Climate Tales: BlackRock got Exxon to divest oil fields that PetroChina wanted (which BlackRock also owned shares in)

BlackRock logo

by Jo Nova

When will the Green climate activists realize they are the minions of the Banksters, and communist governments?

In 2021 BlackRock used its shareholder influence to force Exxon to drop some gas fields under the guise of “climate activism”. BlackRock were the second largest shareholder with 6.6% of Exxon at the time. They bragged about getting three new activist board members elected to help Exxon in the “energy transition”. But they also happened to be major investors in PetroChina too with 7% of the Chinese oil and gas company and BlackRock didn’t seem to care too much about their ESG policy. Conveniently, PetroChina was “poised” to buy many of the fields that the giant US oil company was getting its arm twisted to sell.

Naturally the Stupid-Media wrote this up as a win for koalas and whales or something:

Exxon, Blackrock, Climate Activists, Board meetings.

It’s like sabotage of national assets

While BlackRock pretend to care about the environment, they were potentially undermining a US company, their US shareholders, and own pension fund clients, all to get a better deal, perhaps, with “favours” of who-knows-what for a foreign company, which is a subsidiary of the Chinese State CNPC. We can only speculate, but the conflict of interest is ripe with possibilities. It’s easy to imagine President Xi being grateful. And as it happens, BlackRock became the first to operate a wholly owned China mutual fund in June 2021. Coincidence?

Thankfully, two US State Republican governments noticed the conflict of interest, and put pressure on BlackRock and other pension fund managers. The Wall Street Journal article below is a year old, but under the fiduciary duty headline, many people may have missed the detail about PetroChina being the winner, and about BlackRock’s “environmental attitude” being so anti-West and pro-China.

ESG Can’t Square With Fiduciary Duty

By Jed Rubenfeld and William P. Barr, Wall Street Journal, Sept 6th, 2022

US Flag, Flying.Last week Attorneys General Jeff Landry and Todd Rokita of Louisiana and Indiana, respectively, went further. Each issued a letter warning his state pension board that ESG investing is likely a violation of fiduciary duty.

The Louisiana and Indiana opinions didn’t make headlines but have seismic implications: They suggest that state pension-fund board members, investment staff and investment advisers may be liable if they continue allocating funds to ESG-promoting asset managers such as BlackRock.

First, Mr. Landry’s guidance spotlights potentially explosive, undisclosed conflicts of interest in the Big Three’s “selective” promotion of ESG criteria against U.S. companies but not Chinese companies. According to Mr. Landry, in 2021 BlackRock exercised its proxy voting rights as Exxon’s second-largest shareholder to lead “an activist campaign that forced Exxon to cut oil production,” without disclosing that many of the “oil fields dropped by Exxon” are “poised to be acquired by PetroChina” and that BlackRock is “one of PetroChina’s largest investors.”

Mr. Landry has a point. BlackRock has an enormous stake in PetroChina, reporting holdings of between one trillion and two trillion shares, representing between 5% and 10% ownership, from 2018-22.

The US Republican states may yet save us. We know this campaign has been successful in slowing the ESG trainwreck. One giant fund, Vanguard, pulled out of the global banker cabal in December last year. The Insurance fund consortium has largely fallen apart. Larry Fink (the CEO of BlackRock) has stopped bragging about ESG, and BlackRock has closed one small China fund just last month, after such pressure.

The dark bubble is the reason everything seems to be going off the rails simultaneously.

Are your retirement funds being used?

Photo by eflon on Flickr. Adapted. CC by 2.0.


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25 comments to Climate Tales: BlackRock got Exxon to divest oil fields that PetroChina wanted (which BlackRock also owned shares in)

  • #
    David Maddison

    Imagine having so much power that you could actually tell Exxon (current market cap. US$429 billion) what to do.


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      Graeme No.3

      Exxon has seemed to have recovered.
      Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) is in advanced talks to acquire Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD.N) in a deal that could value the Permian shale basin producer at about $60 billion, people familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
      The acquisition would be Exxon’s biggest since its $81 billion deal for Mobil in 1998 and would expand its footprint in one of the most lucrative regions of the U.S. oil patch.


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        The mechanism remains live though. Any multinational corp wanting access to the giant 1.3 billion person market that is China needs to curry favours. Or they may just want to profit from the arbitrage of suppressing prices in one market while buying in another. How many other trades have already gone under the wire, and nobody noticed?

        How many retirement funds are smaller than they would have been. How many CEO’s silenced?


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    David Maddison

    There needs to be investment funds that support progress and freedom, not regress and dictatorship like woke BlackRock.

    In fact, in the US, there is such an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF).

    Let’s support the one I describe below and also get more of these set up in the US and other countries, including Australia.

    The American Conservative Values ETF (ACVF) is based on the conviction that politically active companies negatively impact their shareholder returns, as well as support issues and causes that conflict with conservative political ideals, beliefs and values.


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      william x

      To all – If one searches a little further, the companies that ACVF refuse to invest in are revealed.

      Those companies are listed under the title – “Boycotts”

      “ACVF – We refuse to invest in the companies most hostile to conservative values.”

      Current list here:


      • #

        I wonder why MasterCard was not on their list, though Visa was. Mastercard is one of ACVF’s majors. Mastercard joined with George Soros’s Open Boarders foundation and the tides foundation, these groups are the ones promoting and funding the world’s migration crisis. Pretty hostile in my opinion.
        Master Card top shareholders, Vanguard, Blackrock, Statestreet.
        ACVF major shareholder is Microsoft, who’s majors are, Vanguard, Blackrock, Statestreet.

        The shareholders select the Board, the Board control the company. Beware of the hidden hand.

        The pornstar and her pimp (snopes) say False, Mastercard and Soros are not funding immigrants, they then write,
        “Migrants are often forced into lives of despair in their host communities because they cannot gain access to financial, healthcare and government services. Our potential investment in this social enterprise, coupled with Mastercard’s ability to create products that serve vulnerable communities, can show how private capital can play a constructive role in solving social problems,” said George Soros.


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      Don’t buy their product either and that hurts them more.


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    David Maddison

    They bragged about getting three new activist board members elected to help Exxon in the “energy transition”. 

    This is common with corporations and other institutions. It’s part of the German Communist’s Rudi Dutschke’s 1967 plan of “the long march through the institutions”.

    For example, in a recent board election for the RACV (Victoriastan, Australia, member owned motorist organisation and supposed lobby group like AAA in America) nearly all the candidates were anti-car, climate catastrophe true believers, advocates for public transport etc..


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    David Maddison

    I wonder if BlackRock is behind woke corporate disasters like Bud Light?

    And guess whose foundation just spent US$95 million buying into Anheuser-Busch at bargain basement prices?


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      Right again David! As many people have often said, “follow the money”! It generally leads to theft and corruption!


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    David Maddison

    BlackRock has worked out that, provided there’s co-operation with Government and the Useful/Useless Idiots of the Left, there’s more money to be made destroying Civilisation than building it.


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      Everything your left is doing now, was brought in by the right, the left are just following through on the agenda. The right have just gone into the shadows. Half time, change sides.

      Vanguard is the largest shareholder in Blackrock, they never got out of Carbon Harvesting,
      BlackRock is a publicly traded company, and its largest shareholders are its competitors, including BlackRock itself. Not directly but through their passive and active funds. The largest shareholder is Vanguard.

      A similar situation is also true in the opposite direction because BlackRock is a significant shareholder in many of its publicly traded competitors and other large institutions, making the whole thing even more eyebrow-raising.

      This circular ownership between Vanguard, BlackRock, and other large asset managers, amplifies the issue often raised about the power of these large asset managers over public companies since they usually belong to the most significant shareholders with large voting power.


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    Frederick Pegler

    The media control the politicians, that control the western world. Control the media, control the west.
    Control the training ground for the media, control the media.


  • #

    Australia has been eco-divesting its coal, gas and uranium for years so that foreign, eco-feigning entities like China can buy up big at bargain prices to rapidly grow their energy and industrial based economy with scant regard as to what the rest of the world thinks.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Greenwashing to improve the bottom line of corporations, so good this capitalism


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      If only you understood what a free market and capitalism was.

      It’s not capitalism when the government forces people to put their income in shareholdings, but it does help BlackRock.
      It’s not capitalism when the government forces people to use one currency whose interest rates are controlled by a committee decree. The central banks work well for … bankers.
      It’s not a free market when mass multi-conglomerate international funds own the media that is supposed to report conflicts of interest like this one.

      It’s not a free market when the CCP effectively has a controlling interest in every player in China.


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      These are the parties that you get behind, your the one pushing their narritive. These are the Governments stake holders, these are the funding behind the green blob, this is fascism.

      Stop washing the green for them.


    • #

      I have doubts you read this which should have been obvious if you been following this:

      When will the Green climate activists realize they are the minions of the Banksters, and communist governments?

      Big business and foreign nations are in it for the money and the power, climate issues they follow only enough to get that money and power.


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    Secondly, all of the companies and portfolios that BlackRock manages—which is pretty much all of them—are international in scope, making BlackRock beholden to them and their interests, not merely U.S. citizens. Also, for the record: BlackRock is a publicly traded company while Vanguard is not, which means Vanguard’s private shareholders are completely secret and can never be revealed. And recall that Vanguard has the controlling share of BlackRock. So the company that owns the controlling share, and therefore the largest voting rights, in BlackRock, and thereby owns the vast majority of every major bank on the planet including the Federal Reserve, is itself owned by a ‘secret’ cabal of shareholders.


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    Thanks to Jo for seeing through the smoke n mirrors to provide us with a clearer view.


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    Not everyone thinks investing in China is a good thing.


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  • #

    These sort of moves have been practiced for millenia by the unscrupulous. Black Rock and co are criminals. Similar shady activities are, under the guise of protecting the environment, the pressuring of govts to grant subsidies for renewables, when, surprise surprise, the entities being subsidised are part owned by Black Rock…

    I am angry that its always the taxpayer or other Australians who end up funding these parasites. And as usual the MSM and most politicians are in on the act, or are so stupid they can’t see what is going on…


  • #

    Your question about when will the protestors realise they are working for communists and bankers is rather moot. The protestors know exactly what they are doing because they are also communists. Yes they are no doubt deluded youth who believe the communists system is wonderful because for most of their lives mummy and daddy have been spoiling them rotten and they attended the best universities doing useless degrees taught by Marxist lecturers. Deluded and dumb, the prerequisits for a successful career as a useful idiot.


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    Who do you think is rattling whose chain?

    These types are not called “eco-nazis” by many folk, for no reason.

    It has been a long and interesting set of “arrangements, starting at least back in the “romantic period of the 19th Century in Europe.The early corporate atists got a big leg up via that despicable postcard-painting, genocidal, forest-worshiping psychopath, Adolf Hitler.

    That went a bit awry in 1945, but Stalin and his minions were right onto it, with pudgy fingers in the Eco” movement. “Greenpiece” was one of their playthings, combining “concern” for “nature” and “peace” in one well-funded package. .

    A lot of that went away when the soviet-union had a stumble several decades ago. HOWEVER, the networks and the potential for “creativity’ remain to this day. Just think back through all the “scares” over the last four decades ALONE. ALL of them are, at core, “Solutions in search of problems. The SAME “super-staist” model, with centralized, global resource and population control being the markers.
