By Jo Nova
It’s another outbreak of the Hottest-ever-Day Fever , where buses catch fire, and the worlds top journalists forget to ask anyone anything useful about the last 500 million years.

Sunday was the Worlds Hottest Day says the Guardian
The Copernicus data might be fine and dandy but it only goes back as far as 1979. The warm weather we are having now is just a welcome break in a cooling trend that started 7,000 years ago. It not only isn’t a record that means anything, it’s almost certainly a net benefit to warm blooded mammals.
The collective amnesia about the Holocene and most of the history of human civilization is complete. Apparently the world is in uncharted territory, except for thousands of rocks, stones, spears, shells, bits of wood, pollen, diatoms, fossilized plant leaves, and all the ice cores we’ve ever dug up. 4,000 stone-age spears and whatnot that melted out of the Norwegian glaciers in the last few years, must have frozen into them sometime in the last 5,000 years. And all the bones of dogs, rabbits, geese and frogs found inside the Arctic circle suggest our world is too brutally cold now. Likewise the giant oyster shell found on a building site in Taiwan reminds us of a time the oceans were 1 to 2 meters higher than today, and the cavemen survived just fine.
The planet saw its hottest day on record
CNN By Angela Fritz
Sunday was the hottest day in recorded history, according to preliminary data from a climate tracking agency monitoring temperatures since the mid-1900s.
It’s the second consecutive year average global temperatures have crashed through shocking climate records and will not be the last, as planet-warming fossil fuel pollution drives temperatures to shocking new highs.
July 21 clocked in at 17.09 degrees Celsius, or 62.76 Fahrenheit, and was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1940, according to the preliminary data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
It’s 100,000 years of journalistic negligence:
Despite being based on data from the mid-20th century, the temperature records represent the warmest period the planet has seen in at least 100,000 years, scientists have found from many millennia of climate data extracted from ice cores and coral reefs.
Someone should send Angela Fritz (and most of the world’s journalists) the graphs of the ice cores which she has clearly never seen:

7,000 years of cooling in Greenland. This graph shows the ice-core data up until 1855. The last 150 years (1705 to 1855) are highlighted in red to show the warming as the Earth began coming out of the LIA.
Send them the Vostok Ice Cores too. Send them Brazilian sea levels, and tell them the the Sahara was lush green and wet, and the water near Indonesia was 2 degrees hotter. And 6,000 boreholes drilled around the world agree, along with 700 Pacific Islands that aren’t shrinking. The real science deniers are the ones ignoring half a billion years of evidence.
It’s been hotter for thousands of years during human civilization and it wasn’t caused by our cars.
Copernicus media release –they it’s a the hottest day “in recent history” which the media turned into the hottest day in a hundred thousand years. h/t Gee Aye
Alley, R. B. (2000) The Younger Dryas cold interval as viewed from central Greenland. Quat. Sci. Rev. 19, 213-226
Aurélie Boilard et al, (2024) Ancient DNA and osteological analyses of a unique paleo-archive reveal Early Holocene faunal expansion into the Scandinavian Arctic, Science Advances . DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk3032
Fontes et al (2017) The Impacts of the Middle Holocene High Sea-Level Stand and Climatic Changes on Mangroves of the Jucuruçu River, Southern Bahia – Northeastern Brazil, Radiocarbon , Volume 59 , Issue 1 , February 2017 , pp. 215 – 230. DOI:
Huang, S. P., H. N. Pollack, and P.-Y. Shen (2008), A late Quaternary climate reconstruction based on borehole heat flux data, borehole temperature data, and the instrumental record, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13703, doi:10.1029/2008GL034187 [PDF] Long blog discussion on boreholes.
Kench, P.S., Liang, C., Ford, M.R. et al. (2023) Reef islands have continually adjusted to environmental change over the past two millennia. Nat Commun 14, 508
Lewis, S.E., et al., Post-glacial sea-level changes around the Australian margin: a review, Quaternary Science Reviews (2012), [abstract]
Li H-C, Mii H-S, Liu T-K, et al. (2024) AMS 14C Dating and Stable Isotope Analysis on an 8 kyr Oyster Shell from Tapei Basin: Sea level and SST changes. Radiocarbon. Published online 2024:1-15. doi:10.1017/RDC.2023.117
Hamish McGowan,Samuel Marx, Patrick Moss, Andrew Hammond (2012): Evidence of ENSO mega-drought triggered collapse of prehistory Aboriginal society in northwest Australia, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 39, Issue 22. DOI: 10.1029/2012GL053916 [Abstract]
Rehn, E. et al (2021) A late-Holocene multiproxy fire record from a tropical savanna, eastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia [PDF]
Rosenthal, Y., Braddock K. Linsley, Delia W. Oppo (2013) Pacific Ocean Heat Content During the Past 10,000 Years, Science 1 November,Vol. 342 no. 6158 pp. 617-621 DOI: 10.1126/science.1240837 [ ]
Yacoub et al., (2023), The African Holocene Humid Period in the Tibesti mountains (central Sahara, Chad): Climate reconstruction inferred from fossil diatoms and their oxygen isotope composition
Kuper and Kropelin, (2006): Climate-controlled holocene occupation in the Sahara: motor of africa’s evolution. Science 313, 803e807. science.1130989
“What is truly staggering is how large the difference is between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous temperature records,” said the Copernicus director, Carlo Buontempo.
Now for those who understand physics, calculate the amount of energy necessary to raise the global average temperature by 0.01 degree c
Ah, the old “basic physics” shtick. I’ll give you a basic physics answer: 0 Joules.
Zero Joules because the “global surface” is not a physical system, it’s a theoretical surface taking in temperature readings from a bunch of places. The surface has zero thickness, therefore zero mass and therefore represents zero energy. That’s basic physics for you.
I’m assuming you meant global average *surface* temperature (nobody seems very interested in the average temperature of the entire earth (core, mantle, crust and atmosphere).
Exactly Robert. Negligible changes in TSI can’t be causing this so something else is feeding the furnace.
Gee Aye,
You start by agreeing, then talk about a furnace. It’s a 0 Joules furnace: no “feeding” necessary, and no “something else”.
And that’s not just me being glib. It’s the same point the climate scientists were relying on a few years ago when they said the “missing heat” was hiding in the deep oceans. Who’s to say that today’s “surplus heat” at the surface hasn’t come from somewhere higher in the atmosphere (or the oceans).
The Earth’s surface is within a turbulent system. What does physics tell us about turbulent systems?
Gee Aye >Negligible changes in TSI can’t be causing this
Changes since when? Last solar cycle?
Raked over this with Rick Will. on Monday. Ended up with this comparison of solar power difference LIA – Present from just 3 different papers:
In other words, it is impossible for you, the IPCC, or anyone else to make a blanket statement such as yours because there is so much disagreement and range of estimates.
Notice too that the IPCC preference is towards the lower end just in this small range and that after their conversion to “forcing” the power is diminished radically.
Evenso, I agree with this (except for the “furnace” crapola):
Certainly is. Last record (July 6 2023 ERA5: 17.08) was driven by an Antarctic spike.
This year same thing happening. Climate Reanalyzer lags a week but you can see the spike beginning Wed July 17:
ERA5 Daily Surface Air Temperature – Antarctica
Hide All – Show 2023
2 consecutive spikes, 1st mid June, 2nd early July.
2nd spike drove the 2023 record.
On a plane yesterday at 12000m noticed the outside air temp recorded was -53. C.
Isn’t the atmospheric average more relevant than the surface model given the influence of circulation in both oceans and atmosphere?
Overheard an assistant to Bidens climate guy on a train in Switzerland the other day and she admitted there was no science behind it but merely the old Sagan adage that the assumed consequences if the model outliers are right are so dire the spend is justified.
So therefore we should take up the battle on the probability front also.
Ah, but the molecules of CO2 are radiating heat (at minus 70℃ or to help about 200K) according to the IPCC Global Warming idea) so you would have felt the Global Warming when you landed.
It is all getting a bit hard for this blog, hence the lazy copy/paste post. What happened to the mea culpa about no global cooling?
Here is the Copernicus link – not sure it was included above
The hottest since when?
>since when?
“Recent history” according to Copernicus above:
I should add that the recent extension of ERA5 back to 1940 from 1979 is somewhat bogus.
There’s a discernible step change 1978 to 1979 going from Liquid In Glass (LIG) measurement to the satellite era.
2 disparate datasets in my opinion.
Maybe 1940 as the Guardian reports and as we all know 1940 is so far back that you may as well say it’s a record – even predating the Phanerozoic. Pure garbage which is lapped up by the usual dolts.
The fallacy starts with the data. Firstly, while there are numerous global datasets available that provide temperature, either at the meteorological 1.5-2m above the surface, or somewhere else in the atmosphere, to the best of my knowledge, they do not do a “global” calculation on a daily basis.
What is recorded is a daily maximum and minimum on land. A simple division of the two gives the daily average. The global datasets determine one single figure: the monthly average. “Climate” is even worse, because it is the average temperature of all those monthly averages over 30 years.
So how does this Copernicus dataset fit into all that? Personally, it’s the first I’ve ever heard of it in nearly two decades of following this topic. Does it capture all three readings: max, min, and average temps from around the world? Does it do its own calculations to determine three physically meaningless but mathematically accurate “global” temperatures every day? Or does it rely on other sources for its data, meaning it accepts the assumptions and adjustments done by others?
As one very useful example, until the deployment of the Argo system of buoys, there was no consistency in measuring sea surface temperatures. So any calculation of global temperature prior to 2000 is using “expert judgement”, ie not data, for about 71% of the earth’s surface! That doesn’t even start to explain why the actual Argo data shows consistent cooling since 2000, yet all the published datasets show the oceans are warming:
Then again, as Roy Spencer has pointed out, climate change is only the shift of averages, and these are not shifting very far, or very fast. Anything beyond those slow shifts by definition cannot be attributed to climate change, but is just an example of natural variation:
Just another noisy outfit attempting to conflate natural variation to climate change, hoping that its audience will simply bow down to their expert knowledge, and not ask too many questions. Can’t have the rabble questioning either the dogma or their authority!
>So how does this Copernicus dataset fit into all that? Personally, it’s the first I’ve ever heard of it in nearly two decades of following this topic.
I’m amazed you’ve not heard of these real-time, absolute, unhomogenized, unadjusted, datasets after 20 years. ERA5 is just the accepted best at present.
There’s multiple reanalysis datasets like ERA5 (Copernicus). Go to NOAA’s WRIT – GFS (NCEP), CERA, ERA, JPA, MERRA.
>Does it capture all three readings: max, min, and average temps from around the world?
Look up Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS). Any AWS weather station with telemetry can and is accessed for data.
>Does it do its own calculations to determine three physically meaningless but mathematically accurate “global” temperatures every day?
No. All instantaneous weather data from all over the world is collated to constrain a model i.e. fixed datapoints. A model of the observation data is then created at that point in time. This observation-based model is then used for 7 day forecast in the same way TV weather forecasts are created and daily temperatures displayed.
Latitudinal bands then define averages by latitude. The average of latitudes is the global average. Yes I agree ‘Global’ is physically and statistically bogus given the NH-SH difference in cycles.
>Or does it rely on other sources for its data, meaning it accepts the assumptions and adjustments done by others?
No, see GDAS and WRIT above.
The 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption did the trick.
I luv tipping points.
The Hunga Tonga Hunga eruption had the same explosive energy as the Krakatoa eruption in 1883. Anyway, its not about the energy released, more to do with the extra water vapour in the stratosphere, a potent greenhouse gas.
Hi, could you explain the mechanism behind the “potent greenhouse gas”.
[Apologies to readers for this repetitious and pointless loop at #1. I will try to move it to an unthreaded, but may have to delete it. My replies would be the same as the last 38 rounds. See this or these 12 year old blog posts with 3000 comments. Keith still has no answer to my question. Disappointed Keith. – Jo]
According to NASA.
‘Water vapor is also an important component in Earth’s evolving climate system. As a major greenhouse gas – a gas that traps heat – water vapor absorbs heat produced by Earth’s surface and the shining Sun. The water molecules then emit that heat back to Earth’s surface which can increase the temperature.’
He aint going to like that. You know flux or something.
Now I’m really confused. Perhaps if I lived in Canberra I’d be more confident.
Answer starts here, but there’s more.
and please don’t mention NASA
Not Another Silly Angstrom.
NASA’s comment made sense up until the word “greenhouse”. Everything after that is false. You can tell that none of that was written by a physicist. (Well, you would be able to tell if you had studied physics yourself, that is.)
In particular, the water molecules in Earth’s colder atmosphere cannot “emit that heat” back to the warmer surface to “increase the temperature”; that’s not how thermodynamics works. No one has ever measured any such phenomenon either.
Jo, did you fall into the “back radiation” trap, like many other non-physicists (and all climate scientists) have?
In the question you linked, that you said Keith never answered, you wrote “Standard spectrometers found in every university and every lab in the world all find that greenhouse molecules emit and radiate energy”
No, they don’t find any such thing. It is true that GH molecules (and everything else above 0 K) radiates energy, but that’s not what spectrometers measure. Spectrometers measure *power* (categorized by frequency), not *energy*. It is crucial to understand the difference.
If you want to determine how much energy is emitted by an object, you need a thermometer, not a spectrometer.
Would you like me to explain these concepts to you in more detail, so that you don’t make any more nonsensical and uninformed statements on this topic?
Fitzy is trying to blind us with science (sarc). What is the error margin for that increased temp. of 0.01 degree Fitzy? Is it 0.5 degree per chance? They never publish their error margins with their statements on cataclysmic global warming doom. And for good reasons. Ever since the doomies have been running on climate change, the error margins have been greater than the numbers they report. For those that don’t know, that means there is no statistical significance to the number reported. i.e. reporting that the global average surface temperature was 0.01 degree hotter is BS and scientifically meaningless. That’s before going into the fact that the measurement of surface temp. is through a series of unevenly distributed temp. stations, mostly in Europe and North America, far fewer in the southern hemisphere, almost none across the oceans (70% of the global surface), and the numbers and locations of those weather stations have been subjectively varied (dramatically) over time. I don’t think this was science. If it was, then it was very, very bad science. Got any answers for that Fitzy?
p.s. It should be 0.01 C degree not 0.01 degree C.
“a series of unevenly distributed temp. stations, mostly in Europe and North America, far fewer in the southern hemisphere, almost none across the oceans”
You’d think real science folks would actually notice this bias from the graph that shows “their” higher temperatures always occur within the northern hemisphere summer period.
Since there’s more ocean in Southern Hemisphere, they simply do not have the same volume of data for it. Particularly for Pacific Ocean south of equator (a vast surface area).
So when these donkeys say “global”, it really means (mainly) the northern hemisphere. Can we thus redefine Global Warming as Northern Hemisphere Warming?
Why does this sound like the earth is at the centre of the solar system and the sun is going around the earth?
And wonder if they are slowly filtering out some of those previous Russian stations (on trust) that would have normally dragged the average temperature lower?
Calculate the heat pushed into the atmosphere by all the Li-ion battery fires and it exactly meets the need to raise the temperature 0.01 degree.
I’ve had my Vic20 working on this calculation since last Thursday.
show me the size of the error bars and the raw, unprocessed data first…
then show me how they process it… but I guess that’s all a secret, right?
Nothing including your imagination can be that accurate and that no human can feel the difference in a .01C increase.
The length of the record is just 45 years while it is well known in rational circles that it was much warmer early in the interglacial and even warmer in the previous interglacial.
Your post didn’t illuminate anything and doesn’t shed any new light on the topic either.
The genuine Co2 Coalition Scientists tell the truth that the Eemian was 8 C warmer than our Holocene and the early Holocene was warmer than 2024.
Even Wiki tells us that Eemian sea levels were 6 to 9 metres higher than today in 2024.
Why do these stupid donkeys continue to lie to us, over and over again?
Here’s the link to the Eemian temps compared to today.
Thanks to the Co2 Coalition of honest scientists and just a pity we have to wade through the MSM swamp of endless BS and nonsense.
Cobalt is a dimer now is it?
A bit like carbon dioxide being sloppily called “carbon”?
At least the “Co2” was a clear (to those with any ability to think) typo. What is the use of “carbon” as a substitute for CO2?
A typo repeated in succession.
For those who don’t know capital C = Carbon, capital O (the letter O) = Oxygen.
The lies emanate from the core Socialist / Marxist ideologies. Lies are what they build on. Look at our own ALP government…..their whole election was based on lies & deception which has continued from day one of their administration.
You can bet your last $$ that their net zero policy will die because the whole thing is based on untruths & deception. The unbelievable cost will be born by the gullible electorate. Again!!
This applies generally to State ALP administrations as well. Refer to the current facts emerging that a proposed rebuild of a sports stadium of & $1 billion was proposed without any actual evidence of analysis or planning.! They don’t have a clue !!
When a leftist / socialist speaks it’s generally all lies & or deception. It’s in their DNA!!
The Socialists/Marxists. THe people who want no private management of industry.
Robert Gottliebsen in The Oz tells us that their day is about to arrive.
From next month every workplace which employs one or more workers will be required to have a union rep.
My interpretation of the story is that the goal is a rep for every 50 workers. One rep can service more than one “worker”. THe objective is to eliminate family businesses.
Same old clap-trap from the useful idiots who conveniently forget about history and its electronic accessibility! 7000 years of warming the earth’s flora, fauna and humans have gradually, adjusted too successfully. Even The Ice Age only retarded rather than stopped the ingenuity of mammals to coexist in change.
At 8.5C here in Sydney at moment, I prefer Hot & GLobal Warming!
The Greenland temperature reconstruction in the graph above says it quite clearly; the world is not warming.
While there might be a slight uptick at the end where we are currently, a proper summation of the graph does not show any dangerous or abnormal “heating”.
That’s the Science and any attempt to characterise the slight uptick as dangerous is nothing but deceit on a scientific grand scale.
CO2 does not heat the atmosphere.
The atmospheric thermodynamics has been abused and misrepresented and I believe that even if all CO2 was removed it would make no difference to the world temperature.
Lies, damn lies, and climate science.
Two weeks ago, the South Pole was almost 70 degrees Celsius below zero (-68C), then last weekend, ie. Sunday, it rose to -41C. Not quite a ‘heatwave’, more a ‘less frigid’ reprieve of 27 degrees. I’m guessing (that’s a sciencey word innit?) pointy heads in imitation lab coats did a quick ‘averaging’ and hey presto headline: Hottest EVAAAH [since 1979].
It’s like saying Dementia Joe is ‘sharp as a tack’.
I expect that most of the “global” temperature rise is a statistical artefact, that the rise is not uniform across latitudinal zones and arises mainly from surface temperature increases in high latitudes caused by increased heat transfer toward the poles.
What is the temperature rise in the “hotter” zones?
>South Pole was almost 70 degrees Celsius below zero (-68C), then last weekend, ie. Sunday, it rose to -41C
Yup, Antarctica.
See # upthread and #21 downthread.
>I’m guessing (that’s a sciencey word innit?) pointy heads in imitation lab coats did a quick ‘averaging’ and hey presto headline: Hottest EVAAAH [since 1979]
Yep, they average the disparate NH & SH sine wave cycles.
See #9.2 downthread.
Did you mean “Shark attack”?
A Slight Uptick.
Look at Sydney’s tidal record at NOAA Tidesandcurrents. When I discovered it about 20 years ago it showed a remarkably consistent .65 mm a year rate of rise over more than 100 years.
So I took to quoting it as their defined measure of their CAGW.
In 2010 they stopped updating it. Just terminated the chart.
I checked back occasionally over the years and saw a couple of very mysterious additions that looked like an attempt to deceive people, but they kept reverting to the 2010 closure or trendline.
Then a couple of years ago they finally settled on a reconnected chart which shows….A slight uptick.
How did this get past the censor.
The usual hysteria from the Cult of CARBON i.e. those who ‘think’ that CO2 is dangerous and is destroying the world.
In practice the last 50 years have seen world population increase, with better food supply than ever before, thanks to the fertiliser effect of CO2. And that despite the Climate being colder than any of the warmer times in the past 10,000 years.
Yes, they push the idea that CO2 is a ‘fertilizer’. No scientist would write this, no biologist, no biochemist, no organic chemist. A fertilizer is an essential trace element the lack of which may inhibit growth. CO2 is the entire plant. All life on earth is made from (atmospheric) CO2 and H2O and almost nothing else. If a 50 tonne tree was made from the good earth, there would be a 25 cubic metre hole around the tree. Even our Prime Minister Tony Abbott said air was weightless. All trees came from aerial CO2 , water from the ground.
Without CO2 there would be no life on earth. It would be a place of wet rocks. And the Greens say CO2 is carbon pollution because it produces deadly warming. Without even bothering to prove it.
It’s almost as silly as when they banned the element Chlorine. Salt, PVC, .. Which transmits our nervous system impulses and without which we die.
As Dr. Patrick Moore wrote, in Greenpeace he only met one other scientist, a German chemist. The rest were science ignorant. Then the communists came. Then the lawyers and businessmen and made it what it is today. A organization which hates life on earth and whose deadly enemies are humans.
Again Ken Stewart has collected a large number of studies that prove how much higher sea levels were in the past.
He calls his post the World’s biggest thermometer for obvious reasons.
Again Willis Eschenbach has updated his “Where’s the Emergency” article on the 19th of July 2024 and he covers temperature, snow levels, sea levels, Arctic/ Greenland, Antarctic temps, rainfall, drought, floods etc, etc.
But he leaves the AWOL HOT SPOT to Dr Christy and Dr Spencer.
0.01 degree C hotter? So we can measure the Earth’s temperature to +/- 0.005?
Exactly so and this is a long standing deficiency in the media – it is headline driven and does not recognise its own deficiencies.
Also, the issuing agency agrees with you:
>slightly exceeding the previous record of 17.08°C from 6 July 2023
I’ve commented on this downthread #21.
Basically, in respect to 2023,
17.23 originally.
17.09 after adjustment
17.08 now
17.1 now at Climate reanalyzer because rounded up
ERA5 World – Climate Reanalyzer (mouseover 6 July 2023)
My comment downthread:
17.1 is correct if that is the significant digit, which makes it a dead heat with last year. Copernicus’s main point in its article is the context of the last 12 months. See also UAH
Copernicus is biased, they say there is less Antarctic sea ice and the southern ocean is warming because of AGW.
In fact multi-decadal trends in Antarctic sea ice extent is driven by an ENSO–SAM combo going back 2000 years.
Who gives a FF about trends when the claim that there is less antarctic sea ice today is correct. It looks like we might get a repeat of last year’s bizzare reduction in winter sea ice (click on the antarctic tab).
If only the climate modelers had a clue about what causes more or less sea ice?
Imagine that they were able to predict it even 6 months in advance?
Yep, Sea Ice, that was on my mind when I chucked out $100 US dollars for few days worth of food yesterday.
At least my looming poverty might save ice in Antarctica.
Yesterday I watched a young woman, standing in the street, nodding out from methadone*.
My concern about Ice Mass in Antarctica came to mind.
If only John Kerry had been there to commiserate with me.
*(Methadone nodding is quite impressive if you’ve never seen it. They teeter like one of the Three Stooges on a ledge, but never fall. Then suddenly recover and walk away as if nothing happened.)
But I digress … Antarctic Sea Ice.
All Lives can’t matter until Sea Ice matters!
From 1979 to 2016 the sea ice extent around Antartica increased, but then it began to decrease and they have put it down to anomalous wind.
Ken Stewart
>0.01 degree C hotter? So we can measure the Earth’s temperature to +/- 0.005?
No but they can average NH & SH. The ERA5 hemisphere breakdown of the July 6 record last year 2023 was this:
July 6 2023
22.00 NH
12.20 SH
The average of those 2 disparate, opposite phase, different amplitude, different mean, sine cycles is both physically meaningless and statistically unethical.
Again just to look at deaths from fires and burns since 2000 to 2019.
Australia is still the best and even cold, wealthy Norway with a population of just 5.5 million have only 10 less deaths than Australia in 2019.
But the death rates per 100,000 are still the better test and Australia is probably still the best in the world. I’ll have to find the death rates per country again.
Again here’s the death rates from fires, burns and heat from hot substances from 1980 to 2021.
Australia is just 0.2 and high income countries are 0.6 per 100,000.
Certainly even low income countries have shown a big improvement over the last 41 years.
Again where is their dangerous global warming since 1980?
BTW the world population in 1980 was about 4.4 billion and has increased to 8.1 billion today.
Just more proof that the world is a much safer place today and much higher life expectancy and even for the low income countries.
What’s not to like?
The last paragraph of this article – best example of climatista fear porn i’ve seen in many moons.
“A person who is buried alive could still try to dig their way out, said Broto. “It may feel hopeless, but you can always take some dirt away.” When your fingers touch soft ground and break through to fresh air, she said, “this is how we will feel when we know that we have managed to mitigate our emissions, to leave carbon the ground, and to maintain a livable planet”.”
Buried alive!!! Lmao. I’m about to head to the snow in Victoria, just spent a fortune heating my home this month.
If they get bored writing for the paper, they could always get a job writing fictional dramas.
Same thing…..
Just send the definition of the term “average.” Without a hefty donation to CNN or the respective publisher, network, or outlet, the reality will be ignored.
Have you noticed how many of these so called journalists are entitling themselves “writers,” now?
Note the “suggest”.
In other words, they don’t know.
Every.Single.Alarm is accompanied by “suggests, possibly, may be, points to, perhaps”.
They don’t know.
I like how the CNN article uses the word shocking twice in the second paragraph (and it’s not a very big paragraph)
MSM reporting when the temperature hits 26C
*UK photo.😆
/Wed sarc
GISP2 temperature graph above refers to the “Younger Dryas cold interval as viewed from central Greenland”.
Yet the graph does not include the Younger Dryas which ended 11,500 years ago. Can anyone explain that?
The Younger Dryas is in the title of the paper the data relates to. As usual, government-slave-scientists hide the important information in obscure titles. But the era itself has nothing to do with the point of this post.
I suspect the “uncharted territory” was the wilderness in the typical greenie mind….
You are a Gem JoNova!
The Guardian ? Seriously ? – that rag will give you a win at bovine excrement bingo without even trying. Pure propaganda…
I find this hottest every story very silly and deceitful. I remember Melbourne at 47C. Now we struggle to get past 30C. And Sydney for three years not a day past 32.5C. But more importantly, how many days of the year does it matter? Who does not want warming most days of the year in a temperate zone? or Arctic? And it doesn’t happen in the Tropics. Naked humans would die of hypothermia at 20C. The world is a much colder plance now than when near hairless humans evolved.
And how much is this alleged extra heating on the hottest days? The UK talks of heatwaves at 30C. And made a record for a short time at Heathrow last year when they recorded 40C. So? For most of history, no one knew the temperature or that it could be quantified.
Most people would love warmer weather. Which is why most people holiday in warmer places. And dream of retirement in warmer places. And where would be warmer than Dubai or Palm Springs?
But we are told we are going to expire and mankind is going to end. At the very least we would have lower heating bills in winter. We in Victoria have paid tens of billions for Global Warming. Where is it?
So why is our climate so benign today and why has Human flourishing in the 53 countries of poor Africa beaten all previous records by such an extreme margin?
In 1980 Africa’s population was 481.5 million and today is about 1494.9 million or an extra 1013.4 million extra people in just the last 44 years.
And African life expectancy has increased from 49.6 years in 1980 and now about 64.4 years in 2024.
So where’s their so called dangerous climate change or clueless Biden’s existential threat?
This is the most extreme example of Human flourishing over the last 300,000 + years and yet Albo, BO Bowen + the Greens + the Teals want to waste Trillions of $ to save us from their so called dangerous climate change?
Does their lunacy make any sense to anyone?
BTW here’s the UN data at Macrotrends for African life expectancy since 1950 to 2024.
So why have we had such extreme Human flourishing in just the last 0.1% of fully evolved Human existence?
Can Jo or anyone provide an answer?
Sorry I’m late and for the following duplication that I posted in Open Thread unaware of this post. Different article source (Wash Post) so hey.
Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, scientists say
Global temperatures hit the highest levels in recorded history on Sunday, according to preliminary data from Europe’s top climate monitor — another worrying sign of how human-caused climate change is pushing the planet into dangerous new territory.
The results from the Copernicus Climate Change Service [ERA5] show the planet’s average temperature on July 21 was 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit) — breaking a record set only last year. The historic day comes on the heels of 13 straight months of unprecedented temperatures and the hottest year scientists have ever seen.
“We are in truly uncharted territory,” Copernicus director Carlo Buontempo said in a statement. “And as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see records being broken in future months and years.”
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Relax everyone, it’s a spike probably coming from Antarctica which has turned from negative anomaly and rapidly rising – Antarctica does this a lot at this time of year but this is looking like a huge swing.
And July 2024 as a whole has been BELOW 2023 so no continuation of the “13 straight months of unprecedented temperatures” i.e. wont make it 14.
>July 21 “17.09 degrees Celsius”
This is very odd because last year July 6 ERA5 was 17.08. Was 17.09 for a while. Originally 17.23. Rounded up to 17.1 at Climate Reanalyzer (still is).
Can’t escape data tampering in reanalysis either apparently.
One of the best and simplest indicators of earlier Holocene warming are the tree-stumps under existing glaciers.
Would have had to be 10c warmer??
Behind all this is the unproven idea that the earth has ONE temperature, averaged over every area on earth night and day, winter and summer. And therefore that it moves steadily in one direction or the other. Where is the proof of this? We are talking air temperature! That can change by 10C a day and on some days in the desert, 50C.
But 99.9% of the surface heat is in the oceans. And they are all different. The Atlantic and Pacific are hardly connected. At an average of 3.5km deep at 1 atmosphere per 10 metres, that means 350x the weight of the thin air above. Plus water has 4x the specific heat of dry air, so 1400x the heat stored. And heat can only leave these gigantic heat sinks which take 72% of all incoming heat by evaporation. The back radiation is a fraction of what land at midday. No ocean freezes. At the North Pole the ice is 4 metres thick above 4000metres of ocean.
I cannot imagine why the oceans in a time scale of a few hundred years would change in temperature at all. Night and day, summer and winter, they don’t.
So a reasonable man would model the oceans from which all heat and all water comes.
So this fantasy temperature of the planet as a smooth uniform ping pong ball is just absurd. You can see this in Prof Carl Otto Weiss’ data from 6 cities in
Europe from real thermometers,where most of the ‘world temperature’ data prior to 1988 was from proxies of limited time resolution and debatable absolute accuracy.
And here you see a themometer map, no proxies, for 250 years which is dramatically different to the ‘world’ temperature. Especially prior to 1870 where most
of the graphs start. So how does NOAA/NASA/CSIRO explain the data from 1750 to 1870?
Prof Weiss explains it all with a fabulous fit with 12 turning points accurately fitted. Only two sine wave oscillatiosn, 60 years the AMO/PDO ocean oscillation and the 250 years De Vries Solar cycle.
And this makes perfect sense as by far the two largest sources of atmospheric heat on the planet. The atmosphere can cool down every night. But not the ocean. His fit not only makes logical sense, it is far better than atmospheric model supercomputers which get it wrong and then blame El Nino, an ocean oscillation.
Why isn’t anyone modelling the massive cycles in the oceans? As for warming, we have plenty of records of warmer times. So what’s the problem?
And repeating myself, the recent scandal of the MET in the UK was damning. They announced the hottest May in recorded history. There was uproar as it was a cold month, a cold summer. It was an outrageous piece of news.
Eventually the MET had to explain that the nights were unusually warm in May by 3.5C in the rugged Scottish highlands and this pushed the average up. So it was Climate Porn, we are all going to die. I doubt the warm nights were a problem for the Scots. Or anywhere. Averages are often meaningless. No one has an average number of children or cars or even income.
This is the endless procession of warmest ever. How can we possibly know that? Even today, most of the world is uninhabited, 72% water. And with billions of electronic thermometers and the urban heat effect, of course we are more likely to record an instantaneous record somewhere. But Heathrow airport for the hottest day in British history at 40C? I noted the Hottest day was quietly later moved away from Heathrow.
We have a problem when weather reporting is funded by sensationalism, not rational science.
And a corollary is that when the MET announces the hottest May in history, they know people think that is based on the highest daily temperatures. As far as I am concerned, this is lie. Deliberate deceit.
We had the same with a hurricane in Northern Queensland about four years ago. They announced a very strong hurricane and that forced mass evacuations with all the attendant problems, cost, misery. But it faded to a storm of no particular consequence. So the question was how could that happen? And the effective answer was the man in charge of the PR saw it as his job to ‘sex up’ the weather. This is going on all over the world. You are all going to die. Send money.
NASA/NOAA/CSIRO/BOM all have these people. PR men. When I look at the fake graphs they produce, I wonder if they have any science skills at all.
Chicken Little/Henny Penny rides again. What I thought was the most pointless parable. As a child I wondered how anyone could believe the sky was falling. And in 1988 Climate Science, “The Science” was invented by Al Gore and James Hansen and the newly formed UN IPCC. Politicians controlling the weather for cash.
Are we all dead yet?
>Are we all dead yet?
Was it The Young Ones?
“I think, this the third time this week, that, we’re all going to die.”
Or something like that.
My favorite is depressive Neil to manic Adrian who has taken Neil’s ‘home crucifixion kit’ and nailed himself to the front gable.
“I told you you couldn’t get the last nail in!” It was draw dropping humour.
I wish I could find something funny about fake man made Global Warming. It’s just as insane. Because this very cold winter, we could have used some warm nights.
Hottest evah ? Oh sorry about that it was so cold here on Sunday I had the wood heater going flat out all day – my bad .
It’s been 36 years of rapid man made CO2 driven Global Warming and rapid sea level rise.
So where is it? Is that it? A hottest day somewhere to an accuracy of 0.1C. Where is the highway to Climate Hell, Boiling Oceans, drowned cities, mass extinction, climate migration, End of Days?
How long do we have to wait? Next year perhaps? All that’s happened is the destruction of affordable, adequate, reliable, commandable electricity. And how is that an improvement? And for all the trillions, have CO2 or ’emissions’ gone down? No.
And as the bottom falls of our temperature altering CO2 reducing solar panels, geniuses Anthony Albanese and Chris Bowen are going to spend $1Bn of our money building solar panels in Australia. And the Democrats are seriously proposing ‘brilliant prosecutor’ Kamala Harris to replace ‘sharp as a tack’ Joe Biden.
Why is there such a disconnect between what we are told and what is the extremely obvious reality?
If you need thousands of records to determine whether the place is hotter than previous years, it isn’t.
Oop here in the north (well the UK) summer days are a rarity this year. Anything over about 22C is now labelled a heat wave, or mini heatwave because even that doesn’t last more than a day or two. Hearing rumours that the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing record cold in places at the moment. I say rumours because there is net zero coverage for obvious reasons. Any info would be good.
I advise people on Quora to just consider where they live. And if they holiday at the beach, has the sea risen in their lifetime?
35 years ago in Melbourne I walked to the nearby beach every day because only two days in January were under 30C. Now, at least for the last decade, only two days in January are over 30C. And I am told we are warming? No, that’s ridiculous.
We always had a week of 38C in February, year after year. That’s mid summer. And in Australia, the sun is unbearably hot. Shade is essential. You are fried.
It was awful as school went back in February and no one had airconditioning. Now you hardly need it. It’s luxury, not necessity.
This idea that somewhere else, someone else has Global Warming and rapid sea level rise is an insult to intelligence. Like the idea that the UK had their hottest May on record. It’s just deceit for a political agenda emanating from the UN. And governments control the weather. Really? Or more importantly, have raised massive hidden taxes for the purpose of controlling the weather buying Chinese windmills and Solar panels.
Is it needed? No. Is it working? No. But it is costing $1.8Tn a year. And this is growing. Who benefits? China. No one else. China now outputs 40% of all CO2, all additional output. Used to make windmills and solar panels and electric cars.
Your first reference, the R.B. Alley article, is a dead link. Thought you might want to know.
Thanks. Will have to find the updated link!
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My First visit here. a good read all round. Thanks Jo Nova and Posters.