Big Protests coming up on Saturday in Perth, Brisbane, Broadbeach. Please add details in comments for other locations. I was very impressed someone put a handout with information about risks of vaccinating children in my letter box yesterday. Organised. Great to see.
UPDATE: Melbourne
Perth is at 3pm at Elizabeth Quay and also Supreme Court Gardens.
See ReigniteDemocracyAustralia and AustraliaFreedomRally
WA FREEDOM MOVEMENT – FREEDOM MARCH Elizabeth Quay, Perth WA, 18th December 12 – 4pm
Join us as we march for the freedom of all Australians. Vaccinated and unvaccinated – we are all Australians.
9.8 out of 10 based on 61 ratings
Will the Greens give up their love of Apple when they hear how it effectively sold out its principles, tech secrets, and jobs to the Chinese Communist Party? Apple is the world’s biggest company, a $3 Trillion giant. Yet in order to get into the worlds biggest new market, it looks like Apple sold out the nation and the civilization that bore it.
A week ago The Information reported on the secret $275 b deal with the CCP in 2016.
Apple Gives $275 Billion to China
Anders Corr, The Epoch Times
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook inked a $275 billion giveaway in 2016 that explains the tech company’s success in China, according to secret documents reportedly seen by
To sweeten the negotiations, Cook apparently agreed to a $1 billion investment in Didi Global, Uber’s Chinese competitor, at a critical time in the fight between the two companies for ride-hailing market shares in China. A few days later, Apple agreed to spend $275 billion in China over five years, including on what should be considered forced technology development and transfer.
According to The Information’s Wayne Ma, the deal “committed Apple to aiding roughly […]
It’s almost like some at the ABC are sympathetic to the anti-wind-farm movement?
The awakening begins. There is an opening here for the two opposite ends of the political debate to come together, and to figure out who the real enemy is — something that would transform the political landscape. Before anyone gets the urge to rub their noses in it (no matter how deserved it is) ponder how useful this is as a way to open a conversation. There are still good green tinted people out there who have no idea they are being used, or that there is a cheaper energy source that feeds plants, doesn’t chop up birds and bats, and doesn’t consume 13,000 hectares of wilderness either.
The wind farms angering renewable energy fans
Steve Nowakowski was a fan of green energy, and hired as a photographer:
Now, as he looked down, he was shocked at what he saw.
Mt Emerald Wind Farm, Queensland, ABC
“I thought, ‘Geez, there’s a lot of destruction here. They’ve transformed what was a really great, pristine area … into a really industrial area’.”
Biologists don’t like it either:
According to James Cook […]
A scandal of epic proportions
The data in the UK is some of the best in the world, but if a person has a vaccine and dies in the next two weeks, it’s classed as an “unvaccinated death”. People are not counted as fully vaccinated until 14 days after their second dose, which makes sense if we’re only looking at Covid deaths. But it doesn’t make sense when looking at other deaths. This delayed categorization leads to enigmatic effects, to say the least.
Strangely, the unvaccinated are increasingly likely to die from the week after other people in their age group get the vaccine…
The graph below of the 70-something age group in the UK, charts the non-Covid deaths — all the heart attacks, strokes, cancer and accidents. But notice how the first dose of Covid vaccines peaked in Week 5 (the grey dashed line), but the mortality of the unvaccinated (the blue line) peaks 2 weeks later? These are the non-covid deaths, so heart attacks, strokes, all kinds of things are killing the unvaccinated two weeks after the peak in vaccination for other people in their age-group.
Most 70-somethings who did get vaccinated, got their second dose […]
Pause for a moment to notice what’s going on in Austria. Next year, if Austrians decide to hold off on getting an experimental vaccine it will cost £1,000 a month or £12,000 a year. The charge even applies to children as young as 14. For a family of four with high-school age children, we’re talking about an extraordinary £50,000 a year ($100,000 Australian pa). If people can’t or won’t pay, the penalty is up to one year in prison.
People with private jets will be fine of course, it’s just a weekends worth of fuel. They’ll be able to choose their doctors, their treatment and keep their jobs, or maybe fly to Iran and get a good Australian vax instead?
As many as a third of the Austrian population is still not vaccinated. They are currently locked down while vaccinated people have been released from lockdown. In House arrest?
It’s an extraordinary, panicked, totalitarian move.
At what point do thousands of Austrians flee their homeland as political refugees seeking asylum from medical experiments?
Or perhaps that’s a feature — getting rid of those pesky independent voters?
Austrians aged 14 and over who refuse Covid vaccines will be fined £1,000 per […]
The short: Get excited but not too excited yet.
Omicron is not putting as many people in the ICU as Delta did (so far) which is very promising, but it’s still early days, and in South Africa 60% of urban adults have already had Covid so carry the best kind of protection there is. In the UK, only 20% of the population carry these antibodies. In Australia, which has some of the most extensive testing in the world, only 0.8% of the whole population has tested positive.
Omicron appears to be fiercely contagious, which may turn out to be a good thing because it will replace the Delta strain at lightning speed. The spread is just extraordinary. Up to 4,000 Britons are catching Omicron each day, about 10% of Covid cases in the UK are already Omicron, and many of those are children. Projections are that Omicron may have completely displaced Delta by New Year in the UK. But even if hospitalizations are a third as likely, it could still overwhelm hospitals.
Hospitalizations are up 80% in South Africa in the last week. But cases in the original Gauteng region have leveled off, and are already starting to fall.
I’m […]
Rafe Champion guest post
I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had. Michael Crichton
The 97% consensus on catastrophic human-induced climate warming is one of the great PR coups of all time, demonstrating the effectiveness of The Big Lie for propaganda purposes. Cook’s 2013 paper became a springboard, coming strategically before the Paris COP, for Barack Obama and John Kerry to achieve a face-saving but meaningless result at the event. It was the rejoinder to the leaked emails from East Anglia that sank the Copenhagan COP.
It became the “go to” rejoinder and the killer argument in every private discussion and public debate – “I am just following the science.” Commentators and public service advisors use it to intimidate politicians […]
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
The South Australian government has declared there will be no more “exemptions” from mandates for people who take part in clinical trials. So workers taking a locally made vaccine, called Covax-19, will have to take approved vaccines as well or get sacked. It doesn’t matter what their antibody count is, or whether it might even be risky to follow up Covax with a different vaccine. It’s not about their health, don’t you know?
Covax-19 is a traditional old fashioned protein vaccine. It’s still the old WuFlu spike, though without the furin cleavage sequence (which probably makes it safer). It’s been approved for use in Iran, and given to two million people there, remarkably with apparently no incidence of myocarditis or blood clots. Perhaps that’s the problem — it’s a threat to the current vaccines?
Since Prof Nikolai Petrovski tested Covax on himself before testing it on others, he may have to be sacked for not also getting vaccinated with an approved vaccine. He is no longer allowed to attend Flinders University or the Flinders Medical Centre, according to the ABC.
Great way to promote Australian science: Let bureaucrats decide which vaccine the Professors of vaccines […]
In October the FDA asked the judge to let them have 55 years to release all the data, but now Aaron Siri, a lawyer connected to the FOIA, reports they want to hide some of the data for 75 years.
Mere mortals could lose their jobs and their houses immediately if they won’t take the vax, but something must be pretty bad about the vaccine trial results that both the FDA and Pfizer now want to keep the data hidden until 2096.
Apparently, the FDA have 451,000 pages of information related to their decision to license the Pfizer vaccine. The FDA reviewed all this in just 108 days — which works out to the committee going through 4,176 pages a day. More, if they took weekends off.
Nothing says “Trust us” like hiding the data til 2096.
Try to imagine what circumstances would limit the FDA to 500 pages a month:
They are still using dial up. They still need to read the pages. They are afraid of being put in jail.
Apparently, the FDA or US Food and Drug Administration is not just covering up for Pfizer, but covering it for itself. The FDA is a government […]
Obviously this “black box” is not trying to record data for posterity, or they wouldn’t have shaped it into a tourist attraction or powered it with solar panels. Most likely it’s a talisman for believers and fence sitters to give reassurance after all the prophesies fail, and to normalize the cult. A kind of apotropaic magic.
Human pagan religions have long venerated stones. Think Stonehenge, Easter Island and the mustatils of northwest Arabia. The “Black Box” is just another piece of the late late Neolithic.
It will turn out to be a monument to mass hypnosis:
This Mysterious, Indestructible ‘Black Box’ Will Tell The Future What Happened to Us
Sure, but will The Future still speak macOS Mojave?
At a distant end of the Earth – hidden somewhere on the remote Australian island of Tasmania – a strange structure is about to witness and record the end of the world as we know it.
This won’t record the end of civilization if it comes, but it will symbolize the decline.
The project, called Earth’s Black Box, is a giant steel installation, soon to be filled with hard drives powered by solar panels, each […]
When will it end?
Suffering Australian farmers have had to harvest the largest total volume of agricultural produce since records began, highlighting how stupid it is to let coal plants keep releasing vital plant nutrients into the atmosphere.
Harvesting in NSW Cyron Ray Macey
Australia’s bumper crop: record agricultural production forecast to total $78bn
The Guardian
Agricultural production will be the largest total volume of commodities Australia has ever produced, with a historic gross production value of $78bn, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences is predicting.
Just one week ago on Reuters:
Weds December 1
LONDON, Dec. 1 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – As a warming planet brings higher sea levels and wilder weather – from droughts to floods – the challenge of growing food is getting tougher with less reliable harvests.
Climate Change destroys investigative journalism.
H/t Tom Nelson
10 out of 10 based on 109 ratings […]
All the vaccines are supposed to be Intra-muscular (IM), not Intravenous (IV). But a needle going into a muscle can sometimes end up in a vein. So fergoodnesssake, why aren’t we taking the 10 extra seconds to do an injection properly and reduce some of the worst side effects?
Anatomy varies. In an accidental IV injection the dose will be dropped straight into the blood supply, and within minutes will be spread throughout the body, potentially ending up in tissues like the heart, ovaries, or pancreas, where it is not designed to go. If heart cells, for example, make the virus spike and display it on their surface, it’s quite understandable if our immune systems think that look foreign, and generate a reaction. That’s myopericarditis.
Not all veins are identical
Don’t vaccinate veins. Image by Dr. Johannes Sobotta
Spread the message about “aspiration”. This used to be standard practice for most IM injections but has been dropped over the last couple of decades.
To aspirate, a nurse would put the needle in, then briefly pull back on the syringe. If the end of the needle is in a blood vessel that brief suction will pull blood into […]
Omicron is a superspreader, but so far behaving better than expected
It appears Omicron will replace Delta around the world. Not only has it rapidly replaced Delta in South Africa, there have now been three superspreader events in Norway, one of which infected 120 people, and another one in Denmark that infected 52.
Omicron is acting for all the world like the same cluster spreading Covid we know so well. And of course, it is happily shed and spread by both the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Quick, lock one of them up?
South African Covid Cases | Source: OWID
With 16,000 cases a day, and test-positivity up to 25%, there is no doubt there is a real and rampant wave of infections.
All over the world epidemiologists and doctors are watching for hospitalization statistics from South Africa. What is promising are the change in symptoms:
South Africa Fuels Omicron Hope as Hospitalizations in Check
In another encouraging sign, the Steve Biko and Tshwane District Hospital Complex in Pretoria, South Africa, said that most patients in the Covid wards didn’t require oxygen. That marks a departure from previous waves.
There are conflicting […]
Doesn’t look like the dawn of a “new energy era”
The third largest economy in the world signed up to the Glasgow circus, but is actually telling its own corporate heavyweights to get into oil and gas. The government approved a strategic energy plan on October 22 which essentially says “double oil and gas production by 2040”. (From 34.7% of domestic consumption up to 60%). This is mostly about being energy self sufficient. But they aren’t telling industry to “double your wind farms”. They’re not worried they might run out of solar panels.
It’s a kind of quiet NetOneHundred plan.
Which countries at Glasgow are the suckers reducing fossil fuels?
Japan Is Backing Oil and Gas Even After COP26 Climate Talks
By Stephen Stapczynski and Tsuyoshi Inajima, Bloomberg
Government officials have been quietly urging trading houses, refiners and utilities to slow down their move away from fossil fuels, and even encouraging new investments in oil-and-gas projects, according to people within the Japanese government and industry, who requested anonymity as the talks are private.
Japan imports 90% of its energy. This is about security:
That plan says “no compromise is acceptable to ensure energy […]
Finally, a detailed explanation of how bureaucrats are effectively deciding doctor patient decisions in hospitals throughout the US. Something that explains why hospitals are bafflingly working so hard to stop doctors using alternate protocols. Money.
There is a system of payments to hospitals that effectively punish them for using ivermectin or any other treatment outside the one permitted protocol. The amount of money involved is not disclosed but “Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.”
Hospitals must pay back these “bonus” payments if they use drugs outside the one approved protocol. Does it apply to vitamins too?
If the payments really are of this size, hospital management would be very effectively controlled, and there would be little competition, no free market, and only the illusion of choice.
The AAPS or Association of American Physicians and Surgeons started in 1943, and after 75 years, astonishingly still seems to be sticking to the original intent — speaking for doctors who want to serve patients and the freedom to do what they believe is best.
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19
By Elizabeth Lee […]
The Coalition must be thrilled. The Australia election is due in the next six months, it’s on a knife edge which the current government could easily lose, and the Opposition leader just announced that instead of the current 27% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030, they will aim for a 43% cut.
The question is whether Australian voters fall for the magical fantasy plan
As usual, Labor will “pick winners” in a competitive market and somehow make things cheaper, better and increase jobs too:
Mr Albanese said Labor’s long-awaited emissions reduction target would create jobs, cut power bills and reduce emissions.
“Electricity prices will fall from the current level by $275 for households by 2025 at the end of our first term if we are successful,” he said.
The policy would create an additional 604,000 jobs by 2030, with the majority in regional Australia, he said.
To bad that for every Green Job created, two to five real jobs are lost.
Labor is the best friend of foreign bankers
Labor plans to ramp up our secret emissions trading scheme. In a coded transmission, Labor announces that Australians will […]
Just what the world doesn’t need, another giant global bureaucracy which is a tool of President Xi.
Omicron has barely got out of the gates and the WHO are already clamoring to create a kind of nightmare IPCC version for pandemics. They’re calling it an International Pandemic Treaty as if they can make peace with inanimate rogue nucleotides.
In any case, a global unaccountable, unelected ruling body in charge of borders, lockdowns and our medical supplies sounds like the DeathStar of Bureaucracies.
As Marc Morano says, it’s a “virus version of the IPCC”:
The assembly’s decision will see the creation of an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to draft and negotiate the final convention, which would then need to be adopted by member states. … Tedros said omicron “demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics,” and called for a “legally binding” agreement.
— @WHO
The UN is bought and controlled one vote at a time by the highest bidder, or the one with the Biggest Belt and Road. And when it came to stopping the biggest pandemic in a century, the WHO helped it spread, just as President Xi might […]
Far from being the wild fringe, this was middle Australia speaking.
JP Morgan and Ubermedia traced the phones of people at the enormous rally in Melbourne on November 20 and discovered that they came from everywhere and every class.
Half the people at the rally were the richest, most educated or the average homeowner and the other half were the strugglers, the truckies and cleaners, but also the the young professionals and libertarians, and fitness junkies.
All sides of the political spectrum were in the streets. Something that ought to shake any politician in an election year.
Melbourne Protestors Not Extremists, Fringe Elements: Survey
Daniel Y. Teng, The Epoch Times
Tens of thousands of protestors who took to the streets of Melbourne in some of the largest protests so far against government-mandated COVID-19 health regulations hailed from a broad cross-section of society—including the wealthiest segment of the state—and were not extremist or fringe elements portrayed by some media outlets.
The heat map shows the origin of the protestors
Some people drove from miles away:
People came from all over Victoria. (Roy Morgan and UberMedia, data was anonymised).
As many as 30% were from the […]
China’s Long March-5B launch*
This should rattle the Wokeness Cage: Russia and China are actively testing the US defences in space on a daily basis. US assets are being harassed with lazers, radio jammers, cyber attacks and even other satellites with robotic grappling hook arms. The Russians even launched a satellite into an orbit so close to a US Security satellite that from the ground people couldn’t tell if it was being attacked, then, in something like a James Bond movie stunt, the Russian satellite launched a little target and shot it, “dangerously close”. That was in 2019. We can see now why Trump set up “Space Force”.
Last week the news came out that China’s space program was going nuclear, and the 1MW reactor would be 100 times larger than the one NASA plans to put on the moon by 2030.
Gen. David Thompson from Space Force estimates China may overtake the US in space by the end of the decade.
So by 2030 the US hopes to reduce CO2 by 50% and China hopes it will command space.
Meanwhile, China is a developing nation that doesn’t need to reduce CO2 emissions at all, and in the […]
Just like the climate debate, the crooks are the ones claiming they are “the science” even as they destroy it.
It’s a sacred shield to fend off questions they don’t want to answer.
Rand Paul claims Fauci is acting like the ‘all-high priest’ of science and it’s ‘dangerous’
The Daily Mail
‘It’s sort of a way of ending all debate because if you attack him or have any debate over any of his edicts or his mandates, you’re attacking science,’ Paul said on Tuesday.
‘But this is a very, very dangerous sort of idea. The idea that a government bureaucrat represents science and that he is now untouchable – that it is sort of like you are now contradicting the all high priest of science, if you say anything.’
Ted Cruz wants to know: did he or didn’t he fund Gain of Function research?
Sen. Ted Cruz brands Fauci ‘the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of America’
The Daily Mail
[Ted] Cruz told Sean Hannity: ‘I’ve got to say, Dr. Fauci, I think, is the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country. […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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