There are people tracking all the reports of athletes suddenly collapsing and dying in their prime, or heartbreakingly, even in their teens. This isn’t a definitive study, but where are the answers and why don’t we know them? There are a hundred million reasons to supply data that shows vaccines are “safe and effective”. If our health really did matter, and the incidence of sudden deaths in athletes was the same as every other year, where are those studies? Why aren’t we discussing this on the news?
Some of the collapses and deaths listed here may have nothing to do with vaccines, the anonymous researchers admit and declare that. They want the full data, we all want the data. But it’s nowhere to be found. The medico’s and football clubs, and the Department of Health have gone from bragging about getting their boosters on Twitter to saying nothing. They are not so keen anymore to report or declare vaccination status.
The rise in mid 2021 start at the same time a massive experimental medical program starts. It might be coincidence, but if it’s normal, they would be saying so, with open statistics and data, not shutting down the conversation, and sacking football managers.
890 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 579 Dead, After COVID Shot
The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

There has been a rise in reports of athlete sudden collapses and deaths since July last year. |
What’s a normal year?
A review of sudden cardiac deaths in sport found about 29 a year mentioned in medical literature. A different study of the US found about 70 annual deaths across 38 different sports. There are more deaths listed in the peak months in that graph above than usually occurred in an entire year.
The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)
A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
More people are writing to tell us that in many cases, we didn’t mention a person’s vaccination status. There is a good reason for that. None of the clubs want to reveal this information. None of their sponsors want to reveal it. The players have been told not to reveal it. Most of their relatives will not mention it. None of the media are asking this question. So what should we do? Stop this now? No, we will collect as much information as we can, while it is still available, because eventually, more information will come out, and we will be here to put it together. Will it mean anything? We don’t know. What we do know is that there is a concerted world-wide effort to make this information go away, so that fact alone tells us it must be collected, investigated and saved so other researchers can look at it to see if there are any useful patterns.
Clubs Hide Vaccination Information Now
Here is a demonstration of how sports clubs do not want the injuries of deaths of their players to be associated with the COVID vaccines. It tells the story of why they will not report which of their players has been vaccinated and when. Sunderland FC manager Lee Johnson suggested that the COVID vaccines may have caused the heart issues for his goalkeeper, Lee Burge. The club then sacked the manager.
There’s a German site with a similar list.
It’s the greatest dereliction of duty …
h/t Rod, Peter C, Macha, Beowulf, Hanrahan, MP, John Connor II, and Tonyb.
We keep getting told “nothing to see here”, it’s all completely normal.
When are people going to see the reality, or are most too dumbed-down for that?
Medical doctors don’t dare speak out for fear of deregistration and other authorities fear being “cancelled”.
What IMHO makes these much worse in terms of cover up, is the fact that many of these elite athletes are constantaly being monitored by medical staff of various specialities.
Many athletes have medical “checks” as part of their training regime, cardio checks, lung function, oxygen saturations etc as team managers look for ways to squeeze one tiny bit more advantage out of the players, nothing untoward is detected and then , out of the blue, collapse. Absolutely “SOMETHING TO SEE HERE’
And there needs to be a proper investigation of whether the vaccines are toxic to cardiac tissue. Dr John Campbell strongly advocates aspiration before injection to assure the vaccine goes into muscle tissue, not the blood circulation.
My GP was seeing alot of neurological issues post fizzer shot especially, lack of aspiration being his theory too – he had to argue with his own nurses to aspirate before giving the shots in his clinic. Their handbook says you dont need to do it apparently.
I have heard a lot about that aspiration method. But is it actually impractical to aspire before the COVID shots? Their volume is incredibly low- about 0.3 mL,I thought?
NZ’s Ministry of (un)Health reported the third death ‘likely caused by’ the BioNTech experimental jabberwocky: a teenager from myocarditis. The figure is more like three hundred.
After two years I’m back in my old job, driver/tour guide, thanks to the ‘relaxing’ of certain ‘laws’. The business owner, and 3 of her drivers, were all double-shot and all ‘caught the bug’ – nothing major but none of them want shot #3 – while 2 of us are not and haven’t… funny how it rolls.
Meanwhile the Red Princess, Jacinda, flies to the USA tomorrow and to points further unknown, while her govt bureaucracy crumbles in disarray due to its obese and self-serving gluttony… got to destroy sumpthink™ before you can rebuild it.
Unexpected deaths of German and Austrian mayors
Empirical data suggests these findings are correct.
My sports medicine colleagues are reporting cases of myocarditis in young male athletes, and have never seen this before.
It is almost impossible for professional team sports athletes to avoid being jabbed, as most teams mandate “vaccination”.
Underlying and subclinical myocarditis or pericarditis are known causes of sudden cardiac death.
People I know in ambulance vic have said ‘hospitals are filling with younger males with heart problems (myocarditis/pericarditis)’. This is a scandal of massive proportions.
Sure “Andrew”
Gee Aye. Not sure who you think you are STILL covering for, since the Commonwealth now accepts full-responsibility for all deaths, and other harm, caused by the gene-jabs.
Seriously, with Oz govt departments now routinely announcing stuff like…..”In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.Before you can claim, you need to get your doctor to complete a COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme medical report. You need this as proof when you submit the claim.”…..the jig is up.
Music has stopped for this crap with no chairs left to grab = get back on the Climate Change Scam ASAP, old chap.
Mr.Aye: I understand. After two years of hearing “hospitals overwhelmed” and seeing no such thing, you are probably becoming very sceptical of such stories.
Welcome to the club, maybe it will lead to a second thought for you?
Vaccine mysteries need explaining
Is anybody checking up on the reports about adverse effects to vaccination?
Rebecca Weisser
16 April 2022 9:00 AM
It started with the ambulances. Queensland recorded its fourth-highest number of triple-0 calls for a single day last Monday with paramedics waiting up to three hours to offload patients and nine ambulances waiting outside a major hospital because there were no beds.
Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath was flummoxed. ‘I don’t think anyone can explain why we saw a 40 per cent increase in code ones,’ she told journalists. ‘We had a lot of heart attacks and chest pains and breathing/respiratory issues. Sometimes you can’t explain why those things happen.’
But what explains the increase in demand which has occurred in summer, not during the winter flu season? It’s not the pandemic. NSW, for example, has a combined private and government hospital capacity of 12,500 beds including 1,000 in intensive care units, but there are only 1,583 people admitted to hospitals ‘with’ Covid, and only 71 in intensive care. The chief executive of Ambulance Tasmania offered a clue saying that while a lot of the patients had respiratory complaints or chest pain in line with Covid, there was also an increase in mental health cases and in falls. What caused them?
Since the vaccines were rolled out in February last year, 19,926 people have reported adverse reactions and 815 people have died. More than two every day. Compare that to influenza vaccines – 21 deaths in 47 years, less than one death every two years. Are any of these tragedies caused by the Covid vaccine? Is anyone at the TGA trying to find out?
I hope it’s not the 16th of April yet because I need to have a 15th! You copied the date correctly David.
“People I know in ambulance vic have said ‘hospitals are filling with younger males with heart problems (myocarditis/pericarditis)’.”
my eldest daughter who is an ambo in the Geelong region and is saying the same thing Andrew
Watch D. Ryan Cole explain the mechanism.
[Dr. Cole, AFLDs, 17 min video. Entertaining. Factual. Informative. – LVA]
And I thought that soy lattes were bad…
Thanks Jo.
We do not have a medical problem here, we have a systemic society problem where certain medical issues have been ruled “off limits” and “dissent” is punished or pressure is applied so that data never sees the light of day, or research is not done.
The lurch Left in Western society is totally to blame here as Leftists dictate what is politically correct and go after any who dare question otherwise. And so many useful idiots across our society in medical, political, education etc help enforce complete lies and the utter garbage that is so often the pet theories of leftists.
Mass vaccination has entered the pantheon of Leftist ideology and must be rolled out regardless of the results.
Until doctors actually speak out on this issue instead of being useful idiots then we will get nowhere. They can point at other people but they are at the coalface and need to say “no more” to the politicians who are pushing these dangerous and worthless treatments. Its clear the vast majority do not care at all about their patients welfare and are too illiterate to bother to actually do their own research on these unproven treatments.
Also until the Australian population start pushing back on the Leftist silencing and dangerous policies we will continue to have this happening. Hopefully at the polling booths in May we can send a message by voting for Freedom candidates rather than the WEF aligned Labour and Coalition parties.
“Here is a demonstration of how sports clubs do not want the injuries of deaths of their players to be associated with the COVID vaccines …”
But in taking such extreme measures to keep this information secret, and firing those who fail to keep it quiet, they are tacitly ADMITTING that this is the source of the problem.
Heart disease risk soars after COVID, even with a mild case.
Although vaccination can raise the risk of myocarditis, the vaccination risk is far lower than contracting the virus when unvaccinated.
Heart disease risk soars after COVID VAXXINE..
There, fixed your missed word.
Its the spike protein, which the vaxxines makes the body create.
Intentional injection of the main cause of problems.. How dumb is that !!!
And to inject boosters which tell the body to make the older, more dangerous form of the spike protein, when the naturally occurring current one gives mostly just bad cold symptom..
Lunacy !
“How dumb is that !!!”
Here’s my problem – I don’t think dumbness is to blame.
So let’s do a quick review of the propaganda.
Injections will stop you from contracting the disease, or
Injections won’t stop you from contracting the disease but will stop you from getting sick or transmitting the disease, or
Injections won’t stop you from contracting or transmitting the disease but will stop you from getting really sick, or
Injections won’t stop you from contracting or transmitting the disease or stop you from suffering myocarditis or from having heart attacks or strokes or stop you from getting really sick in other ways.
But everybody must have more and more injections, especially in Victoria where the uninjected are not permitted to play golf on a golf course or have their hair done in a salon.
And if you do suffer from myocarditis or have a heart attack or a stroke shortly after the injection then it was because you previously had the disease and didn’t know it.
Did I get that right Simon? Do you think this pig of a story will fly?
Prof Norman Fenton has done an outstanding job on highlighting that the vaxxes do NOT reduce death rates, and that this is in fact driven from the fraudulent insertion of a 14 day (21 days here in AU…) waiting period before unvaxxed are jabbed, or double vaxxed are boosted. The reality is far different with the latest Canadian data showing the double vaxxed and boosted being several times more likely to die than unvaxxed from covid.
And we all know jabbing greatly increases the chance of infection – 6 times based on NZ data.
In my own case, I was well aware that I had an inherited susceptibility to beriberi but had no reason to expect that condition to be triggered by the vaccine.
As mentioned in the post, the vaccination status for the athletes is unknown, and without that information, we can only speculate.
To make it easy for you PF, this pig of a story will not fly.
Discuss the story. Discuss my words. Discuss Simon’s post.
Or sharpen your agitprop.
PF, whilst you are spinning the agitprop, why are the number of “Breakthrough” infections exceeding the number of JabJabJab “boosters” being given.
we have data on the following for Athletes
no vaccine and no covid, ie the baseline from previous studies before covid
vaccines (multiple types, so that needs to be addressed) and covid
We have evidence that covid itself causes heart problems (addressed by Simon), significantly that would be all cases, not just athletes
We have evidence that the vaccine could cause heart problems (as addressed in the post itself), again, that would be all cases, not just athletes.
What we don’t have is the info for the athletes on which vaccine, and/or had they been infected with covid to measure against the baseline.
I did think my initial comment encapsulated all that, but happy to explain it in more detail.
PF, your attempt to sharpen your agitprop is as sharp as a bowling ball.
Wrong again.. basically every sport has mandated vaxxinations.
It is highly unlikely, almost impossible, that these Covid vaxxine cardio-sufferers were not vaxxinated.
Stop lying to yourselff, Peter. You are not fooling anyone here.
Wrong.. Most major sporting clubs “insist” on players being vaxxinated.
Players were almost certainly vaxxinated.. so yes.. we do have a very good idea.
We have seen in tennis what happens to even the #1 player in the world if not vaccinated.
Also, you can bet your last dollar that if they weren’t vaccinated, they would be shouting that out loud. !
A website called is probably not going to be reliable 🙂
A guy calling himself Simon, is always totally unreliable.
” … the vaccination status for the athletes is unknown, and without that information, we can only speculate.”
Back in October ’21 we were told:
“The AFL has announced it will be mandatory for all players, in both the men’s and women’s leagues, to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to play and train in the league.”
I think that means you’re saying vaccination reduces the risk of heart complications from covid.
If so, does that mean that anyone who is vaccinated and has heart problems then it’s more likely the vaccine than covid?
I guess we’ll know the story when you get people’s covid status (pre and post vaccination) from the same groups who won’t release the vaccination status of the individuals who had complications.
Western Australia might be a good data set to check. Low incidence of covid until March 2022 and high vaccination rate.
Strop I don’t think Simon’s words are capable of meaningful analysis.
Vaccination risk must be definition include all risks including induced death from heart attack.
The risk of contracting the virus uninjected to no different to the risk injected except for a very brief window following injection. Outside that window the injections the risk of becoming infected worse.
The second risk is different to the first. Comparing them is a nonsense.
“I don’t think Simon’s words are capable of meaningful analysis”
Nothing unusual in that, from him. !
Web MD.. proudly sponsored by… Big Pharma !
Below is the link to the supplementary tables in that study – table 21-24 are very obscurely labelled – they are the relevant parts of the study to the question of whether people who have been vaccinated are more likely to get Myo- or Pericarditis after they’ve been vaccinated, if they catch Covid. If I read it correctly, people who’ve been vaccinated are 9 times more likely to have Myo or Pericarditis if they catch Covid, whereas unvaccinated people are 5 times more likely to have Myo or Pericarditis if they catch Covid. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong!
That’s not what it says, but it appears that table 21 and 22 and duplicated in table 23 and 24, with different results…? What’s the difference. I really don’t understand it.
Somebody else have a look at it please!
“Although vaccination can raise the risk of myocarditis, the vaccination risk is far lower than contracting the virus when unvaccinated.”
The article you linked doesn’t say anything about vax status.
Nor did I see a link to the study.
Does say ‘white males’ may be skewing the results.
I’m one.
I skew every chance I get.
Strange study, full study here.
To further examine the robustness of our approach, we developed and tested a pair of negative-exposure controls. We hypothesized that receipt of influenza vaccination in odd-numbered and even-numbered calendar days between 1 March 2020 and 15 January 2021 would be associated with similar risks of the pre-specified cardiovascular outcomes examined in this analysis. We, therefore, tested the associations between receipt of influenza vaccine in even-numbered (n = 571,291) versus odd-numbered (n = 605,453) calendar days and the pre-specified cardiovascular outcomes. We used the same data sources, cohort design, analytical approach (including covariate specification and weighting method) and outcomes. The results suggest that receipt of influenza vaccination in odd-numbered calendar days versus even-numbered calendar days was not significantly associated with any of the pre-specified cardiovascular outcomes (Supplementary Table 26).
Why would you compare the flu vaccine to COVID cases, seems pointless?
No vaccination status for Covid injection of persons.
As the study was completed in Feb 22, influenza vaccine in odd-numbered or even-numbered calendar days between 1 March 2020 and 15 January 2021).
No mention of date only a 12 month period. though it does state, 31 October 2021 was the end of follow-up. so around the time of the Vaxx roll out?
Hard to make sense of that study and the few dates mentioned.
Looks designed to deflect.
They deal with the vaccination question in the following paragraph which refers to Supplementary Tables 21-24 (which I linked to)
Adjusting for vaccination as a time-varying covariant – not sure about this either – it seems to me that wouldn’t be necessary unless there’s a variable for myocarditis associated with vaccination that they have to filter out? I wish there was more about this in this study because I suspect that is the main question everbody wants to know about.
That statement is not supported by the data showing that the surge in heart probiems was a 2021 phenomena, but not seen in 2020.
According to the New Scientist vaccine is at least 2-fold more likely to produce myocarditis than the disease. And, this is just the risk for the basic 2-injection course as the booster also carries this risk. So at least 4-fold if you go for the booster.
I’ve even had people at church, sincere Christians who are generally truthful and honest in most areas of their lives, who wouldn’t think about lying, tell me there are two sets of facts. “How do we choose between them?” they say, as if truth was an optional extra; they usually say this because they don’t want to talk about it. For if there are two sets of facts there is one set of facts most people don’t want to look at.
In Victoria: in 2020 there were 20368 confirmed cases and 820 official deaths (653 in Aged Care). No vaccines available.
In 2021 there were 156166 confirmed cases and 705 official deaths. ‘Fully’ vaccinated = 92.4%
In 2022 there have been 1,236,451 ‘cases’ and 1284 deaths (to the 13 April)
So, what is the test for vaccine safety and efficacy?
What’s the test for safety and efficacy?
How effectively it enables suppression of the truth? Or maybe how effectively it enables the powers that be to oppress their populations? Or maybe how effectively it creates profits and kickbacks?
I think it is reasonable to compare the first three months of 2021 to 2022. Implies a VE of >-250 000%.
In that nature study, Simon, it says “Our analyses censoring participants at time of vaccination and controlling for vaccination as a time-varying covariate show that the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis reported in this study is significant in people who were not vaccinated and is evident regardless of vaccination status.”
What does it mean that they “censored” participants at the time of vaccination? Someone needs to get hold of the raw data (apparently in the study it is available) and find out.
“Censoring” relates to this
Pertinent excerpts
I think it means they ceased measuring the Covid status once someone got vaccinated. “Outcomes were ascertained from day 30 after the initial positive COVID-19 test result until the first occurrence of COVID-19 vaccination or end of follow up.”
Below is the link to the supplementary tables in that study – table 21-24 are the relevant ones.
It seems to indicate there’s very little difference whether you were vaccinated or not, however what I find puzzling is 21 and 22 seem to represent the same information as 23 and 24 but with different results.
Supplementary tables
I find this little disclaimer in the Supplementary Tables 21-24 info a bit sus:
“Adjustment through inverse probability weighting using predefined and algorithmically selected high-dimensional variables” What were the algorithms? Tell us.
If the proponents of these experimental substances are so confident of their safety and efficacy, why are they so terrified of scientific enquiry into them and publication of unadulterated injury and death information?
Why do professionals risk losing their jobs for asking perfectly legitimate scientific and medical questions?
This is not how science or medicine is meant to be done.
If it can’t be questioned, it’s ideology, not science.
Someone asked me the other day “why haven’t you had the vaccine?” I didn’t bother discussing the label “vaccine” as that would be eyes rolled over but replied “tell me if I came to you and said would you take the world’s deadliest drug that made no difference to your ability to receive, transmit or getting sick but had side effects that could kill you or maim you, what would you say?” After pausing for 5 seconds with no responses I said “off course you wouldn’t so what are you lining up to get more”?
Beggars belief.
Shingles also seems to be around in unusual numbers recently. Maybe it’s the demographic band I’m in (over 50s) but I have heard of numerous cases anecdotally lately, even via callers to ABC (I know, my bad) late night radio who report being laid up with shingles almost every other night. Vaxx is never mentioned, but shingles is on Pfizzer’s reported list of side-effects.
I wonder if the recent Australian Federal Government advertising campaign to get vaccinated for shingles is a coincidence or not?
I don’t believe in coincidences. It’s like the Vic Govt setting up Health Wellness “Hubs”, all just incidental and nothing to do with the continual COVID scare over the last 2 years and the crazy lockdowns.
I know a few people with shingles – hadnt heard any cases for years. Seems to be alot of bells palsy going around too…Even health officials pushing the faux vaxx are contacting it. Most likely climate change…
I blame climate change .
Shingles. Get the shingles vaccination.
A few % of shingles victims get severe, long lasting nerve pain, particularly the trigeminal nerve in the left side of the face. My wife has had 9 years of unending, severe pain now. No remedies work.
These days, anyone can get a jab to lower the chances of getting shingles.
Thoroughly recommended that all people do that.
Geoff S
Geoff: Gabapentin is often prescribed for shingles/post herpetic neuralgia. It blocks the nerve pain and lessens symptoms. Something to ask an attending physician. Might help. It helps me to manage sciatica, very well.
Gabapentin was prescribed for my dad’s phantom limb and stump pain. All it did was sedate him. He was helped by fentanyl patches, and the sedation from them wore off in a couple of weeks. Pain control was good until he died 3 years later.
The fashion for gabapentin is based on the idea that opioids are BAD.
Gabapentin works for most people, not all. It depends on the person. Works well to block my sciatic nerve pain, better than the epidural steroid spinal injections. Opiods aren’t “bad”, but can be problematic due to side effects. Gab is simply an alternative and its applicability depends on the situation and person’s response to it.
In any case, something to discuss with your physician if possibly useful to a given situation.
Gabapentin for trigeminal neuralgia. It is a 1st or 2nd line of treatment.
maree… likely demographic. If you are over 50 you were likely caught up in a chicken pox epidemic. There are a lot of older people carrying the virus who, as a group, also carry a lot of other medical conditions that assist the virus to thrive.
Isn’t Ivermectin one of the treatments prescribed for shingles?
It’s interesting how the Left advocate compulsory vaccination in this case. Looking back 40 years and the spread of HIV among a certain group, imagine the outrage from the Left if conservative thinkers advocated compulsory vaccination for the susceptible group, should a vaccine have been available. We would have been told, “their body, their choice”. In fact, a vaccine is probably not possible for HIV for the same reason it’s probably not possible for COVID, the high mutation rate.
Much of the intolerant tolerance derives from Herbert Marcuse and his concepts on Repressive Tolerance.
“Marcuse was frank about what this intolerance would mean: ‘Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.’ ”
“…..the new intolerance exacts a tremendous personal price from dissenters. It is not enough to argue with ideas: Those who espouse heretical ideas must be destroyed; they must lose their jobs, their reputations, and their places in the public square. The notion of “shaming” to the point of personal destruction seems a principal modus operandi of PC politics.”
Yes. All this BS comes from the Frankfurt School.
A Seven Year old Boy dead and a Nine Year Old Girl dead!
I am clearly not able to rationalize collected data to expert statements. Someone please tell me where my error is?
Government advertisement on full rotation ‘Safe & Effective’
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 31-03-2022
Do a simple test of the Adverse events database for Covid Vaccines in March 2022.
Selected medicines
Trade name Active ingredients
COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine tozinameran
COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS) COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified)
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S (Viral vector)
NUVAXOVID COVID-19 Vaccine SARS-CoV-2 rS (NVX-CoV2373)
Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine Elasomeran (mRNA)
1 MedDRA Reaction Terms selected.
Your search is limited to the following MedDRA Reaction Terms:
MedDRA System Organ Class MedDRA Reaction Term
Cardiac disorders Cardiac arrest
Search results
The results are shown in two tabs.
Number of reports (cases): 7
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 7
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 7
717851 07/03/2022 46 M
718277 07/03/2022 24 F
718925 09/03/2022 65 M
719838 11/03/2022 7 M
721150 17/03/2022 61 M
724023 25/03/2022 9 F
724623 28/03/2022 76 M
so 11. Could have done that on one line.
I will try some more lines Greg’s Assistant as you do not seem to be able to comprehend the obvious.
A nine year old girl died / reported on the 25th March as dying after one medicine and your answer is 11 (people died after vaccination to stop them dying).
The TGA states nobody under 34 died in that reporting week.
I do not know what kind of illness allows someone to deny a report that seven people who were perfectly healthy died of cardiac arrest after being administered one medicine.
We are talking really ‘Sick’.
From the man who wants to rule the world.
QUOTE from Herr Klaus Schwab.
Cynically I would note that many senior politicians remain unvaxxed or have had fake vaxxes. They know the risks here…. I would bet Klaus does not take his own medicine
How do you know who has a fake vax?
A concise summary of the TOGETHER trial that ivermectin is no better than a placebo when given at a dose of roughly 30 milligrams per day over a three-day interval.
Nice attempted deflection from the topic. Save it for Thursday open thread if it’s worth reading.
Is that the “trial” that started 7 days after contracting CV-19 .. ie when the main symptom were either gone, or accelerating.
Read up on Jo’s post about how to create fake trials.
oh yes, it is “Patients who had had symptoms of Covid-19 for up to 7 days”
So, They even lied in the title of their paper.. It was not early treatment.
Also, if you don’t want to protect yourself from CV-19 and the CV-19 vaxxines, by all means avoid effective, very safe drugs like IVM.
But don’t stop other, more rational people from using it.
Excellent! Ivermectin doesn’t work!
So, let’s “unban” it for those that like taking placebos. [Totally safe but (allegedly) ineffective]
Similarly, the pro-clot-shotters can pursue that approach. [(allegedly) safe and totally ineffective]
Now, just need to bring in a +% tax surcharge for the pro-clot-shotters to repay the massive debt incurred by government (on their behalf) to acquire all of those “free” shots and boosters. Any surplus can be directed towards compensation to the vaxx-free that have been mistreated so badly throughout the plandemic.
On the upside, it’s unlikely the “booster-boosters” will have to pay the surcharge for very long, unless death taxes are still a policy-thing amongst the rabid Left. Oh, wait…
The issue of detoxing your body from vaccines is now becoming quite a subject. Basically, how to remove the spike proteins that are floating around your body from the vaccines. I was surprised, but it make sense, but one method is to simply take the early anti virals. You know, the ones we cant talk about. So , on the list is HCQ, IVM and Quercetin, IVM being one of the most favoured because of its multi site activity , particularly the furin cleavage function. There’s also a list of “natural” detox products. Plus, some others recommending saunas and hot baths etc. Methinks a lot of the top level athletes will be going down this route.
Lots of rabbit holes to go down and find yourself very busy while your life drains away.
For whatever reason most ‘vaccinated people’ I know appear to be functioning as normal in what is the ‘New Normal’. Why? I do not know. Bhakdi & Wodarg warned us I am seeing plenty of others with cardiac problems and witnessed the death of an elderly person close to me directly after her booster (healthy that day and yet not a vaccine death according to her Doctor).
My advice to those around me is to avoid being sucked into taking expensive ‘Natural’ chemicals from China to protect you against an expensive approved chemicals from China.
Eat, drink, be merry and find a community group that is doing something useful for those around them. Team sports, service clubs, go to Anzac Day and remember the sacrifice made for the Freedoms that still remain. A life well lived may be a better choice than dying in isolation surrounded by bottles of potions.
How to detoxify your body from the mRNA vaccination. Take Ivermectin to block the spike proteins that are floating around your body. Ivermectin Docks to the Spike Protein Receptor, blunting the deadly Spike, floating around your body, from Spiking your cells, until you drop dead:
Detox, reply to Ross
My assumptions, for comment, are-
this approach would apply to any vaccine using the ‘spike protein’, not just the mRNA. So detox could be applicable on AstraZenca and Novamax.
However, the mRNA vaccines get the body to produce the spike protein so it would be necessary to continue the detox for as long as the vaccine is ‘working’ or until the production rate is low enough for the immune system to deal with it.
For the others, one detox should be sufficient.
Yes, true. For IVM, detox doses were either weekly or monthly at 0.4 mg /kg body weight. Would apply to all types of vaccines. They are all spike protein based technology.
Just looking at the graph of Athlete Collapses and Deaths, I see that the numbers peaked in Dec/Jan and have been declining since then.
I wonder how that correlates with vaccination rates?
I look at this data and observe it is predominantly occurring in countries that had high covid case numbers and deaths.
Long-Covid has been known about for 2 years now.
Something I did not now until I looked was that Shane Warne was on a ventilator with Covid.
An unnamed Port Adelaide player tested positive for Covid – no idea if it was Ollie Wines.
The data would need to be carefully analysed to isolate the impact of Covid and Covid vaccination.
but not this data. Take a look, it is completely opaque reports and is basically meaningless.
Shane Warne said (I’m paraphrasing) he was not hospitalised and that the ventilator he was given was for trialing for the purpose of seeing if it avoids long covid. He also said his symptoms were only a few days and weren’t severe.
I don’t know if there is a ventilator for home use, but I think he said something like it was a “special ventilator”. Given he is an asthmatic and was not hospitalised, I would speculate maybe he was given a nebuliser type machine and not a full-on hospital type ventilator.
That’s the gist of what he said.
Found the Warne quotes about his covid experience and use of a ventilator.
rates can only go up.
Vaxxination percentage of population obviously can’t go down,
.. but vaxxination rates (the number of vaxxinations per week, month, whatever), might slow down to close to zero, once people wake up to the problems they can cause in the human body.
Should read Vaxxination percentage of the total recorded population in that year can’t go down.
The Vaccination percentage of the living population could fall quite sharply like sharp at the end of a needle kind of sharp.
Be Nice If Greg’s Assistant could give us the less opaque data, than RickWill would not be forced into muddying things up with Long Covid, Why not Long Asbestosis, Long Iphone Radiation, or any other such long shot, when the Authorities have the vaccine records and could just release them without mixing up a potion of ‘No Effective Dose’ like NSW Health has done.
I think any major sporting team will be now amending their “health and safety protocols”. That is, demanding athletes report any abnormal heart issues, even if they are only minor. Perhaps a lot more ECG’s being done or any other detection method that might pick up early signs of myocarditis or cardiac problems per se.
Another cruel act.
Unvaccinated man denied heart transplant by Boston hospital
25 January 2022
A US hospital has rejected a patient for a heart transplant at least in part because he is not vaccinated against Covid-19.
DJ Ferguson, 31, is in dire need of a new heart, but Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston took him off their list, said his father, David.
He said the Covid vaccine goes against his son’s “basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it”.
The hospital said it was following policy.
Normally 2 to 3 US comericial pilots die from natural causes in any year.
After COVID “vaccine” mandates were introduced last year the number was over 100!!!!!
Nothing to see here either
[Link please? – Jo]
Every report you find online re pilots suffering from vaxx injuries are immediately nullified by a dozen “expert fact-checkers” denying any such thing.
So every report is very quickly “debunked” – and thus easily refuted and by the same people who lie to us about EVERYTHING.
I am just being skeptical that’s all…………………..
The provisional mortality statistics report Jan 2020-Oct 2021 from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that was released just before Christmas on Wednesday 22-12-2021 provide some interesting information and a useful link to important information. There does not appear to be an ischemic heart disease or a cerebrovascular signal in this data.
Extracts below are from : Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan 2020 – Oct 2021 | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Released 22/12/2021
The age-standardised death rate (SDR)for January to October 2021 was 357.8 per 100,000 people and is below the average rate for 2015-2019 which recorded an SDR of 386.5 and it is comparable to 2020, where an SDR of 355.3 per 100,000 people was recorded for the same period.
Ischaemic heart disease 11,636 deaths occurred from ischaemic heart disease between January and October 2021. This is 1,163 deaths, (9.1%) below the 2015-19 average
Cerebrovascular Diseases refer to a number of conditions such as stroke, cerebral aneurysms and stenosis that affect blood flow and circulation to the brain. 7,615 deaths from cerebrovascular diseases (including strokes) occurred between January and October 2021. This is 636 deaths (7.7%) below the 2015-19 average, comparable to the 7,623 deaths at the same point in 2020
We are informed in this report that “Most of the 1671” people who died from COVID-19 in the reference period Jan 2020-Oct 2021 “had acute respiratory symptoms such as viral pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome listed as a consequence of the virus.”. Given this it is difficult to understand why the ABS would decide to NOT include the deaths due to COVID-19 in the overall deaths from “Respiratory diseases” category in the first report.
These figures, and the more recent figures from a less informative update from the ABS released on 15/02/2022 make it absolutely clear that the public health vaccination focus should be for people with comorbidities, the elderly and the disadvantaged.
Given the reduced efficacy and the probably short lived and possibly even disadvantageous effect of vaccination with the current vaccines against the omicron variant of the virus currently in circulation, why does the “health advice” continue to recommend vaccinating young children, and mandate the vaccination of adolescents and adults under 60 who have no comorbidities?
See Link for complete details.
[Far too long. Edited for length – LVA]
[…] The year of collapsing athletes: 890 athletes collapse or die and counting… […]
Just goes to prove…like AGW, nobody knows how COVID is related to human life on this planet.
In the videos of sporting type collapsing, it is puzzling that none show CPR being started.
Unfortunately, this study is pretty flawed. You can’t really compare current death rates to those from 30 years ago. There has been a huge increase in the number of atheles
Firstly,there has been huge social economic changes in developing countries. This has allow more people to stay in school longer, and participate in more extracurricular sporting activities. In the past many would have quit at a primary school level to a work on the family farm.
Social economic changes and technological improvements have allowed for more broadcasting of sporting events to more people. This will lead to more sponsorship deals, resulting in more professional athletes.
Another problem with looking at sporting incidents from the pre-internet days means a health incident or death from a student, local sport group would at most only appear in the local paper. Hence studies of sporting death would have not found these incidents that was not widely reported.
So for this study to be valid they need to compare sporting incidents to more recent years.
On a tangent the athletes are told to take a 2 week break after getting a shot. I wonder how many ordinary folks was also given that important advice.
Inheritanely, there is nothing wrong with limitations of a product, some antibiotics need to taken with food to reduce their side effects.
However, don’t keep people in the dark about the side-effects, nor should you force people to take them.
Yeah, sorta. The studies referenced go up to 2004 & 6 so that’s 16 yrs old, and the chart references early 2021, after which something seemed to change? I seem to remember 2020 being covered on some site.
Kinder Surprise has issued an almost worldwide recall of its product because of several hundred cases of people getting sick from salmonella.
Apparently they operate under a higher ethical standard than pharmaceutical companies, or their pockets aren’t deep enough!
Maybe they apply a code of ‘First do no harm’?
The Democrats party officials have lost their collective minds. The RNA vaccine dangers and Pfizer/Democratic government’s efforts to hide those dangers is becoming a major political issue in the US. Hurting and lying to people is not good politics. The US population is going to turn against the fake media and the fake US Democratic party of America.
The dangers of the RNA vaccines is going to be used in political commercials and in get out the vote, audience presentations. This type of issue makes people jump up and down angry. This is better than the southern border crisis because there are no political sides.
This is an effective professional presentation, to a large US audience, that explains how and why the RNA vaccines are damaging organs. The Pfizer released RNA data included infertility issues. Pfizer knew their vaccine produced spikes that collected in woman’s ovaries and caused infertility. It appears it is likely the RNA vaccines will cause a surge in cancers in every country.
“Watch professional sports in one year – most of the athletes who took the Covid-19 injection will have left the game – because they are no longer competitive. Professional athletes are highly-tuned humans, operating at the peak of fitness – they are the ‘canaries in the coal mine” and the vascular clogging caused by the injections will cause them sufficient harm to make them uncompetitive.
A D-dimer test will tell the story.”
I warned the Alberta Cabinet 15 months ago in an email dated 8Jan2021 that the Covid-19 “vaccines” were toxic. It was obvious way back then.
“The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population – those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19.”
For the record – I published on 21March2020 the correct approach for Covid-19 lockdowns – 6 months before world experts published the same recommendations in their Great Barrington Declaration. I wrote:
Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.
This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”
I’ve had some success apparently “reversing” Covid-19 “vaccine” injuries with Ivermectin and etc. Small sample, one physician and one registered nurse, both with fatigue and bleeding, both now say the bleeding has stopped and the fatigue is gone – after 5-10 days of Ivermectin.
Ivermectin IS a quick cure for Covid-19 – as little as 12mg/day (for an adult) for five days and people are 95% better – losing the fatigue sometimes takes time, or more Ivermectin.