A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The core idea of all the renewables is to avoid fossil fuels completely.
The Science story is that fossil fuels generate CO2 which permanently increases atmospheric CO2 and that produces additional and dangerous warming. Which changes climates and produces rapid sea level rises. Not so called ’emissions’ but total CO2. And now methane, CH4.
So the current world cost of controlling emissions and CO2 is running at $1,800,000,000,000 a year. Enough to build say 36 nuclear power stations a year. But we are getting Chinese windmills and solar panels.
When we taxpayers and electricity consumers pay all these costs, we have the right to see what we get for our money.
So the question is how much has CO2 gone down in 36 years due to our windmills and solar panels? Or stopped rising? Or changed slope? Or had any detectable effect at all?
And if not, why are we paying, paying, paying. For what?
And in Australia, we have been paying for John Howard’s fake Green Certificates in his fake market for 26 years. Buried in our electricity bills. Billions a year. Forcing cheap power out of business. (not approved power) Every time you buy carbon energy, you also have to pay the people who don’t supply you. Money for nothing. To force the cheap suppliers out of business.
Now in Australia, our 250 biggest companies, like airlines,smelters, plastics, glass, sewage, transport, shipping are paying 5% tax because they are forced to buy Australian Carbon credits, to grow more trees. On the way to 35% in another 6 years. Of course they do not pay this carbon tax. We do. When we buy goods, flush the toilet, catch the Tasmanian ferry, buy plastics, or just transport food. So 35% carbon tax in everything we buy. Our biggest plastics manufacturer has just soldup, closed 18 sites and we have lost 800 real jobs. All that has to be imported from China now.
Given no government has ever had a mandate for a Carbon Tax and the government does not receive the money, this impoverishment of all Australians to feed the trade in solar panels and windmills is theft. Governments have the right to tax. But they do not have the right to enrich third parties, to force you to pay for non existent certificates of zero value to you. And then the owners of these power generations systems will tax you again for using equipment for which you have already paid. Again theft. And they do not pay tax as they depreciate the investment, made with your money.
And what is the actual benefit to Australia? How much have we reduced CO2? After 36 years of imminent Armageddon, why are we the only idiots paying for nothing? And then being charged again by the people who received the money.
The government subsidizes nothing. It’s all highway robbery on the road to Climate Hell. Who do our politicians represent? Not us.
Never Let it be forgotten that it was Howard that started Australia on the road to economic ruin.
He planted the seed.
And don’t forget either his banning of nuclear power, world parity petrol pricing and giving away much of our gas supply to the Chicomms. He was an energyphobe.
Oh, don’t forget Howard’s ethanol subsidy:
JWH was also a serious megalomaniac.
He was one of the key forces behind shoving the “Liberal” party wown the road to corporate statism. He was not alone.
Menzies would be spinning in his grave.
Nuclear power is the litmus test as to the motives. They are against nuclear too. Perhaps more so. That tells us it’s not really about mitigating Co2.
Agreed Dave.
That’s the absolute bottom line.
They are against that as well.
And in the wokest of places like Californiastan, and the US more generally* and Europe*, they are even destroying that only “other” form of cheap and reliable “green” energy hydroelectric dams, plus dams for the water supply.
And the purveyors of “green” solar and wind energy are allowed to destroy forests, seascapes and farmland.
It’s absolutely not about the environment.
It’s about the destruction of our Western way of life.
nope. Start again.
One of the tragedies of this ripoff is that people are racing to get ‘subsidized’ solar panels because of the soaring cost of electricity. Without realising that the Australian electricity cost is soaring because they are buying solar panels. But they save money because they get a payin rate for generating useless lunchtime solar. It’s an amazing con job by the Government. Electricity prices are soaring because that is what they are designed to do.
I expect the baseload coal power will wise up and demand higher prices,just to survive. Extortion. It works. And they will be paid, because we have no choice, producing enormous volatility and runaway electricity costs in wind droughts, and at night and cloudy days.
It’s all so wrong. What is needed is a High Court challenge to these illegal laws. These are not taxes, they are off budget legislated theft which means the governments can pretend to balance budgets while people struggle to pay massive carbon taxes, buried in their food, transport and even flushing the toilet.
And I would love someone to actually prove growing trees reduces world CO2. I can say categorically that is not true. So how do we live with laws which are based on falsehoods like this? The CARBON CREDITS (CARBON FARMING INITIATIVE) ACT 2011 is based on unproven science. But so are they all.
Everyone is rolling in our money, flowing like a river to China. The best slant I can put on this is that the politicians have no idea. But then why are they doing this? $1Bn to produce solar panels in Australia. Wouldn’t it better to stop this nonsense about Green jobs and pay QENOS to keep the 18 sites open? This was the only company in Australia which could actually recycle plastic. Pushed out by Green taxes. And it’s a Chinese company employing Australians!
These illegal laws have been duplicated in the UK and elsewhere. No one seems to notice the fundamentally unregulated theft of our money for no point. Not the public good, but to hand it to people who buy Chinese windmills? Or Solar panels? Or if Alabanese has his way, Australian Solar Panels. Do we really have such nimcompoops for politicians, or do they know exactly what they are doing to this country.
And I have read that the big steel and concrete people have negotiated a 1% cumulative tax. Or you could kiss Australian made steel and concrete goodbye. And the cities of Port Pirie, Whyalla, Newcastle and more. All to save the planet? I don’t think so.
And for at least a decade in Victoria, we have been paying the wages in Portland for Alcoa to pretend to make aluminium profitably from some of the most expensive electricity in the world. Aluminum is 95% electricity. But half is lost in the transmission from Yallourn! It’s all politics. Victoria has quickly run up an international debt more than QLD and NSW combined. And we have precious little to show for it. Alcoa should have been in the Yallourn valley in the first place, but it was moved to Portland to create jobs and secure votes. The games are endless.
The days when all governments sought to create the most reliable, adequate, commandable, electricity and heating (gas) and manfucturing (gas) at the lowest price are long gone. Even in Melbourne I thought it a crime to use gas reserves for peak load at Altona. Soon we will have no gas and no peak load backup.
It’s all falling apart. While Chris Bowen and Albanese tell us how well they are going to make electricity cheaper and adequate. That’s what we had. Plus those incredible Green jobs assembling or recycling Chinese solar panels. Can’t wait. And to become a Hydrogen Superpower. Do they hear themselves?
“Victoria has quickly run up an international debt more than QLD and NSW combined. ”
So what happens when they default? Does Canberra send in the receivers and sell off what they can, then appoint a Governor until it is debt-free when elections can resume? Are the other States expected to bail it out, so we can work our butts off to give it to the grasshopper state?
The future will be fun!
It does raise a question of how Victoria created such a massive debt. What is backing it? International is the exclusive province of the Federal Government. And, I thought, Government Bonds. But Victoria has GREEN BONDS. Daniel Andrews even signed up to the Chinese Belt & Road, which was illegal under the Constitution. Scott Morrison passed legislation to outlaw such activity, but should not have had to do so. Still I do not know how what is now massive State government debt is funded. And who has oversight, or bothers.
“These illegal laws have been duplicated in the UK and elsewhere”
The uniformity of these laws around the world tells us that our politicians and governments are not working fo us or the citizens of their respective nations.
We saw this with the covid mania, and we see it in other less obvious matters as well.
That raises the question of exactly who are they working for, if not for us or the citizens of their nations?
I suspect that nobody here voted for the WEF, the UN or the WHO or any of the myriad other bodies that seem to be ruling our lives now.
I suspect that they do not know who they are working for.
There is one huge paymaster. The USA is not the only country in the world prepared to use its wealth for economic imperialism. Democracy’s greatest flaw is corrupt politicians. The ones who quietly open the gates while the soldiers are on the ramparts.
Follow the money . The people in control are not elected but have control over resources and the media . The people who I would like to vote for will never get their hand on the levers of power . At this point winning an election just gets you a seat at the “cool” table at the mental asylum .
This is rule by the elite public servants. It allows bureaucrats to vastly increase their power while the politicians generally don’t have a clue. Former PM Julia Gillard promised ‘there will be no carbon tax in a government I lead’. And there isn’t. It’s not a tax.
The 2001 Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act incredibly avoids using the words ‘tax’ and even ‘carbon’. Power sources are ‘approved’ and ‘not approved’. So it’s a scam and this is what has been copied by the first estate in Canberra where public servants have replaced the clergy. As evident in the appalling legal commercial seizure of the Calvary Hospital.
Not quite accurate because I appreciate that it is accelerating the madness as many others do. And enjoying some of the benefit of subsidies that would otherwise go to owners of the subsidy farms. Rooftops are small scale subsidy harvesters. It is essentially a regressive tax where the poor carry the highest burden. And it is broad based because electricity costs are a component of everything.
Ultimately it leads to everyone who can afford it making their own electricity because it is gradually becoming evident that scale adds cost rather than benefit. Scale carries a penalty because of the cost of transmission. The opposite of what power grids were achieving through scale prior to 2000.
It is worth noting that the direct subsidy of rooftops has been declining since 2015 but the direct subsidy to grid scale WDGs has been increasing since 2020. The indirect costs on the grid are close to the maximum now.
They are not subsidies. The money does NOT come from the government. It is simple theft, especially from people who do not have solar panels. The poor as you say.
People are not treated fairly as they would be through the taxation system where the poorest pay no tax. It is legislated blind theft which avoids any idea of equity.
Like electric cars an indulgence and total presumption on the generosity of everyone else, whether they like it or not. And a lot of the motivation is in the ‘savings’. Which are magnified by the theft, which is my point. The rich get richer. No change there.
And governments get away with being totally unaccountable publicly, not being asked questions in question time about the value of this theft because they do not receive the cash. It is stolen directly by those who can afford it from those who cannot. Or will not. Or disagree. This is despotism, not democracy.
Scale carries a penalty because of the cost of transmission.
Would high density urban areas exist if they had to provide their own power and food from local sources?
“He’s the GOAT: James Woods Mocks Kamala’s Palace Coup As Only He Can (Then Goes on a Meme Tear)”
The word of the day is:
This sounds Brachyurian to me.
The word of the day is Gaggenau – a brand of appliance and nothing to do with Kamala. 😆
>Gaggenau… Kamala
Now? It would have been better if she’d been gagged a long time ago.
The bar:
Trump raised the bar.
Harris failed the bar. (First attempt.)
AOC worked in a bar.
Pelosi lives at the bar.
Biden can’t spell bar.
Killary should be behind bars.
The past, present, and future walk into a bar…It was tense.
A man walked into a bar and said ouch.
Bar, walk, man, bag of macadam….
One for me, and one for the road.
subtle but clever!
A Man walked into a Bar and said Ouch! It was an iron bar.
I’ll have a Mars Bar, ta.
There’s a chorus of baas from the sheep. They’ll be wanting their tasty supplements.
Generally the Leftist social(ist) media censors the numerous tragic stories of children or mentally ill young adults whose woke parents or medical “professionals” convince people to undertake sterilising and mutilating hormonal and surgical transgender procedures.
Sometimes however stories accidentally get published before they eventually get censored.
Below is a link to a tragic and horrific story of transgender regret and a ruined life.
It’s 1hr6m long but you get a sense of the enormous tragedy in just the first few minutes.
People (woke medical staff and woke parents) need to go to jail for what they are doing to children and mentally ill adults.
Incidentally, as Jordan Peterson has said, one of the standard lies the woke tell is to say to parents “do you want a dead son or a live daughter (or vica versa)” (as was told to Elon Musk) but there is zero evidence that this would happen if the sterilising and mutilating hormonal and surgical procedures were denied.
Back in the day there were “Tomboy” girls and effeminate boys. They grew up to be fine if left alone. Such children today are targeted by the woke for transgender Frankensurgeries.
It is no longer trendy to have a son who turns out to be a Poofter or a daughter who turns out to be a Lezzo. A-listers now have Trans or Nonbinary kids!
Sad when people treat their children as virtue signalling accessories to their careers
Yes, Leftist Elites create “trans” children as though they were the latest trend in exotic pets.
They missed a few
Sad. Evil.
These poor posh plums have got the climate hanging judge again. Realistically, despite the threat, I don’t expect they will get jailed, their protest was actually pretty harmless, but it might make them think twice.
“It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and we’re doing it every day.” – POTUS candidate and current VPOTUS Kamala Harris.
The possible first Zen POTUS?
The sound of one hemisphere talking.
More from the Zen Master
I’m afraid I must correct.
“The sound of one hemisphere squawking.”
This is very funny.
One minute “infomercial” that you will enjoy hugely.
Big Ag and the 7th day adventist acolytes of satan (nutritionists) are subverting the food supply. Fortunately mackerel is cheap (omega 3 fatty acids) and B12 is plentiful (as a carnivore) so our brain stays intact for longer. This has been shown to _reverse_ dementia – the so called “anti dementia drugs” based on fighting “amyloid proteins” may “statistically” slow the process with stroke risk. But with a lucrative patent not found in Omega3/B12 supplementation.
Readers who are in the know realise the brain is _comprised_ of 1% cholesterol. And because one of the many functions of cholesterol is nourish red blood cell walls it is found in atherosclerotic plaque.
Our best scientists are incapable of paradigm change because false beliefs are held dogmatically by their pay masters. So as there is no financial incentive to feed our elders mackerel and supplement b12 which has proven to be highly effective we are lead to support a Quixotic quest for magic drugs tilting at _effect_ rather than _cause_.
TLDR- Mackerel, meat, eggs and avoid sugar and seed oils and your brain will thank you!
Umm, Simon, can I substitute Salmon for the Mackerel?
Of course Tony but it has half the amount per gram. Second best!
Well said Simon. It’s tragic that so many in the medical profession are so ignorant about proper nutrition, except yourself and my medical doctor of course.
And how many people realise that Kellogg’s Corn Flakes were originally invented, allegedly, to prevent “self abuse” and their introduction weaned people off a healthy high protein breakfast like eggs and meat? People have suffered tiredness at lunchtime ever since the introduction of these high carb breakfasts.
Kellogg also had a thing with enemas, harsh laxatives and sham bowel surgery at his sanitorium. His non-medical brother came up with the idea to add sugar to the corn flakes. The rest is history!
Never been a cereal person. What is that stuff? It has always seemed weird to me. Partial to porridge in cold winters at times.
…and the ever critically important gut-brain connection and microbiome…
Amyloid plaques are a symptom not the problem.
Cholesterol and statins – one of the many medical scams foisted upon us for decades. Chuck in SSRI anti-depressants, you know the ones that would fix ” chemical imbalances ” plus many others including the latest instalment, COVID vaccines being “safe and effective”. What you have is the medical pharmaceutical industry taken over by marketing executives and accountants.
Indeed. People who carry SLC gene defects or who have had stomach bypass surgery are susceptible to thiamine deficiency. Acute thiamine deficiency can present with varying symptoms, many of which are masked by SSRIs.
Early symptoms temporarily disappear with SSRIs until life-threatening and disabling effects of acute thiamine deficiency appear.
I remember their ABC about 10 or so years back, during the “mental health” crisis, telling people on QnA to just get off to the doctor and get your brain chemically balanced via drugs, and all will be good. To thunderous applause from the audience.
They rolled out one of those politicians who attempted the out option, failed, got fixed, and came to pontificate he was living proof.
I quit watching the media at that point and switched to sports, then it went woke. These days I practice guitar.
The line between Medicine and poison (and reality and fantasy) has become increasingly blurred and in some cases removed . Be a skeptic in all things…..
ScoMos admission that he was on anti-depressants “because it needed to be normalised”.
Drug pushers for the pharma industry, right to the very top…
Very clever. The link given in the video works as well:
Who trusts the FBI?
No one should.
Interesting audio analysis of the first three slower paced shots and the next five faster paced shots from different recording locations
Where the first three from outside and the next five from inside? Is this why they sound different?
Have the FBI done a laser scan of the site of the shooting and construced a 3D model of where all the shots from the shooter and law enforcement came from?
If not why?
Who trusts the Secret Service?
9 shots + the sniper kill shot: Tony Shaffer & Matt Hoh: Trump Gunman Investigation Update (article)
Why no photos of the “eight” casings on the roof with their location? Were all “eight” shots made from the same location and orientation on the roof and from the same gun?
>Why no photos of the “eight” casings on the roof with their location?
Why no police body camera videos? let alone photos.
We’ve seen the Grassley guys up there, they had body cams but I haven’t seen any photographer up there.
I would have thought that would have immediately been cordoned of as a crime scene and evidence preserved – not hosed off.
Also, where were the “eight” casings positioned?
1) Next to the rifle position?
2) Next to Crooks final position?
3) Somewhere else?
Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit was obtained by Iowa Senator Grassley.
At 7 minute 55s (18:31:45 local time) to 8 minute mark of video the unit reports 5 shell casings, tightly grouped.
Does that mean there were 5 shell casings on the roof and 8 cartridges in the rifle?
The dead supporter, Mr Comperatore , was killed by one of the five shots in the second volley – the bullet did not pass the microphone on Trump’s stage.
Was this bullet recovered? Most likely passed through the head of the victim but where did it lodge?
Can it be matched to the 20 year old shhoter’s gun?
CO2 Guy – Peak Prosperity video
Good stuff.
>from different recording locations
I’ve been wondering about audio from Crooks end but nuttin. All are “Trumps mike”. But at 26:06 same question – “Is this the 9th shot?”. That could be at Crooks end from Trumps mike.
7:03 – all are “Trump’s mike”.
At 26:00 – “Local officer fired shot at Trump shooter, Butler DA confirms.
26:06 – “Is this the 9th shot?”
37:24 – “The Final Sniper Round” SSS Team #2.
38:44 – “Shot 9 is entirely distinct and probably the ESU shooter”.
38:44 – “Shot 10 is clear and unequivocally the SSS on roof #2.
Got some comments on this following.
>Peak Prosperity video [PP Vid]
>26:06 – “Is this the 9th shot?” [ESU]
>37:24 – “The Final Sniper Round” SSS Team #2.
Yesterday I proposed in ‘Wild conjecture’:
So 2-shot conjecture rings true according to the PP Vid but obviously the shots and positions in that are disconnected and the shots transposed. So now (according to PP Vid):
[Shot 1 – ESU] [Position 1] – 9th shot from 2nd floor.
[Shot 2 – Tm2] [Position 2] – 10th shot from rally barn 2.
This doesn’t make sense to me. Why would ESU take the furthest shot away from them but not the nearest shot?
Why would Team 2 NOT take a shot a the Crooks-Rifle position but DO take a shot at the final position (assuming no blood trail between rifle and Crooks in final positions) when Crooks is separated from his rifle?
The other problem being, as previous days, the final dispatching shot does not appear to be from a USSS projectile given the intact head of Crooks.
CO2 guy
>Have the FBI done a laser scan of the site of the shooting and construced a 3D model of where all the shots from the shooter and law enforcement came from?
Exactly. All the technology for that is readily available and used in surveying, engineering, road crash, etc extensively.
I’ve made the comment previously that ALL the shots and trajectories need to be matched to specific shooters and not under the assumption, that at least one model makes, that they were from either Crooks barrel or from CS Team 2.
Nothing like that in the public domain that I’ve seen and yes, FBI definitely needs to do this (but then….Warren Report).
Go to a range. Listen to the activities from different locations. Things dont sound the same from every location. Particularly highly directional sounds.
Re modelling, we have no clue what they are doing, and the FBI may not be aware of your investigative suggestions.
>the FBI may not be aware of your investigative suggestions.
So what’s their MO in your opinion?
Warren Report 2.0?
>So what’s their MO?
Phlier @Phlier1 [From X]
So FBI investigation MO is either:
a) Warren Report 2.0, or,
b) Fair, thorough, complete investigation that is free from corruption.
You decide.
I am too distant in many ways to have an opinion worth any value about the FBI. My main interest is having a rational discussion here.
>the FBI may not be aware of your investigative suggestions.
By now, in this ‘Information Age’, the FBI will be acutely aware there’s intense interest and investigation far above what could be achieved in the days, months, years, decades, after JFK. Some of the best JFK analysis is relatively recent with the technology and extra-FBI skill now available.
So what the FBI present on this eventually will be against a background of an enormous public pool of knowledge.
But that wont deter them I’m guessing.
Man, I hate ‘buying into this!’
Umm, 9 shots, and only one grazed his ear.
If we are to believe that all this is true, and that so much ‘work’ supposedly went into it, you would have thought they would have at least ‘hired’ someone who could shoot in the first place!!
Those shots also produced one dead man, and two seriously wounded individuals.
“Those shots also produced one dead man, and two seriously wounded individuals.”
True, but they were collateral damage, not the planned outcome. Either the shooters were very poor or they didn’t want to shoot Trump or they were shooting at someone else.
If there was more then one shooter, were they both very poor? Was it a complicated operation run by some Govt agency who had to make it that complex so they wouldn’t get caught? Complicated things go wrong.. Even one shooter would be difficult, getting him in position without having him shot, getting a good enough shooter to hit Trump, killing the shooter so he can’t talk…
A lot can, and did, go wrong. Hence so much of what happened doesn’t make sense. Overall, the only obvious thing is that the Govt agencies are dragging their feet and hiding information.
Give Crooks credit. His shot was perfect. The height was perfect. Ear height from side on. Trump was extremely lucky to turn his head, as he said to read a sign on the RHS. Imagine even trying to hit someone in the right ear lobe from side on? Total fluke. One shot is all it takes at the width of a football field. Half a second flight. You could do that without a sight. And a professional sniper from a kilometer away.
And it’s all about plausible deniability. A clean skin. Random. No motivation. And the shooter shot dead after the job was done. Same with Kennedy.
The first shots in the audio taken from the mic at the podium are distinctly different. They sound like 30 caliber, not a 223. Moreover, the interval between those first shots are very much in line with shooting a bolt action rifle.
As for missing, the first shot didn’t miss by much. A few mm. Well within the typical grouping. In other words it was aimed right on target, but the combination of turning of the head and the typical variance resulted in a near miss. Call it divine intervention, good luck/bad luck, but a very good shot, nonetheless. The follow up shots would have been more difficult with a bolt action rifle, because the target reacts and starts to move, taking cover during the chambering of the next round. It’s no longer the same shot. The target is no longer in the same position, and now there are other people in the way, both in front of the target and behind him.
The timing of the gaggle of quick shots by a smaller caliber sounding rifle, are typical of a semi-automatic rifle. You just the pull the trigger. You don’t need to work the bolt.
The timing of the final CS shots are typical of a CS acquiring the target, taking aim through a scope, and carefully making an accurate shot.
We tend to “buy into” this controversy because we all have a stake in the outcome of the American political miasma.
Was Crooks a lone independent assassin? Possibly, but I doubt it.
More likely, there were two shooters.
In that case, Crooks role was secondary to that of a primary marksman.
The more skilful marksman would fire the first rounds from the better position with a tripod support for the weapon.
Crooks would fire subsequent shots and draw attention to his position to allow the primary assassion to withdraw undetected.
With the enormous coverage of the event and the amount of evidence, its incredible how many versions of events have surfaced . “They” are running a massive psyop to create uncertainty and avoid the truth .
The investigation into the shooting will be as valid as the investigation into voter fraud in the last election (and will involve the same agencies).
Regardless of whether “they” are avoiding or seeking the truth, it is their nature to create uncertainty and influence perceptions.
The behaviour of the security services has reinforcing perceptions that they are avoiding the truth, particularly to obscure the way their incompetence with respect to the Butler rally appears tailored to facilitate an assassination attempt.
In particular, I have seen no reference to any public identification of the optimum site for a sniper-assassin at the event, let alone how the specific decision not to have a counter-sniper nor observer on the roof of the AGR Building complex enabled that sniper position.
Notice that the same people who are calling for Americans to vote for Harris because she’s a woman, can’t even define what a woman is?
Since we are on this topic – Will Big Mike be Kamala’s VP?
Then there will be two DEI hires.
It will be Barrack Hussein’s dream run for his fourth and fifth terms.
Beyond that it doesn’t matter, there’ll be nothing left of the US or the rest of the West worth saving.
>Barrack Hussein’s dream run
Harris’s vision expressed 3 years ago
To rebuild the “Obama Coalition”
Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her
Harris did very great harm to black people. Hopefully the Trump campaign will publicise that.
I’m punting on Hilary becoming VP.
One example?
Lots of examples in the following:
? neither of those videos show anyone doing either of those things.
They show Leftoids not knowing how to define what a woman is. Leftoids support Harris and Leftoids vote for or employ people on the basis of race and gender, not merit.
Slopey Roof
More on Slopey Roofs or is it Rooves? The greatest challenge of our times
Got a better one. “enshittification” – the phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits. So, think Amazon, Netflix, Facebook etc. When started or you joined they were really good and either cost nothing/very little, content was brilliant without restrictions. Then slowly over time it becomes gradually enshittified ( another new word). Doesn’t apply to Jo’s blog, by the way.
[Language. – LVA]
Thought you would say that. 🙂
Need to Move on Richard.
Found Richard’s bloke in 3/4 pants talking to police
Could have been a problem with the set?
Now at eight seconds having a picnic
This is a bloke sitting in the dead blokes outfit after having a yak to the policeman.
>Found Richard’s bloke in 3/4 pants talking to police
Not my bloke Broadie.
I just pointed out that that Crooks’ pants weren’t “short” i.e. well above knee.
They look above knee in his final photo but that’s because he’s not on a flat surface – of course his pants will be pulled up a bit above knee.
Not sure what your case is. Seems to be a theory about another accomplice. Why don’t you lay out your case coherently so it can be addressed item-by-item?
So both blokes in same video. Long pants near the gutter flippin and floppin while our attention is drawn to him. Short pants with black shoes sitting having a picnic after a chat with a policeman in the same frame.
Please explain?
Broadie >Please explain?
No, you explain.
Lay out your case/scenario/conjecture/speculation coherently, item by item, and/or timeline, so we can all address each point individually.
You’re not making any sense so far.
Also, you have to match your conjecture with ALL the shot audio evidence, Crooks shooter position, Crooks final position, access to roof (how/where from drone closeups). ALL observational evidence.
In other words – WWWH (What-Where-When-How).
>access to roof (how/where from drone closeups)
Like this which is the best I’ve seen by far:
Video – See A Birds-Eye-View Of The Location Of Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination [Drone]
Ok, how did Crooks even get on the roof since he didn’t use his ladder?
“Official” story says “air conditioner unit” but which one?
The one in the alley at the NW corner of building 4 is AWAY from the wall so can’t be that (can it?).
So which air conditioner unit EXACTLY?
Then Broadie, you have to intertwine that roof access, whatever you think it is (prove it), with your all-encompassing scenario (whatever that is).
Good luck with that.
Let us deal with the facts before we come to the conjecture.
So both videos appear to be real as they were published in the Daily Mail soon after the event.
The first video has a guy with dark shoes, grey shirt and knee length white pants talking to a policeman and pointing at the roof. The video is by a Greg Smith and verified by BBC.
The second video has the crowd pointing at a guy in a grey top and long white pants with dark scraggly hair in a position from which he could not shoot at Trump. Trump is speaking and in the same frame the bloke in shorts is sitting next to the retaining wall upon which someone identified as Crookes had previously been photographed by Police from in the building above.
How did the guy in shorts get onto the other end of the roof with a shot through his head later. You may wish to identify the Policeman he spoke to a find out what they were talking about. He may have been discussing the best route?
The fact is that at 8 seconds into the video where Trump is speaking and the people from where the video is taken are calling an officers attention to the roof. Both characters with similar outfits are in the same frame. Maybe the guy in shorts was supposed to retrieve the gun and did not make it. Let’s call it as having fallen short. There would have been plenty of time when everyone was being distracted by Trump’s bleeding ear. Maybe that is a free Palestine flag on the grass behind him and he was to run up glue himself to the roof and wave the flag. This is conjecture, I will let others do it. I have simply drawn your attention to what appears to be a fact.
John Cullen mentions the Gorilla. Did you see the Gorilla?
>How did the guy in shorts get onto the other end of the roof with a shot through his head later.
Different guy i.e. not one-and-the-same.
But good question apart from that because,until proven otherwise, the guy on the roof with a shot through his head was Crooks:
Irrespective of whoever was on the roof, how, EXACTLY, did that guy get up on the roof?
I’ve linked to the drone video above that gives a closeup view all around Building 4 and more but there’s no obvious access, certainly not by air conditioner unit.
Onlookers said he “moved roof to roof” so access must not have been from around building 4 i.e. maybe Building 3, 2, even further North.
But at least now we know for sure that your conjecture involves a suspected accomplice:
He was at the wrong end of the roof for that for starters. Shortest route to the rifle was from the East side. He was on the West.
>Different guy i.e. not one-and-the-same.
Forget the “shorts”.
Crooks was wearing a T-shirt promoting the YouTube firearms channel Demolition Ranch.
That’s critical criteria.
Any other photo/video purported to be Crooks must be wearing that T-shirt.
A ‘Warren Report’ isn’t going to fly in 2024
By Cliff Nichols
Not just America, the entire World is connected to the World Wide Web.
Citizen Journalism at full bore.
New info every few hours.
Was there a Second Shooter?
At this stage my inclination is no, based purely on the fact that only the first shot actually hit Trump. An experienced marksman with a telescopic sight would have been successful.
Acoustics and trajectories for the first 3 shots are consistent with Crooks firing position.
After the first 3 shots Trump has ducked down and is out of the way.
More to come I expect. Latest is Crooks Gab account. It was last used in 2021 but FBI said he had No Social Media!
Whistleblowers reveal ‘disturbing loss of trust in the FBI’ with local law enforcement refusing to work with the bureau
By Olivia Murray
Now, tremendous credit to Miranda Devine for consistently being at the forefront of government corruption and malfeasance—this comes from her item out at the New York Post yesterday:
Shockingly though, it wasn’t hires like the woman above that precipitated the nosedive in confidence…it was the FBI’s “excessive response” to the protesters at or near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, followed by the raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, only made worse when we found out after the fact that the FBI was prepared to use deadly force to execute the search warrant
Chris Estes @Omerta8485
FBI = Fat Bodied Insurrectionists! 🤣😂
Suspicious package:
Cheatle – “Find out who lost this”
NEW: Here is the FBI Official Who Expressed Disappointment Trump Survived Assassination Attempt
Of course – “Jenna”
Phlier @Phlier1
“And she’s part of the investigating agency.
But I’m sure we can trust them to do a fair, thorough, complete investigation that is free from corruption.”
More here:
Utah Attorney Catches FBI Deception In OKC Bomb Records Case
Authored by Ken Silva via Headline USA
The deception spotted by Trentadue stems from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit he filed against the FBI in February, seeking records about Roger Edwin Moore, who was a CIA asset, an FBI informant and a business associate to OKC bomber Tim McVeigh; as well as for records about the Aryan Republican Army, a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack.
Trentadue filed the lawsuit after waiting nine years for the FBI to process his FOIA request for those records. Despite that long wait, the FBI then asked a federal judge for another nearly 12 years to release the records he seeks.
Then, last month the bureau represented to a federal judge that many of the records Trentadue wants are already on the FBI’s website. But according to Trentadue, that’s a lie.
Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA? (article)
The Regime Can Be Beaten (article)
Comments on Their ABC’s (Australian taxpayer funded media propaganda organisation) latest hit piece against Donald Trump.
The problem (for the ABC) is that the number of those viewing is so low and comprised of those who believe anything (so long as “It was on the ABC””).
It has become another aspect of the bureaucracy that rules us, and with politicians indifferent to the general public needs and wants.
Thus people want lower taxes, no imposts/taxes/charges by those given for political wishes, and less inflation making their income less in buying power.
And with the ordinary peoples believing that it all would continue getting worse in future, and with the ruling classes isolated in Versailles and indifferent to the public, the situation here resembles that leading up to the French Revolution, or in several other turmoils. Thus I’ve used the expression about the upper links of politics and the bureaucracy in Canberra as Versailles on the Molongo.
Aunty is a disgrace.
‘The Australian’s Media Writer Sophie Elsworth says the ABC is surveying its own viewers rather than the general public is “narrow-minded”.
“What they do, it is this community of people who watch and breathe and consume the ABC, and they question them about the ABC,” Ms Elsworth told Sky News host Steve Price.
“If you are going to question people about the ABC, don’t question people who watch the ABC, question the broader community.” (Sky)
Their ABC is a horrible echo chamber of their beliefs.
It is just another regressive tax that poor people pay for while the privileged bureaucracy gets to air their views to their faitrhful.
Their ABC has an historical hatred for the LNP but thee LNP has become part of their audience. They hate PHON with an aggressive passion.
The SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule Is A Dark Cloud Over Energy Abundance (article)
US Hits Record High Electricity Generation From Natural Gas (article)
This is important for Australia.
‘Despite record demand, natural gas prices remain relatively low due to high storage levels.
‘The surge in gas demand highlights the fuel’s critical role in meeting peak electricity needs.’
Huh! Record high electricity from Natural Gas Fired Power.
Who would have thought, and hey, don’t ever mention it.
There’s almost 6200MW of Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) Nameplate here in Australia.
OCGT operates at a Capacity Factor (CF) of 3.7%.
They operate mainly to, well, augment the huge power requirement at the evening Peak ….. every night of the year. So, using that CF of 3.7%, that’s an average operation of 53 Minutes a day, and look at usage rate load curves, and you’ll see that’s when they do operate.
Just two examples.
The largest plant in Oz. Colongra in NSW has a Nameplate of 667MW from four Units. Opened in 2009, at a cost of $500 Million, it has a lifetime CF of 1.3%.
Uranquinty (near Wagga Wagga NSW) has a Nameplate of 640MW from its four Units. Opened in 2007 at a cost of $500 Million, it has a lifetime CF of 6.5%.
OCGT Natural Gas Plants have ramped up their use across the last three years.
(Two pretend scenarios, because it doesn’t work like this)
Afternoon, Boggs wind plant here.
Mate, we need some power for the Peak, say, in fifteen minutes. Can you help us out?
No wind blowing here, mate, sorry.
Afternoon Boggs OCGT plant here
Mate, we need some power for the Peak, say, in fifteen minutes. Can you help us out?
Sure thing. Online in fifteen minutes.
Only used during Peak Available at fifteen minutes notice. ALL THE TIME!
I knew OCGT was only used for this purpose, and I first became aware of Uranquinty when there was a sudden loss of power at Peak, and it was used as ‘sudden’ replacement, after Hydro filled the ‘instant’ requirement. See what happened at this link from July in 2018, and scroll down to the daily comments where the three graphs are there.
Oh, and Colongra is owned by, umm, Snowy Hydro. Hmm, backup for Florence the tunnel digger I suppose!
OCGT are “peaking plants”, never intended to be used for more than minutes to hours.
They are horribly inefficient. But. They can fire up and be online in minutes.
OCGT are critical to stabilize “unstable grids”. Nothing else can respond as quickly to avert blackout.
A “seriously robust” battery/inverter farm might work out, but very situational.
OCGT is the “generator of last resort”. Nobody wants them, but everybody needs them.
Curiously some, very few, can be used for continuous running. Need some cooling & cost more. These run at ~40% efficiency rather than standard ones at ~35% efficiency.
On/Off running is detrimental to operation.
Curiously the Greens laud “peaking plants” which emit CO2 as much as old coal fired plants (and more than new coal plants) and about 3 times the cost.
CCGTs run about 62% (lastest one) but still their output costs more than coal. Any CCGTs hates On/Off production when their cost of generation jumps and mechanical breakdowns become more costly. In the UK the Government has to subsidise their CCGTs to keep blackouts at bey. When Germany went crazy over wind all the CCGT shut down – 2 of the newer ones were dismantled and installed in countries where the politicians had some brain cells left.
Not sure if you have included the substantial OCGTs in the WA SWIS grid, particularly the Pinjar standby plants. Currently not being used for the 45% or more gas power – most of that is coming from combined cycle plants.
Up top of this post there’s a brilliant summary of the present state of human evolution.
Democracy, may never have been perfect but where we are now politically is frightening.
Thank you TdeF.
Australians can look at other countries from the outside and readily see the social devastation in those hell holes.
Europe is a terrible mess.
The USA , off the planet.
The internal collapse of the west is largely the result of political weakness based on the weird idea that you can personally “benefit” from wrecking your own country and not wreck it for future generations.
Trumble on Australia.
It’s true that politicians may be showered with placements in New York at the UN or a branch of Blackrock but can they or their families ever live securely again in the countries that they’ve forsaken.
Short term benefits with long term pain.
TdeFs comment highlights the process that’s taking us down and finally, thanks to Jo for this blog: it’s a dangerous task.
MaryF. Kinky. Kalm.
Comments on thermodynamics from Richard and Steve.
Thermal energy arrives from the Sun during daylight and then rapidly seeps away during moonlight.
UV in PWIR out.
I see that Jo doesn’t seem to be interested in defending any of her fake physics terms or claims, such as spectrometers measuring energy instead of power, or “net heat”, or “radiation is a net flow”. She seems convinced that she is correct (and therefore the rest of us must be wrong) despite obviously never having studied physics in any formal way. A classic Dunning-Kruger case.
Thanks for getting back on this.
There have been long “discussions” on this. Eventually i gave up .
Cementa, b.nice, Will J and you have noted the problem.
See this: up and following.
Yeah, I read some of her “arguments”, and she sounds like a classic case of someone who thinks that physics is obviously straightforward (how hard could it be, really, right?) but hasn’t actually grasped any of the fundamentals properly yet – and has too much ego to be taught now. Mind like a steel trap… rusted shut, as they say 🙂
She runs a great blog, but seems to have some huge blind spots when it comes to trusting the government’s official story on certain topics, like virology, or physics. She still has some more awakening to do, methinks. But I have high hopes that she will get there eventually.
It’s a great blog but!
So , how is that “transition to renewable energy” coming along?
Sooner or later they must have enough windmills to go 100% surely, Shirley.
Tragically, Australia is well on the way to being surpassed by developing countries in its region.
And they are all unburdened by the high taxes, excessive regulations, feral unions and expensive electricity of Australia.
Also, their politicians actually work hard in the best interests of their people.
We have a relatively small population with a big quarry and our agribusiness system is productive, and there is this.
‘According to the Export Council of Australia, Australia’s digital exports were worth around $6 billion in 2017, equivalent to Australia’s fourth largest export sector and this figure is set to grow.’
(Digital trade & the digital economy | Australian Government)
Don’t worry, the urban based politicians will soon decide that they can grow food crops (especially the ones for export) better than the current farmers and will create new regulations to ensure their methods are required.
That’ll be all the Health System data they are selling off?
Australia produces 8.5GW or 6.4% of total electricity demand (2020 figures) by hydroelectric generation. Plus the dams are important for irrigation.
I wonder how long before Australia’s Leftists start demanding our dams be dismantled as part of their twin wars against affordable energy and affordable food?
As I mentioned above, they are already doing this in the US and Europe.
Amazon crosses the line.
Sells apparel saying “The only good Trump is a dead one”
US courts have repeatedly found that incitement to violence is not protected speech under the First Amendment.
I have been surprised by the vehemence and depth of the hatred of Trump expressed by the anti Trumpers.
It defies any logic. TDS is a real syndrome it seems but I don’t understand it.
Just how high can Australia’s electricity prices go?
Is there any logical maximum price point?
Most of industry is shut down so much of what remains is for domestic use and low level commercial use like coffee shops, favourite hangouts of the Leftist idle class.
Increasingly people will not use heating or cooling and may stop using their swimming pools (which also use a lot of power). They might stop taking long showers or baths as well.
One might think the price won’t go beyond what it costs to generate it yourself with a petrol or diesel generator. That costs about twice the domestic price. But the Government is at war against liquid fuels as well so will keep increasing taxes on those.
Nothing much will change under the Libs and even if they were truly committed to nuclear, that would take no less than ten years to build even if there were no opposition and there will be plenty.
No wonder the Government keep pushing how “wonderful” and “advanced” Aboriginal stone age technology was, and Aboriginal “science”. That’s what we’ll be reverting to.
Aussies who are able to might want to consider relocating to certain SE Asian countries where Western style medical facilities are available, there is food available prepared to reasonable standards, there is cheap land and real estate and a stable Government. I am told many Aussie expats go to Thailand for those reasons.
My experience indicates it is possible to produce electricity at $660/MWh and make a profit using wind and solar.
This is the ceiling providing China continues to convert coal to solar panels and batteries at present costs, $660/MWh (0.66c/kWh) should be the maximum including the connection fee. That is the price where distributed power generation based on solar and battery becomes economic. Once grid power gets to that level, it no longer offers an economic benefit.
So a household consuming 10kWh per day will pay $6.60 per day for electricity or $2,400 a year. Invest say $25,000 this year at 6% interest will give a positive return after 17 years. A year sooner if funds are based on foregoing income from term deposits. Maintenance is incidental with an annual owner inspection.
Off-grid systems are not yet refined but $25,000 is close to the mark for a system with 10kW of panels and 20kWh od battery. So far I have 12 years operating life from my Winston lithium cells. I believe 17 year battery life is possible and likely to be improved beyond that. Solar panels have improved in the past 12 years in terms of area output and output under clouds. Panels with fixed mounting optimised for winter collection would be immune to most hail impact and would self clean.
Other upside potential benefits are avoiding 17+ years of inflation or currency devaluation. There are two downside risks that come to mind. You get charged a connection fee despite not having a connection. That would require a change in legislation and a means to collect it other than through electricity billing. Dutton gets into power and builds out a nuclear powered grid in under 17 years and all the costs are recovered from general revenue rather than through electricity bills.
Thanks Rick.
Would the 66c/kwh include grid scale battery storage or would the consumer have to supply their own to grab power on the rare times it’s available?
I assume the 66c price includes all the interconnectors and grid stabilisation services required.
Yes 66c/kWh for all costs. That is with grid storage and mostly battery. With the way Snowy 2 is progressing, I doubt it will be less cost than batteries given its high round cycle losses. There is also a crossover point with gas and batteries where the gas plants do not get enough run time to spread the capital and maintenance costs over.
It will not be long before grid scale solar recognise that they can make more money by optimising for winter output. Even without tracking, they would probably make more money tilting and spacing panels for winter maximum. We are seeing an annual price cycle now with high costs during the winter months when all the WDGs have low capacity factors. I figure this will be increasingly apparent.
I started my off-grid system at the beginning of 2011 with 1kW on WNW facing roof. I added another 1kW on NNW roof in March. In May the following year, I added another 1kW North facing and tilted at 45 degrees to avoid flat battery throughout the year. It is winter sunlight that drives the capital cost of a solar/battery system at 37S. It may be a little different in the tropics because rain depressions can hang around for days in summer.
And on Breitbart, war between Hollywood and Silicon Valley..
Others are joining Musk.
And the hypocrisy is laughable
“There’s a shitload of money here in Hollywood, as well as a lot of disdain for these tech bros, and I think you’ll see people putting up a lot of dough just to teach these dudes they can’t buy an election.”
When will the George Clooney’s and Rober De Niro’s accept that they are only actors living in a fantasy world?
Good heavens TdeF,
not spelling that actor’s name right?
He will never speak to you again. ( I’ve just realised that you may have made a deliberate mistake)
‘t’. Typing too quickly. These are washed up actors. Famous for being famous. Good luck to them.
But so many actors in Hollywood are in fact high school dropouts convinced that looks and luck were earned.
De Niro dropped out of high school at 16.
Clooney went to university with a degree in broadcast journalism. But employment was difficult ” He earned money selling women’s shoes, selling insurance door to door, stocking shelves, working in construction, and cutting tobacco”
I think de Niro’s vitriolic denunciation of Donald Trump is just paid acting. It’s a job. Clooney’s perpetual smirk is very annoying.
Friday funny: Psychology, cows and climate loons
Play follow the dumb leader…
Smart cows. You could break your leg in one of those things. I noted the one cow which ran around it.
Try horses. I was riding one years ago that shied at a small scrap of paper in the hedgerow. Just so scary!
Been there done that.
Sometimes scary and dangerous.
Other times it is funny.
Rule #1 of riding: Always keep the horse between you and the ground. 🙂
Same with bicycles. I was riding in Colorado on concrete paths and hit ice. The bike was suddenly completely disconnected and you just fly through the air waiting for the inevitable. Platforms with four points of contact are far better.
A few undignified bicycle tales too, including failing brakes down a very steep and rough path. Landed deep in a huge blackberry bush at the bottom of the path. Not recommended for bike or human.
My mother taught primary school at Hall’s Gap in the 1940s. A very steep bicycle ride downhill. And the enterprising students took the brake off the bike. I’m here but it sounded terrifying.
True, but this time I meant that it was the horse that found the scrap of paper scary! I’m not much of a rider and haven’t ridden for years but I do still laugh at the time the thoroughbred I was riding went over a small jump. He stopped dead and I made a, happily, slow but undignified descent past his shoulder to the ground. The expression on Davey’s face was classic; ‘whatever do you think you are doing down there?’.
Like the joke about the cavalry man on the fiery steed. The horse caught his hind leg in the stirrup and the man jumped. If you’re trying to climb up here too, I’m off.
I thought only sheep did that.
When you watch the reactions of snakes and cats, you realise how fast animals react without thinking. It’s what saves their lives.
Imagine if they could splice the fast twitch genes in cats into humans. They would be unbeatable in sports and race car drivers.
Our brain gets in the way. Not so for cats. I suspect it is directly wired, eyes to muscles. There is no time to think.
All systems are go for suitcase-size mini nuclear reactors. in 2009 they were 4 years away from commercial installation. Why are we still waiting? We must get over the claptrap being espoused by Blackout Bowen ( will he still be there on Monday?) 10km safety zones and costs are a furphy!
Suitcase size?
Hopefully not.
To easy to convert to radioactive pollution.
(That is NOT a bomb)
Make it a size that at least requires a LARGE fork lift to move it please
Diversity at The Age Fairfax Newspapers –
9Fairfax strike – Ever seen a more sad pack of losers?
These people are sabotaging their company’s biggest investment to try to squeeze an unrealistic large pay rise.
9 shareholders spent a fortune to buy the Olympic broadcast rights.
The Trots in their dying newspaper division are trying to destroy the investment.
Sad pack of losers.
Good thing nobody buys the SMH or TheAge.
Dig your graves kids.
They look like a bunch of woke commie losers.
And must be racist as well as they seem 100% Anglo.
And ageist, most look under 30.
A strange lack of “diversity” for wokesters.
Typical Leftist hypocrites.
Doing the FBI’s job – or working for the FBI?
The “eight” casings claim is now disputed.
I thought it was very suspicious that the Kimberly Cheatle woman refused to say how many casings were on the roof.
That model suggests Crooks got up onto the roofs via the North side of Building 2.
Where did they get that info from?
But would explain “moving from roof to roof”.
>That model suggests Crooks got up onto the roofs via the North side of Building 2.
>Where did they get that info from?
That part of the model is bogus – they made up stuff.
Shows an air conditioning unit on the North side of Building 2 where their animation of Crooks walks, implying that was the unit that he gained access.
Except, a drone view and an aerial photo show no air conditioner in that position:
1) 7:49 Drone video AGR site
2) Aerial photo AGR site – The New York Times
Source: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)
That’s the problem with models – too easy to pass off made up stuff as fact.
Like climate models.
Hi Richard.
I am enjoying your speculations about the assassination attempt. Please keep it up.
It means I don’t have to.
Have you seen
I think it is interesting that we have not had press conferences telling us how many shell casings were on the roof. That is a red flag.
Re Cullen video. A 2 3/4 hr video is way too long for me, life’s too short at my age for that. I’m not a fan of talky talky videos to be honest. I do see some stuff on the timeline I might be able to address but when I try moving it along it freezes up so I gave up.
Re cartridge info or lack of yes, incomprehensible.
Upthread at #10,2,1,1 I asked:
Where were the “eight” casings positioned?
1) Next to the rifle position?
2) Next to Crooks final position?
3) Somewhere else?
No police body cam videos released, no on-site photographer photos released (that I know of).
CO2 guy wants that stuff too but I think we’ll have to wait 5 years at least – if we’re lucky.
Obviously an on-going investigation so we’re not going to see everything immediately. Plus, there was a lot of police work went on up on the roof that we don’t know about.
I saw a critical closeup photo of Crooks that was leaked (I think) but when I went looking for it again I couldn’t find it. Found another better that I’ll post tomorrow. Not many will see it today now.
Yes it is long but there is some interesting video indicating more than 1 shooter.
Also it shows how where Crooks was not able to be seen by the counter snipers as there was a tree in the way
And a final point on Green theft legislation. In not collecting taxes, the MPs do not have to answer questions about the success of the schemes. All handled by special unaccountable government departments, the mandarins of Green Energy, Clean Energy who enforce the schemes. Bailiffs.
It’s not only taxation without representation. It’s theft without accountability by the people who created it. Royal decree. Sweet.
How can Australian companies be forced to buy trees on the completely unproven proposition that growing trees reduces CO2?
NASA found the exact reverse.
CO2 went up and Trees went up. Or the other conclusion, that sequestering trillions of tons of CO2 in trees has zero effect on atmospheric CO2. But no one checks CO2, the whole point of the exercise.
There are hundreds of tree farm businesses now across the UK. The entire history of man’s advance is being wiped out and we are being forced to pay for it by non elected officials.
There is zero evidence that ’emissions’ affect CO2. Or growing trees. But we have punitive legislation which robs people on the basis that
the UN is all wise, all knowing on the highway to Climate Hell. It’s Climate Hell without changing the climate.
The big players like BHP, Bluescope, Liberty, RioTinto, Toll, Coles only have to refuse to pay and challenge the legislation in the High Court of Australia. Unfortunately many of the senior people are slaves to the global warming religion and have enough green lawfare at present. But it’s a why not? One would be enough. Eddi Mabo was one poor farmer. Or was The Castle a lie?
Firstly enriching third parties has been forbidden since Magna Carta. Governments do not have the right to force energy retailers to steal for the Government’s friends. The Clean Green money machine.
Then there is no proven science which says that growing trees reduces CO2, the whole point of one act.
Or that human emissions of CO2 increases atmospheric CO2.
Governments do not decide science. Facts do. We are living in an age where minimally science educated politicians talk about controlling the world’s climates. I would never have believed this situation was possible. Climate Baggers, Climate fairies and Climate Trolls.
Senator Gerard Rennick – Too many chiefs, not enough Indians
Recent revelations about Albanese’s $10 billion affordable housing fund highlight a troubling disconnect between spending and results. Despite promises to build 40,000 social and affordable houses within five years, the scheme has yet to deliver a single completed home. Yet, more than $24 million was paid to external consultants and $6 million in annual executive salaries last year.
Documents reveal that Housing Australia spent over $16 million on legal, IT, and advisory contracts in the past year. This is in addition to more than $7 million spent in the previous six months. The agency’s CEO earns nearly as much as the Prime Minister, with a salary package of $557,000 annually. Furthermore, 19 staff members are on salaries exceeding $300,000, with five earning over $400,000 a year.
How can such exorbitant expenditures be justified when not a single house has been completed under the scheme? This situation highlights a major problem: rampant spending on bureaucracy and consultancy, with no real results to show for it. At a time when low-income families desperately need affordable housing, it’s outrageous that funds are being squandered on high-paid executives and consultants.
Senator Gerard Rennick – Labor’s let the fox into the hen house
Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers has recruited Andrew Hauser, a banker from the Bank of England, to be Australia’s new Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor. Why does Australia need a foreigner to run our Central Bank? Furthermore, the RBA refused to release the audit findings of Australia’s gold reserves held by the Bank of England.
Hauser has insisted that the RBA’s primary focus is on achieving a specific level of inflation, not targeting a particular interest rate. In his first public comments since starting the role in February, Hauser also noted the dangers of central bankers making predictions about future interest rates.
It’s a bit late for that given that’s exactly what Phillip Lowe did when he said he wouldn’t raise interest rates until 2024 and then raised them 11 times before 2024.
If the RBA is truly committed to tackling inflation, it should issue low-cost bonds to federal and state governments for infrastructure projects to increase the supply of essential services, instead of imposing austerity through rapid interest rate hikes.
For those unfamiliar with accounting, when a government-owned bank issues bonds for infrastructure it will also own, it is essentially issuing equity (shares). The earnings from both the infrastructure and the bonds will return to the government. This is in contrast to the Government using debt to fund infrastructure, whereby the interest and capital generated by the infrastructure has to be repaid offshore.
Meanwhile, RBA Governor Michelle Bullock told Senate Estimates that the term ‘per capita recession’ was not useful as recessions referred to “losses of jobs and human difficulties”.
If job losses and human difficulties are not useful as an economic indicator, then I don’t know what is. Talk about out of touch.
Below is a segment from 2022 of a conversation with former RBA boss Phillip Lowe regarding this exact issue.
“How can such exorbitant expenditures be justified when not a single house has been completed under the scheme? ”
Love it!! ‘Utopia Australia’ to a tee, with some ‘Yes Minister’ thrown in as well!
This is Govt at its best! A shining example of what to expect any time they set out to do something! If you don’t like it, become an anarchist, because you won’t see anything different no matter what political party is in power!
Senator Gerard Rennick – Native Title claims are a threat
Two native title claims have been determined for over 7,800 square kilometres in Central Queensland after more than a decade. The Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala People now have Native Title over 7,512 square kilometres from Sarina to Rockhampton and 294 square kilometres north of Rockhampton, as decided by the Federal Court of Australia. This grants them rights to use, occupy, and enjoy these lands according to their traditional customs.
In another significant case, the Federal Court has also awarded native title rights to the Kabi Kabi people, giving them over 365,345 hectares in South East Queensland; the area covers Moreton Bay, the Fraser Coast, the Glasshouse Mountains, Noosa, Mount Coolum, and Bribie Island.
Which part of “the will of the people” do bureaucrats and left-wing politicians not understand? Last year, Australians voted unanimously against a Voice to Parliament. They do not want segregation in this country.
The original Native Title decision required Aboriginals to prove continuous association with the land. Yet governments, via an underhanded bureaucracy, are ignoring this precedent. This land belongs to all of us. Public land is public and should not be given away based on race.
What is the cost of these legal proceedings, and who is paying for them? When are these claims going to end?
“When are these claims going to end?”
When they own all of Australia.. just watch NZ for the pathway you are on. There will be extremely rich very white-looking elites gathering up the land, the lakes, the waterways, the beaches… All under UN auspices of course, its the RIGHT thing to do.
The BOM changes weather records making it impossible to track – Senate Estimates 29.5.24
Senator Gerard Rennick
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day be day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.”
In estimates I asked the BOM if ACORN 3 was going to be released anytime soon as it’s been a number of years since ACORN 2 was released.
For those of you not familiar with the BOM’s record keeping techniques they homogenise weather records. I.e. change them. Scientifically of course.
The “homogenised” weather records are called the ACORN series.
I was surprised to hear that rather than release a whole new data set which may bring unwanted attention about their modifications, they now surreptitiously update record sets using decimal points.
The Ministry of Truth would be very proud of this lot.
#auspol #australia #climatechange #renewables #netzero #BOM #BureauofMeteorology #labor #albanese
Follow along using the transcript.
Vivek Ramaswamy Tweeted some advice to Trump supporters:
Kackala Harris WILL be president. Apart from the fact that American leftists will vote Democrat no matter what (exhibit 1: Joe Briben), there are enough deceased voters and ‘Never Trumpers’ to get her over the line.
And illegal immigrants given the vote without ID. And voter harvesting. Crooked voting machines. But they can only win California, Illinois and New England once. With Florida and Texas solidly in Republican hands and Atlanta likely, even cheating will not get them past the post with some of the smaller states.
Two novel factors matter a great deal, illegal migration shifting the black vote from 90:10 to 50:50, the Hispanic vote, equally angry at the loss of jobs and the incredible inflation destroying savings and buying power, even for food which was always so cheap in the US. If the black vote at 13% shifts dramatically as expected, it will be a seismic shift like the Brexit issue in the UK.
I also think the endless attacks on Donald Trump have won him friends. And the shooting. As even Zuckerberg had to admit, he is one tough SOB. Few images of a fighter since Iwo Jima have been more stirring. When Trump says he is for America now, the weasels run for cover. If he hasn’t won real respect from his enemies, I would be surprised. As I wrote above, it look like the Tech people are coming around, realising Trump is the real deal, not Hollywood. No surprises there. And Zelensky is trying to negotiate with Putin. What Breitbart calls the ‘Trump Effect’. Expect both wars to settle almost immediately without Obama calling the shots and pushing a nuclear missile armed Iran on everyone. I always wondered if Obama was playing both sides in the muslim war on the West.
Now if they work out a way to assassinate Trump, JD Vance will walk into the Presidency and the DOJ/CIA/FBI will be toast. It’s always better to vote for someone who clearly doesn’t need the job. No one is making the sacrifices and taking the risks like Donald Trump. That will win friends too. MAGA is not just talk.
Rasmussen has polled for illegals voting and 9% of them admit to doing so and a larger % of respondents say they have had unrequested postal ballots delivered to their home and again, many admit to using them.
It is unusual for a polling outfit to ask if likely voters are legal citizens. In its analysis, Rasmussen said that nationally, “more than five percent (5%) say they are not U.S. citizens and a little less than four percent (4%) are not sure if they’re citizens or not.”
Added together, that 9% translates into nearly 14 million votes.
That is why Biden had to be removed.
Nobody would have believed that Biden was elected.
With Kamala, they can stuff the ballot boxes and still claim it was real votes that won the election.
great idea and try to find the few minutes about this in the hundreds of hours of rally waffle about bullets, sharks, hannibal lector, name calling, golf, complaining about being the victim and self aggrandising.
Trump has laid out his agenda very clearly. Even on Wikipedia. Agenda 47.
The ad hominem attacks are all from the Democrats. Trump just tells it as it is. Biden couldn’t hit a golf ball let alone run America.
Typical Marxist tactics. It means they don’t want to run on their record, which is obvious. After all it’s simple and very unusual to be able to compare the current President with the last President.
It’s all about personalities. And the golf was gold for Trump. He is a very good golfer and Biden lied ridiculously. It’s a national sport, as in Scotland. Trump does own 17 golf courses. To claim to be better than 95% of all current golfers was a huge lie, among many. I am sure there were a lot of Democrats who decided right then that Biden was unsaleable. They didn’t care that he was a disabled geriatric with Parkinsons. He’s been that for four years. But he lied about golf to a nation of golfers! Of course that is never mentioned. In fact you hear that Trump just lied and lied. But America heard it.
And so far the Biden/Harries team is just more of the same. No agenda. Not even running on their record of achievement like gas prices, inflation, food, jobs….
It will be interesting to see if the high performing ex State prosecutor can put a sentence or two together. The Biden team will use the same tactics as in previous debates. But her hearing will be far better.
But Trump has already refused the debate. Until the opponent is settled.
This race is not even started until the Democrat National Convention. Harris is not yet the nominee. Putting Harris in place of Biden is a non democratic Coup d’Etat by a small cabal. It could all change again, overnight.
“But Trump has already refused the debate. Until the opponent is settled.”
Wrong (apparently). It’s because he’s scared of debating the towering intellect of Kackala Harris. This will eventually be the ‘truth’ because the media will keep repeating it.
On the Australian Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, do they claim growing trees reduces atmospheric CO2? No. We are supposed to accept that as self evident fact. But it’s not true, so how did this become law if not based on scientific fact?
The entire basis for this money grab, this illegal law, is the following
The first object of this Act is to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, in order to meet Australia’s obligations under any or all of the following:
(a) the Climate Change Convention;
(b) the Kyoto Protocol;
(c) the Paris Agreement;
(d) any other international agreement.
So those innocent little agreements signed by politicians on Junkets to Rio and Paris and anywhere are considered LEGALLY BINDING even if there is no science basis.
Even so, the Act does NOT talk about the primary objective to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Or more specifically, lowering CO2. It’s not mentioned again.
However Greenhouse Gas Emissions are listed 294 times.
Because NASA has proven that if you grow trillions of tons of trees, CO2 does not go down. And in the invariance of CO2 which has only climbed 50% in 250 years, the 3500% growth in ’emissions’ has had no effect at all. There is no proven connection between CO2 ’emisssions’ and total CO2.
But who needs actual science when you have allegedly binding agreements by politicians who know no science.
That’s how this international scam works. Real science has nothing to do with CO2. And CO2 totally ignores any human activity at all.
China knows it. Their CO2 is the same as ours.
And believe or not, a final point.
Australia is supposed to output 2% of the world’s CO2. Which means that 98% of CO2 emissions are from overseas. If we stopped outputing CO2 entirely, it would mean 100% of CO2 emissions would be from overseas. Now how does that benefit Australians? Was it worth it?
According to the SMH Kakala is almost President already-
“‘They’re on fire for Kamala’: How Harris has upended the 2024 US campaign
In 36 hours, Harris amassed $192m in donations, 100,000 new volunteers and almost 40,000 new voters had registered for the November poll, representing the largest number of registrations in a 48-hour period this election cycle.. and blew up the internet with endearing memes of the vice president. “I don’t think you can overstate the level of enthusiasm and excitement about Kamala Harris right now,” said Ashley Etienne, a former senior adviser for House speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“It is like something we’ve never seen before. I was on the ’08 campaign, and we thought people were on fire for Barack Obama – but they’re on FIRE for Kamala Harris.”
and the classic line from Trump is…
““Three weeks ago, four weeks ago, she was the worst politician in America. Now they’re saying: isn’t it amazing? Look at her, she’s so beautiful, she’s so magnificent…””
..yet nothing has changed… Written by the Dept of Harris Promotion and printed in the SMH.
Further stories on how wonderful she is include-
“Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris in her White House bid, giving the vice president the expected but still crucial backing of the nation’s two most popular Democrats.”
There are six stories gushing on about how wonderful she is on the front page!