Paul Krugman sticks pins into the Climate Denier VooDoo Doll

Excuse #101: Denying Climate Change is an Evil Depraved Sin so we don’t need to bother coming up with reasons anymore

Why is Krugman sticking pins into Denier Dolls? It makes him feel better.

He said it himself — if people disagree about climate change in good faith, it means climate believers need to be more persuasive. But if they are just evil, there’s nothing you can do. This is the end-days desperation. And after thirty years of propaganda, there’s nothing left in their communication toolbox. The awful truth is that in the muted, lopsided debate, they had all the money and institutions but they still lost.

When you can’t convince people with polite discussion all that’s left is to agree with your opponents or demonize them. So that’s what Krugman does. Change the goal-posts — he’s saying these evil people are not even worth talking to.

Humans are incredibly good at rationalizing stupid things. Pace Paul Krugman, who wrote this in the NY times last week. This week, the Sydney Morning Herald became the copy-paste late repeater of junk analysis and naked smear by a failed economist. Bravo.

Denying climate change is evil Climate denial is rooted in […]

Rampant solar, wind growth: Australia increases unreliable energy by 50% in 2018. Wow.

The Crash Test Dummy accelerates. Australia is steaming ahead in the forced transition to unreliable energy

A lot of the reason for the growth in renewables is the Renewable Energy Target (the RET). Renewables must supply 16% of our electricity in 2018, and even more in 2019.

Strap yourself in. Buried in the AEMO summer readiness plan was the news that our intermittent renewables capacity is forecast to increase by fully 50% this year. All the renewables we had accrued in the two decade “transition” til December last year, we’ve added half again. We are already pushing the bounds of stability and setting price records, but you ain’t seen nothing yet. We are escalating the rate of change.

In toto, we have 56GW of generation of all sorts in the national grid on the east coast. The wind and solar component increased from 4GW at the end of 2017 to over 6GW by the end of 2018. But it doesn’t take much intermittent power to change the way the whole grid works.

Things are so fragile that a few weeks ago, when 240MW of reliable supply was suddenly not available for this summer, the AEMO had to issue a […]

Pied Piper 2018: Australian students skip school for mass protest

By David Evans

The BBC in Sydney reports:

Thousands of Australian school students have urged greater action on climate change in protests across the country.

The students skipped school on Friday to highlight what they say are inadequate climate policies by the Australian government.

On Monday, Australian PM Scott Morrison rebuked their plans for “activism” during school hours and insisted his government was tackling climate change. …

The idea started with Milou Albrect and Harriet O’Shea Carre, both 14, in the state of Victoria. … Milou said: “We want our government to acknowledge publicly that climate change is a crisis. Stop digging coal, stop making new coal mines, switch to renewable energy.” …

Jean Hinchcliffe, 14, saw the idea to protest grow in Victoria and decided to start one in her home city, Sydney. … “Everyone, all young people, we can see that climate change is a real issue and we’re completely sick of politicians’ inaction.

Like with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, what would change their minds? How can we convince them they have been misled?

When eventually the carbon dioxide theory is proved to be quite wrong, what will this generation think? Will they […]

Jo talks destruction at the GWPF

Having as much fun as possible with the Australian Grid story. Josh, the trooper, was there last night busy unleashing his pen!

9.5 out of 10 based on 57 ratings

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: We’re All Going To Die From Climate Change

By David Evans

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an up and coming young politician in the Democratic Party in the United States:

On June 26, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in New York’s 14th congressional district covering parts of the Bronx and Queens in New York City, defeating the incumbent Congressman, Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley, in what was described as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election primaries. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

When she takes office on January 3, 2019, at 29, Ocasio-Cortez will be the youngest woman to serve in Congress in the history of the United States.

Many say she is the progressive future of the USA — socialist, young, brown, female, outspoken, but not overly bright.

Nicknamed “occasional-cortex” by some for her comments on economics, she is influential and receives a lot of attention. From a recent article on her climate change pronouncements:

Newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is doubling down on her first week’s agenda in Congress, calling on her colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass a “Green New Deal” because “people are going to die” from climate change.

Ocasio-Cortez cited a report released […]

Update On Joanne’s Tour

By David Evans

Joanne’s talk at the European Institute for Climate and Energy’s (German acronym EIKE) 12th International Climate and Energy Conference in Munich was well-received, she reports. It was live streamed, but I cannot find it on YouTube yet. (If anyone finds it, or something else interesting at the conference, email me and I’ll post it.) Here’s a description beforehand of the conference in English.

She met with lots of the organizers and speakers, and — paraphrasing — reports that they are aware of us and like us here in Australia, but kind of forget about us, though they are always impressed when they notice us.

Apparently the German audience was very interested to hear that Australia is making a contest of it with Germany, into who can plunge fastest and furthest into climate economic-suicide. There seems to be some notion that the Germans are doing it partly out of a sense of guilt from WWII, incredibly enough — surely it’s past time to dispel that sense? Also out of a sense of duty, they say. Our excuse? Just general virtue signaling and feeling wealthy on the part of our opinion-forming elites I suppose, coupled with a complete […]

EIKE climate and energy conference. Live

Watch it live. 🙂

The 12th EIKE Climate and Energy Conference


9.3 out of 10 based on 31 ratings

Bill Shorten wasting your money on batteries

By David Evans

Joanne called today from Doha, on her way to give a speech in Germany. I mentioned that Bill Shorten was promising to a rebate of up to $2,000 per household to install residential batteries … and a quarter of a second I heard “what a brilliant way to waste a lot of money!”

Batteries schmatteries:

Bill Shorten unveils $15bn energy plan to help tackle climate ‘disaster’, by Katharine Murphy.

Bill Shorten has unveiled a $15bn program for driving the transformation in Australia’s energy system to low-emissions sources, declaring climate change is no longer an emergency, “it’s a disaster”. …

Labor is proposing an emissions reduction target across the economy of 45% and aims to have renewables achieve a 50% share of the electricity market by 2030.

Eight coal-fired power stations are set to close over the next two decades because they have reached the end of their operating life, and Labor’s higher emissions reduction target will drive a faster rationalisation.

What do you think? Is Bill Shorten’s climate plan a disaster for Australia? Should the Federal Government have conducted some due diligence before heading down this […]


Just a note to apologize in advance that I can’t read or reply to emails while I’m away from now to Dec 3 (at these events).

If you need to reach me urgently, please email the moderators at support AT (And thank them for their help!).

9.4 out of 10 based on 34 ratings

Greens want to put you in jail for seven years for burning coal after 2030

Let’s lock up the whole country

You can’t make this stuff up.

Greens want to make burning coal a crime

The Greens want Australians to start treating coal like asbestos, with the minor party announcing its policy to make the energy resource illegal.

Yes, because asbestos kills people, which is a lot like coal which saves lives, feeds plants, keeps us warm and earns us $23 billion dollars a year. (And that’s just thermal coal).

Greens MP Adam Bandt outlined the policy on Friday in Hobart, which makes it illegal to dig, burn or ship thermal coal from 2030.

Individuals and corporations could face up to seven years’ jail for using thermal coal after that date, the Greens propose.

Life is death, money is poverty, and fires are a secret code from Gaia: Greens policy would outlaw thermal coal as it is ‘no longer compatible’ with human life

Against the backdrop of catastrophic destruction in California, Bandt will tell his audience Australia’s biggest chance of avoiding climate catastrophe is by ceasing coal exports. — The Guardian

The Greens are a danger to the nation. They’re killing people through stone-age reasoning.

It’s an […]

The Classics and the future of The West – Perth event Nov 24

I’m travelling this week, so can’t get to this event, but promised I’d give it a free advert. For people interested in the history of Western Civilization and the role of the Classics and Education in the future of The West. These events are always thought provoking. Stephen Hurworth’s knowledge of the to’s and fro’s and strategic cycles of history is par excellence…

A Classical Revival night in Perth

9.5 out of 10 based on 31 ratings […]

Jo nova explaining how to Destroy Electricity Grids in Munich — Oslo — London

Laugh at madness of the Climate Follies Downunder

I’m delighted to be speaking in Europe and the UK

Friday 23rd November at EIKE 12th International Conference on Climate and Energy, Munich 6pm Monday 26th November in Oslo, with Klimaterealistene, Norway 20.00 Weds 28th November in London at the Headquarters of GWPF 6pm 55 Tufton Street, London, [email protected] How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Complicated Steps

It takes skill, money and blind faith to trash decades of good engineering.

Find out how to achieve state-wide blackouts, flying squads of diesel generators, and a tripling of wholesale electricity prices in just five years. Admire the virtue signalling ambition of a nation that controls just 1.5% of human emissions yet is trying to change the global weather by sacrificing its largest export earner and main source of electricity.

Australia once had some of the cheapest electricity in the world to one of the most expensive, even though it has more coal and uranium per person than almost any place on Earth. As renewables go in everywhere, businesses are closing. Even in a sunny and windy nation, seductive free “clean” energy turned out to be a poisonous gift because […]

Climate change pain: mass revolt starts in France. Now lorry drivers join in

UPDATE: French Lorry Drivers block fuel depots

The Times: Lorry drivers joined the protest movement today as ministers struggled to restore order with at least 35 motorways partially or completely blocked, along with at least 18 motorway sliproads. Barricades were erected across dozens of other roads around the country. — h/t to GWPF for the latest

The climate change collectivist overlords were always going to overdo it

Changing the global climate is such a ridiculously ambitious task that there was never any real limit to the imposts that would be demanded. So the zealots and the rent seekers would take what they could get, and then ask for more in escalating cycles, until the people finally rose up in revolt.

Apparently, the French have hit that point. Its spontaneous chaos, violence, and blockades. But the protest is supported by nearly 4 out 5 people:

Gilets jaunes protest likely to continue

Saturday: 227 protesters were injured, the majority of which were caused by drivers attempting to force their way through blockades; one 63-year-old woman attending the gilets jaunes protest in Savoie was killed after a driver “panicked” and accelerated into protesters. 117 people were arrested and 73 […]

SA and Vic at high risk of blackouts this summer

Even the AEMO is warning of blackouts coming, because the BoM is forecasting hot, dry conditions. El Nino on the way, and I hear rumours our Snowy Hydro Dam levels are not great.

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There’ll be blackouts this summer if nothing is done, AEMO report warns

Stephanie Dalzell, ABC News

Victoria and South Australia are at a high risk of forced blackouts this summer if no action is taken, according to the latest report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

Not enough supply? Put another million bucks on the BBQ:

To stop that from occurring, the AEMO has sourced emergency energy reserves, which are typically not available to the market and are only accessed when supply is not keeping up with demand.

Those emergency reserves — otherwise known as Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) resources — do not come cheap.

It’s only money:

The report stated that last summer emergency energy cost taxpayers in Victoria and South Australia almost $52 million.

That equated to an average of an extra $6 per household bill.

That’s nothing. The two day heatwave […]

Weekend Unthreaded


I’m very much looking forward to speaking in Munich (EIKE Nov 23), Oslo (Nov 26), and London (Nov 28). Details coming!

9.9 out of 10 based on 27 ratings

Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.”

A new grassroots group is forming to lobby to get Australia out of the Paris Patsy Agreement. The people who are fed up with us being The Crash Test Dummies of Renewables include movers and shakers, professors, farmers, MP’s, executive giants of the mining and medical research industry, engineers, and surgeons. It includes Larry Pickering (cartoonist), Hugh Morgan, Alan Moran, Ian Plimer, Jerry Ellis, John Stone, Peter Farrell (ResMed), Ron Manners, Gina Rheinhart, Geoff Bennett, Colin Boyce, Bob Bryan, Ron Pike, David Archibald, Prof Ivan Kennedy, Prof Peter Ridd, Bill Kininmonth (former head of the National Climate Centre) and so many more. Credit to Viv Forbes of Carbonsense.

My thoughts on why we need The Saltbush Club:

“Who speaks for consumers? Our elected reps are supposed to, but few are willing to speak up. There is a $1.5 trillion dollar global industry that wants Australia to accept Paris, but no debate about the vested interests that stand to profit while Australian consumers and businesses pay carbon taxes they have voted against every time they had the chance.”

The opening press release:

“The Saltbush Club”

Skilled and Thinking […]

Climate Models are a Joke

An update on the graph that is death to climate models

Good people of Earth are spending thousands of billions of dollars to prevent a future predicted by models that we know don’t work. The debate is over, climate spending is an unscientific, pagan, theological quest to change the weather. Just another iteration of what Druids and Witchdoctors have been promising for eons. Don’t expect the vested interests that profit from this Golden Climate Gravy Train to tell you this.

The top 23 global coupled climate models don’t understand the climate and can’t predict it. Our CO2 emissions are accelerating, the effect should be amplifying, but millions of weather balloons and satellites that circle the Earth 24 hours a day show unequivocally that the models are wrong.

TROPICAL MID-TROPOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS MODELS vs OBSERVATIONS5-Year Averages, 1979-2016 – Trend line crosses zero at 1979 for all time series

The Climate Study Group have placed this graph in an advert (why do skeptics have to pay to get graphs like this — a public service — printed?)

Read the whole Climate Reality PDF here.

Acolytes and fellow parasites will say that surface temperatures measured by NASA and Hadley […]

Blame climate change for fewer fires, shorter droughts, slower winds

Thanks to the Californian conflagration, Global Climate Superstition is here again to tell us that fires in coal plants cause fires in forests. Scientists, on the other hand, find that as emissions got higher there was a fall in wildfires globally, droughts didn’t get worse and winds have slowed.

The witchdoctors play on the Back in the days when people rowed their battleships to war, the megadroughts were really mega. Despite all the mechanization (or probably because of it) global biomass burning was lower in the last century than anytime since Julius Caesar.

If CO2 is the driving force behind fires apparently we need more of it.

When it comes to fire, temperature is not as important as wind speed, fuel load, and the density of arsonists.

Last we heard, winds were slowing globally at a rate of 0.5km/hour. The great Global Stilling can’t be bad for fires (though it can’t be good for wind farms). Perhaps a slightly slower wind is irrelevant. But then if half a kilometer per hour of wind doesn’t matter, why does half a degree of warming? Judging by the actual area burned by fires, not.

As Willis Eschenbach points out California is only warming […]

Like Prohibition is to Moonshine, Green divestment activists are a boon for coal investors

When wowsers banned alcohol in the US, the price of beer rose sevenfold. Nick Cater points at rising coal share prices and ponders that the Green divestment plan to reduce coal use works just as well as prohibition did. Divestment shrinks capital inflow to coal mines, so there are fewer new mines, and less coal available. But people still want just as much coal as they ever did, so the price of coal goes up instead of down. Good news for coal investors. Too bad about those on the poverty line. Put some more dung in the barbie…..

.The Financial Times. (paywalled)

Once again Green economics amounts to Wish Fairy Declarations. The first Law of Free Markets is Supply and Demand. The Greens might have changed the “supply” slightly (temporarily, and only in some countries) but demand hasn’t changed, so supply will rebound.

To help the poor afford coal the only ethical thing to do is invest in coal mining:

Nick Cater, The Australian

History is unlikely to be kind to them. Coercive attempts to stop the use of fossil fuels are delivering the same perverse economic consequences as the attempts to close down American […]

“Biggest crisis in a lifetime”, “worse than GFC” hits Australian business — electricity costs

The closures and “heartbreaking” decisions are escalating as electricity contracts for businesses are being renegotiated in the new era of higher wholesale electricity prices. Family run operations that have survived for 40 years are being destroyed. Years of work, investment and training are being erased.

UPDATE: Dated July 2017

Businesses brace for crippling energy bill increases

Frank Chung

“This is the biggest business crisis I’ve seen in my lifetime,” said Peter Strong, chief executive of the Council of Small Business Australia. “The GFC was managed and it affected everybody, but this is only Australia and we cannot see a solution.

“What we’re hearing is terrible. We’re seeing closures have already started, I fully expect there will be more closures and staff put off. When you’re running a small supermarket, where do you find an extra $70,000?”

Businesses are more exposed to the rapidly rising wholesale electricity costs than householders are, and long term contracts are being renegotiated. As they do, rises of 120% are hitting small businesses.

The price hikes hitting businesses of up 120 per cent — dwarfing the 20 per cent increases faced by households — have […]