Climate Science goes full-bore witchcraft: Your beefsteak makes bridges fall like Tinker-Toys

By Jo Nova

The Modern West is regressing to 8th Century occult science

Today the supposed “newspaper of record” for the most powerful nation on Earth is effectively telling people that the steak they eat, the car they drive and the heater they use could cause bridges to collapse “like Tinkertoys”. But you’ll have to join the dots yourself, because they never do. No one asks the experts: How many Tofu-burgers does it take to save Brooklyn Bridge? How many bus trips will we need to save the Golden Gate?

The worlds leading journalists never ask the obvious questions. They just leave a trail of breadcrumbs: Man makes CO2, CO2 causes Spooky weather and Spooky weather eats bridges. So good people drive EV’s!

Each breadcrumb looks like bread, like it might be real, but no one sees the whole loaf and before you know it, everyone is lost in the woods, installing solar panels to save their bridges.

Two days ago the breadcrumbs said “good people go without air conditioners”.


Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say. New York Times

Things are so bad the New York Times tells us that on a 95 degree day in summer, one bridge in Manhattan got stuck open “for hours”. (The tragedy).  Another time a railway bridge in Iowa got washed away and some pavement buckled in Maine.

The truth is that US bridges are a miracle. There are, seriously, more than 600,000 bridges across the country and yet this was all the catastrophe they could find in the leading paragraph. We’re supposed to believe that we’re in a bridge crisis, and that “extreme” heat, floods and “snap weather changes” are new, and worse, and we’re causing it.

Be afraid:

“…now, extreme heat and increased flooding linked to climate change are accelerating the disintegration of the nation’s bridges, engineers say, essentially causing them to age prematurely.

The New York Times doesn’t mention the big numbers, but they do say that a quarter of the bridges in the US were built before 1960. So amazingly there are 150,000  bridges which are over 60 years old. The oldest is 327 years old. They’re trying to make out that old bridges weren’t built to cope with modern”climate change”.  But who designs bridges that can’t handle warming of a half a degree?

The last time anyone died in a bridge collapse in the US it was not climate change but because a ship ran into it.

The time before that, the footbridge that collapsed was still under construction.

People are not being killed by climate change, they’re being killed by incompetence.

The Professor was paid to find a crisis

And as I keep saying “we got what we paid for”:

“We have a bridge crisis that is specifically tied to extreme weather events,” said Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder who researches the effects of climate change on infrastructure. “These are not things that would happen under normal climate circumstances. These are not things that we’ve ever seen at this rate.”

So if Prof Chinowsky found that “climate change” had no effect at all he wouldn’t get much of a grant next year. His field is hardly likely to be starring in emergency sessions at the UN and he probably won’t get a paid ski-trip to meet Harry and Megan at Davos either. On a more mundane level the top students won’t be beating a path to his door. Even if he is a decent bloke and a breadwinner, all roads in Science World serve the government.

The real problem in this story is that one sided government funding has killed science, and the journalists are conducting a seance with the ashes.

h/t Bally

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93 comments to Climate Science goes full-bore witchcraft: Your beefsteak makes bridges fall like Tinker-Toys

  • #
    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    Everything is impermanent.
    Where once quality and longevity were sought after and paid for
    we now have a social order based on quantity and obsolescence.
    University has been subverted completely to the “Religion” of communism.
    A campus would be the last place to seek enlightenment.
    Carbon taxing and trading is the latest iteration of indulgences.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      The “latest iteration of indulgences” –

      similar to “10% for the Big Guy”? Talking of, where is Uncle Joe these dazed & confused?

      Similar to “You’ll burn in hell – or you could slip a fiver to the local high priest and all will be forgiven”?

      Anyone remember that old black & white footage of a bridge, somewhere in the USA, where the wind set off a harmonic dissonance (?) causing the bridge to warp & wobble & twist until SNAP! and down it went… Shirley that occurred long before CCC™️ was invented?


      • #
        Graeme No.3


        Yes, I remember seeing it in 1964 at Uni. Presented as a design failure.
        The 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the first bridge at this location, was a suspension bridge in the U.S. state of Washington that spanned the Tacoma Narrows strait of Puget Sound between Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula. It opened to traffic on July 1, 1940, and dramatically collapsed into Puget Sound on November 7 of the same year] The bridge’s collapse has been described as “spectacular” and in subsequent decades “has attracted the attention of engineers, physicists, and mathematicians”.[2] Throughout its short existence, it was the world’s third-longest suspension bridge by main span, behind the Golden Gate Bridge and the George Washington Bridge.
        I think there might be a video of this.


      • #
        old cocky

        Anyone remember that old black & white footage of a bridge, somewhere in the USA, where the wind set off a harmonic dissonance (?) causing the bridge to warp & wobble & twist until SNAP! and down it went

        The Tacoma Narrows bridge, also known as Galloping Gertie.

        There is a very nice analysis of the failure on Youtube


        • #

          People are your main activators of bridge collapse — bridge-building carelessness
          or corruption, bridge-bashing by vehicle or boat, bombing, especially in war, example,
          the Bridge on the River Kwai ( tho’ ’twas fiction. )


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          Thank you gentlemen, that’s the one. Nineteen-forty: can’t remember if the planet was cooling down or warming up back then. Galloping Gertie eh, and nobody died, thanks to ‘climate change’ or something.


          • #
            David A

            I am looking for the evidince that warm San Diego bridges don’t last as long a northern bridges.

            So far, no evidence.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Bridges are designed to take extreme variations in temperature, wind, ice loading etc. They do this by features such as expansion joints, materials that have high fracture toughness at low temperatures, wind tunnel testing to test for wind-induced harmonic resonances, testing and modeling for other types of resonance, foundations and pylons resistant to water erosion, extra strength to provide a safety margin for extra ice loading or other unexpected loading, adequate fatigue life of material, adequate corrosion resistance and monitoring, pylons designed to be resistant to ship collisions, etc. etc. etc..

    When bridges do collapse, on extremely rare occasions, it’s due to human error such as design error or lack of maintenance as Jo says, not “climate change”. Their design temperatures go way beyond any real or imagined climate change.

    To suggest that bridges collapse due to climate change represents extraordinary ignorance. Anyone who does say that is a propagandist, not an impartial commenter or technologist.


    • #
      Peter Fitzroy

      From the quoted article, (and refuted above “)

      “…now, extreme heat and increased flooding linked to climate change are accelerating the disintegration of the nation’s bridges, engineers say, essentially causing them to age prematurely.”
      All about design life, and the impact of climate change on that, not the click bait headline


    • #

      Earthquakes destroy more bridges than imagined climate change. The Ukrainian Defence Force isn’t doing a bad job either!


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        robert rosicka

        When they were building the dual lane freeway between Melbourne and Sydney one particular flyover bridge was a massive span of curved precast concrete that was stupidly built as a two lane bridge merging to one at either end but both lanes were one way .
        At each end of the bridge were massive rubber blocks to cushion and absorb the expansion and contraction of the span and all was good until two trucks decided to have a race up and over the other side , unfortunately obscured from their view was a single car crash that ended up with the car being pretty much blocking both lanes .
        Both trucks jammed the brakes on and moved the bridge enough to completely destroy the rubber blocks one side , they had to re-centre the bridge then find harder compound rubber blocks .
        Another example of engineering incompetence and nothing to do with the cows farting in the paddocks either side of the bridge .


    • #

      The Sydney Harbour Bridge should still be there in another 100 years, barring a Nuclear Bomb hit.


      • #
        David Maddison

        The Sydney Harbour Bridge is loaded below the fatigue load limit of the steel from which it’s made so it should be able to endure an infinite number of load cycles without metal fatigue. As long as corrosion is kept under control and other maintenance is done, it should last indefinitely, or at least until the collapse of our Civilisation.


        • #

          or at least until the collapse of our Civilisation.
          Does that imply a pending redefinition of “Civilisation” or the world actually remaining more or less peaceful on the days after 06 Nov 2024?


        • #
          John in Oz

          “or at least until the collapse of our Civilisation”

          If the current crop of climate-obsessed pollies and university ‘experts’ stay in power, the collapse is imminent

          There is hope for the bridge, though, as there will only be foot traffic once only the illuminati have access to powered transport


        • #
          Gary S

          The 1970 West Gate bridge collapse in Melbourne had nothing to do with (catastrophic, anthropogenic, planet-destroying) climate change either.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Isn’t Climate Change a threat to Democracy?
    Oh wait, I’m getting my threats mixed up.
    The Far Right?
    Seed oils?
    Not vaccinated?
    Do I go out in the Sun, or do I avoid the Sun?
    I miss the good old days when I only had to worry about Communists … wait … oh sh!+!

    I need a Threat organizer app.

    Do 15 minute cities have bridges?
    Is Bill Gates investing in bridge building?


    • #
      David Maddison

      And all those things claimed by the Left to be a “far right conspiracy theory” but turned out to be true.

      Hunter laptop.
      mRNA covid “vaccine” harm.
      Genetically engineered plandemic virus.
      Covid lockups useless and harmful.
      Efficacy of IVM and HCQ.
      Face masks useless.
      Censorship of social media.
      Epstein island.
      Biden Ukraine and China affiliations.



    • #

      You forgot Donald Trump. Well, for those that have TDS, he is a threat to democracy.


      • #

        Most politicians are a threat to democracy. It is hard enough to keep them under control in representative republics.


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      Jon Rattin

      Honk, you don’t have to worry about “Reds Under The Bed” anymore. Climate change will cause your bed base to disintegrate and collapse sooner than expected, thus squashing the Communist lurking underneath your mattress


  • #
    David Maddison

    Fundamentally the Left are trying to return us (non-Elites) to Medieval serfdom, a time before the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions and The Enlightenment.

    No meat, confined to a “15 Minute City” (i.e. village or manor in medieval times) and no mass transportation, few bridges, serfs were punished for running away (travel restrictions as were trialled during covid lockups as in the more WEF/UN compliant states like Australia), no free press, no freedom in general, no or poor education of non-Elites, Elites educated in standard witchcraft and dogma of the day, weather dependent power (water wheel or windmill), cold and/or miserable most of the time, no affordable candles for light etc..

    The Left are even practicing child sacrifice as in their transgendering of children and even sterilising themselves and not having children.

    Jo is right:

    The Modern West is regressing to 8th Century occult science


    • #
      John Connor II

      How many people could make a fire without matches or a lighter?
      Make gunpowder?
      Make a marble?
      Build a toaster?
      Make a sword?
      Build a trap?
      Catch a bird?

      Civilisation would end in record time if the power went off for a month…


      • #

        Civilisation would end in record time if the power went off for a month…

        My cynicism may be showing today.
        I think you are optimistic.
        Two weeks would be more than enough in most cities.


      • #
        Old Goat

        The most important ones: Grow or find enough food , being able to kill and cut up animals and start a fire without matches or a lighter . Most people don’t have these basic skills and think that food just “appears” in shops . Preserving food is a dying art . Without maintenance function soon stops . We live in a throwaway society and obsolescence is built in .


  • #

    Prof. Chinowsky gets an article in the NYT, that’s a very good day for some chump civil engineer teacher in CO. As to the seance part, in climate science the ashes always seem to go one way, I guess CliScis have taken over the spirit world too.


  • #

    Whilst bridges have coped with climate change what is a potential risk to bridges are EVs where the substantial extra weight will put some extra pressure on the bridge. One can imagine a future where a line of EVs and EV trucks with the extra weight of the battery could potentially cause bridges to stress and collapse.


  • #

    LOL at American infrastructure crumbling ‘prematurely’.

    Most of it was built nearly 100 years ago as part of FDR’s New Deal. You would be amazed at the number of bridges, roads, retaining walls, and public parks that bear a stamped plaque saying they were built in the 1930s. OF COURSE it is crumbling.

    It’s amazing that it has lasted as long as it has. It’s even outlasted some of the stuff built 30-40 or even 50 years later because of the quality of the materials and workmanship used back then rather than hiring the low-bid contractor who uses low-skilled labor and low-quality materials. It’s not climate change that is causes bridges to crumble and roads to buckle. It’s age (in the case of New Deal era to Eisenhower era [the highway system] infrastructure) and poor quality work or even planned obsolescence (in the case of the stuff built in the 1980s or later).


  • #

    Jo might I suggest an edit?

    one sided government funding has killed science, and the journalists are conducting a seance with the ashes

    Change to

    one sided government funding has killed science, and the journalists are bayoneting the wounded


  • #

    Of course we now live in the safest period in Human history and deaths from all extreme events have dropped by 98% and Dr Koonin, Lomborg’s team, Dr Goklany, the Co2 Coalition scientists, Eschenbach etc have told us this for decades.
    So why do they continue to lie about the data?


  • #

    In the former great state of Victoria, trains run at a reduced speed when we have a hot day (I think it is about 35C) due to tracks buckling. This was never the case before rails were welded and continuous.


    • #
      Geoff Sherrington

      The proper rail technology is in use for iron mines in the Pilbara.
      Elsewhere can copy and adopt.
      If they fail to benefit, the main cause is poorly trained engineers.
      Geoff S


    • #

      That may be the case – but as a former railway geotechnical engineer – I worked on many rail track problems including following up after derailments to find the cause (which was often track settlement). I never found one that was caused by track buckling (but of course derailment of high speed trains would be disastrous so we took it seriously) The issue with welded rail is they have to be heated to expand them before they are welded. That takes out post construction expansion and buckling on hot days. If there is a problem with that, then they havent done their job sufficiently well to remove the potential for buckling.


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    John Connor II

    As I mentioned a few times, US infrastructure is in a shocking state and would cost hundreds of billions to fix or make safe.
    There was a documentary a few years ago on it with the American Society of Civil Engineers (I think) where bridges were shown to be dangerously unsafe.
    Nothing lasts forever and spending the repair money on endless wars instead sure won’t fix things.
    10 years left USA, and you couldn’t fix everything in that time even if you wanted to.

    A couple of links, but 60 Minutes one blocked in Oz.
    ie I’ll get ’em later. 😆

    60 Minutes – America’s crumbling infrastructure:

    America in transition:

    The crumbling of America, 2009 doco:


  • #

    Here’s another graph of deaths from all natural disasters per 100,000 people since 1900.
    A huge drop and the biggest killers were droughts and floods in the early record and all deaths today are very low.


  • #

    The stupidity continues.
    It starts in Primary school. Its very hard to convince 6 and 7 yo kids that climate change is not a worry and that in the Middle East conflict Hamas is bad and Israel is not genocidal. Don’t get me started on the “stolen land” we live on!
    Perhaps the kids will listen when a little more mature?


  • #

    Simply put: there’s good money in climate story ‘journalism’.
    Who knows, there’s probably a special award for the most inane tale?

    Behind Climate Storytelling: 9 Funders You Should Know
    A spotlight on the patrons who enable journalists to dig deep into climate and environment-related stories worth telling.


  • #

    The real problem in this story is that one sided government funding has killed science, and the journalists are conducting a seance with the ashes

    Got it in one Jo, not just in the climate but across all fields of science and physics. There is now almost no private research going on in any of the big technical challenges that are facing the world and we are locked into a situation where a small group dictate and control what investigations take place in every aspect of scientific research, which means that the unfettered and alternative thinkers never get a look in and progress has subsequently stagnated.


  • #

    Yeah, sorry guys, that was my fault. I installed a new split system in my family room a couple of years ago. Occasionally I have run the split on heat when the central heating was also operating. My bad, I was a bit cold. This, no doubt, was expending enough additional kilojoules and CO2 to affect those bridges.


    • #

      You monster!
      I’m gunna report you to the kommissar of the ministry of gerbil warming!
      Oh…and also to Chris Bowen.

      What you should have done is build an open fireplace in your house.
      Cut down some trees in USA. Chop the wood into pellets. Ship those pellets over to Australia and then burn them to heat your house! That’s what the “greenies” call “eco-friendly”.😊


  • #
    John Connor II

    “Imagine if you will, a situation in which the power grid of a nation is overdue to experience a collapse of epic proportions, but remains endlessly at the brink. Every day, a collapse is more likely, yet the house of cards remains in a state of suspended animation. Some people become increasingly edgy, while others become more complacent. Only a few choose to actually prepare for what’s coming.

    “An impossible situation? No. But we’d be well-advised to recognise that it can only occur… in the Renewables Zone.”


  • #
    Angus Black

    This is how the only working social science theory (Nudge Theory) which weaponised the research of (primarily) Kannemann & Tversky is applied.

    Psy-Ops by governments and activist groups of all (Woke) sorts proliferate today. If you once get the hang of the principles, you can spot them (though it’s next to impossible to reverse them within the community)…but you’ve really got to work at it, because Nudge Theory works


  • #

    Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder

    “who researches the effects of climate change on infrastructure”

    So of course he found it. Otherwise he is out of a job.

    Climate Change is the cause. What you have to find is a profitable problem which correlates. That’s not difficult.

    I bought the book. and the opening correlation is mechanical engineering in Colorado. What a coincidence!


    • #

      What I love about this is that people have trouble understanding why I rail against NOAA graphs which break all the rules.
      This is easily the worst graph I have seen and quoted endlessly on QUORA as fact. See! Emissions and CO2 are the same thing.

      Tyler Viggen lists removing the X axis as one of the major ways to create spurious correlations

      “4. Y-axes doesn’t start at zero: I truncated the Y-axes of the graphs above. I also used a line graph, which makes the visual connection stand out more than it deserves. Note Mathematically what I showed is true, but it is intentionally misleading.
      If you click on any of the charts that abuse this, you can scroll down to see a version that starts at zero.”

      But here NOAA pull an amazing feat of rigging both zero and scale to overlap two graphs which should have the same vertical measure, Gtons. But emissions use no X axis and is in ppm, making them seem similar. The absolute difference is an amazing 100:1 in fact. Also if the proposition is that fossil fuel CO2 (aka toxic emissions) are really accumulating in the atmosphere/biosphere, what should be drawn is the sum of the emissions, the integral. But the shape would change dramatically. No, problem though. Just change the scale and move the X axis.

      This graph is still being pushed by NOAA on their web site for those trying to understand Climate Change and the connection to Carbon Dioxide. It is a travesty, not science. It’s deliberate deceit by NOAA.


      • #

        I have a senior surgeon friend. Whenever I mentioned that a research group found an amazing potential cure for something, he would say they want funding and make these announcements. It’s standard practice You have to have a pitch. This one is climate change and bridges. And amazingly he will have a research program to investigate further as it is his field of expertise. And you can correlate a ham sandwich with a banana.


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    Richard Ilfeld

    The most extreme climate, by far, is the political climate.


  • #

    Climate Science goes full-bore witchcraft:

    Like Dr Faustus these so-called scientists have sold their souls and critical thinking ability to the Father Of Lies. But for today’s sold-out scientists it is in exchange for academic power, peer adulation and access to grants.


  • #

    ‘ … the effects of climate change on infrastructure.’

    Yep its a beatup, without solid foundation, on the other hand its reasonable to say the tofu dregs in China are faulteering under the weight of corruption.


  • #

    The 2024 Dai Ato study also finds that since 1959 Human co2 emissions are irrelevant in determining changes in atmospheric co2 levels.
    But there does seem to be a strong correlation with Sea Surface Temperatures.
    A number of earlier studies are also listed at the link.
    Many references are linked at the end of the 2024 Ato study.


    • #

      Just curious, Neville, but exactly what does your comment have to do with bridge failures due to climate change?


      • #

        Lance I’m not aware of any bridge failures due to CC, but please provide a certifiable list of these failures
        and total deaths if you believe it’s a problem?
        But I suppose I’m amazed at their so called existential threat of CC and yet the numbers since 1920 or 1960 easily prove they’re wrong.


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    Climate Science is a misnomer and relegated another junk degree aboriginality, pseudo religiosity (all brands) and ice cream making!


  • #

    In the USA, bridges fail because of corrosion, mostly. Salting roadways during ice/snow conditions is normal action. Over time, this leads to severe corrosion of structure and connections. Left alone, it is a certainty that failure will occur.

    In some cases, it is construction errors. See the I-35 W bridge collapse in 2007 in Minneapolis Minnesota because the erecting contractor used undersized gusset plates during construction.

    Errors, defects in construction, corrosion, unforseeable accidents ( ship collisions, tanker truck fires, etc), are more likely a cause of bridge failure than design or climate.

    To claim otherwise is unfounded propaganda.


  • #

    That Third Avenue bridge more likely suffering from age, corrosion, neglect, wear and tear and decades of Democrat govt in NYC.


    • #

      It’s a great photo. In many trips I have never seen the Harlem river which turns Manhattan into an Island.
      I count 14 bridges over the river separating Harlem on the island of Manhattan to the Bronx on the North side.
      And four tunnels together.


      • #

        While on honeymoon in Fiji ( late 80’s) a couple of holidaying New Yorkers also told me there’s cable cars to Manhattan. I suppose I should Google it, but have always wondered if it’s true. Perhaps we should also be worried about the effects of CC on the support towers. So much to worry about.


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    I was planning to have steak tonight. Can I choose the bridge?


  • #

    I suggested that millions of people were employed directly or indirectly by Climate Change. All the government employees.
    All the engineers. The workers installing solar panels, transmission lines, windmills.
    All the council employees who are Climate Scientists/Environmentalists. And in big woke companies.
    All the university students studying a fantasy and getting jobs as Climate Scientists in the above companies.
    Like all the experts in aboriginal legends consulting with miners to determine if they are digging holes in the wrong places or
    what happened to empty land ten thousand years ago.

    People talk about Green jobs. There are millions of them. All built into your energy prices and prices of goods with CO2 taxes.

    It’s huge industry and absolutely pointless. Like monks in the middle ages. Except they were self sufficient and really looked after the sick and poor and charged nothing.
    Which is why most schools, hospitals and social services were from the Churches, even today.

    But Green is a profitable career which does no good for anyone. They just stop everything. And charge you for the service.


    • #

      And for all the estimated $1,800,000,000,000 a year spent to halt CO2 or even have an effect, here is the result

      Could someone please tell me that’s not a dead straight line, oblivious to human activity?


  • #

    This continual idiocy reminds me of 2 Timothy 3 from the Bible. These Leftists are sick…
    I think people are starting to wake up to the climate sickness but unfortunately here in Australia far too many outsource their thinking to incompetent govt idiots…

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.


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    Ireneusz Palmowski

    Zero sea surface temperature anomaly in the Nino 4 region relative to the 1981-2010 average.
    SOI values for 3 Sep, 2024
    Average SOI for last 30 days 8.08


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    Jeremy Poynton

    “experts say” is an immediate bullshit alert…


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      Ed Zuiderwijk

      Niels Bohr: “An expert is someone who has made all the mistakes in a narrow field”. Bohr didn’t mean experts don’t know, but rather experts are human and can be wrong.

      Richard Feynman is more brutal: “Doing science is entertaining the notion that the experts are wrong”.


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    Ireneusz Palmowski

    In Lodz, Poland, where I live, there is a drinking water reservoir built in the 19th century by an English engineer, called the “cathedral,” which supplied the entire industrial city with water. I honor the 19th-century great engineers.


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    >in Lodz, Poland, where I live

    Can I live there?


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    Łódź [‘wut͡ɕ]

    I knew it!


  • #

    Having worked on railways in the UK for a number of years (when jobs elsewhere in my field were in short supply) I made a point of understanding why tracks, bridges, tunnels and embankments failed. In engineering – you have to learn from failures to avoid making the same mistakes. That’s why the Tay Bridge disaster was so important. It was mainly put down to poor castings of the cast iron structural components and no allowance for the sideways pressure of a full train on the bridge during high winds in December 1879. Climate change? No – just normal weather and incompetence.
