Soviet electricity: UK faces blackouts, blistering costs and still has to pay wind farms £1b to do nothing

By Jo Nova

Imagine an energy system so broken that the government forced The People to buy generators that only work (randomly) 30% of the time and told them they would still have to pay the generators even when their product was useless.

Britain wasting ‘millions a day’ in energy as wind farms told to turn off while bills soar

The UK has been squandering an estimated £1billion a year in energy as the National Grid’s infrastructure cannot handle the volumes of clean power currently being produced.


Wind farm, RET, Renewable Energy Target, Imagine that the government told The People that this would make their electricity cheaper (and people believed them!).

In the UK people are forced to pay unreliable generators for electricity that comes when no one wants it. No doubt this was built into the contract from the start to stop investors from fleeing for the hills.

Imagine an investment so bad that the seller has to pre-arrange payments for all the times their product is useless or it wouldn’t be worth building in the first place. There’s a message in that. (Don’t build it.)

To put arsenic-icing on this cake, the wind farms that are paid to do nothing are allowed to turn around and sell their electricity to a third party down a private line if they have a buyer, thus earning payments twice for the same electricity. And by golly, if someone happened to put a big battery on a private line to soak up that electricity, the public will pay for the wind farm to charge the battery, and then they’ll pay for the electricity from the battery back to the grid later. And these are batteries that the grid wouldn’t need at all, if it weren’t for the unreliable generators. So the first payment is for electricity they can’t use, and the second is for electricity they didn’t need.

Even as energy bills soar to unaffordable levels, and the UK faces the threat of blackouts this winter, the country has been effectively wasting millions of pounds worth of electricity every day, was told. Over the past year, Britain has been gripped by a major fossil fuel energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which sent wholesale gas prices to record levels. While the Government is looking to tackle this crisis with a major investment in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, experts warned of a critical lack of battery storage facilities, which means that much of the cheap, green electricity that can be used to power British homes, is being wasted.

Speaking to, Andy Willis, the CEO of Kona Energy, warned that the UK has been spending millions of pounds a day to ask wind farms to stop generating electricity.

He said: “Over the last couple of years, [the amount spent] has been about £1billion pounds a year, and that is worth caveating by saying quite a complicated calculation. It’s not just the cost of paying wind farms to turn off, but it’s also the cost of paying the gas-fired power station to turn on somewhere.”

It’s just subsidies piled on legal loopholes all the way down

Andrew Montford couldn’t figure out how Moray East wind farm was earning money, and why investors had built it in the first place. Their costs appear to be somewhere north of £125 per megawatt hour and a constraint payment is only worth £60. Then he realized that they could receive “constraint payments” (for switching off during an oversupply) but turn around and legally sell the same power off grid.

How windfarms charge you twice for the same electricity

Andrew Montford, GWPF, NetZeroWatch

How were Moray East’s developers hoping to make up the difference? The income had to come from somewhere. The revenue stream from selling power to customers appeared not to be the answer. Customers look after themselves. But the amount of time Moray East is spending switched off got me thinking. The windfarm developers must have known that they would be constrained off a lot – they exhaustively analyse wind speeds, turbine design and the capacity of the grid to take their power. They must also know that the rate of payment for being constrained off was not that high. I started to suspect that they had found a way to get game the system to their advantage.

Montford tracks through planning documents and maps and figures out that there are plans for batteries nearby, and there is already a giant flywheel which mysteriously declares that it gets “some” electricity from the grid — meaning it must get the rest of its electricity from an alternate unknown source.

So we know that electricity is finding its way direct from the windfarm to industrial users without touching the transmission grid. However, this observation comes with a caveat. We don’t know for sure that these are megawatt hours of electricity for which the windfarms have received constraint payments. But we do know that it would be completely within the rules for them to do so (there is no suggestion of lawbreaking), and that it would be highly profitable too.

Read it all…

And if wind farm investors could legally do this, we have to ask, why wouldn’t they?

Thus the renewables grid is Communist-electricity by stealth — by definition the unreliable generators can’t afford to run in a free market, so the government subsidizes them. Then they rattle the rest of the system, and impose all kinds of costs and burdens, and the government has to subsidize the rest of the sector to make it worth their while to stick around — so they can earn the same amount for producing less, and pretty soon you’ve got the Soviet Union of Electricity.

10 out of 10 based on 99 ratings

Saturday Open Thread

10 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

Europe in trouble. More French nuclear power out for winter, and prices hit €1,000/MW

By Jo Nova

The core baseload of the European grid is in trouble, and there is no back up. If the rest of Europe had enough coal or nuclear power, this wouldn’t be so bad, but they were all too worried about heatwaves in 2100 they forgot…

Bugey Nuclear Plant, France.

Half the French Nuclear Fleet will not be back in time for winter and there is no other nation that fill the gap. |  Photo by Spiritrespect.

This is bad news for Europe. Half of France’s nuclear power fleet were already out of action and EDF was hoping to bring “all of them” back online for winter. But they’ve just announced that at least four plants they planned to restart will suffer a major delay. France’s electricity prices have hit €1,000 per MWh for January delivery. (Which is a blockbuster $1,500 AUD).

France’s large nuclear fleet is normally a major exporter of electricity, referred to as the “backbone” of the whole European grid.  Blackouts are not only being forecast in France, but there is growing recognition that they are now more likely in the UK too. Where else will this spread?

To make matters worse, a week ago, a pipe ruptured during a safety test at the Civaux plant. This is the same plant where corroded welds were discovered in August last year, but this is “absolutely not a weld that gave way” this time, which sounds ominous. When they shut Civaux down last year, they also shut down another 12 reactors built to the same design — which paradoxically are the newest reactors in the nuclear fleet and only about 20 years old.  Such is the urgency, that currently 500 specialist welders are working on these plants, about 100 of those have come from the US and Canada.

Mon Dieu! France Is Heading Toward Winter Blackouts

Javier Blas, Bloomberg

On Thursday night, EDF announced what many had anticipated and feared: lower-than-expected nuclear output in 2022. It told the power market that four reactors expected to come back into service between the middle of this month and early December will be out of commission until the end of January — at least. Several of them won’t restart until the end of February. The electricity shortfall is huge. Currently, French nuclear plants produce less than 30 gigawatts, compared with a 10-year average of nearly 45 GW.

In mid-winter, usually EDF can produce 55-60GW of power, but this winter it may be only 40GW.

Which sparks obvious fears that France won’t have anything to spare at all for the UK:

Dr Paul Dorfman, an associate fellow from the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex told “Despite the friendly rhetoric between Sunak and Macron, trying to keep the lights on in Paris, while coping with the broken French nuclear fleet, will take precedence over power supply to the UK – and will mean UK blackouts are much more likely.”

There’s a 20 Gigawatt shortage:

France electricity prices surge past €1,000/MWh as more nuclear reactors close for winter

“The implications are enormous,” [Energy analyst Gerard Reid] noted. “For every 1 degree drop in temperature France needs one extra nuclear power station to provide the power needed to provide heat across the country.

What this means is that on a cold January day France needs circa 45GW of nuclear energy. Yesterday there was only 25GW online.”

Giles Parkinson, RenewEconomy

Civaux has two 1500 MW units and all up France has 56 reactors. Only ten days ago the French government was saying it was going “cut red tape” so they could build another six, obviously not for this winter, though. Indeed, it’s rather sobering to think, that even with that rush, they’re talking about starting the first new one in May 2027 and expecting to take nearly ten years to get it running.

Civaux, French Nuclear Plant. France.

Civaux, French Nuclear Plant.  Photo by Babsy


9.8 out of 10 based on 87 ratings

It’s bugs for you and beef medallion for us: COP27 is a hypocrisy junket

By Jo Nova

Killing the planet, one COP convention at a time.

Nothing says “believe us” like doing all the things they say we must give up. They fly in private jets, eat steak and drink from plastic water bottles. Obviously, if they really thought CO2 was planetary poison, they wouldn’t be acting this way. Unless, of course, they are narcissistic overlords who believe CO2 is bad, but that the rules don’t apply the them. There is that…

Where is the cricket-burger?

COP27 Hypocrisy: Globalists Munch Down on Meat as They Push Bug Diet for the ‘Proles’

Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart

If you are saving the world it’s fine to ship that salmon in from the Atlantic:

Beef medallion with mushrooms sauce, chicken breast with orange gravy, and salmon with creamy sauce and chives are some of the menu options that world leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, and industry bigwigs will be chomping down on at the COP27 meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this week.

Scottish author and political commentator Neil Oliver said: “They’ve come to lecture us about eating less meat while they sit down to menus featuring beef, chicken, salmon, and sea bass and cream sauces. This is not leadership that we are seeing now, it’s desperation, it’s trolling us proles on a galactic scale.

“The policies that they are preaching are condemning hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest to poverty, starvation, death on a global scale and at the same time, in their cynicism, they are ensuring that the populations of their own countries are plunged into fuel and food poverty for the first time in generations.”

Apparently, there were a few genuine vegan and animal activists who spoke out about how bad this was. Good for them. But the UN fan-club was probably too busy enjoying an hour and a half of bottomless cocktails for £110 each.

PS: But Angus Beef and mushrooms at $100? We Australians live like kings.

h/t John Connor II

9.9 out of 10 based on 79 ratings

Thursday Open Thread


9.2 out of 10 based on 13 ratings

The Illusion of the Free Press: In 1983 a former CIA agent explains how they planted disinformation

By Jo Nova

Even in 1983, the media was just an unwitting wing of Government Agencies

Edward Snowden went looking for videos of former CIA employees that the CIA “sued into silence“. He foundwhat the CIA wanted to hide. Here, CIA officer Frank Snepp describing just how easy it was to get journalists to write exactly the stories they hoped they would write.

All those problems we see in the media today were already well developed 40 years ago. Real journalism is really rare.

@Snowdon says:

The entire thing is much longer, but *entirely* worth the watch. The government sued Snepp in a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled intelligence workers had to submit any statement for censorship, even those unrelated to secrets.

Once an agency becomes good at lying “for the sake of the nation” or to “win the war”  it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to lying to the nation to save the nation from itself.

Full 16 minute version below: Frank Snepp discusses his dilemma with the morality of what he did — “propagandizing the American public” — from 8 mins.

Snepp wrote a book, which is when the CIA sued him. In the court case The Supreme Court set an extraordinary precedent curtailing the free speech of public servants — deciding that every public worker in any public office has an obligation to report to the government what they are planning to write and must get approval before publishing it, even if they are not revealing secrets. It’s a life long gag order, even if they signed no secrecy order.


9.8 out of 10 based on 56 ratings

Wednesday Open Thread

9.8 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

The world watches the midterm elections

Voting is open, so presumably, is cheating, which will win?

Betting markets are predicting a Red Wave, but the richest nation in the world can’t afford to use paper ballots, check ID, and can’t count the votes on election night anymore.

Don’t forget, Trump looked like it had it in the bag on the night:

Darren Beattie, Revolver

Bookies gave Trump roughly 75% odds of a second term, and on PredictIt Trump’s odds of victory peaked at above eighty percent.

In a never-before-seen development in American politics, counting in key states went on for days on end. Over the course of those extra days, Trump’s leads in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania shrank and then vanished. Legal efforts to block what was unfolding and contest certain questionable ballots went nowhere, and on January 20, it was Joe Biden who took the oath of office.

A well funded cabal of shadowy forces “fortified” the 2020 election results, we know this, because they told us so. The election win was no accident, they bragged. As they said in Time Magazine, corporations worked with one side of government behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. The FBI was given the Hunter Biden laptop and sat on it for months, the media refused to cover the biggest political scandal of the century, and Joe Biden even told us he was running “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Phone tracking data showed that average, on Election day  2,000 enthusiastic mules visited 38 ballot boxes each. In Atlanta after voting was bizarrely stopped, and Republicans were sent home Democrat election officials pulled suitcases of ballots out from under tables and kept counting.  The election was so riddled with doubts that seven US states sent both sets of electors to Capitol Hill. And the list of odd things goes on…

Things were so bad, 18 States of the US asked the Supreme Court to investigate blatant corruption in 4 other states and the Supreme Court’s only response was to say, improbably, “they had no standing”, as if cheating in some states that changes the US Government could somehow not affect the other states. Remember, if those four states didn’t cheat, the US Supreme Court could have taken that case and showed the election was free and fair, thus healing the rift, supporting the President and helping the Democrats.

What looks like a coup, smells like a coup…

Who could forget the immortal words of Andy Swan: The only thing we did on Election day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election night.

Election Fraud

Suddenly 138,000 and 200,000 voters all voted for Biden…

The team that rig one election, and send the FBI after their political opponents can’t afford to lose the next one. Everything is at stake.

The watchword for Tuesday night isn’t “Stop the Steal.” It is “Expect the Steal… And Be Ready”.


Consider Pennsylvania, with its crucial Senate contest between Mehmet Oz and The Creature Who Answers to the Name John Fetterman. Two years ago, Pennsylvania’s election process probably featured more red flags than any other closely contested state. The state took a whole week to count its votes, with Biden only overtaking Trump’s large election-night lead on Friday morning. Pennsylvania let votes count even if they arrived after Election Day, even if they had no postmark, and even if they didn’t have a matching signature. Twenty Pennsylvania counties used millions of dollars donated by Mark Zuckerberg to finance their election activities, including the famous unsupervised “Zuckerboxes,” which made it virtually impossible to enforce the state’s relatively strict limits on ballot harvesting. When Trump supporters tried to independently monitor drop boxes, state attorney general Josh Shapiro (now running for governor) threatened them with prosecution.

So, what are things like two years later? Pennsylvania’s Republican legislature passed bills to ensure signature verification and photo ID, and to ensure proper poll-watching… but Democratic governor Tom Wolf vetoed those bills. So in Pennsylvania this cycle, things are substantially like they were two years ago. And, yep, the state is even warning that it’s going to take a long time to count ballots again.

The media is managing expectations:

ABC News Says “Red Mirage” Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take “Weeks”

Paul Joseph Watson:   Here we go again

In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks.”

The piece explains how Republicans may “appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins” in federal and statewide races, but that their leads “will dwindle, or crumble completely” after “dumps” of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted after election day, which could take “weeks”.

And strangely in Maricopa County 20% of polling sites are having problems with voting machines. There are reports of long queues where the machines don’t work and people are being asked to leave their votes in bags that will be counted but perhaps not for days.

Elections not only have to be fair, they have to be seen to be fair.


10 out of 10 based on 81 ratings

Now they tell us: Wind power giant says it was a mistake to say renewables would only get cheaper

by Jo Nova

For years they told us that the green transition would deliver cheap energy, and that if we just subsidized them enough, prices would keep falling. The promise of free energy on the horizon led whole nations (stupidly) to believe that closing coal plants was viable. But now that damage is done, suddenly the Vestas chief admits that telling people that wind can only get cheaper “was a mistake”.

Vestas CEO says industry went too far with cheap-energy pledge”

There is carnage in Europe. Orders and profits are collapsing. The largest wind turbine manufacturer in the world has already raised prices by more than 30% this year but despite that, expects its profit margins to shrink to “minus five percent”.

Lucky their orders are down since they are losing money on every turbine.

The fall in sales landed as inflation bites, supply lines are squeezed and their costs are rising. (After all, wind turbine factories can’t run off wind turbines, they’re paying for expensive electricity too). So suddenly Vestas need to raise their prices even more, and their CEO is hoping a belated apology will somehow bring their market back.

Renewable Power’s Big Mistake Was a Promise to Always Get Cheaper


Manufacturers such as Vestas Wind Systems A/S are seeing losses pile up as orders collapse at a time when they should be capitalizing on the turmoil in natural-gas markets. To blame — at least in part — is the industry’s insistence that clean electricity can only get cheaper, according to Henrik Andersen, chief executive officer of the Danish wind giant.

“It made some people make the wrong assumption that energy and electricity should become free,” Andersen said in an interview in London. “We created the perception to some extent. So we are to blame for it. That was a mistake.”

How pathetic the truth is — that it takes a war to pump up fossil fuel prices to the point where “wind is competitive”:

To be sure, wind power remains competitive with other energy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drove up prices for fossil fuels. But government auctions for new wind farms put pressure on companies to keep prices low, while costly and lengthy processes to gain planning permission continue to inhibit growth.

Shucks. The industry that lives off Big Government suffers some red tape. Cry me a river. The same corrupt bureaucracy that created the wind industry in the first place will mismanage them right off to China.

It’s a “transition” the solar industry has already suffered, and the wind industry has been fearing for months.

worth $170 billion,

9.9 out of 10 based on 69 ratings

Savior Al Gore wields windmills to stop the storms and end the Culture of Death

By Jo Nova
Al Gore
Like a conglomerate witch-doctor cum pagan-preacher the only thing Al Gore recycles is the overproof grade hellfire of centuries past. Chieftain Al will stop the storms if only everyone will do as he says and invest in his climate asset fund. For he cometh armed with windmills that stop rain-bombs and solar panels that hold back the sea.

Like medieval Occult leaders, superstitious rain dancers, and healers with magical cures, the modern witchdoctors have satellites and simulations, but run on the same old formula since time began. Fear, smear, demons, and magic. All prophesies are ambiguous. Nothing he sayth can be falsified.

Coal, apparently, is not just a source of emissions, but a veritable “culture of death.” Despite the era of coal being a time of record crop yields, bountiful food, travel, and exponential world population growth. Despite the working class of today being richer than the kings of centuries past.

One day, he promises, after he is safely dead, all weather will be good weather, and only the perfect amount of rain will fall, and ski seasons will start and end on the same day each year. Trust me, he says.

Damian Carrington, at The Guardian, swallows the whole prospectus:

Al Gore has pleaded for leaders to end what he calls ‘this culture of death’

The former US vice-president Al Gore is on fist-waving, passionate form in front of world leaders at Cop27. “We continue to use the thin blue atmosphere as an open sewer,” he says. “It is getting steadily worse. We have a credibility problem – all of us – we are not doing enough.”

Gore says we can continue the “culture of death” by continuing to dig up fossil fuels, and cites vast floods in Pakistan, heatwaves and “rain bombs” in China, and a million displaced in Nigeria.

Magic Scene, Medieval death, witchcraft

And the valley of death will spread, and 1 billion immigrants will move into your home. (And you thought the southern US border crisis was bad?)

“The current areas of the world considered uninhabitable by doctors are small today but due to expand,” he says, with 1 billion migrants potentially crossing international borders this century, with all the colossal difficulties that would bring. If we stop subsidizing the culture of death and back renewable energy instead we can survive, Gore says, and no new fossil fuel projects are acceptable.

Here me O’ Minions —  take this essence of arsenic, I mean lithium, and it shall cure your poverty:

Instead, Gore says, “Africa can be a renewable energy superpower”. He says 40% of world potential is in Africa.

Sure, Africa can be a renewable energy superpower, just like nowhere on Earth is. Europe can’t manage it, but Chad will show the way.

Of course, those who question their Occult Leader are racist pigs:

He says the dash for gas in Africa, a contentious issue at COP27, is a new form of colonisation, with the fuel to be sent to rich nations. He quotes the late archbishop Desmond Tutu as saying climate change is the apartheid of our time.

Somehow drilling gas in Africa for Europe is “colonisation” but using African children to mine cobalt for our batteries is the work of saints. Often the same saints want to segregate nations according to skin color. When did Al Gore say “All Lives Matter?” I can’t recall…

Toss in an attempt at being a Concern-Troll:

[Gore] also warns about stranded assets of billions, especially in Africa, if climate action closes oil and gas plants early.

Shucks. The last thing Al Gore wants is Africans to be lifted out of energy poverty.

So much better to keep casting those spells and doing rain dances. Africans are just his stage props.

Witch doctors

Keep reading  →

9.6 out of 10 based on 97 ratings

Monday Open Thread


8.9 out of 10 based on 9 ratings

Sunday Open Thread

8.9 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

Saving the world with lithium? Four times a week an e-bike battery catches fire in New York

More deadly than man-made climate change

Six people have died in New York this year so far due to house fires started by e-bikes. I had no idea.

Fires from exploding e-bike batteries multiply in NYC — sometimes fatally

Matthew Schuerman, NPR

NEW YORK — Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City.

These bikes when they fail, they fail like a blowtorch,” said Dan Flynn, the chief fire marshal at the New York Fire Department. “We’ve seen incidents where people have described them as explosive — incidents where they actually have so much power, they’re actually blowing walls down in between rooms and apartments.”

As of Friday, the FDNY investigated 174 battery fires, putting 2022 on track to double the number of fires that occurred last year (104) and quadruple the number from 2020 (44). So far this year, six people have died in e-bike-related fires and 93 people were injured, up from four deaths and 79 injuries last year.

In early August, a 27-year-old Venezuelan immigrant, identified as Rafael Elias Lopez-Centeno, died after his lithium ion battery caught fire and ripped through the Bronx apartment where he was staying. Carmen Tiburcio, a neighbor, said Lopez’s aunt told her he had tried to escape through the front door, but the bike was in the way. Instead, he took refuge in the bathroom, where he tried to fill up the bathtub with water to protect himself from the flames. But the smoke got to him, she said.

Isn’t it time we talked about the risks of lithium batteries?

Four fires in one day in NY in June.

UPDATE: Wow! Today in NY 38 people were hurt, two with life threatening injuries from an e-bike fire on the 20th floor of an apartment block. Amazing rescue…

h/t OldOzzie and Eric Worrall @ WattsUp

What to do with e-bikes?:

Bans in public housing are being considered in NY:

Keep reading  →

9.7 out of 10 based on 85 ratings

Saturday Open Thread

8.5 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

Good Citizen China carelessly crashes 23 tons of space junk on Earth, gets lucky, but 300 flights in Spain delayed

By Jo Nova

Well that was lucky. Early reports suggest the Chinese space junk from the launch four days ago has crashed in the Pacific 1,000 km short of Mexico. However, if I am reading those maps (below) correctly,  on this uncontrolled reentry it only missed Australia and New Zealand by half an hour, and just a few minutes later and it would have “landed” somewhere in Mexico or maybe Florida. (Now that would have been a November surprise).

Despite what China says, this is not what the rest of the world does:

Kenneth Chang, New York Times

It was China’s latest round of celestial roulette involving a deliberate uncontrolled atmospheric re-entry. The rocket stage, by design, did not include a system to guide it into a specific spot on Earth, far away from people.

“The thing I want to point out about this is that we, the world, don’t deliberately launch things this big intending them to fall wherever,” Ted Muelhaupt, a consultant for the Aerospace Corporation, a nonprofit group largely financed by the U.S. government that performs research and analysis, said in a news conference on Wednesday. “We haven’t done that for 50 years.”

There’s a callous attitude of disregard here in these excuses:

However, Zhao Lijian, a foreign ministry spokesman, on Friday rejected the notion that China’s handling of the Long March 5B rockets represented anything unusual. “I would like to stress that China has always carried out activities in the peaceful use of outer space in accordance with international law and international practice — re-entry of the last stage of a rocket is an international practice,” he said.

Mr. Zhao added that the Long March 5B had been designed to pose less danger upon re-entry. The rocket “is designed with special technology; most of the components will burn up and be destroyed during the re-entry…

It broke no laws because there are no international laws on reentry. This is not “international practice”, and if it had crashed in a populated area, it would have killed people.

Whew! 23-ton Chinese rocket debris falls to Earth over Pacific Ocean

Brett Tingley,

Other rockets are designed with measures in place to ensure their core stages are steered into the ocean after launch, while others like SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, are designed to come down in one piece and be reused. China’s most powerful rocket has no such measures in place.

Unfortunately, there are no international agreements in place to prevent these incidents from occurring again in the future, said Marlon Sorge, Executive Director for The Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies during a media briefing on Wednesday (Nov. 2). “And the reality is there aren’t any real laws, treaties, internationally that govern what you’re allowed to do in terms of reentry,” Sorge said

And past crashes did leave debris:

Mehul Reuben Das, Tech2

China, like always refuses to take responsibility for its falling rocket, instead claiming that it will burn up on re-entry. However, on three separate occasions, metal from their rockets has made impact on the Earth. Once, they managed to damage an entire village.

On the three previous launches by the Chinese space agency where they have used a similar rocket, back in 2020, 2021, and 2022, large chunks of debris damaged villages in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, fell into the Indian Ocean, and landed near villages in Borneo, respectively. Fortunately, no one has yet been injured by this falling debris.

300 flights over Spain were delayed while they waited for the space junk to pass over.

According to Alex on twitter, “The Chinese #CZ5B rocket flew over Catalonia a while ago at a height of 148 km and a speed of more than 28,000 km/h.” Which makes it 140 km above most planes. Still, at some point, 23 ton objects moving at Mach 22 through your airspace will surely be breaking some laws.

Flights were cleared north of Madrid.

US Aerospace published a prediction of the last hours of this space hazard

Judging by reports, it went over northern Spain, past the UAE, over Western Australia and New Zealand and then crashed 1000 km short of Mexico.

Note the tick marks on the path show how far this travels in five minutes. It was a 35 minute flight from Spain to Australia. (I wish I’d known to look out the window as it went past Perth).

Chines longmarch rocket reentry path

Click to enlarge | Aerospace

China does not know how to play diplomat, and is not even trying. It is treating the world like a trash can. Careless with rockets. Careless with viruses.

How much more would it have cost to add in the last stage small burner to control that reentry?

Apparently China will try this again next year.

UPDATE: For those who believe CCP promises that the craft will burn up, here is past debris.

Shoo 👀 A cropland in Gansu got struck by a large chunk of Long March 2D Y72 debris

Shoo 👀 A cropland in Gansu got struck by a large chunk of Long March 2D Y72 debris Twitter

UPDATE: #2 Jonathon McDowell Astrophysicist at Harvard says of the photo above that “The debris …is a suborbital stage of the orbital launch, so more intact that a typical orbital debris reentry.”

China CCP Debris Longmarch, Philipines.

Rocket debris believed to be from China’s Long March 5B (CZ-5B) booster rocket were found by fishermen near the Mindoro Strait, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) confirmed. (Photo courtesy of PCG Station Mamburao)

MV wisely points out these are not blackened. Apparently they are likely space trash from “suborbital” parts early after the launch. They don’t show whether a 23 ton stage would burn up but they do show that the CCP treats the world like its trash can.

But other parts appear to have crashed on land in 2020, showing that the CCP are not being honest when they claim their reentries burn up:

Cote d'Ivoire. Debris. China Longmarch rocket debris.@planet4589

See the Newsweek story. McDowell says the timing and location suggest it might be.

“For a large object like this, dense pieces like parts of the rocket engines could survive reentry and crash to Earth,” McDowell told CNN. “Once they reach the lower atmosphere they are traveling relatively slowly, so worst case is they could take out a house.” ““I conclude that the objects seen in Mahounou, and at least some of the other objects from the Cote d’Ivore region whose photos are being circulated in African media, are very likely parts of the Chinese rocket stage,” McDowell wrote on Twitter.”

It was an 18 ton stage, and there was seismic evidence supporting debris hitting the ground too.

9.8 out of 10 based on 64 ratings

New Climate Omen appears: Glowing crystal jellyfish are telling you to install solar panels

By Jo Nova

Aequorea victoria, Bioluminescent crystal jellyfish.

Lo behold, I give you the sign of doom. Bioluminescent jellyfish have traveled from the Pacific to the UK to warn of climate change.

We know this because citizen scientists have been tracking jellyfish for at least 20 years of the Holocene, if not the other 12,000 years, and they noticed things have not stayed exactly the same.

We don’t understand the underlying ocean gyrations, currents, jellyfish biology, or long term cycles of anything, but the team collected 1,315 sightings in the last year, which is a big number. Lordy, in waters surrounding 66 million people, it amounts to them counting three or four jellyfish a day.

Based on this we’d like your wallet, your pension fund, and the deeds to the houses your children haven’t bought yet.

Climate crisis brings growing numbers of unusual jellyfish to UK seas

Helena Horton, The Guardian

Britain’s seas are becoming populated with large groups of unusual jellyfish owing to climate breakdown…

Between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022, there were a total of 1,315 jellyfish sightings reported to the MCS.

Eight jellyfish species are normally seen around the UK and Ireland but this year 11 were spotted, with more uncommon visitors now visiting these waters

Bioluminescent crystal jellyfish made up 3% of total sightings: these animals are nearly completely transparent, but give off an amazing green-blue light under certain circumstances because of the fluorescent protein produced by their bodies. They are usually found in the Pacific Ocean and rarely visit UK waters.

No one mentions that jellyfish plagues come and go on 22 year pattern that matches solar cycles. What’s more likely, the sun shifts ocean currents, or that coal fired plants make jellyfish migrate?

The doom in this story is the state of science journalism. The Guardian churns out pagan whimsy and astrological prophesy on a daily basis, and calls it science — yet no publicly funded academic scientist has the guts to call this out. We are regressing to an era of tea-leaf reading, and scientists are preying upon the vulnerable and untrained.

No wonder the public thinks that “climate change is already here”.

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9.6 out of 10 based on 84 ratings

Thursday Open Thread

9 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

Renewable records tumble? How the ABC turns a grid headache into a glorious solar achievement

by Jo Nova

With all the calm language of a paid ad agency, the ABC is breathless because an esoteric measure called “minimum operational demand” has hit a record or two. This glorious moment may have only lasted 30 minutes, and it isn’t actually a useful thing, but it’s a “record”.

In fact, “minimum  operational demand” is a grid management headache, not a badge of honor. It’s the midday moment when solar panels all work — and it’s becoming such a problem that two states in Australia have said all new solar panels need “smart” controllers so that the guys in the central control rooms can turn the darn things off. That’s how good it is.

ABC Headline solar records
Renewable energy records tumble around the country as rooftop solar power soars

by ABC Energy Propaganda Reporter, Daniel Mercer

Soaring power production from households and businesses with rooftop solar panels has sent records tumbling across Australia as output from fossil fuels falls to all-time lows.

The record so-called minimum operational demand excludes the power generated by consumers with their own solar panels, which met 92 per cent of South Australia’s overall needs at one point on October 17.

The surge in power at midday forces the rest of the reliable generators to spin their wheels, running inefficiently, while they wait to be allowed back to do what they could have done all along without all the stopping and starting. It’s a miles per gallon kind of thing. Solar power makes the whole grid less efficient.

Here’s South Australia on October 16th setting a record in vanity-electricity:


AEMO, SA, Minimum operational demand, duck curve.

The Duck Curve in South Australia.  SA, Minimum operational demand. Click to enlarge.  @AEMO,


The achievement is that the grid is so overdeveloped that it had twice as many generators as it needed at midday. Briefly, rooftop solar was making 92% of all the electricity the state could use.

Solar panels are the roadworks on the grid freeway that slows down the trucks and cars that are doing something useful. They provide poor quality electricity, which needs back up, frequency stabilizers, storage, long transmission lines, huge subsidies and large holes in the ground to store all the waste. Not to mention slave labor too. What’s not to like?

Having one “generator” supplying the whole state makes the grid more fragile — all it takes is one cloud bank to roll in, and a Gigawatt can disappear, just like that. A few years ago we came close to a crash on the East Coast because lightning hit the grid, and badly installed panels tripped out with minor frequency wobbles. As many as a third of the rooftop solar panels in South Australia bailed themselves out just when we needed them.  Solar panels also cause surges at midday that can push the grid up to 253 volts (when it should be 240). The surges may be breaking appliances, and it costs more on your electricity bill too.

This AEMO graph below shows the exotic but mindless concept of “Instantaneous renewable penetration”. It creates the illusion that this concept is a long term meaningful attribute, when really this is just the peak half hour in a three month period, or 1 part in 4,000 of what we really need. This represents just the leading creeping edge of the fantasy. 99.99% of the time, the world doesn’t look like this.

Instantaneous renewables, AEMO, Q3, 2022, Report, Graph.

AEMO Q3 report. 2022.

The fine print:

28 Instantaneous renewable penetration is calculated using the NEM renewable generation share of total generation The measure is calculated on a half-hourly basis, because this is the granularity of estimated output data for distributed PV.

If they could have estimated the five minute peak of solar, they would have.

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9.9 out of 10 based on 59 ratings

Wednesday Open Thread

9.6 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

China is the luminous elephant floating in the kitchen at COP27: the developing nation that builds space stations

By Jo Nova

China emits more CO2 than first world combined, but tells the West to “do more” as it quietly sprints into the Space Race

China, dragon flag.

China signed the Paris Agreement, which meant nothing at all. It is now building 60% of all the new coal plants in the world while the West does a kind of Tantric Energy Yoga —  trying to run smelters with solar panels.

China’s emissions of CO2 exceed all developed nations combined, yet President Xi is not even attending COP27, and almost no one cares.

This is the luminous elephant floating in the kitchen at COP27:

If CO2 mattered, they would care. But the point of COP27 was never about the climate.

China's emissions global, compared to US, India, Russia, EU. Graph.

China absurdly mocks the moral carbon-beauty-contest of the west, while applauding us, and playing by its own rules

From the sidelines, the CCP berates and eggs on the West saying that “empty slogans are not ambition” and calling for the “UN climate summit to address the concerns of developing nations.”

Li Gao, director of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment’s climate change department… urged developed nations to meet their commitments on the US$100 billion per year and called for rich countries to develop a more ambitious road map for climate finance for 2021-25 and onwards.    — South China Morning Post

Meanwhile today China-the-developing-nation is celebrating the docking of their third space module. Nothing says “advanced” quite like building your own space station. Nothing says “dangerous” quite like working on the far side of the moon, where no one can see you, which is another project for the China National Space Administration.

As Dr Malcolm Davis says the Chinese program is heavily integrated with the PLA. It’s a military “dual purpose” operation.

There’s a shadow war in Space “every day”. China is actively testing the US defences in space on a daily basis, harassing them with lasers, radio jammers, cyber attacks and even other satellites with robotic grappling hook arms.

Meanwhile it’s almost like there is a shadow economic and industrial war too, and one of the weapons is “carbon”.

10 out of 10 based on 82 ratings