A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Self appointed climate info censors trying to get people banned from Twitter.
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, even if it is wrong. Facts and empirical evidence do matter in Science and not opinions.
I could not find their argument to demolish sceptics. And like everyone promoting this fantasy of catastrophe, the foundation fact they use is that CO2 has gone up 50% in 250 years. And the pure speculation that this is man made. Which was proven wrong in 1958 and many times since.
And thereafter numerous wild science assertions which are also wrong. For example according to atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen established meteorology says storms decrease not increase with increasing temperature.
Plus you have to be suspicious when the activists say they have a ‘scientific background’. It’s one thing to hide your identity, quite another to claim scientific expertise. Why hide that? Chipmunk specialist? Chicken sexer?
We had this with Professor Tim Flannery whose degree is in English because he couldn’t get into a science course but managed to become Australia’s Climate Commissioner without any qualifications in meteorology. Like the rest of his ‘Climate Council’. This misrepresentation would be illegal in any other profession but Climate Scientist is not a profession and Climate is redefined as not the weather. Which is a real surprise to meteorologists.
Hey, Blackout Bowen, do you have my $275?
I believe Mondays are exhibiting intensification due to anthropogenic chronological forcing creating a cyclic negative feedback loop.
Current models predict that Mondays will continue to intensify, reaching dangerous unsustainable levels by 2030, unless drastic meaningful globally coordinated policy shifts are undertaken …
such as adding Mondays to weekends.
Policy is meaningless without heavy taxation to prevent recurrence. It was defeated in 2000,2010, 2020 and soon in 2030 by the instant application of windmills and solar panels and big lithium batteries, keeping storms and sea level rises to a minimum. And painting large swathes of the desert green.
I remember billionaire British/Australian shyster Alan Bond had a property development at Yanchep, North of Perth. And he painted the sand dunes green to make the area look more attractive.
The spray-on layer to keep the Perth sand at bay (it’s an ancient seabed) is indeed painted green, and is used everywhere, especially on newly-developed beachside suburbs.
If you tell us every time it’s Monday and ignore all the other days, before long the public will believe Mondays are more common than any other day.
Prosecute them for discrimination against Friday.
Mondays are the next pandemic.
Mondayitis is on the up.
We need a vax. An mRNA vax.
Mondays Really Never Agree (with me) vax.
On Saturday there was an attempt to move from the current focus in society and move more towards a “how to fix it” approach.
There’s no doubt for me that this blog has been instrumental in helping us see what’s being done to us.
It might be emphasized by stating that we are trapped in World War Three and seeming have no way of fighting back to reinstate our freedom and human rights.
Our task now is to refocus on determining how to Pushback against the forces of darkness.
There’s Evil afoot and we must face it right now.
Here is something you can do Keith. It costs nothing and you can do it right now.
Sign the Clintel World Climate Declaration. A lot of readers of this blog are eligible to sign.
I received an email this morning. They have a number of other projects that I might be able to help with.
A preliminary step is to define the problem. Then discuss appropriate ways to push back.
Three manifestations of the problem are:
1. The widespread acceptance of Climate Change cause by human emmissions of CO2
2. All the problems of the mass Covid Vaccination campaign and the mandating that every one had to have it
3. Loss of Civil Liberties.
David Madisson in particular has identified the root cause of these problems as the gradual asscendency of the progressive left throughout all the civil institutions of the Western Democracies.
That has not happened over night. It took a long time. It has been achieved by a fairly small group of people following a sort of plan.
The push back may take a similar length of time.
Very true. You need to start with the Fabians and their evolutionary socialism.
“Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits, and then
Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire!”
Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire!
The motto of the Fabians and their communal/socialist/green comrades.
We have to say no.
This may prompt the authoritarians, ok I’m being polite, the fascists*, to show their true nature.
Are we seeing this in France?
Perhaps a small victory in the Netherlands about which the global elitist press is utterly silent?
*(Using corporations as surrogates to enforce medical mandates and censorship that otherwise would not pass legal scrutiny is literal fascism.)
The abandonment of the principle of Free Speech by the US Democratic Party is frightening, hard to believe, difficult to not characterize as evil.
So you’re spot on KK.
Best pick a hill before it’s too late.
Globalism is Fascism.
Simple fact.
(Curious about OZ. What’s up with the ‘Resilience Centers’. How many were built? Will they become museum monuments to the Great Hysteria or will there be pretending they aren’t there. A match set with abandoned wind mill farms?)
Seen this excellently made animated film ‘Beyond the Reset‘? Worth the 24 mins, I was mesmerised. Good for a wake up call for some.
And I was wondering when all the privately owned windmills start to fall apart, become unserviceable, who is going to pay for their removal? And the then useless transmission lines which cover the landscape? But I know the answer. The same people who paid for them. Us.
Impossible to remove those huge blocks of concrete bases. When you look at the WW2 concrete structures still standing after all that time, you realise that these blots on our landscapes will be around for a very long time.
SVT to climate attack against white middle-aged men
It will be interesting to see if Jordan Petersons anti WEF forum has any legs. An alternate perspective will be welcome but the MSM’s adulation will of course be absent.
The usual Left whining about us electing politicians we like. Apparently we should elect politicians who are not popular, as populism has become as bad as being white, or male.. All part of the meme pretending one party is different to the identical other.
“Australia has rejected angry populism, so why is Dutton clinging onto it?”
We need a Berlin Wall along the Great Divide, keep the madness on the coast!
Get the popcorn out.
“Well done Elon: ABC “government funded media” ”
G’day a i,
The ABC has reported on the branding, at about 11:20 am:
Dave B
CBC (Canada) also badged
“Luxury Beliefs And Energy Policy: The Fatal Conceit”
UK and “Nut Zero”
“Prof. Fenton put out his observations in a twitter thread that scored an astonishing number of views — some 3.3 million — which was then followed by the Fox News interview. These consequences of net zero for the UK — and by extension, the rest of the collective West — are not mere conjectures by him. They are derived from a detailed document issued by UK FIRES, a research program funded by the government. The program informs the government’s policy strategy to achieve the “net zero by 2050” goals of the 2019 Climate Change Act amendment. The Act was enthusiastically supported by every political party without public consultation and astonishingly without a debate over the costs and benefits of the legislation.”
Much more at
“”If you don’t know, vote NO” – Warren Mundine’s ad on Albanese’s Vanity Voice”
And comments
Martin Armstrong:
Such is the state of journalism that for anyone to listen China has to shout from the treetops that it bribed the crime family.
I am yet again reminded: Our ABC – a billion dollars worth of nothing.
Has our ABC yet acknowledged the existence of the laptop? I looked a month or so after the laptop was revealed. Not a word. Now I can’t even be bothered to look. It’s a waste of time to examine a waste of space.