Obviously this “black box” is not trying to record data for posterity, or they wouldn’t have shaped it into a tourist attraction or powered it with solar panels. Most likely it’s a talisman for believers and fence sitters to give reassurance after all the prophesies fail, and to normalize the cult. A kind of apotropaic magic.
Human pagan religions have long venerated stones. Think Stonehenge, Easter Island and the mustatils of northwest Arabia. The “Black Box” is just another piece of the late late Neolithic.
It will turn out to be a monument to mass hypnosis:
This Mysterious, Indestructible ‘Black Box’ Will Tell The Future What Happened to Us
Sure, but will The Future still speak macOS Mojave?

At a distant end of the Earth – hidden somewhere on the remote Australian island of Tasmania – a strange structure is about to witness and record the end of the world as we know it.
This won’t record the end of civilization if it comes, but it will symbolize the decline.
The project, called Earth’s Black Box, is a giant steel installation, soon to be filled with hard drives powered by solar panels, each of them documenting and preserving a stream of real-time scientific updates and analysis on the gloomiest issues the world faces.
It will work until the gravy-train dries up or the batteries run out. Whichever comes first.
Information related to climate change, species extinction, environmental pollution, and impacts on health will all be chronicled in the monolithic structure – so that if some future society might one day discover the archive, they’ll be able to piece together what happened to our planet.
Imagine a society so advanced they can run and decipher fossilized hard drives, but can’t figure out geological records or ancient climate proxies?

“The purpose of the device is to provide an unbiased account of the events that lead to the demise of the planet, hold accountability for future generations, and inspire urgent action,” the Earth’s Black Box makers say.
As the Useful Idiots fail to sweep the world away onto their rainbow bicycles and wind farms, and every global agreement is a disappointment, they need to hope that The Black Box will do what they can’t — “hold world leaders to account”.
It’s like a form of abuse to keep feeding the doomsday minions.
“Unbiased Account”?? Whose version of unbiased will it contain? I guess the stupid people who built it are stupid enough to believe the failed prophesies and the errant models, to overlook the hypocrisy of the elites and so will not permit the heresy of real scientists to sully the record. Of course in time the hard drives might start recording falling temperatures, shrinking crops and wide spread deaths by cold as useless renewables fail to produce or people cannot afford what they do produce.
It appears that in our lifetimes we will witness not peak oil nor peak gas but peak stupidity. Why wait? It is here now.
Well, it certainly will give whoever opens it a hell of a good laugh at the stupidity of the politicians of the day.
Rather than creating a nirvana paradise with the vast resources, they self destructed their species in a few different ways…
And of course, if humanity is ultimately successful in the act of self-destroying, there will be nobody left to interpret the message. Will there?
To get what he wants, I wish that Let’s Go Brandon would hold his breath until he dies.
Harris would be even worse. You do realize that she’s his insurance policy…
“It appears that in our lifetimes we will witness not peak oil nor peak gas but peak stupidity. Why wait? It is here now.”
It never went away,
The AGW, greenie anti-CO2 agenda, and leftism in general, just keep pushing the upper boundary of stupidity.
Is there a peak…. ?
Who knows…!
Just when you think there might be, they invent another level !
Certainly Hyperbolic.
It is like peak oil, everywhere you peek you find it.
One can hope that A) We all live that long, and B) The “peak” arrives soon.
Is it though? Always seems to be just over the next sand dune.
Whenever another example of ‘peak stupid’ arises, a dozen more rise up and say ‘Hold my Beer!’
This gets a mention here
And comments
Looks like a low grade Photoshop fishing exercise to me. It hasn’t even got a door!
My take is that it will only last till the coke wears off.
IIRC, there is a special mushroom they use down in Tassie.!
Certainly looks like one of those Chines photoshops where officials are floating above the ground. In this case, heather appears to be supporting the box!
Shouldn’t that be ‘Earth’s Box of Color’?
“if some future society might one day discover the archive, they’ll be able to piece together what happened to our planet.”
Then build it underground. Much safer. But less useful as a propaganda.
Dumb & Dumber,
Haven’t they seen what a glacier does to a boulder, let alone a steel box. Looks like the intersection of two glaciers to me and possibly signs of a lateral moraine.
I hope taxpayer money is not being used for this.
Is it?
I think it’s a hoax. Wholly funded by taxpayers, before and after.
So, just like the cult it idolises then.
As the unfortunate father-in-law of the misguided person who is promoting this travesty of science I can assure you he is looking for funding that, apparently, is not forthcoming from taxpayers.
So often I want to bash my head. Who are these fools?
People that learn science from Sci-Fi movies.
With grifters doing the logistics.
Fools are the marks of grifters.
Live Long and Prosper.
(Well don’t prosper exactly, that’s colonialists. And don’t live too long as to do less anthropogenic stuff.)
More likely people who learned pseudo-science from radical left wing uni campuses, Sci-Fi movies are probably closer to real science.
You might be right. I am old. When I was in Uni science had not yet been completely corrupted.
Even assuming this survives without destruction I doubt whether this will leave any information that is unique and not already incidentally being left by mankind (no, I won’t say personkind).
And how long do they think the solar panels will last? 25 years?; Batteries? 5 years?; Hard drives or solid state drives? 5 years?
Meanwhile mankind will leave plenty of archeological records such as some that come to mind:
-the entire contents of landfill/garbage dumps.
-evidence on CD or DVDs that will be decipherable woth some work although there will probably be deterioration. Perhaps recovered from landfill.
-similarly for hard drives, perhaps recovered from land fill.
-evidence of genetic manipulation of various organisms (how did that jellyfish gene get into a mouse?)
-Vast amounts of orbital debris in long term orbits.
-Artefacts on the moon and in space.
-Rock carvings (e.g. Mt Rushmore) and sculptures from rock. Plus anything made from stone. Concrete will also last a long time although concrete buildings will eventually collapse.
-Nuclear waste will tell the story of the types of reactors and processes it came from.
-Glass, ceramics plastics under certain conditions and corrosion resistant metals will last a long time.
-There will be concentrations of materials in unnatural locations even if the original structures have deteriorated.
-A danger of to information transfer into the future is the deliberate destruction or alteration of information/history by Leftists.
-A documentary was produced about what would happen to the remains of mankind if humans ceased to exist:
David your early comments about the iife expectancy of batteries and solar panels is spot on.
2030 targets will require government gifts from before 2015 to be replaced by 2028.
2050 is another 20 years so the 2028 will need to be replaced again in 2048.
The windmills are gone especially in the sea.
Where and how is all that toxic waste stored?
Viictoria has a new battery. On a still dull day it will work for how many minutes if it has not burnt again?
There will be a lot of EV in that toxic dump!
Man means person. Were, as in werewolf, is a male adult. Historians usually referred to males when talking about the number men available to fight or work, hence, man replaced were and woman replace wyf or wife.
If feminists were thinking rather than enjoying telling people what to do, they would be insisting returning to using were and wyf while keeping man when used for person eg. batsman.
What a blot on the landscape. So much for environmentalism.
But what I’m worried about is whether or not this can survive the next glaciation? I mean, Tasmania was covered in glaciers in the last ice age, and with man-made
global warmingclimate change, you know, weather extremes and all that, it could happen again!210
I can’t disagree Rob B
I wonder what the future beings will think when they witness the left’s mouthpiece, greta
I think of her as Mrs Gollum.
I think the Svalbard Global Seed Vault should be added to this list. Built below the permafrost and in solid rock it houses over a million seed samples from the world’s crop collection. It is the most diverse seed collection in the world. With instructions on how to grow and harvest these crops, it would give an intimate look into our lives.
That’s actually a useful system.
In theory, yes. But when you look at who has their paws in the venture, maybe not.
A little more information…
On the other hand…
Yep, we need to start thinking about the kind of world we’re going to leave to Keith Richards.
The steel used to make that piece of cra…’art’ was of course melted in a solar powered furnace and welded using a wave powered arc welder. Of course. Ditto the hard drives – they were all woven from hemp by Greenies in Byron bay.
Imagine the bitter disappointment among the faithful when the world fails to end as predicted.
Only unwell people wish bad things to happen.
“when the world fails to end as predicted”
No matter how much they do toward causing that failure. !
If you look at all the efforts of the AGW troupe, they are more than likely to be the cause of the failure of any human civilisation.
eg electricity system degradation in now first world countries…
… or refusal to build reliable systems to promote progress in third world countries.
Greece has restarted the brown coal-fired plants it shut down (but didn’t destroy) in 2019.
They wanted to rely on wind farms and gas – can anyone think of a country planning that? (apart from the UK and Germany).
The rising cost of gas made electricity too expensive for many Greeks and wind farms have faced opposition from Greenpeace Greece and other dingalings. Investors seem to have lost interest.
Many many moons ago I saw a cartoon quip in a news paper of a man wearing a sandwich board
He turns to a good looking blonde standing next to him waiting to cross the road and asks her
When I hear trumpets (sackbuts) and shouts and see a man coming down on a cloud, I won’t be thinking about this structure, and I don’t think they will either.
I have a feeling those who built Stonehenge were a good deal more intelligent than our current crop of angst ridden, climate threatened, virtue signallers. The site with a brilliant 360 degree visible horizon made it a perfect place to observe the passages of all visible heavenly bodies; the Sun’s annual surrender to the south and all the many Moon phases; the motions of the stars and the movement of the planets; the seasons; the best times to travel and who knows how much more. These were people who wanted to know stuff for positive purposes. They had courage, purpose and determination. Strange how just a few decades can do so much harm to contemporary human beings because some of them are not thinking straight.
Angst about the future is probably a survival mechanism.
It was good when we had to worry about food, or becoming food, or being pillaged by a marauding horde.
Now that attribute gets expressed in irrational fears about viruses and climate.
And mean words and unfortunate fashion choices.
“Angst about the future is probably a survival mechanism.”
Then why is it that basically every facet of the marxist greenie AWG religion acts against human survival ?
It’s the survival instinct the “marxist greenie AWG religion” is taking advantage of.
By creation of outlandish false existential fears.
There is a CO2 fire breathing dragon in the sky.
Fire breathing dragon. Yes! The current lunacy over the climate reminds me of medieval beliefs about mental illness, disease, Kings being chosen by divine power, etc. All superstitious nonsense based on zero evidence – just popular myths told by influential people.
UK-Weather Lass,
Nicely put. Arthur C. Clarke said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Those Stonehenge builders saw magic in the heavens and took steps towards understanding it; it was the beginnings of science. The Tasmanian structure takes those steps backwards, a monument to the magical world of ignorance.
The good news is that Stonehenge will still be around when this thing is nothing more than a rust stain.
The only script proven to survive the millennia is on cuneiform clay tablets. Those hard drives will have lapsed long before anybody tries to read them.
“… monument to mass hypnosis:“
It’s not the end of the world, but, you can see it from there.
Hello… I’m waving, can you see me?
Whilst having coffee #1 in the sun, accompanied by the summery sound of cicadas in the trees, I checked that other digital doomsday vault of numbers (BoM) and discovered:
Wednesday 8 December 2021
Max temp: 43.3° C at Marble Bar, WA, 4pm
Min temp: -1.3° C at Kunanyi, TAS, 5.30am
That’s a 44 degree difference from one end of the country / continent to the other on the same day: how do you all survive?
All we need is apes dancing a round it like in “2001 A Space Odyssey”….
Maybe its just a new neo pagan climate religon symbol to be “venerated”?
Or is it a black box crash recorder built by the crash test dummies?
I wonder what operating system they used.
Monkey Linux?
or perhaps Baboon Operating System, although that one didn’t take off. Monkey Linux has though.
They should at least have included a recording of Also sprach Zarathustra in their time capsule. I suppose it contains a time capsule.
Seems that if it to record anything, it will do a good job of recording the demise of human society and civilisation because of the anti-science anti-CO2 greenie religion. !
What’s the point? It will never be opened or mean anything to any human being. Oh, maybe that is the point!
The Thing will probably only contain censored information with a strong bias toward Leftist doctrine such as the anti-science declaration of the “97% settled science”. It will be basically along the lines of what would have been “corrected” by Winston Smith* in Nineteen Eighty Four.
*(Winston Smith works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current party line.)
Good place to lock up all our political leaders and health officials. Give them enough food for a few years. They can play their sinister games among themselves away from the rest of us.
I wonder how much environmental damage they will do building it. ! 😉
Great hunk of useless metal in the middle of a pristine wilderness..
… sort of like a wind turbine.
Those wind turbines and the huge chunks of concrete left in the ground, alone, will give a future civilisation enough to question current human sanity.
They need a bigger box – so many failed prophecies to include 🙂
1970s – the new ice age
1980s – world won’t need many computers
1990s – y2k
2000s – dotcom boom, Australia destroyed by bushfires
2010s – IPCC predicts more catastrophes, end of snow, no rain to fill dams, end of Great Barrier Reef, Perth a ghost city, ……..
Please add to this brief list.
Correct but for the other purpose I proposed earlier; to house all political leaders, health officials and the like with sufficient food and water for a few years so they can play their sinister games on their own. I’m also not joking as this is serious business. Two scams is more than enough to destroy our way of life. Also, they are very likely working on the next scam to seal our fete so the sooner we get rid of them the better. The only realistic way of course is through the ballot box but alas not many consider that is a worthy approach. Stupid is as stupid does.
Its not going to work through the ballot box, the majors are singing the same tune and a vote for an independent is worthless, except in the Senate.
I know it’s not going to work; because or people like you. We might as well dispense with elections and just elect one of the two main parties at random.
Only a nasty change in the weather will bring the majors back to our way of thinking.
Robber, you asked for it.
365 AD Hilary of Poitiers (an early French bishop) announced the end of the world would happen during this year.
375 AD Martin of Tours stated that the world would end before 400 AD
27 May 482 The bishop of Aquae Flaviae (modern Charves, Portugal) wrote his chronicle (469) in his firm belief that humanity was living in the end times, marching towards its certain doom on this day, when Jesus would come back and the world would end.
1200 This Italian mystic determined that the Millennium would begin between 1200 and 1260. After the 1260
prediction failed, the followers of Joachim of Fiore rescheduled the end of the world to 1290 and then to 1335.
Feb 1, 1524 A group of astrologers in London predicted the world would end by a flood starting in London, based on calculations made the previous June. Twenty thousand Londoners left their homes and headed for higher ground in anticipation. The same astrologers who predicted the deluge of 1 February 1524 recalculated the date to 100 years later after their first prophecy failed. (Fewer people headed for highr ground)
1501, Christopher Columbus predicted that the world would end during the year 1656.
1688 John Napier (inventor of the slide rule) This mathematician calculated the end of the world would be this year based on calculations
1693 Following that 1688 prediction, Napier recalculated his end of the world prediction to 1700
1697 This Puritan minister predicted the world would end this year.
After the prediction failed, he revised the date of the end two more times (to 1716 then 1736).
1843 Although it was not officially endorsed by their leadership, many Millerites expected the Second Coming to
occur on April 28 or at the end of 1843.
1844 (May 21) Miller predicted Christ would return on this day. Thousands waited The End on a mountain top. After Christ did not return on 21 March 1844, the Millerites then revised William Miller’s prediction to 22 October
that year, claiming to have miscalculated Scripture.
1901 Catholic Apostolic Church This church, founded in 1831, claimed that Jesus would return by the time the last of its 12 founding members died. The last member died in 1901.
1934 Walter Marks, an Australian MP, told the House of Representatives that Armageddon would occur in 1934 and
culminate with the Royal Navy bringing Christ’s chosen people to Jerusalem.
300,000 Peter Tuthill In approximately 300,000 years, WR104 (a triple star), was expected to explode in a supernova which might produce a gamma ray burst that could pose a threat to life on Earth should its poles be aligned 12° or lower towards Earth. However, spectroscopic observations now strongly suggest that it is tilted at an angle of 30°-40° and so any gamma ray burst should not hit Earth. (What a relief!)
1 million years: The Geological Society Within the next 1 million years, Earth will likely have undergone a super volcanic eruption an event comparable to the Toba super eruption 75,000 years ago (which H.sapiens survived)
Assuming it records (or can record) climate trends over the next decade, then it will contain an accurate record of the time and date of the onset of the coming cooling.
We’ve got about two years left for any future warming. That’s a big guess and I don’t care if I’m out. It’s going to be interesting watching the harvests up to 2030 from now, too.
Apart from that, The Thing sounds pretty useless.
For the Meso-American cultures as recently as 500 years ago it was everyday. Everyday the Sun may not have come up unless there were human sacrifices made, or so they believed.
The CAGW cult of today isn’t that much different. They demand humans sacrifice trillions in cash, their way of life, and their children’s future prosperity to save the planet, or so they believe.
I want one!
There is need to have a Northern Hemisphere model.
Can they deliver to Washington State?
The ‘Box’ would have an expected life span of at least 3820 years (3 inches thick steel degrading at up 20 microns per year).
The solar panels would be useless within 20 years.
Maybe the future will recycle the steel and bin the hard drives.
Did they engrave on it the amount of CO2 it took to make it.
Meanwhile, Greece is having to rebuild/recommission some of its lignite fueled power stations.
Gas has to be imported, and is becoming too expensive.
And wind/solar.. nope, not going to work.
Interesting. I wonder what will happen if and when the Western world wakes up to the CAGW and COVID-19 vaccination scams at the same time. I reckon our politicians will need to run for cover for fear of their lives.
which is why I believe they are working on the next scam.
To do with an asteroid ?
I remember decades ago reading a science fiction tale about the remnant of humanity, retreating from the expanding ice, carrying ‘the cylinder’ as its sacred object. Eventually, humanity encamped and ‘the cylinder’ was opened and a long ribbon of cellophane revealed. Someone rigged up a way of shining a light while the ribbon was unrolled, and moving pictures projected themselves on the surface opposite. An incomprehensible description of the pictures ensued until the very end of the ribbon, when the description revealed that the moving pictures in the sacred cylinder had been a Loony Toons cartoon. As well as carrying echoes of Stanley Kubrick, the installation reminds me of that story.
Looney Tunes? Oh, now that’s just sick.
Further thoughts on this.
Proper, objective scientists have always used evidence of the past to work out what happened. Admittedly, sometimes the evidence has been imperfect. However, exercises such as this one take the Leftist exercise of historical revionism and propaganda to a whole new level and this Thing attempts to project a revised Leftist-oriented interpretation of the history into the future.
No doubt The Thing will contain the works of Marx, Engels, Mao, the founder of the National Socialists (but will exclude Giovanni Gentile who has already been written of of history by the Left), Mao, Trotsky etc but will NOT contain any works by Adam Smith, Ayn Rand, Murray N. Rothvard, Nathaniel Brandon, Milton Friedman, John Locke, Lao Tzu, John Ball, Frédéric Bastiat, Herbert Spencer, H.L. Mencken, Ron Paul, etc..
Oh I’m sure plenty of right wing figures will be mentioned. They will be in the section called, “Who is to blame for what went wrong.”
Technological advances always amaze me. The solar panels used in this exercise are obviously way, way more advanced than anything we can buy, given they are not only built to last a million years, but that they’re able to harvest sunbeams even when they are submerged by the rising oceans …
This fantasy simply has to stop.
Who is wasting money on this chist.
I have a growing passion that invigorates me to see the fantasy collapse.
In one scenarion, Russia starts invading Ukraine. NATO alliance kicks in and Europe stops using Putin’s gas at US request. Europe begins to freeze and anything that burns goes into to keeping Europe alive. That will bring a realisation that the world is a LOOOONG way from alternatives to fossil fuels. Overnight the woke go cold and suddenly CO2 is back in fashion.
In comparison Stonehenge was top science
If you want to build a “time capsule” of sorts for someone in the future to find intact and study, you don’t perch it on the side of a ridge where it would be vulnerable ravages of time, weather and geological upheaval.
Further, please don’t make it out of steel – rust will probably consume it before any future civilisation gets to find it.
Bury it in a geologically stable area with markers nearby and make it out of durable materials.
As proposed, it looks more like virtue signalling than anything else.
First – it’s an artist’s rendering. I have not found anywhere information about the construction.
Second – how do you know it will be susceptible. It might be incredible durable and survive if it topples a bit or gets covered in a landslide. Why do people bother critiquing their own imagining of something, especially something that is unlikely to ever exist.
“how do you know it will be susceptible.”
Its “imagined” by a virtue-seeking greenie. !
Hence it has basically zero chance of being function or sustainable in any way whatsoever.
Its a beautiful piece of art.
Yes paint it black and put it in Surry Hills, it wouldn’t be out of place.
A genuine attempt to project something 10,000 years into the future and which doesn’t have a propaganda objective is The Clock of the Long Now.
A cordless drill and one 5mm hole will quickly transform the contents.
How do you know?
I hope it has good coffee.
If it really does last more than a year, the coffee will be the human equivalent of ‘Kopi Luwak’.
Yet another absurdity from the incompetent. Pointless virtue signalling at its finest – as you have all pointed out it won’t even last decades . More praise for the emperor’s new clothes.
I’d like to include Willis’s WUWT 2021 summary to their APOCALYPTIC black box.
It’s a much reduced list of Willis Eschenbach’s data summary because it seems to have spooked our world since 1990.
Extreme weather deaths have fallen by 95% since 1920.
Weather loss trend is down since 1990. USA flood damage trend is lower since 1990.
Hurricane strength has no trend for USA since 1970 + no trend for USA since 1860, Japan typhoons have a lower trend since 1950.
Droughts or floods show no trend and losses show lower trend.
No Antarctic warming since 1950 according to recent Nature study and Antarctic plus combined Arctic sea ice shows little change. And new studies show cooling at Antarctic peninsula since 2000. See BAS UK Turner study etc.
SLR at tide gauges show the same trend today as the last 100 years or about 1 to 2 mm year. See Prof Humlum for the same data.
Polar bear population in 1950s 5,000 but increased to about 30,000 today.
Major crops etc are increasing since 1950 or 1970 or 1990 and now feed 7.8 billion people in 2021.
Modern warming started in 1700 when co2 levels were about 280 ppm.
NASA satellite data shows a lower global fire trend since 2003 or about 24.3% lower.
Aussie fire trend is much lower since 1900 and lower since 2003 SAT data.
Canada trend for fires is down since 1980, GLOBAL trend down by 24.3% since 1998 according to IPCC report.
NASA shows a GREENER planet for the last 30 years and DITTO the CSIRO.
Very hots days are lower for USA since the 1930s.
Still no climate refugees.
Satellite data shows Coral atoll islands are mostly growing in size for last 30+ years or longer.
The Great barrier reef is at its best according to the latest survey.
Stronger USA tornadoes have a lower trend since the 1950s and recent year is an all time low.
There’s no 6th wave of extinction since 1870, see data graph and study.
Climate models show too much warming , see Dr Christy etc.
A huge drop in people living in extreme hunger from the 1820s until today, see graph and today’s number is very low. Yet we’ve added another 6.8 billion people since 1800 and another 4.1 billion since 1970. THINK ABOUT IT?
So far co2 emissions = higher GDP or WEALTH. WHY would we change?
Cold deaths are much higher then heat deaths and this applies for countries all around the world. Look up the Lancet 73 million deaths study 2015 and think.
Downwelling shortwave radiation and longwave radiation for pre industrial or 280 ppm= 505 Watts sq metre, then for today 415 ppm = 507.5 watts per square metre and for a doubling to 560 ppm = 509 watts per square metre. This seems trivially small for all their endless TRILLION $ FUSS and wouldn’t it be LOST IN THE NOISE?
I could also add that so far they can’t find the so called HOT SPOT 10 to 12 kilometres above the equator either. See Dr Christy’s data. Here’s Willis Eschenbach’s data post to WUWT this year that I’ve used as a reference.
Perhaps these 41 (or 50) crazy predictions over the last 70+ years could also be added to their Black box?
But so far we’ve survived and thrived despite their APOCALYPTIC, EXISTENTIAL threats since 1960s?
Shouldn’t it make us THINK AGAIN before we WASTE endless TRILLIONS of $ for decades to come?
Below are the 41 failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):
1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph)
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (additional link)
12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend (additional link)
13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (additional link)
27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s
33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
Update: I’ve added 9 additional failed predictions (via Real Climate Science) below to make it an even 50 for the number of failed eco-pocalyptic doomsday predictions over the last 50 years.
42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum
45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
46. 1988: World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018
47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming
50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter
May, 1910 when some thought another gas would kill us all:
Fantastically Wrong: That Time People Thought a Comet Would Gas Us All to Death
Manitoba University has forecast the End of Snow in 2021.
I’m wondering if they mean the start of Ice … or just Rain.
For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with Tasmania and its inhabitants, here’s a couple of points that might give clarity to the situation.
The population of the rest of Australia generally refer to those occupying “Tassie” as being married to their sisters or brothers (or some other close relative) and generally having two heads. In conversation with a Taswegian it is usually good form to speak really slowly.
Small wonder then that their brightest would come up with such an absurdly pointless and axiomatically useless project.
I have family connections with Van Dieman’s Land and I concur with your observation. Also the old convict stock is deeply ingrained in the population.
Well, we haven’t held it against you, elgordo. Do you want us to?
The headline I’m waiting for:
‘Climate sceptics disproof global scientific consensus’
[Here you go Jo Nova team! See what you can do for poor Sam.]ED
Have you ever even looked at “the science”, Sam?
Or are you a non-thinker, with zero understanding of atmospheric energy transfer, that just “believes”
Task 1..
Let’s see if you can produce real scientific evidence that increased atmospheric plant food, actually warms the atmosphere.
Not models, not unproven conjectures, not circular anti-science.
Let’s see you actually produce some of this “science” that you say is “the consensus”.
Happy to help Sam.
Here are some of the emails constructing the ‘global scientific consensus‘. You better make sure your house is built better than the consensus as you quite obviously have a habit of walking into walls.
If you are unable to read this link due to your religious beliefs, may I suggest a trip to the beach as I would bet the ocean has not bothered to obey the consensus and come to you.
Just watch carefully over the next decade Sam. If you’re observant, you’ll see it.
See also https://electroverse.org. It’s all about the incoming cold …
The CAGW Meme of death by incineration due to excess human origin CO2 is easily debunked through quantitative analysis of the claimed thermodynamic process or more appropriately via basic physics and atmospherics.
Not too bad really. IT will be a good laugh in 500 years time.
So basically what they are saying is that people will be around hundreds or thousands of years into the future, good to know.
May get removed at some stage when it gets embarrasing , a bit like https://nypost.com/2020/01/09/glacier-national-park-removes-signs-predicting-glaciers-will-be-gone-by-2020/
Does it float, how many animals can it accommodate and what will be its final port of call?
There is a medium and time scale aspect to this
Baked clay cuneiform – readable from a long way back
Papyrus/paper readable as far back as you can find it
In my time with digital media –
Punch cards
Reel to reel magnetic tape in various formats
Cassette magnetic tape in various formats
Floppy discs 8″, 5 1/4″, 3 1/2″
Hard discs of various types and file formats
CD’s ditto
SSD’s of various flavours
And layered over that the various software flavours and iterations – of which if the one you were using went dead you meet that well known ditch
Maybe paper would be a better choice?
In that area – anyone know of bibliography software that can read Ref 11 files?
Floppy discs depend on availability of functional appropriate drives.
Good luck finding any of those … you’ll need it!
… maybe paper would be best choice, with roman alphabet and english language.
Written in ballpoint ink.
As I have posted on a previous post, this monstrosity has been promoted and progressed by my son-in-law, a confirmed climate worrier and full lefty.
I will be discussing it with him over Christmas dinner (in the company of about 20 of his lefty relatives) and look forward to their thoughts about how it will record falling temperatures, along with rising CO2 levels, in the coming Grand Solar Minimum!
Oh! What fun!
I look forward to asking him how well the solar panels will be powering it in 20 years time?
GEEEZZZZZ Peter you’re a better and more patient man that I am.
Trying to talk to the delusional loonies is a hopeless task and like all religious fanatics they couldn’t care less about history or data and evidence.
Even if they could begin to understand Human history since 1800 it would be a good start, but alas this very easy task seems to be too difficult and beyond their understanding.
Oh boy Peter! Will you be having fun or will you be really having fun?
Keep us posted, please!
I wish you all the luck you need with that.
And a very happy Christmas to you whatever!
Well it might be needed sooner than expected
“The free world’s in the very best of hands.”
Peter, I hope you will have at least an intelligent discussion with your family over Xmas about this laughable absurdity. As for me, I will be “discussing” the overall AGW debate over Xmas lunch, with my brother and his other zombie acolytes…and I can tell you it WON’T involve any intelligence. By the way, the New Green Capitalism of the future will result in the trashing of society.
A short and smart rumble video from Tony Heller today, featuring Australia’s ‘permanent drought’ and other apocalyptic prophecies.
Droughts? They come and go, here and there.
I saw in the last few days talk of record breaking harvests this year. My brother told me that his neighbour had a magnificent canola crop next door that my brother estimated at a million dollars return. He had just a quarter of it harvested when the rain set in. Write off three quarters of a million.
Locally the cherry crop has been wiped out. And I don’t know what else.
The world price for wheat jumped $40 on news of the wet weather damage in NSW.
Just another right-side-of-history bit of propaganda.
Think about how we are filling up academic institutes who want to be on the right side of history rather than get things right and weep.