By Jo Nova
Oracle Films has a new documentary out to help fill the gaping hole that is the legacy media. While every news outlet could afford to send a full camera crew to hospitals to show the pain of Covid patients, there’s a five mile exclusion zone around the home of anyone who claim to be victims of vaccine side effects. The media won’t talk to widows and family of loved ones; won’t tell the stories of people who died within days of their second shot. They won’t show montages of athletes collapsing on the field or children who lost a parent. Indeed the BBC’s big contribution was to dob in a Facebook group with 250,000 members who were reduced to talking about their injections with carrot emoji’s in a secret code. Facebook axed them, and the BBC bragged about it. Just another great moment in Public Broadcasting.
Dr Aseem Malhotra pointed out last week that in Norway, which has good official figures, about 1 in 1000 people are getting side effects that “put them in hospital” or are described as “life changing”. While 99.9% didn’t suffer like that, it still means tens of thousands of people across the West are suffering something awful and they are invisible. Based on Norwegian estimates there may be 20,000 people in Australia, 50,000 in the UK, and perhaps 200,000 in the US. Perhaps they just visited hospital for a few days, and they’ve since recovered, or maybe it’s an ongoing hell a few describe (see from 24 minutes on in the documentary). Whatever they are going through, it’s invisible. It’s like someone is very afraid to even let one story through. What if thousands of other victims recognize a pattern and stand up to be counted?
“The figures surely demand a full investigation…”
If Youtube decides it’s too dangerous to show this documentary below, go to Oracle Films. In the meantime, spread the word, not just about the invisible victims but about the culpable media.
When will we get to see those contracts our governments signed on our behalf?
“Regulators cannot be trusted…”
People who have suffered life changing event, feel ignored, and like there is no help at all. How many suicides were related?
The mortality spikes continue on for weeks after vaccination rates peak in the UK data (see one of the Neil and Fenton graphs below). There will be many people out there who don’t even make the connection. And remember, in these graphs, the “unvaccinated” die in waves that follow peak vaccination for their age cohort.

Aseem Malhotra, (2022) Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1, Journal of Insulin Resistance, ISSN: (Online) 2519-7533, (Print) 2412-2785
Neil, and Fenton et al (2021) Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination
Norwegian Medicines Agency. (2022) Reported suspected adverse reactions to COVID19 vaccines as of 04.01.2022 [cited 2022 May]. PDF
Really important to watch this video and pass the links on to as many people as possible.
These are very brave people risking careers and livelihoods – not to mention the deliberate reputaion trashing that will follow – to bring the truth of the levels of vaccine damage to the public.
They are now talking of injecting our animals with this same mRNA vaccine that we eat…
Not good, not good at all.
Given what the vaccine has done to humans, surely it would be unethical and cruel to inject these substances into animals?
At least they can finally say they have completed animal testing on the mRNA vaccines…
this has happened in NSW already.
35 of 200 dairy cows injected died on getting the jab.
Another MANDATE.
Me, after the 1st one died they’d be pissed off my property.
So bloomen angry.
link please
This is not a link to any testing already under way it is to a NSW gov announcement of intention to fast-track mRNA development for foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease “cures” and of course there is US backing for this deal.
Here is an earlier May story on the zeal with with the NSW government wants to jump to the lead on mRNA development and use.
And here is the October 2021 cherry on top.
Just don’t mention mad
humancow disease. Enjoy your bar-b-q this weekend.100
Goodness me. Farmers are crazy for vaccines too. Maybe I will have to buy organic meat after all and suffer all the worms and poor nutrition.
— pretty please?
This is very concerning – from The Gateway Pundit.
They’re Coming for Your Food: New South Wales Government Expedites mRNA Vaccine for Foot-and-Mouth and Lumpy Skin Disease in NSW.
The partnership with Tiba Biotech, according to Agriculture Minister Dugald Saunders, provides New South Wales with an alternative strategy for creating mRNA vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease.
“It is critical that we develop mRNA vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin as quickly as possible to protect our State’s livestock sector,” Mr. Saunders said.
“mRNA vaccines are cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective and very safe,” he claimed.
Lots more including plant treatment at
And right on cue the campaign against meat intensifies in the most personal and direct way. Did you know too much meat eating can affect your performance?
According to Dr Florence Comite, an endocrinologist from Brooklyn, New York meat and ice cream does.
Wonder if the UN has enough translator jobs for all the cunninlynguists that are going to be looking for alternative employment?
I thought we already had vaccines against FnM?
What could possibly go wrong?
Well the WEF, UN and Global Elites like Gates (heavily invested in lab-grown ‘meat’) want to end Meat Eating so putting mRNA vaccines into livestock is a way to advance that agenda as cattle sicken and die.
Here is one who will not do that.
Once we tested drugs on animals to see if they were safe for humans.
Now we test drugs on humans, and then ignore the outcomes and give them to animals anyway.
This is our post-modern ‘The Science’ i suppose.
Roger, and many others……
Why are we rehashing all this yet again, since in Australia (where most of Jo’s posters live?) it is already known and accepted that the gene-jabs are killers and harm-causers on a massive scale.
Here is the Australian Govt accepting it’s liability for causing deaths galore…
The manufacturer is not liable. The Oz govt is, FFS.
Forget informing people around you that there is a fine Pommy film on the subject, and just show them that the Australian Govt is paying big bucks because of the evil it has done via the gene-jabs.
If your friends, family, workmates do not get it why not remind them that if they have been harmed by any substance or negligence the culprit pays. In this case the Oz govt is paying, is it not?
The Taxpayer pays. The Guv’ment does not make money. It just spends it like a drunken sailor.
Johnny Rotten. Govts do not necessarily use tax-payers’ money, since they can simply print their own, when they run out of that!
The important point is that govt has excused the manufacturers of the Covid19 gene-jabs, and accepts that they (the govt) bear responsibility for the killings.
BTW: If you didn’t visit the link, there is a lot more covered than “just” deaths and funerals….
“If you’re eligible, you can get money for any of the following costs:
lost earnings
out of pocket expenses
paid attendant care services
gratuitous attendant care
loss of capacity to provide domestic services
pain and suffering costs
deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs.
“lost earnings” could be millions per person in some cases, could it not?
MY- I think most posters here on this blog know about the Aust Government compensation fund. That’s not the problem. The problem is finding a doctor who will sign off on it and declare the individual’s illness is due to the COVID vaccine.
Ross. You are possibly correct, though, as I’ve pointed out several times…where I live EVERY GP was / is anti-gene-jab. Also the Qld Health testing clinic at the hospital closed after about 2 months in late 2020 due to lack of interest.
One private medical clinic closed it’s doors when it could not find doctors willing to toe the official line.
I never saw any enforcement of mask mandates nor sign-ins being enforced at supermarkets etc. The Prez of the chamber of commerce (owns two pubs) said openly that vax passports would NOT be inspected.
The local coppers stated they would NOT be checking on the then 25 kl rule (early in the scam). Etc etc…
Probably…in small places (one gun club, one pistol club, loads of farmers with multiple rifles) where coppers are part of the community,authoritarian nonsense is less likely to develop since they and their families play sport etc etc with the folk they are told to destroy!
BTW: Another reason local GPs might be more realistic is that….. unlike the city….if they kill all their patients with gene-jabs, there is no huge pool of customers to replace them from!
This sort of thing proves that, but for a very few notable exceptions, the profession of journalism, as defined by the Code of Bordeaux, no longer exists.
In 1954, the International Federation of Journalists adopted that Code (revised 1986) which had as core principles:
-Seeking and publishing the truth
-Fair hearing
These no longer apply.
Journalists are simply now instruments of Leftist-Elite propaganda.
All good and honourable principles.
Clearly, just those first three principles are massively violated by “journalists” on a daily basis and there are a total of 16.
In the documentary the point was made was that the logic was that the spike protein would be confined to the arm but then it was found to be distributed to every major organ.
By what logic was the thinking that a molecular species would somehow be confined to the point of injection?
“…somehow be confined to the point of injection?”
Realise it is a rhetorical question but for other readers – Probably because in the past that is how (true) vaccines worked and in this age of “proven science” they believed their own hype. Further proof “they” can’t think outside the box and do not investigate potential outcomes. The skill level is basically non existant.
From memory the fact that it left the arm to deposite and accumulate in ovaries, kidneys etc was exposed very early on but, as expected, gained no MSM traction.
Earl. Long ago when I finished Primary School (NSW Govt school) only 3-5% of pupils went on to selective high schools: this after 8 years being observed, tested, examined, assessed etc etc by the education apparatus.
Selective schools were / are for those thought capable maybe of critical thinking.
So…it’s always been the case that 95-97% of the population are morons, imbeciles, idiots or hopelessly-backward dopes. What’s changed is that the 3-5% who become the leaders, elites etc are now predominantly evil grifters out to exploit the 95-97%.
That is the change; it’s leftism 101!
I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t banned it yet.
On the other hand, outright banning of material that doesn’t follow the narrative isn’t the only thing they do.
They also make sure it doesn’t show up in YouTube or Goolag search engines (same company) or receives a low rank, or it doesn’t show up in “recommendations or subscribers to that channel don’t receive notifications.
The covid “vaccine” disaster is about to get worse because they are now, or are about to start, injecting Anericans with bivalent substances (which they describe as vaccines).
No doubt Australia’s TGA, Thugs and Goons Administration, will just blindly follow that advice.
And I suppose the cheap, safe, effective antivirals, HCQ and IVM, taken according to correct protocols, will remain banned (except HCQ is unmanned in Queenslandistan).
If you want to know how all this came about, read Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book about Fauci. There will then be no mystery.
*Unbanned not unmanned (unauthorised change by spell checker) and obvious typo with American.
My Non Jab was safe and effective……………….I never got the Jab(s).
O brave new world,
That has such people in’t.
Also from Shakespeare:
That would probably be the same non-jab that a lot of politicians and health officials pretended to have…
Remember the fake one on tv with the orange cap still on the syringe.
My Non Job was very real and I didn’t feel a thing.
Non Jab I mean.
“Non job” was what some people got that refused to be injected with the experimental substance.
There remains plenty of ‘double-triple-quadruple-vaxxed’ in the country, many of them nauseatingly enthusiastic crash test dummies, still in full employment with a “non job”.
They should be introduced to the critical ingredient, previously reserved for the ‘vaxx-free’, “non pay”.
We might be amazed how many rabid lockdown, mask, and vaxx zealots suddenly become ardently pro-freedom the very nanosecond they’re personally confronted with reality.
I was more fortunate being retired. I could not be coerced or bullied by the powers that be.
Posted this on Twitter the other day, lots of positive responses…
“I’m 4 times unvaccinated and eagerly awaiting my 5th unvaccination.”
1 in 1000 is probably about right, maybe less. I suspect that figure is probably evident in the early COVID vaccine efficacy trials for all 3 products. If the pharmaceutical industry can misrepresent efficacy by using Relative Rate Reduction ( RRR ) rather than Absolute Rate Reduction ( ARR) from those trials, then it would be easy for them to hide a handful of bad adverse effects. Particularly when the subjects in those original trials weren’t necessarily representative of the general population. There were maybe only a couple of adverse effects within those early trials. Hence, the pharma companies would have been confident in their ability to “massage” those stats, and the regulatory bodies (eg FDA) wouldn’t pick it up either. Athletes? Momentarily, the effect of vaccines on athletes even hit our MSM at one stage. The average “joe:jill” in the street would have commented, “…. well, if vaccines are affecting athletes wouldn’t we be hearing lots of stories”. But no, if that adverse rate is 1 in 1000, then you wouldn’t. Take Ollie Wines from Port Power (AFL). He had an adverse event probably linked to a vaccine. There’s 18 AFL teams, each with a list of around 40 players, so 720. His was the only major reaction reported from that sporting body. ( there were probably others ) So, that’s 1 in 720, which is not far off 1 in 1000.
I wouldn’t agree with a lot of Chris Hedges but this is more or less spot on:
A dark age
Spot on, with one exception: governments do not exist to preserve or advance freedom; they exist to preserve or advance law and order (as thy perceive that). In fact, they are more likely to expunge freedom, particularly since they have given themselves a monopoly on force.
Big Pharma was given “emergency use authorisation” in the US and equivalent in other countries which exempted them from liability for their knowingly defective product.
HOWEVER, as a general principle of common law, fraudulent misrepresentation will invalidate any contract.
Arguably, the agreement between government and Big Pharma to exempt them from liability was based on fraudulent claims by Big Pharma that to the best of their knowledge the vaccines were safe, when clearly that was untrue from the beginning.
Therefore, it it were possible to find a wise and moral judge, they might invalidate the exemption provided.
David, I read somewhere – I think it was related to the unfair dismissal case of ( I think) Brooke Edwards from Pfizer- that Pfizer dismissed claims related to the dangers related to their vaccine on the grounds that the government knew the trial results!
Yes technically liability is based their fraudulent claims but the government clearly knew about it and still went ahead with vaccination. Is big pharma still liable?
I refused the Covid shots. As a result I was locked out of the office for around 6 months and left without human contact for months on end.
I finally caught Covid 3 weeks ago. I felt bad for one day and coughed at about 30 minute intervals for a few days. This from a 60yo asthmatic.
Was the trade off worth it from a social/mental health aspect? I’m not sure. From a health perspective – absolutely. The damage the bureaucrats have done is immense and will take years to properly assess. It will only come with the next generation who will be able to look back with disinterest and marvel at the stupidity of the years folllowing, say, 2015. Covid, climate change and transgendeism will be seen (hopefully) for the foolishness they are.
My experience of the CoV-2 infection was in August. Infected on Monday, PCR positive on the following Sunday with no symptoms, a slight temperature on the following Wednesday. No cough, no headache, no sore throat. Only a feeling of dryer-than-normal upper airways and altered voice later that week. No obvious post-infection syndrome.
My reaction to the second Astrazeneca vax last year was very different. Recurring serious heart irregularities, muscle pain in legs, arms and lower back and other problems which gradually subsided over 9 months.
Thanks Jo, great to see this.
As I have noted before, my uncle was killed by the booster, after having had a severe adverse reaction to his first shot. My wife and I told him not to take the booster and that it was crystal clear that there was no point, and he risked more severe consequences. But his doctor and our govts (I found numerous letters from the govt urging him to get his booster) killed him by advocating a treatment which does nothing at all except harm people.
My mother in law ended up in hospital within hours of her first and only jab. She has gone downhill with clots and issues ever since. The surgeon removed a huge clot from her leg within weeks of that shot. Yet people still say she must be mistaken and she is very angry people will not take her seriously.
The past 2.5 years have been hell for a very large number, I believe its well above 1 in 1000, whose lives have been ruined by these ineffective and dangerous treatments. In past times 60 Minutes and investigatative journalists would have been all over this sort of thing, but no, somebody somewhere is telling them to either leave it alone, or ridicule those impacted. And, of course, the journalistic idiots are now just parrots for govt propaganda on covid, and now on “climate change”.
Until we have honesty from govt, our medical authorities and the media we are dead. Jordan Peterson recently posted that a hallmark of totalitarian govts is that everybody lies, continuously. And as Jo points out here and continuously on climate, we just have outright lies being pushed daily. We no longer have a free country and until the liars are held to account the situation will worsen.
The Morrison govt gave tv networks tax free status at the start of the scamdemic. Instead of investigating the faux vaxx and banning of cheap safe drugs like IVM, ch9 made advertisements featuring transexuals screeching ‘vaxx up Australia’…say no more.
As the journalist also got their respective number of shots, with or without side effects, they will not admit that they were idiots and write about. But they could have had knowledge in advance when carefully reading / listening both sides of the debate.
Some of them – eg Nick Cater, Adam Creighton, & James Allan are now all agreeing that the vaccine mandates were wrong.
Recently released VSAFE data under a court order is showing 7.7% were hospitalised in the US
That’s out of 10m vaccinated reporting to VSafe
I have only watched a part of the video however I have already forwarded it on to many others. Very disturbing stuff to say the least.
I don’t know a million people but I do know two people who suffered for months from heart issues. 1 in 1000 seems too low. Even 1 in 100 is low enough for politicians to ignore it. They are not going to loose an election over it – after all they were just keeping people safe, so a few dead people to keep other people safe is absolutely fine. If you are killing white young males all the better.
Attacked below is an interesting video by Dr. Aseem Malhotra that summaries the evidence of widespread institutional failure and a recommendation for immediate action.
Start at 40 minutes.
Press Conference: Dr. Aseem Malhotra discusses, New Peer-Reviewed Papers which provide evidence to support a recommendation for the Immediate and “Complete end to RNA Covid vaccination”
The first 40 minutes is an interesting review and summary of the take-over and control of the journals, universities, and the researchers by the Pharmaceutical industry.
The new bivalent which produces Wuhan-1 spikes in patients, has only been tested on eight mice. There is blood marker evidence before and after RNA vaccination, that the Wuhan-1 spikes created by vaccination cause heart damage and complex long-lasting immune system damage. Omicron is roughly as dangerous as the flu for most people, as the Omicron virus spike has 32 mutations which makes it less dangerous than the first release Wuhan-1.
Clinical trial was done on 8 mice: 4 died (but they were not very healthy to begin with), 1 escaped and was eaten by a cat, 2 survived, and 1 mouse now identifies as a rat. Good enough! The vaccine is safe and effective! Let’s triple-jab 7 billion humans with it!
—anonymous pharma executive.
And now there are plans to use mRNA ‘vaccines’ on farm animals. So, for the first time, a new drug was tested on humans before being rolled out to animals.
Sounds about right, for this brave new world.. that is.
“When will we get to see those contracts our governments signed on our behalf?’
I’m sure everything will be released in due course, at the appropriate moment, when conditions permit, in the fullness of time.
Something like this:
Hacker: How am I going to explain the missing documents to the Mail?
Sir Humphrey: Well, this is what we normally do in circumstances like these.
[passes Hacker a memo]
Hacker: “This file contains the complete set of papers, except for a number of secret documents, a few others which are part of still active files, some correspondence lost in the floods of 1967…” Was 1967 a particularly bad winter?
Sir Humphrey: No, a marvellous winter. We lost no end of embarrassing files.
Hacker: “…Some records which went astray in the move to London and others when the War Office was incorporated in the Ministry of Defence, and the normal withdrawal of papers whose publication could give grounds for an action for libel or breach of confidence or cause embarrassment to friendly governments”. That’s pretty comprehensive. How many does that normally leave for them to look at?
[Humphrey shrugs]
Hacker: How many does it actually leave? About a hundred?… Fifty?… Ten?… Five?… Four?… Three?… Two?… One?… Zero?
Sir Humphrey: Yes, Minister.
Any study been done on hurricanes and vaccine survival? President Joe said the most important thing to do with the coming Hurricane was to get vaccinated, so I assume this is based on hard scientific evidence.
It would help for sure….. I think.
I know NOBODY who was made seriously ill by Covid, let alone killed. That’s hundreds of people.
Two of my relatives back in blighty suffered seizures post-vaccination, one of whom was subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour. The other still doesn’t know what happened (no imaging or tests performed) but both lost their driving license.
Another relative died from a suddenly appearing and previously undiagnosed cancer post-vaccination.
Most of my vaccinated relatives have had multiple bouts of Covid, the worst of which was like ‘flu.
Just two people in my family – Mrs Wife and I – are unvaccinated and neither of us has had Covid since a possible infection back in 2019.
I felt pretty yucky for about 10 days.. and living in the bush, I felt rather insecure.
But I’m still here. 🙂
Not vaccinated, and have no intention of doing so.
Of all the folks I know, the only ones to have had problems were the quad vaccinated.
Same here – my daughter, her husband and three sons have all had four shots and all have had Covid. My wife and I (before I knew the facts) have had three and no Covid ….. yet.
I got covid. I had already been taking quercetin, vitamin D, zinc etc.. When I tested positive I also started taking 24mg IVM from a compounding pharmacy. I had a supply from when doctors were allowed to prescribe it. I was a little bit sick for 2 days with a saw throat and some sniffles but not sick enough to stop any activities at home as in Australia you were or are legally required to stay at home if you test positive. I was certainly not sick enough to be confined to bed.
I know where I got it. Others who were at that function got quite sick and were confined to bed for a week or so, but they weren’t sick enough to go to hospital. They weren’t taking D, zinc, quercertin or IVM either. They were all triply vaxxed.
(For oversees readers, Ivermectin is banned in Australia for covid treatment or prophylaxis although there was a brief period when you could legally get it. Now people get it from overseas and hope it is not intercepted by the storm troopers at the border or they use veterinary IVM.)
For those wanting to use veterinary IVM, remember to adjust the dose. You are not a 300kg+ horse.
I got some IVM from OS, and weird thing was it had been opened by the storm troopers, and they still let it through.
Still haven’t had it. I plan on staying under the radar and out of the way for another 2 years when I expect it will be very weak, endemic but less common. My rough plan from day one really. Going good so far.
Several months ago I commented on a previous post of Jo’s. My comment was about how I developed an aggressive oesophageal cancer. The symptoms starting in October 2021 and I was diagnosed in April 2022. I am a non smoker, drink alcohol very occasionally and younger than most who develop this cancer. In other words well outside the normal risk factors. Last week I went for surgery but it was stopped as the surgeon saw that the cancer had spread (metastatic). The spread is not on the usual lymphatic system or blood stream but at a molecule level. While we can have the correlation, causation argument I had no known health issues and was at the low risk for oesophageal cancer. However, I had Pfizer jab in March of 2021. So with in 6 months I was beginning to develop an adenocarcinoma tumour in my oesophagus. I have read reports on over active spike proteins and immune inhibitors. More importantly there has been a recorded spike in oesophageal cancer in the US. Overall I have read enough information to suggest that there are reasonable grounds to investigate a link between the vaccines and oesophageal and other cancers. I doubt however, that health officials or doctors in Australia Will be willing to stick their necks out to investigate for fear of being de-registered and governments won’t want to know the answer for fear of massive compensation claims. Corporate journalist will remain compromised by their advertising funding etc and won’t bite the hand that feeds it. In the end deaths like mine will go unspoken of for decades until it is too late to interfere with aforementioned money train.
I wish you the very best Matt and pray for your recovery.
Best wishes for the future.
Terrible news MattM, very best wishes and hope you are comfortable.
MattM. What can I say. Wow. You are right to be suspicious. There are molecular mechanisms for that path. Though of course, it may have happened anyway, or been there in a proto state.
Are they giving you any immunotherapy options? There are also a lot of ways that slow progression, things that slow cancer cell growth, that you can do (if you want). Let me know if you have an interest.
Likewise, I’m praying for a good outcome for you.
Hi Jo, thanks for your thoughts and for the thoughts from other responders. At this stage the oncologist has indicted that there are no current treatments and as one of the most experienced oncologist in the country, I have no doubt he has been thorough. So unfortunately I will have to live the best I can for the time I have. I will keep researching from my end but otherwise I can only hope for a new therapy to come along.
Matt – best wishes for recovery…. May be worth reading and doing some digging on the anti-cancer effects of off-the-shelf (and cheap) compounds given that your oncologist can’t recommend any official cures. Ivermectin also seems to restrict the rate of cell replacement (not a good thing) whilst inhibiting cancer growth, but at this point if it was me I’d be thinking “what’s to lose” and trying other routes. With the ability of IVM to bind to the spike protein, and thus take it out of circulation, it might also help to reverse the effects of the jab, but that’s somewhat of a long shot. Maybe also worth making sure your vitamin levels are on the high side of normal, to give your immune system the ammunition to remove the cancer cells, since that it one of its normal functions and it seems we all produce cancerous cells and the problem comes when the immune system doesn’t remove them fast enough. Jo has covered the Vitamin D links before.
And of course Jo, I am interested in anything that can help to slow the progress. Let me say that it is frustrating that when I ask about links to the vaccine that doctors go quiet. I don’t blame them as individuals. The narrative is being managed well above them. I will write to my local member expressing my concerns and putting them on record. However, I doubt that either state or federal will give any valid response. Political courage is a thing of the past.
Good Luck MattM.
Australia… Just when you thought Covid was over… new legislation introduced in WA allows “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facilities, and force vaccinate against their will…
That’s awful, Matt. You have my sympathies.
There are two possible examples of post-vaccination cancer in my extended family, one a ‘pre-cancerous’ brain tumour (glioma) and the other a bowel cancer that somehow spread through the whole of my poor mother-in-law’s body in a matter of months, it seems. Neither were/have been investigated as far as I know. A third family member had a seizure or blackout, plus some sudden cognitive issues, post vaccination, but again not investigated in any way. My brother has also been diagnosed with diabetes post-vaccination, which isn’t remarkable or rare of course, but again he was fine up until vaccination and boosters.
My family is very small and this sudden spate of inexplicable illness scares the cr4p out of me, not for myself but for my adult kids and grandkids, all vaccinated bar one who I hope will escape it due to being only weeks old.
Good luck mate.
Sincere well wishes to you Matt.
Matt I think you might be interested in reading about Joe Tippens.
This information is censored by the BBC,s Trusted News Initiative. The Queen and Prince Philip were vaccinated by a household doctor at Windsor Castle on Saturday 9th January 2021. The Queen said. “Well once you’ve had the vaccine, you have a feeling of, you know, you’re protected”. On 16 February 2021, Philip was admitted to King Edward VII’s Hospital as a “precautionary measure” after feeling unwell. On 23 February, it was confirmed by Buckingham Palace that Philip was “responding to treatment” for an infection. On 1 March 2021, Philip was transferred by ambulance to St Bartholomew’s Hospital to continue treatment for an infection, and additionally to undergo “testing and observation” relating to a pre-existing heart condition. He underwent a successful procedure for his heart condition on 3 March 2021, and was transferred back to King Edward VII’s Hospital on 5 March 2021. He was discharged on 16 March and returned to Windsor Castle. The Queen and Prince Philip were then vaccinated for a second time with the Pfizer shot on Wednesday 31st March 2021. Prince Philip then deteriorated and died on Friday 9th April 2021 at Windsor Castle. His death was within those notorious 14 days after a jab. The third jab was thought to have been administered to the Queen and Royal Family in November of 2021. Edward Jenner type Vaccines give you “Life Long” protection, so you did not need a second jab or third jab etc, doubling and tripling profits for Big Pharma. As The Queen said. “Once you’ve had the vaccine, you have a feeling of, you know, you’re protected”. But then there were fears for her health when she caught Covid, testing positive on Sunday February 20 2022. The Queen said the virus left her “very tired and exhausted”. A bruise on her hand in her last ever photograph indicated a blood circulation disorder that can sometimes result in heart failure. The Queen died on Thursday 8th September 2022.
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