The kind of medicine where you’re lucky if you get a bad batch

This may explain why some unlucky people got such bad reactions.

Dr Ryan Cole points out that it normally takes years to perfect the mass production of a new class of drug products, but many people, he claims were lucky because they got a shot “of mush” — from harried car park pop-up clinics — if the vaccines weren’t kept cold enough they had probably already degraded.

Quality control was so poor, he claims, that batches weren’t mixed well, and some people got a dilute vial from the start of a batch. The fats in the vat float to the top, apparently, and the first vials are missing “the goods”. But by the end of the batch the last vials are high dose, and with debris from manufacturing, from gaskets, aluminum seals, and crushed glass.

“The more we look at it, the more we see bad manufacturing.”


If You Got the Covid Shot And Aren’t Injured, This May Be Why -Dr. Ryan Cole, MD @drcole12 #stoptheshot #StoptheShots LINK TO FULL TALK AVAILABLE HERE:

— BLNews (@B_L_News) October 27, 2022

It would be a relief to think it was just incompetent rushed quality control.

h/t […]

UK chaos: It’s almost like Fracking was the biggest threat?

By Jo Nova Just as Joe Biden cancelled Keystone on his first day, the new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak canned Fracking on Day one. He was appointed on Tuesday and the fracking ban was reinstated Wednesday. It tells us exactly what his top priorities are, and perhaps also tells us what the real unforgivable sin was that Liz Truss committed. There are a lot of vested interests that would hate to see fracking start in the UK. The horror, after all, would be if that cheap gas started to flow and people in the UK got used to it, and realized micro earthquakes were, well, nothing. How would anyone cork up those wells after the war? If a few old coal plants restart it’s no big deal, they can be shut down again. But if shale gas “was trialled” there’d be no going back.

Fracking shale gas turned the US back into an energy giant. For the last month or so, there was the stark danger that the UK might get energy independence too, but then Rishi Sunak arrived to save the day, or rather to save a few houses from theoretical seismic events so small that people would […]

Now climate change makes fossil fuels “unreliable”, the lamest excuse for grid failure, yet

By Jo Nova

Affected by high winds?

Whatever the question, the excuse is always “climate change” and the answer is always Wind and Solar.

Are you an Energy Minister? Did you stop drilling for gas, let teenage girls design your national grid, and rely on a hostile power to supply your fuel? Stupid you, but that’s OK, because if your reliable grid is failing, it’s not your fault, it’s “climate change”. See how this works? It’s not that you vandalized a highly engineered system with frivolous vanity projects but that you didn’t do enough of them.

Heatwaves are apparently wrecking coal plants now. That extra one degree outdoors makes all the difference to a turbine that runs 24 hours a day at 540 degrees C. If only we’d known? Or maybe we did. In 1962 we could build coal plants in Arizona that are still running, and gas plants (in 1959) in Yuma County where the average maximum is 45C (115F) for three months of the year.

Seems the engineers had hot weather sorted out 60 years ago.

The lamest excuse for grid failure yet

Is it gas-lighting, or just stupid?

How the climate crisis is threatening […]

Elon Musk buys Twitter “to empower citizen journalism”. No wonder the left are scared.

The deal has officially gone through in the last hours. Twitter belongs to Elon.

He’s calling himself the Chief Twit. He has 110 million followers, and he is enjoying himself.

Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 26, 2022

Meanwhile there is apoplexy in some corners of Twitter with warnings that the Nazi dogs of the Right are about to return.

But Elon says:

““A beautiful thing about Twitter is how it empowers citizen journalism – people are able to disseminate news without an establishment bias.”“

Restoring free speech on Twitter is not necessarily a given. There are plenty of political players that are afraid of uncontrollable citizen journalists and they will fight back.

But Musk at least, is clear on what he hopes to achieve:

The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence. There is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that […]

NY Supreme Court nixes vaccine mandate, orders jobs returned with back-pay

There were only 16 people involved in the lawsuit in New York, but they won this round categorically and it may set a precedent that affects thousands. The 16 sanitation workers who were sacked because they chose not to be vaccinated must be reinstated, and the Judge wants lost wages to be paid too:

The Epoch Times: Judge Strikes Down NYC Vaccine Mandate

A New York Supreme Court judge on Monday struck down New York City’s vaccine mandate, finding the rule to be unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious.

Attorney Chad LaVeglia, who announced the verdict outside the Richmond County courthouse, said the mandate was now “null and void.”

This is not over yet. The decision, applies just to these 16 workers and will be appealed:

The ruling strikes down the mandate that saw over 2,000 city workers fired for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine. LaVeglia said the ruling extends to all public workers, including the New York fire department, the police department, and the Department of Corrections. However, the city disagreed and filed an appeal, saying it is keeping the mandate in place.

Justice Ralph Porzio’s decision is here. Apparently the legal case partly […]

Unplug the fridge: UK gears up for hard cold winter and BBC secretly plans for a national blackout

by Jo Nova

Things are getting serious Mum.

Nearly half of Britons are already finding it hard to pay their energy bills. Over two million UK households are behind in their payments, and some have started unplugging fridges, hand washing their clothes and skipping meals, and it’s not even winter. The National Grid manager is so desperate they’re setting up a scheme to pay people to switch off their own electricity at peak hour, and the going rate for these precious Negawatts is £3,000 per megawatt hour.

There’s the hint of a war footing building. Thousands of shared refuges from the cold are being planned across the country, and the WarmSpaces website is setting up a directory.

Last week someone leaked that the BBC was secretly planning what to do if the UK gets a full two-day national blackout in the dead of winter. Apparently the BBC will advise people to use their car radios, or haha “battery powered receivers” (do the millennials know what they are?) to tune in the BBC. If they manage that, the BBC could then helpfully tell them, the minute after it was too late to do anything, that the blackouts may affects their […]

Climate 360 – the Debate in Perth tomorrow

Now for something very unusual: Tuesday night in Perth, Australia, there will be a climate debate. Bravo to the Philosophy and Reason group for organising it.

Click to enlarge to use the code.

The legendary David Archibald and I take on Professor Peter Newman from Curtin University – Advisor to IPCC, 2018 Premier’s (WA) Scientist of the Year, and Councillor Ian Johnson – Current City of Swan elected councillor responsible for CoS Climate Sustainability Policies.

Belmont RSL 6:30PM

To attend see Meetup Use the QR code in the image on the right. It’s a small group and a shoestring budget, but they look like pulling off something that almost never happens. Kudos to Prof Newman and Councillor Johnson for being willing to take part.

Link to promo video on Facebook

9.5 out of 10 based on 75 ratings

Blockbuster: Fingerprint genetic evidence strongly suggests Covid was bio-engineered

By Jo Nova

Why-O-Why has this taken so long?

Finally we have a preprint paper assessing SARS2 as if it might have been an engineered product from a laboratory. We now know it was very likely a lab product and we can probably even name the tools that were used to tweak it.

The virus appears to be too clean, lacking in the noise that all its wild type cousins have. Random evolution in bats and pangolins just doesn’t work like this. SARS2 has the unmistakable fingerprint pattern of a virus that not-so-coincidentally is perfectly suited to being manipulated with two of the most common laboratory enzymes available available at a biolab near you for $150. (Shop here, here, or here).

The authors stress that even though their results strongly suggest this virus was a “synthetic” virus, that doesn’t tell us whether it was intended to harm, or was released deliberately. But their results do cast a very different light on the rush to declare the wet markets were to blame, and the too-fast calls, based on no evidence, that anyone who said otherwise was a conspiracy theorist. This kind of analysis could have been done in Feb-March 2020 and […]

Volkswagen solves glue protests by supporting them — no lights, no heating, no attention

By Jo Nova

The new glue trend in protests may suddenly be over. Just like that.

As Twitchy and RedState report: Nine new protestors called “Scientist-Rebellion” turned up to the Volkswagon factory and glued themselves to the floor saying they were “on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonize the German transport sector are met.”. The normal response is to call the police and get the glue protestors arrested which gives them the attention they so desire. Instead, Volkswagon immediately decarbonized the factory — turned everything off including the heating and left the protestors there to figure out the scientific logistics of eating, drinking, and going to the toilet while glued to a cold floor.


You’ve nailed it mate. No heating, no lights. You’ve successfully decarbonised the hall that you are in. Let us know how it’s working out for you, and see if you can join the dots.

— MoltoVinos (@IncognitoMV) October 20, 2022

The list of demands from glue-geniuses is “big”

These people want to run the world but couldn’t plan their own lives 24 hours in advance:

Getting ready for first night of sleep inside the Porsche Pavillion @Autostadt to […]

China says cheap energy is more important than climate wish list

by Jo Nova

The scariest thing is that a communist dictator seems more sensible than any democratic one.

He’s a tyrant, true, but one that can add up numbers. So it has come to pass that the largest coal fired nation in the world will burn even more coal because energy security today is more important than theoretically slowing storms in 2100 AD. China makes no secret of it, but hardly anyone is even talking about it.

In other news from the CCP convention, unlike the West, China won’t blow up their coal plans until the new replacement energy is ready to use. Which is handy if the replacement turns out to be a trillion dollar lemon.

Rather soberingly, for transition-fans, China makes 80% of all the solar panels on Earth but that’s not enough to dent the growth of Chinese coal demands. If these solar panels were so cheap and effective China would ban the sale of them.

China boosts coal output as energy security trumps climate

Michael Smith, Australian Financial Review

China’s state planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, said while China would continue to invest heavily in wind and solar, annual coal […]

Alice in Vax-land: Let’s test this on 8 mice and force it on 50 million children?

By Jo Nova

None of it makes any sense — except for the money

If the CDC puts a particular vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule Big Pharma automatically is thereafter liability free “forever” for that vaccine. And that may happen in the next 24 hours. So this is a Platinum Jackpot moment for Pharmaceutical shareholders, but makes no medical sense at all. It’s the logical but absurd endpoint of a civilization run on bubble-money. If we print enough money from nothing to capture the agencies, buy off the media, and keep the politicians on a leash, we will get served a Plateful of Stupid. And so it is coming to pass…

Watch Tucker’s face as the good Doctor Makary explains the situation. I mean really, in serious straight tones we’re saying that 50 million American children will be told to take a vaccine that has only been tested on eight mice, for a disease that poses little known threat to them, with a vaccine that isn’t likely to help for long, and which has serious known side-effects, and, by the way, there’s no clinical data to assess. Big Pharma says they’ve done a study, but the data is […]

The forgotten floods of Victoria from 150 years ago… when Melbourne become “Venice”

by Jo Nova

There is extraordinary flooding across Victoria lately in the land of Droughts and Flooding Rains. The Australian ABC is telling us that “flooding in Victoria is uncommon“. But a ten second search on Trove Australia turned up the forgotten floods of 1870, just as one example, with these glorious drawings (below). Those floods 152 years ago seemed to affect many of the same places as the floods of 2022: the Murray River was a “vast inland lake” and almost the whole distance from Sandhurst to Echuca, about sixty miles, was underwater. Melbourne became an “antipodean Venice”. A rain-bomb dropped on the Keilor Plains and three feet of water fell “in minutes”. Train lines were left suspended in the air, and men, women, children, horses, cattle and sheep sadly drowned. And at Echuca, the water stayed high for two whole months, starting on Sept 9th but not peaking finally until November 7th.

Imagine what the ABC could do for Australia if it had a billion dollars and access to the internet?

Floods in Victoria — Sandhurst, from the top of Bridge Street | Click to enlarge


For the record, here’s the effect of all that […]

The real transition of the last 700 years was *to* fossil fuels

Make no mistake, the story of our lifetimes is that we got wildly lucky. It’s not just that most our economy is no longer dedicated to finding fuel (for our corporeal bodies or our machines) but that a vast share of our lives is not consumed with collecting wood or dung, rolling up hay, or gathering berries.

The graph below shows a remarkable transformation from a lifestyle where 80% of all the work done was just the daily task of finding fuel. The advent of the industrial revolution cut that effort in half, but the wild success of coal power and technology in the 1800s cut it by factor of ten. It almost appears as if coal did not just fuel the 19th Century, but created the 20th Century too. It was the great disruptor…

The real energy transition in the last 700 years

This was the economic transformation of the United Kingdom

By the 1990s the hunt for all the energy we needed was just a tiny 7% of the economy. And the most remarkable thing about that which is not shown in the graph, was that the total energy consumed had not shrunk at all, it […]

Climate Activists throw soup on Van Gogh painting to save the world

by Jo Nova

“Trust the science” has morphed into “attention-seeking children toss soup on 8o million dollar painting”. This can happen when a generation is taught that their own culture is worthless, that weather is controlled by light bulbs, and that vandalism is an achievement.

This is end stage absurdity in the climate religion. Their words don’t even make sense:

“Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of the planet and our people.” “The cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis. Fuel is unaffordable. To millions of cold hungry families, they can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup…”

Someone needs to explain supply and demand to the people at Just Stop Oil. If fuel is unaffordable the solution is more fuel. Drill for Oil baby, make civilization great again so people can heat up their soup.

I think the main message is: “don’t let anyone in wearing “Just Stop Oil t-shirts”.

Apparently the painting is covered with glass. To protect our national treasures perhaps it’s time we stopped rewarding vandals with prime time TV spots? Ten thousand farmers can protest for two months […]

The French “Citizens Climate Assembly” where 150 people pretend to be a democracy, while 65 million get sidelined

By Jo Nova It’s the Reality TV version of “Democracy”

For three years the workers of France revolted in Yellow Vest protests week after relentless week, even though the media ignored them, they kept returning. President Macron had to do something that looked like he was listening. So 150 people won the lucky dip draw to be the actors in a show pretending to be “the People’s Government of France”. Only they, apparently, thought they were doing something important. For nine months these 150 people were supposed to learn climate science and figure out what the other 65 million French citizens would have chosen had they been there. Naturally, they were marinated and baked in approved ClimateThink, and no dissenting scientists or citizens were invited.

After this intense love in, they came up with a list of policies as big as a phone book, the government picked the ones they were probably going to do anyway, and flicked the ones they weren’t and then proclaimed the citizens had spoken! In theory there was supposed to be a Referendum option at the end, but this, well, nevermind, became just another round of votes in Parliament.

The 150 were selected from […]

US Govt Corruption-fest: One third of top EPA officials also invested in companies they oversee

By Jo Nova

The Wall Street Journal — bless them — analyzed 12,000 officials at 50 federal agencies and sifted through 850,000 financial assets to uncover a seething well of graft, grift and pilfering. As the WSJ prosaically says, “The federal government doesn’t maintain a comprehensive public database of the mandatory financial disclosures of all senior executive-branch officials. So The Wall Street Journal built its own.”

There were problems everywhere but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) got the first mention on the “Six Takeaways” list of government corruption. Who would have thought that a public body holding the purse-strings to the rest of the economy, with vague ill-defined, unmeasurable long term goals would become so corrupt. More to the point, who would have thought they wouldn’t?

With so many public officials making out like bandits the point of carbon credits is not to change the weather, it’s a Bureaucrat Investment Tool. With the power to ban or gift exemptions to favoured firms, bureaucrats can insider trade their way to retirement.



Six Takeaways From WSJ’s Investigation Into the Stock Trades of Government Officials

By Michael Siconolfi, Wall Street Journal

Numerous […]

Florida Surgeon General advises men aged 18-39 NOT to take Covid vax: Twitter deletes “misinformation”

Florida Surgeon General warns of 84% increase heart attack deaths 18-39 men

Dr Joseph Ladapo (he speaks very well).

In March, Florida Health advised against giving any child a Covid vaccine. Now the Florida Surgeon General says adult men under 40 should not get mRNA vaccines against Covid because it nearly doubles their risk of a fatal heart attack in the following month. Not many men in their 20s and 30s die of a heart attack, but it’s a very big deal when they do, and this means nearly half of the deaths in that 28 day period post vaccination are a tragedy that could have been prevented.

The risk in young women was a hefty 59% higher too. With such a strong signal, and in just a 28 day period post vaccination, we have to ask, why did it take so long to pick this up? Surely someone should have put the brakes on after the first few months? As the DailyMail reports there were 20 fatalities in men and ten in women in the first month alone. The study continued on for six months, but that first month ended mid January last year and here we […]

NetZero destroys NetZero: Europe can’t make solar panels because green electricity costs too much

By Jo Nova Ironies don’t get better than this: Thanks to the renewable energy transition, Europe can’t afford to make renewable energy.

When will the message get through that renewable energy is not sustainable?

European photovoltaic plants and battery cell factors are temporarily closing or quitting altogether because of obscenely high electricity prices. When the plants were built they expected to pay €50/MWh, but now they are €300 – 400/MWh. And the situation may last another couple of years, so it’s hard to see how these manufacturers can avoid leaving permanently.

So much for all the solar jobs. Europeans are being reduced to being installers while the production of panels shifts to coal fired China because electricity is so much cheaper. Most of the wind turbine industry has already moved to China.

European solar PV manufacturing at risk from soaring power prices – Rystad By Jules Scully, PV Tech

Around 35GW of PV manufacturing projects in Europe are at risk of being mothballed as elevated power prices damage the continent’s efforts to build a solar supply chain, research from Rystad Energy suggests.

The consultancy noted that the energy-intensive nature of both solar PV and battery cell […]

After the storm, then come the EV fires…

Apparently only 0.3% of cars in Florida are currently EV’s, which is lucky, because after the Hurricane Ian a few of them are catching fire. Imagine what happens when all the cars are EV’s and firefighters need to pour on 100,000 liters of water and stick around for hours to baby sit what’s left:

Electric vehicles catching fire in Florida after Hurricane Ian

David Propper, New York Post.

Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer and state fire marshal, said on Twitter.

“There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian,” he tweeted. “As those batteries corrode, fires start.

“That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale.”

@JimmyPatronis …

At least one other twitter account North Collier Fire Rescue reports that “I’m in Naples there have been multiple fires like this in areas impacted by Ian.”

In the twitter thread people warn that that they shouldn’t be using water to put out a lithium battery fire, but there is so little that anyone can do to stop these fires, that pouring hundreds of gallons of water a minute continuously is the official […]

Stark contrasts: UK faces rolling three hour blackouts, while Norway has cheap electricity and “too many profits”

By Jo Nova

Just to recap: Energy prices are so wildly high in Europe — thanks to a quest to alter the planetary climate — that 70% of fertilizer plants have already shut down, half the aluminum and zinc smelters have closed, and glass-makers and tilers who survived both world wars may go out of business. German homes are reduced to being wood fired (if they can find the firewood). Meanwhile someone very naughty set off explosions on the Nordstream gas pipes from Russia, and since a third of all UK gas comes from an underwater pipe to Norway now suddenly people are very nervous about that. Before most of this unfolded, UK consumer confidence was at minus 44 — the lowest ebb ever recorded since 1974 when people started recording these things. Now it’s even lower (minus 49). As many as one in four people in the UK were saying they won’t heat their homes in winter. It’s the most dramatic fall in European energy since the late Middle Ages. Luckily, at least the UK and Germany both have some old coal plants they haven’t blown up.

To make things more exciting, last week, after the underwater bombs went […]