Use the tale of the Fox Exodus to tell the world, this was not “just another election”
The crash in Fox news ratings reveals the turmoil going on among the non-Left. Even people who aren’t political junkies can understand there is something seismic about a shift this big. It’s a good opener for those conversations with people who don’t realize how the political landscape just changed. It’s a simple point that shows something fishy and deep is going on.
Old habits die hard. For twenty years, and many elections, Fox was the dominant single news site for most of conservative America. Ratings drops of a few percent shake advertisers. This was a seismic fall. Nearly half of a loyal audience switched off and went searching for something. Fox news didn’t just bore people, it actively drove them away. Right now, the Right side of the most successful democracy on Earth is hunting for a voice. That’s a lot of people looking and it started on November 4.
The number one cable channel for the last twenty years, is suddenly number three.
Fox News used to outrate both CNN and MSNBC put together. But in the last two weeks Fox […]
Someone was trying to shred ballots in Georgia, but it seems some of the evidence was left behind on the side of the shredding bin. Patrick Byrne, Founder of OverStock says the surviving ballots have been confirmed as counterfeit, along with a receipt for shipping, from China, printed in Chinese.
@PatrickByrne: To save people questions: last night in CobbCounty, Georgia (neighboring Atlanta) some shredded ballots were in the hands of law-enforcement. DHS agents shifted through. Found: Chinese shipping receipt + unshredded ballots (already confirmed counterfeit).
How much does one vote weigh? The shredding company was given 3,000 pounds of ballots to destroy.
Patrick Byrne
We don’t know yet, but if it turns out a foreign government was involved trying to sabotage an election on a massive scale, at some point surely it becomes an act of war?
Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne
Box after box of counterfeit ballots, Fulton County Georgia.
A message in tweets by Patrick Byrne:
READ AND RETWEET AS THOUGH THE LIFE OF YOUR NATION DEPENDS ON IT. WHICH IT DOES. Citizens, I am going to add to the picture with more information. I am not going to let this pass […]
Extraordinary evidence from Jovan Pulitzer
Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election. Stanford Researcher and Inventor with thousands of U.S. Patents, Jovan Pulitzer, claims, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station.
Maybe this is why they won’t let us look at the physical ballots?
Ballots were misprinted in an area more likely to have Republican voters. There are tiny changes in the calibration marks of printed ballots that would cause the machines to misread some votes.
The ballots are not the same. In a predominantly Republican area the calibration marks are misaligned.
Does the misaligning of the calibration marks mean a shocking 93% of ballots in Fulton county required adjudication?
So 93% of votes in Fulton County were cast by the adjudicators, not the voters.
Where are those logs?
An incredible 93% of votes in Fulton County had to be adjudicated — manually entered by a person. The machines kept failing.
Watch Jovan Pulitzer discuss the need for paper ballots to be examined properly and just how much data they could get if they could see the actual ballots.
h/t PeterC, Serp, […]
Pennsylvanians were so keen to vote in 2020 that 202,000 imaginary people voted as well.
Given that Joe Biden “won” by 81,000 votes, this alone turns that to a 121,000 vote loss. How is it that it’s taken nearly two months for this basic information to come out? And why was something so incompetent ever certified?
The 17 lawmakers rather scathingly said:
These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”
Obviously, the State Legislators need to be de-certifying. But where is the accountability if they don’t?
Be aware, this is not a claim that there were more votes than registered voters, because there are 9,090,962 registered voters in Pennsylvania. There was a 76.5% voter turnout in 2020 according to SURE (the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors). This is about the number of people recorded as voting on the day.
Presumably someone is working late tonight to find a computer glitch or list of voters left in the boot of their car, whereby 202,000 voters will appear any day now. It was “Just human error”. Or perhaps they can’t be bothered. They could just […]
It seems US state governors made it easy for China to spy on the election
Russell Ramsland speaks at the Georgia Election Hearing about election data being sent directly to China.
It’s looks like… there is a smart thermostat in one of the tabulation rooms in Savannah Georgia that is reporting the votes back to China. We’re going to check that out.
In 29 States your votes were going to Frankfurt Germany…
Patrick Byrne says:
I vouch for this. I have seen the photographs, the computer forensics, and the IP traces back to China. To a corporation whose name has long been linked to CP.
Georgia Tabulating Machine Sent Results to China
Perhaps people in China were getting results before people in the US were?
Simone Gao interviews Ramsland at The Thinking Conservative
Would you like a 17% swing with that tabulator?
Fully 17% of votes were decided by adjudicators in Antrim County.
Ramsland also found in the Antrim County Report (in Michigan), that an incredible 17% of all the votes went to adjudication. There was a “68% error rate”, but because there can be up to four […]
What we really need is a short video that even Democrats could watch — something that can work towards restoring the national conversation — instead of having two separate realities.
Man In America have made a mini Documentary “The Plot to Steal America”. The first 9 minutes, which Donald Trump just tweeted, is one of the best short form hooks to get the attention of the average voter and introduce them to both the dire state of the US election and also the media.
UPDATE: Video removed from Youtube (because it might educate Americans?) Copy from BitChute substituted. (If I post a Youtube, but you can find a copy on Bitchute or Rumble I will happily swap. We don’t need to feed the machine.) Thanks Kat H.
The second half of the video leaps a bit too quickly into the Communist Goals, with not enough convincing explanation to justify the ambitious narrative. Perhaps it is aimed at the patriots out there who are already on side.
As if to answer this, in their second video, Man in America talk about CCP influence, and they do spell it out.
This is the best coverage of the Chinese […]
Donald Trump’s statement for the nation
His speech today was partly a description of the finalists for the Oscars of Election Cheating. It’s a worst of the worst list. He’s crafting a narrative for the American people, paving the way for them to accept that he doesn’t just have a legal path to victory, but that he was the legitimate winner — by a landslide.
Many Americans will be blindsided if three states decertify the electors and the whole election is suddenly up for grabs. As Scott Adams would say “he’s a master persuader” — and in this speech he’s not only describing real fraud, but carving a path for Biden-voters to walk away from their choice. A face-saving exit.
In psychology, human brains like to stick with their choices. Robert Cialdini, the man who wrote “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” called it the principle of “Commitment and Consistency”. Once we have made a decision — we’ll do a lot of rationalization to keep justifying that pick — even when it makes no sense. To get peace or healing, Trump has to convince Biden voters that not only was Trump the rightful winner, but that Biden was not someone that […]
It’s just a subcommittee, but it’s the first official document from an elected body that examined the evidence of voter fraud and the six Senators find that the election in Georgia was “untrustworthy”.
The Judiciary recommend that the House in Georgia de-certify the Biden electoral college electors due to voter fraud, and because state officials failed to follow state election rules. As Steve Bannon and Rudy Guiliani describe it, if the lower House in Georgia does that, Arizona is two votes away from decertifying, Wisconsin is on the verge. Those three states control enough electoral college votes to deny Biden the 270 Electoral College votes he needs to have on January 6th. The election goes to a “Contingent Election” which Trump is almost certain to win. Bannon forecasts: if “one goes, they all go”. If one state braves up enough to decertify, others will step over the line too. “Courage is Contagious”, he says.
The November 3, 2020 General Election (the “Election”) was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy. The Subcommittee took evidence from witnesses and received affidavits sworn under oath. The Subcommittee heard evidence that proper protocols […]
It’s a miracle on Election Day!
No incumbent President has ever increased his vote and lost the election. Indeed Obama didn’t win more votes in 2012 he lost three and a half million votes, but still won reelection in 2012. Yet somehow Trump improved his vote by 20% or 11 million votes, more than any candidate in history, but still lost. These types of claims may not launch Supreme Court cases, but they fire up the Court of Public Opinion (share them around). The highly suspicious odds practically glow with gamma rays when combined with lies that trick poll watchers to leave, and democrats that count secret suitcases of ballots hidden under the tablecloth.
Trump had the best win with minorities for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960. Must be a racist.
Pollster claims that Biden’s victory defied crucial ‘metrics’ that have a ‘100% accuracy rate in predicting the winner’ and says anyone who viewed the results ‘objectively’ would conclude Trump triumphed
He told Mark Levin of Fox News that with the election results, ‘something very strange has happened because the numbers just don’t add up.’
There are a dozen or more ways to […]
Scott Morrison in Parliament. Photo, ABC: Nick Haggarty
The Coalition can now form a majority government with no need to do deals with a GetUp candidate. They may win 78 seats. While this is being hailed as a “great” win it’s nothing like Tony Abbott’s 90 seat landslide in 2013. Of the last three elections, the most skeptical PM won hugely, and the biggest believer, Turnbull, almost lost. Morrison-in-the middle, couldn’t fight hard on climate change because his party supports major and expensive action, but at least he didn’t burn off the base like Turnbull did. Luckily for him, the Labor Party had wild ambition and was doomed by overconfidence. (Thank the ABC).
Every time Labor and GetUp reminded Australia that Morrison brought a lump of coal to Parliament, they were helping Morrison.
This was a “climate change” election and Australians voted No
Even ABC commentators admit the central role of climate change and are baffled. (If only they had shown some, any, interest in the opinions of 50% of Australia?). Watch the struggle:
Election 2019: What happened to the climate change vote we heard about?
Matt MacDonald, ABC
It was supposed to be the […]
Against all the polls, the money, advertising, and the non-stop media coverage, against all expectations and the betting agencies — the Extreme Climate Fix was a flop. The Labor Plan to cut Australian emissions by 45% percent is now gone — per capita this would have been a world record sacrifice in a country already increasing their renewable energy faster than any other.
Major betting agency Sportsbet were so sure Labor would win they paid out $1.3 million on bets two days early. Someone cleaned up with a $128,000 win for a party that lost. *
They called this a climate election and the people voted “No”
Activists thought it was safe to piggy back on a “sure thing”, and they went in hard. Volunteers even wore bright orange “I’m a climate voter” T-shirts.
“This will be a climate election“: Greenpeace
Make this a climate election: GetUp
If Labor had won, they would be crowing right now about how it proved the people wanted action.
Political pollsters and bullied and badgered voters
Labor was tipped to win decisively in every poll. Even in the exit polls. So thousands of people told pollsters one thing, then they […]
Brazil, eighth largest economy in the world is unashamedly backing out of green schemes.
In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro is “dismantling” environmental agencies and missions. Brazil pulled out of hosting the 2019 U.N. climate summit, and has now canceled a United Nations climate change event that was to be held in August.
Environment Minister Ricardo Salles … said he was more interested in dealing with the problems that affect Brazilians who aren’t concerned about “climate change in Paris” or “meetings in Stockholm.”
“It’s an industry,” he said of the environmental movement. “It’s an industry of consultants, an industry of lectures, an industry of seminars.”
— Anna Jean Kaiser, Washington Post
A few days ago Bolsonaro also sacked the “militant” activist appointed by his predecessor as head of The Brazil Forum for Climate Change. I can’t think why…
[Former President] Temer appointed Alfredo Sirkis to lead the forum. Sirkis, who describes himself as a “militant environmentalist,” is a co-founder of the country’s Green Party and a former congressman, as well as a former guerilla fighter who fought against Brazil’s military dictatorship.
Sirkis told Reuters he […]
The Tally updates have just stopped for tonight, but things have shifted in the last hour. Welcome to holidayville-Australia, no one is going to count votes tomorrow. Bizarrely, they’re not even counting on Monday either — (that must be a misprint?)
Apparently we can pay double-triple-overtime for people to work til 2am on a Saturday, but then we all need two days off.
*UPDATE: The delay is probably due to waiting for postal votes to come in. Because of Australia’s preference system, preferences can’t be allocated until all the votes are in. h/t Analitik
Delcons mattered
Turnbull has taken a historic win in 2013 and converted it into a historic mash. Abbott knew what he stood for and carried a lot of people with him. Turnbull stood for nothing-much and communicated that exactly.
Everyone except Bill Shorten said Turnbull was likely to win, tracking to win, or has “won”. Andrew Bolt thought this win was likely to be so weak, so pathetic, even a minority-hobbled-government, that Turnbull should resign. But based on these newer numbers, it might be Shorten doing the minority government thing. Check it out: the magic number is 76 seats — and while 77 […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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