A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dang! Nothing.I feel like stirring the pot with.
Sitting in hospital, visiting my brother.
You can’t say that. That’s outrageous. There you go, pot stirred.
It probably makes me a Facist, too…. 😀
Not in my eyes. Good day.
Early warning – 1981
Well they nailed that!
Here in Adelaide BoM’s 5:00am forecast was all about rain. In fact there wasn’t much; but there was enough wind to cause damage and power blackouts throughout the city. The BoM noticed that and amended the forecast at 2:02pm – about 6 hours late. But ask them about climate in 2082, no worries.
I think that’s what’s called a “nowcast”!
Following up on Chad’s Monday unthreaded question on the ACT’s electricity consumption, and their “100% renewables” claim – this is how they managed it.
The ACT Govt had contracted supply from a number of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) suppliers from 2014. They have been accumulating these Large Generation Certificates (LGC’s) since that time up until about 2019/2020 – it appears that they do not have to be surrendered annually.
Here is how the ACT accounted for its 100% renewable claim for 2020/21, figures taken from this report with my breakup of the LGC’s:
Total Electricity supplied……………………….2,967 GWh
The above was offset by:
ACT’s share of the LRET Scheme………………..540 GWh
ACT Rooftop Solar………………………….……228 GWh
ACT share of Snowy Hydro……………………….90 GWh
2020/21 LGC’s generated contracted suppliers..1,871 GWh
LGC’s from their stash……………………………238 GWh
So the accountants say that the figures prove that the ACT generation is from 100% renewable sources, never mind that they relied on the big grid with 60-70% fossil-fueled power to supply the power when they actually used it.
Rowjay ,..
Presumeably that. “ Total electricity supplied 2967 MWh” is from some grid monitoring data ?
If so, ACTs Roof Top solar of 228 MWh (guesstimated presumeably?) ,.cannot be used as part of the total supplied, as it doesnt form part of the utility supply.
“ Creative accounting”…?.
Hello Chad – the grid feed into the ACT is metered, and somewhere about 2.8 GWh. The additional that they have reported in their 2.967 GWh comes from non-domestic solar, like a commercial building with panels on top. Not sure of the exact numbers.
Someone reading this blog may be able to answer another query I have with the numbers – specifically ACT’s share of the LRET Scheme. Are they double-dipping by claiming LGC’s from LRET Scheme registered generators?
Sorry Rowjay, i think you have confused me there ?
….”2.967 comes from non domestic solar” ??
..did you mean the 288 MWh was from those “commercial roof top “ solar systems ?
Hello Chad:
Metred at the ACT border from the SE grid = about 2,800 MWh
ACT Govt reports 2,967 MWh used, so about 167 MWh generated within ACT borders, most likely from solar on commercial buildings that have a special feed-in tariff
Rooftop solar on domestic buildings might be a guess by the Govt to make up the remainder of the reported 228 GWh
All Hell Breaks Loose After Musk Posts “Russia-Ukraine Peace” Twitter Poll
Blue-check mark gatekeepers, journalists, bots, pundits and even government officials are out in force, angrily reacting to Elon Musk’s Monday tweet which merely explored the possibilities for peaceful resolution in Ukraine.
Musk offered a Ukraine-Russia peace proposal, and encouraged his followers to vote on whether they think it’s a good idea or not, proposing a “redo” of referendums for the four annexed regions of eastern Ukraine which Vladimir Putin declared part of the Russian Federation last week. It would also be conditioned on Ukraine remaining neutral vis-a-vis future NATO membership.
The fact that @elonmusk could be attacked as “pro-Russian” merely for suggesting a possible peace deal — even though he gave Starlink to the Ukrainian war effort — shows how warped and intolerant the public conversation has become.
As I’m sure most people now know, and this shows, this is just rabid warmongering by the loony left.
This is NOT pro-Russia or Putin. People who think otherwise should know better.
It’s anti war, anti corruption, lies and corruption by the west.
Intel shows that the USA is behind the pipeline attacks to further their war drive.
Martin A just said that this is a declaration of war against Russia and China.
Our own sycophant brainless politicians will drag us into it too by funding the US’s proxy war. Yet another example of why they shouldn’t be in office.
By all means help the Ukrainian people by donations to recognised international charities but NOT by funding Zelensky or supporting the US’s slush fund or supplying REAL weapons of war.
This is about to go hot and the basement dwelling loony lefties advocating war will invariably be nowhere near the front lines.
Quite possibly the UK (with some 2 dozen nuclear targets) will be an initial victim of a limited nuclear strike.
Germany, with their looming cold winter and already increasing gas usage is going to be a definite must-watch too…
Hey Ivan…
1.How about you POST that “intell”.
2. The Ukrainians decided to fight before they were offered any military aid, and it’s bloody arrogant to claim that the nation that voted to leave the Russian Empire, and that elected an anti-Russian President with a 70% majority, should just let a foreign aggressor just roll over them. It’s equally bloody arrogant to claim that they cannot think for themselves and decide what THEY consider worth fighting for.
3. Putin knows that if he goes nuclear, he will lose his entire Black Sea Fleet , all his military assets in Ukraine – including Crimea – and much of his military infrastructure….. and that will be a conventional response, while Nuclear is still held in reserve.
4. Attacking London brings a full NATO response under Article 5 of that treaty. Putin’s military cannot cope with a small opponent, that was badly underprepared. There is no reasonable scenario in which Russia comes out of this level of conflict with it’s military, industry, or infrastructure intact. It is two-faced in the extreme to claim at one moment that Putin is a rational actor, and at another that he will lead Russia in a national suicide-pact.
If he’s mad, then he’s mad, but don’t pretend that you can have it both ways.
They said on the news this morning Musk has decided to buy Twatter for the full US$44B as he is being told the courts will force him to anyway.
Now sit back with pop corn and watch and left go ballistic, I hope he sacks everyone of them – NO – actually, don’t sack them, force them to be UNBIASED wow wouldn’t that drive up the suicide numbers!!
Germany Hits Record Population Growth
From Armstrong Economics –
“There are now 84 million people living in Germany, according to the German Federal Statistical Office. This has nothing to do with the birth rate, which is on the decline. Instead, the number of Ukrainians seeking refuge in Germany caused the population to grow by 750,000 this year.
The population in Germany grew by 0.1% or 82,000 in 2021. In 2022, the population has already increased by 1% or 843,000 people. Germany has not experienced such a large influx of refugees since 2015 when Angela Merkle welcomed all Syrians into Germany. Nearly one million people entered Germany in 2015, mostly fleeing war in the Middle East. It proved to be a disaster as Germany did not have the means to care for all the new arrivals, and the cultures did not integrate well.
Germany is not likely to see as strong of an influx since other European nations are opening their borders to Ukrainians. Poland has already permitted 6.56 million Ukrainians to enter their borders. Yet, Poland has reported that tens of thousands of Ukrainians who fled are now returning. Those returning are likely men who want to fight. Germany reported that most of their new refugees are women (501,000) as well.
The culture integration is easier compared to the 2015 refugee crisis, but do these European nations have the infrastructure and financial means to support so many additional people? Those who fled Syria had nothing to return to as their nation did not receive endless funds from the West. On the other hand, Ukrainians who fled likely plan to return once the war is over. The question becomes when can I return as everything indicates that this war is only getting started.”
That’s a lot of people to keep warm this Winter in Germany without the proper Energy Security.
Then why did Germany blow up the Nordstream pipelines?
The Germans didn’t do it.
Yes, feed them, house them, warm them, …. work them, marry them,. and then? and who / how many left in Ukraine ?
Latest on saving the whales from offshore wind:
“North Atlantic Right Whales Are the Latest Victims of Democrats’ Green Energy Obsession”
To all bloggers,
The Queensland state Goverment (Australia) needs your help.
Their Media article, released today 4th October 2022.
Help build Queensland’s SuperGrid!
Quote from the gov media release:
Calling all electricity equipment manufacturing businesses: Queensland is creating domestic manufacturing supply chains for the renewable energy components needed to build the super grid.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan released last week sets out a path to transform our electricity network with $62 billion worth of public and private investment over the next 15 years.
“$62 billion means a step change investment in wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, pumped hydro equipment and transmission lines.
“And because so much of it will be procured by Queensland Government Owned Corporations, we get the chance to use our purchasing power to drive local manufacturing, which means even more local jobs.
“Delivering this equipment presents an incredible economic opportunity for Queensland.
“We want to seize this opportunity by manufacturing as much of this renewable energy equipment as possible right here in Queensland.
Deputy Premier Steven Miles said the Government’s Energy Manufacturing Opportunities Prospectus would enable engagement with industry keen to support Queensland’s clean energy future through local manufacture.
“Instead of importing the wind tower blades, we could be manufacturing them in Queensland and using them to build our SuperGrid and exporting them to the world,” Mr Miles said.
“We will need thousands of batteries, wind turbines, solar panels and kilometres of transmission lines – and we want that equipment built here in Queensland, so Queenslanders get the benefits.
End quote.
Further down They Quote:
Over the next 13 years, Queensland will need:
more than 2,000 wind towers and nacelles
more than 7,000 wind tower blades
almost 25 million solar PV modules
nearly 7,000 batteries.
Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen Mick de Brenni the $62 billion Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan clearly shows the renewable energy opportunity Queensland has at its fingertips.
End Quote
Hmm, seems impressive,
They can’t promise 24/7 power and they can’t tell you what finite difference on the climate, their policies will achieve.
Their supposed cheap unreliable energy at scale, will add hundreds of dollars to my reliably arriving, quarterly energy bill.
It seems that they can only guarantee an ever reliable, increasing power bill.
The only renewable company that will be created in Qld, will be the one that digs the holes to bury the “renewables” at their end of life.
Well done QLD!
Think of all those fossil fuels needed to make the 2,000 wind towers and nacelles, the 7,000 wind tower blades, the 25 million solar PV modules and the nearly 7,000 batteries as well as transporting everything and then putting everything into place. That should cover everything from the mining of the raw materials through to fabrication, transportation and construction. Oh yes, and what about all those transmission lines and pylons to carry the lines. Whoops, they forgot about those.
The mind boggles and please tell the QLD Guv’ment that Australia doesn’t make much stuff anymore. The increased power costs and costs of doing business has sent a lot of industry off shore.
Just tell them that they are dreaming (The Castle).
Yes but just think about how much of that enormous government spending (taxpayer money) will return to Left leaning political parties. Virtually none will go to opposing parties.
Hmm, it’s almost like climate alarmism is about money or something…
Sadly JR, It is hard to tell them they are dreaming.
If seems that if someone has the gift of ideology, they may sincerely conclude that fossil fuels are not needed today.
So I take solace in our forebears.
They have seen this malady before.
A quote from Martin Luther King jr:
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968)
Don’t forget that the main supplier of all this clean green crudola is CHINA – the very same country that the WEF wants to destroy.
So…how are they going to produce all those wind and solar products, EVs etc with China gone.
Oh…they aren’t…
Doesn’t matter as you won’t need power or need to go anywhere anyway eh…
China is doing a pretty handy job of destroying itself.
Check their demographic trends and their utter failure to achieve Western levels of per-capita productivity.
Classic failure of a centrally-controlled economy.
“their utter failure to achieve Western levels of per-capita productivity.”
The West took 400years to achieve their current levels, and while China can short-cut that it is still starting from a very low base. How are the Australian abos doing in the productivity race? The Maoris? Any native race…
Queensland at $25/hr will never compete with any Asian country at half or a quarter of that wage rate. It just won’t happen.
We should put the $62billion into robots and AI, so machines can run the civilisation from mines to product and then there is no need for anyone to work.
Let’s edit that last sentence – ‘……..and then there is no need for anyone.’
2,000 towers for Qld sounds about right, but make it 8 years instead of 13. Some 7,500 are needed on the east coast for a contribution to the mythical 45% reduction by 2030 – more like a nightmare.
As you say, the only thing reliable will be the arrival of your power bill and its reliable growth every quarter.
Do they have an example where a “Supergrid” of this style has actually worked? anywhere in the world?
Or will it all be good because Queenslander!!
‘Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen’? This is direct from a Monty Python sketch, right?
Yeah, the Python team did like a bit of bathos.
If we want to be scientific, we should reduce the cabinet to two ministers: Minister for Energy and Minister for Matter.
Don’t forget that solar will be less because they don’t have daylight saving as they chose to save the curtains. Sarc/
New Zealand considers digital driver’s licenses that form part of a larger digital ID framework
New Zealand’s Transport Agency says it is considering introducing a digital driver’s license that people can store on their phones.
In response to an Official Information Act request, the Transport Agency said that it has been looking into the operational and legislative requirements for a digital driver’s license. Privacy and risk assessments have also not been done, NZH reported.
“A digital driver license is a secure identification that proves you have the right to drive,” states a board paper on the digital strategy the Transport Agency is working on.
“Having easy access to your driver license on your smartphone means it’s always on hand when you need it.”
Just inject everyone with a chip.
#2 above…
My analogue license is also always in wallet in pocket transferred to on hand when I need it. I also don’t have to worry about it not working when going flat because it already is – or should it be described as thin?
“digital driver’s license that people can store on their phones.”
Not sure how that’s going to work on my phone 😉
That explains the bulge.
A tad uncomfortable when I sit down. !
you can do that now. Take a photo of front and back and present it to the office. As long as it is not suspended or disqualified with it I am sure the law will be fine that that.
New South Wales already has that….. for those that want it.
Do try to keep up.
I bet if your phone is flat, the cops take you in and charge you with driving without a licence.
I have had a Rugby flip phone for nearly 11 years. The battery still lasts 4 days. In a few months it will be obsolete when 3G dissapears in Canada.
Same with Aussie, 3G being turned off in 2024. Thousand of phones being thrown away…
Should you eat bugs?
I stumbled across Dr Sam Bailey the other day. A ram among the New Zealand sheep.
She has a strong accent so may be a bit hard to understand in spots.
While we’re at it:
WEF Insider Reveals ‘Bug-Eating Agenda’ Is About Destroying the Human Soul
Well at least cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast so there’ll be food. 😉
We really want to have zero tolerance for people who are claiming that there is such a thing as viral disease. They refuse point blank to supply any evidence. They don’t event think they need to isolate a virus. Now this is insane, anti-social and its not okay.
We don’t need extraordinary evidence people. We just need ….. evidence. And the viral believers don’t have any. So they ought to find some evidence, or concede that they have been duped. And they have to hurry up about it. Throw down the gauntlet every time with these science-hating shirkers, and demand evidence. Starting with a vial of isolated virus. At the very least as isolated as one can reasonably get it. Given the leap in all causes mortality, that we are putting up with right now, we must demand nothing less.
I did not say that viruses don’t exist, nor does SB.
What she said is that virus experiments lack proper controls.
That statement is falsifiable.
Pepin appears to be Mikhail.
I’ve already replied to him many times.
I’ve supplied the a long list of other tools and observations (next link below) that he will not discuss regarding how scientifically empty the “no virus” claims are. I implore people who are skeptical of viruses to read my past replies and follow the links to Nextstrain and other sources.
When I say there are a “billion observations” I’m being conservative. If someone wants to toss out the viral hypothesis, be my guest, but all those observations need a better hypothesis to explain them. “Faking” a wave of infections and all the blood tests, the symptoms, the nucleic acid sequences, the antigen binding assays, the plaque forming assays, the electronmicrographs, contact tracing, etc takes a lot of explanation.
Isolation tools used with bacteria don’t work with viruses.
First electron micrographs of viruses were obtained in 1938. This is evidence.
America is currently going through very dark times and we hope she survives.
America has been through dark times before however, and has revived and this was the subject of Abraham Lincoln’s 271 words of the Gettysburg Adress.
Thanks David,
And of that very short but powerful speech the most important words were these:
I hope and pray that those fighting for “government of the people, by the people, for the people” will endure.
“I hope and pray that those fighting for “government of the people, by the people, for the people” will endure.”
But its over already. So we either want to get it back or admit it was a system that was inviting manipulation and takeover. Foreign billionaires have been able to get us to kill our own children with needles. Thats a big fail. So unless we can think how this could have been avoided, under democracy, we need to aspire to a system that can do a better job then the failed system of democracy.
Both sides claim ‘the people’.
The winner wins the ‘for the people’ prize, which they give to themselves.
It’s like the Oscars.
Joe Biden just proclaimed half the ‘people’ enemies of the other half, including the half that includes the government.
People A or people B?
Government is about enduring and has no regard for the alphabet.
Or history for that matter.
Governments replaced Kings.
Kings were chosen by God.
Government now simply proclaims itself the sole origin and ‘owners’ of truth.
Long live the Government.
“Of and by the caaca…corperation, you know the thing.” Joe Biden
Neither liberty nor authoritarianism is inevitable.
It’s a matter of choice. What men have created before, men can created again.
But it requires accepting our responsibility to contribute. I see too many raising bogey-men to blame, and excusing themselves from fighting.
V-SAFE DATA ON COVID-19 VACCINATION JUST RELEASED! 10 Million Participants, 70+ Million Adverse Reactions, 3+Million Can’t Do Normal Activities! Peak AEs Were Jan-June 2021! They Knew! Criminal!
V-Safe is the US CDC’s smartphone-based program that was created specifically for tracking outcomes from the Covid-19 Vaccines. It tracks symptoms following injection. It does not track or report deaths!
Data from V-Safe had not been made available for public scrutiny, until today! ICAN, after twice suing the CDC for release of data has finally been given access to the V-safe data base, which has been depersonalized to hide any identifying data from the filed reports.
ICAN have set up an interactive dashboard to provide easy access to the database. Raw data can also be downloaded. The findings are worse than expected. Out of 10 million individual users, 3.3 million users (33%) were impacted to a degree where they were unable to perform normal activities (1.2 million), missed work or school (1.3 million), and required medical care (0.8 million). 6.5 million health impacts were reported.
Even worse is this second page of the dashboard! The symptoms by month! The highest rates of reporting were between January to May 2021! Meaning that the parties managing and evaluating this data already knew that there was a problem early last year! They sat on this and did nothing! Does this make them criminally negligent for the deaths and injuries that continued and continue to accumulate?
Slouching Towards the Endgame
Last two graphs…
“As for Russia’s doings in Ukraine, the Donbas oblast elections are a done deal. Mr. Putin has not yet responded to the extreme provocation of the Nord Stream vandalism. I doubt he will make some histrionic tit-for-tat act of retaliation against any critical infrastructure of NATO or America itself. Rather, he will now methodically proceed to wipe up the floor with Mr. Zelenskyy’s army, eliminate whatever American missiles and other ordnance are stockpiled around the place, complete the occupation of the Black Sea coastal territory from Kherson to Odesa, and put that troublesome backwater of Western Civ in order. The hallmark of the operation will be a measured and businesslike approach. Russia will just get it done, put out the dumpster fire, and refuse to allow the USA to start World War Three.”
“”Joe Biden” and his regime of Satanic degenerates will just have to lump it. They will have lost Europe’s loyalty by the foolish Nord Stream caper. They will have enough trouble on their hands at home with America’s collapsing economy and all the ill-feeling they have generated with the Woke insults, persecutions, and punishments inflicted on half the population — not to mention the coming dire repercussions of the wicked Covid “vaccine” scam. In the meantime, “Joe Biden’s” Party of Chaos faces the wrath of American voters in the midterm election. And if, perchance, they take the majestically stupid step of cancelling, postponing or somehow messing with that election, they will face the wrath of the voters from the ground beneath the hanging tree.”
Sorry. Misspelled my handle…
[Fixed! – Jo]
Same level of prediction as “The Russians will fully occupy Ukraine in 3 days”
The pattern of behaviour of the US/European elites over the past few decades doesn’t demonstrate satanic degeneracy. It’s closer, I believe, to a kind of gnostic rejection of human society and in particular a rejection of the God of the Judeo-Christians as Creator and of all the codes of civilised behaviour adopted through those beliefs.
The God of Genesis is regarded as the evil demiurge and the civilisation based on His “lies” must be destroyed.
Joe Biden and his cohorts rationalise their behaviour by reversing the concepts of good and evil, seeing their betrayal of democratic values as virtue.
Did I not read a similar style epistle in March, and may, again in July and September.
No, all is not well in Ukraine for the invaders and the Kremlin knows it. The rather demented performance of Putin announcing the call-up of 300,000 reservists, firing Generals, disappearing Bureaucrats, people falling down stairwells and out of windows. Reports of the lead car in Putin motorcade being blown up.
All in all, think Zelensky is sleeping a lot better than Putin at this juncture.
“All in all, think Zelensky is sleeping a lot better than Putin at this juncture.”
Probably not in Ukraine at all… Russia might decide to up the ante about destroying the ‘command structure’ in Kiev. Although they’re rather busy at the moment, the Yanks have taken over command of the war with their own weapons and Ukraine just supplies hot bodies. They put an ipad in every vehicle and run 24/7 surveillance and communication aircraft that show every friendly vehicle on your particular map.
Then they painted their armour in Russian colours and attacked last week, causing chaos in Russian lines and bringing in a new style of war that the Russians have yet to counter.
I doubt the Western propaganda is correct in that Putin will be gone in a week, this will drag on for months or more.
WEF Attendee Liz Truss Says British Economy “Needs A Reset” As Market Conditions Worsen
“We believe in making it easier for our wealth creators, doers and makers to get things done…
Britain’s economy needs a reset. We cannot continue on the current trajectory of managed decline. Instead, we must take a new direction. I will lead us down that path to a better future.”
You wanted her. You got her…
You wanted her. You got her… Let’s see how she does. So far the signs are very good indeed – the BBC are working frantically to undermine her and tear her down, so we know that she must be getting a lot of things right (flak, target).
Tax – she’s got that right.
Energy – She’s got that right.
Another rare (space)weather event – Pulsating Pink Auroras at
Great video of the effect.
Updated Australia UAH version 6.0 lower trop temperature anomalies released today. September was -0.29 deg C.
Using the Monckton method of counting back from the present until a linear trend becomes positive, we now have 10 years and 3 months of no warming trend.
Geoff S
Certainly not been a very inspiring September. !
Bring on summer, preferably without the incessant rain !
“Heavy rain to bring widespread flooding to inland NSW.” – Aus Govt’s Boom Bang BoM.
What more proof do you need to baalieve the planet is on fire and it’s our fault.
“Snow to sea level” with wind chill approaching 0 C freezing – NZ MetService.
What more proof do you need – baa humbug.
The extra heat is in the Northern Hemisphere.
After this third moderate La Nina we might expect El Nino to turn up and drive temperatures higher, but I have my doubts.
Northern Hemisphere, 70% land, 30% water, Southern Hemisphere, 30% land, 70% water.
Stands to reason that Northern Hemisphere woulda be warmer.
Its a known fact that the NH is naturally warmer than the SH throughout the Holocene.
Can we assume that the extra warming caused by land mass is 0.3C?
EG: If you are looking for an explanation for warmer air I point out that there are many more “Climate scientists” in the Northern Hemisphere.
NASA thinks its a 1.5C difference.
Anyway, New Scientist confirms 1.5C.
‘The temperature disparity was first recorded by early 16th century explorers, who noticed icebergs floating in the southern hemisphere at latitudes where they wouldn’t have been in the north. The northern hemisphere is currently 1.5 °C warmer on average than the southern hemisphere.’
Talking to the Dead
By T.L. Davis
“A global reckoning is coming. Truth has been too long denied and will reassert itself with a powerful vengeance. The lies of Covid and the vaxx are being exposed. The lie of America’s military might is being exposed. The lies of green energy are literally killing people and even though these lies are still holding, this winter will expose them like nothing else. Public schools are now seen for what they’ve been for a while, indoctrination centers, but they had to go full-on pedophile centers to finally get exposed.”
“But nothing will stop the carnage already underway. The vaxx will outright or by dilution kill many more millions with the press claiming it’s actually something else, some weird anomaly of resisting communism that’s killing everyone. There’s a world war that either through direct nuclear attack, lack of electrical power, inability of gas and oil to be produced, refined, shipped and sold will kill a lot of people. Then, there’s the crime wave that ensues once enough of the ruling parties have died themselves of the vaxx, lack of sanitary conditions imposed by loss of power, citizen outrage and/or riots. There will be those lost to whatever nation conquers the US, or rather whatever nation the cowards in DC surrender to. If you think that isn’t in the mix, you don’t understand corrupt governments.”
Apparently some British power stations are now resorting to burning straw to generate electricity! Farmers are well cheesed off as the price of straw there has tripled.
I think ‘resorting to’ is a little misleading.
Yes there are power plants specifically designed to burn straw and other plant crops and crop waste.
Nothing to stop it being used in any general waste to heat/energy plants either I guess.
If price of straw is high it’s most likely down to the very dry/hot mid summer period that meant no grass grew at all.
Yes, this is old news.
Not that it is a big success, but note the date:2015.
Burning straw seems a fairly dumb way of powering a first world economy is what I’m saying, when things such as black coal exist.
Farmers are cheesed off?.
Exactly who do you think GROW the bloody stuff?
If we can sell it at a higher price, we aren’t going to be crying over it.
Some farmers have to buy straw.
Why so few ratings?
Today my daughter posted me a photo. The next email received was promoting photographic services.
People pay extra for these “targeted” ads?
If probiotics need to be in a fridge at the health food probiotic store to survive, how could they survive body temperature??….fortunately, Bacillus subtilus survives over 200 degrees C in spore form. Yay for spore forming commensal Subtilus bacillus.
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
The hotter things are the more degradation happens to proteins. Without food to eat and constant growth and repair no cell can live forever at room temperature. Things just fall apart faster. Therefore the fridge is the best place to store living things unless you are feeding them.
And then there is the stomach acid. Commensal spore based probiotics are incredibly hardy in an acidic environment and make it to the small and large intestines.
Just because something can survive a brief acid wash does not make it an ideal storage solution.
You will survive a sauna at 65C but I’m guessing you won’t want to live there?
But yes, those spores are hardy things. But no living thing is indestructible and warmer temps are always harder on dormant life.
I’ve got plant seeds in my fridge to use for sprouting. The last batch at room temp lasted over 12 months but only half were germinating. Seed supplier said to store them in fridge.
Sprouting seeds is fine and good and have done it myself, however, nothing even comes close to nutritional and probiotic value Bacillus Subtilis imparts when it is used top ferment grains.
Instead of a fridge, why not store probiotics in stomach acid solutions?
Of course, spore based probiotics can survive high temperatures as well as harsh acidic environments in the stomach as well as extraterestrial environments such as outer space for many months. Patiently waiting sometimes thousands of years or more waiting for the perfect conditions to germinate and enter a vegetative state where they may multiply until favourable conditions diminish and sporulate so they can wait again for the perfect conditions to resume vegatitive growth.
“can survive” is not the same as “will survive”. Cool temperatures always store dormant biological things longer.
For anyone interested, here is a youtube presentation from Irelands Electricity Supply board on what they think it work take to 100% random energy to create Hydrogen. Here is a screengrab of the plan.
Currently Ireland generates power using gas, coal, oil (standby) and wind, it also has inter-connectors to the UK. Wind generation is highly variable and I have seen it go negative for a few hours this year.. It must be backed up by gas. There id NO gas storage in Ireland, 40% come from a single gas field (Corrib) the rest is piped in from Scotland (North Sea & Norway). The UK has very little has storage as well.
They plan to close the oil plant next year and the coal plant in 2025. What will they do for baseload? Good question.
After 2025 the Corrib gas field goes into decline.
The current Energy minister is a green party member and former bicycle tour operator. He will not meet with any gas or oil exploration companies and has requests for approval sitting in his tray over a year.
Ireland has banned electricity generation using nuclear power back in 1999, hypocritically it consumes that power via inter-connectors from the UK.
Ireland is also building a 500 KM inter-connector to France.
Anything else. They want to increase electricity consumption by having more computer datacenters, converting 600,000 homes to heat pumps and 1.9 million electric vehicles.
Only a matter of time before Irelands grid goes black, all it will take is a severe Winter like 1962/63
The Irish and Scottish proclivity for self harm knows no bounds. It is what has driven them around the world, not the English. Their greatest enemies are themselves. And they are at it again, virtue signalling while undermining their own existence and the viability of the country. Only black comedy saves them and there is plenty of subject matter. And in Australia, despite the sunshine, with the same ancestry we are doing exactly the same.
Yes TdeF and the Irish and Scots have a lot of mates around the OECD world doing the same stupid thing and also ASAP.
But China, India and other developing countries have the brains to build coal BASE-LOAD power plants and soon the OECD countries will understand that relying on TOXIC unreliable lunacy like S & W will also leave them very vulnerable to attacking forces.
There is a very informative and revealing podcast on the pros and cons of Hydrogen for energy storage, heating, transportation etc ..
..How Clean is Hydrogen, Actually? With Prof. David Cebon
Especially as it was promoted by a green energy site “Fully Charged”
For an obviously well informed analysist, Dr Connolly strangely doesnt seem to recognise the significance of some of the data .
…Does she realise what 30GW from wind power means in reality ?…probably over 100GW of nameplate installed wind turbines !
..and storage of 21 TWh of hydrogen ? ….that is 500,000+ tons
Then there is the practicality of hydrogen Fuel cell powered transport !…..not going to happen !
( H2 fuel cell vehicles use 3 times the energy that a pure EV uses)
H2 storage and distribution logistics at scale are a practical impossibility, and consequently too costly.
Why do these obviously intelegent people always start with the assumption that CO2 “must be eliminated “ ?
A tragic huge increase of baby mortality in Scotland.
It is being investigated.
What could it be?
” Is the plan to keep attempting to wipe out mankind until they get it right?”
“Claim: Fauci Grants $650K to UK Researcher to Perform Gain of Function Studies on Covid Like Viruses”
Willis uncovers more BS and FRA-D from another so called SLR study.
Amazing how the leftie liars and con merchants line up to drink the KOOL AID whenever they’re required and of course the money continues to flow.
Sydney about to break precipitation record and they’ll say its unprecedented.
‘As most people know, it’s been a super wet year in Sydney, but this could be the week when our largest city officially surpasses its highest rainfall total in 164 years of records dating back to 1858.’ (Weatherzone)
Just another “catastrophe” headline grabber forecast thus far.
Yes, but that is no concern of ours.
I draw your attention to the very wet period from 1836-38, which may have been potentially wetter than 2022.
‘Prolonged dry conditions were identified in various parts of the region during 1837–1843 and 1845–1852, while wet conditions were noted from 1836 to 1838, primarily in southern SEA. Anomalously cold periods were also identified in 1835–1836 and 1848–1849, in general agreement with temperature reconstructions from other regions of the Southern Hemisphere.’ (Ashcroft et al 2014)
A record is, literally, unprecedented in the historical data set.
It doesn’t matter if historical goes back 30 years or 100 years , everything is unprecedented.
In this case it was. So whatever your gripe is it does not apply here.
There’s a faceache post going around about a wind farm Mt Pulaski which is in the US having to replace all 100 of the generators after 4 years , thinking this was another overblown claim I looked it up and found a fact check page so looked at that . Because of the vague denials I smelt a rat and kept looking , seems they have replaced the gearboxes on 17 units (so far) because of an unspecified manufacturing fault .
On the links provided I found this interesting link about gearbox reliability and now I wonder how many of these subsidy generators require a major overhaul after a few years .
Seems that they are crucifying Christians again in the AFL, with the newly minted Essendon CEO Andrew Thorburn being asked to choose between his new job and his job on the board of a Christian Church, City on the Hill, evidently over a years old sermon on the Churches website that railed against abortion and same sex marriage.
Thorburn chose his Church. At least one party in this sage as retained some integrity.
As a long time supporter and member of this club I am outraged by the treatment of this man and his beliefs, which do not reflect the words seen in the suspect sermon. Such that I have tendered my resignation as a member.
One wonders if a Muslim had been appointed to the role would he have been told to choose between his beliefs and the Football club if someone had complained about the young child carrying a sign saying “behead the infidels” at a demonstration.
The Bigotry and Hypocrisy of this decision is eye watering, alongside their mantra of beliefs in inclusivity, diversity, and equality. However this evidently does not apply to white, heterosexual males.
The free market at work, gouging by power companies detected.
‘Customers overcharged $10 billion on their power bills.
‘Companies that build and run electricity networks have been allowed to charge bill payers billions more than needed to run the grid, a new report claims.’ (SMH)
“The Energy Security Board (ESB) is a member of the alphabet constellation of Australian electricity regulators and managers with their hands on the National Electricity Market (NEM).”
“Serious energy wonks can (and should) read the details of the Outcomes and Objectives laid out in Table 1, that Continue reading”
Link at
And comments
Was I off topic?
Hi Jo
I dont know if this is of interest to you. This Professor has credentials, and make fun of Al Gore
William Happer on CO2
The word is out that Musk will pay the agreed $44B for twitter and that 1,000 woketards face the axe.
OO should be able to find the headline.
You Told Them So & They Know It!
“When they say “plant based” this is the plant”
And links to
“Brazilian meat major JBS ditching its Plant-based business unit in US just two years after opening.”
Goes with
“Matt Kean, the boy-minister for PETA and Animal Justice”
‘Ideological tests’ for ‘absolutely everything’
I have a DEM standard – Democracy Ethics and Morality test – that I use on businesses, charities etc. If they have anything that’s wokey, warmie, esg etc I then avoid them like the plague.
on YouTube: ‘Ivermectin clarification’ Dr John Campbell
‘Nature’ : ‘Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
The Journal of Antibiotics 2017’
‘Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan.
Today, (in 2017) ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
The future: new potential/new target diseases
Ivermectin is already deployed to treat a variety of infections and diseases, most of which primarily afflict the world’s poor. But it is the new opportunities with respect to ivermectin usage, or re-purposing it to control a completely new range of diseases, that is generating interest and excitement in the scientific and global health research communities.
Malaria, Asthma, Epilepsy, Neurological disease, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Anti-cancer
related to Jo’s previous post:
United Nations Now Claims to “Own the Science”
Brownstone institute
‘“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers […] and they were much more trusted than the United Nations.” — Melissa Fleming (And she is proud of this???)
“We trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us.” — Melissa Fleming
September 2016:
“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.’
Vegetarians assured of regular sex says peta.
So if I swear off meat will some nice PETA lady drop in to see me?
Kim Iversen: Does mRNA Change Your DNA? Breaking Down AP and Reuters Fact Check
Another cyber attack in Australia with hackers gaining access to tax file numbers, bank account information and medical checks – just days after the massive Optus hack
Security firm G4S is the latest company to be hit by hackers in Australia following the massive Optus hack.
Current and former Australian employees of the firm have been told that their tax file numbers, bank account information and medical checks were stolen and posted online in a ransomware attack.
It is believed the breach relates to an attack by hackers on Port Phillip prison in Victoria in early July.
However, the firm only learned the data was posted online in mid-September and only informed staff about compromised data on Tuesday.
Although the attack occurred at Port Phillip Prison, the hackers were able to access the company’s entire network in Australia.
It is unknown how many staff were affected by the breach.
Telstra hit by data breach affecting 30,000 current and former staff
Telstra said on Tuesday it had suffered what it called a small data breach, a disclosure that comes two weeks after its main rival Optus was left reeling by a massive cyberattack.
Telstra, which has 18.8 million customer accounts equivalent to three-quarters of Australia’s population, said an intrusion of a third-party organisation exposed some employee data dating back to 2017.
A Telstra internal staff email reportedly put the number of affected current and former employees at 30,000.
The data that was taken was “very basic in nature”, limited to names and email addresses, a company spokesperson said in a statement.
Average company with data in the cloud faces $28 million in data-breach risk
Hard-to-control collaboration, complex SaaS permissions, and risky misconfigurations — such as admin accounts without multi-factor authentication (MFA) — have left a dangerous amount of cloud data exposed to insider threats and cyberattacks, according to Varonis.
For the report, researchers analyzed nearly 10 billion cloud objects (more than 15 petabytes of data) across a random sample of data risk assessments performed at more than 700 companies worldwide.
Companies face dangerous cloud data risks
In the average company, 157,000 sensitive records are exposed to everyone on the internet by SaaS sharing features, representing $28 million in data-breach risk, Varonis researchers have found.
Australian defence officials caught up in cyberattack at Singapore hotel
Senior Australian defence officials have become entangled in a data leak after “sophisticated” hackers breached cybersecurity systems at a Singapore hotel.
From May to July this year, customer data was stolen from eight Shangri-La hotels across Asia, including the five-star Singapore hotel where Defence Minister Richard Marles held high-level talks with his Chinese counterpart.
In June, Marles, senior ADF officers and defence department officials attended the Shangri-La Dialogue regional security conference, held in the Singapore hotel with the same name.
Relative just recieved a letter from Optus saying their personal info had been compromised by the hackers , hasn’t been an Optus customer for about 2 years which makes me wonder why keep the personal records that long after closing the account .
I asked, elsewhere, why you need to give such personal info to buy a phone and a smartass said you don’t, you need it to buy the SIM.
But WHY?
To do anything with a bank they take a photocopy of your licence. Again I ask why. There should simply be a box where the bank officer ticks that your photographic ID has been sighted and is OK. Surely we are past the time where we trust the bank’s security absolutely and that when they scrap their copier the hard drive is crushed. I don’t trust them. After six months of rate rises I am not, AFAIK, getting a cent extra interest on my deposits.
I don’t trust them, nor should their mothers.
I’m with you on that! All these damm companies sucking up every bit of private information they can, then getting hacked due to THEIR poor security and ruining OUR lives! They always want telephone number, mobile numbers, email addresses, home address, 100points of ID… and now I can give you a doctors appointment Sir…
We should say ‘No’ more often!
Our old friend John Campbell has just posted a qtr hr vid on why he is absolutely, positively NOT recommending IVM to treat covid but he did let a couple of pearls slip through his fingers.
1/ The [major] Oxford trial has been ongoing for 16 months and nary a jot of findings posted. Operation Warp Speed took half that, start to approval.
2/ He keeps a stock of IVM from India in the house in case he catches shingles, river blindness or elephantiasis. Of course he wouldn’t treat himself with it for C19. /s