Since the industrial revolution China has burnt more coal than any nation on Earth

By Jo Nova

The whole guilt trip about how the rich nations have ruined the world and need to pay reparations to the poor is rapidly losing currency.

The British may have started mining coal in third century, invented coal fired steam engines and made the first coal fired power plants, but by 1998 China had already burned more coal than Great Britain. In terms of cumulative coal burning, by 2018 China overtook the EU, and by 2020 it surpassed the US. China has now burnt more coal than any nation on Earth.

China has become the world’s coal furnace and no one gives a toss. Everyone in the West pretends to save carbon dioxide while they ship their factories to China, and buy the same things back from them. When will China have to pay reparations? Answer — Never. Because it was never really about CO2.

Cumulative CO₂ emissions from coal:

Coal is the largest single source of human CO2 emissions. In terms of the cumulative human emissions of CO2 from all sources, the USA is still the world leader. China almost certainly overtook Europe in the last twelve months, and it’s just a matter of time before China could theoretically take the blame for “man made global warming”. (If that title meant anything).

Cumulative CO₂ emissions


The point of this post, is to highlight how absurd the situation is. The white guilt for “climate change” is the point — not the gigatons of CO2. No one really gives a damn about carbon dioxide or they would be trying to solve “the China problem” as if life on Earth depended on solving it.

The whole planet and every koala will die, but no one has the time to add up a few sums and start talking about trade embargos, or boycotts, or even writing a strong letter to President Xi…



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87 comments to Since the industrial revolution China has burnt more coal than any nation on Earth

  • #

    So true, Jo. But today it is all about self-flagellation in the West. The West is held responsible for every problem in the world today. The trouble is – we are an easy target. We rarely mount any defence. I suspect that this may be about to change. Some research is showing that our youth – particularly young men – are returning to past values and are questioning much of the ideology that passes for critical thinking today.


  • #

    Life on Earth applauds China.

    Not only have they returned all that long-sequestered coal to the atmosphere, they have manufactured many of the household items used in every day life by burning that coal. And a growing proportion of the equipment used to power Australia.


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    Norm der Ploom

    AGW is a luxury belief used by Western elites to gain status and enable social leveraging. For an example see the Teals.


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      Peter C

      The Greens and the Teals!
      Why anyone votes for them is a complete mystery to me.


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        … and Labor, although LNP is for Net Zero and renewables also …


        • #

          That is what really worries me, Gbees. The LNP has drunk the Green coolade too, no matter what they say and from that point of view it will not matter who wins the election. Nuclear is too far in the future (if ever) to make any difference and Dutton says that wind and solar will continue to be an important part of the energy mix. I despair.


      • #

        The idiots most likely to vote for them are the brainwashed class, you know the type, they sit enthralled in lecture halls being lectured at by a 20 years out of date perfesser, thus they tend to believe any and all lecturing , there are exceptions of course but in the main there’s plenty of them, thanks mostly to Cough Whitless.


      • #

        Why anyone votes for them is a complete mystery to me.

        I think woke is the key word. The modern equivalent of a fad.

        Look at how Zali Steggall toppled Tony Abbott. Style over substance.


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        Not everyone votes according to their own narrow self interest.


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        Jon Rattin

        A recent poll shows the primary vote for the Greens has slipped from 27% to 23% amongst Australians aged between 18-34 in the last quarter of this year. This gives hope that young people are starting to realise this party has shifted away from its original core values and moved towards socialist woke politics

        The complementary colour to green is red. Hopefully many more people will be swallowing red pills in 2025

        Happy new year to all


  • #

    China burns about 12,000,000 tonnes of coal a day. Every day.
    That produces about 44,000,000 tonnes of CO2 a day … – close to 30,000 tonnes every minute.

    Look at the scam called CO2 sequestration [ capture and bury, or similar].
    One I saw recently talked blithely about sequestering 30,000 tonnes a year – in Phase 2 … if the money was provided [presumably by you, me and selected tax-payers!].



    • #

      And there is this –
      “XinRan Liu, director of science and research with Undo, describes it as a transformative measure in the fight against climate change. He said: “It’s the most scalable technology. We have huge deposits of rock globally ready to go and we have farmlands in every single continent. “All of that means that we could achieve billions of tons of removal on a very fast timescale for the climate.” He says the silica rock can be found all over the world so it doesn’t have to be shipped long distances. It’s also a by-product of the aggregate industry which quarries rocks for use in road building.
      “The company says it wants to spread enough rock by next year to remove a million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”
      Half an hour’s worth of China’s output? Roughly!



      • #

        A farmer out west told me about crushed rock fertiliser about 20/30 years ago, but it has to be a fine as flour to work well.
        I think he was sourcing some crusher dust which was just a nuisance for the quarry.


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        The article refers to crushed basalt…..hardly silica rock! The folks in Victoriastan will be delighted since it is ubiquitous in that terrain. It’s renewable with most of the world’s volcanoes spewing the lava along with, wait …carbon dioxide!!


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      The World’s Oceans absorb the CO2 for free. Well done Mother Nature. And then the Oceans give it back as well. What a clever system and not designed by Humans. In fact, some Humans would still be arguing over the right design as they are now.

      ‘Sirry Iriots’ as Benny Hill would say.


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    John Galt III

    China coal use 2024 for energy – 4,900,000,000 tons

    Unites States – 400,000,000 tons

    How many Progressives, Communists, Democrats, Labor Party Politicians, Eco-Fascists, Socialists, Antifa types. Environmentalists or even Greta The Scold have you ever seen outside any Chinese Embassy or Chinese Consulate anywhere in the world protesting coal use?

    Please forward proof of such: Video, image or article will suffice.

    If you haven’t seen this then ponder why not.

    Otherwise Happy New Year to all.


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      4.9B tons by China and 400 million tons by the US is still a lot of coal burnt.

      Jo had an interesting reference (above) to the start of coal mining in Britain by the Romans in the 3rd century. That reference was misleading about the 1973 end of coal mining though. The last operating deep coal mine in the United Kingdom, Kellingley colliery in North Yorkshire, closed in December 2015. After 2015, most continuing coal mines were collieries owned by freeminers, or open pit mines of which there were 26 in 2014. However, since December 2023 -with the closure of Ffos-y-fran- no major opencast coal mine operates. But there is still an identified 3.56 billion tonnes of coal reserve in Britain and an estimated 170 billion tonnes possibly existing. They could have continued to burn their own coal for energy for another century, if they wished.


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    John Watt

    Over a decade ago, Dr John Nicol, an expert in the behaviour of gases, showed that CO2 is not a driver of climate change. No one took any notice, preferring to be entertained by the Gore/Thunberg/Bowen myth. So Australia continues down the path to economic destruction. None of our brave politicians has the courage to follow Nicol’s facts but prefer to keep the voters “happy” while destroying the Australia we love. Climate change is real. We need to protect humanity. CO2/Coal is not the driver. The conversation/action needs to be focussed on assisting humans to cope with climate change….not on net-zero waffle.


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      There must be enough evidence in play now for an incoming govt to pledge a halt to all this green idiocy, but we won’t hold our breath.


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      As I have said many times before. Just do what Mother Nature does and adapt. It is so much more easier and certainly a lot cheaper than what the Climate Alarmists are promoting now.


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      Don Amoore

      Great work John, it is beyond my comprehension why the Gurus on Jo’s site here do not vigorously push this point. If CO2 is not involved in “global warming” then all the renewable scam should cease immediately. Strange how they avoid this


  • #

    It has never been about CO2. It has always been about destroying the West. The communists could never win against the West militarily so they had to find another way. Time did not matter so the long march through the institutions began and conservatives looked on and shrugged. A few long haired hippy types were never going to cause much damage. But they did by encouraging kids to revolt against their parents, by making drugs cool, by challenging the authority of the “man”. The breakdown of discipline started slowly but then the first of the new teachers emerged from universities. Whereas the old teachers colleges taught how to teach they also taught class room procedures to demand respect and to enforce it when necessary. Now teachers respected their students but didn’t demand respect in return and did not have the skills to correct the situation. The next step was to strive for equal outcomes rather than providing equal opportunity. Everyone was a winner at school but then the reality of the wide world told some that they were failures. Resentment began and politicians with a leftist bent saw their chance to capitalise on that resentment. Punish the successful and reward the indolent became the norm. Laziness does pay. Many see the dole as their wages and there is no incentive to work.

    The combination of teachers who can’t teach and can’t control a classroom and an indolent media staffed by equally ignorant, not journalists, not reporters but stenographers, has led us to this situation. We will recover because eventually the money runs out or a catastrophe enforces a shutdown and restart of our system. Maybe it will be a depression or a war but the good times will end and only the fittest and best prepared will survive. The ditzy with a useless degree and a passion for climate or Palestinians will fall by the wayside but the tradie in his 4WD will be king.

    The ALP, Greens and Teals plus “moderate” LINOs are the greatest threat to Australia at the moment. The 60% who voted NO are the potential saviours.


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      Greg in NZ

      Lawrie, you’ve summed up perfectly my recent family Christmas gathering in NSW: my brother’s eldest daughter is one of those ditzy, useless degree, climate preachers who lets her 5-year-old do whatever she wants because children know best (?) while his younger daughter & her husband are your typical tradies in a 4WD – strict with their kids, have no time for schools allowing 10-year-olds to dress up as cats or dogs, and know what the weather can do to solar plantations / windmills etc.

      My sister’s daughter (civil engineer) and her man (NZ military) have their feet planted firmly on the ground too, and mock the madness called the Cult of Climate even more so than crazy old Uncle Greg. Great to know this 30-something generation sees through the phantasy of ‘saving the planet’ and all the regressive non-sense that goes with it, while my older brother & sister and their other halves (all retired) are firm believers who think Trump is literally an Austrian landscape painter with a grudge against the international banking cartel.

      Happy New Year to one & all and the BIGLY-est best wishes for 2025!


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      Christiana Figueres told us that it’s all about dismantling capitalism, only to save the planet of course.


  • #

    Politics is the realm of simple ideas often deeply false. The skeptical arguments are correct but necessarily technical. They are easily drowned in the green vat of simplicity. The public debate is not scientific, it is personal and here the greens cannot win. Here’s to a happy new year all year. Just say no to net zero.


  • #

    Thanks again Jo for trying to educate us but I don’t think B O Bowen, Greens, Teals etc have the brains to understand simple data and evidence.
    I prefer to look at the Human flourishing data since the UK started the Industrial Revolution in 1770.
    OWI Data shows us how life expectancy and per capita GDP have soared over the last 0.1% of Human existence ( 1800 to 2024) and yet we have idiots like B O Bowen telling us we live in a Climate Crisis and Humans even face an existential threat.
    And we also know that deaths from extreme weather events have dropped by 99% over the last 100 years. See Dr Goklany, Lomborg, OWI Data the Co2 Coalition scientists etc.
    The data proves that we live in the safest Human flourishing period in the last 300,000 years, yet we have kids claiming we face the end of the Human race and other loonies throwing paint and glueing themselves to roads.
    I hope Trump can make a difference over the next four years and Aussies begin to throw off our shackles in 2025. Who knows?


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      John B

      No point in debating them. They would have no idea what the gas composition of the atmosphere is, that water vapour is the major greenhouse gas, nor, the pH of the ocean. Then, when you follow up with interglacials and Milankovic cycles, that’s too much for them. They are brainwashed with the idea that warming is bad even though the Holocene Climatic Optimum was the beginning of the great civilizations.
      Even the woke Google AI agrees.
      “AI Overview
      Yes, the Holocene Climatic Optimum was a time when many ancient civilizations began and flourished. This warm period, which occurred between 9,500 and 5,500 years ago, was characterized by a number of factors that contributed to the rise of civilization, including:
      1) Stabilized climate
      The warm climate allowed for the planting and harvesting of crops, which led to the growth of villages and towns.
      2) Domestication of plants and animals
      The warm, moist climate of tropical areas was ideal for farming, and the domestication of plants and animals began in these regions.
      3) Expansion of monsoonal rains
      The expansion of monsoonal rains in tropical latitudes led to the spread of moist savanna-type vegetation.

      The Holocene Climatic Optimum was a time when the average global temperature was 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer than it is today. Other names for this period include the Altithermal, Holocene Megathermal, and Holocene Thermal Maximum.”


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    Graham Richards

    Oh dear! Albo will now be in deep du-du with president Xi. I’m sure apathetic Anthony is supposed to stop all misinformation about ( anything that criticises China ) Xi or China.

    Of course the UN / WEF cabal will also be insisting that this misinformation be shut down permanently. Can’t wait for Trump to start unraveling this CO 2 BS. The weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth will be music to my ears!!


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    We, in little ol’ Australia, ain’t criticizing China again. Our Prime Minister queried the origins of the WuFlu and they slapped a ban on some of our agricultural exports. Once bitten. Leave it to the big boys. Hopefully, Mr Trump and his team are formulating some policies.


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    Graeme No.3

    And, as I have said before, with Trump in the White House then nearly 86% of human emissions (85.7) will be from countries that are not going to reduce them, rather boost emmisions and their populations well being.
    Those saying they will reduce emissions (11.1%) and possibly doing so? Usually not at all e.g. Germany shutting nuclear stations and then relying on imported coal, gas and nuclear.
    Or the Scottish Glen Sannox was due for delivery in 2018. But construction and design issues led to delay after delay.
    Costs rose from an initial contract price of £97 million to more than £400m. the 336ft long vessel would not be able to dock at Ardrossan Harbour, the mainland port for the island. A long delayed upgrade of the harbour has still to be formally contracted. And the new ferry emits more greenhouse gases than the old diesel one.


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      Graeme No.3

      Sorry, interrupted. The ferry was 7 years late, didn’t come to the usual pickup point and couldn’t operate as many times as the old diesel one.
      if you want more.

      Typical behaviour of our (& them) politicians and public servants who go off on a vaguely (poorly thoughout if at all) fantasy and spend money because it’s only the taxpayer’s.
      I notice that Millei in Argentina cut the Government work(?)force by 40% and inflation dropped to a 22 year low.
      I say work(?) because I knew a bloke who went back to Argentina in the late 1980’s and called on his old Professor, who was delighted to see him because the Professor only turned up a few moments every month to collect his pay – which was being rapidly diluted by inflation. The Professor had a permanent position but spent his working time during consulting work.


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    2024 wasn’t a bad year, the world got rid of two most foul govts, the US Demonrats and the QLD labor pty.
    Looking forward to a bit more success in 2025.


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    So compare the graph of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel with the actual Co2 in the air. China’s contribution to CO2 ’emissions’ has gone up 10:1 in the last 50 and total CO2 is a perfect straight line. And we are supposed to believe emissions directly impact CO2. You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to see that’s obviously a lie.

    And is China in terrible trouble? No. Is anyone? So why are we prevented from using our own coal? Are we saving it all for China?


  • #

    This is about the ramping up of coal fired power generation with respect to comparison of total power generation.

    I started doing (and watching what was happening) all this back in 2008.

    The U.S. was (far and away) the largest power generator on the Planet,and China had begun to ramp up their power generation, mainly on the back of the latest generation of coal fired power plants.

    It took till 2012 for China to equal the same total power generation of the U.S. around 4,000TWH per year. (from every source)

    Now here we are in 2024.

    The U.S. generates 4,085TWH of power.
    China generates 8,912TWH each year.

    That’s more than double the U.S. and is in fact ONE THIRD of the total power generation on the Planet.

    However, look at this then.

    In the U.S. 37% of all power generation goes to the Residential sector, so around 1,550TWH.
    In China, only 18% of all power generation goes to the Residential Sector, so around 1,600TWH

    So, in China, power consumed in that Residential Sector is around the same, and the Chinese population is ….. 4.2 times the US population.

    The highest consumer of electricity in China is the Industrial Sector, and in the U.S. the lowest power consumer is that Industrial Sector. (almost 66% versus 25%)

    In the U.S. they started to ramp up power generation following WW2, and the highest power consumer was that Industrial Sector, and that was the case until, umm, 1984, when Residential power consumption took over as the largest consumer of power. Back at the start of U.S. data recording, in 1949. total US power generation was only 255TWH, and it was Coal Fired power which started it all, and that was the case till as recently as 2008, when coal fired power generated HALF of America’s power needs. Little mentioned is the latest data which shows coal fired power now (long since) overtaken by, umm, Natural Gas fired power generation, now almost generating half of America’s power needs.

    The same is now what is happening in China, as the availability of power in ‘the homes’ of China is now the by-product of that ramping up of power generation for Industry.

    Consider that back in 2008 when I started, only 4.8% of all power generation in China went to the Residential Sector, and even now is only 18%.

    As for Australia, our data is similar to the U.S. on a percentage basis with a similar percentage of power generation being consumed in the Residential Sector. Australia’s total power generation (steadily rising on a year by year basis) is now 268TWH, (WA included) and is barely 1% of the World total power generation.

    Look, I know my Comments here are long, sometimes causing them to slip into M0der@ti0n, because of the length, but hey, there is so much ‘context’ to be shown.



    • #

      Your comments are excellent. Measured, researched and unique. Thanks.


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      John F. Hultquist

      I look for your posts, Tony; and thank you.


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      Old Goat

      Please keep going – context is vital . All units of production require units of energy . Automation has increased production (and quality) exponentially along with exponential increase in energy use. My desire to be well informed is in opposition to my desire to remain sane . Lots of people think I’m nuts…


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      Tony Dique

      I look to your posts specifically, Tony. Keep going, and keep them long please


    • #

      Just think how VITAL it is to actually HAVE the availability of electrical power.

      Australia generates just 1% of World total electrical power generation, and yet we only have 0.325% of the World population.

      Coal fired power is what made that possible ….. to HAVE that availability of electrical power, not just here, but especially in the US, and in fact the rest of the already Developed World.

      If you want to take that seriously, then China is really only ….. catching up!

      The only difference is that in China, they are the only ones willing to use the most recent technology, which to use an analogy is comparing an EH Holden to the latest Rolls Royce Spectre, (1964, around the same date as the coal fired technology we still have now, and now coughing it’s last gasps) four levels of technology lower than what is being constructed in China.

      We’re too bl00dy frightened to even suggest ….. hey, why don’t we have a go at doing that?

      Already now proven technology, instead of way off in the future perhaps maybe hopefully Nuclear power! (or should that be nooookyoular)



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        Geoff Sherrington

        Do keep it going if you can.
        One of the best ways to win an argument is with credible, authentic data, like you collect and publicise. Well done. Geoff S


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    My comfort lies in knowing that what they want is impossible. So my focus is on how that impossibility will manifest itself. I accept their mostly small advances and the harm done along the way and ignore the deafening rhetoric. You do not win a war by winning every battle.


  • #

    This Planet will only die when our Sun finally dies. Until then, eat, drink and be Merry.

    Happy New Year to you all on what has been another Great Year for Jo’s Blog. And well done Jo.


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    Tony Dique

    self-harm on a national scale


  • #

    So why is Australia being forced to use only wind and solar? Cui Bono?


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    Why do we have a 35% CO2 tax in all our costs?
    Why are we paying for free electricity from windmills and solar panels and transmissions lines for which we have already paid?
    Why is Queensland turning off private air conditioners?
    Why are we paying factories to stop work?
    Why is the Grid on the point of collapse?
    Why aren’t we allowed to use our own coal?
    Why aren’t we in Victoria allowed sell brown coal or exploit our own gas or even install gas appliances?

    And don’t tell me we are saving the world.

    The entire annual Australian contribution to world CO2 is 0.0002%. And we have to stop farming, mining, travel, trucks, manufacturing and airconditioners?

    Why? Do we get a medal from the Chinese?


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      Denmark has a tax on cow farts. What’s next for Australia, a tax on termites. To go to China?


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Might I please suggest that you collect your miscellaneous comments/thoughts over time concerning the hidden nature of these pseudo-taxes and present them as a Jo Nova article. You have made many excellent points, well-expressed over the years, so a collection seems to me to be a big benefit in waiting. Cheers Geoff S


      • #

        Geoff, I would love someone to do the forensic analysis of all the theft and ‘green energy’ quangos. Someone knows all this stuff.

        For example they report the number of Green certificates sold on their ‘open market’,which is not an open market as they are compulsory.
        You cannot negotiate when you have to buy. And we know the LGC/STC prices. So we can see how much is being ripped off our electricity bills in LGCs and STCs.

        The Safeguard Mechanism (2023) and the Carbon Credits (2011) must also be reported. Someone is planning all this.
        35% on Airline fuel alone will make flying super expensive. 35% on bunker oil for coastal freight, including the Tasmanian Ferry.
        Concrete, steel, aluminium, zinc, copper. We will have to stop making them.
        QUENOS, the only plastics recycler in Australia has given up and sold off the sites. 800 jobs gone.
        Similarly with Keppel prince, while Albanese toys with our cash and Quantum Computers in California. Are there no rules for such theft?
        All plastic bottles will now come from overseas and plastics recycling no longer exists. So what is the cost of that to Australia in balance of trade?

        And how many people work on Climate Change/’Clean Energy’/ at the Federal/State/Local Government level? What are they all doing? Everyone of these Acts generates another government department.

        Who is paying for the 30,000 transmission lines? What started me was who paid for $billions of windmills in SA? And it was not in the SA State Budget? These are just money pumps, paid for in your electricity bills with no legal competition from far cheaper coal and gas.

        The total cost of this is enormous and hidden in your electricity bills and with the 2022 Safeguard Mechanism, in the cost of all freight, travel. Even Sewage as the MMBW is classified as a Big Polluter. Probably methane. That will go on your water rates.

        Someone has to sit down and work it all out. Of course there are those in Canberra who have already done so and are watching their computers go ka’ching faster and faster.

        It’s a huge scam, illegal and extremely damaging to Australia. So who benefits? Why are they doing it? The politicians are too dumb to write these laws
        and would not understand them if they read them. Which is why idiots like Bowen are perfect. He thinks he is saving the planet.

        And Albanese is promising cheaper energy, when everything he has done has pushed up energy prices and inflation on all consumer prices. A single law suit in the High Court would clean the lot up. It’s all illegal, arbitrary, against the very spirit of Magna Carta to not enrich third parties. Governments can raise taxes for which they are responsible and on which they have to report. All these hidden carbon thefts are not even reportable to the public because they are illegal.

        If only Bluescope or QANTAS or a trucking company or a big electricity consumer would take them on. But they are all busy doing sweetheart deals behind the scenes. I read that Liberty and Bluescope have negotiated it from 5% increase a year to 1%. That’s just corruption, a partner to survival.

        For myself, I am just too busy. Maybe a ‘think tank’ like the IPA. But what is needed is a really angry ripped off electricity consumer. But they just get paid off, like Alcoa where all the wages are paid by the Victorian taxpayers so that they can keep the jobs and make aluminium profitably. Scam on scam on scam.

        It would take a month just to start to add all this up. It is anywhere from $10B to $50Billion a year of stolen money, legislated theft, soon to appear in all your purchases. None of it legal and accountable and reportable government taxes. Black money. Green cash.


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          And I read pundits saying we really need a Carbon Tax. Ha! Everyone is fooled. The way around having a legitimate Carbon Tax is to steal the money from your bills. And that has been in place for a quarter of a century. John Howard avoided answering my question. He knows all about it as he started it. And it was so successful that it was copied in the UK.


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            Are we still being told that wind and solar are free and far cheaper than fossil fuels? How can people tell such lies?


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    So why do our pollies and their ABC continue to lie about their so called dangerous CC data?
    I’ve heard clueless Albo and Scientists on their ABC etc tell us that the recent fires are caused by CC and we must reduce co2 emissions ASAP.
    But deaths rates from fires and burns tell a completely different story and the reductions since 1980 are amazing.
    Here’s OWI Data’s death rates since 1980 compared to 2021 and death rates have dropped all around the world and Aussie death rates are now only a third of other rich countries.
    And only 4.4 billion people in 1980 compared to 8 billion at risk in 2021.
    So why aren’t we celebrating these reductions in deaths today, instead of lying to our citizens, just to try and win votes?


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    If the real goal was lower CO2 by 50%, it is possible to halve CO2 by moving to gas and HELE coal. America did. But that is off the table for no apparent reason.
    So no one is serious about reducing CO2.

    Nuclear is a pipe dream. A long term objective and completely unnecessary.

    Electricity prices would halve immediately they stopped all the Green certificates. Inflation would drop overnight. Electricity/energy prices are built into everything we buy.

    We should demand Conservative parties promise to bring back coal, gas, firewood. All the things being destroyed.

    My fear is that as with John Persutto in Victoria, the Liberals and Country Party are just expecting to be elected without doing anything. So they adopt all the Green/Left/Communist policies. Persutto just lows millions by slandering his own party member for attending a rally for biological women. Only a Fascist would do that according to Persutto.

    It’s like the Voice. If Dutton took a risk and promised to go all out on coal and gas and saving Australian companies, he would romp in. We just saw it in the US. It is booming too in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary. People have had enough of war and anti semitism and energy poverty, just so China can thrive.

    Dutton needs to go full on dig, baby, dig. Frack, baby, frack. And he would romp home. Export coal and gold and everything we can dig. Not worry about the blue banded bumble bee, which is beyond ridiculous.

    Plus promise to see that rural aborigines are given a million dollars tax free cash a year. Why not? That would actually be far cheaper than what is happening at the moment. $42Billion for 42,000 people. It’s insane.

    And kill the billions in hidden carbon credits which are flowing overseas, even to China. And all the ‘clean energy’ jobs. Coal is as clean as diamonds. And CO2 is essential for all life on earth, the main ingredient of all living things and the main food.


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      And sell Albanese’s $1Bn in shares in Quantum Computing. Which will of course be worthless. If we get half the cash back it would be a win. It’s not the job of the Prime Minister to spend our money as he pleases. That amount would have saved many worthwhile companies in Australia and thousands of jobs, like Keppel Prince and QUENOS. And many more, driven to the wall by carbon taxes.


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        And ask Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull for the $444,000,000 in cash back, with interest. The reef is in perfect condition. It’s 1100km tall and 250km wide and we are supposed to ‘manage’ it? Since when? How?


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    The silence is a symptom of the formerly colonised and so-called third world countries getting their revenge on the west. You just need to look at how they are dominating global institutions like the UN and other western bureaucracies, NGOs etc these days. Look at all the illegal immigrants displacing US workers. Look at how colonial powers are being ejected from Africa. Multicultural bs.


  • #

    Willis Eschenbach checked the data and found that to reach their net zero by 2050 the world would need to build……

    One 2.1 GW Nuclear power stn every day until 2050,

    or 4000 wind turbines every day ,

    or 250 sq klms of Solar panels every day until 2050.
    And Dr Pielke jr also agrees with these calculations. So obviously just more BS and fra-d from our loony pollies, clueless so called scientists and all the other crazy liars and misfits.
    And McKinsey tells us this would cost 275 TRILLION $ and to be repeated every 15 to 20 years and regular blackouts forever.
    Does anyone really think this is a good idea?


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      For the barking mad toxic wind and solar loonies who think their so called net zero is a good idea until 2050.
      You’d need to build 36.5 million wind turbines in the next 25 years or 2.3 million sq klms of solar panels around the world.
      Does anyone really think the NON OECD countries are as stupid as the OECD?


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        net zero is absurd. An alleged fabulous golden time when everything was fine, if only we could go back to Y2K? That’s a fractured fairy tale.

        Even if Australia did not exist, the CO2 levels would be the same.

        The ONLY politician openly calling it a hoax is Donald Trump. Everyone else is too craven.


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      There are not enough raw materials in the World that are able to be dug up and processed to build the stuff to meet those crazy numbers. Let alone the cost of the fiasco.

      Pipe dreams meet with Reality and Reality will win.

      For Australia, out with this Marxist Feral Guv’ment and hopefully the LNP wakes up to Reality. Net Zero is a crazy idea when you only look at one side of the Balance Sheet. The Australian land mass and continental waters already absorbs loads and loads of CO2. Which means that for Australia, Net Zero was already here 40 to 50 years ago. All that money (mostly borrowed) and effort completely wasted.


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        Sometime I find these conversations surreal, that politicians and public servants and the United Nations would be in charge of the weather. Not scientists.

        Climate Change is stated by generals to be a bigger and more immediate threat than nuclear war.

        And the greatest historic output of all CO2 is from China which ignores the whole thing and is opening a new coal powered power station every week.

        It’s the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. They’re all mad. And some of them are bad. It’s a wonder Donald Trump is still alive.


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        And the payoff to us plebs is higher taxes and more unreliable and more expensive electricity.


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    Great article Jo which points out the flaw in all the AGW claptrap which is that none of it mathematically adds up.

    For example, greenhouse gases make up only a maximum of 3-4% of the atmosphere (30,000 – 40,000 ppm) with the rest being made up of N2 (78%) and oxygen (~21%) and a few other bits and bobs. 3% – 4% is hardly able to be called a significant presence that could create the Greenhouse Effect, and even then, of that 4% of greenhouse gases, ~98% of those are made up of water vapour (normally expressed as Relative Humidity). CO2 (418 ppm resident in the atmosphere) makes up only 1% – 2% of that 4% of Greenhouse gases, it is statistically insignificant, especially as it absorbs roughly the same bands of UV radiation that water vapour does. Adding further fuel to that is the fact that of the CO2 resident in the atmosphere only 3-4% is attributable to anthropogenic activities, with the rest coming from interactions with the oceans and with the landmass (which sounds about right as there was CO2 in the atmosphere long before humans evolved on Earth).

    It begs the question why would 1% – 2% of Greenhouse gases be so important, when 97% – 98% of greenhouse gases which have similar attributes are not?

    Which gives us this: a statistically insignificant portion of CO2 (anthropogenic origin), which is a statistically insignificant part of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly water vapour), which forms a statistically insignificant part of the entire atmosphere, is supposedly responsible for changing the climate.

    It is my view that CO2 as a significant Greenhouse gas agent is built on a mathematical impossibility, like everything else associated with AGW.

    Are the rules that govern the logic of mathematics no longer in force?


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    Earth’s atmosphere contains about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 0.9 percent argon. The remaining 0.1 percent consists of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane, ozone and water vapor. Despite their small quantities, even tiny changes in these atmospheric gases impact the global energy balance and temperature. Water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, fluctuates with temperature.

    Percentage of Water Vapor in Air
    The percentage of water vapor in air varies based on temperature. The percent of water vapor in the cold Arctic and Antarctic (and highest Alpine regions) may reach as low as 0.2 percent while the warmest tropical air may contain up to 4 percent water vapor.

    Read More:


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      0% water vapour in the Middle East and the Sahara. Emirates. It is really scary. You have to drink about a litre an hour of water apparently. You do not sweat, or seem to. The children sell bottles of water in the street, which I thought was crazy. But it is essential. Otherwise across Europe and Asia and America 0% is rare. I never experienced it before Egypt/UAE. The locals know all about it. Even an apple left in the valley of the kings will just become dessicated but not rot. This was the foundation for mummification. The graves are out of the deep Nile Valley on the high Western plateau.

      Across Australia it is generally about 1%, the third biggest gas. You can see it as dew on the ground or grass in the cold mornings. And 4% in the tropics.

      The water vapour absorption spectrum is very wide for IR. So when people realised CO2 alone was not enough to cause much warming, the proposed that increased CO2 caused a little warming which caused evaporation which caused higher humidity. All that seems forgotten now as millions of balloons failed to find the fabled ‘hot spot’ over the equator. But no one draws the obvious conclusion that CO2 cannot produce the warming they attribute to it, so the whole thing is bust.

      This pattern of assertion, debunking and parking the argument has been repeated for 36 years. It’s all a lie.

      Every time man made CO2 driven Global Warming is proven wrong, the subject is just dropped. To rise again another day.


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        In Brisbane now at 20:15, the ambient temp is 25.5c with a relative humidity of 78% and 100% at 21.4 deg, which is the dew point, so plenty of water vapour in the air near ground level at the moment.


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          That’s 1.15% water in the air by weight or 1.7% water by volume as water(20amu) is much lighter than N2(28) or O2(32). And 40x more than CO2 at 0.042%. But people cannot see water vapour, so they don’t know it is by far the bigger and more powerful greenhouse gas.

          And CO2 doesn’t vary at all from pole to pole, less than 1% and 0.4% a year straight line growth. It’s close to a universal constant.

          So if you want sudden weather, look to water vapour not CO2. It’s a point left out in this alleged drama of more and more severe events. The idea that slow steady universal CO2 changes produce sudden dramatic weather events is ridiculous. Water vapour on the other hand is quite capable of doing so.


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            Water vapour does have more potential to affect climate than CO2, but it is also constrained by its own physics. Total Humidity is the term used to describe the potential for the atmosphere to hold water vapour, and this is measured as at the equator, at 30C, at sea level, the atmosphere is capable of holding 31 g of water per cubic metre of atmosphere, which equates to somewhere around 4% of the atmosphere. For the atmosphere to hold more water vapour you would have to change the specific gravity of the planet (i.e. make it bigger).

            So, while water vapour has much more chance of changing something than CO2, it’s still a pop-gun effect in planetary terms.


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    Happy New Year from Melbourne! Fantastic display with lasers and many sites for launching fireworks. Better every year. And this year we will see the start of the end of the scams and hoaxes, starting with a reboot of America. Best wishes to everyone.


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    Richard Ilfeld

    Sometimes we discover old truths in new ways.
    Many years ago I taught at University of Dayton.
    Dayton is a mid-size industrial town in Ohio.
    GM-Moraine had is own coal generating plant.
    NCR had its own Coal generating plant.
    Delco had its own coal generating plant.
    There were several others. They were intereconnceted to the grid,
    and could draw, or supplement as need be.

    After a 50 year or so interregnum, large consumers are again deciding that they need
    their own captive power plants, for reliability and cost control. It’s still a good idea in many
    ways, as you end up with large emergency reserves, and a brake on excess costs of the public utilities.

    The realationship between the private generators and the public was similar in many psychological ways to
    the relationship between a then-vibrant parochial school system and the public schools & good for both.


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    How about extinction rebellion or Just Stop Oil gluing themselves to the gates of the Chinese embassy in the country where they live. Im sure they would get a sympathetic response.


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    Kosta Patsan

    Glad we’re stopping those cow farts.
