For those wondering, I decided the Open Thread heading was unnecessary. Look at “Recent Posts” top left, simpler is better…
8.8 out of 10 based on 17 ratings
For those wondering, I decided the Open Thread heading was unnecessary. Look at “Recent Posts” top left, simpler is better…
8.8 out of 10 based on 17 ratings 8.8 out of 10 based on 22 ratings by Jo Nova Bankers are just nice people A major banker, worth $2 billion, says the government needs to take land away from poorer people and build machines on it to change the weather. CEO Jamie Dimon says he “is a red-blooded, patriotic, free-enterprise and free-market capitalist” while he promotes government control of markets, land, clouds, wind and rain. ” We simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives” he complains, suddenly unhappy with the free-market, and sounding like a red-blooded communist on steroids instead. Even the Soviets didn’t try to micromanage the planet’s weather. Dimon’s annual letter to Shareholders starts with all the right catchphrases. He comes in “defense of democracy and essential freedoms, including free enterprise”, but he doesn’t seem too interested in private property rights. He’s exasperated with people who won’t consider a carbon tax to stem climate change, though he doesn’t say anything about people who have considered it and think it’s Shamenistic VooDoo. h/t To John Connor II, Climate Depot and Marc Morano Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief by Simon Foy, The Telegraph, UK The […] 8.3 out of 10 based on 12 ratings
By Jo Nova The transition is happening, it’s just not the Green one. Only one in ten Germans still believe solar and wind power can meet Germany’s energy needs. Three quarters of the people who used to be optimistic about Green energy have changed their mind. But right now, the people are ploughing the snow off the solar panels while the government is ploughing along with the plan… “The Germans have realized their government is on a suicidal ghost ride.” — AUF1 Editorial team Thanks to Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone : Germans Overwhelmingly Fed Up With Move To Green Energies As the government gears up to try to pass legislation that would force most homeowners to carry out extensive renovation to their homes and upgrades to their heating systems, the Energiewende is suddenly no longer looking like a bargain and is no longer welcome by the vast majority of Germans, according to a Forsa survey. Skeptics are the majority. Majority of Germans have doubts about a complete energy transition Die Welt, Germany Germans do not believe that the country’s energy needs can be met entirely by renewable energies. Amazing: Far […] 7.9 out of 10 based on 16 ratings By Jo Nova Man-made weather control is such unscientific witchcraft it needs professional teams of coaches to maintain the mythology. It’s not enough to pump the doctrine in the nightly news, they have to nudge them while they get a cut n’ color. We’ve now descended to the Pravda School of Hairdressing Science in order to keep the climate bubble floating above cold weather and shocking power bills. According to The Guardian customers are “embarrassed” that they don’t understand climate science, and can’t wait to have their hairdresser to explain radiative physics to them. Sorry, I mean, to sell them a solar panel or teach them how to lose money with an environmental pension fund. Sounds like a fun haircut, eh? But who has the time (or money) to train 400 hairdressers in Sydney? The Climate Council of course. Tony Thomas does a deep dive into the media machine that they are. They have an $8.3 million budget from donations, and a staff of 50, including 20 full time media professionals. As well as hairdressers the Climate Council trains firefighters, farmers, vets, surfers, football players, Aboriginal indentifiers, and of course “the media” itself. The team who are supposed to […] By Jo Nova The crime of the century “Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about this state of affairs is that most Americans don’t know it’s happening.” “…this death count in one year is 5.2 times the number of men killed in ten years of combat in Vietnam.” — John Leake Ed Dowd’s Vaccine Damage Report is finally here. It looks at excess death in the healthy working age population of the US — the 148 million Americans aged 18 – 64 who are employed. Shockingly, an estimated 300,000 people have died due to Covid vaccines, and another 1.4 million are now classed as disabled. Around the world this would translate to about 5 million deaths and 46 million with disabilities and as many as 900 million people with some injury. A Rasmussen poll just out, corroborates that something awful happened in America.* It shows 10% of people in the US say that someone in their own household died and they suspect their death was caused by the vaccines. This number was spread evenly across Democrat and Republican voters showing it is not a politically driven response but probably just a sad reflection of […] By Jo Nova Imagine we taught a generation to obey authority, question nothing, and ran one-sided prophesies of doom for their whole lifetime. Then in a mass experiment, we let loose AI Chat-bots designed to be popular, somewhat addictive, and sounding convincingly human — “to see what happened”? What could possibly go wrong? The Chat-bots appear to be trained on the same unskeptical material that vulnerable people are, which would make the bots a perfect way to amplify their fears. If only they had heard the other half of the story… One particular Belgian father of two in his thirties had used an AI Chatbot for two years, but became obsessive about global warming and the chatbot in the last six weeks. As well as a dire warning of the dangers of AI, he is, in part, another victim of the Climate Religion, and the one-sided media propaganda: Married father kills himself after talking to AI chatbot for six weeks about his climate change fears Christian Oliver, Daily Mail The man, who was in his thirties, reportedly found comfort in talking to the AI chatbot named ‘Eliza’ about his worries for the world. He […] 8.8 out of 10 based on 16 ratings 7.7 out of 10 based on 14 ratings It’s history in the making. The leading opposition candidate in the next US election is indicted. Is there any person so pure in the United States who could not be accused and indicted for something if a crooked government really wanted to do so? Even if it was beyond the statute of limitations and previous Federal prosecutors have turned it down. Donald Trump is now the first former President of the United States ever to be indicted. There is no coming back from this moment. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 31, 2023 . Is Donald Trump the main target here, or is it his supporters? Glenn Beck argues they want to provoke violence from the Right. OR we could always talk about great moments of science from Banana Republics. 9.7 out of 10 based on 107 ratings |
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