Blockbuster Review papers like this are very useful to pass on to your doctor or officials. And until all patients get some synopsis of this or equivalent, there is no informed consent.
As Dr Aseem Malhotra says: “It’s perhaps the most important work of my career so far…”
The great thing is that he is speaking at medical conferences in the UK, and senior doctors are astonished. There is hope that things may yet improve after the worst medical experiment in history.
The figures that hit the hardest are that for the young, thousands of people need to be vaccinated to save one life, yet in the UK 1 in 120 people suffer from something defined as more than mild effects, and in Norway 1 in 1,000 end up in hospital or with “life changing” effects.
Dr Malhotra was the cardiac specialist I wrote about in November last year, who put forward the first very convincing case I had seen that not only were cardiac inflammatory risk factors doubled after vaccination (Gundry et al) which might double the risk of heart attacks, but that reports and images of cardiac damage and an increase in heart attacks in the UK were being actively suppressed for fear that the researchers would lose grant money if they published them.
Yet he had started off supporting the mRNA vaccines. In January 2021 he was one of the first to get the Pfizer vaccine in the UK, and was interviewed on Good Morning Britain to promote the vaccine. It was only after his father died unexpected from a heart attack in July 2021, with inexplicable levels of blockages, that he started to change his mind. Despite being a cardiac specialist, and he could not explain his fathers death. It didn’t fit the risk patterns he knew. It would take him months of investigation to “slowly and reluctantly” conclude the vaccines were “far from being safe and effective”. His father, by the way, was Dr Kailash Chand OBE, 73, and former deputy chair of the British Medical Association (BMA). He was very fit and healthy until his sudden death in the months following his second Pfizer dose.
This week Dr Malhotra has published a full review of the known risks and benefits, and the numbers are damning. Even in people in their 80s, as many as 230 people people need to be vaccinated to prevent one death — and that was with the Delta variant during 2021, when vaccines were more useful and before the Omicron variant arose to escape them. For people in their fifties, at least 2,600 of the cohort would have to vaccinated to save one life. For those in their twenties, at least 93,000 would need an injection to save one. In 2022 with Omicron, all these numbers would be much higher.
And this of course is not to count the risks, just the benefits.
But the harms, the harms!
Ambulances were called out 20% more than normal for cardiac arrests after the vaccination program started. Something bad was going on.
It is instructive to note that according to ambulance service data, in 2021 (the year of the vaccine roll-out), there were approximately an extra 20,000 (~20% increase) out-of-hospital cardiac arrest calls compared to 2019, and approximately 14,000 more than in 2020. Data obtained under Freedom of Information laws from one of the largest ambulance trusts in England suggest that there was no increase from November 2020 to March 2021, and thereafter the rise has been seen disproportionately in the young. This is a huge signal that surely needs investigating with some urgency.
There was a 25% increase in heart problems in 16 – 39 year olds — linked to the vaccine, not to Covid:
Similarly, a recent paper in Nature revealed a 25% increase in both acute coronary syndrome and cardiac arrest calls in the 16- to 39-year-old age groups significantly associated with administration with the first and second doses of the mRNA vaccines but no association with COVID-19 infection.
Myocarditis may not be fatal very often, but it leaves some permanent heart damage and we don’t know what this will mean 40 or 50 years in the future. Reports of myocarditis ranged from 1 in 6000 in Israel to 1 in 2700 in a Hong Kong study in teenage boys. Clearly far more teenagers were harmed rather than saved:
Although vaccine-induced myocarditis is not often fatal in young adults, MRI scans reveal that, of the ones admitted to hospital, approximately 80% have some degree of myocardial damage. It is like suffering a small heart attack and sustaining some – likely permanent – heart muscle injury. It is uncertain how this will play out in the longer-term, including if, and to what degree, it will increase the risk of poor quality of life or potentially more serious heart rhythm disturbances in the future.
In the UK reports of side effects suggest as many as 1 in 120 people suffered an effect that was more than mild. This was 30 times higher than side effects reported for the MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) vaccine. In Norway, perhaps the most shocking of all, as many as 1 in 1,000 people suffered severe effects — things that were bad enough to put them in hospital, or things that were “life changing”.
In the United Kingdom, since the vaccine roll-out there have been almost 500 000 adverse event reports recorded (via the Yellow Card system) in association with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations involving over 150 000 individuals. In terms of the number of reports per person (i.e. having received at least one dose), the MHRA figures show around 1 in 120 suffering a likely adverse event that is beyond mild. [Yellowcard, UK Gov] However, the MHRA are unclear about the rate and furthermore do not separate out the serious adverse events. Nevertheless, this level of reporting is unprecedented in the modern medical era and equals the total number of reports received in the first 40 years of the Yellow Card reporting system (for all medicines – not just vaccines) up to 2020.33 In comparison, for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, the number of reports per person vaccinated was around 1 in 4000, more than thirty times less frequent than the 1 in 120 Yellow Card reports for COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Norway does separate out the reported serious adverse reactions and has shown a rate of approximately 1 in 1000 after two doses of BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA product that result in hospitalisation or are life changing. [Norwegian Medicines Agency].
In the US 24,000 people are known to have died, and one third of those were within just 48 hours of vaccination.
As with the UK’s system, the level of reports – including serious ones – associated with COVID-19 vaccines is completely unprecedented. For example, over 24000 deaths have now been recorded in VAERS as of 02 March 2022; 29% of these occurred within 48 h of injection, and half within two weeks. The average reporting rate prior to 2020 was less than 300 deaths per annum.
But how many died four to 12 weeks later, or longer, and were not reported or not even considered to be associated with a vaccination risk? Estimates of under-reporting suggest in the UK that only 10% of adverse effects are officially logged, and in the US it may only be 1%.
Injecting a pathogenic spike…
Dr Malhotra notes that the spike is produced for at least four months, spreads widely through the body but was not an inert protein at all. It was the source of the damage to the vascular system and lungs that Covid caused.
For the COVID-19 vaccines, spike protein has been shown to be produced continuously (and in unpredictable amounts) for at least four months after vaccination and is distributed throughout the body after intramuscular injection. For the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines, the spike protein was chosen, possibly because it enables cell entry. However, this protein is not inert, but rather it is the source of much of the pathology associated with severe COVID-19, including endothelial damage, clotting abnormalities and lung damage.
The bottom line is that during a seemingly deadly pandemic, we should have seen some benefit overall from mass vaccination yet we don’t:
It would be surprising – to say the least – if during an apparently deadly pandemic, an effective vaccine could not clearly and unequivocally be shown to reduce all-cause mortality.
All cause mortality is one of the hottest clues in the world of medical research world, because it captures effects we weren’t looking for. Dr Malhotra quotes the Neil and Fenton study on all cause mortality that I described last December. It’s the spooky and very well done study that suggested the unvaccinated are increasingly likely to die in the weeks after other people in their age group get the vaccine. It was a kind of lightning rod effect that was an artifact of calling people “unvaccinated” for two weeks after their vaccine dose. (Notably that two week period is when half of those deaths due to vaccination occurred in the US VAERS database.)

Strangely, the unvaccinated are increasing more likely to die in the week after the first dose peaks in their age group.
Dr Malhotra is also talking about the dark influence of Big Pharma and the desperate need to redesign the entire medical system (more on that another day).
Word is getting out. Inexcusably, unforgivably, slowly.
Aseem Malhotra, (2022) Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1, Journal of Insulin Resistance, ISSN: (Online) 2519-7533, (Print) 2412-2785
Gundry, Steven (2021) Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning. 8 Nov 2021 Circulation. 2021;144:A1071. ONLY a Preprint ABSTRACT.
Norwegian Medicines Agency. (2022) Reported suspected adverse reactions to COVID19 vaccines as of 04.01.2022 [cited 2022 May]. PDF
UK Government: Coronavirus vaccine – Weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting [homepage on the Internet]. GOV.UK. [cited 2022 Jun 5]. Available from: UK Gov
Neil, and Fenton et al (2021) Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination
Covid-19 vaccine and syringe against Biontech and Pfizer logos by Marco Verch under Creative Commons 2.0
and the Vaccine Spike from GisAID
Thanks, Jo. Great article – to the point and with lovely links. The chart at the end is particularly good.
Happy to be Pure Blood and will continue to stick with my 2+ years on antivirals – Understand the pressures put on others to be vaxxed due to losing jobs – pressure from my own Family was intense and non-stop, as was towards the end, pressure from the Hospital System..
I am lucky enough to be retired and no job pressure, and having read widely, was going to go with Novavax, but when it came out, decided I had survived 90 trips to Hospital over the 2 years and just continue with antivirals – in 3 generation household of Wife, Youngest Daughter, Son-in-law, Grandkids 7/8/9 – 5/8/10 years all vaxxed, only one not to have had Covid
Same here OldOzzie. I remain ‘UnJabbed’ and will continue to remain ‘UnJabbed’ for as long as I live.
I to have refused. Their mandates, their apartheid and their lies.
I have now rejoined the workforce FIFO, the company dropped their mandates (though their ads state vaxxination required), I have caught 6 flights before the dropping of the mask mandate and refused (politely) to join the flock, no one questioned me and one agreed with my stance stating they were all over it.
I am to my knowledge the only unvaxxed on site, there is a continual stream of vaxxed going down with the Coof, though I travel in the same transport, I appear to be immune. We also started losing workers to gastro, but not I, same food, same transport, same crib room.
Somethings not right is going on.
I was lucky that my main client never put in place vaxx mandates. I only know that the Plant Manager and I were unvaxxed and we both said we would leave if they bought them in. I heard rumours there were other senior managers who said the same, and believe that is why they held off.
I never masked, being the only one on site (over 300 people) and after initial pressure I showed them my exemption and they left me alone. They all knew my stance on masks and vaxxing, although I did not go out of my way. If they asked I would tell them the truth (which is what we see here, and which I and other purebloods have known since day one) about these horrific treatments. I was gratified that they did repeal masking for certain tasks after I showed them its impact on concentration and suggested that they had a duty of care to prevent forklift accidents from the masked. But despite strong support from the Safety Manager their other sites, despite acknowledging the real issues I highlighted, waffled about not wanting to cause “political issues”. So – politics counts more than peoples lives…
There are still sites for other companies I cannot visit. And another pureblood friend has been applying for jobs in finance and Commbank and others ridiculously still have senseless and dangerous mandates in place.
Until somebody apologises to us and the others who correctly called the shocking nature of of the past 2.5 years from day 1, Australia is at risk of a repeat, with even more catastrophic damage.
Sorry won’t cut it for me, I lost 2.5 years of my life.
The company knows any mandates and I will walk. (other then site safety requirements)
I will never forget and I will never forgive.
Tell your mate to tuff it out, truth will win eventually.
Same at my work, im the only unvaxxed one left after one was sacked, one retired early and one caved in to the relentless pressure from his family. I too am the only one who has not had covid, whilst some of the ‘fully vaxxed’ superspreaders have had it twice. Sick leave is 10x higher than normal levels. Definitely something not right going on.
Yep, some of the sick are on their third round, this year.
Not one has clicked, this was the reason they got vaxxinated. Strange days indeed!
Unjabbed here, too.
Self-employed, so it is easier for me than some
My objection started with the level of encouraged public panic, when we started to learn that it was nowhere near as bad as we’d been led to believe. It hardened when they persisted in the fear-mongering and started demonising anyone who was reluctant. Compliance is never an appropriate response to bullies.
Gave a senior volo position in the RFS the flick. They are letting old, fat and diabetic volunteers on trucks, but banning perfectly fit , non-symptomatic and naturally-immune younger folk.
“Safety” is a pretence. It’s all about political correctness.
I’m still going to fires. With my own equipment and on my own initiative, like my Grandfather did.
Does the doctor have any opinions on the use of Ivermectin?
Remaining “Fully Unvaccinated”, despite the tremendous government, media and peer pressure, has been the best health decision of my life.
That definition of unvaxed for two weeks after receiving the dose always raised my suspicions.
You may have been unvaxed but you were certainly injected and any adverse reaction should have recorded as such
Injected vs Non-injected
…..another backdoor for pharma (and their politicians) to waltz through.
It would be interesting to see that data re-analysed to remove that subterfuge of excluding the deaths of people within two weeks of injection.
I have always been suspicious about those 2 weeks; Pharma are very good at statistics especially using them to hide data. They hid the early deaths in their trials so one can only draw the conclusion that it was deliberately done to skew the data, just like there was an international drive not to do autopsies on deaths after a vaccine so that their claims of not vaccine-related would stand up.
This may explain in some way the anomaly seen in the NSW vax status figures.
Week after week the stats are the same. More doses means more chances of hospitalisation, ICU and death.
No vaccine people do not go to hospital, nor ICU, yet the the unvaccinated have a moderately high death rate! Do they drop dead for no apparent reason? Perhaps these people have had an injection but are not counted as vaccinated.
NSW Health were running with a ‘No effective dose’ statistic at one stage. From memory, for 21 days after your last ‘clot shot’ you were considered un-vaccinated. They are now so tied up in knots trying to spin the data in the manner most helpful to saving what may in their opinion be stupid people from the pandemic, they do not know whether they are Arthur or Martha. In my opinion any comparison of the published figures over any time scale would be meaningless.
The dying-but-not-in-hospital is deeply suspicious.
The typical Covid casualty dies a week to ten days after hospital admission, not suddenly at home.
Yes… and then, how many of those hospitalized did NOT die of intubation or remdesivir poisoning?
The two week period is allowing for the fact that your immune system is not primed yet – you are still effectively unvaxed wrt response to the actual virus. It has nothing to do with your status with regards to reporting of side affects.
Exactly. For the purposes of efficacy the two week delay is legitimate. For the purposes of side effects and deaths it is deceptive, lacks any justification, and designed to mislead.
What say you oh defender of fraud and deception?
That is false though. From the moment you are injected side affects are reported – they even keep you under observation in the first 15 minutes or so. Efficacy in the first two weeks is not linked to the report period exactly as I wrote above.
Yes….. so miscategorising deaths after the jab as “unjabbed” is obviously designed to hide side-effects.
I personally know medical staff who have found it difficult or completely impossible to get patients showing obvious symptoms known to be typical of vaccine-reactions, recorded as possible vax side-effects.
Another slow learner. Surgeons do not have much experience dealing with dodgy pharmaceutical companies, nor do they know much about vaccinations and immunology.
“Esteem” Malhotra is NOT a cardiac surgeon- he is an interventional cardiologist. He debunked the Cholesterol Diet-Heart hypothesis. Pity it took his father’s death to notice the danger of the carrots.
[I will amend. Thanks. – Jo]
We are justified in saying that our governments over-reacted and released totalitarian tendencies. The restrictions on movement, the useless mask mandates, the OTT fines and the OTT police brutality should never be repeated.
They in turn relied upon and hid behind The Health Advice, which proved to be erroneous.
There has been a cost in poor outcomes and in budget bottom lines, and not least in businesses driven out of business, possibly ruining lives in the process.
Now we have Chalmers the work experience treasurer bleating daily that the Labor government was handed a debt!
‘should never be repeated’
The sequel is called ‘The climate. The climate. How dare you.’
Do not overlook that it was the senate, not Abbott, that owned that debt.
If only:
1) We had a news media that did their job and were not mere propaganda agents for Big Pharma, Government and the Elites.
2) A medical profession who actually did their job and examined the data. There was no secret about the harm the “vaccines” were doing. Despite censorship, the truth could be found on this blog and elsewhere. Admittedly, those few members of the medical profession that actually did do their job were threatened with deregistration.
3) There were allowed to be proper trials of drugs like HCQ and IVM which were not designed to fail and were administered according to proper published protocols.
4) People had freedom of choice in medical decisions, not compulsory injection as in Australia. They should have has a choice of injection, IVM/HCQ or nothing as per their choice.
5) The medical bureaucracy did their job.
6) Finally, because Australian lockups were far more severe, more heavily fined and more brutally repressed than in most other countries, the economic, social and other harm done in Australia was far more severe than in other countries. Including personal tragedies. Just last night I spoke to a fellow who was not allowed to leave Australia, besides making six or seven applications, to see his dying mother in California. Cruel, mindless thugs in the bureaucracy prevented him despite him being injected and not having covid.
No finger of blame for social media or politicians?
Here’s a more general list:
1. if only there were more heroes;
2. if only there were fewer villains.
Which seems a fine idea; problem being that one man’s goodie is another’s baddie.
I included both social media (which I referred to as social(ist)) media and politicians were included as part of Government.
Correction, I said those things elsewhere but they should definitely be included in the above.
Gallagher’s response to Malcolm Roberts questions re IVM in the Senate shows how totally ignorant politicians are of reality.
2)” A medical profession who actually did their job ”
Our medical profession demonstrated rare heroism in this pandemic. It was their bureaucracy that failed everybody, and must be called to account.
In many cases, no.
Once they were threatened with deregistration and/or loss of employment if they showed any signs of “discouraging” people from being vaccinated, the majority just shut up.
I know heroic people.
People who have lost their jobs.
People who have demanded that life-threatening vaccine-reactions actually be recorded as vaccine reactions
David – What you are seeing is the inevitable result of Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy. Our institutions are now run exclusively by and for bureaucrats and not for any public benefit. We need to get them all scrapped and re-started under people with the knowledge understanding and motivation to work for the benefit of other people. And then do the same again from time to time as the bureaucracy will in time reassert itself.
Jacinta Ardern, Klaus cutout, would not like this article She would censor it.
Because Ardern is the single source of truth as she explains:
And is a loyal and faithful student of Herr Schwabb (like Australia’s former “Health” Minister Greg Hunt):
And a communist:
And a lot of other things that if typed would get me banned from this discussion forever……However, I trust most here will know what I am alluding to….
This doctor should be awarded the medical version of the VC. Don’t see too many admitting you were wrong.
Alternatively, he should be in gaol. He promoted a novel therapy without an understanding of that field and without long term safety data. He is too late to the party and is now just trying to cover his arse. His own father probably died from it in July 2021 and only now does he speak up.
It is a shame it took his father’s death to open his eyes. What a price to pay.
How many more are still pushing vaccination, knowing there are risks, but have not had such a personal impact to change their mind?
You guys do realize that it is these dictatorial types that pushed these things in the first place? Why let them off the hook?
If you are having trouble understanding how dangerous and ineffective “vaccines” were approved while known safe and inexpensive anti-virals were banned or highly restricted, especially in the more extreme Nanny States and UN-following countries such as Australia, I highly recommend Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book about Fauci. All will be revealed. Nothing will surprise you after reading that.
I was surprised in international news how many fit young athletes died suddenly of heart attacks. It was common news a the height of the craze.
I suspect that possibly our highest profile death may have been Shane Warne. While not young, the extreme dieting may have contributed as it does to high performance athletes with a strict weight limit, jockeys and boxers and more.
And how many knock on immune problems, like developing asthma. The idea that you should keep your immune system permanently on high alert with endless innoculations and continuously high levels of antibodies has surely going to produce auto immune problems?
And innoculating children makes no sense for what was almost exclusively an older person’s disease. Older people needed to hide, which is easy to say unless you have grandchildren.
The other thing we have learned is that herd immunity is rubbish, a retrospective flawed explanation for the end of the Spanish Flu. As with this flu, it was the long awaited benign variant which ended both epidemics but it gets no press so historians make up stuff which seem plausible to them. And by benign, I only mean less deadly.
I would prefer not to drag a recent deceased’s name into this without approval from their family. That’s difficult I know, when other parties have no such ethic. Does the existing register or registers allow us to see how soon deaths occur after vaccination?
And Dr Malhothra is a cardiac surgeon. I believe he has seen people die from cardiac arrest with perfectly healthy hearts. Footballers, wrestlers, performance athletes. I remember all the strange reports in the international press. He would have seen it first hand. And how many other doctors, trainers, physiotherapists have seen the same thing?
It means compulsory innoculations were killing people who were nearly invulnerable to heart attack. And it makes Novak Djockovic a hero for his principled stand, a public stand which cost him millions. And he had already had the virus six months before he was not allowed to play at Flushing Meadows? I know a young Russian couple who survived the virus but they had to get inoculations to get certificates to enter other countries. Proof that you have had the real thing is not enough, you still have to have the inoculation. Why? That is scientific nonsense and dangerous. Why can’t you get a certificate for surviving the real virus?
And in the US they are dramatically weakening US military, intent on compulsorily discharging tens of thousands of experienced soldiers, sailors, airforce, support people for refusing to have the innoculation. Super fit young people. And even Joe Biden says the ‘Pandemic is over’. Is this also part of President Xi’s master plan?
Who is ordering this and why? Even the President says it is unnecessary. So who is actually running the White House? Big Pharma or the CCP or both?
A good question to which I do not have a good answer as yet. Not Joe Biden for sure.
Even Sundance does not seem to know.
Susan Rice, the Obamas, the Clintons, senior people within theDOJ and the CIA have all been mentioned.
“And in the US they are dramatically weakening US military, intent on compulsorily discharging tens of thousands of experienced soldiers, sailors, airforce, support people for refusing to have the innoculation. Super fit young people. And even Joe Biden says the ‘Pandemic is over’. Is this also part of President Xi’s master plan?”
Part of the master plan to bring on WW3 and defeat Russia, Russia, Russia (/s)
Shane Warne’s symptoms and signs suggested he suffered a pulmonary embolus. Not a diet problem. He had a nonsensical autopsy result “Congenital causes” from the Thai pathologist. I am 90% certain he was a victim of the “Clot shot”.
“the extreme dieting may have contributed as it does to high performance athletes with a strict weight limit, jockeys and boxers and more.”
I thought the latest was that we live longer if we eat a lot less.. I wonder if the fit young footballers dying from heart attacks actually had the same condition as the overweight blobs I see wearing their pyjamas to the supermarket . The Americans have a terrible diet and are massively overweight as a nation, and certainly a lot died there.
Fortunate this fellow is not in California.
He would be facing revocation of his medical license for spreading misinformation.
If something can’t be questioned, then it’s not science, it’s dogma.
All negative information about covid “vaccines” and other information about real or possibly effective treatments was and continues to be censored either by the social(ist) media, legacy media, social pressures or officially by government or their effective agents such as the Australian Medical Association (which like most institutions was long ago taken over by the Left).
If something was based in science there would be no need for censorship would there?
The main benefit of “all causes mortality” statistics is that they are objective. All the other figures you can get are massaged through subjective and propaganda filters.
It’s hard to believe they keep publishing these figures, to be honest, as they absolutely give the lie to the whole VOVID response catastrophe.
You’d have thought these guys would have learnt from the Climate Cultists…the absolute first thing you do when lying to the people is to massage or hide the raw data and “official” models…
We can hope they’re more objective than the how objective would you like them temperature records.
Even if they are recorded without a finger on the scales, I’ve noticed the UK ONS associates death stats with time of registration, not time of death. You get backlogs and rushes around public holidays, not due to people dying, but because of the slow churn of bureaucracy. I haven’t checked on the Aussie stats, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we copied the Brits on the basis of best practice.
Currently being interviewed on GBNews Dan Wooten show, will find a link tomorrow if no one else has posted.
He has suggested a deliberate PR campaign from big pharma trying to blame Covid infection for the heart problems, I noticed the BBC pushing that line recently.
Along those lines, is it the covid virus or the vax responsible for the increased incidence of Alzheimer’s by 69% after infection? (Bearing in mind that the vax does not prevent infection.)
It is known that the spike protein floating around on it’s own ( as produced by the mRNA jab ) can pass through the blood/brain barrier . The harm * done by both the virus and the jabs seems to be all done by the spike protein so deliberately flooding people’s bodies with this obvious pathogen is a real act of bastardry . Would be interesting to know if the complete virus can pass through the blood brain barrier . The study mentioned by Dr John doesn’t separate jabbed from unjabbed . Given that most people who are testing positive to the virus these days are jabbed , I would be pointing the bone at the mRNA jab as that floods the body , including the brain , with unattached spike protein .
The PR campaigns from Big Pharma and their mates in the media and public health officials have so far been mostly the opposite to the truth .
* There seems to be a component in the mRNA jab that does damage to the innate immune system separate from the harm done by the spike protein .
They can’t win. The heart problems result from an unsafe vaccine or an ineffective vaccine, or possibly both.
If only people had been able to access hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin . That way they would not have been exposed to the spike protein from either the jab or the virus . Those of us that toughed it out and avoided the jab and didn’t get the virus either ( I used what supplements were available : Vitamins D + K , Quercetin , zinc ) now seem to be the lucky ones . So no spike protein here !
See #34 for GBNews interview.
Dr. Peter McCullough was warning about heart inflammation, I found this one.
It’s dated Dec 2021 so could be Dr Malhotra was just ahead of him. They are both cardiac specialists and Dr. McCullough got sidelined by the mainstream press, as most people do if they say the wrong thing … no matter hoe many fancy credentials they have, and Dr. McCullough has heaps.
People were starting to notice athlete “sudden death” syndrome around that time, which has continued into 2022.
We were constantly told by the “fact” checkers, which are little more than propagandists “nothing to see here” even though it was obvious what was and is happening.
Google “fact checkers athlete sudden death” without quote marks to see the extensive propaganda effort that has been put into suppressing this information.
And so he was Tel. We all owe Peter McCullough much gratitude.
So nice to someone change their mind when the ‘facts’ are now facts.
Reminds of that famous quote – “When the facts change. I change my mind. What do you do?”
My daughter was forced against her will to have the covid shots. She opted for Novavax. She used to have low blood pressure now she has hypertension and is scared to do any exercise exceeding a brisk walk.
Am I angry? well, God help the next person who tells me it’s “safe and effective”
And Novavax was thought to be the better of them.
In mid 2021 I was hopeful that Novavax might prove a viable alternative to the existing vaxx. This has not proved to be the case, and I am thankful to all those who warned that anything that used the spike protein, even if deactivated, should be avoided.
This is titled “The Eastern Rosella” maybe to keep it beneath the YT radar.
It is an Australian review by the AMS on the Covid misinformation fed to us by Government
The Australian Medical Professionals Society is a conservative oriented pro-medicine society for medical professionals. It was established for medical professionals sick of the woke Leftist, pro-covid-narrative and anti-science orientation of the AMA. It has 17,000 members.
I commend this new organisation, formed by medical professionals who have been alarmed at the manner in which standard procedure has been ignored by governments (supported by medical bureaucrats) in the cause of a so-called Covid “medical emergency”. The members (and particularly the founders) of this organisation stand out in their profession as men and women of integrity.
I fear for my adult kids, both vaccinated along with my ex daughter-in-law and granddaughter, and new daughter in law plus second granddaughter born a few weeks ago, who will likely be vaccinated too. I am powerless though, because my son’s new wife comes from a family of medics and pharmacists, all of whom took the vaccine. Alongside that supposedly superior medical knowledge, my reservations count for nothing and my unvaccinated status is looked upon as extreme.
I can only hope that the waning fear of Covid will continue and my youngest granddaughter consequently spared. Meanwhile, I will continue to worry.
I saw commentary on the analysis on some of the earlier COVID vaccine trials via social media. Way back in mid to late 2020. One commentator continually stressed the absurdity of the high reported efficacy rates. Those efficacy rates reported were based on Relative Rate Reduction (RRR) calculations from the trials. It’s a totally non representative way of expressing efficacy. Absolute Rate Reduction (ARR) should always be used. Across the 3 vaccines at the time tested the ARR was only about 1 %. Dr Aseem Malhotra brings this point up, again in some media. The fact that we had the medical profession, politicians and the media regurgitate this nonsense about efficacy (based on RRR) was just incredible.
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Left are in meltdown about Giorgia Meloni’s win and can’t stop saying the word “fascist”.
But fascism is an ideology of the Left, not the Right.
The philosopher of fascism (and its derivative National Socialism) was Giovani Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist.
(Pronounced Gent-il-ee.)
The first part of Mussolini’s book “La dottrina del fascismo” was actually ghostwritten by Gentile.
No wonder the Left have written Gentile out of history.
The Left would actually be happy if the new PM of Italy was indeed a fascist. It is a far Left ideology, after all.
It is totally inadequate to describe politics in terms of Left and Right, a one-dimensional line can only show who controls the means of production, which is the difference between them. We need to adopt the triangle picture, where the apex above the middle of the line represents the freedom of the people from Govt interference in their lives.
Then you can have the tyrannies of Communist and Fascism on the bottom line to the left and right, and anarchy at the top. Put all your political parties within that triangle and you will see how they have changed over the last 100years.
Fantastic summary Jo. Good work.
As the damning evidence of vaxx damage relentlessly mounts and the rage builds, shrewd vaxx pushers will be planning their exit strategy.
They will likely use the excuse “we were using the best available advice or information”.
But that will be a lie.
From the very beginning people were suspicious of the “vaccines” and warned about their dangers.
Plus treatments such as HCQ were banned even BEFORE vaccines were available. Even if it turned out to be ineffective (not that it was when used according to published protocols) at worst, it was known to be safe.
Existing treatments had to be banned to enable the untested Covid vaccines to be approved under Emergency Use Authorization.
No EUA, no Covid vaxes. Big Pharma would be US$100 billion poorer.
If pushed to do it, there WILL be inquiries and investigations into the whole fiasco. But of course those investigations will be a sham, stacked with paid-off ‘experts’ and using fake research performed by fake scientists. They will consequently find that nobody did anything wrong, except of course for Donald Trump, who is guilty of everything.
Now move along like nice, obedient little sheeple.
Oh and of course, “Look over there! It’s something scary!”
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Reprise)
Is there a forum where victims of coronavirus vaccines, and those who think they are, can share information? Nine months into my adverse reaction to the Moderna mRNA vaccine, with symptoms still ongoing and after visits to multiple doctors and specialists, I am no nearer to a full diagnosis or treatment. I have a specialist test booked next month but there’s no guarantee that it will find anything (the specialist told me “I have never seen anything like this before”). Being able to discuss details with others could be very helpful. I have put my event on the Australian TGA database.
Various fora online, often on Telegram. My wife follows several.
Of interest, I have now seen ~120 patients in my field of medicine (musculoskeletal) with severe inflammation of joints, tendons or muscles following Covid “vaccinations”.
While not life threatening, these events are life-changing, and seem to continue long term. I am unable to predict whether these symptoms will ease over time.
I have been quietly informing patients of my concerns for the past year or so, and always felt the “science” behind the jabs to be highly suspicious, even prior to the roll out commencing.
An interesting form of torture is a young father who decided to have a tear in a shoulder tendon repaired. He has been in pain for the three months since the operation. There is some thought he may have an infection and he has been treated with various levels of antibiotics. His symptoms are not easing with time and he has the sleepless nights associated with shoulder injuries.
I have seen or heard of too many of the post operative horrors of knee and hip surgeries of recent times. Is this just associated with the aging of the group seeking these operations?
FLCC in the US ( as well as Dr Pierre Kory) have now implemented post COVID vaccine adverse reaction treatments. One is I-RECOVER. based largely around IVM but uses other methods like intermittent fasting. The basic idea is to try rid the body of spike protein, which may be leading to inflammation.
It is amazing that it requires either a personal adverse experience ( or close relative) for some in the medical profession to actually speak up. Robert Malone has been a great commentator on all things COVID, but especially the mRNA vaccines. Mainly, because he had a role in their initial discovery decades ago. But it was only after taking the Moderna vaccine and having a terrible adverse effect did he start to raise opposition to their use. It makes you wonder – if he hadn’t had that adverse effect, would he still be one of the silent? Same for Dr Aseem Malhotra.
And Dr. Robert Malone successfully looked after his Father with anti virals. Or so I am led to believe.
Here’s a YT presentation:
I wonder how long before YouTube censor it?
Red flags.
1. No journal editor would let through the use of the word “real”. That’s a fexatious claim and suggests a lack of review.
2. Published in a pop up journal which has nothing to do with the title of the journal.
Argument from authority. Yawn.
Well, the paper is crappy too but since my responses here are 2 days after they were written it hardly seems that anyone cares anyway.
Gee! Eh?
He’ll meet with an ‘accident’, you watch.
Trudeau encourages Canadians to get the “new formulations” of vaccines that will “keep us even safer.”
“That’ll mean that we won’t need to take further steps, hopefully.”
You vill take ze new improved s&e vax or ve vill take more of ze steps to save you…
I’ll tell you – WE, the people of this world, will be the ones “taking steps” to end your reign of terror, just like Italy now is with many to follow, rather quickly too I suspect.
Doctors and experts would do well to abandon the Covid/vaxx ship before it becomes the Mary Celeste…
I hope with all my heart that citizens can indeed vote themselves out of this mess, but I worry that we won’t be allowed to do so, thus simply bottling up the anger till it bursts, especially in America, Canada, New Zealand, etc.
As the old saying goes: You can vote your way into socialism, but you will have to shoot your way out of it.
The word ” Trudeau ” needs to be expunged from the Canadian political vocabulary.
Well rumour hath it that his trust fund is heavily invested in the Canadian manufacturer of one of the components – IIRC
In 2022, there were 75,593 deaths that occurred by 31 May and were registered by 31 July, which is 10,757 (16.6%) more than the historical average.
In May there were 16,124 deaths, 1,922 (13.5%) above the historical average.
Deaths due to COVID-19 increased in May when compared with March and April (see article).
Are they really due to covid or did these people merely die WITH covid? Big difference dying BECAUSE of vs dying WITH.
Jo two of my friends have recently developed Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis. Both have been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines and had two boosters. The younger of the two is on good terms with her specialists who told her there is a link between the two disorders and the vaccines but they’re not supposed to talk about it.
I’ve long pondered why China avoided mRNA and Viral Vector vaccines in favour of traditional technology inactivated vaccine. You see my wife is Chinese and we were both waiting for traditional inactivated vaccine to become available in Australia.
I’ve had two Astra Zeneca shots with two Pfizer boosters. With more and more adverse findings I will not be going back for another shot.
I think we’ve been had. Here is but one of many related articles in medical journals.
“Our patient received the second vaccine dose ”
She had balls going back for another shot after the first one nearly killed her!
KP – I recently met a woman at a social occasion who confessed that she had been seriously ill after the first vaccination. But I was absolutely stunned when she added that she went back for the second jab. Go figure.
I have spoken to a doctor in Perth who told me six months ago that he personally knew a specialist who suffered heart problems after the vaccines and “is still not the same”. But the specialist was told not to tell anyone, or mention that it was connected to the vaccines.
The pressure on the medical fraternity is extreme.
My doc had a patient almost die after getting their first shot at a mass vaxx centre. He was flabbergasted that they went back for the second. The fear campaign was pretty strong i guess. People at my wifes govt organisation literally think they will die if they dont get booster shots as soon as they are deemed eligible by the ever changing rules.
Is there any work done on how to rehabilitate the immune system? Undo some of the damage ?
We have never been in more need of critical thinking than in medical matters today. This blog has examined the false narrative propagated by Big Pharma and the medical professions (including distinguished publications) in relation to the experimental and unproven genetic Covid “vaccines” .
But dubious claims have been made for many years in relation to heart health, cholesterol, and statins. Currently, there are many studies by credible medical practitioners and researchers that question the safety of statins and the claims made about the role of cholesterol in heart health. We are perfectly correct in doubting many of the claims put forward by the manufacturers of incredibly profitable drugs when reputable medical experts differ in opinions.
He changed his mind after reviewing the data? What’s wrong with this man?
You are supposed to deny or ignore the data and stick to the party line.
This then makes him dangerous to the status quo. I expect he will be ostracised and ignored by his colleagues.
I would be interested to know how many commenters on this site actually voted for the tawdry ex-lawyer turned infantile political leader after his relentless “Strong and Safe” campaign during the last state election. Not sure many would own up to doing so…. Personally, I’d like to see [an investigation against] him and others for the damage he wrought with his vax mandates but I fear I’ll be waiting a long time…
GBNews see 1:47:15 onwards.
I had the Chinese flu in February 2020, long before it became fashionable, and it was absolutely horrid! It hit me like a freight train on heat! Came out of no where one Tuesday after a run, laid me up in bed where I had to have my first day off work sick in well over two decades..which then turned in to my first week off work in nearly 3 decades.
The symptoms were quite horrid, alternative between fever and freezing and no taste and smell and feeling like manbola, manfluenza and manflu had all been rolled in to one super illness BUUUUUUT just as it had come on suddenly it was also gone within a coupe of weeks and I was back to running within 3 weeks. That in itself was odd because after a case of manflu it generally takes me a good 5 to 6 weeks to be back up and running.
The other odd thing is that for something so incredibly contagious no one around me caught the chinese flu from me…bearing in mind bodily fluids were being swapped in some cases 😉
The wife and child also had the chinese flu a bit later in 2021 but again, they were the only ones to suffer from it in the family (as they didnt spread it to anyone else). In fact since I had the chinese flu in 2020 I haven’t had a cold or the flu since…nor caught the chinese flu from the wife and child either.
[…] by Jo Nova […]
[…] found a link to this paper on Joanne Nova’s blog. The Paper was written by Dr. Aseem Malhorta. Dr. Malhorta is a cardiac specialist from […]
Speech by Senator Rennick today on COVID, vaccines, excess deaths etc:;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansards%2F26174%2F0072;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansards%2F26174%2F0000%22
TWINdemic, anyone? New in the world according to bbc lunchtime news. their correspondent reckons it’ll be a winter of Covid + Influenza aka twindemic. In others words, they haven’t a fairking idea of what you will have – but you’re gonna be very ill: so you better get the jab. and then come to Glasgow next year ( or maybe Liverpool) to deliver or receive another punch injection of the innoculant to us in the name of Ukraine ( Hm, …. UK Rain ….. cannae make that one up, but it’s all up in the air at the moment )