not accepting the propaganda and pushing back. Those articles have been removed and I have not seen any new articles that one can comment on since the ‘trial runs.’


      • #
        Lucius Severus Pertinax

        American Thinker also lost their Gonads and stopped Comments; apparently, Dominion’s Lawyers Leaned on them… HARD!


    • #
      Curious George

      I’ll play a devil’s advocate. Could it be an elimination of an attack by bots? But in that case, why keep mum about it?


  • #

    Biden has only been POTUS for barely a week…and already he is challenging for the worst POTUS of all time. He is up against some stiff competition (Carter, Nixon, Obama, Grant et al), but I’m sure he will prevail.


    • #

      Yes, Biden is well on his way to establish a new record for incompetent leadership.

      Of all the Presidents I’ve observed, I’d put Obama at the bottom and Carter slightly above. The reason I put Obama below Carter is that Obama had 8 years to destroy America while the voters were more aware of reality back in the 70’s and only allowed Carter a single term.

      Nixon was actually a pretty good President, he just got caught up in the coverup of a minor crime by low level political operatives that was insignificant relative to HRC’s malfeasance and its coverup by the Obama administration and the weaponization of hate she spawned with her deplorables comment.

      It was blowing up Watergate way out of proportion that led to Carter’s election since even then, the press was hostile to conservatives. Todays MSM and big data took this to a whole new level in order to enable Biden’s win.

      Full disclosure, I voted for Carter when I was an idealistic IVY league engineering student who lacked the wisdom of age and experience. Luckily, the indoctrination was not as pervasive back then and big data wasn’t around to Goebbelify speculation into ‘truth’.


      • #
        Harry Passfield

        If you voted Carter it makes me older than you. 🙂 So, as I tend to agree with your ranking of Presidents (and much else you write), I wonder if you have any thoughts on JFK and LBJ (and don’t forget Ford, who was the reason for the saying: Couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time).


        • #
          Harry Passfield

          PS: It wasn’t the ‘blowing up of Watergate out of proportion’ that caused the problem: it was the cover-up that did the damage – plus the 18 minutes of missing tape recording).


        • #

          LBJ would have to have been the crudest president and it was he who escalated the Viet Nam war.


        • #


          I don’t remember much of JFK’s presidency, except duck and cover drills and that my mom was very upset when he was assassinated. I was OK about it since I got out of school early. My grandma was a cousin of Rose, so the family mostly liked him.

          I wasn’t a big fan of LBJ, since I wasn’t in favor of the war. Luckily, I just missed the draft.

          While Ford was a klutz, he didn’t do any damage as a caretaker. Although, as fallout from Watergate, he certainly wasn’t treated very well by the press.


    • #

      Biden could also achieve another record if he serves, for one reason or another, for less than two years. Other who served less than 2 years were assassinated or died from other means.


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      He will be up for a Nobel Prize for sure. I believe Obama was nominated for the Peace Prize after being in office for a mere 11 days. And he went on to be awarded it!


  • #

    They’ll do like the election and flip the computer codes.
    Anything can be set for a certain outcome that the media and politicians want.
    So, They’ll either get rid of the dislikes, since they’ve already shut it down.
    And even view, they can add a like.

    Our computer system is truly easy to manipulate as we get the narrative that big tech, politicians and media want to follow us…we don’t lie…we’re your friend…give us your money willingly…vote for our most harmful idiots…trust us…we are rich and you will love being screwed by us…and be happy…even though your forced to follow our rules…you will obey or be find and tossed in jail…but you will love us and obey…


  • #
    Dave in the States

    More evidence that left wingers and left wing causes cannot compete in a free market-more specifically the free market of ideas. It is not just youtube likes and dislikes but it runs across the board.

    The have to cheat to get elected, then they have to silence those who call them out.

    They have to silence contrary voices in academia that point out their faulty science, because the science is not their side.

    They have to collude to keep contrary scientific papers from being published, collude with gate keepers in a thoroughly corrupt pal review system, and then collude to cover up their interference. (you know what I’m alluding to here)

    They have to spy on political opponents who are more popular than they are, and then collude with law enforcement to hide their evil doings, and then make up hoaxes (of what they themselves are in fact guilty of) to attempt to remove their political opponents from office-who were put into office by the voice of the people overcoming election fraud.

    They have to tar and feather, silence, and discredit, their opponent’s support base, which is massively popular because they don’t have corresponding popular base.

    They have to dictate by fiat their policy agenda because it is not supported by the people.

    They have to resort to illegal means to enact treaties…..

    More I’m sure…


  • #

    A heavy math link analysis on time stamped vote data
    has an analysis of what scorecard does
    does anybody remember their Pure & Applied (and a bit more? … rotating degree V polynomial matrices?)
    I gather this guy has the lowdown on Scorecard by observation of timestamped vote tallies


    • #

      Strange document. Unwitting parody perhaps, it’s hard to take seriously cosine wave, polynomic sledgehammer, fibonacci gateway interspersed with an occasional “county” or “Trump”; a lot of work there though collating the seventy-odd pages notwithstanding 38 and 39 are blank.


    • #

      I guess what I was hoping for was adjudication of the claims by someone who
      has a very extensive knowledge of maths

      thanks for your scepticism serp : I confess my maths only extends to Gamma functions and the like, though I do have Abramowitz and Stegun somewhere only use it for a doorstop these days

      Jo can some of your maths enlightened friends please comment ?


  • #

    It’s OK. In one of the upcoming Executive Orders, downvoting the legitimate president on any social media platform is to be considered an act of insurrection, punishable by hanging.

    For democracy.


    • #

      And unity. It will be mandated that everyone must like and think the same things so that all views are included to eliminate all racial and gender and environmental privilege.


  • #

    WHY does anyone really need YOutube?


    • #

      Given we have credible alternatives that many video bloggers are flooding to why would anyone want to use YT.
      Most of those I follow are no on Rumble, BrandNewTube et al.


    • #

      Take the pledge,

      * I am not a Twit

      * I do not want to lose face


  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    I suppose we could fantasize about posting signs at gasoline stations that one has to show a republican voter
    registration card to buy gas, as Democrats are required to help save the planet, but the lack of humor and fascistic
    tendencies of the newly elected climate warriors suggest the sarcasm that Democrats drive place too would be lost.

    Here is something I am doing. I am writing my state utility commissions, CC the relevant committees in the state legislature and our congresspeople.
    We need to add to the program of hardening our infrastructure against hurricanes a state program to guarantee that our state services;
    power, water, telecommunications, and internet can operate internally for an extended period of time.

    Biden’s flurry of ill-considered executive orders on “climate” has once again permitted the installation of Chinese or other foreign equipment
    such as switches, transformers, and relays into our critical infrastructure. In the modern world, all of these at industrial scale are fitted
    with sophisticated electronics and network connectivity. Grid failure is one of the worst things that can happen to us, especially in our cities
    which would become unsuitable for human life in a matter of hours if services failed.

    A states can protect itself, and its infrastructure, from the fecklessness that has characterized California and is rapidly being forced upon the rest of us.
    The same systems that can recover us from a large magnitude disaster will recover us from a political one, but only if they can be disconnected from federal
    command and control.

    The Federal Fools may permit the construction of a third world infrastructure; states need not comply.
    The Federal fool may permit the construction of a sub grid that cannot restart without an outside connector; a state with a realistic
    expectation of facing the problem need not comply.

    Trying to force the construction of a grid doomed to failure in a hurricane zone is tantamount to acting in the interests of a foreign power to weaken us, and will
    become on the the several articles of secession, which actually need only specify that those states wishing to adhere to the original compact choose to unaffiliate themselves from those that do not.


  • #
    John F. Hultquist

    This is both funny and evil.

    Wait until that green line (likes) shows an exponential trend.


  • #

    Thanks Jo 🙂

    My blog exploded today!


  • #
    Mrs B

    I go to bitchute. I rarely bother with YT.


  • #

    The fraud of the Democrat/CCP administration never stops. Thanks Zoe for uncovering more evidence.


  • #

    This is beyond stupid.

    This demonstrates the fantasy world that the Left operates in, where they have to hide or wipe out dissent and fake the likes.

    In real life one would give these clowns a shellacking and tell them what show ponies they are.

    We’re awake but how long will it take normal people? Many will never wake up, but a large number will. At some stage they will all look back and ask how it happened. Well it happened because people will not stand up for truth, they will not ask questions and they will not be sceptical.


  • #

    More discussion here:

    My favorite quote:

    “The author denies the Stefan–Boltzmann law”

    Yup. I deny that Boltzmann was doing experiments in space. Since textbooks don’t provide any context, most people don’t know that Boltzmann found emission between an object inside a CAVOTY and the walls of a CAVITY. Is a material cavity the same as space? No.

    I’ll have more on this at a later time 🙂


    • #
      robert rosicka

      While I won’t pretend to understand the physics of it, I love the way you challenge the “accepted” consensus science Zoe .
      After all science constantly changes and evolves until a theory is proven correct or relegated to the dustbin of history.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Hi Zoe, everybody is able to see and benefit from your significant computing and analytic skills on this youtube issue.

      It’s a shame that Boltzmann has been brought up here because it spoils the mood.

      Thermodynamics is a very complex and multifaceted area of science to be applying straight from a textbook of physics.

      In this case though you’ve hit the youtube thing with the hammer, good stuff.


      • #

        Real effective heat transfer occurs from matter to matter, not matter to nothing.

        Since there is no experiment proving otherwise, those who claim “all matter emits regardless to where” are not basing it on empirical evidence, merely on an oversimplified textbook description.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Hi Zoe,

          I appreciate your enthusiasm in pushing back against the nonsense of the Man Made Global Warming and death by incineration due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere,
          but caution is needed.

          Not sure what you mean by that comment.

          Energy, heat, radiation, moves from a point of high energy potential to one that is lower.

          With Earth’s core being at over 4,000°, the surface at roughly 288°A and deep space at maybe 1.4 above absolute zero there’s a huge energy gradient that calls Earth’s precious energy.

          The principal point that all of us need to be pushing back on is the IPCCCCC concept of “back radiation”; a thermodynamically nutso idea that they have inflicted on the world’s taxpayers.



        • #

          Cmon Zoe, when I park my car next to a tree in winter to reduce condensation/frost, it works every time, are you saying that the tree only radiates when my car is there?


  • #

    I’ve sent this website to everyone I know. They all laugh their heads off. It’s terrific.


  • #
    Great Aunt Janet

    Just listened to Tim Pool on the latest Gamestock situation – people (on the left and the right, but ordinary people, some with loud voices) are spitting mad.


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    D. J. Hawkins

    Thanks for providing the YT link. I voted my preference, and I doubt China Joe would like it.


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    Furiously curious

    There’s lots of talk about the demise of the Republican party, and how Trump can/will tear it apart because of his popularity. But I’m seeing hope appearing – in the far distance. Everyone is forgetting that no one voted for Biden. Out of 80 000 000 votes he may have got 23 (the family). No one wanted Kamala in the primaries either (that was an interesting link someone put up a couple of days ago, pointing out she wouldn’t get any level of security clearance, anywhere in the US.) That means 79 000 077 voted because of Trump! If Trump is not around, the Republican party isn’t the only one with problems. So we have the hard line Democrats dancing around in ecstatic glee at having won the election, and thrusting forward their dream programs. (Here comes the termite/white ant theory). But when these people are exposed to critical thought/sunlight, they shrivel up and die. Maybe their media minions can keep a lid on it for a while, but people are going to start asking, ‘who are these people, and did I vote for them?’ It’s certainly not going to be a good tactic to keep all the financial benefits going to the rich, and hope the radicals can be bought off, with only being allowed to fight the culture war?


  • #

    I am heartened by reading comments on US websites, JoeBama and Caramel are not pleasing the voters, the steal is not going to be forgotten.


    • #

      America is in an abusive relationship and there isn’t a darn thing they can do about it for four years, and with the steal enshrined in legislation they may not be able to anything about it then either.


  • #

    The question of the day is when will Jacinta meet Joe and explain her comrade Jinping’s demands?


  • #
    Furiously curious

    I suppose you would be on twitter while Trump was? But why is anyone on the right, on it now? Leave it to the literati to watch their ‘bon mots’ slowly flutter into the abyss, until they get bored; and twitter itself will follow right along. (If it hasn’t already been superseded by something else?) The media vampires suck on conflict.


  • #
    Claude B

    A lot of non-skeptical opinion on this post as the data supports existing biases. No doubt the data is VERY interesting, but how about some skeptical questions like:

    “Does youtube have a policy to delete bot activity?”
    “If so, do they ever explain how they do this?”
    “If so, do they reveal the raw data supporting bot activity?”

    “Do youtube like/dislike buttons have a verification process even 1% as good as election processes?”

    “Has this data been observed independently?”


    • #

      Thanks for the good argument- that data on Twtr is bad because Twtr do not have proper systems in place.
      But the criticism here is not so much on particular data but on the bias and censorship of the entire entity which is shown so clearly in this case.


      • #
        Claude B

        Hey Lucky,

        That wasn’t really my argument. I’m saying there are questions to ask before alleging “censorship”. Certainly censorship is one possibility, and at the very least the processes led to the graph are invisible. This graph (if verified) shows that YouTube would be well advised to make the process visible.



        • #

          “YouTube would be well advised to..”
          Suppose they do not take my advice, or even yours, do we wait 6 m, 5years or how long before making an accusation?
          Rather, allowing external bots, or whatever it is that is adjusting the number of likes, in one direction only, is on the face of it, evidence of fraud.


  • #
    another ian

    About Kerry’s admission of futility

    “Hey ABC News, why did you edit out Climate Magnate John Kerry admitting the futility of cutting US emissions?”


  • #
    another ian

    I wonder how Instagram is handling such a mass reaction to their forcing of everyone to follow Biden’s Whitehouse blog?


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  • #

    Typical. Tried twice to refer to the manipulation of the dislikes in a post on the Australian, and both times denied by moderators. Even when I sent Zoes analysis they would not budge.

    Totally beyond facts and reality – the Australian, apart from Adam Creighton, has lost it. Time to close the account and put the money to better use.

    This whole thing reminds me of Yahoo. They had to remove their comments section because everybody went straight there and saw the real facts, as opposed to the mad fantasy being peddled by the corrupt journalist. I never go there anymore and have no doubt site traffic is well down.

    I am closing my gmail accounts and moving to proton mail or similar, and most of my searches are done with Duck Duck Go, and the browser is Brave.

    Hopefully a large number of others are doing similarly. …


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      A video has been put up using Zoe’s material, see W/E unthreaded.

      Like many others I’ve stopped buying the Australian, so many of the articles were puffed up to fill a whole page and could have done the job with a few paragraphs.


  • #

    […] Youtube rushes to hide the mass unpopularity of Biden Whitehouse – […]


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    […] On tips from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tips: American Thinker, JoNova. […]


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    […] learned that YouTube is sending Biden videos’ “dislikes” out into the cornfield. As JoNova reports (edited for grammar, typos, and […]
